Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P14
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Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P14: My intent in writing Animating Real-Time Game Characters has been to share my work methods, thoughts, and ideas about animating real-time characters in 3ds max 4™ and character studio 3®. Any factor that affects the animation process using these two tools has been covered.
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Nội dung Text: Animating Real- Time Game Characters-P14
- INDEX A jumps, 259-280 Active Time Segment button, keyframe animation, 325 181-183 Actors, creating and exporting, layers and, 224-229, 374-376 317-325, 331-336 All Links option of Type-In memory and, 177-179 dialog, 114 modeling to accommodate, Anchor keys, 238-240 32 Angle, value settings for rota- optimizing with key reduc- tions, 367-369 tion, 299-304 Animation organizing files, 192-193, animation sets, 175-181 202-203 categories of character ani- secondary motion, 219-220, mation, 180-181 243-246, 265, 266, character identity and, 271-272, 279-280, 324, 172-175 331-336 character implementation, selection sets, 193-196 186-189 shooting weapons, 250- death animation sequence, 259 325-327 smooth loops in, 284-286 details in, 280 snapshots as references, drift, correcting, 240-243, 274-277 255 special moves, 235 dynamic action, 267-268 swimming, 281-292 exporting animations with Time Configuration, 200-201 actors, 376-379 track selection, 197 Footstep vs. Freeform mode, track view, 197-201 192 walking, realistic, 187-189 game environments and, 177 see also Keyframe animation; ideology of, 280 Loops, animation; Motion idle poses, 176, 236-238, capture (mocap) animation; 248-250 Motion Flow mode 383
- 384 Index Arms rotating with Motion Flow Bipeds adjustments, 61-67, Editor, 325-331 72-73 Rubber Band mode and copying limb poses, 283 joints in, 62, 63 gun arm weighting, 128-133 selection sets and, 193-196 weighting, 105-113 Spring controllers and, 84-88 Artists, inspiration for character steps to set up Biped rig, 52 design, 2-3 structure adjustment, 58-59 Asset Browser of 3ds, 8-9 tail adjustments, 70-71 transparency of, 140 B tri-jointed legs, 75-78 Backface Cull, 26 BIP files, loading into Bipeds, Battle Chasers, 6-7 123-125 Bias, keyframe animation, 210 Bodies BioVision Hierarchical (BVH) Biped adjustments, 59-61, files, 296-299, 300 70-71 Bipeds weighting torsos, 117-120 arm and leg adjustments, Body Horizontal and Body Ver- 61-67, 72-73 tical, simultaneous selec- body adjustments, 59-61, tion of, 346 70-71 Booleans, modeling, 16-17, 18 coordinate systems, 60-61 openings in geometry and, 17 creating, 55-58 Bracketing, 240-243 da Vinci poses and, 81-83 Breasts, 84 display options for, 140-141 weighting of, 143-144, dog rigs, 73-74 158-163 dolphin rigs, 74-75 Bulge Sub-Object settings, 95 fitting to mesh, 38-39, 57 BVH format files, 296-299, 300 four-legged creatures and, 68-74 C head adjustments, 59-61, Characters 70-71 design of, 2-7 hierarchy in, 60 identity and design attributes, keyframing and, 193-196 173-174 leg attachments, 60 implementation of, 186-189 loading BIP files, 123-125 individuality of, 172 loading CSM or BVH files, inspiration for, 2-3 296-299 motivation of, 174-175 meshes for, 53-55 preparing for animation, poses, saving, 67-68 172-173
- Index 385 Character Studio Motion Edges (CSM) files, 296-299, 300 making visible, 44 Child Overlap settings, 147-150 turned, 21-23 Clipping, adjustment for actor Edit Mesh modifier, UVW maps exports, 377-379 and, 41-44 Continuity, keyframe anima- Elbows tion, 209-212, 239-240 modeling, 37 Converting CSM or BVH files, weighting adjustments, 297-299 107-113 Coordinate systems, in Bipeds, Emotion, facial rigs and, 83 60-61 Envelopes Copy Posture button, 338-339 applying Physique, steps for, CSM files, 296-299, 300 138-139 copy and paste for symmetri- D cal limbs, 150-153 Da Vinci poses, 81-83 parent / child overlap adjust- Death, animation sequence, ments, 147-150 325-337 radial scale adjustment, Deep Paint (Right Hemisphere), 144-147 48 turning off unnecessary, Define Script button, 328-329 139-144 Demos, 382 Environments and animations, Design, character design 177 aesthetic considerations, 2-4 underwater environments, implementation and techni- 281 cal considerations, 4 Export process, 372-379 inspiration for, 2-3 WildTangent 3DS Max ex- references for, 4-7 porters, 373 technical considerations, 4 Extruding, modeling, 16 see also Modeling Eyebrows, 80-81 Dogs, Biped rigs for, 73-74 Eyelids, 79-81 Dolphins, Biped rigs for, 74-75 Eyes, 79-81 Doubling keys, 240-243 weighting of eyes and eye- Drift, correcting, 240-243 balls, 165, 166-168 Dummy objects, 55-57, 78-79 in weapons aiming mecha- F nisms, 257-259 Faces and facial rigs animation and facial rigs, E 76-81 Ease From and Ease To settings eyes and eyelids, 79-81 of TCB Controller, 212-216 for high-res meshes, 83-84
- 386 Index Faces and facial rigs (cont.) modeling, 37-38 lips and tongues, 80-81 secondary motion animation, single-bone "muppet," 78-79 243-244 weighting faces, 163-168 weighting values, 113-116 Feet Heads animation of walking, Biped adjustment, 59-61, 187-189 70-71 keyframe animation and, jump animations and, 205-207 271-272 locking with Set Planted, modeling, 33 238-240 secondary motion animation, weighting of, 155 243-246, 271-272 File sharing, Bipeds and, 52 weighting, 163-168 Fingers Hescox, Richard, Web address, modeling, 37-38 3 secondary motion animation, Hierarchy 243-244 in Bipeds, 60 weighting, 113-116 weights assignment and, Footstep mode, 192 114-115 Four-legged characters, Bipeds High resolution mesh template for, 68-74 modeling, 17-20 Frame zero, keyframing, Hips 196-197 envelopes for weighting, Freeform mode, 192 153-156 modeling, 35-36 G weighting, 125-128, 153-156 Game controls, animations and, Hips and rear, modeling, 35-36 179-180 Holes or openings in geometry, Game technology and anima- Booleans and, 17 tion, 180-181 Hotkeys Generate a Keyframe per comma (,), 124 Frame button, 371 to fetch scenes, 315 Genre, animation sets and, function keys, 24, 315 175-177 "I" key, 12 override toggle and, 217-218 H period (.), 124 Hair slash ( / ) , 86, 124 modeling with splines, 20-21 vertex deselection, 131 weighting of, 163, 164 Hands I keyframe animation and, Idle animations, 176, 205-209, 205-207 236-238, 248-250, 281, 292
- Index 387 IK Blend, 206 running jumps, 260-261 IK Keys, 236-237 secondary motion in, 265, IK Key Info rollout menu, 266 205-207 shooting while jumping, Impacts 273-274 of falls, 336-337 standing jumps, 260-261 jump landings, 265-267, turn-around jump shot, 277-280 268-273 Implementation weapon kickback and, 277 animation and, 186-189 of real-time jumps, 261-262 K technical considerations and, Keyframe animation, 181-183 4 active animation range, 204 Initial Skeletal Pose option, anchor keys, 238-240 108-110 Biped preparation, 193-196 In Place mode, 123-125, copying keyframes, 201-202, 309-310 251 Inspiration Ease To and Ease From set- for character design, 2-3 tings, 212-216 for dynamic animation, frame rates, 201, 253 267-268 frame zero, 196-197 Interpolation, animation and, Generate a Keyframe per 189 Frame button, 371 idle poses, 204-209, J 236-238 Jaws, 70 IK Key Info rollout menu, Jitter, key reduction to elimi- 205-207 nate, 304 Join to Prev IK Key, Join to Prev IK Key, 246-248 246-248 Joints, 37 layers and, 224-229 elbows, weighting adjust- playback speed, 201 ment, 107-113 secondary motion, 219-220 Rubber Band mode and, 62, TCB (Tension, Continuity, 63 and Bias) controller, tri-jointed legs, 75-78 209-216, 240-243 wrists, 113 Time Configuration and, Jumps 200-201 jump-split pose, 263-264 Time Slider bar, 202, landing impacts, 265-267, 216-217, 224 277-280 Time Tags, 229-231 real-time jumps, implement- Track View, 251-252 ing, 261-262 see also Swimming animation
- 388 Index Key reduction, settings for, doubling, 316-317 303-304 finding matching poses for, Knees, modeling, 37 311-312 layers used to refine, L 317-325 Layers loop length, 308-310 animation and, 224-229 mocap and, 308-325 loops refined with, 317-325 smooth loops in keyframe managing, 321 animation, 284-286 motion capture data and, 304 secondary motion added M with, 331-336 Memory, 177-179 Set Planted Key and, 348 deleting keyframes and, 340 Legs Menus and menu bars, 95-96 attachments, 36 command panels, 24-26 Bipeds adjustments, 61-67, IK Key Info rollout menu, 72-73 205-207 copying limb poses, 283 Motion Capture Conversion four-legged creatures and, Parameters menu, 316-317 68-74 Move Type-In Transform knee joints, 37 menu, 341-342 leg attachments, 60 Quad menu, 95-96 tri-jointed legs, 75-78 Structure rollout menu, 61-62 weighting, 99-105, 120-123, Structure sub-menu, 58-59 153-156 3DS menu bar, 12 weighting with envelopes, Meshes 153-156 for Bipeds, 53-55 Level of Detail (LOD), 4 color of, 32 Multi-Res Mesh modifier and, Mitts, 37 31 Modeling Links animation accommodation assigning vertices to, 95-99 and, 32 copying and pasting link set- Asset Browser to import ref- tings, 150-153 erences, 8-9 vertices, removing from, Booleans, 16-17, 18 105-107, 126, 153 elbows and knees, 37 Link Sub-Object settings, 95 extruding, 16 Lips, 80-81 fitting the Biped, 38-39 weighting of, 165 function and, 31-39 Loops, animation hands and fingers, 37-38 comparing segments, hips and rear, 35-36 314-316 legs and groin area, 36
- Index 389 necks and heads, 33 rotating motion clips, optimization, 29-31 366-372 patch modeling, 15, 20-21 transitions between clips, 366 polygon modeling, 15 Mouse controls, 198, 202 primitives, 15-16 Mouths, 70 real-time vs. rendered charac- weighting of, 165 ters, 15 Move Type-In Transform reference images and, 8-11 menu, 341-342 shoulders, 34-35 Multi-Res Mesh (MRM) modi- smoothing, 23-29 fier, 31 surface issues, 21-22 "Muppet" facial animation, Surface tools, 20-21 78-79 techniques, 15 Muzzle flash, 158 3D outlines and, 9-10 tips for, 13-15 N turned edges, 21-23 Names, older naming conven- waists, 35 tions, 117 Motion Capture Conversion Necks Parameters menu, 316-317 modeling, 33 Motion capture (mocap) ani- weighting, 117-120 mation, 181-182, 183-186 Nubs. See Dummy objects BVH files, 296-299, 300 creating loops, 308-325 O CSM files, 296-299, 300 Objects evaluating files for, 305-307 dummy objects, 55-57, files on CD-ROM, 382 78-79, 257-259 key reduction, 299-304 mesh objects, 54 Motion Capture Conversion model breakdown and, Parameters, 298, 301 31-32 Motion Flow Editor and, Object space, 206 325-331 Optimization repurposing mocap files, with key reduction, 337-354 299-304 Set Multiple Keys function to modeling and, 29-31 adjust, 351-354 Optimizing with key reduction, Motion controllers, 84-88 299-304 Motion Flow Editor, 325-331 Organizing files, 192-193, Motion Flow mode 202-203 creating a Motion Flow script, 361-365 p preparing animation for, Parent Overlap settings, 358-361 147-150
- 390 Index Patch modeling, 15 Real-time vs. rendered charac- Surface tools and, 20-21 ters, 15 Pelvises Recoil animation, 254-255, spline links and, 155 277, 293, 343-351 Triangle Pelvis, 127 Red Monika, 6-7 weighting of, 144 Reference images Physique character design and, 4-7 applying and initializing, loose vs. tight, 5-7 93-95 modeling and, 8-11 Rigid vs. Deformable Link References, Snapshot tool and Assignment, 92-93 animation references, steps to applying, 93 274-277 vertices assignment, 92 Remove from Link option, 124 Planting limbs, keyframe ani- Rotation mation, 205-207 Angle box values, 367-369 Playback Motion Flow Editor to rotate Biped Playback button, 213 Bipeds, 325-331 playback speed, 201 rotating motion clips, Poly-count, character design 366-372 and, 4 Rubber Band mode, 62, 63 Polygon modeling, 15 Ponytail links, 70 s Poses Scale Transform dialog, 42 copying limb poses, 283 Scripts, creating a Motion Flow da Vinci poses, 81-83 script, 361-365 idle poses, 176, 236-238, Secondary motion animation, 248-250 219-220, 243-246, Initial Skeletal Pose option, 271-272 108-110 in jumps, 265, 266, 279-280 jump-split pose, 263-264 layers to add, 331-336 matching poses for loops, side-to-side motion, 324 311-312 Selection sets, 193-196 saving, 67-68 Set Keys, keyframe animation, Primitives, modeling, 15-16 205-207 Set Multiple Keys function, Q 351-354 Quad menu, 95-96 Set Planted Key, 236-237 Quadrupeds, Bipeds for, 68-74 Shooting, 283 aiming mechanisms, 257-259 R while jumping, 273-274 Radial Scale settings, 144-147 Shooting weapons, 250-259
- Index 391 Shoulders doubling to avoid drift, gun arm shoulder, 130 240-243 modeling, 34-35 Ease To and Ease From set- parent / child adjustments for tings, 212-216 envelopes, 147-150 Technical considerations and rigid weighting and, 147 character design, 4 weighting, 117-120 Templates, high resolution Side-to-side motion, 324 mesh template modeling, Size, animations and, 177-179 17-20 Skeletal animations Tendon Sub-Object settings, 95 da Vinci poses and, 81-83 Tension, keyframe animation, technical considerations and 210 character design, 4 Texture maps see also Bipeds in modeling process, 53 Skinning. See Physique quality of, 46-49 Smoothing, 23-29 UVW coverage, 39-45 Smooth loops in, 284-286 Time codes, motion capture Smooth modifier, 23 and, 186 Snapshots as references, Time Configuration, 124, 274-277 200-201 Snapshot tool, animation refer- Time Slider bar, 202, 216-217, ences and, 274-277 224 Special moves, 235 Time Tags, 229-231 Spring controllers, 84-88 Tongues, 80 Structure sub-menu, suggested Torsos, weighting, 117-120 value settings for, 58-59 Track selection, 197 Sub-object panel, 17-18 Track View, 197-201, 251-252 Surfaces, surface flaws and active animation ranges and, modeling, 21-22 204 Swimming animation filtering information in, 198 forward movement, Track view, 197-201 286-292 Trajectories, 317-319 frog-kick motion, 287-290 Transitions between clips, 366 treading water, 281-284 Triangle Pelvis, 127 System requirements, 381 Turned edges, 21-23 Type-In Weights dialog box, T 101, 109, 114 Tails, animating, 70-71, 220-229 U TCB (Tension, Continuity, and UVW coordinates, texture maps Bias) controller, 209-212 and, 39-45
- 392 Index V WildTangent, 379 Vertex deformation, technical Weighting considerations and charac- breasts, 143-144, 158-163 ter design, 4 da Vinci poses and, 81-83 Vertices envelopes used for, assigning to multiple links, 138-156 99-105 feet, 155 Deformable vs. Rigid, 92-93, gun arm, 128-133 95 hands and fingers, 113-116 deselecting, 131 hips, 125-128 link assignment, 95-99 legs, 120-123 manually assignment of, 92 neck, shoulders, and torso, modeling and isolation of, 18 117-120 optimization and modeling, pelvis, 144 29-31 removing vertices from links, removing from envelopes, 153 141-143 saving weighted values, removing from links, 116-117 105-107, 126, 153 shoulders, 147-150 scaling of, 42-43 type-in weights, 156-168 Type-In Weights dialog box, W 101, 109, 114 Waists values for, 99-105 modeling, 35 waist, hips and legs with en- weighting, 153-156 velopes, 153-156 Walking, realistic, 187-189 zones for, 156 Walking, realistic animation, see also Envelopes 187-189 WildTangent Weapons, 234-235 3DS Max exporters, 373 aiming mechanisms, 257-259 web address for, 379 firing motion animation, Wrists, 113 343-351 firing pose, 250-253 z muzzle flash, 258 Zones for weighting, 156 recoil animation, 254-255, Zooming 277, 293, 343-351 mouse control of, 198, 202 Web addresses with Zoom Extents, 62 author's contact info, 379

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