Apress - Smart Home Automation with Linux (2010)- P59
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Apress - Smart Home Automation with Linux (2010)- P59:Linux users can now control their homes remotely! Are you a Linux user who has ever wanted to turn on the lights in your house, or open and close the curtains, while away on holiday? Want to be able to play the same music in every room, controlled from your laptop or mobile phone? Do you want to do these things without an expensive off-the-shelf kit
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Nội dung Text: Apress - Smart Home Automation with Linux (2010)- P59
- ■ INDEX LM12U, 7–8 Linux box LM15EB, 8–9 configuring, 95–98 LM15ES, 8 preparing filesystem, 97 micromodule with dimmer (LWM1), 10 preparing machine, 96 wall switch (LW10U), 9 preparing master server, 97–98 X10 modules, 2 LinuxDC, 53 laptops, hacking, 80 LIRC (Linux Infra-Red Remote Control), 46–47 LD11 module, 11 Live Departure Boards, 191 LEGO Mindstorms, hacking, 60–61 living room, as location for Node0, 121 leJOS NXJ, 61 LM12U lamp module, 7–8 libdvdcss2, 87 LM15EB lamp module, 8–9 lifestyle applets, 245–248 LM15ES lamp module, 8 light switches, C-Bus, 29 local control modules, 6 light-dependent resistor (LDR), 66 localization issues, 157 lights, computer, 120 location-based messaging, 236 line-of-sight problem, IR controls and, 41– 42 loft, as location for Node0, 122 Linksys NLSU2 LOGFILE directive, 154 developing on, 51 logging conduit, 227 hacking, 49–51 Logical Block Addressing (LBA), 91 always on, 58 lstatus command, 261 hardware, 58–59 LW10U wall switch, 9 overclocking, 58–59 LWM1 micromodule, 10 serial port, 59 LXDream, 53 Linux distributions, 105–107 ■M machine name, 97 operating system, 105 macros, 24 running on Xbox, 56–57 MagpieRSS, 201–203 software, 40, 105–107 mail retrieval, 151 Linux accounts, 220 278
- ■ INDEX mail transfer agent (MTA), 151 server creation, 99–100 mail user agent (MUA), 151 video transcoding, 101–102 main applet, 242–243 weather reports, 101 mains line-powered control, 1–27 media playback mains-powered devices, hacking, 81–83 NAS with, 94–95 Manifest, 256–257 output from devices, 107 Marple, 222, 257–260 media player, software, 105–107 Bearskin compatibility, 260 media plug-ins, 174 protocol handling, 258–260 media systems, 85–115 workings, 258 configuring Linux box, 95–98 matrix switchers, 108–111, 266 control of, 112–115 maxi controller (SC2800), 17 local, 112 MBROLA, 162 remote-control methods, 112–115 MC460 controller, 16 data chain, 85–91 media access, web-based, 173–174 data storage, 91–98 media applets, 243–245 distribution, 107–111 media data media extenders, 98–107 extracting, 86–91 media/tv folder, 96 local processing vs. remote processing, MediaPlayer II, 95 107 MediaPortal, 57 media extenders, 98–107 mencoder, 41, 88 EmprexME1, 104 message relays, 234 MediaMVP, 99–103 message-relay system, 23–24 Squeezebox, 103–104 messages stand-alone hardware, 99–103 location-based, 236 Xtremer, 103 receiving, 231–233 Media MVP, 95, 99 time-based, 234–236 bootup procedure, 99 transmission of, 229–231 media center, 100–103 MicroModule Transmitter Dimmer other functionality, 103 (TMD4), 19 279
- ■ INDEX micromodule with dimmer (LWM1), 10 user accounts, 220–222 microphones, 160 utility scripts, 261–262 Microsoft DVD Playback Kit, 57 web applets, 241–256 Microsoft Xbox. See Xbox web interface, 240–243 millis function, 64 Zinc and, 240 $MINBASE variable, 219 Minerva Appliance Routing and ProtocoL Engine. See Marple $MINBASE/bin directory, 261 Minerva Minx system, 78–79 Mindstorms Robotics Invention System (RIS) Kit, 60 Minerva Timing System (MTS), 234–236 Minerva, 218–262 mini controller (MC460), 16 conduits, 226–234 mini timer (MT10U), 16 administration, 228 Mini-ITX, 126–127 building, 233–234 Mini-PC, 127 output, 229–231 minuser command, 232 receiving messages, 231–233 mixer abstraction, 223 Cosmic, 237–239 mobile phone packages, 175 device abstractions, 222–225 mod_musicindex module, 173 monexec, 224 mod_rewrite module, 171 TODO application, 225 modchips, 56 directory structure, 219 modems installation, 220 broadband, 118 location-based messaging, 236 cable, 118 Manifest, 256–257 power-cycling, 13 Marple, 257–260 moisture, 119 message relays, 234 monexec, 224 messaging condiuts, 226–229 mood lighting, 11 Minerva user, 222 Moonbeam applet, 248 overview, 219–220 more command, 256 public user, 222 motion sensors, 20 time-based messaging, 234–236 motion utility, 41 280
- ■ INDEX motor shield, 73 Ethernet devices, 31 movie files, 88–89 networking basics, 31–38 MP3 jukebox, 244 addressing, 32–35 mp3player abstraction, 223, 240 computer names, 35–36 msgconduit command, 228 concepts, 32 msginstall command, 229 network services, 36–38 msgrcv command, 229 networks/networking msgrcv script, 231–233 configuration, 262–264 msgxmit script, 229–231 NAS and, 93 mstatus command, 261 wired, 143–145 music data, data chain and, 85–86 news data, 201–204 mythback server, 106 news manifest, 256–257 mythfront, 106 news-read command, 249 MythTV, 106 Nintendo Wii, 80 Node0, 117–123 ■N as center of installation, 142 Nano-ITX, 127 determining location for, 118–121 native development, 51 human considerations, 120–121 Neo light switch, 29 legal considerations, 118 netstatus command, 261 necessary considerations, 118–119 network addressable storage (NAS), 91–98 negative effects, 119–120 extra functionality, 94 primary options, 121–122 hard drive considerations, 91–93 function and purpose, 117–118 network considerations, 93 rack for, 122–123 with media playback, 94–95 noise, 120 network addressable storage (NAS) device, NSLU2 machine, 128 49 NTFS, Linux compatability, 92 networked devices, 31–41 nut, 134 BitTorrent clients, 41 nut-hal-drivers, 134 CCTV cameras, 38–41 NXC (Not eXactly C), 61 281
- ■ INDEX Post Office Protocol (POP), 151 ■O Object Oriented Input System (OIS), 80 Postfix, 152 online electric teakettle (example), 216– potential divider circuit, 66 218 power consumption, 128–131 onmore command, 257 power sockets, 148 onnext command, 257 pressure sensors, 236 onstart command, 257 private data, 204–210 onstop command, 257 calendar, 204–206 output conduits, 219, 226, 229–231 Facebook, 210 overclocking, 58–59 Twitter, 208–210 webmail, 206–208 ■P private networks, 33 Panasonic Wireless IP camera (BLC-20), 39 Procmail, 153–156, 208 passive distribution, 109–110 proxies, external, 140 passive infrared sensors (PIRs), 20 PS2 Independence Exploit, 54 password files, 168 PSPTube, 55 patch cables, 144 public data, 190–204 personal video recorders (PVRs), 31 CD data, 199–201 photo frame applet, 247 news data, 201–204 Pico-ITX, 127 radio, 197–198 PlayStation 1, 53 road traffic, 193 PlayStation 2, 54 train times, 191–193 PlayStation 3 (PS3), 53 TV guides, 190–191 PlayStationPortable (PSP), 55 weather data, 193–197 Plex, 57 pull data, 203–204 plug-in modules, 6 pulling cables, 142 pmedia script, 262 pulse width modulation (PWM), 61 POP3, 206 push-based media, 201–203 port 80, 32 PZZ01 house filter, 2 ports, 32 282

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