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- Xie et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:124 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/124 NANO EXPRESS Open Access Discussion on the thermal conductivity enhancement of nanofluids Huaqing Xie*, Wei Yu, Yang Li, Lifei Chen Abstract Increasing interests have been paid to nanofluids because of the intriguing heat transfer enhancement performances presented by this kind of promising heat transfer media. We produced a series of nanofluids and measured their thermal conductivities. In this article, we discussed the measurements and the enhancements of the thermal conductivity of a variety of nanofluids. The base fluids used included those that are most employed heat transfer fluids, such as deionized water (DW), ethylene glycol (EG), glycerol, silicone oil, and the binary mixture of DW and EG. Various nanoparticles (NPs) involving Al2O3 NPs with different sizes, SiC NPs with different shapes, MgO NPs, ZnO NPs, SiO2 NPs, Fe3O4 NPs, TiO2 NPs, diamond NPs, and carbon nanotubes with different pretreatments were used as additives. Our findings demonstrated that the thermal conductivity enhancements of nanofluids could be influenced by multi-faceted factors including the volume fraction of the dispersed NPs, the tested temperature, the thermal conductivity of the base fluid, the size of the dispersed NPs, the pretreatment process, and the additives of the fluids. The thermal transport mechanisms in nanofluids were further discussed, and the promising approaches for optimizing the thermal conductivity of nanofluids have been proposed. Introduction have been studied extensively. Several elaborate and comprehensive review articles and books have addressed More efficient heat transfer systems are increasingly pre- thermal transport properties of nanofluids [1,3-6]. ferred because of the accelerating miniaturization, on Among all these properties, thermal conductivity is the the one hand, and the ever-increasing heat flux, on the first referred one, and it is believed to be the most other. In many industrial processes, including power important parameter responsible for the enhanced heat generation, chemical processes, heating or cooling pro- transfer. Investigations on the thermal conductivity of cesses, and microelectronics, heat transfer fluids such as nanofluids have been drawing the greatest attention of water, mineral oil, and ethylene glycol always play vital the researchers. A variety of physical and chemical fac- roles. The poor heat transfer properties of these com- tors, including the volume fraction, the size, the shape, mon fluids compared to most solids is a primary obsta- and the species of the nanoparticles (NPs), pH value cle to the high compactness and effectiveness of heat and temperature of the fluids, the Brownian motion of exchangers [1]. An innovative way of improving the the NPs, and the aggregation of the NPs, have been pro- thermal conductivities of working media is to suspend posed to play their respective roles on the heat transfer ultrafine metallic or nonmetallic solid powders in tradi- characteristics of nanofluids [7-19]. Extensive efforts tional fluids since the thermal conductivities of most have been made to improve the thermal conductivity of solid materials are higher than those of liquids. A novel nanofluids [7-19] and to elucidate the thermal transport kind of heat transfer enhancement fluid, the so-called mechanisms in nanofluids [20-23]. nanofluid, has been proposed to meet the demands [2]. “Nanofluid” is an eye-catching word in the heat trans- The authors have carried out a series of studies on the heat transfer enhancement performance of nanofluids. A fer community nowadays. The thermal properties, variety of nanofluids have been produced by the one- or including thermal conductivity, viscosity, specific heat, two-step method. The base fluids used include deionized convective heat transfer coefficient, and critical heat flux water (DW), ethylene glycol (EG), glycerol, silicone oil, * Correspondence: hqxie@eed.sspu.cn and the binary mixture of DW and EG (DW-EG). Al2O3 School of Urban Development and Environmental Engineering, Shanghai NPs with different sizes, SiC NPs with different shapes, Second Polytechnic University, Shanghai 201209, China © 2011 Xie et al; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
- Xie et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:124 Page 2 of 12 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/124 The steps involved in the preparation of surfactant-free MgO NPs, ZnO NPs, SiO2 NPs, Fe3O4 NPs, TiO2 NPs, CNT nanofluids include (1) disentangling the nanotube diamond NPs (DNPs), and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) entanglement and introducing hydrophilic functional with different pretreatments have been used as additives. groups on the surfaces of the nanotubes by chemical The thermal conductivities of these nanofluids have treatments; (2) cutting the treated CNTs (TCNTs) to been measured by transient hot wire (THW) method or optimal length by ball milling; and (3) dispersing the short hot wire (SHW) technique. In this article, the treated and cut CNTs into base fluids. CNTs including experimental results that elucidate the influencing fac- single-walled CNTs (SWNTs), double-walled CNTs tors for thermal conductivity enhancement of nanofluids (DWNTs), and multi-walled CNTs (MWNTs) were are presented. The thermal transport mechanisms in obtained commercially. Two chemical routes for treating nanofluids and promising approaches for optimizing the CNTs were used for this study. One is oxidation with thermal conductivity of nanofluids are further presented. concentrated acid, and the other is mechanochemical Preparation of nanofluids reaction with potassium hydroxide (KOH). The detailed treatment processes have been described elsewhere Two techniques have been applied to prepare nanofluids [8,30]. in our studies: two- and one-step techniques. Most of Phase transfer method was used to prepare stable ker- the studied nanofluids were prepared by the two-step osene-based Fe3O4 magnetic nanofluid. The first step is technique. During the procedure of two-step technique, the dispersed NPs were prepared by chemical or physi- to synthesize Fe 3 O 4 NPs in water by coprecipitation. cal methods first, and then the NPs were added into a Oleic acid was added to modify the NPs. When kero- specified base fluid, with or without pretreatment and sene is added to the mixture with slow stirring, the surfactant based on the need. In the preparation of phase transfer process took place spontaneously. There nanofluids containing metallic NPs, one-step technique was a distinct phase interface between the aqueous and was employed. kerosene. After the removal of the aqueous phase using The process was quite simple in the preparation of a pipette, the kerosene-based Fe 3 O 4 nanofluid was nanofluids containing oxide NPs like Al2O3, ZnO, MgO, obtained [31]. TiO2, and SiO2 NPs. The NPs were obtained commer- Nanofluids containing copper NPs were prepared cially and were dispersed into a base fluid in a mixing using direct chemical reduction method. Stable nano- container. The NPs were deagglomerated by intensive fluids were obtained with the addition of poly(vinylpyr- ultrasonication after being mixed with the base fluid, rolidone) (PVP). The diameters of copper NPs prepared and then the suspensions were homogenized by mag- by chemical reduction procedure are in the range of netic force agitation. 5-10 nm, and copper NPs disperse well with no clear Two-step method was used to prepare graphene nano- aggregation [32]. fluids. The first step was to prepare graphene Surface modification is always used to enhance the nanosheets. Functionalized graphene was gained through dispersibility of NPs in the preparation of nanofluids. a modified Hummers method as described elsewhere For example, diamond NPs (DNPs) were purified and [24]. Graphene nanosheets were obtained by exfoliation surface modified by acid mixtures of perchloric acid, of graphite in anhydrous ethanol. The product was a nitric acid and hydrochloric acid according to the loose brown powder, and it had good hydrophilic nat- literature [33] before being dispersed into the base ure. The graphene nanosheets could be dispersed well fluids. SiC NPs were heated in air to remove the excess in polar solvents, like DW and EG, without the use of free carbon and their surfaces modified to enhance their surfactant. For liquid paraffin (LP)-based nanofluid, dispersibility. oleylamine was used as the surfactant. The fixed quality Consideration on the thermal conductivity of graphene nanosheets with different volume fractions measurement was dispersed in the base fluids. Severe aggregation always takes place in the as- Inconsistent experimental results and controversial prepared CNTs (pristine CNTs: PCNTs) because of the arguments arise unceasingly from different groups con- non-reactive surfaces, intrinsic Von der Waals forces, ducting research on nanofluids, indicating the complex- and very large specific surface areas, and aspect ratios ity of the thermal transport in nanofluids. Through an [25]. In CNT nanofluid preparations, surfactant addition investigation, a large degree of randomness and scatter is an effective way to enhance the dispersibility of CNTs have been observed in the experimental data published [26-28]. However, surfactant molecules attaching on the in the open literature. Given the inconsistency in the surfaces of CNTs may enlarge the thermal resistance data, it is impossible to develop a convincing and com- between the CNTs and the base fluid [29], which limits prehensive physical-based model that can predict all the the enhancement of the effective thermal conductivity. trends. To clarify the suspicion on the scattered and
- Xie et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:124 Page 3 of 12 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/124 with the surroundings. When a regulation voltage was wide-ranging experimental results of the thermal con- supplied to initiate the measurement, the electrical resis- ductivity obtained by different groups, it is preferred to tance of the wire changed proportionally with the rise in screen the measurement technique and procedure to temperature. The thermal conductivity was calculated guarantee the accuracy of the obtained results. from the slope of the rise in the wire ’ s temperature Several researchers observed the “ time-dependent characteristic” of thermal conductivity [34-36], that is to against the logarithmic time interval. The uncertainty of this measurement is estimated to be within ± 1.0%. A say, thermal conductivity was the highest right after temperature-controlled bath was used to maintain dif- nanofluid preparation, and then it decreased consider- ably with elapsed time. We believe that the “time-depen- ferent temperatures of the nanofluids. Instead of moni- dent characteristic ” does not represent the essence of toring the temperature of the bath, a thermocouple was positioned inside the sample to monitor the temperature thermal conduction capability of nanofluids. The follow- on the spot. When the temperature of the sample ing two factors may account for this phenomenon. The reached a steady value, the authors waited for further 20 first one is the motion of the remained particle caused min to make sure that the initial state is at equilibrium. by the agitation during the nanofluid preparation. To At every tested temperature, measurements were made make a nanofluid homogeneous and long-term stable, it three times and the average values were taken as the is always subjected to intensive agitation including mag- final results. A 20-min interval was needed between two netic stirring and sonication to destroy the aggregation successive measurements. After the above-mentioned of the suspended NPs. In very short time after nanofluid careful check on the measurement condition and proce- preparation, the NPs still keep moving in the base fluid dure, the authors could gain confidence on the experi- (different from Brownian motion). The motion of the mental results. remained particle would cause convection and enhance the energy transport in the nanofluids. Second, when a Influencing factors of thermal conductivity nanofluid is subjected to long-time sonication, its tem- enhancement perature would be increased. The temperature goes down gradually to the surrounding temperature (thermal In the experiment of the study, it was found that the conductivity measurement temperature). In very short thermal conductivity enhancements of nanofluids might time after the sonication stops, the process has been be influenced by multi-faceted factors including the remaining. Although the temperature decrease is not volume fraction of the dispersed NPs, the tested tem- severe, the thermal conductivity obtained is very sensi- perature, the thermal conductivity of the base fluid, the tive to the temperature decrease when the transient hot- size of the dispersed NPs, the pretreatment process, and wire technique is used to measured the thermal conduc- the additives of the fluids. The effects of these factors tivity. In our measurements, this phenomenon would be are presented in this section. observed. When measuring the thermal conductivity at an unequilibrium state, it was found that the measured Particle loading data might be very different for a nanofluid even at a The idea of nanofluid application originated from the specific temperature (see 25°C) if the process to reach fact that the thermal conductivity of a solid is much this temperature is different. If the temperature is higher than that of a liquid. For example, the thermal increasing, then the datum obtained of the thermal con- conductivity of the most used conventional heat transfer ductivity would be lower than the true value. While the fluid, water, is about 0.6 W/m · K at room temperature, temperature is decreasing, the datum obtained of the while that of copper is higher than 400 W/m · K. There- thermal conductivity would be higher than the true fore, particle loading would be the chief factor that value. Therefore, keeping a nanofluid stable and initial influences the thermal transport in nanofluids. As equilibrium is very important to obtain accurate thermal expected, the thermal conductivities of the nanofluids conductivity data in measurements. have been increased over that of the base fluid with the A transient short hot-wire method was used to mea- addition of a small amount of NPs. Figure 1 shows the sure the thermal conductivities of the base fluids (k 0) enhanced thermal conductivity ratios of the nanofluids with NPs at different volume fractions [7,8,38-42]. (k - and the nanofluids (k). The detailed measurement prin- k0)/k0 and refer to the thermal conductivity enhance- ciple, procedure, and error analysis have been described in [37]. In our measurements, a platinum wire with a ment ratio of nanofluids and the volume fraction of diameter of 50 μ m was used for the hot wire, and it NPs, respectively, in this article. Figure 1a presents served both as a heating unit and as an electrical resis- oxide nanofluids, while Figure 1b presents nonoxide tance thermometer. The platinum wire was coated with nanofluids. The results show that all the nanofluids have an insulation layer of 7-μm thickness. Initially the plati- noticeable higher thermal conductivities than the base num wire immersed in media was kept at equilibrium fluid without NPs. In general, the thermal conductivity
- Xie et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:124 Page 4 of 12 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/124 50 MgO-EG Al2O3-EG 40 SiO2-EG ZnO-EG (k-k0)/k0 (%) 30 20 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 (%) A 60 DNP-EG CNT-EG Graphene-EG Cu-EG 45 (k-k0)/k0 (%) 30 15 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 (%) B Figure 1 Thermal conductivity enhancement ratios of the nanofluids as a function of nanoparticle loading. (a) Oxide nanofluids: MgO- EG [38]; Al2O3-EG [7]; ZnO-EG [39]; (b) Nonoxide nanofluids: CNT-EG [8]; DNP-EG [40]; Graphene-EG [41]; Cu-EG [42]. nanosheets show larger thermal conductivity enhance- enhancement increases monotonously with the volume ment than those containing oxide NPs. It demonstrates fraction. For the graphene nanofluid with a volume frac- that graphene nanosheet is a good additive to enhance tion of 0.05, the thermal conductivity can be enhanced the thermal conductivity of base fluid. However, the by more than 60.0%. There is an approximate linear enhancement ratios of nanofluids containing graphene relationship between the thermal conductivity enhance- nanosheets are less than those of CNTs with the same ment ratios and the volume fraction of graphene loading. Many factors have direct influence on the nanosheets. The nanofluids containing graphene
- Xie et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:124 Page 5 of 12 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/124 will be negligible. Typical conduction-based models will t hermal conductivity of the nanofluid. One of the give (k - k0)/k0, independent of the temperature. How- important factors is the crystal structure of the inclusion ever, results shown in Figure 2b illustrate that (k - k0)/k0 in the nanofluid. Graphene is a one-atom-thick planar sheet of sp 2 -bonded carbon atoms that are densely increases, though not drastically, with the temperature. packed in a honeycomb crystal lattice. The perfect CNT aggregation kinetics may contribute to the structure of graphene is damaged when graphite is che- observed differences [21]. It is worthy of bearing in mically oxidized by treatment with strong oxidants. mind that the temperatures of the base fluid and the There is no doubt that the high thermal conductivity is nanofluid should be the same when compared with the diminished by defects, and the defects have direct influ- thermal conductivities between them. Comparison of ence on the heat transport along the 2-D structure. the thermal conductivities between the nanofluid at one temperature and the base at another one is meaningless. Temperature Some studies have demonstrated that the temperature Base fluid has a great effect on the enhancement of the thermal Figure 3 shows the relation between the enhanced ther- conductivity for nanofluids. However, there is consider- mal conductivity ratios of the nanofluids and the ther- able disagreement in the literature with respect to the mal conductivities of the base fluids [7,8,40,41]. It is temperature dependence of their thermal conductivity. clearly seen that no matter what kind of nanoparticle For example, Das et al. reported strong temperature- was used, the thermal conductivity enhancement depended thermal conductivity for water-based Al2O3 decreases with an increase in the thermal conductivity of the base fluid. For pump oil (PO)-based Al2O3 nano- and CuO nanofluids [43]. The thermal conductivity enhancements of nanofluids containing Bi2Te3 nanorods fluid with 5.0% nanoparticle loading, the thermal con- in FC72 and in oil had been experimentally found to ductivity can be enhanced by more than 38% compared decrease with increasing temperature [44]. Micael et al. to that of PO. When the base fluid is substituted with measured the thermal conductivities of EG-based Al2O3 water, the thermal conductivity enhancement achieved is only about 22.0% [7]. A greater dramatic improve- nanofluids at temperatures ranging from 298 to 411 K. ment in thermal conductivity of CNT nanofluid is seen A maximum in the thermal conductivity was observed for a base fluid with lower thermal conductivity. At at all mass fractions of NPs [45]. 1.0% nanoparticle loading, the thermal conductivity Figure 2 shows our measured temperature-depended enhancements are 19.6, 12.7, and 7.0% for CNT nano- thermal conductivity enhancements of nanofluids fluids in decene, EG, and DW, respectively. No matter [8,38-42]. For EG-based nanofluids containing MgO, what kind of base fluid is used, the thermal conductivity ZnO, SiO2, and graphene NPs, the thermal conductivity enhancement of CNT nanofluids is much higher than enhancements almost remain constant when the tested that for Al2O3 nanoparticle suspensions [8] at the same temperature changes (see Figure 2a), which means that the thermal conductivity of the nanofluid tracks the volume fraction. The reason would lie in the substantial thermal conductivities of the base liquid in the experi- difference in thermal conductivity and morphology mented temperature range of this study. The thermal between alumina nanoparticle and carbon nanotube. conductivity enhancements of DW-EG-based nanofluids containing MgO, ZnO, SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, TiO2, and Particle size graphene NPs also appear to have the same behavior. It Figure 4 presents the thermal conductivity enhancement was further found that kerosene-based Fe3O4 nanofluids of the nanofluids as a function of the specific surface presented temperature-independent thermal conductiv- area (SSA) of the suspended particles [7]. It is seen that ity enhancements. Patel et al. [46] reported that the the thermal conductivity enhancement increases first, thermal conductivity enhancement ratios of Cu nano- and then decreases with an increase in the SSA, with fluids are enhanced considerably when the temperature the largest thermal conductivity at a particle SSA of 25 m 2 · g -1 . We ascribe the thermal conductivity change increases. The experimental results of this study shown in Figure 2b demonstrated similar tendency. At 10°C, behavior to twofold factors. First, as particle size the thermal conductivity enhancement of EG based Cu decreases, the SSA of the particle increases proportion- nanofluid with 0.5% nanoparticle loading is less than ally. Heat transfer between the particle and the fluid 15.0%. When the temperature is increased to 60°C, the takes place at the particle-fluid interface. Therefore, a enhancement reaches as large as 46.0%. Brownian dramatic enhancement in thermal conductivity is motion of the NPs has been proposed as the dominant expected because a reduction in particle size can result factor for this phenomenon. For the EG-based CNT in large interfacial area. Second, the mean free path in nanofluids, cylindrical nanotubes with large aspect ratios polycrystalline Al2O3 is estimated to be around 35 nm, were used as additions. The effect of Brownian motion which is comparable to the size of the particle that was
- Xie et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:124 Page 6 of 12 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/124 100 MgO-EG, =0.05 ZnO-EG, =0.05 80 Graphene-EG, =0.05 SiO2-EG, =0.03 (k-k0)/k0 (%) 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 o T ( C) A 50 Cu-EG, =0.005 CNT-EG, =0.01 40 DNP-EG, =0.01 (k-k0)/k0 (%) 30 20 10 10 20 30 40 50 60 o T ( C) B Figure 2 Thermal conductivity enhancement varying with the tested temperatures. (a) Oxide nanofluids: MgO-EG [38]; ZnO-EG [39]; Graphene-EG [41]; (b) Nonoxide nanofluids: Cu-EG [42]; CNT-EG [8]; DNP-EG [40]. NPs is close to or smaller than the mean free path, the used. The intrinsic thermal conductivity of nanosized second factor will govern the mechanism of the thermal Al2O3 particle may be reduced compared to that of bulk conductivity behavior of the suspension. Al 2O3 due to the scattering of the primary carriers of Figure 5 depicts the thermal conductivity enhance- energy (phonon) at the particle boundary. It is expected that the suspension’ s thermal conductivity is reduced ments of nanofluids containing CNTs with different sizes [47]. The base fluid is DW, and the volume frac- with an increase in the SSA. Therefore, for a suspension tion of the CNTs is 0.0054. It is observed from Figure 5 containing NPs at a particle size much different from that the thermal conductivity enhancements show differ- the mean free path, the thermal conductivity increases ences among these three kinds of nanofluids containing when the particle size decreases because the first factor SWNTs, DWNTs, and MWNTs as the volume fraction is dominant. However, when the size of the dispersed
- Xie et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:124 Page 7 of 12 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/124 50 20 Al2O3 NFs, =0.05 SWNT-DW, =0.0054 CNT NFs, =0.01 DWNT-DW, =0.0054 16 40 Graphene NFs, =0.01 MWNT-DW, =0.0054 (k-k0)/k0 (%) (k-k0)/k0 (%) DNP NFs, =0.01 12 30 8 20 4 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 o T ( C) k0 (W/m K) Figure 5 Thermal conductivity enhancements of nanofluids Figure 3 Thermal conductivity enhancement ratios as a containing CNTs with different sizes: SWNT-DW [47]; DWNT-DW function of the thermal conductivities of the base fluids: Al2O3 [47]; MWNT-DW [47]. NFs [7]; CNT NFs [8]; Graphene NFs [41]; DNP NFs [40]. of CNTs is the same. Two influencing factors may be Pretreatment addressed. The first one is the intrinsic heat transfer In the preparation of nanofluids, solid additives are performance of the CNTs. It is reported that the ther- always subjected to various pretreatment procedures. mal conductivity of CNTs decreases with an increase in The initial incentive is to tailor the surfaces of the NPs the number of the nanotube layer. The tendency of the to enhance their dispersibility, thereby to enhance the thermal conductivity enhancement of the obtained CNT stability of the nanofluids. The morphologies would be nanofluids accords with that of the heat transfer perfor- significantly changed when CNTs were subjected to che- mance of the three kinds of CNTs. The second one is mical or mechanical treatments. Theoretical research the alignment of the liquid molecules on the surface of into the thermal conductivity of composites containing CNTs. There are greater number of water molecules cylindrical inclusions has demonstrated that the close to the surfaces of CNTs with smaller diameter due morphologies, including the aspect ratio, have influence to the larger SSA if the volume fractions of CNTs are on the effective thermal conductivity of the composites. the same. These water molecules can form an interfacial Therefore, it can be expected that the thermal conduc- layer structure on the CNT surfaces, increasing the ther- tivity of CNT contained nanofluids would be affected by mal conductivity of the nanofluid [47]. the pretreatment process. Figure 6 shows the dependence of the thermal con- ductivity enhancement on the ball milling time of CNTs 50 suspended in the nanofluids [48]. From theoretical pre- Al2O3-EG, =0.05 diction, the thermal conductivity of a composite Al2O3-PO, =0.05 increases with the aspect ratio of the included solid par- 40 ticles [49-51]. Intuition suggests that increasing the (k-k0)/k0 (%) milling time should therefore decrease ( k - k 0 )/ k 0 because of the reduced aspect ratio. Figure 6, however, 30 shows clear peak and valley values in the thermal con- ductivity enhancement with respect to the milling time for all the studied CNT loadings. For nanofluid at a 20 volume fraction of 0.01, the thermal conductivity enhancements present a peak value of 27.5% and a val- ley value of 10.4% when the milling times are 10 and 28 10 0 30 60 90 120 h, respectively. The maximal enhancement is intrigu- SSA (m 2/g) ingly more than two and half times as the minimal one. Interestingly, when further increased the milling time Figure 4 Enhanced thermal conductivity ratios as a function of from 28 to 38 h, ( k - k 0 )/ k0 increases from the valley the SSAs: Al2O3-EG [7]; Al2O3-PO [7]. value of 10.4 to 12.8%. Though the increment is not
- Xie et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:124 Page 8 of 12 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/124 = Le/L), can be adopted to describe the straightness of a 30 curled CNT. The lowest straightness ratio arises when a =0.002 suspended nanotube forms ring closure [55]. 25 =0.006 When subjected to ball milling, CNTs were broken =0.01 and cut short with appropriate average length. The 20 straightness ratio was significantly increased and heat transports more effectively through the CNTs and 15 across the interfaces between the CNT tips and the base fluid, resulting in the highest thermal conductivity 10 enhancement in a nanofluid containing CNTs milled for 10 h. For nanofluids containing relatively straight nano- 5 tubes, the influence of the aspect ratio will surpass that of straightness ratio. Therefore, by further treatment on 0 nanotubes with relatively high straightness ratio, the -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 excessive deterioration of the aspect ratio would t (h) decrease the thermal conductivity of nanofluids, causing (k - k0)/k0 decrease from 10 to 28 h. Recent theoretical Figure 6 Dependence of the thermal conductivity analysis has revealed that the aggregation of nanoparti- enhancement on the ball milling time of CNTs suspended in cle plays a significant role in deciding (k - k0)/k0 [21]. the nanofluids [48]. Percolation effects in the aggregates, as highly conduct- ing nanotubes touch each other in the aggregate, help in increasing the thermal conductivity. Our experiments pronounced, it illustrates a difference in tendency from demonstrate that aggregates are the dominant appear- that in the milling time range from 10 to 28 h. Tem- ance of CNTs when the ball-milling time is increased to perature-dependent thermal conductivity enhancement 38 h. The aggregation accounts for the increment of data further indicate that, at all the measured tempera- thermal conductivity enhancement when the ball-milling tures, nanofluid with CNTs milled for 10 h has the lar- time is increased from 28 to 38 h. This result implies gest increment in thermal conductivity. Glory et al. [52] that the positive influence of the aggregation surpasses reported that the enhancement of the thermal conduc- the negative influence of the aspect ratio deterioration. tivity noticeably increases when the nanotube aspect ratio increases. However, the thermal conductivity pH value enhancement behavior of our CNT nanofluid is very dif- For some nanofluids, the pH values of the suspensions ferent and cannot be explained only by the effect of the have direct effects on the thermal conductivity enhance- aspect ratio. ment. Figure 7 presents the thermal conductivity The above results suggest other dominant factors that enhancement ratios at different pH values [7,40]. The have the influence over the thermal conductivity of the results show that the enhanced thermal conductivity CNT nanofluids. The authors proposed that the non- increases with an increase in the difference between the straightness and the aggregation would play significantly pH value of aqueous suspension and the isoelectric roles. As is known, the walls of CNTs have similar point of Al2O3 particle [7]. When the NPs are dispersed structure of graphene sheet, and the thermal conductiv- into a base fluid, the overall behavior of the particle- ity of CNTs shows greatly anisotropic behavior. Heat fluid interaction depends on the properties of the parti- transports substantially quicker through axial direction cle surface. For Al 2 O 3 particles, the isoelectric point than through radial direction [53]. For a nonstraight (pHiep) is determined to be 9.2, i.e., the repulsive forces CNT, the high thermal anisotropy of CNTs induces a among Al2O3 particles is zero, and Al2O3 particles will unique property that individual CNTs are nearly perfect coagulate together under this pH value. Therefore, when one-dimensional thermal passages with negligibly small pH value is equal or close to 9.2, Al2O3 particle suspen- heat flux losses during long distance heat conductions [54]. For a nonstraight CNT with length L under a two- sion is unstable according to DLVO theory [56]. The end temperature difference, the heat flux q goes through hydration forces among particles increase with the increasing difference of the pH value of a suspension a curled passage. This CNT can be regarded as an from the pHiep, which results in the enhanced mobility equivalent straight thermal passage with a distance of Le. The same heat flux q is conducted between the two of NPs in the suspension. The microscopic motions of the particles cause micro-convection that enhances the ends of this straight passage. Obviously, the equivalent heat transport process. Wensel’s study showed that the length Le depends on the curvature of the actual nano- tube in the nanofluid. A concept, straightness ratio h (h thermal conductivity of nanofluids containing oxide NPs
- Xie et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:124 Page 9 of 12 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/124 40 Al2O3-DW, =0.05 DNP-EG, =0.01 (k-k0)/k0 (%) 30 20 10 2 4 6 8 10 12 pH Figure 7 Thermal conductivity enhancement ratios at different pH values: Al2O3-DW [7]; DNP-EG [40]. dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was employed as the dispersant, and CNTs with very low percentage loading decreased the maximum thermal conductivity enhancement when the pH value is shifted from 7 to 11.45 under the obtained was 38.0% for a nanofluid with 0.6 vol% CNT influence of a strong outside magnetic field [14]. loadings [58]. When the surfactant is substituted with For DNP-EG nanofluids, it is observed from Figure 7 hexadecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB), the that the thermal conductivity enhancement increases maximum thermal conductivity enhancement obtained with pH values in the range of 7.0-8.0. When pH value was 34.0% for same fraction of CNT loading [26]. Liu et is above 8.0, there is no obvious relationship between al. reported that the thermal conductivity of carbon pH value and the thermal conductivity enhancement. In nanotube-synthetic engine oil suspensions is higher our opinion, the influence of pH value on thermal con- compared with that of same suspensions without the ductivity is that pH value has a direct effect on the sta- addition of surfactant. The presence of surfactant as sta- bility of nanofluids. When pH value is below 8.5, the bilizer has positive effect on the carbon nanotube-syn- suspension is not very stable, and DNPs are easy to thetic engine oil suspensions [59]. form aggregations. The alkalinity of the solution is help- We used cationic gemini surfactants (12-3(4,6)-12,2Br- ful to the dispersion and the stability of the nanofluids. 1 In order to verify the above statement, the influence of ) to stabilize water-based MWNT nanofluids. These settlement time on the thermal conductivity enhance- surfactants were prepared following the process ment was further investigated. It is found that the ther- described in [60]. Figure 8 presents the thermal conduc- mal conductivity enhancement decreases with elapsed tivity enhancement ratios of the CNT-contained nano- time for DNP-EG nanofluid when pH is 7.0. However, fluids with different surfactant concentrations. The for the stable DNP-EG nanofluids with pH of 8.5, there volume fraction of the dispersed CNTs is 0.1%. The cri- tical micelle concentration of 12-3-12, 2Br-1 is reported is no obvious thermal conductivity decrease for 6 as 9.6 ± 0.3 × 10-4 mol/l [61]. Ten times critical micelle months [40]. concentration of 12-3-12, 2Br-1 is 0.6 wt%. Solutions of 12-3-12, 2Br -1 with different concentrations (0.6, 1.8, Surfactant addition Surfactant addition is an effective way to enhance the and 3.6 wt% at room temperature) were selected to pre- stability of nanofluids. Kim ’ s study revealed that the pare CNT nanofluids. It is observed that at all the mea- thermal conductivity decreased rapidly for the instable sured temperatures the thermal conductivity nanofluids without surfactants after preparation. How- enhancement decreases with the surfactant addition. ever, no obvious changes in the thermal conductivity of The surfactant added in the nanofluids acts as stabilizer the nanofluids with sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as sur- which improves the stability of the CNT nanofluids. factant were observed even after 5-h settlement [57]. However, excess surfactant addition might hinder the Assael et al. investigated the thermal conductivities of improvement of the thermal conductivity enhancement the aqueous suspension of CNTs. When Sodium of the nanofluids.
- Xie et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:124 Page 10 of 12 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/124 20 0.6 wt % 1.8 wt % 16 3.6 wt % (k-k0 )/ k0 (%) 12 8 4 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 T ( oC) Figure 8 Thermal conductivity enhancement ratios with different surfactant concentrations. The effect of the structures of cationic gemini surfac- length of the cationic gemini surfactant increase from 3 tant molecules on the thermal conductivity enhance- methylenes to 6 methylenes. It is seen that the thermal ment is shown in Figure 9. The fractions of the conductivity enhancement ratio increases with the dispersed CNTs and the cationic gemini surfactants is decrease of spacer chain length of cationic gemini sur- 0.1 vol% and 0.6 wt%, respectively. The spacer chain factant. Zeta potential analysis indicates that the CNT 20 -1 12-3-12, 2Br -1 16 12-4-12, 2Br -1 12-6-12, 2Br (k-k0 )/ k0 (%) 12 8 4 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 T ( oC) Figure 9 Effect of surfactant structures on the thermal conductivity enhancement ratio.
- Xie et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:124 Page 11 of 12 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/124 Authors’ contributions n anofluids stabilized by gemini surfactant with short HQ supervised and participated all the studies. He wrote this paper. WY spacer chain length have better stabilities. Increase of carried out the studies on the nanofluids containing copper nanoparticles, spacer chain length of surfactant might give rise to sedi- graphene, diamond nanoparticles, and several kinds of oxide nanoparticles. ments of CNTs in the nanofluids, resulting in the YL carried out the studies on the nanofluids containing other oxide nanoparticles. LF carried out the studies on the nanofluids containing decrease of thermal conductivity enhancement of the carbon nanotubes. nanofluids. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. 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