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Báo cáo hóa học: " Linear and Nonlinear Crosstalk Evaluation in DWDM Networks Using Optical Fourier Transformers"

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  1. EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing 2005:10, 1593–1602 c 2005 Hindawi Publishing Corporation Linear and Nonlinear Crosstalk Evaluation in DWDM Networks Using Optical Fourier Transformers R. Llorente Fibre-Radio Group, Nanophotonics Technology Centre, Polytechnic University of Valencia, 46022 Valencia, Spain Email: R. Clavero Fibre-Radio Group, Nanophotonics Technology Centre, Polytechnic University of Valencia, 46022 Valencia, Spain Email: F. Ramos Fibre-Radio Group, Nanophotonics Technology Centre, Polytechnic University of Valencia, 46022 Valencia, Spain Email: J. Marti Fibre-Radio Group, Nanophotonics Technology Centre, Polytechnic University of Valencia, 46022 Valencia, Spain Email: Received 1 April 2004; Revised 11 October 2004 A novel DWDM channel monitoring technique based on the conversion from wavelength domain to time domain by performing a real-time optical Fourier transform over the whole DWDM system bandwidth is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The use of chromatic dispersion-based optical Fourier transformers has been validated in the case of a spectrum comprising light from different uncorrelated sources. Linear and nonlinear crosstalks between the DWDM channels appear as amplitude noise at specific time positions. The correspondence of this amplitude noise with the crosstalk spectral distribution is evaluated theoretically and experimentally. Keywords and phrases: crosstalk monitoring, optical Fourier transform, optical signal processing, DWDM transmissions, ultra- high-speed optical transmissions, OTDM. 1. INTRODUCTION From the network node point of view, second-generation all-optical nodes are especially susceptible to crosstalk [2, 3] The increasing demand for higher transport capacity in which is accumulated at each node along the optical path DWDM core networks can be fulfilled with different com- [4]. Crosstalk in the optical node can be classified as ei- ther heterodyne (crosstalk between signals at different wave- plementary approaches: by increasing the number of chan- nels, increasing the transported bit rate per channel or de- lengths) or homodyne (crosstalk between signals at the same creasing the channel spacing. The later two approaches lead nominal wavelength, also known as in-band crosstalk). Ho- to an augment of the spectral efficiency of the DWDM net- modyne crosstalk can be further subdivided into homo- work. As the spectral efficiency increases, the crosstalk be- dyne coherent crosstalk, if it is produced between phase- tween the DWDM channels arises as important transmis- correlated signals, and homodyne incoherent crosstalk, if sion and also node functionality impairment. Next genera- produced between signals which are not phase-correlated tion DWDM networks operating at ultrahigh bit rates, that [3]. The most important noise contribution in the optical is, 160 Gbps per channel, require precise channel transmis- node is the homodyne noncoherent crosstalk [3, 4]. This sion quality assessment systems inside the network infras- noise is originated inside the network node due to nonper- tructure. For this reason fibre link condition and optical node fect blocking of channels at the same nominal wavelength functionalities have to be carefully monitored in order to en- during channel extraction, multiplex, demultiplex, or chan- able ultracapacity (greater than 10 Tbps) all-optical DWDM nel wavelength conversion operations. This crosstalk is in- coherent, since it is originated by a different channel and networks [1].
  2. 1594 EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing cannot be eliminated once generated. This incoherent homo- transmission links with small average dispersion this noise dyne crosstalk exhibits the same spectral power distribution increases with distance and its mitigation requires the use present in any DWDM channel in the system and has to be of loss compensation by means of Raman amplification. In properly monitored in order to guarantee node operation. the case of intrachannel XPM this is reflected in a mean fre- Regarding the possible presence of additional homodyne in- quency shift of the pulses which is translated to timing jit- trachannel coherent crosstalk (originated by channel power ter through fibre dispersion [11]. If negligible average dis- leaking and propagation by different paths inside the opti- persion is achieved along the transmission link, this effect is cal node), it does not possess a real problem since the dif- suppressed [11, 12]. This is the particular case of ultracapac- ference between the light paths inside the network node is ity DWDM networks. Transmission at 160 Gbps channel bit usually longer than the coherence length of the laser source rate requires that the optical link between nodes be carefully [4]. planned in advance as pointed out in the small number of In the DWDM network the optical nodes are connected trials performed over actual SSMF [13]. The dispersion map by optical transmission links. In order to reach maximum used requires extremely low residual dispersion (1.2 ps/nm transport capacity, it is necessary to combine tight chan- max. deviation for 160 km SSMF transmission) and also dis- nel spacing and compact-spectrum modulations [5]. The persion slope compensation [14]. It is also worth noting that link capacity limiting factor is the optical bandwidth of the complete chromatic dispersion compensation along the the transmission amplifiers. Commercially available erbium system makes the accumulated chirp in the pulses negligible doped fibre amplifiers (EDFA) allow a usable bandwidth of [12]. 30–40 nm. To achieve bandwidths larger than 80 nm, novel Common channel monitoring techniques rely on the use amplifier architectures based on hybrid Raman amplifica- of arrayed-wavelength gratings (AWG) [15], Fabry-Perot fil- tion/erbium, tellurite doping, or hybrid Raman amplifica- ters [16], acousto-optic tunable filters [17], or tunable active filters [18] in order to separate the different WDM channels tion/tellurite have been proposed [6] but these technolo- gies are not readily available. Ultra-high-capacity DWDM and to evaluate the channel noise power in absence of trans- networks require to fit the maximum number of chan- mitted power, that is, stopping the channel operation. Other nels in the amplifier bandwidth, which in turn require nondisruptive techniques propose the use of pilot sideband the use of spectrally efficient modulations like single side- tones besides the digital data spectrum in order to evalu- band (SSB), vestigial sideband (VSB), nonreturn to zero ate the degradation of the transmitted information for each (NRZ) or optical duobinary, or compact-spectrum modu- wavelength [19]. This method lacks transparency through lation like carrier-suppressed return to zero (CS-RZ), alter- the optical network nodes, like optical add-drop multiplex- nate polarization RZ (AP-RZ) or alternate chirp RZ (AC- ers (OADM) and optical cross-connects (OXC), as the pi- RZ), and/or polarization interleaving between the different lot tones are eliminated after regeneration inside the net- WDM channels [5, 7]. Under these circumstances (close work element. Another technique proposes the use of low- packaging of the WDM channels and compact spectrum speed modulated signals overimposed on the main bit stream of the DWDM channels) crosstalk monitoring is a key ele- [20]. This technique requires the use of specific modula- ment for the optical link reliability as transmitter, or optical tion and demodulation systems which can increase system path degradation will impact the link availability very quickly complexity. [1]. Our target is to monitor the crosstalk level in the DWDM Crosstalk in the optical link arises from different sources: network node either if it is originated inside the node or in linear crosstalk between adjacent DWDM channels due to in- the transmission link. The herein proposed system is based sufficient channel spacing, nonlinear crosstalk arising from on optically time gating the DWDM signal during a spe- the wavelength interaction due to the fibre nonlinearities, cific time duration (one-bit time-slot) and to perform a and also intrachannel time crosstalk produced by the pulse continuous optical Fourier transform (OFT) comprising the broadening when pulses propagate along the dispersion map whole set of transmitted wavelengths. This approach does of the transmission link. Linear crosstalk is important as not require to stop the channel operation. Once the spec- the degradation of network equipment, channel central fre- tral information has been brought to time domain, the ba- quency shift due to temperature drift in DFB-LD lasers, or sic parameters such as amplitude (channel power) or central degradation in optoelectronic transmitters will strongly im- wavelength can be evaluated. The key advantage of the pro- pact the performance if tight channel spacing is used [7]. posed technique is that, additionally, it is feasible to evalu- Nonlinear crosstalk is produced in the DWDM link from ate the crosstalk spectral distribution (the interfering optical nonlinear effects mainly four-wave mixing (FWM) between power distribution with frequency) that any DWDM chan- different channels [8]. This effect although mitigated by the nel is suffering. This is accomplished by the real-time OFT dispersion map is enhanced when the channel separation is operation. Once the spectral data is in the time domain, it very tight and nonuniform channel spacing can not be used is photodetected and sampled to be postprocessed. In pres- [8, 9]. ence of crosstalk, the samples captured exhibit a uniformly In the case of intrachannel crosstalk, this noise is due distributed noise at specific time positions. By measuring to cross-phase modulation (XPM) and four-wave mixing in the noise power and the noise time position we can eval- the time domain. Time-domain FWM is reflected in ampli- uate the crosstalk level and the crosstalk spectral location, tude fluctuation as reported in [10]. In dispersion-managed respectively.
  3. Crosstalk Evaluation Using Optical Fourier Transformers 1595 The crosstalk spectral distribution gives us more infor- wide enough so that the spectral overlap between the chan- nels is negligible. This is not the case of high-spectral effi- mation than the total crosstalk figure in dB usually given in crosstalk measurements. The knowledge of the spectral dis- ciency networks where the adjacent channel power can leak tribution opens up the opportunity to identify the crosstalk due to not perfect channel filtering at multiplexing stage, source, that is, if it comes (in the case of linear crosstalk) during channel extraction operation or because of transmit- from the channel at the right or at the left. It is clear that ter degradation. if the crosstalk source is an adjacent channel, its spectral In the general case, for the sake of simplicity we will con- distribution will be at one side of the channel spectrum. If sider that the DWDM channels are evenly spaced around a central angular frequency ω0 so the central angular fre- it is originated by nonlinear crosstalk due to FWM (evenly quency for the kth channel is ω0 + ωk = ω0 + ∆ · k, where spaced channels), then the noise spectral maximum will be k = −(K − 1)/ 2 · · · (K − 1)/ 2. This DWDM spectral space at the central frequency of the crosstalked channel. In this can be described by equation (1), where sA (t ) is the bit- case, once the crosstalk type is identified, we can correlate the presence of crosstalk in a specific channel with the presence synchronised received optical complex field envelope around of power in a given set of channels. This correlation allows us the central angular frequency of the DWDM transmission system (ω0 ). The channels are considered synchronised in to identify the crosstalk origin channels. time as this is the worst-case crosstalk scenario. In equation As discussed before, the OFT is the key operation of the (1) Ak stands for the optical field amplitude and bk,n is the proposed system and it is performed over the whole optical transmitted data (mark or space) by the channel k in the nth- system bandwidth. The OFT operation is implemented here bit time-slot. The parameter Tk stands for the Gaussian pulse by means of a dispersive element. The use of chromatic dis- half-width at 1/e fall from peak. R = 1/Tb is the system bit persion effect in standard single-mode fibre (SSMF) to con- rate. Figure 1 shows the DWDM system in a bidimensional vert the spectral information to time domain has been previ- space (angular frequency, time) described by ously reported in [21, 22]. Linearly chirped fibre Bragg grat- ings (LCFBG) have been also proposed as dispersive elements capable of performing this operation [23]. The Fourier trans- 2 1 t − nTb sA (t ) = Ak bn,k exp j ωk t exp − . (1) formers using SSMFs give the advantage of nearly no band- Tk 2 width limitation, which makes this approach especially in- n k teresting for large-channel-count DWDM systems. The use of dispersive devices in real-time spectrum analysis systems Our analysis targets crosstalk evaluation in a generic network was proposed for DWDM systems in [21] and experimentally node. Such node, optical add-drop multiplexer (OADM) or demonstrated for a phase coherent spectrum [24] (coherency optical cross-connect (OXC), is depicted in Figure 2 (top means here that all the lights present at the spectrum have the diagram). This generic node can perform DWDM inser- same phase reference, i.e., the whole spectrum comes from tion/extraction or wavelength conversion whether it is an only one optical source). Actual DWDM systems, however, OADM (optical add-drop multiplexer) or an OXC (optical exhibit lack of phase coherency between the different WDM cross-connect). The channel monitoring block is shown be- channels as they come from different optical sources. This fore the node operation, controlling a channel equalizer and lack of spectral coherency leads to the presence of an ampli- monitoring the crosstalk introduced in the link. This block tude noise after the OFT that depends on the crosstalk level. can be placed inside the node or directly in the transmission The amplitude noise power level gives us information about link sending information through a supervisory channel. the crosstalk level that the channel under evaluation is suffer- The proposed DWDM crosstalk monitoring system ar- ing from the rest of the WDM channels. This correspondence chitecture is shown in Figure 2 (bottom schematic). The sys- will be evaluated in the next section. tem consists of a gating switch which selects only one bit pe- Another interesting feature of the proposed OFT ap- riod (Tb time duration) of every N bits. This gating switch proach is the time expansion effect introduced by the dis- can be implemented in the optical domain by using saturable persive element. In the proposed system, the output from the absorbers [25, 26], interferometric devices like the nonlin- OFT cell is a time-stretched version of the Fourier transform ear optical loop mirror (NOLM) [27] and the ultrafast non- of the input signal envelope. This expansion in time is a con- linear interferometer (UNI) [28], or a Mach-Zender archi- venient feature as it is possible to use commercially available tecture employing semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOA) electrical analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) circuitry in or- [28]. These devices can work at 160 Gbps core network line der to capture (convert the electrical photodetected signal to rates. The purpose of the gating switch is to select only one digital data) the spectrum and to postprocess the results. bit-slot of every N bits (one bit-slot contains only one bit from all the wavelengths of the DWDM system as the opti- cal gate does not impose any bandwidth limitation) and to 2. PRINCIPLE OF OPERATION feed it into the OFT cell which performs an optical Fourier transform. The exact value of N depends on the chromatic We consider a generic crosstalk situation in a DWDM net- work employing Gaussian RZ modulation. The network uses dispersion of the OFT cell as will be discussed later. This gat- K channels (wavelengths) with channel spacing ∆ (rad/s). In ing can be performed in a continuous basis or every time conventional DWDM networks the channel separation ∆ is that a channel monitoring is desired. Equation (2) describes
  4. 1596 EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing |SA (ω)|t=t0 k = −1 k = 0 k=1 ··· ··· . ω .. ω ∆ . . . |sA (t )| k=1 .. .. .. b0,1 b1,1 b2,1 ··· k=0 b0,0 b1,0 b2,0 ··· k = −1 . .. b0,−1 b1,−1 b2,−1 ··· t t1 t0 t2 · · · . . . .. .. .. |sA (t )|ω=ωk RZ Gaussian Tb Bit time-slot Ak 1 Tk ··· ··· 0 t Tb Figure 1: Bidimensional (angular frequency, time) DWDM space in modulus, |sA (t , ω)|. Gaussian RZ signaling is used. A spectrum cut (in modulus) |sA (ω)|t=t0 is shown on top for a given time t0 . This spectrum comprises K wavelengths with Gaussian shape. The time signal (in modulus) is also shown (bottom) for a given channel k. The optical Fourier transform operation is performed over the Tb bit time-slot shown. the complex field envelope after theoretical gating of an ar- This conversion can be performed by a commercial ADC: bitrary nth bit and its Fourier transform. The time reference has been placed in the centre of the pulse to simplify calcu- jt 2 sC,n (t ) = L · exp − ¨ FT sB (t ) lations. After the optical gating, one bit of the DWDM chan- ω=t/ Φ ¨ 2Φ nels is fed to the Fourier transformer to bring the spectral jt 2 t information into the time domain. Once in time domain this = L · exp − ¨ SB ¨ spectrum is sampled at Rs rate: 2Φ Φ jt 2 = L · exp − ¨ 2 1t 2Φ sB,n (t ) = Ak bn,k exp j ωk t exp − , 2 Tk k 2 √ t − k · ∆ · Φ Tk ¨ 2 1 (2) Ak bn,k Tk 2π exp − . × √ Φ2 ¨ 1 2 22 SB,n (ω) = Ak bn,k Tk 2π exp − ω − ωk Tk . k 2 (3) k From (3), if the dispersive element presents a first-order In Figure 3 the gating and optical Fourier transform process dispersion coefficient of Φ = −∂2 Φ/∂ω2 , the resulting time ¨ is shown in detail. As mentioned before, at the output of signal after OFT comprises Gaussian shape pulses (as cor- the OFT cell, the spectral information is obtained as a time responds to the Fourier transform of a Gaussian pulse) of signal. Therefore, we have performed the spectrum-to-time width Φ/Tk separated in time by the factor ∆ · Φ. Each ¨ ¨ conversion of one time-slot comprising the whole set of channel spectrum outputs from the OFT cell with k · ∆ · K wavelengths of the DWDM system. The time signal at Φ separation. The time necessary to output all the wave- ¨ the output of the OFT cell [23] is described by (3). The lengths of the DWDM system is K · ∆ · Φ. The gating ra- ¨ output pulses width depends on the first-order dispersion tio N must be high enough to produce a complete opera- coefficient Φ. The pulses amplitudes involve the factor L ¨ tion, so N has to be larger than K · ∆ · Φ/Tb , where Tb ¨ standing for the OFT device optical losses. This signal is is the system bit period. By photodetecting and sampling then photodetected and converted from electrical continu- sC,n (t ), we can evaluate the spectrum from the K system ous signal to digital data in order to evaluate the spectrum.
  5. Crosstalk Evaluation Using Optical Fourier Transformers 1597 λ λ Channel OXC To other node equaliser OADM From other node Channel unbalancing Channel λ λ monitor Linear Nonlinear Optical network node crosstalk crosstalk ··· R = 1/Tb bit rate ODL OFT cell PD SA (t ) Gating switch Φ ¨ ADC Postprocessing 1×N Optical sampling sC,n (t ) sB,n (t ) Rs SB,n (ω) Figure 2: Top diagram shows generic network node structure. Proposed channel monitoring system architecture based in OFT operation using SSMF is shown in the schematic (bottom). |sA (t )|ω=ω1 k=1 1 0 t |sA (t )|ω=ω0 k = −1 k = 0 k = 1 |SB,n (ω)| k=0 1 Tk ··· ··· 0 ω t |sA (t )|ω=ω−1 Tb ∆ Φ ¨ Optical gating |sC,n (t )| 1 1 k = −1 Fourier transform · · · ··· t t ∆·Φ ¨ Figure 3: Channel monitoring principle of operation: Tb time-slot id-gated and fed to the optical Fourier transformer. After Fourier trans- form we obtain the spectrum components in time domain. channels. The minimum sampling rate should allow one separation between samples) as low as 64 GHz. To achieve a sample per channel, that is, Rs min = 1/ (∆ · Φ). After ¨ fine sampling of the spectrum envelope, the proposed sys- OFT, photodetection, and sampling, given the spectrum in- tem includes an optical delay line (ODL) shown in Figure 2 formation, we can evaluate the channel amplitude (power) which delays the input to the ADC in a computer-controlled level, the channel separation (time difference between power way. Sweeping the optical delay, the different points of the peaks), and the crosstalk the channel is suffering, as will be DWDM spectrum will be sampled and we can reconstruct discussed later. By example, the use of a commercial ADC its shape completely. The sampled waveform corresponds to with a sampling rate of 800 Msps (readily available from a spectral-domain to time-domain conversion taking place, different vendors) leads to 1.25 nanosecond temporal res- and the power overlapping in the spectrum will appear as olution. The accumulated dispersion from 150 km SSMF an amplitude noise in the Gaussian pulses after Fourier (−19 296 ps/THz) OFT gives a spectral resolution (frequency transform.
  6. 1598 EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing OFT output is proportional to the optical intensity Iout (t ) as In order to characterize the noise in the time domain, we will evaluate now the output from the OFT when two described by (6). This intensity corresponds to the combina- generic wavelengths with ∆ channel separation overlap to tion of the wavelengths k and k + 1 power spectra with noise some extent in spectrum: we consider two adjacent DWDM channels, k and k + 1, bearing Gaussian RZ pulses in the 2 Iout ∼ Sk (ω) + Sk+1 (ω) exp( jφ) DWDM system of amplitude Ak and Ak+1 and pulse width ω=t/ Φ ¨ Tk and Tk+1 , respectively. This is a general case from equa- (6) t t = S2 ¨ + Sk+1 Φ + n(t ). 2 tion (2) where the interaction of any two channels is evalu- k Φ ¨ ated. This generic situation can be particularized for different kinds of crosstalk described in the previous section. For lin- The noise n(t ) involves the random variable φ which is the ear crosstalk, the noise origin is the spectrum overlap from phase difference between both wavelengths at any time posi- the adjacent channel, the spectral separation between lights of channel k and k + 1 is the channel spacing ∆ tion. Except for if both lights are provided by the same opti- 0, and the amplitudes Ak and Ak+1 will be in the same order of mag- cal source and are guided through the same optical path, we can only say that φ adopts a random value between −π and nitude, Ak ≈ Ak+1 . In the case of nonlinear crosstalk, the π with uniform distribution. This noise is a random process noise origin is another channel which, due to nonlinear ef- and is described by equation (7). Every time a channel esti- fect like FWM, appears spectrally overimposed (the channels mation is done, we obtain one realization of the process. For are equally spaced) exactly at the centre of the channel under study k. In this case the spectral separation between channel simplicity, the realization number is not shown in k and the interference k + 1 is negligible ∆ ≈ 0, but due to limited FWM efficiency, the interference amplitude will be t t n(t ) = 2Sk ¨ Sk+1 Φ cos(φ). much lower Ak+1 Ak . (7) Φ ¨ Following the general analysis, the channels k and k + 1 come from different optical sources through different opti- From (7) the OFT output at any specific time position ti , cal paths. As these channels are mutually noncoherent, the that is, n(ti ), is a random variable. This random variable will optical phase difference is considered by the term φ which fluctuate according to the random nature of the phase dif- is a uniformly distributed random variable. Then, the com- ference φ. The noise variance (fluctuation) for time position plex optical envelope s(t ) and spectrum envelope S(ω) for channels k and k + 1 can be written as is given by (8) and shows that the noise power in time do- main follows (except by a proportionality factor) the optical spectrum overlap Sk (ti / Φ)Sk+1 (ti / Φ): ¨ ¨ 2 1t sk (t ) = Ak exp j ωk t exp − 2 Tk ti 2 ti √ 1 σn,ti = 4πS2 ¨ Sk+1 Φ . 2 (8) 2 FT − → Ak Tk 2π exp − ω − ωk Tk − k Φ ¨ 2 ∆ = Sk (ω), Equation (8) reflects that the noise power at the specific time position ti depends only on the crosstalk at the specific spec- 2 t 1 sk+1 (t ) = Ak+1 exp j ωk + ∆ t + jφ exp − trum angular frequency ω0 + ti / Φ. Sweeping the time position ¨ 2 Tk+1 ti , we sweep over the complete spectral range. In this way, ac- √ FT − → Ak+1 Tk+1 2π − cumulating the samples for any time position ti , we can eval- uate its mean and variance for the corresponding frequency. 1 2 ω − ωk − ∆ Tk+1 exp( jφ) × exp − The variance represents the crosstalk noise as this is produced 2 by the crosstalk (if no crosstalk is present, no variance can be ∆ = Sk+1 (ω) exp( jφ), observed) as is discussed in the next section. In this way we can calculate the crosstalk spectral distribution. This result is (4) difficult to achieve with current spectrum analysis techniques and is enabled by the feasible real-time Fourier Transform where Ak+1 , ωk+1 , and Tk+1 stand for the optical field am- operation proposed in [21]. plitude, the central angular frequency, and the pulse width The crosstalk spectral distribution gives us total at 1/e, respectively, for wavelength k + 1. From (3), after the crosstalking power (noise integrated over the channel under Fourier transform element we have the combination of both study bandwidth) and, from the envelope of the noise spectra: spectral distribution, we can identify the crosstalk nature: if it is located at one side of the channel bandwidth, then sc (t ) = L · e− jt 2 / 2Φ ¨ · Sk (ω) + Sk+1 (ω) exp( jφ) ω=t/ Φ . (5) the origin is linear crosstalk from the adjacent channel as is ¨ demonstrated in the experimental work in the next section. The term L · e− jt /2Φ is a complex constant whose phase will ¨ 2 If the noise distribution is centered in the channel bandwidth under study and follows the Gaussian power profile, then the be lost after photodetection. The photodetected signal at the
  7. Crosstalk Evaluation Using Optical Fourier Transformers 1599 rate is set to R = 1.04150 GHz using an external RF refer- source is nonlinear FWM (provided the channels are equally spaced). In this case, performing a statistical correlation of ence signal. A RF phase shifter was employed for fine tun- this noise with the presence of power (marks) transmitted ing in order to vary the relative pulse positions. An optical in any other DWDM channel, we can identify the crosstalk delay line for coarse tuning may be also used, as shown in source. Figure 4. After combining both pulsed lights, the signal is This result can be extended to more than two interfering passed through a dispersive device (OFT cell). In the exper- channels: we evaluate now the influence of multiple channels iment a coil of 2.1 km of SSMF was used, providing a total interfering a given channel k. Noncoherent crosstalk, which dispersion of Φ = −42.855 ps2 /rad, which is large enough to ¨ means that the interfering channels are uncorrelated, will be perform a successful Fourier transform, as it meets the con- dition |Tb / Φ| 2¨ reflected again as the power spectrum overlap. In the case of 1 reported in [23]. The large optical band- M interferers over the kth channel, the noise from any chan- width of the fibre-based OFT cell presents the advantage of nel of the system will also be additive in power. Equation being wide enough to allocate the whole system bandwidth. This would be difficult to accomplish if a linearly chirped fi- (9) is an generalization of equation (8) for the interaction of channel m over channel k: bre Bragg grating was used for FT operation in a large WDM system, as the system bandwidth might exceed the grating bandwidth. Furthermore, the signal is photo-detected and ti 2 ti σk,m,ti = 4πS2 ¨S ¨. 2 monitored in the sampling scope. (9) Φ mΦ k Figure 5a shows the spectrum of two DWDM channels from the experimental set-up described above with channel The total noise power, if M channels affect, will be given by spacing of 3.72 nm, whereas Figure 5b shows the output of (10), as the different n2,m (t ) for each m interfering channel the OFT cell after photodetection (electrical output). We can k are uncorrelated noise processes for each m channel as the observe the good agreement between the optical spectrum at the input and the time electrical waveforms shape at the channels are not mutually coherent: output, hence demonstrating the proper FT operation. In order to evaluate the fibre-based Fourier transformer ti ti behavior in the presence of linear crosstalk, a strong wave- σk,M ,ti = σk,m,ti = S2 S2 ¨. 2 2 (10) m k Φ Φ ¨ length overlap is introduced by getting closer (spectral spac- M M ing of 2.3976 nm) the DWDM wavelengths. Figure 5c shows the spectrum in this situation, whereas Figure 5d shows the Equation (10) reflects that the total crosstalk noise spectral output from the OFT cell. The presence of the predicted am- profile is the sum of the spectrum envelope overlaps of all plitude noise dependent on the linear crosstalk at the input channels m = k. In the case of channels with large frequency is clearly shown as was expected from (7). If no crosstalk is separation, its influence will be quickly dismissed, as the present (e.g., Ak = 0) all the amplitude noise vanishes as can Gaussian spectral shape decays quickly. In the case of non- be seen in the insets (e) and (f) in Figure 5. linear crosstalk, as mentioned at the beginning of the section, This amplitude noise (marked with the rectangle in the channel separation is almost zero, but due to the low non- Figure 5) is present only at the time positions where there linear process efficiency the interference amplitude Am will was spectrum overlap in the frequency domain. In order be much lower than the channel under study Ak . The par- to assess this correspondence, we have evaluated the accu- ticular FWM efficiency value depends on the particular dis- mulated noise after several successive OFT (channel evalua- persion and amplification map [9] of the system, and will be tion) operations. Figure 6 shows the optical power spectrum reflected in the Am amplitude implicit in the term S2 (ti / Φ)¨ m overlap 4πS2 (ω)S2+1 (ω) over the electrical amplitude noise at k k in (10). OFT output σn,t . The correspondence of the spectrum over- 2 lap with the amplitude noise rms (noise power distribution 3. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION over time) value shows good agreement, thus validating (8). As a proof of concept, a set-up has been arranged to eval- uate the proposed monitoring technique operation on two 4. CONCLUSIONS DWDM channels transporting Gaussian RZ pulses with strong linear crosstalk following the calculations in the previ- A novel channel monitoring technique for high-speed ous section. This linear crosstalk is induced arranging the dif- DWDM networks based on performing the Fourier trans- ferent channels with enough frequency overlap. If we would form with a simple dispersive element has been proposed and consider in-band crosstalk, we would simply overlap the validated. Gaussian 1.6-picosecond pulses, typical in 25% RZ wavelengths completely. The set-up is shown in Figure 4 and 160 Gbps transmission, have been used for demonstration consists of two tunable mode-locked laser sources with a purposes. Proper OFT cell operation has been demonstrated wavelength range of +/ −12 nm around 1552 nm. The gener- using 2.1 km of SSMF. Amplitude noise correspondence, af- ated pulses are mutually noncoherent and exhibit TFWHM = ter OFT operation and photodetection, with the optical spec- 1.6 picoseconds. This pulse width corresponds to 25% RZ tral overlap (linear crosstalk) profile has been evaluated and signaling at 160 Gbps bit rate per channel. The repetition experimentally validated.
  8. 1600 EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing 1.041 GHz RF Ref Gaussian 1.6 ps FWHM λk λ1 = 1555.2 nm Mode- locked laser Optical ODL (1) OFT combiner 2.1 km SSMF PD 40 GHz Phase bn,0 Σ shifter λ2 = 1556.77 nm Mode- locked laser (4) (5) Sampling (2) λk+1 scope OSA Sync bn,1 Figure 4: Experimental set-up. Combination of two nonmutually phase coherent 1.6-picosecond Gaussian RZ DWDM channels. OFT cell used comprises 2.1 km of SSMF. ×10−5 6 Optical power (mW) 5 Amplitude (a.u.) 4 3.72 nm 3 5 mV/div 2 50 ps/div 1 RBW = 0.2 nm 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 Time (a) (b) ×10−4 Ch1 only Amplitude (a.u.) 3.5 Ch1 + Ch2 3 Optical power (mW) Amplitude (a.u.) 2.3976 nm 2.5 Time (50 ps/div) 2 (e) 1.5 Amplitude noise Ch2 only Amplitude (a.u.) Crosstalk area 1 5 mV/div 0.5 RBW = 0.2 nm 2.22 2.225 2.23 2.235 2.24 2.245 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 ×10−8 Wavelength (nm) Time (s) Time (50 ps/div) (f) (c) (d) Figure 5: (a) Optical spectra at the input of the OFT cell. (b) Electrical signal after OFT and photodetection for 3.72 nm channel spacing. (c) Optical spectra with 2.3976 nm channel separation (11.62 dB crosstalk). (d) Corresponding electrical traces at the output of the OFT cell. Insets (e) and (f) show the two channels when no crosstalk is present.
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  10. 1602 EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing [29] M. Heid, S. L. Jansen, S. Spalter, E. Meissner, W. Vogt, and J. Marti received the Ingeniero de Teleco- H. Melchior, “160-Gbit/s demultiplexing to base rates of 10 ´ municacion degree from the Polytechnic and 40 Gbit/s with a monolithically integrated SOA-Mach- University of Catalunya (UPC), Catalunya, Zehnder interferometer,” in Proc. European Conference on Op- Spain, in 1991, and the Doctor Ingeniero de tical Communication (ECOC ’02), Copenhagen, Denmark, ´ Telecomunicacion degree (Ph.D.) from the September 2002, paper 8.4.3. Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valen- cia, Spain, in 1994. During 1989 and 1990, he was an Assistant Lecturer at the UPC. R. Llorente was born in Valencia, Spain. He Since 1991 to 2000, he obtained the posi- received the M.S. degree in telecommunica- tions of Lecturer and Associate Professor at tion engineering from the Polytechnic Uni- the Telecommunication Engineering Faculty, Polytechnic Univer- versity of Valencia in 1998. Since then, he sity of Valencia, where he is currently a Full Professor and leads has been with the Fibre-Radio Group at the the Fibre-Radio Group. Recently he has been appointed as a Di- same university. Currently he is a Lecturer rector of the Nanophotonics Technology Centre. He has authored at this university in the Communications 7 patents and over 150 papers in refereed international techni- Department. He has participated in several cal journals and leading international conferences in the fields of national and European research projects on fibre-radio systems, access networks, ultra-high bit-rate WDM net- areas such as biophotonics, optical signal works, advanced optical processing techniques, fibre gratings, and processing, and OTDM/DWDM transmission systems. He has au- planar photonic crystals. Nowadays, he is a Project Coordinator thored or coauthored more than 20 papers in international jour- of FP6 IST projects GANDALF and LASAGNE. He has led many nals and conferences and has authored two patents. He has acted other national and international research projects, as a Coordina- as a reviewer for the IEE Institute. His research interests include tor of the FP5 IST-OBANET project. He is currently participating hybrid electro-optical signal processing and high-capacity optical in IST-TOPRATE (Terabit/s Optical Transmission Systems). Pro- links and networks. fessor Marti is or has been a member of the Technical Program Committee of several conferences. He is also the recipient of sev- R. Clavero received the Ingeniero de Tele- eral academic and industrial awards in Spain. ´ comunicacion degree from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, in 2002 where she is currently working as a researcher at the Valencia Nanophotonics Technology Centre. She is also working towards the Ph.D. degree. She has been actively involved in European-level projects, such as IST TOPRATE and IST LASAGNE. Her research interests include OTDM and OWDM trans- mission systems, PMD monitoring, all-optical signal processing, and optical networking. She has coauthored over 5 papers in in- ternational journals and conferences. F. Ramos was born in Valencia, Spain, on April 2, 1974. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in telecommunication en- gineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia in 1997 and 2000, respectively. Since 1998, he has been with the Depart- ment of Communications at the same uni- versity, where he is now an Associate Pro- fessor. He has participated in several na- tional and European research projects on areas such as optical access networks, broadband wireless systems, and optical networking. Professor Ramos has coauthored more than 60 papers in international journals and conferences and he has acted as a reviewer for the IEEE and Taylor and Francis publishers. He is also the recipient of the Prize of the Telecommunication Engi- neering Association of Spain for his dissertation on the application of optical nonlinear effects in microwave photonics. His research interests include nonlinear fiber optics, optical-phase conjugation, microwave and millimeter-wave optical systems, broadband access networks, and high-speed optical networks. During the last years, as a member of the Valencia Nanophotonics Technology Centre, his research is focused on the application of active Mach-Zehnder interferometers to all-optical signal processing in OTDM/DWDM networks and all-optical label swapping networks.


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