ĐỀ THI THỬ TỐT NGHIỆP THPT NĂM HỌC 2010- 2011 Môn thi: Tiếng Anh - Bài số 10
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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI THỬ TỐT NGHIỆP THPT NĂM HỌC 2010- 2011 Môn thi: Tiếng Anh - Bài số 10
- SỞ GD & ĐT THANH HOÁ ĐỀ THI THỬ TỐT NGHIỆP THPT NĂM HỌC 2010- 2011 TRƯỜNG THPT CẨM THỦY 1 Bài số 10 Môn thi: Tiếng Anh –hệ 3 năm *Chọn từ có phần gạc h dưới được phát âm k hác với những từ còn lại : Câu1: A. flood B. floor C. door D . s c or e Câ u 2: A . t e a B. near C. here D. dear Câu3: A. though B. low C. sound D. know Câu4: A. dropped B. shoppe d C. w i c ke d D. cooked Câu5: A. asked B. passed C. stopped D . l i ve d *Chọn từ hoặc c ụm từ thích hợp nhất hoàn thành các câu : Câu6: He has …… kn owle dge of hist or y. A . m uc h B. a few C. some D. man y Câu7: Your house nee ds …… before the ne w yea r . A . pa i nt e d B. painting C. pa i nt D . t o pa i nt Câu8: I pre fe r havi ng Italian food to …… Frenc h wine . A. drinks B. be drunk C. drinki ng D. drink Câu9: Four-fift hs of t he worl d’s comput ers use pro gra mm es … Englis h. A. from B. in C. b y D. with Câu10: …… the hea vy traffic , the y l eft very earl y. A. Though B. Despite C. Because D. Because of Câu11: My fathe r …… dri nk tea eve r y morning. A . ge t s us e d t o B. is accustomed to C . i s us e d t o D . us e d t o Câu12: Burnin g coal and oil releases othe r gas es …… to huma ns. A. harmlessl y B. harmfull y C. harmful D. harmless Câu13: This is the first time Thomas …… to Vietna m . A. has come B . ca m e C. is comi ng D. will have come Câu14: He had his mother …… his ne w shirt. A. irone d B. to iron C. ironing D. iron Câu15 Tom st udies hard …… pass the final exa m. A. less B . s o t ha t C. t o D. in order that Câu16: …… did it take you to finish the project? – J ust one da y. A. How often B. How long C. How ma ny D. How muc h Câu17: Hoa is good … … spea king English. A . on B . at C. for D. about Câu18: What are the … … of life in big cities? A. diffic ult y B. civilization C. hardship D. adva nta ges Câu19: Are you …… t o help the blind man cros s the street. A. enou gh ki nd B. kind too C. too kind D. kind e nough Câu20: If he …… more mone y, he would hav e bought that ca r . A . ha s B . ha d C. ha d ha d D . ha s ha d Câu21: Have you finis hed …… the letter? . A. writing B. to writing C. write D. to write Câu22: He learne d English …… he coul d communicate with the forei gners. A . s o t ha t B. unless C. i f D. becaus e Câu23: Your ca r is much more expensi ve than ……. A. me B. m y C. I D. mi ne Câu24: …… the childre n like watchin g cart oons . A. Most B. Most of C. Ma ny D. Muc h Câu25: There is …… noise that I can hea r not hi ng. A. so man y B . s uc h C. so muc h D. s o Câu26: The house … …she bought some years ago is in the count rysid e. A . w he n B. where C. w h i c h D. wh y Câu27: You should be …… whe n dri ving. A. careful B. carelessl y C. carefull y D. careless Câu28: If the y met yo u , the y ……… to the part y earlier. A. would come B. will come C. would have come D . ha d c o m e Câu29: J ohn and Ann …… marrie d last Saturda y. A. is getting B. have got C. got D . ge t Câu30: Don’t …… me while I’m working. A . bot he r B . l a ugh a t C. look at D. phone *Đọc đoạn văn v à chọn từ hoặc c ụm từ thíc h hợp nhất hoàn thành các c hổ trống : W hy do the y drive on the left in Britain and on the right in other (61)……? The reason for this goes back to the days | Contact: tuongct1@yahoo.com NGÂN HÀNG ĐỀ THI TRẮC NGHIỆM MÔN TIẾNG ANH - TRƯỜNG THPT CẨM THỦY I
- whe n people tra velled b y hors e . Most people are ri ght-ha nde d , and thus the left is the natural side to ride on if you are on hors eba ck and need your ri ght hand to (62)…… a sword in case of troubl e . So wh y didn’t the rest of the world do the same ? Beca us e of Na pole on Bona parte . He (63 )… … that his armies marche d on the ri ght, and as he ma rched through Europe , he i mpose d this rule (64)…… he we nt . The question sugges ts that onl y the British drive on the left , but in fact , out of 178 c ountries in the world , t here are about 50 that dri ve on the left , (65)…… J apa n. Howe ver , most of the m a re forme r British col onies. Câu31: A. countries B. cities C. areas D. towns Câu 32: A. hold B. take C. carr y D. keep Câu33: A. agree d B. insisted C. advised D. invited Câu34: A. whe re ve r B . w h a t e ve r C. howe ve r D . w h e ne v e r Câu35: A. including B. include C. consisting D. consist *Chọn câu c ó cấu trúc đúng và c ó nghĩa k hông đổi s o với c âu dẫn : Câu36: She was tire d, s o she didn’t enjo y the pa rt y . A. If she weren’t tired, s he would enjoy the part y. B. If she ha d been tired, she wouldn’t ha ve e njoye d the part y . C. If she were tire d, she woul dn’t enjoy the part y. D. If she hadn’t bee n tire d, she woul d have enjoye d the part y . Câu37: The y spe nd hal f an hour to wat ch the ne ws on T.V. A. It spends them half a n hour to watch the ne ws on T.V. B .It spends them half an hour watchin g the news on T.V. C. It takes them hal f a n hour watc hing the news on T.V. D. It takes them hal f an hour to watch the ne ws on T.V. Câu38: I don ’t usuall y dri nk coffee in the morni ng. A. I’m us ed to dri nkin g coffee in the morning. B. I used to dri nk coffee in the morning. C. I didn’t use to drink coffe e in the morning. D. I’ m not used to drinking coffee in the morni ng. Câu39: I got up earl y yesterda y becaus e I di dn’t want to mis s the first bus. A. I got up earl y yesterda y in orde r to I wouldn’t miss the first bus. B. I got up earl y yesterd ay so that I di dn’t want t o miss the first bus. C. I got up earl y yesterda y in order to miss the fi rst bus. D. I got up earl y yesterda y in orde r that I wouldn’t miss the first bus. Câu40: Driving on the l eft is very dan gerous in our count ry. A. It very dangerous to drive on the left in our count ry. B. It is ver y dangerous drivi ng on the left in our count ry. C. It is very da ngerous t o drivi ng on the left in our countr y. D.It is ver y dan gerous t o drive on the left in our c ount ry. *Chọn từ hoặc c ụm từ c ó phần gạc h dưới k hông đúng trong câu : Câu41: She feels ver y happil y with the final res ult. A B C D Câu42: Though he loves he r ve ry muc h , but he ca n’t talk to her about his feeling. A B C D Câu43: Can you tell me the countr y where was she born ? A B C D Câu44: Do the y look worried with the intervie w ? A B CD Câu45: He was surpri sing at the bad ne ws. A B C D *Đọc đoạn văn v à chọn từ hoặc c ụm từ thíc h hợp nhất hoàn thành các c hổ trống : Langston Hughes was one of the greatest Ameri can writers of the twentieth cent ur y. He was born in J oplin, Missouri, and move d to Clevela nd at the age of fourteen. Four years later he we nt to Mexico and spent one ye ar there before attending C olumbia Uni versit y in New York. For a few years after that he roame d the world as a seama n, visiting ports a round the worl d and writing some poet ry. He ret urne d to the United Stat es and attende d Lincol n Universit y, whe re he won the W riter B ynne r Pri ze fo r undergra duate poetr y. Aft e r graduat ing in 1928, he travele d to Spain and to Russia . His best novels include “Not Without Laughte r” and “The Big Sea”. He wrot e an a utobiograph y in 1956 a nd also published his col lections of poetr y then. A man of ma n y talents, Hughes is one of the most accomplished writers in Ameri can literat ure histor y. Câu46: Langston Hu ghes was .......... years old when he we nt to Me xico. A . 14 B . 16 C . 18 D . 20 Câu47: Whe n were his collections of poet ry publishe d ? A . i n 19 28 B. in 1956 C . i n 1958 D. in 1960 Câu48: Where did he win the W riter B ynne r Pri ze for unde rgraduate poet ry ? A. Col umbi a Universit y B. Lincol n Uni versit y C. Spain D. Russia Câu49: Where was Langst on Hughe s born ? A. Col umbi a B. Missouri C. New Yo rk D. Clevela nd Câu50: Whic h of the following statements is NOT true ? A. Langston Hughes us ed to tra vel by ship to many ports around the world. B. Langston Hu ghes attende d Col umbia Uni versity in Ne w York at fourt ee n. C. “The Bi g Sea ” is one of La ngston Hu ghes’ bes t novels. D. Langston Hughes ha d lived in Mexic o for a ye a r before he l eft for Ne w York. | Contact: tuongct1@yahoo.com NGÂN HÀNG ĐỀ THI TRẮC NGHIỆM MÔN TIẾNG ANH - TRƯỜNG THPT CẨM THỦY I

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