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Signalling System Noe 7 TheITU-Tsignallingsystemnumber7, SS number7,SS7,CCITT7,C7 or numberseven signalling system is the most recently developed of telephone network signalling systems. It is already widely deployed in digital telephone networks and ISDNs across the world, and also will be a ‘cornerstone’ of ‘intelligent networks’ and broadband ISDNs (B-ISDN).
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- Networks and Telecommunications: Design and Operation, Second Edition. Martin P. Clark Copyright © 1991, 1997 John Wiley & Sons Ltd ISBNs: 0-471-97346-7 (Hardback); 0-470-84158-3 (Electronic) 12 Signalling System Noe 7 TheITU-Tsignallingsystemnumber7, SS number7,SS7,CCITT7,C7 or numberseven signalling system is the most recently developed of telephone network signalling systems. It is already widely deployed in digital telephone networks and ISDNs across the world, and also will be a ‘cornerstone’ of ‘intelligent networks’ and broadband ISDNs (B-ISDN). It is a complex, commonchannelsignallingsystem,whichenablesthecontrollingprocessors of twodigital exchanges or databases to communicatedirectlyandinteractwithoneanotherinamanner optimized for digital transmission media.SS7 has also formed the basis of a number of further- developedregionalsignallingsystems. In theUnitedStates,forexample,‘ANSISS7’isa derivative, while the UK national version is ‘C7/BT’. This chapter describes the overall structure and capabilities of SS7. 12.1 SS7 SIGNALLING BETWEEN EXCHANGES The SS7 signalling system is described in the 4.700 series of ITU-T recommendations. A common channel signalling system, optimized for digital networks, it allows direct transferofcallinformationtransfer between exchangeprocessors. Comprising a number of layered and modular parts, each with a different function, it is a powerful general-purpose signalling system capable of supporting a range of applications and administrative functions, including e ISDN (integrated services digital network) e intelligentnetworks ( I N S ) e mobileservices (e.g. cellular radio) e networkadministration,operationandmanagement 249
- 250 SIGNALLING SYSTEM NO. 7 In addition, its modular naturelends itself to the development of new user parts which may be designed to support almost any new service that can be conceived. The user parts of the system that have been developed so far are 0 MTP message transfer part 0 SCCP signalling connection and control part 0 TUP telephone user part 0 DUP data user part 0 ISUP ISDN services user part 0 TC transaction capabilities (used by intelligent networks) 0 TCAP transaction capabilities application part 0 OMAP operation and maintenance application part 0 INAP intelligent network application part 0 MAP mobile application part The MTP and SCCP form the ‘foundations’ of the system, providing for carriage of messages. The TUP, DUP and ISUP use the MTP and/or SCCP to convey messages relating to call control,for telephone, data, and ISDN networks, respectively. The OMAP, MAP and INAP are other application parts for operation and maintenance interaction, mobile network control and intelligent network services, respectively. Initially the SS7 system was designed so that the MTP could be used in association with any or all of the telephone, data and ISDN user parts. However, following the emergence of the OS1 model, the SCCP was developed as an adjunct to the MTP; the two in combination provide the functions of the OS1 network service (layers 1-3). SS7 signalling can be installed between two exchanges, provided that the necessary signallingfunctions are availablein both exchanges.Thefunctionsresideinaunit termed a signalling point. This may be a separate piece of hardware to the exchange, but usually it is a software function in the exchange central processor.SS7 signalling points (SPs),basically exchanges, intercommunicate via signalling links and are said to share a signalling relation. A single SS7 signalling link enables information to be passed directly between two exchange processors, allowing the set-up, control, and release of not just one, but a large number of traffic-carrying circuits between the exchanges. Messages over the unit take the form ‘connect circuit number 37 to the called customer number 01-234 5678’. The term common channel signalling aptlydescribes method this of operation, distinguishingitfrom the channel-associated signalling method, whereincallset-up signals pertinent to a particular circuit are sent down that circuit. SS7 is not the first common channel signalling system to be developed; CCITT 6 (SS6) was also a common channel system, but CCITT 6 was less flexible than SS7 and not so suitable for digital network use. Having a common channel for conveyance of signalling messages saves equipment at both exchanges, because only one ‘sender’ and one ‘receiver’ is required at each end of the link, as against the one per circuit required with channel-associated systems. The
- SS7 SIGNALLING NETWORKS 251 Exchange A I I Exchange B ST = signallingterminal Figure 12.1 Linking two exchangesusing SS7 signalling combination of a SS7 sender and receiver is normallyreferred toas a signalling terminal. In practice signalling terminals are a combination of a software function in the exchange central processor and some hardware to terminate the line and undertake the basic bit transfer function (OS1 layer 2, datalink). A label attached to each message as it passes over the signalling link enables the receiving signalling point to know which of the many circuits it relates to. Figure 12.1 illustratesthenetworkconfiguration of asimple SS7 signallinglink. It shows calls flowing overalargenumber of traffic-carrying circuits which are connected to the switch matrix part of the exchange. Meanwhile all these circuits are controlled according to the information passed directly between the exchangeprocessors. The signalling terminal ( S T ) function is shown residing within the exchange processor. 12.2 SS7 SIGNALLING NETWORKS Networks employing SS7 signalling comprise two separate subnetworks. One subnet- work is thenetwork of traffic-carrying circuitsinterconnecting the exchanges. The second subnetwork is that of the signalling links. In Figure 12.1 we saw this separation of traffic-carrying circuits from signalling link as it would apply on a single connection between two exchanges. Figure 12.2 now showsmore a complicatedexample to illustrate another powerful feature of SS7: the fact that signalling networks and traffic- carryingnetworksmay be designed and implementedalmostinisolationfromone another. Just because there are direct traffic-carrying circuits between two exchanges (they haveadirect trafic-carryingrelation) itdoes not follow thatthe signalling information(or signalling trafJic) has to traveloverdirect signalling links,though clearly a signalling relation of some sort is needed.
- 252 SIGNALLING SYSTEM NO. 7 U I r I H, I U ExchDange I Signalling links 'mTraffic-carrying circuits Figure 12.2 Traffic-carrying and signalling networks in SS7 Figure 12.2 shows traffic-carrying the networks and signalling networks inter- connecting four exchanges, A, B, C and D. The traffic circuits directly connect A-C, A-B, B-C and B-D. All traffic to or from exchange D passes via exchange B and all traffic to or from exchange A passes either via B or C, and so on. The signalling network, however, is different. Signalling links only exist between A-B, B-C and B-D, so that signalling trafic has to be routed differently from the actual traffic. In the caseof theactual traffic from A to B, there exist both direct traffic circuits and adirect signalling link. In effect, this is the same as Figure 12.1, so that both signalling messages and traffic can bepasseddirectly between the two. Similarlyexchange B maypass signalling messages and traffic directly either to exchange C or exchange D, and may also act as a normaltransit exchange for two-link routing of traffic from exchange A to either of exchanges C or D. These are all examples of associated mode signalling, in which signalling links and traffic circuits have a similar configuration, and signalling messages and traffic both route in the same manner. In short, there is a signalling link associated with each link of direct traffic-carrying circuits. By contrast, although exchange A is directly connected to exchange C by traffic- carryingcircuits,there is no directsignallinglink.Signallinginformation for these circuits must be passed on another route via exchange B. This is known as the quasi- associated mode of signalling, and the signalling point (SP) in exchange B is said in this instance to perform the function of a signal transfer point ( S T P ) , as illustrated in Figure 12.3.
- THE STRUCTURE OF SS7 SIGNALLING 253 Exchange n Exchange Exchange SP SP sp / / / / / / / / / l sp ////U Associated mode Ouosi - associated mode slgnalling link SP = signalling point .m carrying traffic- circuits STP = signal transfer point Figure 12.3 Modes of SS7 signalling Signalling information is passed over SS7 signalling links in short bursts; indeed a SS7 signalling network is like a powerful packet-switched data network. To identify each of the signalling points for the purpose of signalling message delivery around the network, each is assigned a numerical identifier, called a signalling point code (SPC). This code enables an SP to determine whether received messages are intended for it, or whether they are tobe transferred (in STP mode) to another SP. The codes are allocated on a network by network basis. Thus the code is only unique within, say, national network A, national network B or the international network. 12.3 THE STRUCTURE OF SS7 SIGNALLING Thankstothemodularmannerin which the SS7 system has been designed, it encourages the development of new modules in support of future telecommunications services and functions. Figure 12.4 illustrates the functional structure of theSS7 system, relative to the layers of theOpen Systems Interconnection (OSI) model (see Chapter 9). Inthesame way asthe OS1 modelhasanumberoffunctionallayers,eachan important foundation for the layers above it, so SS7 signalling is designed in a number of functional levels. Note in Figure 12.4, that the component levels and parts of SS7 do not align with the OS1 layered model. The lack of alignment of signalling levels with OSZ layers is unfortunate and itarises from thefact that the two models were developed concurrently but for different purposes. The lack of alignment of levels with layers meansthatnot all higher layer OS1 protocolsarecurrentlysuitablefor use in conjunction with the lowerlevels of SS7 signalling. The various standards development bodies are trying to rationalize the component parts of SS7 to conform with the OS1 model. The signalling connection and controlpart (SCCP),for example, delivers the OS1 network service (OS1 layer 3 service), so that a communication system can use the SCCP (and MTPbelow it) to support layers 4-7 OSI-based protocols. Thelevels in SS7 signalling provide a convenient separation of signalling functions, and in the remainder of the chapter the signalling level model is used in explanation.
- 254 SIGNALLING SYSTEM NO. 7 Application OS1 layer Signalling level l[ 7 Ilj 6 DUP L User 5 level L 3 I SCCP - Messagetransfer Network over signalling level network MTP Link over single link * level data link , Oatalink level Figure 12.4 The structure of SS7 signalling. ASE, Application service element; TCAP, Trans- action capability; ISP, Intermediate service part; ISUP, ISDN services user part; TUP, Telephone user part; DUP, Data user part; SCCP, Signalling connection and control part; MTP, Message transfer part 12.4 THE MESSAGE TRANSFER PART (MTP) The foundationlevel of the SS7 signalling systemis the message transfer partdefined by ITU-T Recommendations Q.701-4.707. The message transfer part takes care of the conveyance of messages, fulfilling signalling level functions 1 to 3 (sometimes labelled MTPl, MTP2, MTP3) as follows. Level 1 (datalink functions) The first level defines the physical, electrical and functional requirements of the signal- ling data link. The level one function is attuned to the particular transmission medium as laid down by ITU-T G series recommendations. The level 1 function allows for an unstructured bit stream to be passed between SPs over an isolated signalling data link. Level 2 (signalling link junctions) This level defines the functionsand procedures relating to the structure and transfer a of signal. Message flow control, and error detection and correction are included. (Flow control prevents the over-spill and consequent loss of messages that result if a message is sent when the receiving end was not ready to receive it; error detection and correction procedures eliminate message errors introduced on the link.)
- PARTTHE MESSAGE TRANSFER 255 Level 3 (signalling network functions) This level defines thefunctionsandproceduresforconveyingsignalling messages around an entiresignalling network. It provides for the routing of messages around the signalling network. In this role it has a number of ‘signalling network management’ capabilitiesincluding‘loadsharing’ of signalling traffic betweendifferentsignalling links and routes(illustrated in Figure 12.5) andre-routingaround signallinglink failures. Link sharing on the same route between signalling points (SPs) guards against lineplant failure (Figure 12.5(a)). Route sharing may additionally provide protection against failure of STPs. Thus in Figure 12.5 the signalling traffic from SP A to SPs B and C is shared over the two STPs, D and E. In the event of a failure of any of the routes shown, signalling messages could be re-routed. MTP is useless on its own for setting up telephone or other connections.To perform these functions MTP needs to be used in association with one of the SS7 user parts which are level 4 or user functions. Examples are the telephone user part (TUP) and the integratedservicesdigitalnetwork user part (ISDN-UP or I S U P ) . These define the content and interpretation of the message, and they provide for connection control. The structure of an MTP message is shown in Figure 12.6. It comprises four parts, transmitted in the following order. Flag TheJag is the first pattern of bits sent. This is an unmistakeable pattern to distinguish the beginning each of message, and delimitfrom previous it the message. It is comparable to the synchronization (SYN) byte in data communications (Chapter 9). M T P information The flag is followed by a number o f j e l d s of information, which together ensure the correct message transfer. These fields include: the message sequence numbers that keep SP SP SP STP SP A - B and A - C signalling messages evenly divided t o route via both D and E. STP SP Figure 12.5 Load sharing over signalling. A-B and A-C signalling messages evenly divided to route via both D and E
- 256 SIGNALLING SYSTEM NO. 7 Nextmessage First bit transmitted r U Check bits Signalling information field (message substance 1 (Inserted by appropriate ‘level I ’ ‘user part’) Messagesequence numbers, length and ‘user part’ type information Figure 12.6 CCITT 7 MTP message structure Flag l the messages in the correct order on receipt, and allow lost messages to be resent; and information about the type and length of the information held in the main ‘signalling information field’; it might say which user part is in operation and record the length of the message. Signalling information jield This is the main information field or the ‘substance’ of the message. The information is inserted by oneofthe user parts,asappropriatefor theparticularapplication (e.g. telephone user part (TUP), or integrated services user part (ISUP)). The structure of this$eld depends on which user part is in use. Check bits Finally, each MTP message is concluded with a check bit field. This is the data (cyclic redundancy check code or C R C ) needed to perform the error detection and correction mechanism of the MTP level 2. The check bits are followed by the flag at the start of the next message. 12.5 THE USER PARTS OF SS7 The varioususer parts of SS7 are alternative functions meeting the requirements level of 4 of the signalling level model. The user parts may be used in isolation, or sometimes may be used together. Thus the telephone user part ( T U P ) and the MTP together are sufficient to provide telephonesignalling between exchanges. The datauser part (DUP), ISDN user part (ISUP) and other user parts need not be built into a pure telephone exchange. An example where more than oneuser part is employed is the combination of SCCP (signallingconnection and control part), ISP (intermediate service part) and TCAP (transaction capability application part). These are all necessary for the support of the intelligentnetworks described in Chapter 11). Theremainder of thechapter describes the capabilities of each of the level 4 user parts of SS7.
- THE TELEPHONE USER PART (TUP) 257 12.6 THETELEPHONE USER PART (TUP) The telephone user part comprises all the signalling messages needed in a telephone network to set up telephone calls (we described the sequence of call set-up in Chapter 7). Thus anexchange using theSS7 signalling system carries out the normalprocess of digit analysis and route selection, seizes the outgoing circuit and sends the dialled digit train onto the next exchange in the connection by using the SS7 signalling link, conveying TUP encoded messages using the MTP. Crudely put, an example of a TUP message might be ‘connect the call on circuit number 56 to the destination directory number 071-234 5678’. Backward messages such as ‘destination busy’ are also included in the telephone user part. The structure of TUP messages is shown in Figure 12.7. TUP messages occupy the signalling information Jield of the underlying MTP message. The messages comprise a TUP signalling information field which is used to convey ‘dialled digits’, ‘line busy’, ‘answer’ signals, andother circuit-relatedinformation,together with fouradminis- trative fields as follows. Destination point code (DPC) Thiscode identifies thesignallingpoint to which the signalling message is to be delivered by the MTP. (The destination of a signalling message is not necessarily the same as the final destination of the call.) The signalling point is in the exchange that forms thenext link of the connection (for forwardmessages) or in the previous exchange (for backward messages). Originating point code (OPC) Thiscode identifies the signalling point which originatedthe message (again not necessarily the origination point of the call). Circuit identijication code (CIC) This is a number thatindicates to the exchange at the receiving end of the signalling link which traffic circuit each message relates to. The telephony user part is defined in ITU-T Recs. Q.721-Q.725. TUPmessoge > CIC= Circuit identificatlon TUPsignalling CIC OPC DPC code information (others as SCCP fields) / \ 0 \ / ] /[[ information field bit sent MTPmessage Figure 12.7 TUP message structure and relation to MTP
- 258 SIGNALLING SYSTEM NO. 7 12.7 THE DATA USER PART (DUP) The Data user part is similar to the telephone user part, but it is optimized for use on circuit-switched data networks. The message structure of the DUP is very similar to that of the TUP, illustratedin Figure 12.7. The DUP is defined by ITU-T recommenda- tions 4.741 but was hardly ever used. It has been largely superseded by the ISUP. 12.8 THE INTEGRATED SERVICES USER PART (ISUP) SS7 Used in conjunction with the MTP, the integrated services digital networkuser part, ISDN-UP or ISUP, is the signalling system designed for use in ISDNs. In effect it is a combination of capabilities similar to TUP and DUP, whichallow voice and data switched services to be integrated within a single network. The message structure is similar to that of TUP and DUP, but the messages used are incompatible with both of the other systems. ISUP is defined by CCITT Rec Q.761-Q.764. The ISDN user part(ISUP)interactsas necessary the with ISDN D-channel, signalling ( D S S I , digital subscriber signalling 1, as defined by recommendation Q.931) to conveyend-to-endinformationbetweenISDNuserterminals.Suchinformation includes the terminal compatibility checking procedure which ensures that a compatible receiving terminal is available at the location dialled by the caller. As we learned in Chapter 10, the procedure prevents, for example, the connectionof a group 4 facsimile machine to a videoconference at the receiving end. 12.9 THEENHANCEDTELEPHONE USER PART (TUP+) The TUP+ is an enhanced version of the TUP, though incompatible with it. It was developed by CEPT as recommendation TjSPS 43-02 for use as an interim ISDN-like signalling system supporting an early pan-European ISDN. It is used in Europe by France Telecom for international ISDN signalling, but is likely to be superseded by ISUP. 12.10 THE SIGNALLING CONNECTION CONTROL PART (SCCP) The SCCP is used to convey non-circuit-related informationbetweenexchanges or databases, between an exchange and a database or between two exchanges (for certain types of ISDN supplementary services). By non-circuit-related we mean that although a signalling relation is established between an exchange and a database, no traffic circuit is intended to be set up. In essence the SCCP (in conjunction with the TC and relevant application part) provides a means for querying a reference store of information, as is necessary during call set-upon intelligent networks. It is an ideal data transfer mechanism for
- (SCCP)SIGNAQLLING THE PART CONNECTION CONTROL 259 0 interrogation of a central database (Chapter 11) 0 updatingcellularradio‘location registers’ (Chapters 11 and 15) 0 remote activation and control of services or exchanges 0 data transfer between network management or network administration and control centres The SCCP is a user part which in conjunction with the MTP allows a SS7 signalling networktoconformtothe OS1 network service (OS1 layers l-3), andtosupport protocols designed according to layers 4-7 of the OS1 model. Most importantly, this allows new user parts to conform with the OS1 model. SCCP controls the type of connection made available between the two signalling points in the exchange and the database. In effect it establishes the signalling relation in preparation for oneof the higher level application parts. Four classes of transjer service can be made available as defined by the OS1 model.Thesecan begroupedinto connectionless and connection-oriented types, as we learned in Chapters 1 and 7. These are shown in Table 12.1. In the context of the SCCP classes shown in Table 12.1, connection-oriented data transfer (classes 2 and 3) is that in which an association is established between sender and receiver before the data are sent. In reality this means the establishment of a virtual or packet-switched connection between the ends (aswe discussed in Chapter 9), and not a circuit-switched connection. Thus before the application part signalling commences operation over the SS7 signalling link, a virtual connection is created by the SCCP. In the alternative connectionless mode of data transfer (SCCP classes 0 and l), messages are despatched ontothe SS7 signalling network without first ensuring that the recipient is ready to receive them. Connection-oriented procedures are useful when a large amount of data needs to be transferred. The connectionless mode is better suited to small and short messages, because it avoids the burden of extra messages to establish the connection. By their nature, connectionless messages always include address information. Table 12.1 The classes of SCCP Class Type Class 0 Connectionless Message sequence not guaranteed Class 1 Connectionless Message sequence guaranteed Class 2 Basic connection-oriented Message segmentation and reassembly Class 3 Connection oriented Message segmentation and reassembly Flow control Detection of message loss and mis-sequence
- 260 SIGNALLING SYSTEM NO. 7 SCCP message SCCP user data SLS OPC DPC / \ 0 / \ 1 M TP message informationfield Figure 12.8 SCCP message structure and relation to MTP. SLS, signalling link selection; OPC, originating point code; DPC, destination point code The structure of SCCP messages is similar to that of the TUP, as we can see from Figure 12.8, except that the SCCP includes no circuit identzjcation code ( C I C ) . The CIC is superfluous because no circuit will be established. Figure 12.9 shows an example of the use of SCCP and TC for a database query during the call set-up phase of a Freephone (800) call. The caller (who happens to be an ISDN subscriber) dials the 0800 number, which is conveyed to the ISDN exchange by the D-channel signalling protocol, DSSl(Q.931). Following analysis of the number, the ISDN exchange realizes that it must refer to the intelligent network databases for a number translation. It does so using the SCCP and TC.Meanwhile the circuit set-up is @ Exchange refers to Intelligent d a t a b a s e for number translationnetwork database @I SCCP and TC I(+MTP) I - Y-* / % _ _ -_. D O ISDN -- M- @ -ISUP ( +- T P )- - lSDN exchange m B exchange Traffic clrcuit Dials 0800 12345 @) extended uslng Circuit ISUP signalling to nextexchange circuit establlshed - - - - signallingrelation Figure 12.9 A database query using SCCP and TC
- TRANSACTION 261 suspended. When the database interaction is over and the ISDN exchangehasthe appropriate information, circuit the can be connected using the standard ISUP signalling. The SCCP is defined by ITU-T Recs Q.711-Q.714. 12.11 TRANSACTION CAPABILITIES (TC) Building on thefoundation of MTP and SCCP the transaction capabilities ( T C ) are that part of the SS7 signallingsystemwhichconveys non-circuit-relatedinformation. Its development has been intertwined the with development of intelligent networks (Chapter 11). The transaction capabiZity is ideallysuited to supervising short ‘ping- pong’ style dialogue between signalling points, typically between an exchange and an intelligent network database. Transaction capabilities ( T C ) breakdown into three componentparts,andundertakethefunctions of OS1 layers 4-7. The underlying foundation (OS1 layers 1-3) is the SCCP and MTP. The intermediate service part (ZSP) c3 Application T C User (Application entity, A E ) Signalling level H TC Component s u b l a y eirc a t i o n Appl part Transaction (TCAP) sublayer Transaction capabilities ( T C ) I I Intermediate service part ( I S P I Switching connection control part ( SCCP) I I --- Message transfer part (MTP) Figure 12.10 Thetransactioncapabilities
- 262 SIGNALLING SYSTEM NO. 7 carries the out functions of OS1 layers 4-6, while the component sublayer and transaction sublayer exist within OS1 layer 7 and together the form transaction capabilities application part ( T C A P ) . Transaction capabilities exist to serve a TC-user, normally called an application entity ( A E ) . An AE contains the necessary functions to serve a particular application. In addition, every application entity also contains the transaction capabilities application part (TCAP). TCAP in essence, a copy of the ‘rules’ which enable the messages to be is, interpreted. (For example an AE may support VPN service. Another might support freephone.) Figure 12.10 illustrates the architecture of TC. The ISP is required only when large amountsof data are tobe transferred, using one of the SCCP connection-oriented classes. The TCAP controls the dialogue between the exchange and the database, overseeing requests (questions or instructions) and making sure that corresponding responses are generated. The content of the request (the question itself) is prepared by the TC user (i.e. the application entity ( A E ) ) . An application entity is the logical set of questions, responses and instructions which constitute the dialogue necessary to support an application. An AE comprises one or a number of simple functions, called application service elements (ASEs). The idea is that a small set of multi-purpose ASEs can be combined together in different permutations to serve different applications. The intelligent network (IN) architecture, for example, defines a set of primitive network actions which it calls functional components or service independent building blocks. These are examples of ASEs. Figure 12.11 illustrates the concept of application service elements. Three well known application entities defined by ITU-T are the mobile application part ( M A P ) , used to support roaming mobile telephone networks, theoperationand maintenance application part ( O M A P ) , used for control and maintenance of remote equipment and exchanges and the intelligent network application p a r t ( I N A P ) , used in intelligent networks. MAP comprises one complex ASE,OMAP comprises two: MRVT and SRVT (the MTP and SCCP Routing Verification Tests). Returning to the TCAP itself, let us briefly describe the functions of the transaction and component sublayers. The transaction sublayer is responsible initiating, for Application Service Elements Application 1 - = ASE 1 + ASE 2 Application 2 = A S E 2 + A S € 3 Application 3 = ASE L 1 ( ASEs 1 (Within OS1 layer 7 I AE = Application entity Figure 12.11 Permutation of ASEs to serve different applications
- APPLICATION MOBILE THE PART (MAP) 263 maintaining and closing the dialogue between the signalling points. Classification of messages into one of the four types listed below helps the two end signalling point devices to relate each message back to the previous dialogue and to check that the communication is occurring in an orderlyfashion.Thuseach message alsohasa transaction identity code. e Begin (dialogueortransaction) e Continue e End e Abort The component sublayer provides machine discipline to the dialogue, controlling the invocation of requests and making sure that they receive proper responses. The ASE information within the requests and responses is thus classified into one of five types e invoke an action e return the final response (to a sequence) 0 return an intermediate (but not final) response e return a message to signal an error e reject a message (if a request is not understood, or is out of sequence) Although the information content of the requests and responses is not known by the component layer (itis understood only by the ASE or ASEs), the component sublayeris able to make sure that commands are undertaken and responses are given. The transaction capabilities are defined in ITU-T Recs Q.771-4.775. 12.12 THE MOBILE APPLICATION PART (MAP) The mobile application part is an example of an application entity of SS7 signalling, developed to serveaparticularapplication.It is used between amobiletelephone network exchange and an intelligent network database, called a home (HLR) visitor or location register (VLR). database is kept informed of the current location The of the mobiletelephone handset. Thusthe mobile telephone customer’s incoming and outgoing calls can be handled at any time. Chapter 15 on cellular telephone networks describes this application more fully. 12.13 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE APPLICATION PART (OMAP) OMAP is another application entity of SS7 signalling. It provides for network maintenance as well as other network operations and management functions remote of exchanges and equipment. OMAP contains 2 ASEs: the MTP routing verijication test
- 264 SIGNALLING SYSTEM NO. 7 ( M V R T ) andthe SCCP routingverijication test ( S R V T ) . These are procedures designed to enable the network operator to test the integrity of the signalling networks and identify faults. 12.14 INTELLIGENT NETWORK APPLICATION PART (INAP) The intelligent network application part (ZNAP) comprises of a application set functions or service building blocksfrom which complex intelligent network services can bebuilt.The initialfunctionalitydefined by thebeststandardized INAP(that of ETSI)comprisesfunctionsdefinedinits capabilityset 1 ( C S I ) . These area range of relatively simple intelligent network services, but will be very important because they will be standardized across many different manufacturers’ switch and service control point equipment. 12.15THE USEANDEVOLUTION OF CCITT7 SIGNALLING SS7 is an adaptable and continuously evolving signalling systemthat has been designed to meet the challenging and ever-changing service needs of public and major private networkexchangesmaking up the ISDN, the B-ISDN and the intelligentnetwork. Network operators may choose to implement the subset of user parts whichmost matches their needs, adopting new user parts as they become available. Depending on their particular circumstances, some network operators may choose to implement an adapted version of some of the SS7 standards, taking up some of the permitted signalling options. The options allow the operator to ‘tailor’ the system to particular national requirements (e.g. C7/BT is the UK national version of TUP/ISUP and T1-ISUPis the version of ISUP used between public networksin the United States. Because of the considerable capital investment already committed to SS7, there is a pressure for use of a common system, and there is pressure also from established SS7 users to ensure that new developments are backward compatible with previous versions of the system. One of the ways in which backward compatibility is ensured is by building into all SS7 implementationsmechanism handling a for unrecognized information. Such information is bound to be sent occasionally from a more advanced exchange to an exchange with an older version of SS7. The common methods for dealing with this information are 0 to discardit 0 to ignoreit 0 to assume that some other expected response (or default) was actually received 0 to reply with a message of ‘confusion’ 0 to terminate the call and reset 0 to raise an alarm to a human
- PLANNING SIGNALLING NETWORK AND TESTING 265 Such a backward compatibility mechanism obviates any need to stop the development of SS7, or the extension of its services. If backward compatibility is not built into any new signalling standard joint then discussions between the operators interconnected networksusingdifferentversions willbe necessary to agreeamendmentsallowing compatible operation. 12.16 SIGNALLING NETWORK PLANNINGAND TESTING The signalling links of a SS7 signalling network need carefulplanning and implementation just like any other data network. The links need to be sufficient in number to handle the overall signalling traffic demand, and tobe oriented in a topology that gives good resilience to network failures. Twopossibletopologies are illustrated in Figure 12.12. Figure 12.12(a) showsa meshed network in which exchanges are capable both SP and STP functions and of rely on one another for the resilience of their signalling relations.In contrast, Figure 12.12(b) shows a topology commonly used in North America, where dedicated and duplicated computers perform the STP function alone; the exchanges are not capable of the STP function. Because of the very complex nature of SS7 signalling, and because of the heavy network reliance on it, it is normal to undertake a comprehensive validation testing programme prior to the introduction of each new link and exchange. Exchanges built SP STP only - not a normal exchange - SP - 0 - Exchange Signalling performs and STP functions link 0 - Normal exchange SP only Signalling link (traffic circuits not shown) ( a ) Meshed signalling network ( b ) Use of STPs Figure 12.12 Typical S S 7 signallingnetworks
- 266 SIGNALLING SYSTEM NO. 7 by different manufacturerscan sometimes incompatible be at first, and a testing programme is invaluable in ensuring that their problems are ironed-out before being brought into service. 12.17 INTERCONNECTION OF SS7 NETWORKS Within a network owned and operated by a single network operator, the SS7 signalling system (or a variant of it) will make for close control and monitoring of the network and highly efficient call routing. However, whennetworks belonging to different network operators are connected together, neither operator is likely to want the other to have full control of his network. In an international network, an operator one country is unlikely to let the operator in in another control his network management and routing rearrangements. Competing network operators in a single country may have their networks interc- onnected but each guards the monitoring and control of his own network fiercely. Public network operators may allow direct SS7 signallingfromcompanyprivate exchanges but they are unlikely to give up control of the network. For these reasons, a number of options are permitted within the signalling system specifications. These allow operators by mutual agreement to restrict the capability of the signalling system when it is used for network interconnection. Thus a period of negotiation is necessary prior to the interconnection of networks. A mutual testing period confirms that the options have been selected correctly.

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Nguyễn Công Hà - Giám đốc Công ty TNHH TÀI LIỆU TRỰC TUYẾN VI NA
Địa chỉ: P402, 54A Nơ Trang Long, Phường 14, Q.Bình Thạnh, TP.HCM
Hotline: 093 303 0098
Email: support@tailieu.vn