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Southeast Asia Digital Future in Focus 2013

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Southeast Asia Digital Future in Focus 2013 products media frag mentation is occurring at light speed in comscore has been preparing for a future today’s multi platform environment, which features scenario where most people will consume content not only computers, but smartphones, tablets, on the go and pcs would no longer be the centre gaming platforms and a seemingly ever increasing of the digital universe. This future is quickly number of emerging devices.

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  1. Key Insights and Digital Trends from Southeast Asia © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 26 July 2013
  2. Introduction #FutureinFocus Executive Summary Media fragmentation is occurring at light speed in comScore has been preparing for a future today’s multi-platform environment, which features scenario where most people will consume content not only computers, but smartphones, tablets, on the go and PCs would no longer be the centre gaming platforms and a seemingly ever-increasing of the digital universe. This future is quickly number of emerging devices. becoming a reality. The strong swelling of mobile audiences, devices The following report examines how the latest and consumption habits have shown us that trends in web usage, online video, mobile and consumers have become more platform agnostic in search, social and shopping are currently shaping their digital media consumption and happily switch the UK digital marketplace and what that means devices throughout the day and into the night to stay for the coming year, as comScore helps bring the up to date on email, news, social media etc. digital future in focus. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: A Singh © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 2
  3. Key Takeaways More than 40% of internet users come Social networking still captures majority of from APAC screen time Internet user numbers across APAC continue Social Networks capture the largest percentage of to grow at a much greater pace than any consumers’ time in the region. Facebook other market. Six countries from Southeast continues to be the number one social network Asia is home to an online population in with 3 of its top 15 markets by reach in Southeast excess of 62 million. Asia. Twitter, LinkedIn and Tumblr are the other established players in most markets. Growth driven by younger power users Users from Thailand and Vietnam record the Entertainment and online video continues to highest time spent online which is clearly grow explained by a significantly large percentage The online video audience in Southeast Asia grew of population under the age of 35. around 8 percent in the past year, YouTube continues to be the top video property in all E-commerce starts to make a move markets. Music, movies and entertainment sites Local and regional online retail setups are get more visitors and time spent than global beginning to capture the Southeast Asian averages. online audience. In the online travel category, low cost airlines and meta-search platforms see healthy traffic. © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 3
  4. Content SETTING THE SCENE Global Overview 5 Southeast Asia Landscape 9 2013 SEA FUTURE IN FOCUS Digital Audience Behaviour 14 Social Networking 20 Online Retail 26 News and Information 31 Online Travel 35 Entertainment and Online Video 39 Search 46 Country Spotlights 50 Conclusion 57 Tweet-bits 61 Methodology 62 About comScore 64 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. 4
  5. #FutureinFocus GLOBAL OVERVIEW © comScore, Inc. Proprietary.
  6. Distribution of Worldwide Internet Audience The US is no Longer the Center of the Online Universe 34% Latin Outside US Middle America East - Africa 9% 9% Asia Pacific North 41% 87% America Outside US 14% Europe 66% 27% 13% 1996 2012 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. Internet Audience 15+ accessing Internet from a Home or Work PC 6 Source: comScore Media Metrix, March 2013
  7. Southeast Asia online population in excess of 62 million Grows at a healthy 9% in the last year Total 604 MM Total 644 MM Rest of APAC, Rest of APAC, 13.9% 13.5% Share of Asia Pacific Online Population Southeast Asia, Southeast Asia, 9.4% 9.6% Japan, 12.2% Japan, 11.4% India, 9.3% India, 11.5% China, 55.2% China, 54.0% Mar-12 Mar-13 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. Internet Audience 15+ accessing Internet from a Home or Work PC 7 Source: comScore Media Metrix, March 2012 and March 2013
  8. Time Spent and Growth Across Regions US Users Spent Most Time, Whilst Asia Pacific Outgrows Rest of the World 37.2 Global Average: Hours per Visitor 23.4 Hours a Month 26.8 26.1 17.3 17.2 North America Europe Latin America Middle East - Africa Asia Pacific +7% 644 604 Unique Visitors (MM) +5% 391 412 +1% +12% +3% Mar-12 215 217 Mar-13 131 147 130 134 Asia Pacific Europe North America Latin America Middle East - Africa © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. Internet Audience 15+ accessing Internet from a Home or Work PC 8 Source: comScore Media Metrix, March 2012 and March 2013
  9. #FutureinFocus SOUTHEAST ASIAN ONLINE LANDSCAPE © comScore, Inc. Proprietary.
  10. Online Audience in Southeast Asia High Growth in Developing Regions 18.0 Vietnam, the largest audience in the region, added 2 million internet users in the past 16.1 year, a growth rate of 14% 16.0 14.1 14.0 13.6 12.4 The internet audience in the Philippines is 11.8 11.8 the fastest-growing in the region, growing 12.0 by 22% since March 2012. 10.0 9.5 8.9 Mar-12 8.0 7.4 Mar-13 6.1 6.0 4.0 3.3 3.4 2.0 - Vietnam Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Philippines Singapore © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. Internet Audience 15+ accessing Internet from a Home or Work PC 10 Source: comScore Media Metrix, March 2012 and March 2013
  11. Engagement Across Southeast Asian Audiences Users in Thailand and Vietnam Spent the Most Time Online Average Time Spent Online (Hours) March 2013 Vietnam 26.2 Thailand 27.2 Singapore 16.6 Philippines 16.4 Malaysia 16.0 Indonesia 13.5 Axis Title © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. Internet Audience 15+ accessing Internet from a Home or Work PC 11 Source: comScore Media Metrix, March 2013
  12. Demographic Distribution of Southeast Asian Audiences Emerging Internet Markets in the Region Skew Very Young In Thailand and Vietnam, 74% of the audience is under 35 Vietnam 42% 32% 14% 8% 5% % of Online Population by Age Thailand 45% 29% 14% 7% 4% Singapore 24% 27% 25% 17% 8% Philippines 40% 31% 16% 9% 5% Malaysia 37% 26% 22% 10% 6% Indonesia 43% 27% 19% 8% 4% 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+ © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. Internet Audience 15+ accessing Internet from a Home or Work PC 12 Source: comScore Media Metrix, March 2013
  13. Youngest Web Users Are Heaviest Web Users Average Usage by Under-35s is Substantially Heavier in Vietnam, Thailand 30.0 28.3 27.7 25.0 24.2 22.2 20.0 18.2 16.5 16.0 16.4 14.5 15.2 15.0 13.5 13.6 10.0 5.0 0.0 Vietnam Thailand Singapore Philippines Malaysia Indonesia Under 35 Over 35 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. Internet Audience 15+ accessing Internet from a Home or Work PC 13 Source: comScore Media Metrix, March 2013
  14. #FutureinFocus DIGITAL AUDIENCE BEHAVIOUR © comScore, Inc. Proprietary.
  15. Non-PC traffic in South-East Asia zooms ahead, in excess of 20% This number is accelerating with each passing month 100% 95% 90% 85% Non-PC Traffic: 15.4% 80% Non-PC Traffic: 20.9% 75% Sep-12 Oct-12 Nov-12 Dec-12 Jan-13 Feb-13 Mar-13 PC Mobile Tablet Other © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. Source: comScore Device Essentials – Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, May’12 – May’13 15
  16. Social Networking Captures Large Share of PC Screen Time in SEA Share of Time Spent on Services (Email, IM) Also Significant 100% 90% Share of Total Minutes Spent Online 80% 70% 14.5% 60% Other 14.2% 17.5% Retail 13.2% 50% 17.3% News/Information 19.3% 19.5% Entertainment 40% 13.2% 16.9% 16.1% Services 21.9% Social Networking 30% 15.4% 16.0% 17.7% 20% 41.5% 32.3% 30.8% 21.6% 25.4% 10% 19.7% 16.1% 0% Worldwide Vietnam Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Philippines Singapore © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. Internet Audience 15+ accessing Internet from a Home or Work PC 16 Source: comScore Media Metrix, March 2013
  17. Males in the Region Spend More Time Online than Women Differences in Usage Largest in Vietnam, Thailand, and Singapore 29.0 Average Hours per Visitor 27.9 25.4 24.2 Males Females 18.5 17.1 16.8 14.8 15.6 15.1 14.6 12.1 Vietnam Thailand Singapore Philippines Malaysia Indonesia Female Share of Internet Population 47% 49% 51% 49% 48% 44% © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. Internet Audience 15+ accessing Internet from a Home or Work PC 17 Source: comScore Media Metrix, March 2013
  18. Globally, Women are More Likely to Visit Family, Home, and Retail Sites; Men Gravitate Towards Sports, Auto, and Technology (Highest) (Lowest) F-to-M F-to-M Reach Reach Index Index Fragrances/Cosmetics 168 Politics 78 Flowers/Gifts/Greetings 152 Technology - News 78 Lifestyles - Food 140 Automotive 77 Department Stores 137 Gaming Information 76 Jewelry/Accessories 137 Online Gambling 75 Teens 133 Sports 74 Family & Parenting 130 Online Trading 69 © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. Internet Audience 15+ accessing Internet from a Home or Work PC 18 Source: comScore Media Metrix, March 2013
  19. Device usage varies significantly by time of day PC’s take up work hours, while tablets rule evenings Tablets popular at PCs dominate night working hours Share of Device Page Traffic on a Typical Workday Mobiles brighten the commute © comScore, Inc. Proprietary. Source: comScore Device Essentials, July 2013, Singapore 19
  20. #FutureinFocus SOCIAL NETWORKING © comScore, Inc. Proprietary.



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