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Summary of PhD dissertation: Biodiversity research and development of eco tourism in Cat Ba national park - Hai Phong

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Overall objective: Provide the scientific and practical basis for the orientation of ecotourism development associated with biodiversity conservation for sustainable development of Cat Ba National Park, Hai Phong.

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Nội dung Text: Summary of PhD dissertation: Biodiversity research and development of eco tourism in Cat Ba national park - Hai Phong

  2. This scientific work has been accomplished at Vietnam National University of Forestry Supervisor: 1. Assoc. Prof. Dr Pham Ngoc Linh 2. Assoc. Prof. Dr Dong Thanh Hai Reviewer 1: ………………………………………….. Reviewer 2: …………………………………………. Reviewer 3: …………………………………………. This Doctoral dissertation will be defended in front of the University Doctoral Committee at Vietnam National University of Forestry, Hanoi, Vietnam at …… This dissertation can be found at: - National Library of Viet Nam - Library of Vietnam National University of Forestry
  3. DANH MỤC CÔNG TRÌNH ĐÃ CÔNG BỐ NHỮNG CÔNG TRÌNH LIÊN QUAN ĐẾN LUẬN ÁN 1. Lê Thị Ngân, Đồng Thanh Hải (2020). Đánh giá tiềm năng đa dạng sinh học và đề xuất một số giải pháp phát triển du lịch sinh thái tại Vườn quốc gia Cát Bà. Tạp chí nông nghiệp và phát triển nông thôn, kỳ 2, tháng 1/2021, tr. 131-140. 2. Lê Thị Ngân, Đồng Thanh Hải (2021). Nghiên cứu nhận thức và thái độ của cộng đồng địa phương đến phát triển du lịch sinh thái tại Vườn quốc gia Cát Bà. Tạp chí khoa học và công nghệ Lâm nghiệp, 4/2021, tr. 96-106.
  4. 1 INTRODUCTION 1. Research importance Cat Ba National Park plays an important role in biodiversity conservation, nature conservation, and ecotourism. Implementing guidelines and policies for ecotourism development, Cat Ba National Park is one of seven national parks that are conducting joint ventures and organizing ecotourism activities. Revenue from organizing ecotourism activities initially contributed to the development of the park. However, like other national parks and protected areas in Vietnam, the implementation of ecotourism activities here is still facing many obstacles in terms of policy mechanisms, master plans, and stakeholders. .. Up to now, Cat Ba National Park has not yet had an approved ecotourism development project. To develop eco-tourism sustainably, the National Park needs a specific project and an overall solution. One of the solutions is to develop ecotourism associated with biodiversity conservation. The scientific basis for the development of ecotourism in association with biodiversity conservation is to first clarify what is the potential for biodiversity for ecotourism development in Cat Ba National Park? According to previous studies (Hoang Van Cau, 2017; Hoang Van Phuc, 2016), ecotourism routes and sites in Cat Ba National Park have only exploited the biodiversity potential in the areas surrounding the National Park Center. Moreover, the typical eco-tourism types and tourist attractions of the National Park such as watching wildlife (Cat Ba Langur, Chamois, Cat Ba Leopard Gecko - Goniurosaurus catbaensis...) have not been exploited yet. The second question is to determine what are the potential areas for ecotourism development in Cat Ba National Park? The current number of sites being exploited in the park does not seem to be commensurate with its potential. Therefore, it is necessary to have an overall assessment based on the criteria of natural, socio-economic and cultural characteristics of the adaptive areas, thereby functioning as a scientific basis for planning tourist areas ecology of the Cat Ba National Park. The third question is how to attract the participation of local communities in ecotourism activities of Cat Ba National Park. Until now, the participation of the local community and their activities is only spontaneous, there is no mechanism for participation, so the participation of the local community is still finite. Research on the status of participation, factors promoting and hindering participation, as well as attitudes and awareness of the community towards ecotourism development and biodiversity conservation are essential for proposing policies to engage the community. Once it is clear about the biodiversity potential for ecotourism development, potential areas and the factors promoting and hindering community participation as well as their awareness and attitudes towards development ecotourism will be the scientific basis for the National Park and planners to develop policies and plans for sustainable ecotourism development in Cat Ba National Park. 2. Research objectives Overall objective: Provide the scientific and practical basis for the orientation of ecotourism development associated with biodiversity conservation for sustainable development of Cat Ba National Park, Hai Phong. Detail objective: - Assessing the current status of ecotourism development in Cat Ba National Park; - Identifying potential ecotourism areas in Cat Ba National Park;
  5. 2 - Assessing the level of participation, attitude and awareness of the community towards ecotourism development in Cat Ba National Park; - Proposing solutions to develop eco-tourism associated with biodiversity conservation. 3. Thesis structure The thesis is constructed on 160 pages with 22 tables; 53 figures, including 03 diagrams and 14 maps; 07 appendices. In addition to the Introduction and Conclusion, the main content of the thesis includes 04 chapters: Introduction Chapter 1: Research overview Chapter 2: Characteristics of the research areas Chapter 3: Research contents and methods Chapter 4: Research results Conclusions Chapter 1: RESEARCH OVERVIEW 1.1. Theoretical basis of ecotourism 1.1.1. The concept of ecotourism According to Article 3, Law 09/2017/QH14 on tourism defines: “ Eco-tourism” means a form of tourism that is based on nature, connected with the local cultural identity and participated by local communities in combination with environmental education.” (National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 2017). The research will use this definition to approach the research content of the thesis topic. 1.1.2. Types of ecotourism Currently, the types of ecotourism are often divided as follows: - Eco-tourism in the mountains and at the sea; - Nature sightseeing tourism; - Eco-tourism research (nature, flora and fauna); - Adventure tourism;... Moreover, one can be more specific than the above types such as: ecotourism with village scenery; ecotourism studies marine flora and fauna; ecotourism studies the flora and fauna (of the conservation area, region, region)... 1.1.3. Features of ecotourism Summarizing the studies of Honey (2008), Drunm (2000), Pham Trung Luong et al. (2002), ecotourism is a specific type of tourism associated with natural tourism resources and cultural factors, local history. The authors have summarized the basic characteristics of ecotourism below: - Based on attractive natural sites and indigenous cultural elements - Ensure ecological sustainability, support conservation - Have environmental education - Encourage local communities to participate and enjoy tourism benefits - Provide high-quality travel experiences to visitors 1.1.4. The role of ecotourism development
  6. 3 According to the World Ecotourism Association (TIES), ecotourism has many meanings, including some of the following roles: economic, social, environmental and other roles. 1.1.5. Issues related to sustainable eco-tourism development Sustainable development always includes 5 factors that are interrelated with each other, including economic factors, social factors, security and safety factors, cultural factors, and ecological factors. The model of principles and values of sustainable ecotourism has been developed by Wight (1997), in which 03 groups of economic, social and environmental objectives are considered to be of equal importance and must be solved in a balanced way to achieve sustainable development. 1.2. Developing ecotourism in association with biodiversity conservation 1.2.1. The concept of biodiversity Nowadays, many definitions of biodiversity exist (WWF, 1989; CBD, 1992). Although definitions have different expressions of biodiversity, it includes three levels: genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity. In this study, biodiversity is understood as the richness of genes, species of organisms and ecosystems in nature. (National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, 2008). 1.1.2. Conservation of biodiversity Conservation of biodiversity is the process of managing the interactions between people and genes, species and ecosystems in order to provide the greatest benefit to the present generation while maintaining the potential to meet the needs of them to future generations. 1.2.3. The connection between ecotourism development and biodiversity conservation There is a reciprocal relationship between tourism development and biodiversity conservation, whereby biodiversity is a potential resource for ecotourism development. In the opposite direction, tourism development always has both positive and negative impacts on biodiversity conservation. Accordingly, if tourism development is following the principles of sustainable development, it will contribute positively to generating revenue for tourism activities conservation activities, raising tourists' understanding of the meaning of biodiversity conservation, thereby limiting the impacts from visitors to Biodiversity. However, besides the optimistic impacts, tourism development will also have pessimistic impacts on biodiversity conservation arising from the concentration of tourists exceeding the limit of ecological capacity at the destination; from hunting and exploiting rare and precious species to serve the needs of tourists. 1.3. Applying GIS and AHP in identifying potential ecotourism areas The application of GIS and AHP techniques to map ecotourism potentials has been applied by different scholars in different regions of the world because of the ability to collect, store, retrieve, manage, display spatial data visualization and analysis (Ghamgosar 2011; Kumari et al. 2010; Chandio et al. 2013; Saaty 1980; Satty and Vargas 2001; Bunruamkaew and Murayama, 2011). The authors used indexes to identify potential ecotourism sites such as wildlife distribution index, ecological value index, ecotourism attractiveness index, environmental resilience index and index. ecotourism diversity, landscape, wildlife, topography, accessibility and community characteristics to assess the suitability of a site for ecotourism.
  7. 4 The study area, Cat Ba National Park, is considered a suitable area for ecotourism development due to its diversity in nature and culture. Previously, there were no studies to evaluate the ecotourism potential of the area using GIS remote sensing and the hierarchical AHP method. 1.4. Community participation in ecotourism development 1.4.1. Community involvement After popularizing community development projects and community participation in the development process between the 1960s and early 1980s (Arnstein, 1969; Burke, 1968; De Kadt, 1982; EverSley, 1973; Fagence, 1977; Inglehart, 1971; Pateman, 1970; Sewell & Coppock, 1977; Smith, 1981; Verba 1967), more and more tourism research has focused on arguments for community participation in tourism development. The authors believe that community participation in ecotourism activities has positive effects such as employment opportunities, improved living standards, improved economic quality, increased investment in jobs and profits of the local businesses increased (Keovilay, 2012; Brohman, 1996; Gilbert & Clark, 1997; McCool & Martin, 1994). 1.4.2. Community attitudes and perceptions Attitudes and awareness of the community play an important role in ecotourism development and biodiversity conservation. However, the successful management of ecotourism and the success of conservation in protected areas often requires the support of local people for conservation to be affected by the perception of conservation impacts that local communities must have undergone (Sekhar, 2003). 1.4.3. Factors affecting community participation * Factors motivating the community to participate in ecotourism: According to Attaallah and Al-ehewate (2016) and Jurowski, Gursoy (2004) pointed out the main factors motivating the community to participate in tourism activities include community awareness of tourism resources and activities, the benefit of economic. Conditions on mechanisms and policies and resources of households. In addition, the support from NGOs and tour operators in terms of tourist resources, finance and tourism development experience are also important factors promoting community participation in tourism. tourism activities. * Factors that prevent the community from participating in ecotourism: According to Tosun (2000), barriers affecting community participation are divided into three types: restrictions at the executive level, structural constraints, and cultural and cognitive constraints. On a theoretical level, such barriers/restrictions are not mutually exclusive. This is also the cause of limitations for communities to participate in tourism activities. 1.5. Ecotourism development in the National Parks 1.5.1. Factors affecting the development of ecotourism in the National Park There are many ways to divide the factors affecting ecotourism. However, from an economic and business perspective, the development of ecotourism in the National Park is influenced by the following groups of factors: (1). Grouping of resource elements; (2). Group of factors related to the management and organization of ecotourism; (3). Factors related to visitors; (4). Some other factors.
  8. 5 Chapter 2 FEATURES OF NATURAL, ECONOMIC - SOCIAL CONDITIONS OF THE RESEARCH AREA 2.1. Natural features Cat Ba National Park belongs to Cat Hai District, about 45 km from Hai Phong city to the Southeast, 25 km from Ha Long city South. In terms of topography, Cat Ba National Park is located in the limestone archipelago with 366 large and small islands. There are many types of terrain that create attraction for tourists such as limestone terrain, shale hill topography, and topography, Mid-mountain valley, Limestone valley topography, Coastal accretionary landforms. In terms of climate characteristics, Cat Ba National Park is influenced by the tropical monsoon climate regime and is directly influenced by the oceanic climate, so it is less harsh than regions with the same latitude inland (Introford, 2021). Regarding hydrological characteristics, Cat Ba is a limestone archipelago, almost the system of rivers and streams on the island is not developed. Temporary flows appear only during the rain and stop immediately after the rain. The stream system includes: Suoi Thuong Luong (Tran Chau commune), Suoi Trung Trang, Suoi Treo Com (Meadow area), Water source of Frog Pond. In general, due to the structure of the topography of the limestone mountains, most of the streams in this area are located in this area. like no stream has water all year round. A fairly deep groundwater source exists in the form of Karste wells and marine rivers (Introford, 2021). 2.2. Subsistence and the Social Economy 2.2.1. Population, ethnicity and labor resources According to 2019 statistics, the total population in the region is 18,140 people belonging to 5,200 households. In the area, most of the Kinh people live; the Labor rate in communes and towns accounts for over 64% of the population. This is potential for labor, but one problem that needs to be solved is jobs and jobs for households. Male employees accounted for 50.1%, female employees accounted for 49.9%, there was no phenomenon of inequality in labor by gender. The average population growth rate of the whole region is 5%. The population does is distributed mainly in Cat Ba town area (about 360 people/km2), communes like Gia Luan, Viet Hai have low population density (about 5-10 people/km2). 2.2.2. Economy In terms of agricultural production, the main economic activities in Cat Ba Island include farming. However, due to the majority of the terrain being limestone mountains, the area of agricultural production land in the area only accounts for about 0.6 percent. % (approximately 200 ha). Breeding is mainly lean pigs and industrial chickens to serve the needs of the people on the island and improve the living standards of the people here. In addition, honey beekeeping brings significant profits to the people. Regarding forestry production, Cat Hai district has 9,622.45 hectares of forested land, of which special-use forests are 5,984.25 hectares, of which the forestland area managed by Cat Ba National Park is 6,085.46 hectares. Forest land is mainly natural forest; Plantation forests account for a very small percentage, mainly planted with tree species such as resinous pine, which is widely distributed in Hien Hao commune,... Regarding fishing and aquaculture, all communes reached 100% and exceeded the target. In addition, shrimp and tilapia monocultures have also been applied in the direction of extensive, improved and development. However, aquaculture and fishing activities are still focused to serve the needs of local people and tourists.
  9. 6 Regarding industrial and handicraft production, small mechanical activities, ship repair, stone production, mineral water, production of building materials, electricity, water have developed rapidly to promptly serve production and create jobs for thousands of workers. In terms of income and lifestyle According to the statistics in 2017, the whole area of communes and towns on Cat Ba island had 58 poor households, but by 2019 there were only 38 poor households, a reduction of 20, the poverty rate on average 0.73% of households in the whole region. The average income per capita in the year reached an average of 57.84 million VND/year. Regarding education and training, According to the 2019 survey data, all communes have had access to lower secondary education. About health care, According to statistics, health work is implemented effectively in all communes as shown by the fact that all communes have medical facilities standards and doctors to take care of people's health. Food hygiene and safety, environmental sanitation and disease prevention are ensured. In terms of culture, the Cat Ba area has many cultural, historical and archaeological relics such as Cai Beo site, Hien Hao temple, Quan Y cave, Committee cave, Huyen Commi cave, Duc Tien cave, ... Traditional cultural life and festivals bring many unique identities, typical of coastal residents with farming and fishing. Along with games, with the water procession to the communal house, people race boats under the sea. Sacrifices like Long Hai Dai Vuong; Dragon boat race at sea. In addition, the attractive local cuisine in this place also creates a very unique culture for this island. The research area is mostly Kinh people and indigenous people, a few immigrants come from all over the country. The beliefs of Kinh people are mainly Buddhism, a small number of Christians. The Kinh people in this area have a simple cultural life, following the festivals generally prescribed by the State such as Lunar New Year, Vietnam National Day, but there is an additional festival on President Ho Chi Minh’s visit to the fishing village. (April 1st of the solar calendar) and the festival "Den Ba" in Hien Hao commune. This is also one of the major festivals of the local people. Besides that, there are also many other festivals showing the cultural identity of the people here. Chapter 3 SUBJECTS, CONTENTS AND RESEARCH METHODS 3.1. Research objective The object of the research is the natural, social conditions and factors affecting ecotourism activities in the Cat Ba National Park; Animals and plants in Cat Ba National Park. 3.2. Research scope Collects data from 2016 to 2020 at Cat Ba National Park, Cat Hai District, Hai Phong City. 3.3. Research content - Research the current situation of ecotourism development in Cat Ba National Park; - Research the current status and potential of biodiversity for ecotourism development in Cat Ba National Park; - Research to identify potential areas for ecotourism development in Cat Ba National Park; - Research on community participation in ecotourism development in Cat Ba National Park; - Proposing solutions to develop ecotourism in association with biodiversity conservation in Cat Ba National Park. 3.4. Research Methods 3.4.1. Methodology From the perspective of ecotourism as a branch of sustainable tourism towards 03 main goals including social justice, economic development and environmental integrity (TIES, 2015). Eco-tourism development, biodiversity conservation and people's participation are
  10. 7 interrelated. This study approaches the following research contents through inheritance and systems approach from the perspective that potential adaptive areas for ecotourism development are natural systems and agents that interact with each other. The participatory approach in this topic is demonstrated through interviews with local people in Cat Ba. 3.4.2. Methods of assessing the current state of eco-tourism In this content, the study uses the linear survey method and the interview method to assess the current status of eco-tourism in Cat Ba National Park. 3.4.2. Biodiversity investigation methods and identification of potential species for ecotourism development In this content, the study uses the method of inheriting data from thematic reports on forest fauna and flora investigation and combining additional investigation to animals, plants, insects and direct field investigations. Inheriting data include Pham Van Dien and Vu Quang Nam (2015); Introford and Cat Ba National Park (2021). 3.4.3. Survey method by questionnaire The study has interviewed 220 people by questionnaire to collect data related to the research content on the current situation of ecotourism development and assess the community's participation in the development of ecotourism as well as their awareness and attitude towards ecotourism development and biodiversity conservation. 3.4.4. Expert method The study has consulted 12 experts, of which 03 experts in the field of ecotourism, 04 experts in the field of biodiversity conservation, 02 experts in the field of GIS, 02 experts in the field of biodiversity conservation silviculture and social forestry. 3.4.5. Method of assessing potential areas for ecotourism development To study the content of evaluating potential areas for ecotourism development in Cat Ba National Park, the topic used the GIS method and the Analytic Hierarchy Process method (AHP). In this study, the topic uses the author's approach (Sahani, 2019) to implement this content. The specific steps are shown in Figure 3.1, detailed below: Figure 3.1. Flowchart of steps to determine the appropriate area for ecotourism development 3.4.6. Method of assessing the level of community participation In the analysis of this study, the topic uses the division ladder of Pretty (1995) because it is easy to use and suitable for research practice. 3.4.7. Methods of data analysis The data collected in the field were synthesized and analyzed with the support of SPSS 19.0 software, ArcGIS.
  11. 8 Chapter 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Current status of ecotourism development in Cat Ba National Park 4.1.1. The actual situation of exploitation of ecotourism routes and sites Currently, Cat Ba National Park is exploiting 16 tourist routes and attractions, of which the terrestrial ecotourism route has 09 routes and the marine eco-tourism route has 07 routes. The points and routes have partly taken advantage of the ecotourism potential of Cat Ba National Park. However, the features typical for ecotourism in the Cat Ba National Park such as wildlife viewing, bird watching seem to have not been exploited. 4.1.2. Current status of an infrastructure for tourism The survey results show that in the process of developing and implementing ecotourism activities, the Park has invested, renovated and upgraded tourism infrastructure to meet the needs of visitors. tourism. However, the current tourism infrastructure in Cat Ba National Park is still limited in terms of scale and service quality, mainly focusing on environmental education activities, propaganda and awareness-raising on biodiversity conservation for visitors. 4.1.3. Organizational structure and management of ecotourism activities in Cat Ba National Park Through the above data, it is shown that the number of officials involved in the management and development of ecotourism activities in Cat Ba National Park is still very short and weak compared to requirements and reality. ecotourism development of the Park. The Center for Travel Services, Ecotourism & Environmental Education is the unit that directly advises on planning and organizing ecotourism activities with only 5 people. Therefore, it is necessary to have a training plan to develop human resources for the National Park and attract the local community to participate to meet the requirements of ecotourism development in the future at the same time. 4.1.4. Current status of tourists to Cat Ba National Park Visitor composition Tourists to Cat Ba National Park include domestic and international visitors. The purpose of visitors to the National Park is also very different, including Thematic tourists, scientific research, Visitors, studying, independent tourists, these objects are very diverse. The purpose of visitors may be to explore nature, biodiversity, culture, traditions of local people, etc… in their spare time. The majority of tourists in this group focus on summer. The composition of tourists and length of stay in Cat Ba National Park is presented in Figure 4.20; 4.21. Figure 4. 1. The composition of tourists Figure 4. 2. Graph of the length of stay of participating in the tour tourists in Cat Ba National ParkCat Ba National Park.
  12. 9 Quantity of visitors The statistics show the number of tourists coming to Cat Ba National Park increases year by year with the average growth rate from 2010 to 2018 reaching 32.6% (figure 4.22). Figure 4. 3. Statistical chart of the number of visitors to both the forest and the sea route of Cat Ba National Park Visiting Visiting time The number of visitors to the National Park is unevenly distributed throughout the year, mainly from May to September every year. According to the survey results, the time when tourists want to go to Cat Ba National Park is mainly in the summer (68.8%), this is consistent with the choice of the tourist route, the beach route was chosen by tourists select more than the forest route. Figure 4. 4. Graphic of when tourists want to visit Cat Ba National Park
  13. 10 4.2. Status and potential for ecotourism development 4.2.1. Forest ecosystem diversity The biodiversity or forest type here depends on the point of view of division. Specifically, if the forest is divided according to the origin of formation, the natural forest area of the Park is divided into 2 main forest types: The primary forest, evergreen broad-leaved rocky mountain (1,014.07 ha) accounting for nearly 17% and the secondary forest. evergreen broadleaf (4,877.62 ha) accounts for more than 80% of the total natural forest area. Thus, Cat Ba National Park possesses many different types of ecosystems, creating a diversity of habitats and species of flora and fauna. This is a great potential for ecotourism development associated with biodiversity in Cat Ba National Park. 4.2.2. Diversity of animal species composition Statistical results on the diversity of species composition of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians are presented in Table 4.3. Table 4. 1. Forest fauna species composition recorded in Cat Ba Archipelago Biosphere Reserve Class Number No. Family No. Species Mammal 7 19 72 Birds 17 51 216 Reptiles 2 14 53 Frogs 1 7 33 Total 27 91 374 Source: Do Quang Huy (2011), Introford and Cat Ba National Park (2020) 4.2.3. Biodiversity conservation value Cat Ba National Park's flora is rich and diverse, with high scientific and economic value. The results of the investigation of flora in Cat Ba National Park recorded 1,595 species of higher plants, belonging to 853 genera, 188 families, and 5 phyla of higher vascular plants. This is the typical flora for Vietnam's limestone ecosystem (Introford, 2020). 4.2.4. Biodiversity conservation value Rare and endangered animal species According to statistics, there are 16 species of mammals, 26 species of birds, 13 species of reptiles and 03 species of amphibians that are nationally and globally threatened, recorded in Cat Ba National Park. These are species with great potential for eco-tourism development such as Cat Ba Langur, Chamois, Cat Ba Leopard Gecko - Goniurosaurus catbaensis... Endangered and rare plant species Out of a total of 1,595 plant species recorded in Cat Ba National Park, there are 70 endangered plant species protected by Vietnamese and international laws (accounting for 4.2% of the total number of plant species in Cat Ba National Park). Thus, from the data on the diversity of ecosystems, the diversity of flora and fauna, as well as the biodiversity conservation value of rare and precious flora and fauna, it can be confirmed that Cat Ba National Park possesses unique and unique biodiversity, the potential for ecotourism development. 4.2.5. Description of some potential animal species for ecotourism development The research results have selected some potential animals for ecotourism development to describe such as Langur (Trachypithecus policephalus), Chamois (Capricornis
  14. 11 milneedwardsii), Golden monkey (Macaca mulatta), Red hornbill (Buceros bicornis), Dotted phoenix butterfly (Troides helena), Sand mother(geckoGoniurosaurus catbaensis), Northern lumpy tree frog (Theloderma corticale). 4.3. Identifying potential areas for ecotourism development 4.3.1. The results of building a map system to evaluate the areas suitable for ecotourism development Vision map The results of the vision analysis are presented in table 4.4 and figure 4.37. Table 4. 2. Statistics vision area Area Percentage No. Adapted level Vision (ha) (%) 1 Very appropriate Clear view 49.87 0.29 2 Suitable Moderate view 191.4 1.10 3 At the appropriate View restrictions 1368.71 7.88 4 Not suitable Can not see 15752.97 90.73 Figure 4. 5. Map view of tourist attractions in Cat Ba National Park Status map forest The results of the classification of the suitability of the forest status for ecotourism in Cat Ba National Park are presented in Table 4.5 and Figure 4.38. Table 4. 3. Area statistics by forest status Percenta Area No. Relevance Level Forest status ge (ha) (%) 1 Very suitable Rich forest (TXDG1) 1010.9 5.82 2 Suitable Forest average 0.00 Poor forest, impoverished forest 3 Less suitable 4642.34 26.74 (TXDN, TXN) Plantation forest, unforested land, 4 Inappropriate 11709.72 67.44 forest reserves
  15. 12 Figure 4 6. Map of assessing the suitability of the forest status in Cat Ba National Park Protection level The results of the analysis and mapping of ecotourism adaptation based on the protection level in Cat Ba National Park are presented. in table 4.6 and figure 4.39. Table 4. 4. Statistics of area by the degree of biodiversity conservation Area Percentage No. Relevance Conservation level (ha) (%) 1 Very suitable Strictly guarded subdivision Agricultural protection29. 5.110.64 43 2 Suitable Ecological restoration 69.96 subdivision 12146.42 3 Less appropriate Administrative Services 0.61 subdivision 105.90 4 Inappropriate Buffer Figure 4. 7. Map of the level of protection in Cat Ba National Park
  16. 13 The species diversity The species diversity factor is used to classify suitable areas for ecotourism development in Cat Ba National Park. The results are presented in Table 4.7 and Figure 4.40. Table 4. 5. Area statistics according to the diversity of precious and rare species Area Percentage No. Relevance Level functional subdivision (ha) (%) Agricultural protection (46 rare and 1 Highly suitable precious species) 17,257, 07 99.39 Ecological restoration (57 rare 2 Highly suitable species) 3 Inappropriate Administrative services (1 species) 105.9 0.61 Figure 4.8. Map of the diverse range of rare endangered species Slope The area and percentage of the slope calculated by 4 levels are shown in table 4.8 and figure 4.41. Table 4. 6. Slope area statistics No. Relevancy Slope Area Rate (%) 0 1 Very suitable 0-5 9,084.35 52.32 0 2 Suitable 5-25 1,524.9 8.78 0 3 Less suitable 25-35 1000.07 5.76 0 4 Inappropriate >35 33.14 5753.63
  17. 14 Figure 4.9. Map of the appropriate degree of slope development Elevation Results The results of analyzing the suitability of elevations for ecotourism in Cat Ba National Park according to 4 levels are presented in Table 4.9 and Figure 4.42. Table 4. 7. Statistics of the area by elevation Percenta No. Relevance Elevation (m) Area (ha) ge (%) 1 Very suitable 0-150 15,579.92 89.73 2 Suitable 150- 250 1,638 9.43 3 Less suitable 250-300 118.52 0.68 4 Not suitable >300 0.4 0.00 Figure 4. 10. Suitable elevation map for ecotourism development in Cat Ba National Park
  18. 15 Traffic network accessibility map The results of the evaluation of the appropriate area according to 4 levels in terms of proximity to the transport network are presented in Table 4.10 and Figure 4.43. Table 4. 8. Area statistics by road accessibility Appropriate Percenta No. Road accessibility Area (ha) ness ge (%) 1 Very suitable Within 1,000 m to two roadside 3,484.06 20.07 Within 1,000 m to 2,000 m from 2 Suitable 3,287.41 18.93 traffic Within 2,000 m to 3,000 m from 3 Less suitable 3,306.79 19.05 traffic Within 3,000 m to 4,000 m from 4 Inappropriate 7,284.71 41.96 roads Figure 4. 11. Map of road accessibility in Cat Ba National Park Map of cultural site accessibility The results of assessing the proximity to cultural sites of Cat Ba National Park are presented in Table 4.11 and Figure 4.44. Table 4. 9. Area statistics by accessibility to cultural sites Level of cultural sites (from the headquarters of the People's Area Rate No. Relevancy Committees of Cat Ba communes and (ha) ) (%) other cultural sites) 1 Very suitable Distance up to 1,000 m 1,300.24 7.49 2 Suitable Distance from 1,000 m to 2,000 m 2,772.94 15.97 3 Less suitable Distance from 2,000 to 3,000 m 3,478 ,50 20.03 4 Not suitable The distance greater than 3,000 m 9,811.29 56.51
  19. 16 Figure 4. 12. Map of accessibility to cultural sites Map of accessibility to surface water Analysis results. The appropriate level based on accessibility to surface water in Cat Ba National Park is presented in Table 4.12 and Figure 4.45. Table 4. 10. Area statistics by accessibility to surface water Area Percenta No. Relevancy Level surface water (ha) ge (%) 1 Very appropriate Proximity distance to 500 m 13,208 ,17 76.07 Distance from 500 m to 2 Suitable 2,387.88 13.75 1,500 m Distance from 1,500 m to 3 Less suitable 1,388,1 7.99 2,500 m 4 Not suitable More than 2,500 m 378, 81 2.18 Figure 4. 13. Map of accessibility to surface water in Cat Ba National Park
  20. 17 4.3.2. Determine the weight of each evaluation criterion using AHP From the paired comparison data, the project calculates the parameters include consistency index (CI), random index (RI) and consistency ratio (CR). The results are presented in Table 4.13 Table 4. 11. Indicator Parameters Parameter Value Consistency Index (CI) 0.12 Random Index (RI) 1.45 Consistency Ratio (CR) 0.08 Results from Table 4.13 show that the CR consistency ratio of 0.08 is less than 0.1 so it is acceptable. 4.3.3. Developing Ecotourism potential map The map of ecotourism potential areas in Cat Ba National Park is built based on GIS application and weights of thematic classes. The results of the very suitable, suitable and less suitable areas are presented in Table 4.14 and Figure 4.46. Table 4. 12. Results of the assessment of ecotourism potential in Cat Ba National Park Value of Classification Area (ha) Rate (%) assessment results Not suitable 0-1 0 0.0 Suitable at least 1-2 7,242.90 41.7 Moderately suitable 2-3 9,676.04 55.7 Highly suitable 3-4 444.02 2.6 Total 17,362.96 100 The results from table 4.14 and figure 4.46 show that the topic has been confirmed identified 3 potential areas for ecotourism in Cat Ba National Park. The highly suitable area occupies about 444.02 ha (2.6%), the total area of the National Park. More than half of the 9676.04 ha (55.7%) of the Cat Ba National Park is suitable. The less suitable area is 7,242.90 ha (41.7%). 4.4. Community awareness and attitudes towards ecotourism development and biodiversity conservation 4.4.1. Demographic characteristics The results of the survey on demographic characteristics are presented in detail in Table 4.15. Figure 4. 14. Potential map of ecotourism in Cat Ba National Park Source: Le Thi Ngan, 2021



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