Tài liệu tiếng Anh ôn thi tuyển sinh cao học - Phần 3
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Tài liệu tham khảo cao học, tài liệu MBA - Tài liệu tiếng Anh ôn thi tuyển sinh cao học - Phần 3
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Nội dung Text: Tài liệu tiếng Anh ôn thi tuyển sinh cao học - Phần 3
- Tui lifu rln thi titng Anh PRACTICE TEST 7 PART 1: VOCABULARY AND READING COMPREHENSION SECTION 1: VOCABULARY Choose the best word/phrase in the box below to complete the sentences that follow. Each word/phrase can be used ONCE ONLY. _m___ _m_m_ m__'m______ _. _m relationships pred iet used taxes majority rain'A!ater current population penSIon grad ual growth people more doctors most of which school university in many is becoming profits equipITIent we m_ , _" - ..are to be 1. One of the feat ures of London is the number of big stores, found in or near the West End. 2. . within the famil.v are different now. Parents treat their children as equals more than thc\ used to. 3. Our go\'crnmcnt gives financial help to the elderl.y in the form of ........................... 4. Thc.. of the cit\' helps explain the fact that 110 Chi Minh City docs not \1;-\\-(' just OIlC c('ntrc, .. . .. .. . ... . . of population go 5. In ('\Tn industrialized ('ountr\ in the \\'orId the vast ...... out to \\'ork to earn their li\'ing. (). I'u IJlic scn'iccs arc provided for the good of society as a \-vhole, the money to finance them is colkc1Cd IJ.\' the gmTrnment through ... , and mOfe medicines. I. 1\1;111\' countries need bettef health care, H. Doctors and nurses work through the WorId Health Organisation to prevent diseases, to ............. teach medica] people, clnd to provide medical supplies and .... q .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . education should be free and the state should pay 1he cust of students' accommodation, food, books. 10. The Internet, . .more and more popular and many people no\\! have access to 11 ,It horne. 111
- Practice test 7 11. In the last 100 years, t('chnolog)' has completely changed the way we live.. ............. ..have electricity', aeroplanes, television, and we have even been to the moon. 12. Scientists.. that by 2050 the population might reach 10 billion. Feeding this number of people might prove to be difficult. 13. The world's .......................... .is around six billion. 14. Eco-friendly houses can collect.. for washing. 15. The computer has become part of life in the last ten or fifteen years. It is.... .in business, science, education, and entertainment. SECTION 2: Reading Comprehension (30 marks) Read each passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Passage 1 Every British citizen who is employed (or self-employed) is obliged to pay a weekly contribution to the national insurance and health schemes. An employer also makes a contribution for each of his employees, and the Government too pays a certain amount. This plan was brought into being in 1948. Its aim is to prevent anyone from going \vithout medical services, if he needs them, however poor he may be; to ensure that a person who is out of \vork shall receive a weekI.v sum of money to subsist on; and to provide a small pension for those who have reached the age of retirement. I-:\'er~'onc can register with a doctor of his choice and if he is iJ1 he can consult the doctor without having to pay for the doctor's services, although he has to pay a small charge for medicines. When a man is out of work, he may draw unemployment benefit until he finds \\'ork again; this he \\'ill probabJy do by going to a clob Center. Obviously, the amount paid is comparatively small, for the State docs not \\"ant people to stop working in order to draw a handsome sum of money for doing nothing. There are special benefits for certain people, such as mothers-tn-be, children, the blind and the handicapped. The amount of mone,\" needed to operate these schemes is enormous and a large part of the mone.y comes not from the contributions but from taxation. I. What t\\'o schemes or \\"c]fa re docs the passage telJ us about? ............ 2. Who arc the contributors to these schemes? 3-4-5. What are the three fJurposcs of the schemes? 6. Can poor pcople gel frce doc1or's service? "". .................... ~I - - - - -----
- -- - - - - Tili li~u /in thi tie'ng Anh 7. Who can enjoy special benefits? ....................... .................................................................................... 8. What docs "them" in "if he needs them' refer to? (paragraph 1) ...................................................................................................................... 9. What docs "this" in "this he will probably do by going to a Job Center' refer to? (paragraph 2) ....................... ............................................... 10. What word in the passage means "an amount of money paid regularl.', 10 someone \vho is considered to be too old to earn money by \vorking'? ........... ................................. Passage 2 The sun releases large amounts of energy. Most of the energy goes into space, but some of it reaches the earth. There arc several kinds of energy from the SUTl, hut these arc the two most important: light and heat. Life qn earth depends on light for p1ants to grO\\'; and humans and animals need warmth to live. Solar energy is not onl.\' unlimited but also i1 is clean. It docs not pollute air or water. Wh\ doesn't the world use more solar power? It is still ver.'-' expensive to collect solar energy for use. Scientists around the world arc tr\ing to find a cheaper way to collect it and change it into eJectricity for machines. For example, automobile engineers arc tty'ing to develop electronic cars that use solar PO\\Tr. Many buildings arc using solar energv to heat their water nO\\'. to build their O\\'n Universities and colleges give solar energy courses where students learn of solar collectors. SOh1.r collectors. There arc also many books that explain the construction especially in the sllnny desert arcas of the worJd. Scientists afe looking fOf other ways to use solar enerK\. For instance, they want to use solar cnergy to take the salt out of sea water. Pcople \\'ho livc in dry, dcsert areas near oceans need fresh water. Scicntlsts want to supply this fresh water I"rmn the ocean. I ................. ..................... ................................. 15- 16. Name t\\'o of the uses'of solar energy mentioned in the passage? .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . ..p ................. 17. What is the process of taking salt out of sea water callcd? ........... 42
- Practice test 7 18. What docs "if' in "but also it is dean" refer to? (paragraph I) .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . ......................... .............. 19. What doc", "tlIat";n "...to devdop electronic cars that Use solar power" refer to') (Paragraph2) ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ............ 20. What expression/phrase in the passage is similar in meaning to "solar cncrgy"#? . . . . . . .. . . .. .............................................. SECTION 3: READING CLOZE (10 marks) Instructions: Complete the following passage with the missing words. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word only, Mexico City is the oldest and (1).............. ..historical capital city in North America. It's c:m exciting, beautiful, and magical (2)..... .......... ...which for the past few years has becn fighting against serious environmental problems. It has a (3) ..of O\'(T 22 million people (4)........... ............. .it's getting bigger all the time. (5).. IS morc them three times bigger (6) ..... ...New ............ York City and it's the lal'gest eit\ (7). world. Every day, thousands of people mm/c in from the country to (0'. .the work, (9) t'or thcre aren't enough jobs for al1 of them, and the rcsuJrs IS extrcll1ch (10) unemployment and over-population. PART 2: WRITING SECTION 1: CONTROLLED WRITING (15 marks) Instructions: From the following sets of words and phrases in the given sequences, make aU the changes and additions necessary to produce sentences, which together make a complete letter. Note carefully from the example what kind of changes need to be made. Write each sentence in the space provided. Example: ] / be / happy / get / letter / offer / me / job / vour company Answer: / was happy when [ got your letter, in which you alTer !!Ie (f joh ill your COlllIHlI/Y. Dear Karen 1. Thank / you / your letter. ........................................... ................. 2. I / really / look forward you. / see / you / summer / there / be / a kw thmgs / i like / a~~ / . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . 3. What / be / weather / usually / like / summn / /Jr;tam? J';"'I' ",' .............................. 4..1
- --.---- Tili Ii?" tJn (hi (ie'n Anh 4. 1 I not know I what I pack I I I not have I very big suitcase. ................ I I airport? 5. Can I come I meet me .......................................................................................................... I you I can I pick up I there. 6. If not I just let I me I know I how I get I station ...................................................................................................... how much I money I I I bring? more I question I . 7. 1 I have lone ............ .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. ................................................... 8. Is I easy I change I traveller's cheque? . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . 9. or I would I be I better I bring I cash? ........... ............ .......................................................................... 10. Please I write I soon .......................................................................................... Lots of love Debbie SECTION 2: SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (15 marks) Instructions: use the words given to rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the original sentence. Example: "Don't be so lazy!" Answer: Darren told him not to be lazy. 1. Don't go too near the edge," their father said. " ........... ............... Their father warned. ............................................ 2. You took it without paying for it, didn't you?" the shopkeeper said to her. ..................... ....................................................... The shopkeeper accused. 3. "Let's go to this bar here," my friend said. ................ My friend suggested. .............................................. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4. It was a really bad joke. Nobody laughed. .................. ....................... It was such. 5. The reviews were very bad, but the film was still a big success. ....................................... ........................................................................... Although. . 6. She wears the red blouse more often than the blue one. .......................................... ................................................................................. She prefers. 44
- Practice test 7 , 7. She has been writing the report since 2pm. She started. ........... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . 8. The man regrets not having bought that house The man wishes. ....... ................... .......................... 9. I want to visit IIalong Bay this summer. Yet I do not have enough money. If 1. ................................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10. The phone rang as soon as 1 went to bed. No sooner. ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ............................... SECTION 3: TRANSLATION (15 marks) Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Ha N(>ila thu d6 eua nUoe C(>ng hoa Xii h6i ehu nghja Viet Nam. ....................... 2. Ky hQp Quoe h(>i Ian 3 dii khai m?e vao thu 7 ngay 3 thang 5 nam 2003 tal Hii Noi. "..................................... ............................ 3 - 5 Doanh thu nganh du lieh tang khoang 10% trong bon thang dau nam, nhung giam mEjnh trong thang 4 do dieh SARS. ...................................................... Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese 6-8. According to the government report, aquaculture especially important part in economic restructuring in some areas. f fmvcver, shrimp breeding, plays an techniques have led to uneven development within the industry. poor pJanning and breeding .................. .......... ......................................................................... .............................................................................. .......... 9-10. The report also said t.hat progress has been reduction, settlement of land for prod lIction and made in education, job creation, poverty residents of nood-prone areas in the Mekong Delta. houses for ethnic minority' people and ....................... ................................... ........................................................ ................. This is the end of Practice test 7 45 -----.-
- ------- Tajli~uanthjtitn Anh PRACTICE TEST 8 PART 1: VOCABULARY AND READING COMPREHENSION SECTION 1: VOCABULARY (15 marks) Choose the best word/phrase in the box below to complete the sentences that follow. Each word/phrase can be used ONCE ONLY. _.---_.- ~ - [--------------- due to onc silence travelling I relaxing out of anxious enthusiasm I raises tel1ing preven ted anything . looking at da~ anniversary drink excited \vhat laid for __u_n.._ -- - - 1. M~' wife and I hm'(' nlways enjoyed ... .b~,' sea.. because nobody wanted to begin a conversation. 2. We ate our. meals in 3. At the meeting we discussed this issue with enormous.. 4. No. .is better at chess than chmet. 5. We arc. . to find
- Practice test 8 SECTION 2: READING COMPREHENSION (30 marks) Read each passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Passage 1 Britain is too small and crowded to produce all the food its people need. British farm~ produce large quantities of wheat, sugar beet, dairy products, beef and lamb, but more theln half of Britajn'~ foodstuffs are bought abroad. The British industry requires rmv muterials Most of these too have to be bought abroad. There are not nearly enough forests in the UK to keep the timber and paper mills busy, and there is very little iron ore for the steel milIs. Industries which need silicon, copper, zinc, cotton can only get them from foreign countries. Coal and North Sea oil and gas are the grea~ exceptions. British drivers fiJI up with British petrol. Housewives cook with Uritish natural gas, and power stations and factories burn British coal, gas or oiL 1. Can Britain suppJy sufficient foodstuffs to its people? 2. What docs 'these' in 'most of these, too have to be...' refer to? ........... ................ 3. Docs Britain have silicon, copper, zinc and cotton? ............... ........... .................. 4. What natural resources are plentiful in Britain? ................... 5. FiJI in the blank with one suitable word from the passage. Britain cannot. all the food for its people. Passage 2 A study of 1500 employees in top American companies shows that m:lnagers spend only about a qU8rtcr of their time managing. What do they do the rest or theIr time? Clerical ,",
- 10. In case the company C
- Pructice test R SECTION 3: READING CLOZE (10 marks) Instructions: Complete the following passage with the missing words. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word only. Water i~ neeess8ry for life. People can live only a fe\v days without (I) . y'ct nearly 25 million people die each }'CRr because of it. Both industrial nations and less-developed (2) .arc worried about the quality and (3) .of water in the world. The United Nations has named the 1980s the World Water Decade. The UN hopes to provide pure (4) for everyone by' 1990. Even though people, animals, 8griculturc, and' industry use a lot of \vutcr, there is more (5) .ellough on the Earth. One (6) the problems about water IS distribution. Water is not alway~ distributed where the large population centres (7) Some regions get enough rain, but it is all in one (8) . t wo short rainy seasons. Over half the \\'"orld is without pure drinking water. 75%1 of city people have safe \vater, (9) .only 29\;1" of rural people do. About 80% of all Illness is related (10) . bad water. PART 2: WRITING SECTION 1: CONTROLLED WRITING (10 marks) Instructions: From the following sets of words and phrases in the given sequences, make all the changes and additions necessary to produce sentences, which together make a complete letter from Francis to his new penfriend, Maria. Note carefully from the example what kind of changes need to be made. Write each sentence in the space provided. Example: I be happy / get / letter / offer me / job / your company Answer: 1 was happy when J got your letter, in which you offer me a job in your company. Dear Maria, 1. I / be / pleased / we / be going / be / penfriends./ 2. I / tell / you / a little myself, / you / do same / when / write me. / 3. I / live / area / call / Maida Vale. / ........... 4. it / be / quite near / centre / but / there be / parks / nearby / 5. 1/ go / local comprehensive school / 1/ have / a lot of friends./ .................. -- --- - -
- TUi Wu cJn[hi [ie'n Anh 6. evenings ( I sometimes ( visit ( friends ( stay ( home (listen music .( ...................... .............................................................. 7. "vcckends / llike / go swimming / horse-riding / .............. ............. .......................... 8. mo~ent / I/ work very hard / I/ have exams / soon.; ............ 9. I ( be ( spend ( a lot of time ( library.( IO. I ( look forward ( hearing ( you.( Writc soon! I3est wishes, Francis. SECTION 2: SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (15 marks) Instructions: Use the words given to rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the original one. 1. I can't get m)' fect into these shoes. Thcsc shoes arc too .. 2. Ilow long is it since they bought the house'? When .. 3. No one has signed this cheque. This cheque. 4. The office is so dirl~ that 110 one wants to work there. It is such. 5. You should phone immediately; or else you won't get any information. Unless you 6. 18m sorry. This is a non-smoking room. You 7. "You'd bettcr not lend him an.y more money, Mark" said I~osie. Rosie ad'\'iscd Mark. 8. " Why don't \\'C go to the cinema '?" said Bob. Bob suggcsted .. 9. Although he had a good salary, he ,\",'as unhappy in his job. In spite of . 10. Marry cats very little so as not to put 011 weight. Mary cats very little because ........... .............
- Prac1ice test 8 SECTION 3: TRANSLATION (15 marks) Translate the following sentences into English 1. Viel Nam la mc)t trang nhung nlidc san xua t tra Idn nhal the gidi. 2. Tra Viet nam dliqc lia chuc)ng 0 nhieu nlidc. 3. Nam 1998 Viet Nam xuat khau he5n 30.000 Ian Ira. 4. Chinh ph" da chap thuan mc)t ke ha
- TiJi lifU dn lhi tie'ng Anh PRACTICE TEST 9 PART 1: VOCABULARY AND READING COMPREHENSION SECTION 1: VOCABULARY (15 marks) Choose the best word/phrase in the box below to complete the sentences that follow. Each word/phrase can be used ONCE ONLY. arrange a meeting it produced stay fit iHegal lies six-month cont.ract to Jj.\. an appointment bu siness card safe trip Although is made In spite of there closed down taking the risk check lnto number of jobs growing demand healthy in the Champagne region of France can be 1. Only wine which labe11ed 'champagne'. 2. I see from your .... ........... ..t.hat .','our company' has offices in Paris, London, and I~ome. 3. I will telephone you next week and, if you arc interested, \VC can 4. Have a....... .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ..back to P;nglandl Thank you. 5. You mustn't park here. It's ..... ............................ ........................ will increase 6. Next year the factory wi11 employ a lot of people. The by' over 6(/io. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .......... 7. My father lost his job because his company.. 8. ........... ... won't be enough room if everyone comes. 9. lie tried to . a hotel, but the receptionist. refused to accept his credlt canl. only twenty miles from the volcano. 10. The city, with a population of 300,000, unless wc can make a big profit. 11. It's not worth ............ 12. I do exercise three times a week in order to ...... 13. .. being excited about the good news. Mark seemed to be indifferent. 14. In 1992, with the. the company built a new factor.\" to increase its production. .................. 15. We \\.'ant to hire him on a .. 52
- Practice lest/) SECTION 2: READING COMPREHENSION (30 marks} Read each passage carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Passage 1 Traffic congestion in cities wil] be reduced because ddvers will Lise e1cctronic route maps to find the quickest route to their destination and avoid traffic jams. Congestion will also decrease after electronic s.ystems start charging motorists for driving in cities. 1\ssoon as motorists have to pay to drive in cities, the}' will stop using their cars and use pubJic transport instead. Spccd- control systems wilJ be built into cars. These systems will regulate the speed of the car to take account of traffic and \\'Cather conditions, and prevent accidents. It will be many years be fan' their changes bring results but when the.y' do, there will be a dramatic improvement in road safety. 1. I low can electronic route maps help reduce traffic congestion on cities in the future'? . ,. . ,, ,. . ,, , .. ,, ,. ............. 2. What wiIJ drivers have to do if thcy want to drive in cities? ............ , ,... .......... .......... 3, Ho\\' useful arc speed control systems? .., ,', , ,.,.."...""..".. "...... 4. What docs 'these' in 'These systems will be built in cars' refer to? ,.... ,,..... ,.... , . .,,.. ..... ... ,... ,... , S, 110\\ soon wi1l improvcment in road safety be made? ." ,',..,',..,.,...,...,...".,., ", ,,...,., ................. Passage 2 The Italian fashion industry is very flexible, and it has remained competitive because it has been able to react quickly to changes in. the market. However, - in recent .vears, production costs in Italy have been rising, and imports have been growing faster than exports. Mid-priced clothing in particular has been facing growing competition from countries in the Far East, South America, and Eastern Europe, where labour costs arc lower. The export market has remained strong, howcver. In 1992, the va1ue of" cxported clothing was $6 billion, more than t\vice the value of imported clothing, 6. What does the passage tell us ahout? .."""...,,,.,,...,, ,,. ,...",................ .......... 7. Why have imports been growing faster than exports in Italy in r{,l'cnt years? ............... 8, Which countries arc the competitors of the l1aliHn fashion industr.\'"? 9. What docs the rigure 'S 6billion' refer to'? ............... - - - - -. -
- Tdi lifU on thi ti€'ng Anh 10. Fill in the blank with one suitable word from the passage. ............ Production costs in the Far East, South America, and Eastern Europe are.................. than those in Italy. Passage 3 The government in Japan has set up twenty - six research cities, or 'technologies' to study new technologies. Scientists and entrepreneurs will live in these cities, and each city will carry out research of different kind. The Japanese government will spend over $2.5 billion on each city. Private businesses will pay for research and development costs as well. 11. According to the passage, what arc 'technologies? ........... 12. What is the main business of these cities? ................................ 13. Who finances the construction of the cities? .................. ............................................ 14. lIow will private businesses help scientists and entrepreneurs in the cities? ......................................................................................................................................... 15. Write the question for the answer below? ? .............................................................................................................. $2.5 billion Passage 4 In the 70s and 80s, most managers expected to continue working until retirement at sixty or sixty-fivo. But now, the situation is changing. Since the beginning of the 19905, many managers in their forties and fifties have lost their jobs. The reason for making managers redundant is a company buy-out or restructuring. 1\1so the recession of the late 1980s and early 1990s caused many redundancies. 16. lIow long did most managers work in 70s and 80s? ...................... 17. Can most managers work as long as those used to? ...................................... ............ 18. What makes managers redundant? ............................................................ ............... ................. 19. What word is used in the passage to mean 'job losses'? ................................................. 20. What docs the underlined word in 'the situation is changing' refer to? ............ .......................................
- () Practice test SECTION 3: READING CLOZE (10 marks) Complete the following passage with the missing words. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word only. We talk about time every day. We measure (l) .......... ................ by second, minute, hour, day', \vcek, month, year, and century. But what is thc time? No onc can say exactly \\/hat it is. ~) .......................... is one of the greatest m.\,"steries of our lives. We (3) ............... know exact])' \\'hat time is, but our ability to measure it is very important. It (4) our way of life possible. /\11 the members of a group have to (5) .. ............ time in some wa}'. Time let us put things in a different order. We know that breakfast comes (6) ............................. lunch. The reading class is after the writing class. Children can't play (7) .................. school is over. Time enables us to organise our Jives. The earliest people saw changes of the moon, and the seasons. They (8) ............ .. mcasunng their I1ves by these changes. Then people startcd inventing clocks. The Chmese (
- Teli liru {}n thi tiltng Anh 6. I ( be ( in charge ( international cable projects ( .................... 7. I ( be ( married ( six years ( .......................................................... 8. I ( work ( weli ( other people ( .............. 9. I ( be ( happy ( work (long hours if neeessary( ........................................................................................................................... 10. Please ( find ( enc10se ( curriculum vitae ( ................................................ SECTION 2: SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION (15 marks) Use the words given to rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the original sentence. 1. "It certainly' wasn't me who did this" said Peter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ................... Peter denied. ..............................................- 2. She finally managed to get a job. ................................ .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. She finally succeeded.............................. 3. "You look exhausted. You need a holiday" said the doctor. .................................... The doctor advised....... 4. Ill' asked a little boy how old he is. .. . .. . ... .. .. .. . '(" he asked a little boy. "Ifow S. I \\"ork in a factor.\ which has more than a thousand emp1oyecs. .......................... ............................ There. ............. 6. Who does this book be10ng to'? ............................ ............. .. ? Whose. 7. My suit needs to be ironed before the interview. .................................................................. 8 Mr. Smith is 7S years o1d, but he runs 5 kilometers a da)". ............................................... i\lthough . , 9. 1'\'1ysister speaks English bettcr than me .............................................. I don't :;pcuk English as 10. The tca is \'en' hot I can't drink it. ............. ............................. The tea is too..
- Practice test Y SECTION 3: TRANSLATION (15 marks) Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Thilnh pho Ho Chi Minh Iii mQI thilnh pho Ire so voi Hil Noi. ........................... ,... ,.. ................................... 2. Hil nQi Iii mQI trang nhO'ng thilnh pho Ion nhal Vi",t Nam. ................. .................. 3. Dan so cua thilnh pho vila khaang 5 trieu ngtJoi. 4. Trang nhO'ng nam vlia qua, thilnh pho co nhieu thay d6i Ion. ................ 5. Muc song cua ngtJoi dan cilng ngily cilng caa. ................... Translate the following sentences into Vietnamese. 6-7. In the United States, the powcr of the unions is decreasing. There arc clear signs that thcv are losing their hold on workers. ......................... ....................... ...................... ............. .......... 8. When a British citizen reaches the age of 65, he may retire from work and thcn he has the right to qrav.' a state pension. For women, the age of retirement is sixty. 9- 10. Stress creates problems for the individual and the organisation. But emplo~'Crs ignore the effects on the \vorkpJace: absenteeism, poor work and dangcrous health and safety factors. .......... .............. ........... Th1s is the end of Practice Test 9 57
Tài liệu ôn thi tuyển sinh tiếng Anh cao học - Đại học Kinh tế TP. HCM
105 p | 1960 | 1148
Tài liệu tiếng Anh ôn thi tuyển sinh cao học - Phần 1
22 p | 842 | 520
Tài liệu tiếng Anh ôn thi tuyển sinh cao học - Phần 2
23 p | 632 | 409
Tài liệu tiếng Anh ôn thi tuyển sinh cao học - Phần 4
21 p | 485 | 329
Tài liệu tiếng Anh ôn thi tuyển sinh cao học - Phần 5
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3 p | 77 | 9
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