TCP/IP Quick Guide
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TCP/IP Quick Guide TCP Services UDP Services IRC Internet Relay Chat DCAP Data Link Switching Client Access Protocol DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol NTP Network Time Protocol TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol ICP Internet Cache Protocol OSI MODEL Layer 7: Application Layer HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol Gopher TELNET Virtual Terminal POP3 Post Office Protocol Finger FTP File Transfer Protocol SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol Defines interface to user processes Provides standardized network services X Window System X Protocol (X10 X11) CMOT CMIP over TCP/IP LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol CLDAP Connectionless LDAP UDP Encapsulated SNMP SimpleNetwork Mgmt. Protocol v1, v2,...
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Nội dung Text: TCP/IP Quick Guide
- TCP/IP Quick Guide TCP Services UDP Services HTTP POP3 FTP SMTP IRC DHCP BOOTP NTP TFTP OSI MODEL HyperText Transfer Protocol Post Office Protocol File Transfer Protocol Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Internet Relay Chat Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Bootstrap Protocol Network Time Protocol Trivial File Transfer Protocol TELNET NNTP IMAP DCAP Gopher Virtual Finger Network News Internet Message Data Link Switching Terminal Transfer Protocol Access Protocol Client Access Protocol LDAP CLDAP ICP Lightweight Connectionless Internet Directory LDAP Cache Protocol Layer 7: Application Layer X Window System X Protocol Access Protocol (X10 X11) UDP Encapsulated Defines interface to user processes CMOT SNMP Security CMIP over TCP/IP SimpleNetwork CORBA IIOP GIOP Mgmt. Protocol Provides standardized network services v1, v2, v3 RMON I & II AES DES SLP Remote 3DES DNS IPX Advanced Data Service Location Protocol Monitoring Triple DES Domain Name Encryption Encryption MIBS System Standard Standard Layer 6: Presentation Layer IPSEC TACACS/TACACS+ Specifies architecture-independent data ONC RPC Pemote Terminal Access Controller Access transfer format Procedure Call UDP TCP Radius Kerberos Control System LPP Remote Lightweight Network Authentication Encodes and decodes data; Presentation Protocol Dial-In User Authentication Protocol Service UDP Encrypts and decrypts data; PPP SLIP Compresses and decompresses data NBSS NetBIOS Session Service UDP TCP Layer 5: Session Layer ISO TP PPTP L2TP L2F Point-to-Point Layer 2 Tunneling Layer 2 Forwarding SMB Tunneling Protocol Protocol Manages user sessions and dialogues SMB Protocol SSHv2 Frame Secure Shell V2 Relay Controls establishment and Net- BEUI L2TP UDP TCP X.25 SCPv2 termination of logical Secure Copy v2 IP links between users Net- WINS BIOS SSL IP in IP TLS TCP GRE IPX Generic Routing Secure IP Encapsulated DIFFSERV Transport Socket Layer in IP Layer Layer 4: ISO-DE Encapsulation Security Transport Layer ISO NetBIOS Development DGM Environment IPX IP Provides reliable and sequential end-to-end TCP UDP Routing Protocol packet delivery Transmission Control Protocol User Datagram Protocol From UDP UDP Based Provides connectionless From RUDP Cisco HSRP Routing TCP Reliable Hot Standby oriented packet delivery Protocol-TCP Based Multicast Routing UDP Router Protocol-TCP Based BGP Cisco RSRB IRDP GDP RIP Border Gateway Remote Source Route MSDP ICMP Router Gateway Routing Protocol Bridging Protocol Multicast Source From Multicast Routing Protocols-IP Based Discovery Protocol Discovery Information Discovery Protocol TCP Cisco STUN Protocol Protocol Serial Tunneling Cisco XOT MOSPF PIM-SM ICMP/ICMPv6 of SDLC Header X.25 Over TCP MBGP Mulitcast OSPF Protocol Independant Internet Control Multi-Protocol BGP Mulitcast-Sparse Mode Message Protocol DVMRP Layer 3: Network Layer IPSEC Routing Protocol-IP Based Distance Vector PIM-DM Internet IP Security Mulitcast Protocol Independant IP / IPv6 EGP NHRP GGP Routing Protocol Mulitcast-Dense Mode Internet Protocol AH ESP IP Comp IKE Routes packets according to Exterior Gateway Next Hop Gateway-to-Gateway PGM IGMP Authentication Encapsulation IP Payload Internet Key Protocol Resolution Protocol Protocol Pragamatic Header Security Compression Exchange Internet Group Payload General Mulitcast unigue network addresses OSPF RSVP VRRP Protocol Management Protocol Open Shortest Resource Reservation Virtual Router SLIP Path First Protocol Redundancy Protocol Serial Line IP Mobile IP Mobile IPv6 Cisco Protocols IGRP E-IGRP Interior Gateway Routing Protocol Enhanced IGRP The MPLS signaling protocols are either TCP or UDP based IPCP/IPv6CP LDP CR-LDP TDP RSVP-TE IP Control Protocol Tag Label Constraint RSVP ARP IPv6 Control Protocol Based SLE SLARP Distribution Distribution Traffic Layer 2: Data Link Layer CDP XTP Address Serial Like Protocol Protocol LDP Extension Cisco Discovery Xpress Transfer Resolution Serial Link Encapsulation Protocol Protocol Protocol ARP PPP MPLS Defines procedures for operating ESRP Extreme Standby CGMP IARP RARP Multi-Protocol Label Switching Cisco Group Inverse Reverse the communication link Router Protocol Management Protocol ARP ARP Ethernet Provides framing and Internetwork sequencing Ethernet IEEE 802.3 LAN SNAP Sub Network Access Protocol SMDS Switched Multi-Megabit IBM SDLC Synchronous ISO HDLC High-level Data Link Protocol Data Link Protocol Frame Relay Link Access Procedure CSMA/CD 802.2 Logical Link Control Data Service PPP for Frame Mode Bearer Media Access Control Point-to-Point Protocol ATM Services (LAPF) Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 LCP NCP Asynchronous Connectionless Service Connection Service ACK w/Connectionless Service Link Control Network Control Transfer Mode Layer PPP Wireless LAN Protocols Protocols IEEE 802.5 FDDI Token Passing IEEE 802.11 Token Passing Ring Ring Media Access IEEE 802.3 WLAN Media Access Control Control MAC Direct Sequence DOCSIS DSL ISDN Q.921 MAN Data Over Digital Subscribe Line LAPD Cable FDDI Layer 1: Physical Layer Systems Interface IEEE 802.11a FDDI Specification IEEE 802.3 Token Ring Fiber Optic IEEE 80.16 IEEE 802.3ae 10 Mbps 54 Mbps WiMAX 10 Gigabit Defines physical means of Ethernet SONET/SDH IEEE 802.11b Fiber Optic OC-3/STM-1 OC-12/STM-3 OC-48/STM-16 OC-192/STM-64 sending data over network IEEE 802.3u 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps Shielded 155.52 Mbps 622.08 Mbps 2.488 Gbps 9.953 Gbps WAN 100 Mbps Twisted Pair IEEE 802.11g devices Fast Ethernet 54 Mbps Unshielded XAUI 10GBase-R (LAN) DWDM IEEE 802.3z Twisted Pair IEEE 802.11n 10GBase-W (WAN) Gigabit Ethernet 10GBase-X (WWDM) 100 Mbps - 200 Mbps ©Javvin Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. www.javvin.com
- IP: Internet Protocol IPv4: Internet Protocol version 4 IPv4 is defined in IETF RFC 791. IPv4 Address Format Extended-Network-Prefix IPv4 Packet Format Network-Prefix Subnet-Number Host-Number 4 8 16 32bit Version IHL Type of service Total length 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits 8 bits Identification Flags Fragment offset 172 . 16 . 122 . 204 Time to live Protocol Header checksum Source address IPv4 Address Classes CIDR Destination address CIDR: Classless and Subnet Address Extensions and Supernetting Bits 31 24 16 8 0 Option + Padding 31 0 Class A 0 Network Host Network Host Data /nn • Version –the version of IP (4 for IPv4). Class B 10 Network Host • IP Header Length (IHL) – number of 32-bit words that points to the CIDR Number of Dotted Decimal Number of beginning of the data. It is between 5 (20bytes) to 15 (60 bytes). prefix Classfull Netmask Usable IPs • Type-of-Service – indicates the quality of service desired. Class C length Networks 110 Network Host Type of service Differentiated Services /1 128 As 2,147,483,646 Precedence (000 – 111) 000 D (1 = minimize delay) 0 /2 64 As 1,073,741,822 T (1 = maximize throughout) 0 Address # Network # Hosts Decimal Number of R (1 = maximize reliability) 0 Class Bits Bits Address Range Usable IP /3 32 As 536,870,910 C (1 = minimize cost) 1 = ENC capabl 16,777,216 x (reserved and set to 0) 1 = congestion experienced Class A 8 bits 24 bits 1-126 /4 16 As 268,435,454 (1 A) • Total Length – the length of the entire IP packet in bytes. Maximum length is 65,535. 1,048,544 /5 8 As 134,217,726 • Identification – an integer that identifies the current datagram. Class B 16 bits 16 bits 128-191 (16 B) • Flags –a 3-bit field of which the two low-order bits control fragmenta- /6 4 As 67,108,862 tion. 65,534 Class C 24 bits 8 bits 192-223 /7 2 As 33,554,430 X (reserved and set to 0) (256 C) D (1 = don’t fragment) Class D Multicast 224 - 239 /8 1 A or 256 Bs 16,777,214 M (1 = more fragment) • Fragment Offset – indicates the position of the fragment’s data relative Class E Experimental 240 - 255 /9 128 Bs 8,388,606 to the beginning of the data in the original datagram. • Time-to-Live – a counter that gradually decrements down to zero, at /10 64 Bs 4,194,302 which point the datagram is discarded. • Protocol - indicates which upper-layer protocol receives incoming pack- • Destination Address – 32 bits field specifies the receiving node. /11 32 Bs 2,097,150 ets after IP processing is complete. Some sample protocols: • Options – allows IP to support various options. 1 ICMP 2 IGMP 6 TCP 9 IGRP 0 End of option list 1 No operation (PAD) /12 16 Bs 1,048,574 17 UDP 47 GRE 50 ESP 51 AH 7 Record route 68 timestamp 57 SKIP 88 EIGRP 89 OSPF 115 L2TP /13 8 Bs 524,286 131 Loose source route 137 Strict source route • Header Checksum – ensures IP header integrity. • Data – contains upper-layer information. • Source Address – 32 bits field specifies the sending node. /14 4 Bs 262,142 /15 2 Bs 131,070 IPv6: Internet Protocol version 6 /16 1 B or 256 Cs 65,534 /17 128 Cs 32,766 IPv6 Address Format IPv6 is defined in IETF RFC 1883 and RFC 2460. /18 64 Cs 16,382 16bits 16bits 16bits 16bits 16bits 16bits 16bits 16bits IPv6 Packet Format /19 32 Cs 8,190 aaaa : aaaa : aaaa : aaaa : aaaa : aaaa : aaaa : aaaa /20 16 Cs 4,094 4 12 16 24 32 bit /21 8 Cs 2,046 IPv6 Address Types Ver- Traffic Flow label /22 4 Cs 1,022 sion Class IPv6 address is classified in three types: Unicast, Multicast and Anycast. Next header /23 2 Cs 510 Payload length Hop limit type Unicast Address: applied to one network interface. /24 1C 254 Source address (128 bits) The common global unicast address divisions: /25 1/2 C 126 Destination address (128 bits) Global Routing Subnet ID /26 1/4 C 62 Extension Header Information Interface ID (64 bits) Next header Prefix (N bits) (64-N bits) (optional and variable length) /27 1/8 C 30 Data (Variable Length) Link-local unicast address divisions: /28 1/16 C 14 • Version – Internet Protocol Version number (IPv6 is 6). 1111111010 (10 bits) 0x00…0 (54bits) Interface ID (64 bits) /29 1/32 C 6 • Traffic class – enables a source to identify the desired delivery priority of the packets. Site-local unicast address divisions: /30 1/64 C 2 • Flow label– used by a source to label packets for special handling by the IPv6 router. 1111111011 Site Level 0x0…0 Interface ID (64 bits) /31 1/128 C 0 • Payload length – the length of the data portion of the packet. (10 bits) Aggregation • Next header – identifies the type of header immediately following the /32 1/256 C IPv6 header. It is similar to the “protocol” filed in IPv4. (Interface ID is based on hardware MAC address.) • Hop limit – specifies the maximum number of routers (hops) through which a packet can traverse before discarded. • Source address – 128-bit address of the originator of the packet. Multicast Address: applied for multiple network interfaces, and com- • Destination address – 128-bit address of the intended recipient of the packet. munication is conducted with all hosts with the same address. IPv4-mapped IPv6 address: • Extension Header Information – an optional field (not included in the basic header) with variable length. 0xFF (8 bits) Flag (4 bits) Scope (4 bits) Group ID (112 bits) 0x00…0 (80 bits) 0xFFFF (16 bits) IPv4 Address (32 bits) • Routing • Fragmentation • Authentication IPv4-competible IPv6 address: • Encapsulation Anycast Address: applied for multiple network interfaces, but actual • Hop-by-Hop Option communication is conducted with one of them. It has the same format 0x00…0 (80 bits) 0x0000 (16 bits) IPv4 Address (32 bits) • Destination Options as the Unicast address. ©Javvin Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. www.javvin.com
- IPv4 vs. IPv6 Subjects IPv4 IPv6 IPv6 Advantages Address Space 4 Billion Addresses 3.4 x 1038 addresses 79 Octillion times the IPv4 address space Configuration Manual or use DHCP Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) with or without DHCP Lower Operation Expenses and reduce error Broadcast / Multicast Uses both No broadcast and has different forms of multicast Better bandwidth efficiency Anycast support Not part of the original protocol Explicit support of anycast Allows new applications in mobility, data center Need to process Option and Checksum fields by every Routing efficiency No checksum; Extended header for options. Improved support for extensions and options and better routing efficiency. router Network Configuration Mostly manual and labor intensive Facilitate the re-numbering of hosts and routers Lower operation expenses and facilitate migration QoS support ToS using DIFFServ Flow classes and flow labels More Granular control of QoS IPsec becomes the key technology to protect data and Security Uses IPsec for Data packet protection Unified framework for security and more secure computing environment control packets Mobile IPv6 provides fast handover, better router Better efficiency and scalability; Work with latest 3G mobile technologies Mobility Uses Mobile IPv4 optimization and hierarchical mobility and beyond. TCP: Transmission Control Protocol TCP/IP Utilities ICMP TCPDUMP TCP is defined by IETF RFC 793. TCP Header Format ICMP: Internet Message Control Protocol. ICMP for IPv4 is defined in tcpdump – dump traffic on a network IETF RFC 792 and ICMP for IPv6 is defined in IETF RFC 2463. 16 32 bit tcpdump [-aenStvx] [-c count] [-F file] [-i int] [-r file] [-s snaplen] [-w ICMP Header Format. file] [‘filter_expression’] Source port Destination port 8 16 32 bit Sequence number -a Convert network and broadcast addresses to names Type Code Checksum -c Exit after receiving count packets Acknowledgement number -F Filter expression in file Indentifier Sequence number -i Listen on interface Offset Rsved U A P R S F Window -n Don’t convert IP addresses to names Address mask -r Read packets from file Checksum Urgent pointer -s Get snaplen bytes from each packet Type Code -t Don’t print timestamp Option + Padding 0 Echo Reply 0 -v Verbose mode Data -w Write packets to file 3 Destination 0 Net Unreachable -x Display in hex Unreachable 1 Host Unreachable -X Display in hex and ASCII • Source port – Identifies points at which upper-layer source process filter_expression Selects which packets will be dumped. 2 Protocol Unreachable receives TCP services. • Destination port – Identifies points at which upper-layer Destination 3 Port Unreachable process receives TCP services. 4 Fragmentation Needed & DF Set • Sequence number – Specifies the number assigned to the first byte of 5 Source Route Failed PING data in the current message. • Acknowledgment number – Contains the sequence number of the next 6 Destination Network Unknown byte of data the sender to receive. ping - send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts 7 Destination Host Unknown • Offset – Indicates where the data begins. • Reserved – Reserved for future use. Must be zero. 8 Source Host Isolated ping [ -LRUbdfnqrvVaAB] [ -c count] [ -i interval] [ -l preload] [ -p pat- • Control bits (Flags) – Carry a variety of control information. The 9 Network Administratively Prohibited tern] [ -s packetsize] [ -t ttl] [ -w deadline] [ -F flowlabel] [ -I interface] [ control bits may be: -M hint] [ -Q tos] [ -S sndbuf] [ -T timestamp option] [ -W timeout] [ hop 10 Host Administratively Prohibited U (URG) Urgent pointer field significant. ...] destination A (ACK) Acknowledgment field significant. 11 Network Unreachable for TOS P (PSH) Push function. -a Audible ping. 12 Host Unreachable for TOS R (RST) Reset the connection. -A Adaptive ping. S (SYN) Synchronize sequence numbers. 13 Communication Administratively -b Allow pinging a broadcast address. F (FIN) No more data from sender. Prohibited -B Do not allow ping to change source address. • Window – Specifies the size of the sender’s receive window. 4 Source Quench 0 -c count Stop after sending count ECHO_REQUEST packets. • Checksum – Indicates whether the header was damaged in transit. -d Set the SO_DEBUG option on the socket being used. • Urgent Pointer – Points to the first urgent data byte in the packet. 5 Redirect 0 Redirect Datagram for the Network -F flow label Allocate 20 bits flow label on echo request packets (Only • Option + Padding – Specifies various TCP options. 1 Redirect Datagram for the Host ping6) 0 End of Option List -f Flood ping. 2 Redirect Datagram for the TOS & Network 1 No operation (pad) -i interval Wait interval seconds between sending each packet. 2 Maximum segment size 3 Redirect Datagram for the TOS & Host -I interface address Set source address to specified interface 3 window scale 8 Echo 0 address. 4 Selective ACK ok -l preload Sends [preload] packets not waiting for reply. 8 Timestamp 9 Router 0 -L Suppress loopback of multicast packets. • Data – contains upper-layer information. Advertisement -n Numeric output only. -p pattern Specify (up to 16) ``pad’’ bytes to fill out the out packet. 10 Router Selection 0 -Q tos Set Quality of Service -related bits in ICMP datagrams. UDP: User Datagram Protocol 11 Time Exceeded 0 Time to Live exceeded in Transit -q -R Quiet output. Record route. 1 Fragment Reassembly Time Exceeded -r Bypass routing tables and send to a host on an attached interface. UDP is defined by IETF RFC 768. 0 12 Parameter Problem -s packetsize Specify the number of data bytes to be sent. 0 Pointer indicates the error -S sndbuf Set socket sndbuf. UDP Header Format 1 Missing a Required Option -t ttl Set the IP Time to Live. -T timestamp option Set special IP timestamp options 2 Bad Length -M hint Select Path MTU Discovery strategy. 16 32 bit 13 Timestamp 0 -U Print full user-to-user latency. Source port Destination port -v Verbose output. 14 Timestamp Reply 0 -V Show version and exit. Length Checksum 15 Information -w deadline Specify a timeout (seconds) before ping exits. 0 Request -W timeout Time to wait for a response (seconds). Data 16 Information Reply 0 • Source port – An optional field indicates the port of the sending process. 17 Address Mask • Destination port – Identifies points at which upper-layer Destination 0 Request process receives UDP services. • Length – The length in octets of the user datagram, including the 18 Address Mask 0 header and the data (Minimum is 8). Reply • Checksum -- Indicates whether the header was damaged in transit. 30 Traceroute 0 • Data – Contains upper-level information. ©Javvin Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. www.javvin.com
- The Mostly Used TCP/UDP Port Numbers Port No. Protocol Service Name Aliases Comment Port No. Protocol Service Name Aliases Comment 1 TCP tcpmux TCP Port Service Multiplexer 520 TCP efs Extended File Name Server 2 TCP/UDP compressnet Management Utility 520 UDP Routing router routed RIPv.1, RIPv.2 3 TCP/UDP compressnet Compression Process 521 UDP Routing router routed RIPng 7 TCP/UDP echo Echo 525 UDP Timed timeserver Timeserver 13 TCP/UDP daytime Daytime 526 TCP Tempo newdate Newdate 19 TCP/UDP chargen ttytst source Character generator 530 TCP/UDP Courier rpc RPC 20 TCP ftp-data File Transfer 531 TCP conference chat IRC Chat 21 TCP ftp FTP Control 532 TCP netnews readnews Readnews 22 TCP ssh SSH remote login protocol 533 UDP Netwall For emergency broadcasts 23 TCP telnet Telnet 540 TCP Uucp uucpd Uucpd 25 TCP smtp mail Simple Mail Transfer 543 TCP Klogin Kerberos login 37 TCP/UDP Time Time 544 TCP Kshell krcmd Kerberos remote shell 39 UDP RLP resource Resource Location Protocol 550 UDP new-rwho new-who New-who 42 TCP/UDP nameserver name Host Name Server 554 UDP rtsp Real Time Stream Control Protocol 43 TCP nicname whois Who Is 556 TCP remotefs rfs rfs_server Rfs Server 49 UDP TACACS TACACS: Login Host Protocol 560 UDP rmonitor rmonitord Rmonitor 53 TCP/UDP domain DNS Domain Name Server 561 UDP monitor 67 UDP bootps dhcps Bootstrap Protocol Server 636 TCP Ldaps sldap LDAP over TLS/SSL 68 UDP bootps dhcpc Bootstrap Protocol Client 749 TCP/UDP kerberos-adm Kerberos administration 69 UDP TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol 750 UDP Kerberos-iv Kerberos version IV 70 TCP gopher Gopher 1080 TCP/UDP socks socks 79 TCP/UDP finger Finger 1812 TCP RADIUS RADIUS 80 TCP/UDP http www, http World Wide Web 1813 TCP RADIUS RADIUS accounting 88 TCP/UDP kerberos krb5 Kerberos TCP/UDP Ports 101 TCP hostname hostnames NIC Host Name Server 102 TCP iso-tsap ISO-TSAP Class 0 Process X Process Y Processes 107 TCP rtelnet Remote Telnet Service 110 TCP pop3 postoffice Post Office Protocol - Version 3 ... Port N ... UDP datagrams ... Port M ... Sockets 111 TCP/UDP sunrpc rpcbind portmap SUN Remote Procedure Call TCP/UDP TCP connection TCP/UDP 113 TCP Auth ident tap Authentication Sevice 117 TCP uucp-path UUCP Path Service IP IP IP Addresses 118 TCP sqlserv SQL Services unreliable 119 TCP nntp usenet Network News Transfer Protocol Host A IP datagrams Host B 123 UDP ntp Network Time Protocol 135 TCP/UDP epmap loc-srv DCE endpoint resolution 137 TCP/UDP netbios-ns nbname NETBIOS Name Service Well Known Ports: from 0 through 1023 138 UDP netbios-dgm nbdatagram NETBIOS Datagram Service Registered Ports: from 1024 through 49151 139 TCP netbios-ssn nbsession NETBIOS Session Service Dynamic and/or Private Ports: from 49152 through 65535 143 TCP imap imap4 Internet Message Access Protocol 158 TCP pcmail-srv repository PC Mail Server 161 UDP snmp snmp SNMP 162 UDP snmptrap snmp-trap SNMP TRAP 170 TCP Print-srv Network PostScript 179 TCP BGP Border Gateway Protocol 194 TCP irc Internet Relay Chat Protocol ISBN 0-9740945-4-4 213 UDP ipx IPX over IP 389 TCP ldap Lightweight Directory Access Protocol 401 TCP/UDP UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply 443 TCP/UDP https MCom http protocol over TLS/SSL 445 TCP/UDP CIFS Microsoft-ds (CIFS) 464 TCP/UDP kpasswd Kerberos (v5) Related Products: To order Javvin products: 500 UDP isakmp ike Internet Key Exchange (IPSec) Network Communication Protocol Map Javvin Technologies, Inc. 513 TCP login Remote Login Network Protocols Handbook 13485 Old Oak Way Packet Analyzer Saratoga CA 95070 USA 513 UDP who whod Database of who’s logged on, average load www.javvin.com 514 TCP cmd shell Automatic Authentication help@javvin.com 514 UDP syslog 1-408-872-3881 515 TCP printer spooler Listens for incoming connections 517 UDP tals Establishes TCP Connection Copyright © 2005 Javvin Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved. ©Javvin Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. www.javvin.com


ERROR:connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused)
ERROR:connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused)
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