Environmental accounting information
The research "Social and environmental reporting practices of the gambling industry: an Australian perspective" explores the corporate social and environmental disclosure (CSD) practices of Australian gambling companies to understand what information is reported in CSDs, and why. The first part of the study performs an analysis of the two gambling companies; annual reports (1995-2009) to investigate the changing trend of the CSDs.
272p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download
Ravine ecosystems are highly dynamic and completely deformatted terrain landscape. In these regions, Indigenous plant species are playing significant role in environmental rehabilitation because of their exultant survival and high adaptation to local conditions. Despite this, very little information’s available about existence of medicinal plants on the typical ravine flora. The present study attempted to explore the diversity and distribution of medicinal plant flora in the Yamuna ravines of Agra (U.P) and Chambal ravines of Kota district (Rajasthan).
13p chauchaungayxua6 26-06-2020 14 2 Download
To determine status information disclosure of environmental accounting, influence factors and the extent of the impact of the factors to the disclosure of environmental accounting information in aquaculture enterprises Vietnam.
26p bibianh 19-09-2019 54 4 Download