Equations of motion
The objective of this thesis is to apply Lagrange equations with multipliers to study dynamics and control of Delta parallel robots. Particularly, mechanical model, mathematical model, and control algorithms for Delta parallel robots are developed as a scientific basis for the research and development of parallel Delta robots.
23p xacxuoc4321 11-07-2019 52 6 Download
This thesis aims to develop finite element models for studying vibration of FGM porous beams in thermal environment under moving loads. Both analytical method and finite element analysis are employed in the thesis. The analytical method is used to derive equations of motion for the beam, and the finite element method is then employed to solve the governing equations and to determine the dynamic characteristics of the beams.
28p xacxuoc4321 09-07-2019 37 7 Download
For the complex parabolic Ginzburg-Landau equation, we prove that, asymptotically, vorticity evolves according to motion by mean curvature in Brakke’s weak formulation. The only assumption is a natural energy bound on the initial data. In some cases, we also prove convergence to enhanced motion in the sense of Ilmanen. Introduction In this paper we study the asymptotic analysis, as the parameter ε goes to zero, of the complex-valued parabolic Ginzburg-Landau equation for functions uε :
128p noel_noel 17-01-2013 42 7 Download
Annals of Mathematics We study the motion of an incompressible perfect liquid body in vacuum. This can be thought of as a model for the motion of the ocean or a star. The free surface moves with the velocity of the liquid and the pressure vanishes on the free surface. This leads to a free boundary problem for Euler’s equations, where the regularity of the boundary enters to highest order. We prove local existence in Sobolev spaces assuming a “physical condition”, related to the fact that the pressure of a fluid has to be positive. ...
87p noel_noel 17-01-2013 68 7 Download
SLEκ is a random growth process based on Loewner’s equation with driving parameter a one-dimensional Brownian motion running with speed κ. This process is intimately connected with scaling limits of percolation clusters and with the outer boundary of Brownian motion, and is conjectured to correspond to scaling limits of several other discrete processes in two dimensions. The present paper attempts a first systematic study of SLE. It is proved that for all κ = 8 the SLE trace is a path; for κ ∈ [0, 4] it is a simple path; for κ ∈ (4, 8) it is...
43p noel_noel 17-01-2013 48 8 Download
MULTIDIMENSIONAL KOLMOGOROV-PETROVSKY TEST FOR THE BOUNDARY REGULARITY AND IRREGULARITY OF SOLUTIONS TO THE HEAT EQUATION UGUR G. ABDULLA Received 25 August 2004 Dedicated to I. G. Petrovsky This paper establishes necessary and sufficient condition for the regularity of a characteristic top boundary point of an arbitrary open subset of RN+1 (N ≥ 2) for the diffusion (or heat) equation. The result implies asymptotic probability law for the standard Ndimensional Brownian motion. 1. Introduction and main result Consider the domain Ωδ = (x,t) ∈ RN+1 : |x| 0, N ≥ 2, x = (x1 ,...
19p sting12 10-03-2012 44 5 Download
ON WEAK SOLUTIONS OF THE EQUATIONS OF MOTION OF A VISCOELASTIC MEDIUM WITH VARIABLE BOUNDARY V. G. ZVYAGIN AND V. P. ORLOV Received 2 September 2005 The regularized system of equations for one model of a viscoelastic medium with memory along trajectories of the field of velocities is under consideration. The case of a changing domain is studied. We investigate the weak solvability of an initial boundary value problem for this system. 1. Introduction The purpose of the present paper is an extension of the result of [21] on the case of a changing domain. Let Ωt ∈ Rn , 2 ≤...
31p sting12 10-03-2012 43 6 Download