Logical and information
Research objectives: Building a method of granulating partitions of domain of interpretation in DLs. This method is base on bisimulation and using suitable selectors as well as information gain measure; proposing bisimulation-based concept learning algorithms for knowledge bases in DLs using Setting.
31p change03 06-05-2016 51 3 Download
File System Structure File System Implementation Directory Implementation Allocation Methods Free-Space Management Efficiency and Performance Recovery Log-Structured File Systems NFS File-System Structure File structure Logical storage unit Collection of related information File system resides on secondary storage (disks). File system organized into layers. File control block – storage structure consisting of information about a file. Operating System Concepts 12.1 Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne ©2002 Operating System Concepts 12.
8p kanguru_91 28-09-2010 153 26 Download
Network Layer (OSI Layer 3) The network layer is concerned with the routing of information and methods to determine paths to a destination. Information at this layer is called packets. Specifications include routing protocols, logical network addressing, and packet fragmentation. Routers operate in this layer. The CCIE lives and dies in this layer. Examples of network layer specifications are the following:
10p thachsaudoi 23-12-2009 90 9 Download