New rural areas
Identify the factors of CV of the ethnic group, the manifestations of the CV of the Khmer ethnic groupsITSW today and apply the Khmer CVITSWin the process of building NRA where they are living. Since then, there are predictions of a number of factors affecting the promotion of the Khmer cultural values in building NRA in the Southwest region and proposing recommendations to contribute to the better promotion of Khmer CVin building NRAITSW in the near future.
23p gaocaolon6 30-07-2020 17 2 Download
The thesis studies the theory and practice of rural residents 'participation in new rural construction and the relationship between rural residents' participation and the results of new rural construction in the Red River Delta.
0p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 35 2 Download
The thesis studies theoretical and practical basis to recommend solutions to propose a new model of communal government better than the current one in order to meet the requirements of state administrative reform in the context of the renovation of the political system and the construction of new rural areas in Vietnam in the direction of establishing self-governance communal governments and in accordance with local characteristics.
14p dungmaithuy 17-09-2019 43 2 Download