Processing Vietnamese basa
The goals of the dissertation: Synthesizing deep eutectic solvents based on choline chloride with the compounds of 2-alkylbenzimidazole/ethylene glycol and determining their structures; using synthetic deep eutectic solvents to enrich and separate Omega-3,6,9 from waste fat in accordance with the facrories’ procedure of processing Vietnamese basa fish for export.
31p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 29 3 Download
Tóm tắt thức phẩm basa là một trong những mặt hàng đặc biệt tại Châu Đốc - An Giang, các tỉnh trong đó có trên 45 đầy hơi lớn nhỏ chiên khô cá tra-basa cửa hàng.
6p phalinh2 01-07-2011 52 6 Download
Bloating fried dried Tra-Basa was one of special commodities at Chau Doc – An Giang, the province which had over 45 big and small bloating fried dried Tra-Basa shops. Their processes were not been ensured in terms of hygiene standard because they soaked fish meat in the river water and dried them on the outdoor drying ground. The aim of this study were: (i) preliminarily investigate the processing of bloating fried dried Tra-Basa at Chau Doc – An Giang; (ii) suggest some technical parameters in processing to improve the quality of this product. ...
6p quocnamdhnl 05-12-2010 70 18 Download