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Programming tips

Xem 1-13 trên 13 kết quả Programming tips
  • In its role as a high level assembler used for writing operating systems, C is often used to access memory locations and change individual bits. You might for example need to access individual bits in an int. It can sometimes be useful to conserve memory by using a byte to hold 8 flags though with an abundance of ram it's common to just use one byte per flag or even one per int. Knowing how to extract or alter individual bits is still worthwhile knowing; you may never have to use it but when you have to maintain code that...

    pdf49p gaconht 04-06-2011 75 9   Download

  • At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to: Describe the features of Java technology Describe the different phases of a Java program. Java was created in 1991 by James Gosling et al. of Sun Microsystems. Initially called Oak, in honor of the tree outside Gosling's window, its name was changed to Java because there was already a language called Oak.

    ppt29p nguyenvanhabk1 04-09-2012 87 8   Download

  • Add transmission information to URL. There is a limitation in the length of the transmission character string. Example: http://localhost:8080/examples/hello? NAME=Billy POST There is not a limitation in the length of the transmission character string. It is possible to transmit only by tag.It has the execution environment such as Web containers

    ppt45p nguyenvanhabk1 04-09-2012 86 7   Download

  • Describe the necessity and the advantage of the framework Develop the Web application by using the framework. Struts: The Apache Software Foundation JSF (JavaServer Faces): The Java Community Process(JCP) Webcoordinator: FUJITSU Ltd.Framework to develop the Web app. by using Servlet and JSP. Starts according to the request from a client Offers the mechanism to process request, storage of data, screen transition control, etc. Defines screen transition information in XML file (strutsconfig. xml)...

    ppt66p nguyenvanhabk1 04-09-2012 108 20   Download

  • Direct start from Web browser: input directly URL of JSP page into Web browser http://servername:8080/JSP/HelloWorld.jsp Start by “Action” attribute of Form tag Start when you push the summitting button on form Start from JSP (or Servlet) : Start by being specified with other JSP files

    ppt56p nguyenvanhabk1 04-09-2012 127 16   Download

  • The servlet is constructed, then initialized with the init method. Any calls from clients to the service method are handled. The servlet is taken out of service, then destroyed with the destroy method, then garbage collected and finalized.GenericServlet implements the Servlet and ServletConfig interfaces. It provides simple versions of the lifecycle methods init and destroy and of the methods in the ServletConfig interface.

    ppt49p nguyenvanhabk1 04-09-2012 91 10   Download

  • provide request information for HTTP servlets. The servlet container creates an HttpServletRequest object and passes it as an argument to the servlet's service methods (doGet, doPost, etc).Client request information including : parameter name and values, and an input stream Attributes : custom information about a request. Extends the ServletRequest interface Returns the value of attribute : public Object getAttribute(String name)

    ppt36p nguyenvanhabk1 04-09-2012 106 7   Download

  • Language Lap trinh JAVA Java is the language programming direction objects (as C + +) do Sun Microsystem output to the first hex niên 90 the ky 20. Program Việt using Java can be running on any hệ system that have installed your virtual Java (JVM - Java Virtual Machine). Máy virtual Java (JVM - Java Virtual Machine): One programs write by Java will be compile ra mã of the virtual Java (mã java bytecode)

    ppt53p nguyenvanhabk1 04-09-2012 85 7   Download

  • Hệ thống bó (Batch system): jobs Time-shared systems: user programs, tasks Các hoạt động là tương tự = gọi là process Quá trình (process) một chương trình đang thực thi Một quá trình bao gồm Text section (program code), data section (chứa global variables – thong tin du lieu di kem) program counter (PC- lưu lại vị trí dòng lệnh đang được thực thi), process status word (PSW- có nhiều trạng thái như ready, running..), stack pointer (SP)con trỏ tới vị trí típ theo, memory management registers,…...

    ppt27p trinhvang 18-01-2013 75 5   Download

  • Government information is often not mobile friendly; increasing accessibility (especially of local information) is one way libraries can serve diverse users. Some libraries are providing services of this type in a desktop-oriented way already. This chapter discusses tools that can be used to make such sites more mobile friendly, including ones requiring little funds or technical background. The most obvious way to leverage patrons’ mobile devices is to put content on the Web.

    pdf10p heouheocoi1 15-04-2013 91 27   Download

  • • Microsoft’s latest database object model • Allows VB programmers to use a standard set of objects to refer to data from any source • .NET approach uses disconnected datasets with common data representation (data types) from multiple sources Visual

    pdf15p rose_12 04-12-2012 43 3   Download

  • This program tip discusses the following: measuring a temperature and monitoring the specified limits by using the analog expansion module EM235; at one input channel of the analog module, a temperature sensor PT100 is connected.

    doc19p gochip01 25-04-2011 137 28   Download

  • Of course, you can also move Mac OS X windows by dragging any "shiny gray" edge; see Figure 1-4. Tip: Here's a nifty keyboard shortcut: You can cycle through the different open windows in one program without using the mouse.

    pdf5p kisiheo 26-07-2010 73 6   Download



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