Rate movements
The paper studies the monetary approach to exchange rate for a group of five Pacific Basin economies, using quarterly data for the period of post – Asian financial crisis. Estimated results reveal that for Thailand and the Indonesia which were most affected by Asian financial crisis, monetary model did not work for explaining exchange rate movements.
10p tohitohi 22-05-2020 19 1 Download
International settlement first review includes about Capital movement, Balance of Payment, Depreciation and BOT; difference between fixed and floating exchange rates; the free trade and globalizationc affect the Vietnamese capital market.
9p maiyeumaiyeu20 16-11-2016 34 2 Download
Stabilization Programs, Monetary Policy and Exchange Rate Movements in Emerging Markets Economies I use a unique data set consisting of observations on more than 300,000 metropolitan SAT takers from the 1994 cohort, matched to the high schools that students attended. The size of this sample permits accurate estimation of both peer quality and average performance for the great majority of high schools in each of 177 metropolitan housing markets. I find no evidence that the association between peer group and student performance is stronger in high-choice than in low-choice markets....
139p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 76 8 Download