Simply connected
The paper deals with dose and temperature characteristics inside the SFCM after transition of the molten mixture to solid state. Calculations were made on simplified spherical models, without connection to some specific nuclear accident.
6p christabelhuynh 30-05-2020 14 2 Download
There are very few examples of Riemannian manifolds with positive sectional curvature known. In fact in dimensions above 24 all known examples are diffeomorphic to locally rank one symmetric spaces. We give a partial explanation of this phenomenon by showing that a positively curved, simply connected, compact manifold (M, g) is up to homotopy given by a rank one symmetric space, provided that its isometry group Iso(M, g) is large. More precisely we prove first that if dim(Iso(M, g)) ≥ 2 dim(M ) − 6, then M is tangentially homotopically equivalent to a rank one symmetric space or M...
63p noel_noel 17-01-2013 55 5 Download
This paper is the fourth in a series where we describe the space of all embedded minimal surfaces of fixed genus in a fixed (but arbitrary) closed 3manifold. The key is to understand the structure of an embedded minimal disk in a ball in R3 . This was undertaken in [CM3], [CM4] and the global version of it will be completed here; see the discussion around Figure 12 for the local case and [CM15] for some more details. Our main results are Theorem 0.1 (the lamination theorem) and Theorem 0.2 (the one-sided curvature estimate). ...
44p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 64 7 Download
We investigate the relationship between an open simply-connected region Ω ⊂ S2 and the boundary Y of the hyperbolic convex hull in H3 of S2 \ Ω. A counterexample is given to Thurston’s conjecture that these spaces are related by a 2-quasiconformal homeomorphism which extends to the identity map on their common boundary, in the case when the homeomorphism is required to respect any group of M¨bius transformations which preserves Ω.
0p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 61 7 Download
We introduce a class of metric spaces which we call “bolic”. They include hyperbolic spaces, simply connected complete manifolds of nonpositive curvature, euclidean buildings, etc. We prove the Novikov conjecture on higher signatures for any discrete group which admits a proper isometric action on a “bolic”, weakly geodesic metric space of bounded geometry. 1. Introduction This work has grown out of an attempt to give a purely KK-theoretic proof of a result of A. Connes and H. Moscovici ([CM], [CGM]) that hyperbolic groups satisfy the Novikov conjecture. ...
43p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 37 7 Download
As Internet connectivity is reaching the global community, information systems are becoming more and more distributed. Inevitably, this overnight exponential growth has also caused traffic overload at various places in the network. Until recently, it was believed that scaling the Internet was simply an issue of adding more resources, i.e. bandwidth and processing power could be brought to where they were needed.
11p tienvovan 11-09-2010 95 6 Download
The Windows Vista® operating system and the recent Service Pack 1 (SP1) provide major advancements in usability, reliability, connectivity, and security. These improvements are helping businesses and consumers become more productive than ever. While performance is often thought of simply in terms of speed, it is better to think of performance as a combination of speed and responsiveness.
14p bantoisg 09-12-2009 77 5 Download