Summary of PhD thesis in Educational Administration
Based on the research on the theoretical issues of the development and development of human resources in the field of higher education, as well as the current situation of the development of information security lecturers at universities in the field of National Defense and Security. Proposing solutions to develop information security lecturers at universities in the field of National Defense and Security to contribute to the training of high-quality human resources in information security for national Defence and security and socio economic in the current context.
31p gaocaolon12 18-06-2021 32 4 Download
The object of this study is the two groups of factors of human capital, including personality traits (noncognitive human capital), experience, and education (cognitive human capital) and SEI. The author coordinated with the Vietnam Social Enterprises Community (SSEC) to collect data from individuals participating in social entrepreneurship-related activities. The sample in this study is selected according to the conventional method. The questionnaire survey link created on Google Forms is sent to individuals who participate in the activities organized by SSEC.
24p caygaocaolon10 19-02-2021 24 2 Download
The research objectives of the thesis are to build scales, models and assess the impact of factors affecting the output quality of students in Vietnamese pedagogical universities.
0p caygaocaolon7 17-09-2020 56 1 Download
Firstly, identify and measure the influence of the factors on the decision to buy products with environmental friendly packaging in Vietnam. Second, test the difference between gender, age, education level and income on the decision to buy products that are environmentally friendly. Thirdly, help managers understand the factors that influence the decision to buy products that have environmental friendly packaging, and provide the administrator with solutions for reference based on research results in order to help businesses attract customers and expand market size in Vietnam.
28p kequaidan6 15-07-2020 51 3 Download
The thesis focuses on researching the DS of education and training sector under the promulgation authority of the Ministry of Education and Training. Besides, it also extends to some documents in the field of the sector promulgated that are not under the authority of the Ministry to clarify the necessity of DSN.
28p bibianh 25-09-2019 34 3 Download