Surface electrocardiogram
This study with two objectives: To describe the clinical characteristics and original sites from right ventricular of premature ventricular complexes/ventricular tachycardias which have been successfully ablated using radiofrequency energy; to analyse the relationship between the original sites and the surface electrocardiographic characteristics of premature ventricular complexes/ventricular tachycardias in group of studied patients.
29p change01 05-05-2016 30 2 Download
Diagnostic Tests The choice of diagnostic tests should be guided by the history and the physical examination. Measurements of serum electrolytes, glucose, and the hematocrit are usually indicated. Cardiac enzymes should be evaluated if myocardial ischemia is suspected. Blood and urine toxicology screens may reveal the presence of alcohol or other drugs. In patients with possible adrenocortical insufficiency, plasma aldosterone and mineralocorticoid levels should be obtained.
5p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 47 2 Download