Teaching listening comprehension
The aim of the thesis "Using Flipped Classroom to develop listening skills for English major students at HPU" is to figure out what difficulties that English major students at HPU are dealing with and the way to enhance their listening skills by using Flipped Classroom.
62p vuhuyennhi 06-09-2022 51 16 Download
The long-term goal of the research is to develop a series of appropriate pre-listening activities that help my college‟s students in listening comprehension. However, within the scope of this action research, the author first tried out a variety of prelistening activities for diversification and see how they work, which works well and which not. B
84p closefriend09 16-11-2021 33 5 Download
In recent years, a raising problem encountered by students in general and first year ones in particular in the foreign languages department at Hai Phong Private University is extremely bad listening comprehension. This leads to a serious subsequence is that student’s language proficiency is low as well as learning and teaching have to face many difficulties due to the reason that listening skill is an essential instrument when learning communication in any another languages.
52p cothumenhmong10 19-03-2021 57 6 Download