Wind tunnel test
In this research the effect of ground proximity on the lift, drag and moment coefficients of inverted, two-dimensional aerofoils was investigated. The purpose of the study was to examine the effect ground proximity on aerofoils post stall, in an effort to evaluate the use of active aerodynamics to increase the performance of a race car. The aerofoils were tested at angles of attack ranging from 0° – 135°. The tests were performed at a Reynolds number of 2.16 x 105 based on chord length. Forces were calculated via the use of pressure taps along the centreline of the aerofoils.
144p runthenight07 01-03-2023 10 4 Download
The primary goal of this research is accomplishing the BUUAS that can realize functions in the mission profile. In order to achieve this, the project starts with developing elemental aspects of the BUUAS. The configuration and propulsion system are two basic elements that the BUUAS must have to realize successfully operation. Besides, the necessary transition process between water and air must be investigated and carried by a conceived system.
187p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 2 Download