Words recall
The aim of this study is to examine whether the change of schema would affect the process of encoding and retrieval. This experiment is a modification of Anderson and Pichert’s study. The independent variable in the experiment was the two different schemas used in the study (Geography student or tourist) and the dependent variable was the extent to which the participants could recall the story, specifically the number of words in this case. The results suggested that a change in schema of the same story would improve recall, as found by Anderson and Pichert.
9p vinhbinhnguyen 14-06-2017 59 1 Download
The patient with an amnestic state is almost always disoriented, especially to time. Accurate temporal orientation and accurate knowledge of current news rule out a major amnestic state. The anterograde component of an amnestic state can be tested with a list of four to five words read aloud by the examiner up to five times or until the patient can immediately repeat the entire list without intervening delay. In the next phase of testing, the patient is allowed to concentrate on the words and to rehearse them internally for 1 min before being asked to recall them. Accurate performance...
5p ongxaemnumber1 29-11-2010 62 5 Download