Quan Tâm
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75 Tài liệu
121 Quan Tâm
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Thành Viên Quan Tâm (121)
Thông Tin Tài Khoản
Họ và tên:bao han
Ngày sinh:01-01-1970
Giới tính:Nữ
Tỉnh / TP:TP.HCM
Ngành nghề:Quản lý nhà nước
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Nghề nghiệp:sinh viên
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Tự giới thiệu:
It is likely that most people can communicate mathematics to a computer more eectively (rapidly and accurately) by speaking than they can by using a stylus on a computer tablet. This may seem surprising, but is our speculation based on trying various alternative input methods. An even better setup may be to speak and simultaneously use pointing...
Thể loại: Tiếng Anh - Ngoại Ngữ
Report:"Language Vitality and Development among the Wakhi People of Tajikistan"
The Wakhi people are perhaps best known by their proximity to the Wakhan Corridor, which played a major role in eighteenth century politics between Russia and Great Britain. Today the Wakhi live in four countries: Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, and Tajikistan. Between 7,500 and 10,000 Wakhi live in the Goyal, Ishkoman, Chitral, and Yasin regions...
Thể loại: Luận Văn - Báo Cáo » Khoa học xã hội