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Adobe Photoshop 7.0 for Photographers- P11

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Adobe Photoshop 7.0 for Photographers- P11: In 1996, a group of self-proclaimed ‘digital’ photographers met together at Ian McKinnell’s studio in Holborn, London, to discuss the formation of a Digital Imaging Group. At first, this was a small gathering of professional photographers. The one thing we all had in common was a shared interest in using computers and their potential as a photographic medium of the future.

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Nội dung Text: Adobe Photoshop 7.0 for Photographers- P11

  1. Adobe Photoshop 7.0 for Photographers Browser safe colors 202 CMYK color management 58 Brush attributes 145 CMYK proofing 112 Brush blending modes 270 CMYK settings 94 Brush controls 272 advanced 91 Brush dynamics 164, 272 CMYK setup 95 Brush tool 145–146, 165 Coated CMYK settings 80 Brushes 145 Color Balance 229 Shape dynamics 147 Color Burn mode 290 Brushes palette 145, 270 Color Dodge mode 290 Bureau output Color Management Modules 91 checklist 122 Color management off 79, 87 Burn tool 178, 278 Color Management print settings 110 Bus connection 45 Color Matching Module 60 Byte order 122 Color mode 293 Color negative retouching 247 C Color overlays 387 Cache memory 46 Color palette 148 Cairns, Davis 433 Color picker 126, 175, 184, 281 Calder, Julian 433 Color policies 77 Calibration bars 108 Color proofing 108 Canon Color sampler tool 181, 233 EFI Fiery RIP 115 Color settings 76, 79 Canvas Size 207 ask when pasting 78 Caption box (printing) 108 convert to work space 78 Cascading Style Sheets 199 profile mismatch 78 CCD 5 saving a setting 81 CD-ROM 43, 116 Color settings files 80 Channel mixer 379 Color wheel 227 monochrome mode 376 Colorize 225 Channels 280, 358 hue/saturation 226 Channels palette 151 ColorMatch RGB 74 duplicating a channel 316 ColorShop 36–37 make new channel 281 ColorSync 105 make selection 281 ColorSync Control Panel 68 Character palette 144, 179, 409 ColorVisions 69 Chromapress 115 Compositing 319 Cintiq input device 44 Compression Classic Photoshop CMYK setup 94 lossless 12 Cleanup tool 322 LZW 187 Cleanup tool (Extract command) 324 Computer Clear guides 138 mail order 44 Clipboard 126 monitor display 42 Clipping groups 320 multiprocessor 45 Clipping paths 122, 189, 332 system maintenance 54 Clone stamp 165, 244–247, 261–263, 330 Contact Sheet II 352 Cloning 165, 244 Contextual menus 155, 339 Cloning alternatives Contiguous selections 154, 173 dodge tool 246 Contour editor 402 Cloning selections 261 Contours 401 CMYK Contract proofing 111 conversions 90 Convert to Profile 81–83, 104 gamut 142 Convert to profile 86, 98, 112 proof 111 Convert to work space 78, 83 proofing 104 Copyright protection 268 selective color 243 Create layers 398 separation setup 91 Create new brush 145 452
  2. Index Crop tool 161 E Cropping 205 Cross-processing 321, 383 Easter eggs 155 CSI Lightjet 103 Edge touchup tool 322 CTP (Computer to Plate) 115 Edit menu Cursor display options 130 fade command 275, 342, 380 Custom brushes 146 transform Custom CMYK 91, 94, 108 again 404 Custom colors 408 Efficiency 135 Custom gradients 175 EFI Fiery RIP 115 Customizing RGB color 89 Electronic publishing 189–192 Emulate Photoshop 4 79, 87 D Epson archival inks 106 Epson inkjet printers 105 Darken mode 289 Epson print dialog 109 Databases 117 Erase to history 171 Define brush 146 Eraser tool 171 Define custom shape 410 Evans, Laurie 434 Defringe 328 Exchange foreground/background 183 Delete file in browser 119 Exclusion mode 293 Delete preferences 133 EXIF metadata 120 Desaturate monitor colors 89 Export Clipboard 126 Desaturate with sponge tool 178 Export Transparent Image 353 Device-independent color 70 eXtensible Markup Language 121 Difference mode 292 eXtensible Metadata Platform 121 Diffusion dither 130 Extensions (system) 45 Digimarc 124, 268 Extract command 173, 322 Digital cameras 24–27 smart highlighting 173 image quality 21 Eye-One calibrator 69 scanning backs 23 Eyedropper tool 181, 214, 248 Digital image structure of 2–4 F Digitizing pad 44 Direct selection tool 307 Fade command 219 Disk performance 48 Fade filter 275 Displacing an image 417 Fahey, Thomas 434 Dissolve mode 289 Ferguson, Max 104 Distribute layers 160 File Browser 118–120, 122, 141 Distribute linked layers 403, 407 Backwards compatibilty 128 Document profile 77, 135 Ranking 118 Document size 135 File extensions 127 Dodge tool 178, 278–279 File formats Dot gain 84, 96, 211 Acrobat (pdf) 189 Dot gain curves 97 CompuServe GIF 196 Dots per inch 31 DCS 189 Droplets 356 EPS 151, 188 Duotone options 369 Flashpix 204 Duotones 367 for the Web 195 Duplicate an image state 167 GIF 127, 195 Dupont Cromalin™ 111, 115 importing PDF files 192 Durst Lambda 103 JPEG 127, 193–195 DVD 117 baseline optimized 194 Dynamic Color Sliders 127 baseline standard 194 Dynamic fill layers 238 optimized JPEG 198 JPEG compression 187 Lossy GIF format 202 PDF 408 PICT 193 453
  3. Adobe Photoshop 7.0 for Photographers PNG 203 Sketch Raw Binary 127 Graphic pen 416 TIFF 128, 134, 186–187 Solarize 373 saving paths/channels 284 Filters File menu KPT 411 automate 348 Fine art inkjets 105 file Info 122 Finger painting 124, 177, 270 import 205 FireWire™ 43, 48 place 399, 417 Fit image 350 preferences 126 Fit to screen view 136, 182 plug-ins 133 Flat panel TFT screens 42 scratch disk 133 Flatten image 334 File optimizing 443 Flextight CCD scanner 5 Fill layers 148, 389 FM screening 33 Fill opacity 400 Foreground/background 183 Filter Menu Fractional widths 409 KPT Fraser, Bruce 72 Blurrrr 415 Free transform 263, 304, 319 Filter menu Freehand lasso tool 157 Artistic Fuji cutout 416 Pictrography 103 Blur Fuzziness control 236 Gaussian blur 267, 268, 275, 319, 418 Motion blur 320, 412, 415 G Radial blur 412 Gamma slider Smart blur 412 levels adjustment 213 Distort Gamut 131 Displace 418 Gamut warning 242 Extract command 322 GCR 97 Fade filter 412 Gibson-Skinner, Jon 434 KPT GIF transparency 202 FraxFlame 415 Gloss contour 395 Liquify 419 Goodies folder 368 freeze tool 419 Gradient fill 174, 387, 389–391 reconstruction modes 421 Gradient Map 391 tool options 421 Gradient tool 174, 264 Liquify tools 420 transparency stops 175 Noise Gradients 175 Add Noise 247, 266, 413 noise gradients 391 Despeckle 413 Graphic tablet 164 Dust & Scratches 250, 413 Grayscale management 84 Median 268, 412 Grayscale mode 4 Remove dust & scratches filter 249–251 Grayscale proofing on screen 369 Other Gretag Macbeth 69 High pass 413 Grid 132, 137–138 Maximum 413, 414 Guides 132, 333 Minimum 413 Offset 413 H Pattern Maker 259, 428 Halftone factor 32 Render Halo effect 405 3D Transform 431, 432 Hand tool 182 Clouds 424 Hard Light mode 291 Difference clouds 424 Healing brush 164, 251–252, 253, 254 Lens flare 425 Heidelberg 5 Lighting Effects 426, 429–430, 432 Hewlett Packard printers 105 Lighting effects 428 Hexachrome 73 Texture fill 427 Hexadecimal web colors 148 454
  4. Index HexWrench 73 Image window 135 Hide crop 208 ImageAXS 26 Hiding the palettes 183 ImageReady 185, 437 HiFi color 189 actions 440, 446 Highlight point 211 animation 446 Highlighter tool 323 auto regenerate 443 Hince, Peter 332, 435 color 441 History 265 cropping 441 memory usage 168 image maps 444 non-linear history 314 image slicing 442 History brush 166, 249–251 layers 438 History options 46 rollover styles 446 History palette 150 rollovers 445 HK printer 103 shapes 439 Holm, Thomas 61, 434 Import from Illustrator 417 Hot mirror filters 17 Improving performance 45 HSB color model 222 Indigo 115 HTML 437 Info palette 99, 142, 217, 345 Hue mode 293 Infrared technique 379 Hyphenation 409 Ink Colors 95 Inkjet media 105 I Installing Mac OS X 51 ICC 60 Interlaced GIFs 202 Illegal colours 142 International Color Consortium 60 iMac computer 41 Interpolation 36, 123 Imacon 122 Iomega ZIP disks 116 Image AXS 117 Iris printer 104 Image cache 134, 358 ISDN 21 Image databases 117 J Image interpolation 36 Image Menu JavaScript 185, 354, 445 Adjustments Jaz disks 117 Auto Levels 227 Jitter 146 Image menu Johnson Adjustments Stephen 23 Arbitary map curves 374 Jump To application 126, 184, 437 Auto Color 227 Justification (type) 409 Auto Contrast 227 Auto levels 214, 249 K Brightness/Contrast 205 Knockout blending 301 Channel Mixer 376, 386–387 Knockout layers Color Balance 370, 373 shallow knockout 300 Curves 229–234, 232, 276 Knoll brothers 411 Desaturate 370, 372 Kodak Gradient Map 391 ColorFlow 61 Hue/Saturation 222–226, 224, 249, 378 Photo CD 11–14 Invert 248, 277 image pac 12–13 Levels 214–218, 226 scene balance algorithm 13 Replace Color 236 sharpening 217 Selective Color 242 universal terms 13 Variations 227, 229 Kodak dye-sub 111 Apply Image 317 Kodak test target 61 Canvas Size 206, 207 KPT 5 413 Rotate Canvas KPT gradient filter 349 flip horizontal 325 Image security 123–124 Image size 36 455
  5. Adobe Photoshop 7.0 for Photographers L Levels adjustments 210–212 threshold mode 214 Lab color mode 98 Lighten mode 290 LaCie Blue screen monitor 42, 69 Lighting and rendering 424 Lambda printer 103, 115 Lighting Effects 426 Lasso tool 153, 157, 374 Line tool 180 Laye Linear Burn mode 290 Mike 121 Linear Dodge mode 291 Layer Linear Light mode 292 group linked 320 Lines per inch 31 Layer arrange menu 403 Linoscan 5 Layer blending options 372 Linotype 4 Layer effect contours 401 Linotype-Hell 4 Layer effects 148, 179, 392–395 Liquify 419, 422, 423 Bevel and Emboss 395, 401 Bloat tool 420 Color Overlay 397 Freeze tool 420 Drop Shadow 393, 401 Pucker tool 420 Gradient Overlay 396 Reconstruct tool 420 Inner Glow 394 Reflection tool 420 Inner Shadow 393 Shift Pixels tool 420, 422 Outer Glow 394 Thaw tool 420 Pattern Overlay 396 Turbulence tool 420, 423 Satin 395 Twirl Clockwise tool 420 Stroke 397 Twirl Counter Clockwise tool 420 updating slices 163 Warp tool 420 Layer linking 298 Live Picture Layer locking 302 FlashPix 204 Layer masks 294, 313, 319, 389, 399 IVUE 204 Layer menu Lock guides 138 group with previous layer 321 Lock image 302 layer clipping groups 321 Lock image pixels 302 matting Lock transparency 302, 320 remove matte color 328 Lossy compression 193, 195 Layer opacity Luminance selection 277 fill opacity 400 Luminosity mode 293 Layer options 334 Lysonic inks 106 Layer set blending LZW compression 187 Pass Through mode 300 Layer sets 298, 299, 361 M Color coding 301 lock all layers 301 Mac OS X 50–52 moving layers in a set 299 print center 107 Layer Styles 398 Macros. See Actions Layers 287–294, 358, 403 Magic eraser 171, 172 clipping paths 332–333 Magic wand 153, 154, 285 Group with previous layer 314 Magnetic lasso 153, 157, 159 layer mask Magnetic pen tool 157, 179 Quick mask mode 294 Map GIF Colors to transparent 202 removing 296 Marquee tool 153, 280 linking layers 298 Marrutt 115 masking a layer 294 Mask channels 281 Layers palette 150 Maximize backward compatibility 128, 186 new layer/copy layer 287 McKinnell, Ian 436 Leaf DCB 21 Measure tool 182, 208 Legacy color files 85 Megapixels 28 Legacy files 86 Memory Levels 214 clearing the memory 49 456
  6. Index Memory management 134 P Merged layer cloning 244 Metadata 120, 121 Page bleed 123 Metallic layer effects 401 Page Setup 107, 108 MetaReader™ 122 Paint bucket tool 183 MMX 45 pattern fill mode 177 Modifier keys 155, 156–157 Painting cursors 130 defining selections 284 Painting effects 400 moiré patterns 266 Palette docking 139 Monitor calibration 63, 64 Palette well docking 143 tonal compression 276 Palettes 138 Monitor gamma (PC) 84 Pantone™ color 408 Move tool 160, 338 Paragraph palette 145, 179, 409 Multichannel mode 367 Pass through blending 301 MultiPage PDF to PSD 350 Pasteboard Multiple layers 298 editing the color 183 Multiple undos 166 Patch tool 164, 255 Multiply mode 289 Paths 179 convert path to a selection 307 N perspective template 329 Paths palette 151 NAA/IPTC 122 make path 282 National Air and Space Museum 311 stroke path/sub path 269 Navigation services 186 Pattern Maker 259 Navigator palette 142, 182, 345–346 Pattern presets 428 Neutral gray tones 101, 217 Pattern stamp tool 165 New document size 35 PC monitor caibration 68 New guide 138 PCI card 48–49 New layer based slice 163 PDF (Acrobat) 189 New Mexico software 124 PDF Image Import 191 New spot channel 408 PDF security 191-192 Nikon 5–6 Pen paths 306 Noise gradients 176, 177 drawing 306 Non-aligned cloning 245 stroking 269 Non-linear history 169 subtract mode 298 Norton Utilities 54 Pen tool 179, 270, 306, 311, 315 Numeric transform 160, 304 adding a corner point 308 O corner point 309 create shape layer mode 284 Ocean Images 332 curved segment 307 Office environment 53 direct selection tool 310 Open recent files 130 pointer 307 OpenType fonts 409 rubber band mode 308 Optimize save for web settings 199 straight segment 309 Optimize to file size 199, 200 Pencil 165 Options bar 143, 152 Perceptual rendering 93 Output Perspective cropping 209 guidelines 122 Photo CD interface 12 preferred file formats 122 Photographic borders 380 Overlay mode 291 Photomultiplier 5 Overlays Photoshop retouching with 389 improving performance 45 memory management 47 Photoshop 4.0 limitations 86 preferences 125 Pictrograph 193 Picture package 351 457
  7. Adobe Photoshop 7.0 for Photographers Pillow emboss 395 Q Pin Light mode 292 Pixel doubling display option 130 Quadtones 367 Pixel Genius 122 Quick mask 183, 280, 282 Pixels 4, 28 Quickdraw 114 Pixels per inch 31 R Pixl 61, 111 Plug-ins RAID hard drives 48 third party 411. See also Filters Rainbow proofer 111 Plug-ins folder preferences 133 RAM memory 46, 48 PNG format 203 configuring 49 Polaroid™ 5 Ranking – File Browser 118 Polygon lasso tool 153, 157, 262 Raster Image Processing 115 Polygon shape tool 180 Rasterized type 409 PostScript 188, 410 Read Me files 86 PostScript color management Real World Photoshop 72 EPS options 188 Recording actions 347 PostScript printing 114–115 Redo options 127 PostScript RIP 32 Refresh list tree view 118 Precise flare center 425 Relative canvas size 207 Precise image rotation 208 Relative Colorimetric 93 Preference file 125 Removing a matte color 328 Preserve Embedded Profiles 77, 78, 81, 98 Renaming files 120 Preset Manager 148, 149 Rendering intents 93 Presets 398 Repeat transforms 403 Patterns 260 Replace color 236 Preview box 135 Reset palette locations 140 Primary scratch disk 54, 133 Reset tool settings 127 Print Center (Mac OS X) 107 Resize image 353 Print Keys 126 Resize windows to fit 182 Print registration marks 108 Resolut 36 Print settings 109 Resolution Print size viewing 182 film 28 Print with Preview 107 output resolution 33 Printers pixels 28 Chromapress 115 reciprocal formula 28 Fujix Pictrography 103 terminology 31 Indigo 115 Reveal All 161, 208 inkjet 105 Reveal folder in desktop 119 inkjet plotters 106 RGB work space 89 Lambda 115 Ribblehead Viaduct 328 laser 115 Richmond, Eric 436 PostScript 115 Rosettes (halftone) 33 Sienna/Marrutt 115 Rotate canvas Xericon 115 arbitrary 208 Process colors 368 Rotate image 207 ProCreate 415 Rotate thumbnails 119 Profile Mismatch Rubylith mode 294 ask when pasting 81 Ruler units 131 Progressive JPEG 194, 198 Rulers 137, 345 Prohibit sign warnings 153 Run Length Encoding compression 193 Proof Setup 94, 113, 114, 369 S Proof Setup – grayscale 85 ProPhoto RGB 74 Saturate with sponge tool 178 Purge history 169 Saturation mode 293 Purge memory 49, 135 Saturation rendering 93 458
  8. Index Save Shortcuts 265 Image Pyramid 187 Show Grid 137 Save for Web Show Rulers 138 GIF format 200, 201 Signum Technologies 124 JPEG format 198 Simulate ink black 113 Save palette locations 127 Simulate paper white 113 Saving 185–186 Slice tools 164, 442 previews 127 Smart highlighting (Extract command) 322 Saving HTML code 199 Smooth selection options 155 Scaled layer effects 398 SMPTE-240M 75 Scanning Smudge tool 177 bit depth 8 finger painting 270 drum scanners 4 Snap to behavior 138 dynamic range 7 Snapshot 166–167, 323, 346 flatbed 5 Soft focus effect 275 halftone images 267 Soft Light mode 291 noise 10 Soft proofing 91, 112 resolution 6–7, 33 Solarization scanners 4–7 curves 373 scans from films 2 Sound annotations 181 Scitex Iris printers 104 Specular highlights 213 Scratch disk 46, 133 Spell checking 409 Scratch disk memory 338 Sphera printer 103 Scratch disk Size 135 Spirit of St Louis 311 Scratch disk usage 168 Split toning 372 Screen angles 33 Sponge tool 178, 238, 279 Screen capture advice 84 Spot color channels 73, 151, 407 Screen display modes 183 sRGB IEC-61966-2.1 74 Screen mode 290 Stochastic screening 33 Scripting Photoshop 149 Styles 148, 179, 392–395, 410 SCSI Stylus pressure options 164 standards 48 SureSign 124, 268 SCSI devices 43 Swatches palette 148 Select menu SWOP print settings 91 Color Range 155, 237, 238, 280 System Print 107 deselect 282 feather 286, 318 T grow selection 154, 285 Target brightness invert selection 334 assigning in Levels 217 modify Targeted CMYK printing 111 border 284, 323 Temp files (PC) 54 expand/contract 284 Threshold mode 238 smooth selection 285 Thumbnail image cache 118 reselect 305 Tiffen filters 17 select similar 284 Timing 136 Selection Transforms 305 Title bar proxy icons 136 Selections 280, 282, 341 Tolerance settings 155, 285 modifying 284 Tonal range 2 smoothing a selection 284 Tool options 143 Separation options 97 Tool presets 144, 409 Shadow point 211 Tool selection info 136 Shape layer 401 Tool switching behavior 153 Shape tool modes 180 Tool tips info 153 Shapes 410 Transfer function Sharpen tool 177, 269 (duotones) 367 Sharpening 217 Transfer functions 188 Shift Pixels tool 422 Transform 303 459
  9. Adobe Photoshop 7.0 for Photographers free transform 330 Vertical palette docking 139 with the move tool 160 Video display 43 Transform again 305 View menu Transform path 305 fit to window 205 Transforms 403 gamut warning 131, 238, 243 Transparency 131 hide edges 238 Transparency output 103 new view 136–137 Transparent GIFs 202 show rulers 137 Transparent gradients 174 Virtual memory 46 Trim command 442 Vivid Light mode 292 Tritones 367 TWAIN 10 W Type 407–409 Wacom 44 anti-aliasing 409 Warping text 179, 409 hide highlighting 179 Web Graphics color 84 warping 179 Web Graphics defaults 79 Type effects 180 Web Photo Gallery 354 Type selections 409 Web safe colors 184, 201 Type tool 179 Web snap slider 202 U Webster, Paul 435 WebDAV 130 UCA 97 Wet edge painting 165 UCR 97 White point 67 Umax scanners 4 Window menu 341 Uncoated CMYK settings 80 cascade windows 137, 341 Undo/redo settings 170 reset palette locations 140 Units 345 tile windows 137, 341 Units & Rulers 131 Windows XP 52–53 Unsharp masking 36, 217, 221 Wizards in Photoshop 349 amount 218 Work paths 282 incremental 219 Workgroups 130 radius 220 Workspace Settings 140 selective channels 219, 221 Wynne-Powell, Rod 248, 436 threshold 220, 221 USB devices 41 X Use cache for histograms 134 Xericon 115 Use lower case extensions 196 XML 121 Use Outlines for Text 190 XMP (eXtensible Metadata Platform) 121 V Z Vector effects 179 ZIP compression 187 Vector masks 294, 297 Zone optimization 197 based on work path 312 Zoom blur 412 Vector-based programs 29 Zoom percentage info 135 Velocity engine 45 Zoom shortcuts 265 Zoom tool 182 460



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