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Báo cáo hóa học: " Efficient manganese luminescence induced by Ce3+-Mn2+ energy transfer in rare earth fluoride and phosphate nanocrystals"

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  1. Ding et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:119 NANO EXPRESS Open Access Efficient manganese luminescence induced by Ce3+-Mn2+ energy transfer in rare earth fluoride and phosphate nanocrystals Yun Ding, Liang-Bo Liang, Min Li, Ding-Fei He, Liang Xu, Pan Wang, Xue-Feng Yu* Abstract Manganese materials with attractive optical properties have been proposed for applications in such areas as photonics, light-emitting diodes, and bioimaging. In this paper, we have demonstrated multicolor Mn2+ luminescence in the visible region by controlling Ce3+-Mn2+ energy transfer in rare earth nanocrystals [NCs]. CeF3 and CePO4 NCs doped with Mn2+ have been prepared and can be well dispersed in aqueous solutions. Under ultraviolet light excitation, both the CeF3:Mn and CePO4:Mn NCs exhibit Mn2+ luminescence, yet their output colors are green and orange, respectively. By optimizing Mn2+ doping concentrations, Mn2+ luminescence quantum efficiency and Ce3+-Mn2+ energy transfer efficiency can respectively reach 14% and 60% in the CeF3:Mn NCs. Introduction centers in electroluminescent devices [10,11]. They may The preparation of fluorescent nanomaterials continues even find applications in future spin-based information to be actively pursued in the past decades. The poten- processing devices [12,13] and have been examined as tially broad applicability and high technological promise models for magnetic polarons [14]. Moreover, as emis- sion centers, Mn2+ ions can be used for the synthesis of of the fluorescent nanomaterials arise from their intrin- sically intriguing optical properties, which are expected long persistent phosphors [15,16], and white-light ultra- to pale their bulk counterparts [1-4]. Particularly, con- violet light-emitting diodes [17], when doped in inorganic trollable energy transfer in the nanomaterials has been host materials (such as silicate, aluminate, and fluoride). Rare earth ions (such as Ce3+ and Eu2+) have been com- receiving great interest because it leads luminescence monly used as sensitizers to improve Mn2+ fluorescence signals to outstanding selectivity and high sensitivity, which are important factors for optoelectronics and efficiency in bulk materials [18-20]. Typically, the efficient optical sensors [5]. room temperature [RT] luminescence were reported in the Great efforts have been devoted to Mn2+-doped semi- Mn 2+ , Ce 3+ co-doped CaF 2 single crystal and other conductor nanocrystals [NCs] due to their efficient sensi- matrixes, which were assigned to the energy transfer from tized luminescence [6,7]. When incorporating Mn2+ ions the Ce3+ sensitizers to the Mn2+ acceptors through an elec- in a quantum-confined semiconductor particle, the Mn2+ tric quadrupole short-range interaction in the formed Ce3+- Mn2+ clusters [18]. However, a portion of isolated Ce3+ and ions can act as recombination centers for the excited electron-hole pairs and result in characteristic Mn 2+ Mn 2+ ions which are randomly dispersed in the host ( 4 T 1 - 6 A 1 )-based fluorescence. Compared with the usually causes a low Ce3+-Mn2+ energy transfer efficiency. undoped materials, the Mn2+-doped semiconductor NCs In this work, we have synthesized the CeF 3:Mn and often have higher fluorescence efficiency, better photo- CePO 4 :Mn NCs and investigated the Ce-Mn energy chemical stability, and prolonged fluorescence lifetime. transfer in these representative rare earth NCs. Upon Therefore, such Mn 2+ -doped NCs have recently been UV light excitation, both the CeF3:Mn and CePO4:Mn show bright Mn2+ luminescence in the visible region. proposed as bioimaging agents [8,9] and recombination Their fluorescence output colors, however, are quite dif- ferent owing to different host crystal structures. The * Correspondence: Department of Physics, Key Laboratory of Artificial Micro- and Nano- optimum Mn2+ doping concentration has been found at structures of Ministry of Education and School of Physics and Technology, which the Mn2+ luminescence quantum efficiency and Wuhan University, Luoshi Road, Wuhan 430072, China © 2011 Ding et al; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
  2. Ding et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:119 Page 2 of 5 Ce3+-Mn2+ energy transfer efficiency peak at 14% and CeF3:Mn NCs are shaped as hexagonal plates with aver- 60% in the CeF3:Mn NCs, respectively. age sizes of ~25 nm, as shown by the TEM image in Figure 1a. Figure 1b demonstrates CePO4:Mn nanowires Experimental section with an average diameter of ~8 nm and an average length of ~400 nm. Materials Reagents MnCl 2 (>99%), TbCl3 (>99%), CeCl3 (>99%), Figure 2 shows XRD spectra of CeF3:Mn and CePO4: NH4F (>99%), and H3PO4 (>85%) were obtained from Sino- Mn NCs. The XRD pattern of the CeF3:Mn NCs shows pharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. (Beijing, China). Poly- that all the peak positions are in good agreement with ethylenimine [PEI] (branched polymer (-NHCH2CH2-)x the literature data of the hexagonal CeF3 crystal, and the (-N(CH2CH2NH2)CH2CH2-)y) was purchased from Sigma- peak positions exhibited by the CePO4:Mn NCs are well Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). All reagents were used as indexed in accord with the hexagonal CePO 4 crystal, received without further purification. revealing high crystallinity of these two kinds of products. Synthesis of CeF3:Mn nanocrystals CeF 3 NCs were synthesized using a modified method Absorption spectra reported previously [21]. In a typical procedure, x mL of As shown in Figure 3, the CeF 3 :Mn NCs exhibit four 0.2 M MnCl2 and (0.2 - x) mL of 0.2 M CeCl3 were added absorption peaks located at 248, 235, 218, and 205 nm, to 15 mL of ethanol with 5 mL of PEI solution (5 wt.%). which are attributed to the electronic transitions from the ground state to different 5d states of the Ce3+ ions. After stirring for 30 min, an appropriate amount of NH4F The above absorption peaks’ wavelength of the CeF3:Mn was charged. The well-agitated solution was then trans- ferred to a Teflon-lined autoclave and subsequently heated NCs are in good agreement with those reported for at 200°C for 2 h. After cooling down, the product was iso- lated by centrifugation, washed with ethanol and deionized water several times, and dried in vacuum. Synthesis of CePO4:Mn nanocrystals In a typical procedure, x mL of 0.2 M MnCl2 and (12-x) mL of 0.2 M CeCl3 were mixed. The mixture was agi- tated for 10 min, then charged with 5 mL of 0.5 M H3PO4, and eventually placed under ultrasonic irradia- tion for 2 h. All ultrasonic irradiations were performed in a water bath with an ultrasonic generator (100 W, 40 kHz; Kunshan Ultrasonic Instrument Co., Shanghai, China). The particles were obtained by centrifugation, washed with ethanol and deionized water several times, and dried in vacuum. Physical and optical measurements The transmission electron microscopy [TEM] measure- ments were carried out on a JEOL 2010 HT transmis- sion electron microscope (operated at 200 kV). X-ray diffraction [XRD] analyses were performed on a Bruker D8-advance X-ray diffractometer with Cu Ka irradiation (l = 1.5406 Å). The absorption spectra were obtained with a Varian Cary 5000 UV/Vis/NIR spectrophot- ometer. The photoluminescence [PL] and PL excitation [PLE] spectra were recorded by a Hitachi F-4500 fluor- escence spectrophotometer with a Xe lamp as the exci- tation source. Results and discussion Morphology and structure Figure 1 TEM images. TEM images of CeF3:Mn (a) and CePO4:Mn Both the CeF3:Mn and the CePO4:Mn NCs were synthe- (b) NCs. sized by effective hydrothermal processes. The prepared
  3. Ding et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:119 Page 3 of 5 CeF3:10%Mn Intensity (a.u.) CeF3: JCPDS 8-45 CePO4:10%Ce CePO4: JCPDS 04-0632 20 30 40 50 60 70 Figure 2 XRD spectra. XRD spectra of CeF3:Mn and CePO4:Mn NCs. CeF3 bulk crystals [22]. The CePO4:Mn NCs exhibit two absorption bands with peaks at 256 and 273 nm [23]. The two bands are overlapped because the excited state is strongly split by the crystal field [24]. We note that the Mn2+ 6A1g(S)-4Eg(D) and 6A1g(S)-4T2g(D) absorption transitions from 310 to 350 nm [18] in these NCs are not obvious due to the much weaker Mn2+ absorption ability and low Mn2+/Ce3+ ratio in the host. Figure 4 PLE and PL spectra. PLE and PL spectra of CeF3:Mn (a) Photoluminescence properties and CePO4:Mn (b) NCs. Figure 4a schematically depicts the Ce 3+-Mn2+ energy transfer process in the CeF3:Mn NCs, which efficiently induces a bright green luminescence under UV irradia- is respectively at 325 and 340 nm [18]; both of these tion at RT. The RT PL emission spectra (with excitation absorption bands are overlapped by the Ce3+ emission. wavelength lex = 260 nm) of the CeF3:10%Mn NCs con- This overlap facilitates the energy transfer from Ce3+ to tain not only the strong Mn2+ emission at 498 nm but Mn 2+ , resulting in the characteristic 4 T 1g (G)- 6 A 1g (S) also the Ce3+ emission at 325 nm. As known, the Mn2+ emission of Mn2+ [25,26]. Such Ce3+-Mn2+ energy trans- 6 A1g(S)-4Eg(D) and 6A1g(S)-4T2g(D) absorption transition fer is induced by the electric dipole-quadrupole interac- tion between the Ce3+ sensitizers and Mn2+ acceptors [19]. Furthermore, in Figure 4a, only the RT excitation 1.0 peak ascribed to the Ce 3+ 4f-5d transition can be observed at 260 nm, while the Mn2+ characteristic peaks 0.8 cannot be witnessed because the Mn2+ absorption tran- sitions are forbidden by spin and parity for electric Absorption 0.6 dipole radiation as T > 200 K [27]. Since the RT Mn2+ luminescence is very difficult to be found in the transi- 0.4 tion-metal concentrated materials like MnF2 [27], the CeF3:10%Mn Ce3+-Mn2+ energy transfer offers an efficient route for 0.2 obtaining Mn2+ RT luminescence in nanomaterials. CePO4:10%Mn Similarly, the Ce3+ -Mn2+ energy transfer process in 0.0 the CePO4:10%Mn NCs triggers an orange luminescence 200 300 400 500 600 under UV irradiation (Figure 4b). The emission spectra Wavelength (nm) of the CePO 4 :Mn upon excitation at 260 nm contain Figure 3 Absorption spectra attributed to electronic both the Ce3+ emission at 355 nm and the Mn2+ orange transitions. Absorption spectra of CeF3:Mn and CePO4:Mn NCs. emission around 575 nm arising from the 4T1g(G)- 6A1g
  4. Ding et al. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:119 Page 4 of 5 (S) transition of Mn2+. As known, the luminescence out- (a) put color of the Mn2+ ions is strongly dependent on the 60 coordination environment of the host lattice, such as IMn/( IMn+ICe) ~ the strength of the ligand field and the coordination ET number. The green emission of Mn2+ ions at about 500 Efficiency (%) nm is usually obtained in a weak crystal field environ- 40 ment where Mn2+ is usually four or eightfold [27,28]. In contrast, the CePO4 NCs have a monazite structure in which the dopant ions are probably ninefold and in a 20 of Mn2+ stronger crystal field environment [29]. Thus, the orange QE emission can be observed in our synthesized CePO4:Mn NCs. We note that the CePO4:Mn NCs synthesized are 0 rodlike particles whose shape is greatly different from 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 the platelike CeF3:Mn NCs due to the different growth 2+ Molar percent of Mn in CeF3:Mn NCs behavior. To eliminate the influence of the particle shape on the luminescence output color of Mn2+ ions, 1.0 (b) we have further synthesized rodlike hexagonal phase NaYF4:Ce,Mn NCs using our established method [21] in 0.8 which the Ce 3+ -Mn 2+ energy transfer also results in of Mn2+ QE green Mn2+ luminescence at 500 nm (data not shown). 0.6 Efficiency (%) Quantum efficiency and energy transfer efficiency 0.4 The Mn2+ luminescence quantum efficiency (hQE) was determined by comparing the Mn2+ emission intensity 0.2 IMn/( IMn+ICe) ~ of the CeF 3 :Mn aqueous solution with a solution of ET quinine bisulfate in 0.5 M H2 SO 4 with approximately the same absorption at an excitation wavelength of 260 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 nm [30]. It is important that all the sample solutions 2+ Molar percent of Mn in CePO4:Mn NCs were sufficiently diluted (absorption value of 0.03 at 260 nm) to minimize the possible effects of reabsorp- Figure 5 Investigated hQE and hET. Mn2+ luminescence quantum tion and other concentration effects [31]. The hQE of efficiency (hQE) and Ce3+-Mn2+ energy transfer efficiency (hET) vs. the CeF 3 :Mn NCs increases significantly and reaches molar percent of Mn2+ in CeF3:Mn (a) and CePO4:Mn NCs (b). 14% as the doped Mn2+ molar concentration increases to 2%. The decreased h QE at Ce 3+ concentrations above 2% is probably due to the increased Mn2+↔Mn2+ By using the method discussed above, we have also energy migration which weakens the Ce3+-Mn2+ energy investigated the hQE and hET of the CePO4:Mn2+ NCs in transfer. We note that the highest h QE we obtained the presence of different Mn2+ concentrations (Figure 5b). Upon doping with the increasing concentrations of Mn2+, is similar to that of the Ce, Tb co-doped LaF 3 NCs both the hQE and hET increase firstly, and the hQE reaches reported previously [32]. The Ce3+-Mn2+ energy transfer efficiency ( hET) was the peak at 0.6% when the Mn2+ doping concentration is 10%. It is worth noting that both the hQE and hET in the estimated from the emission intensity ratio IMn/(ICe + IMn) when the sample solutions were sufficiently diluted CeF3 :Mn NCs are higher than those in the CePO4:Mn and the energy loss caused by the re-absorption effects NCs. Compared with phosphates, fluorides normally have between different particles could be neglected [31,33]. lower vibrational energies, which can decrease the quench- As shown in Figure 5a, a high hET of 60% is observed in ing of the excited state of rare earth ions [35] and result in the CeF3:Mn NCs while the Mn2+ doping concentration higher quantum efficiency. Besides, the energy transfer is over 10%. We note that the IMn is much weaker than efficiency between the sensitizers and acceptors is influ- the ICe in the previously reported Mn,Ce co-doped CaF2 enced greatly by the interaction distance of these dopant and other bulk materials because of a portion of ran- ions [19,36]. Here, the less energy transfer efficiency in domly dispersed Ce3+ and Mn2+ ions beyond the inter- CePO4:Mn is probably attributed to the larger interaction distance between the Ce 3+ and Mn 2+ ions. A further action distance for the short-range energy transfer [19,34]. In our CeF 3:Mn NCs, the Ce3+-Mn2+ clusters increase of the quantum efficiency and energy transfer effi- are easily formed and result in the efficient Ce3+-Mn2+ ciency is possible by applying an undoped inorganic shell energy transfer. as a protective layer.
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Authors’ contributions doi:10.1186/1556-276X-6-119 Cite this article as: Ding et al.: Efficient manganese luminescence YD carried out the photoluminescence property studies and drafted the induced by Ce3+-Mn2+ energy transfer in rare earth fluoride and manuscript. LBL participated in the revision of the manuscript. ML and DF phosphate nanocrystals. Nanoscale Research Letters 2011 6:119. He participated in the synthesis of the nanocrystals. LX and PW contributed to characterization of the nanocrystals. XFY conceived of the study, and participated in its design and coordination. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. Received: 10 May 2010 Accepted: 4 February 2011 Published: 4 February 2011 References 1. Duan XF, Huang Y, Cui Y, Wang JF: Nature 2001, 66:409. 2. Deng H, Liu CM, Yang SH, Xiao S, Zhou ZK, Wang QQ: Crystal Growth and Design 2008, 8:4432. 3. Nam JM, Stoeva Si, Mirkin CA: Journal of the American Chemical Society 2004, 126:5932. 4. 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