Báo cáo hóa học: " Toward nanofluids of ultra-high thermal conductivity"
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- Wang and Fan Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:153 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/153 NANO REVIEW Open Access Toward nanofluids of ultra-high thermal conductivity Liqiu Wang*†, Jing Fan† Abstract The assessment of proposed origins for thermal conductivity enhancement in nanofluids signifies the importance of particle morphology and coupled transport in determining nanofluid heat conduction and thermal conductivity. The success of developing nanofluids of superior conductivity depends thus very much on our understanding and manipulation of the morphology and the coupled transport. Nanofluids with conductivity of upper Hashin- Shtrikman (H-S) bound can be obtained by manipulating particles into an interconnected configuration that disperses the base fluid and thus significantly enhancing the particle-fluid interfacial energy transport. Nanofluids with conductivity higher than the upper H-S bound could also be developed by manipulating the coupled transport among various transport processes, and thus the nature of heat conduction in nanofluids. While the direct contributions of ordered liquid layer and particle Brownian motion to the nanofluid conductivity are negligible, their indirect effects can be significant via their influence on the particle morphology and/or the coupled transport. Introduction nanoparticle clustering/aggregating in the literature [10,11]), and particle distribution in nanofluids. This short Nanofluids are a new class of fluids engineered by dis- review aims for a concise assessment of these contribu- persing nanometer-size structures (particles, fibers, tions, thus identifying the future research needs toward tubes, droplets, etc.) in base fluids. The very essence of nanofluids of high thermal conductivity. The readers are nanofluids research and development is to enhance fluid referred to, for example, [1-9] for state-of-the-art exposi- macroscopic and system-scale properties through tions of major advances on the synthesis, characterization, manipulating microscopic physics (structures, properties, and application of nanofluids. and activities) [1,2]. One of such properties is the ther- mal conductivity that characterizes the strength of heat conduction and has become a research focus of nano- Static mechanisms fluid society in the last decade [1-9]. Morphology The importance of high-conductivity nanofluids cannot The nanoparticle morphology in nanofluids can vary be overemphasized. The success of effectively developing from a well-dispersed configuration in base fluids to a such nanofluids depends very much on our understanding continuous phase of interconnected configuration. Such a morphology variation will change nanofluid’s effective of mechanism responsible for the significant enhancement of thermal conductivity. Both static and dynamic reasons thermal conductivity significantly [27-32], a phenom- have been proposed for experimental finding of significant enon credited to the particle clustering/aggregating in conductivity enhancement [1-9]. The former includes the the literature [1-9]. This appears obvious because the nanofluid ’ s effective conductivity stems mainly from nanoparticle morphology [10,11] and the liquid layering at the liquid-particle interface [12-17]. The latter contains the contribution of continuous phase that constitutes the coupled (cross) transport [18-20] and the nanoparticle the continuous path for thermal flow [27,28]. Although Brownian motion [21-26]. Here, the effect of particle mor- particle clustering/aggregating offers a way of changing phology contains those from the particle shape, connectiv- particle morphology, it is not necessarily an effective ity among particles (including and generalizing the means. The research should thus focus not only on the clustering/aggregating, but also on the general ways of varying morphology. * Correspondence: lqwang@hku.hk † Contributed equally Given that nanofluid thermal conductivity depends Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, heavily on the particle morphology, its lower and upper Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong © 2011 Wang and Fan; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
- Wang and Fan Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:153 Page 2 of 9 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/153 b ounds can be completely determined by the volume where fractions and conductivities of the two phases. These kp / kf ke / kf 1 kp / kf 1 ke / kf . bounds have been well developed based on the classical y (5) ke / kf 1 kp / kf 1 effective-medium theory and termed as the Hashin- Shtrikman (H-S) bounds [33], As kp/kf moves away from the unity along both direc- 3(k p / k f 1) tions, the separation between the upper and lower H-S ke / kf 1 , (1) k p / k f 2 (k p / k f 1) bounds becomes pronounced (Figures 1 and 2) so that the room for manipulating nanofluid conductivity via changing the particle morphology becomes more spa- 3 1 kp / kf 1 cious. The H-S bounds are respected by some nano- ke / kf kp / kf 1 . (2) fluids for which their thermal conductivity is strongly 3k p / k f k p / k f 1 dependent on particle morphology, such as whether nanoparticles stay well-dispersed in the base fluid, form Here kp, kf, and ke are the conductivities of particle, base aggregates, or assume a configuration of continuous fluid, and nanofluid, respectively, and is the particle phase that disperses the fluid into a dispersed phase volume fraction. For the case of kp/kf ≥1, Equations (1) (Figure 1). There are thermal conductivity data that fall and (2) give the lower and the upper bounds for nanofluid outside the H-S bounds (Figures 1 and 2). effective thermal conductivity, corresponding to the two Ordered liquid layer limiting morphologies where the liquid serves as the con- Both experimental and theoretical evidences have been tinuous phase for the lower bound and the particle dis- reported of the presence of ordered liquid layer near a perses the liquid for the upper bound, respectively. When solid surface by which the atomic structure of the liquid kp/kf ≤1, their roles are interchanged, so that Equations (1) layer is significantly more ordered than that of bulk and (2) provide the upper and the lower bounds, respec- liquid [64-67]. For example, two layers of icelike struc- tively. Therefore, the upper bound always takes a config- tures are experimentally observed to be strongly uration (morphology) where the continuous phase is made bounded to the crystal surface on a crystal-water inter- of the higher-conductivity material. face, followed by two diffusive layers with less significant The morphology dependence of nanofluid’s conductivity ordering [65]. Three ordered water layers have also been has been recently examined in detail by either of the two observed numerically on the Pt (111) surface [64]. approaches: the constructal approach [1,2,29-32] and the The study is very limited regarding why and how scaling-up by the volume average [1,2,27,28]. Such studies these ordered liquid layers are formed. There is also a not only confirm the features captured in the H-S bounds lack of detailed examination of properties of these but also uncover the microscopic mechanism responsible layers, such as their thermal conductivity and thickness. for the morphology dependence of nanofluid’s conductiv- Since ordered crystalline solids have normally much ity. As higher-conductivity particles interconnect each higher thermal conductivity than liquids, the thermal other and disperse the lower-conductivity base fluid into a conductivity of such liquid layers is believed to be better dispersed phase, the interfacial energy transport between than that of bulk liquid. The thickness h of such liquid particle and base fluid becomes enhanced significantly layers around the solid surface can be estimated by [17] such that the nanofluid’s conductivity takes its value of upper H-S bound (Fan J and Wang LQ: Heat conduction 13 1 4 Mf h in nanofluids: structure-property correlation, submitted). (6) , 3 f Na Figures 1 and 2 compare the experimental data of nanofluid thermal conductivity [11,20,34-63] with the where Na is the Avogadro’s number, and rf and Mf are H-S bounds [33]. For a concise comparison in Figure 1, the density and the molecular weight of base fluids, the H-S bounds (Equations 1 and 2) are rewritten in the respectively. The liquid layer thickness is thus 0.28 nm form of for water-based nanofluids, which agrees with that from y 2, experiments and molecular dynamic simulation on the (3) order of magnitude. and The presence of liquid layers could thus upgrade the nanofluid effective thermal conductivity via augmenting kp the particle effective volume fraction. For an estimation y2 , (4) kf of an upper limit for this effect, assume that the thickness
- Wang and Fan Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:153 Page 3 of 9 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/153 100000 oil-water [34] Cu-EG [57-59] MFA-water [11] CNT-EG [58,60-62] SiO2-water [35-37] H-S upper bound 10000 ZrO2-water [38,39] Fe3O4-water [40,41] TiO2-water [39,42,43] CuO-water [44-48] 1000 ZnO-water[49,50] Al2O3-water [37,38,44-46,51,52] ZnO-EG [50,53] Fe-EG [54,55] 100 Ag-water [35] Al-EG [56] y 10 1 H-S lower bound 0.1 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 kp /kf Figure 1 Comparison of experimental data with H-S bounds. morphology, and thus upgrade the nanofluid thermal and the conductivity of the liquid layer are 0.5 nm and conductivity toward its upper bound through the mor- the same as that of the solid particle, respectively. For phology effect. spherical particles of diameter dp, Equation (1) offers the conductivity ratio with and without this effect: Dynamic mechanisms 3 k e with 1 2 1 2h d p Coupled transport 1 In a nanofluid system, normally, there are two or more . (7) k e without 1 1 2h d p 1 2 3 transport processes that occur simultaneously. Examples are the heat conduction in dispersed phase, heat con- where h = (kp - kf)/(kp + 2kf). The variation of (ke)with/ duction in continuous phase, mass transport, and che- (ke)without with h and dp/2h is illustrated in Figure 3, mical reactions either among the nanoparticles or showing that the liquid-layering effect is important only between the nanoparticles and the base fluid. These pro- when h is large and dp/2h is small. This is normally cesses may couple (interfere) and cause new induced not the case for practical nanofluids. For Cu-in-water effects of flows occurring without or against its primary nanofluids ( h ≈ 1), for example, ( k e ) with /( k e ) without ≈ thermodynamic driving force, which may be a gradient 1.005 with = 0.5% and dp = 10 nm. of temperature, or chemical potential, or reaction affi- Although the liquid layers offer insignificant conduc- nity. Two classical examples of coupled transport are tivity enhancement through augmenting the particle the Soret effect (also known as thermodiffusion or ther- volume fraction, their presence do facilitate the forma- mophoresis) in which directed motion of particles or tion of particle network by relaxing the requirement of macromolecules is driven by thermal gradient and the particle physical contact with each other (Figure 4). This Dufour effect that is an induced heat flow caused by the will promote the formation of interconnected particle concentration gradient.
- Wang and Fan Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:153 Page 4 of 9 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/153 2.6 Fe3O4-water [40] 2.4 Olive oil-water [20] Silica-water [37] 2.2 Al2O3-water [63] 2.0 Upper bound 1.8 for Fe3O4-water 1.6 ke /kf Lower bound for Al2O3-water 1.4 1.2 Lower bound for Silica-water 1.0 0.8 Upper bound for Olive oil-water 0.6 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 Figure 2 Comparison of effective thermal conductivity between experimental data and H-S bounds. s-phases, respectively, with r and c as the density and the While the coupled transport is well recognized to be specific heat. is the volume fraction of the s - phase. very important in thermodynamics [68], it has not been well appreciated yet in the nanofluid society. The first h and aυ come from modeling of the interfacial flux and attempts of examining the effect of coupled transport are the film heat transfer coefficient and the interfacial on nanofluid heat conduction have been recently made area per unit volume, respectively. k bb and kss are the effective thermal conductivities of the b and s-phases, in some studies [1,2,9,18], which are briefly outlined here. With the coupling between the heat conduction in respectively; kbs and ksb are the coupling (cross) effective the fluid and particle phases denoted by b and s-phases, thermal conductivities between the two phases. respectively, the temperature T obeys the following Rewriting Equations (8) and (9) in their operator form, energy equations [1,2] we obtain T k T k T ha T T (8) t k h k ha t T 0 (10) T k ha and k ha t T k T k T ha T T (9) t An uncoupled form can then be obtained by evaluat- ing the operator determinant such that where T is the temperature; subscripts b and s refer to the b and s-phases, respectively. gb = (1 - )(rc)band gs = 2 i k ha k ha k ha 0 (11) Ti t t ( r c ) s are the effective thermal capacities of b and
- Wang and Fan Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:153 Page 5 of 9 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/153 1.14 1.12 1.10 = 0.05 (ke)with /(ke )without 1.08 1.06 = 0.01 1.04 = 0.005 1.02 1.00 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 dp /(2h) Figure 3 Variations of (ke)with/(ke)without with h and dP/(2h). where the index i can take b or s. Its explicit form volumetric heat source. k, rc, and a are the effective ther- reads, after dividing by haυ(gb + gs) mal conductivity, capacity and diffusivity of nanofluids, respectively. Ti 2Ti F(r , t ) Ti The computations of kbb, kss, kbs, and ksb are avail- q Ti T F(r , t ) q t (12) t t t 2 k able in [27,28] for some typical nanofluids. The coupled-transport contribution to the nanofluid ther- where mal conductivity, the term (kbs + ksb), can be as high k k as 10% of the of the overall thermal conductivity q , T , ha ( ) ha (k k k k ) [27,28]. The more striking effect of the coupled trans- port on nanofluid heat conduction can be found by k k k k k k k k k , , (13) considering F(r , t ) k k k k 2 F(r , t ) q Ti . k k 2 k 2 2 T t 1 ha (14) , q (k k k k ) Equation (12) is not a classical heat-conduction equation, which is smaller than 1 when but can be regarded as a dual-phase-lagging (DPL) heat- conduction equation with ((kbsksb - kbbkss)/(haυ))Δ2Ti as 2 (15) k k 2 k k k 2 ( k k k ) 0. 2 2 F(r , t ) the DPL source-related term F(r , t ) q and with t Therefore, by the condition for the existence of ther- τq and τT as the phase lags of the heat flux and the tem- mal waves that requires τT/τq
- Wang and Fan Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:153 Page 6 of 9 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/153 nanoparticle ordered liquid layer Figure 4 Ordered liquid layer in promoting the formation of interconnected particle morphology. N ote also that, for heat conduction in nanofluids, coefficient for nanoparticles. kbm, ksm, Dmb, Dms, and DmT there is a time-dependent source term F(r,t) in the DPL are five transport coefficients for coupled heat and mass heat conduction (Equations (12) and (13)). Therefore, transport. By following a similar procedure as that of devel- the resonance can also occur. When kbs = k sb = 0 so oping Equation (12), an uncoupled form with u (Tb, Ts, or that τ T / τ q is always larger than 1, thermal waves and ) as the sole unknown variable is obtained, resonance would not appear. Therefore, the coupled u 2 u u F(r , t) q F(rt, t) u T (19) transport could change the nature of heat conduction in q k t t t 2 nanofluids from a diffusion process to a wave process, where thus having a significant effect on nanofluid heat conduction. k k D q (20) Therefore, the cross coupling between the heat con- , D mT k m k m ha k k k k ha D duction in the fluid and particle manifests itself as ther- mal waves at the macroscale. Depending on factors such k as material properties of nanoparticles and base fluids, D mT k m k m ha k k k k ha D nanoparticles’ geometrical structure and their distribu- k m D mT k k ha D m D mT k m D mT k k ha D m D m (21) tion in the base fluids, and interfacial properties and k k k k ha D D mT k m k m ha k k k k ha D dynamic processes on particle-fluid interfaces, the cross- coupling-induced thermal waves may either enhance or counteract with the molecular-dynamics-driven heat dif- k fusion. Consequently, the heat conduction may be (22) enhanced or weakened by the presence of nanoparticles. This explains the thermal conductivity data that fall out- side the H-S bounds (Figures 1 and 2). k m D mT k k ha D m D mT k m D mT k k ha D m D m 1 T D k k k k k k k m D m k m D m If the coupled transport between heat conduction and (23) ha D k k k k particle diffusion is considered, then the temperature T D k k k k k k k m D m k m D m and particle volume fraction satisfy the following equations of energy and mass conservation: F(r , t ) F(r , t ) q t T k T k T k m ha T T , (16) 2 ha 2u t t 2 D mT k m k m ha k k k k ha D 3u T t 3 (24) k T k T k m ha T T , D mT k m k m ha k k k k ha D (17) t k m k D m k D m k m k D m k D m 3u D mT k m k m ha k k k k ha D and k k k k D 3u D mT k m k m ha k k k k ha D D D m T D m T D mT T T , (18) t This can be regarded as a DPL heat-conduction equa- where subscripts m and T stand for mass transport and F(r , t ) tion regarding Δu with τq, τT, and F(r , t ) q thermal transport, respectively. Dss is the effective diffusion as t
- Wang and Fan Nanoscale Research Letters 2011, 6:153 Page 7 of 9 http://www.nanoscalereslett.com/content/6/1/153 1.478 × 10-7 m2/s. These yield kBD/kf = 3.076 × 10-6 and the phase lags of the heat flux and the temperature gra- kBC/kf = 3.726 × 10-4. Therefore, both contributions are dient, and the source-related term, respectively. There- fore, the coupled heat and mass transport is capable of negligibly small. varying not only thermal conductivity from that in Although the direct contribution of particle Brownian Equation (13) to the one in Equation (21) but also the motion to the nanofluid conductivity is negligible, its nature of heat conduction from that in Equation (12) to indirect effect could be significant because it plays an the one in Equation (19). As practical nanofluid system important role in processes of particle aggregating and always involves many transport processes simulta- coupled transport. neously, the coupled transport could play a significant Concluding remarks role. For assessing its effect and understanding heat con- duction in nanofluids, future research is in great Under the specified volume fractions and thermal con- demand on coupling (cross) transport coefficients that ductivities of the two phases in the colloidal state, the are derivable by approaches like the up-scaling with interfacial energy transport between the two phases closures [2,27,28], the kinetic theory [71,72], the time- favors a configuration in which the higher-conductivity correlation functions [73,74], and the experiments based phase forms a continuous path for thermal flow and dis- on phenomenological flux relations [68]. While the perses the lower-conductivity phase. The effective ther- uncoupled form of conservation equations, such as mal conductivity is thus bounded by those corresponding Equations (12) and (19), is very useful for examining to the two limiting morphologies: the well-dispersed con- nature of heat transport, its coupled form, such as Equa- figuration of the higher-conductivity phase in the lower- tions (8), (9), (16)-(18), is normally more readily to be conductivity phase and the well-dispersed configuration resolved for the temperature or concentration fields of the lower-conductivity phase in the higher-conductiv- after all the transport coefficients are available. ity phase, corresponding to the lower and the upper bounds of thermal conductivity, respectively. Without Brownian motion considering the effect of interfacial resistance and cross In nanofluids, nanoparticles randomly move through coupling among various transport processes, the classical liquid and possibly collide. Such a Brownian motion was effective-medium theory gives these bounds known as thus proposed to be one of the possible origins for ther- the H-S bounds. A wide separation of these two bounds mal conductivity enhancement because (i) it enables offers spacious room of manipulating nanofluid thermal direct particle-particle transport of heat from one to conductivity via the morphology effect. another, and (ii) it induces surrounding fluid flow and In a nanofluid system, there are normally two or more thus so-called microconvection. The ratio of the former transport processes that occur simultaneously. The cross contribution to the thermal conductivity ( k BD ) to the coupling among these processes causes new induced base fluid conductivity ( k f ) is estimated based on the effects of flows occurring without or against its primary kinetic theory [75], thermodynamic driving force and is capable of changing k BD c p k BT the nature of heat conduction via inducing thermal (25) waves and resonance. Depending on the microscale phy- 3 d p k f kf sics (factors like material properties of nanoparticles and base fluids, nanoparticles’ morphology in the base fluids, where subscripts p and BD stand for the nanoparticle and interfacial properties and dynamic processes on par- and the Brownian diffusion, respectively; kB is the Boltz- mann’s constant (1.38065 × 10-23J/K); and μ is the fluid ticle-fluid interfaces), the heat diffusion and thermal waves may either enhance or counteract each other. viscosity. The kinetic theory also gives an upper limit for the ratio of the latter’s contribution to the thermal Consequently, the heat conduction may be enhanced or weakened by the presence of nanoparticles. conductivity (kBC) to the base fluid conductivity (kf) [76], The direct contributions of ordered liquid layer and k BC k BT particle Brownian motion to the nanofluid conductivity (26) 3 d p f are negligible. Their influence on the particle morphol- kf ogy and/or the coupled transport could, however, offer a strong indirect effect to the nanofluid conductivity. where subscript BC refers to the Brownian-motion- induced convection, and af is the thermal diffusivity of Therefore, nanofluids with conductivity of upper H-S bound can be obtained by manipulating particles into an the base fluid. interconnected configuration that disperses the base Consider a 1% volume fraction of dp = 10 nm copper nanoparticle in water suspension at T = 300 K. 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