Báo cáo khoa học: " Using the reduced La(Co,Cu)O3 nanoperovskites as catalyst precursors for CO hydrogenation"
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Abstract. A series of ground La(Co,Cu)O3 perovskite-type mixed oxides prepared by reactive grinding has been characterized by X-Ray diffraction (XRD), BET, H2-TPR, O2-TPD, and CO disproportionation. All ground samples show a rather high specific surface area and nanometric particles.
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Nội dung Text: Báo cáo khoa học: " Using the reduced La(Co,Cu)O3 nanoperovskites as catalyst precursors for CO hydrogenation"
- VNU Journal of Science, Natural Sciences and Technology 25 (2009) 112-122 Using the reduced La(Co,Cu)O3 nanoperovskites as catalyst precursors for CO hydrogenation Nguyen Tien Thao1,*, Ngo Thi Thuan2, Serge kaliaguine 2 1 Faculty of Chemistry, College of Science, VNU, 19 Le Thanh Tong, Hanoi, Vietnam 2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Laval University, Quebec, Canada. G1K 7P4 Received 07 December 2007 Abstract. A series of ground La(Co,Cu)O3 perovskite-type mixed oxides prepared by reactive grinding has been characterized by X-Ray diffraction (XRD), BET, H2-TPR, O2-TPD, and CO disproportionation. All ground samples show a rather high specific surface area and nanometric particles. The solids were pretreated under H2 atmosphere to provide a finely dispersed Co-Cu phase which is active for the hydrogenation of CO. The reduced perovskite precursors produced a mixture of higher alcohols and hydrocarbons from syngas following an ASF distribution. Keywords: perovskite; Co-Cu metals; syngas; alcohol synthesis. 1. Introduction∗ lanthanum-cobaltate by either Sr or Th has remarkably affected the rate of carbon dioxide Perovskites are mixed oxides with the hydrogenation [3] and methane oxidation [4]. general formula ABO3. In theory, the ideal The substitution of the cation at A-position, perovskite structure is cubic with the space- however, is much less attractive than that at B- group Pm3m-Oh [1]. The structure can be site due to the usual lack of activity of the A visualized by positioning the A cation at the cation. Meanwhile, the introduction of another body center of the cubic cell, the transition- transition metal into perovskite lattice could metal cation (B) at the cube corners, and the therefore produce several supported bimetallic oxygen at the midpoint of the cube edges. In catalysts upon controlled reductions [5-8]. this structure, the transition-metal cation is Bedel et al. [5], for instance, obtained a Fe-Co therefore 6-fold coordinated and the A-cation is alloy after reduction of LaFe0.75Co0.25O3 12-fold coordinated with the oxygen ions. orthorhombic perovskite at 600oC. Lima and Moreover, each of the A and B positions could Assaf [8] found that the partial substitution of be partially replaced by another element to Ni by Fe in the perovskite lattice leads to a prepare a variety of derivatives [1,2]. For decreased reduction temperature of Fe3+ ions example, a partial substitution of La in and the formation of Ni-Fe alloy. The presence of alloys can, moreover, modify the metal _______ particles on the catalyst surface and the possible ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: 84-4-39331605. dilution of the active nickel sites. By this way, E-mail: nguyentienthao@gmail.com 112
- 113 N.T. Thao et al. / VNU Journal of Science, Natural Sciences and Technology 25 (2009) 112-122 grinding additive before drying at 120oC the reduction-oxidation cycles of perovskites under tailored conditions could produce active overnight in oven. transition metals dispersed on an oxide (Ln2O3) matrix [5,7,8]. This characteristic may be used 2.2. Characterization for a promising pathway of development of a The chemical analysis (Co, Cu, Fe) of the finely dispersed metal catalyst from perovskite perovskites and the residual impurities was precursors. performed by AAS using a Perkin-Elmer In several previous contributions [7,9-11], 1100B spectrometer. The specific surface area we have reported some novel characteristics of (SBET) of all obtained samples was determined lanthanum-cobaltates prepared by reactive from nitrogen adsorption equilibrium isotherms grinding. This article is to further prepare well- at -196oC measured using an automated gas homogenized supported Co-Cu metals for the sorption system (NOVA 2000; Quantachrome). conversion of syngas to higher alcohols and Phase analysis and particle size determination hydrocarbons. were performed by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) using a SIEMENS D5000 diffractometer with CuKα radiation (λ = 2. Experimental 1.54059 nm). 2.1. Materials Temperature programmed characterization (TPR, TPD, CO dissociation) was examined LaCo1-xCuxO3 perovskite-type mixed oxides using a multifunctional catalyst testing (RXM- were synthesized by the reactive grinding 100 from Advanced Scientific Designs, Inc.). method also designated as mechano-synthesis Prior to each test analysis, a 50 mg sample was in literature [9-11]. In brief, the stoichiometric calcined at 500oC for 90 min under flowing proportions of commercial lanthanum, copper, 20% O2/He (20 ml/min, ramp 5oC/min). The and cobalt oxides (99%, Aldrich) were mixed sample was then cooled down to room together with three hardened steel balls temperature under flowing pure He (20 (diameter = 11 mm) in a hardened steel crucible mL/min). TPR of the catalyst was then carried (50 ml). A SPEX high energy ball mill working out by ramping under 4.65vol% of H2 /Ar (20 at 1000 rpm was used for mechano-synthesis ml/min) from room temperature up to 800oC for 8 hours. Then, the resulting powder was (5oC/min). The effluent gas was passed through mixed to 50% sodium chloride (99.9%) and further milled for 12 hours before washing the a cold trap (dry ice/ethanol) in order to remove additives with distilled water. The slurry was water prior to detection. For TPD analysis, the dried in oven at 60-80oC before calcination at O2-TPD conditions were 20 ml/min He, 250oC for 150 min. temperature from 25 to 900oC (5oC/min). The m/z signals of 18, 28, 32, 44 were collected A reference sample, LaCoO3 + 5.0 wt% Cu2O, was prepared by grinding a mixture of using the mass spectrometer. For each CO the ground perovskite LaCoO3 having a specific disproportionation tests, a number of CO/He surface area of 43 m2/g with Cu2O oxide (10:1 (0.586 vol%) pulses (0.25 mL) were then molar ratio) at ambient temperature without any injected and passed through the reactor prior to reach to a quadrupole mass spectrometer (UTI
- 114 N.T. Thao et al. / VNU Journal of Science, Natural Sciences and Technology 25 (2009) 112-122 capillary column (Wcot fused silica, 60m x 100). The m/z signals of 18, 28, 32, and 44 0.53mm, Coating Cp-Sil 5CB, DF = 5.00 µm) were collected. connected to a FID (Varian CP – 3800) and mass spectrometer (Varian Saturn 2200 2.3. Catalytic performance GC/MS/MS). The selectivity to a given product The catalytic tests were carried out in a is defined as its weight percent with respect to stainless-steel continuous flow fixed-bed micro- all products excluding CO2 and water. reactor (BTRS –Jr PC, Autoclave Engineers). Productivity is defined here as a weight (mg) Catalysts were pretreated in situ under flowing product per gram of catalyst per hour. 5 vol% of H2/Ar (20 ml/min) at 250oC (3h) and 500oC (3h) with a ramp of 2oC/min. Then, the reactor was cooled down to the reaction 3. Results and discussion temperature while pressure was increased to 1000 psi by feeding the reaction mixture. The 3.1. Physico-chemical properties products were analyzed using a gas Table 1 collects the chemical composition chromatograph equipped with two capillary and some physical properties of all the ground columns and an automated online gas sampling valve maintained at 170oC. CO and CO2 were perovskites. The specific surface area is rather higher (16-60m2/g) because of the low synthesis separated using a capillary column (CarboxenTM temperature (~ 40o C), which allows to avoid the 1006 PLOT, 30m x 0.53mm) connected to the agglomeration of perovskite particles [7.11]. TCD. Quantitative analysis of all organic products was carried out using the second Table 1. Physical properties of ground La(Cu,Cu)O3 perovskites Samples SBET Crystal domain Composition (wt.%) (m2/g) (nm)a Na+ Feb Co Cu LaCoO3 59.6 9.8 0.53 21.15 - 4.69 LaCo0.9Cu0.1O3 19.5 9.7 0.31 19.31 1.89 1.12 LaCo0.7Cu0.3O3 22.3 9.9 0.17 16.77 5.79 1.21 LaCo0.5Cu0.5O3 10.6 9.2 0.44 10.60 9.96 0.64 Cu2O/LaCoO3 16.8 10.9 0.39 20.04 3.28 4.78 a Estimated from the Scherrer equation from X-ray line broadening; bIron impurity from mechano-synthesis. As mentioned in experimental Section, the surface area (SBET) of all Cu-based perovskites addition of a grinding additive (NaCl) during (x < 0.3) and the mixed oxides (Cu2 O/LaCoO3) the last milling step leads to the partial is much lower than that of the copper-free separation of the crystal domains, making a sample (LaCoO3) [6,7,11,12]. The X-ray significant change in surface-to-volume ratio diffraction patterns are shown in Fig. 1. Their and in the internal porosity of elementary diffractograms indicate that all La-Co-Cu nanometric particles [10,11]. Consequently, the samples are essentially perovskite-type mixed surface area of such perovskites significantly oxides. The perovskite reflection lines are increases [10]. It seems that the presence of broadening, implying the formation of a copper in the perovskite lattice leads to a nanophase. Indeed, the crystal domains of the decreased surface area of LaCoO3 . Indeed, the ground perovskites calculated by the Scherrer
- 115 N.T. Thao et al. / VNU Journal of Science, Natural Sciences and Technology 25 (2009) 112-122 equation from X-ray line broadening are in the observed that two strong reflection lines at 36.8 and 42.7o characterize the presence of Cu2O range of 9-10 nm (Table 1), in good agreement with the results reported previously [9,12,13]. (Fig. 1). This indicates that copper ions locate Although all ground samples always contain a out of the perovskite lattice although a small small amount of iron oxide impurities, no FeOx amount of such oxides presented in the species are detected by XRD (Table 1 and Fig. framework is not ruled out [13]. 1). For sample Cu2O/LaCoO3, it is clearly 5 Cu2O/LaCoO3 x 3000 LaCo0.5Cu0.5O5 4 3 LaCo0.7Cu0.3O3 2500 2 LaCo0.9Cu0.1O3 Counts (a.u) 2000 LaCoO3 1 x x 1500 x x x * * x 1000 5 * 4 500 2 3 1 0 20 30 40 50 60 70 2-Theta Fig. 1. XRD patterns (Perovskite: x; CuO: *). decreased reduction temperature. A sharper 3.2. Temperature-programmed reduction of peak at lower temperatures is ascribed to the hydrogen (H2-TPR) simultaneous reduction of both Co3+ and Cu2+ to Co2+ and Cu0, respectively [6,7,12,13]. At this The reducibility of La-Co-Cu perovskites step, the perovskite framework is assumed to be was examined by performance of H2 -TPR tests. still preserved, but the structure is strongly Figure 2 shows H2 -TPR profiles of all samples. modified [7,13]. The reduced metallic copper For the free-copper sample, two main peaks and Co2+ species are suggested to be atomically were observed. According to the calculation of H2 balance, the signal at around 390oC is dispersed in the perovskite at the end of the first attributed to the reduction of Co3+ to Co2+. The reduction temperature peak. The presence of other peak at a higher temperature (680oC) metallic copper has a promotion to the describes the complete reduction of Co2+ to Co0 reducibility of cobalt ions, resulting in a decreased reduction temperature of Co3+/Co2+ [7,13]. A similar curve of H2 -TPR for La-Co- and Co2+/Co0 . Cu perovskites is observed (Fig. 2). An increased content of copper in the perovskite The higher peak is essentially responsible lattice (x = 0-0.3) results in a substantially for the reduction of the remaining Co2+ to Co0.
- 116 N.T. Thao et al. / VNU Journal of Science, Natural Sciences and Technology 25 (2009) 112-122 XRD spectra of the reduced Co-Cu based indicating that at a higher copper content (x = perovskites (not shown here) show the 0.5), a remarkable amount of copper oxides appearance of signals of Cu and Co metals after exists out of the perovskite lattice. Their oxides reduction at 375 and 450oC [7]. A similar are so highly dispersed in the grinding profile in H2-TPR between sample La(Co,Cu)O3 that they could not detected by LaCo0.5Cu0.5O3 and Cu2 O/LaCoO3 is observed, XRD techniques. 24 TCD Singals (a.u) 18 Cu2O/LaCoO3 12 LaCo0.5Cu0.5O3 LaCo0.7Cu0.3O3 6 LaCo0.9Cu0.1O3 LaCoO3 0 0 200 400 600 800 Temperature (oC) Fig. 2. H2-TPR profiles of the ground perovskites. shifts to a lower temperature and becomes 3.3. Temperature-programmed desorption of sharper with increasing copper content. The oxygen (O2-TPD) oxygen desorption signal (β-oxygen) appeared at a higher temperature (650-820oC) is ascribed TPD of O2 over all samples was to the liberation of oxygen in the lattice. It is investigated in order to shed light on the noted that this peak of the non-substituted reduction-oxidation properties of Co-Cu based LaCoO3 has the maximum at 785oC while that samples. O2-TPD spectra show two typical of the Co-Cu based perovskites shows the peaks with a strong shoulder at a high maximum at a lower temperature with a temperature for Co-Cu based perovskites. In the shoulder approximately at 670-680oC (Fig. 3). case of the free-copper catalysts, a large peak The shoulder of the second peak is believed to with a long tail at a lower temperature of the reduction of Cu2+ to Cu+ in harmony with oxygen desorption is observed in the broad temperature range of 400-650oC as depicted in increasing its intensities with the amount of the intra-lattice copper [6,14]. In addition, the other Fig. 3. The lower temperature peak, namely peak is firmly designated as to the difficult preferred to as α-oxygen, is attributed to oxygen reduction of Co3+ to Co2+ in lattice. An species weakly bound to the surface of the increased amount of α-oxygen desorbing from perovskite-type rare-earth cobaltate. This peak LaCo1-xCuxO3 suggests that Cu substitution is very broad, indicating that the oxygen leads to the production of more oxygen released at low temperatures is adsorbed on vacancies and the therefore facilitation of the several different sites of the catalyst surface [9]. reducibility of Co3+. For Cu-based perovskites, this peak slightly
- 117 N.T. Thao et al. / VNU Journal of Science, Natural Sciences and Technology 25 (2009) 112-122 5 Cu2O/LaCoO3 27 4 LaCo0.5Cu0.5O3 LaCo0.7Cu0.3O3 3 TCD singals (a.u) LaCo0.9Cu0.1O3 2 LaCoO3 18 1 5 9 4 3 2 1 0 25 175 325 475 625 775 o Temperature ( C) Fig. 3. O2-TPD profiles of the ground perovskites. 3.4. CO Disproportionation La-Co-Cu based samples, but still slightly lower than the-one on the free-copper CO dissociation was investigated in order to perovskite (LaCoO3). This indicates the foresee the reactivity of the partially reduced significant different effects between extra- and perovskite precursors in the synthesis of higher intra- perovskite lattice copper on the ability of alcohols from syngas [7,13,14]. The ability to cobalt sites to dissociate the CO molecule. dissociation of carbon monoxide has been When copper incorporates into the perovskite proposed according to the Boudouard reaction structure, it has a strong interaction with the [5,13]. intra-lattice cobalts, giving rise to a remarkable decrease of CO chemisorbed on Co atoms at 2CO* → C* + CO2 275oC. This is consistent with the results of H2- Here the asterisk (*) implies the TPR and O2-TPD (Figs. 2-3). In contrast, the chemisorbed species on the reduced catalyst presence of extra-lattice copper has an surface. Figure 4 displays a relationship insignificant effect on the activity of cobalt in between CO conversion and the number of the dissociation of CO because of both copper pulses at 275oC for a series of the reduced and cobalt in such case assumed to exist as two samples. It is clearly observed that the presence individual sites after reduction. Therefore, a of the intra-lattice copper results in a significant close distance between cobalt and copper site decline in CO conversion. affects the ability of the metals to the The conversion of CO disproportionation disproportionation of CO. This is a prerequisite on Cu2O/LaCoO3 sample is higher than that on for higher alcohol synthesis catalyst [15].
- 118 N.T. Thao et al. / VNU Journal of Science, Natural Sciences and Technology 25 (2009) 112-122 LaCoO3 80 CO conversion (%) 70 60 Cu2O/LaCoO3 50 LaCo0.7Cu0.3O3 40 30 LaCo0.9Cu0.1O3 20 LaCo0.5Cu0.5O3 10 Number of pulses 0 4 8 12 16 Fig. 4. CO disproportionation on the reduced La(Co,Cu)O3 samples at 275oC. copper content of the former is much higher 3.5. Synthesis of higher alcohols from syngas (Table 1 and Figs 6-7). The general consensus Synthesis of higher alcohols from syngas in literature is that a mixed Co-Cu based has been performed at 250-375oC under 1000 catalyst is active for the synthesis of higher psi and velocity = 5000 h-1 (H2 /CO/He = 8/4/3) alcohols from syngas as a distance of a metallic over the reduced La(Co,Cu)O3 perovskites. A copper atom from a cobalt site is within atomic. mixture of products is composed of linear Consequently, the requirement for the primary monoalcohols (C1OH -C7OH) and perovskite precursor is therefore that Cu2+ paraffins (C1-C11). The activity is defined as a should be in the La(Co,Cu)O3 framework and a micromole of CO per gram of catalyst per hour homogeneous distribution of the two Co-Cu is presented in Figure 5. From this Figure, it is active sites is reached after pretreatment under observed that the activity in CO hydrogenation hydrogen atmosphere [11,15]. Metallic cobalt is increases with increasing copper content to x = widely known as a good Fischer-Tropsch 0.3. The conversion on sample LaCo0.5Cu0.5O3 catalyst because it shows very high activity in is very close to that on the blend of Cu2O and the appropriately dissociative adsorption of CO LaCoO3, indicating a similar catalytic behavior molecules, the propagation of carbon chain, and of the two samples. Therefore, both the the production of methane when exposed to selectivity and productivity of alcohols over synthesis gas [7,15]. sample LaCo0.5Cu0.5O3 are much lower than those of the LaCo0.7Cu0.3O3 perovskite although 200 Activity (micromole 150 CO/gcat/h) 100 50 0 x=0 x=0.1 x=0.3 x=0.5 u2O/LaCoO3 C Fig. 5. The correlation between copper content (x = 0 - 0.5) and the activity in alcohol synthesis at 275oC, 1000 psi, 5000 h-1, H2/CO/He = 8/4/3.
- 119 N.T. Thao et al. / VNU Journal of Science, Natural Sciences and Technology 25 (2009) 112-122 The appearance of a neighboring copper formation of a mixture of alcohols and leads to a substantial decrease in cobalt hydrocarbons instead of paraffins only. Indeed, reactivity in CO hydrogenation. The Figure 6 shows a variation in the selectivity to products with copper content at 275oC. coexistence of such dual sites results in the Alcohols 50 C2-hydrocarbons Methane Selectivity (wt.%) 40 30 20 10 x=0 x=0.1 x=0.3 x=0.5 oO 3 aC C u2O /L Fig. 6. The correlation between copper content (x = 0-0.5) and alcohol selectivity. This Figure shows an increased alcohol ability is to dissociate hydrogen molecule and selectivity with increasing amount of intra- to adsorb CO molecule without dissociation. lattice copper perovskite from x = 0 to x = 0.3. Under alcohol synthesis conditions, the Meanwhile, total hydrocarbon selectivity adsorbed CO species are inserted in the alkyl displays an opposite trend. Therefore, the chain group bound to a neighboring cobalt site presence of intra-lattice copper promotes the in order to yield an alcohol precursor. This yield of alcohols and suppresses the formation process is indeed facilitated if both cobalt and of methane, leading to an increased productivity copper sites are very proximate. In other words, of alcohols as illustrated in Fig. 7. Indeed, these two ions should be present in the perovskite lattice. copper is a typical methanol catalyst [16]. Its 90 Alcohols C2-hydrocarbons 80 Methane Productivvity (mg/g cat /h) 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 x =0 aC oO 3 x=0.1 x=0.3 x=0.5 C u2O /L Fig. 7. The correlation between copper content (x = 0-0.5) and alcohol productivity.
- 120 N.T. Thao et al. / VNU Journal of Science, Natural Sciences and Technology 25 (2009) 112-122 This suggestion is substantiated as we alpha value of hydrocarbons, the second carbon chain growth probability factor (α2) of higher estimate the distribution of products. Figure 8 shows Anderson-Chulz-Flory (ASF) carbon alcohols was calculated without methanol point number distributions at 275oC of products because methanol is usually overproduced obtained on the representative sample during the synthesis of higher alcohols from LaCo0.7Cu0.3O3. As seen from this Figure, all syngas [7,15-17]. This may be also associated products are in good agreement with an ASF with the role of extra- perovskite lattice copper distribution. The alpha values of all samples which can form methanol in the absence of a calculated from ASF plots are about 0.35-0.45. neighboring cobalt site [7,17]. As seen from In essence, the carbon chain growth probability Fig. 8, when the point of methanol (n = 1) is factor of higher alcohols (α1) should be very excluded in the alcohol molecular distribution, close to that of hydrocarbons (α3), owing to the a close resemblance between the two slopes of assumption that the carbon skeleton of these alcohol and hydrocarbon plots is clearly two homolog series is formed on the same observed, indicating that the reaction pathway active site [15]. However, Figure 8 presents a likely occurs through sequential addition of small difference in the propagation constants CHx intermediate species in to the carbon chain for the propagation [14]. between higher alcohols (α1 = 0.38) and hydrocarbons (α3 = 0.43). To compare with the 6 α3 = 0.43 α2 = 0.42 4 α1 = 0.38 Ln(wt.%)/n 2 0 -2 -4 0 2 4 6 8 10 Carbon number Fig. 8. ASF distribution of products over sample LaCo07Cu0.3O3 (α1 = C1OH-C7OH; α2 = C2OH-C7OH; α3 = C1-C10 h ydrocarbons) 4. Conclusion nanoparticles. At x > 0.3, a blend of oxides is obtained instead of a perovskites phase only. A set of nanocrystalline LaCo1-xCuxO3 The presence of copper has a strong effect on perovskites has been prepared using reactive the reducibility of perovskite and on the grinding method. All samples have a rather reactivity of cobalt in CO hydrogenation. A high surface area and comprise elementary highly dispersed bimetallic phase is obtained
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- 122 N.T. Thao et al. / VNU Journal of Science, Natural Sciences and Technology 25 (2009) 112-122 Tính ch t xúc tác c a các perovskit La(Co,Cu)O3 tr ng thái kh trong ph n ng hiñro hóa CO Nguy n Ti n Th o1, Ngô Th Thu n1, Serge kaliaguine 2 1 Khoa Hóa h c, Trư ng ð i h c Khoa h c T nhiên, ðHQGHN, 19 Lê Thánh Tông, Hà N i, Vi t Nam 2 Phòng Công ngh Hóa h c, Trư ng ð i h c Laval, Quebec, Canada. G1K 7P4 Các ñ c trưng c a h xúc tác perovskite La(Co,Cu)O3 ñư c t ng h p b ng phương pháp nghi n h at hóa ñ ư c xác ñ nh b ng các phương pháp như: X-ray, BET, kh b ng H2 theo chương trình nhi t ñ (TPR-H2), deoxy b ng chương trình nhi t ñ (TPD-O2), phân b b t ñ i x ng CO. Các m u xúc tác có c u hình t các h t nano và có di n tích b m t riêng khá l n. Kh hóa h c b ng hiñro thu ñư c Co, Cu kim lo i phân tán t t trên ch t mang La2O3. Pha Co-Cu kim l ai ñư c s d ng làm xúc tác cho ph n ng hydro hóa CO, t o ra 1 h n h p các alcol và hydrocacbon tuân theo quy lu t phân b ASF.

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Báo cáo khoa học: "Effective suppression of Dengue fever virus in mosquito cell cultures using retroviral transduction of hammerhead ribozymes targeting the viral genome"
17 p |
84 |
báo cáo khoa học: " Using intervention mapping to develop and adapt a secondary stroke prevention program in Veterans Health Administration medical centers"
11 p |
41 |
Báo cáo khoa hoc:"Use of information entropy measures of sitting postural sway to quantify developmental delay in infants"
13 p |
50 |
Báo cáo khoa hoc:" Using an electrohydraulic ankle foot orthosis to study modifications in feedforward control during locomotor adaptation to force fields applied in stance"
11 p |
70 |
Báo cáo khoa hoc:" Using non-invasive brain stimulation to augment motor training-induced plasticity"
13 p |
58 |
Báo cáo y học: " Use of near-infrared light to reduce symptoms associated with restless legs syndrome in a woman: a case report"
5 p |
70 |
báo cáo khoa học: "Use of 3D-computed tomography angiography for planning the surgical removal of pineal region meningiomas using Poppen's approach: a report of ten cases and a literature review"
8 p |
74 |
báo cáo khoa học: " Using a summary measure for multiple quality indicators in primary care: the Summary QUality InDex (SQUID)"
12 p |
66 |

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