Báo cáo y học: "Bench-to-bedside review: Developmental influences on the mechanisms, treatment and outcomes of cardiovascular dysfunction in neonatal versus adult sepsis"
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- Available online http://ccforum.com/content/11/5/228 Review Bench-to-bedside review: Developmental influences on the mechanisms, treatment and outcomes of cardiovascular dysfunction in neonatal versus adult sepsis Wendy A Luce1, Timothy M Hoffman2 and John Anthony Bauer1,2 1Division of Neonatology, Center for Cardiovascular Medicine, Columbus Children’s Research Institute, Columbus Children’s Hospital, 700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, OH 43205, USA 2Division of Cardiology and Cardiac Critical Care, Center for Cardiovascular Medicine, Columbus Children’s Research Institute, Columbus Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH 43205, USA Corresponding author: Wendy A Luce, lucew@chi.osu.edu Published: 24 September 2007 Critical Care 2007, 11:228 (doi:10.1186/cc6091) This article is online at http://ccforum.com/content/11/5/228 © 2007 BioMed Central Ltd Abstract for 45% of late deaths in the neonatal intensive care unit, making it one of the leading causes of death for hospitalized Sepsis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in neonates infants [4]. and adults, and the mortality rate doubles in patients who develop cardiovascular dysfunction and septic shock. Sepsis is especially devastating in the neonatal population, as it is one of the leading The incidence of sepsis is age-related, and is highest in causes of death for hospitalized infants. In the neonate, there are infants (5.3/1,000) and the elderly over 65 years of age multiple developmental alterations in both the response to (26.2/1,000) [2]. Although the incidence is highest in the pathogens and the response to treatment that distinguish this age elderly, both the intensive care unit admission rates (58.5% group from adults. Differences in innate immunity and cytokine versus 40%) and the average costs ($54,300 versus response may predispose neonates to the harmful effects of pro- $14,600) are higher in infants [2]. Twenty-one percent of inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress, leading to severe organ dysfunction and sequelae during infection and inflammation. very low birthweight infants will develop at least one episode Underlying differences in cardiovascular anatomy, function and of culture-proven bloodstream sepsis after the first 3 days of response to treatment may further alter the neonate’s response to life [5], and the septic episode will probably be more severe pathogen exposure. Unlike adults, little is known about the cardio- than in adults [3]. In very low birthweight infants, sepsis vascular response to sepsis in the neonate. In addition, recent increases the hospital stay by 30% and increases mortality research has demonstrated that the mechanisms, inflammatory response, response to treatment and outcome of neonatal sepsis 2.5 times [5]. vary not only from that of adults, but vary among neonates based on gestational age. The goal of the present article is to review key Unlike adults, little is known about the cardiovascular pathophysiologic aspects of sepsis-related cardiovascular response to sepsis in the neonate. Baseline neonatal cardio- dysfunction, with an emphasis on defining known differences vascular function has not been well defined, and studies of between adult and neonatal populations. Investigations of these inotrope use to treat hypotension in neonates have failed to relationships may ultimately lead to ‘neonate-specific’ therapeutic strategies for this devastating and costly medical problem. show any improvement in short-term or long-term clinical outcomes [6]. In addition, recent research has demonstrated Introduction that the clinical presentation, mechanisms, inflammatory Sepsis is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in response, response to treatment and outcome of neonatal neonates and adults, and the mortality rate from sepsis sepsis vary not only from that of adults, but vary among doubles in patients who develop cardiovascular dysfunction neonates based on gestational age. The goal of the present and septic shock [1]. Annual combined deaths from sepsis article is to review key pathophysiologic aspects of sepsis- of patients of all ages equal the number of deaths from related cardiovascular dysfunction, with an emphasis on myocardial infarction [2], and 7% of all childhood deaths defining known differences between adult and neonatal result from sepsis alone [3]. Sepsis is especially populations. The potential impact of these differences on devastating in the neonatal population, as it is responsible therapeutic strategies is also discussed. IL = interleukin; LPS = lipopolysaccharide; TNF = tissue necrosis factor. Page 1 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
- Critical Care Vol 11 No 5 Luce et al. Innate immunity/inflammatory response The inflammatory cytokine response to sepsis differs in Underlying the differences in neonatal and adult sepsis are neonates and adults. Although premature infants were once alterations in the developing immune system. These differ- believed to have deficient production of proinflammatory ences include innate and acquired immunity, immune cell cytokines, intrauterine fetal cord blood samples taken between numbers and function, cytokine elaboration and the inflam- 21 and 32 weeks gestation have demonstrated significant synthesis of IL-6, IL-8 and TNFα [20]. Term and preterm matory response. infants have been shown to have a higher percentage of IL-6- The influence of perinatal factors on the development and positive and IL-8-positive cells than adults, with preterm response to sepsis is unique to newborns. Challenges to the infants having the highest percentage of IL-8-positive cells maternal immune system before and during pregnancy have [21]. After stimulation with LPS, this increased percentage of been associated with modulation of the neonatal immune proinflammatory cells in neonates is more pronounced and response, and this modulation occurs in both humoral and occurs faster than in adults. In addition, the compensatory cell-mediated immunity [7]. Although proinflammatory cyto- anti-inflammatory response system in neonates appears to be kines such as TNFα, IL-1β and IL-6 have not been shown to immature, with both term and preterm infants demonstrating cross the human term placenta [8], certain immunoglobulins profoundly decreased IL-10 production and a lower amount and lymphoid cells can cross the placenta and change fetal of transforming growth factor beta-positive lymphocytes than and postnatal immune development [7]. The transplacental do adults after LPS stimulation [14]. Although there is a transfer of immunoglobulins, however, does not occur until decrease in the absolute amount of IL-10 produced, an increase in the IL-10:TNFα ratio has been reported in 32 weeks gestation [9], leading to a relative immune deficiency in extremely premature infants. Labor of any premature infants after LPS exposure; an increased IL-10:TNFα ratio in critically ill adults has been shown to be a duration may be immunologically beneficial to the neonate, with improved neutrophil survival and lipopolysaccharide negative predictor of outcome [22]. These perinatal and (LPS) responsiveness [10]. Labor itself is a mild pro- developmental influences on innate immunity and the inflammatory state and has been associated with delayed inflammatory response may significantly alter the neonate’s neutrophil apoptosis, fetal leukocytosis and elevation of the response to pathogen exposure. systemic neutrophil count when compared with cesarean section without labor [10]. In addition, respiratory burst, Neutrophils CD11b/CD18 and IL-8 receptors have all been shown to be In addition to cytokine differences in the neonate, eosinophils, increased after vaginal delivery in comparison with cesarean macrophages and polymorphonuclear neutrophils have section [11]. reduced surface binding components and have defective opsonization, phagocytosis and antigen-processing capabili- ties, leading to a generally less robust response to pathogen Cytokines Severe infection can induce the systemic inflammatory exposure. Polymorphonuclear neutrophil function is the response syndrome and can lead to the development of primary line of defense in the cellular immune system, and septic shock, which is associated with elevated levels of there is an alteration in both neutrophil function and survival in proinflammatory cytokines including IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8 and neonates versus adults. Neonates, especially those born TNFα [12]. LPS is a cell wall component of Gram-negative prematurely, display a pattern of infectious diseases similar to bacteria, and is the main endotoxin implicated in the initiation the pattern seen in older individuals with severe neutropenia of the proinflammatory response [13]. If this extreme [20], have a markedly decreased neutrophil storage pool and inflammatory response is not counterbalanced by a competent cell mass [23,24], and are more likely to develop neutropenia compensatory anti-inflammatory response syndrome, the during systemic infection [25]. Functional deficiencies of resultant exaggerated inflammatory response leads to neutrophils in preterm and stressed/septic neonates include increased morbidity and mortality during sepsis [14]. The chemotaxis [26], endothelial adherence [20], migration [27], concentration of proinflammatory cytokines is higher in phagocytosis and bactericidal potency [20,28,29]. The patients with septic shock than in those with severe sepsis, NADPH oxidase system, however, may be a first-line and elevated levels of IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8 are associated with mechanism of innate immunity as there is a direct negative an increase in early mortality (
- Available online http://ccforum.com/content/11/5/228 meet oxygen demand, an altered substrate metabolism and, limited number of research studies in the very young, the ultimately, multiorgan failure and death [30]. The mortality rate hemodynamic response of premature infants and neonates is from sepsis doubles in patients who develop cardiovascular not well understood, and the presenting hemodynamic dysfunction and septic shock [1]. Little is known about the abnormalities are more variable than in older children and cardiovascular effects of sepsis in the neonate, but the adults [50]. Complicating the clinical evaluation of these developing cardiomyocyte differs from that of the adult and patients is the observation that blood pressure is a poor may lead to differences in the cardiac response to sepsis and indicator of systemic blood flow in neonates [6,54]. inflammation. In addition to underlying differences in the structure of the neonatal cardiomyocyte, functional alterations In both premature and full-term infants, left ventricular systolic in proliferative activity [31] and excitation–contraction coup- performance is highly dependent on afterload, which may ling [32] have been identified. These differences may be increase the susceptibility of neonates to sudden cardiac mediated by alterations in calcium channel expression and deterioration in the setting of shock and vasoconstriction activity [33,34], in ATP-sensitive potassium channel function [55,56]. Newborn infants also have a relatively decreased left [35] and in β-receptor coupling [36], and may contribute to ventricular muscle mass [57] and an increased ratio of type I differences in sepsis outcomes and therapeutic responses in collagen (determinant of tissue rigidity) to type III collagen neonates versus adults. (provides elasticity) in myocardial tissue [58], which may account for the impaired left ventricular diastolic function and Cardiac dysfunction and cardiovascular collapse during sepsis the alterations in mid-wall left ventricular fractional shortening result from increased levels of TNFα [37] and from increased seen in premature infants [59]. These physiologic abnor- cardiac myocyte production of nitric oxide and peroxynitrite malities, coupled with the finding that the neonatal left [38], which leads to further DNA damage and ATP depletion ventricular myocardium already functions at a higher baseline [39], resulting in secondary energy failure [40]. In addition, contractile state [55], may limit the neonate’s ability to serum from patients with septic shock directly causes a increase the stroke volume or myocardial contractility in the decreased maximum extent and peak velocity of contraction, setting of sepsis. Complicating the cardiovascular response activates transcription factors for proinflammatory cytokines to sepsis in the neonate are additional morbidities, including and induces apoptosis in cultured myocytes [41]. LPS- reopening of a patent ductus arteriosus and the development induced production of TNFα has been associated with of persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn due to increased apoptosis and cell death in adult cultured cytokine elaboration, acidosis and hypoxia in the setting of cardiomyocytes [42], and this ventricular myocyte apoptosis sepsis [52]. These underlying differences in anatomy, physio- has been linked to cardiovascular dysfunction in adult whole logy and adaptive cardiovascular function exemplify the need animal experiments [43]. Neonatal cardiomyocytes, however, to more specifically identify and understand the cardio- do not exhibit an increase in apoptosis despite an increase in vascular response to sepsis in the neonate in order to TNFα production after LPS exposure, suggesting another develop successful therapeutic strategies. mechanism for sepsis-associated cardiovascular dysfunction Treatment in neonates [44]. The short-term goal of treatment is to optimize the perfusion Septic shock is characterized in adults by a hyperdynamic and delivery of oxygen and nutrients, to correct and/or phase with decreased left ventricular ejection fraction, prevent metabolic derangements resulting from cellular hypo- decreased systemic vascular resistance and an increased perfusion and to support organ and body functions until cardiac index [45,46]. Underlying coronary artery disease, homeostasis is achieved [30,60]. Although our understanding cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure may contribute of the pathophysiologic mechanisms of sepsis and septic to the systolic and diastolic ventricular dysfunction described shock has improved over the past 10 years, the mortality and in the setting of adult sepsis. The resultant myocardial morbidity associated with sepsis continues to be high depression does not appear to be related to ischemia, [2,30,46]. Proinflammatory cytokines have been implicated in however, as the coronary blood flow and coronary sinus the pathogenesis of organ dysfunction during sepsis, but the modulation of single gene products (TNFα, IL-1β, inducible lactate levels have been found to be normal in patients with septic shock [47,48]. nitric oxide synthase) and nonpeptide mediators (platelet- activating factor, prostaglandin or leukotriene inhibitors) has Myocardial dysfunction in childhood septic shock reaches its not been shown to improve mortality in sepsis and septic maximum within hours and is the main cause of mortality shock [41]. [30,49]. In comparison with adults, children more often present in a nonhyperdynamic state with decreased cardiac Unlike adult and pediatric critical medicine, where there are output and increased systemic vascular resistance [46,50] extensively studied multiple organ dysfunction scores and and can develop this nonhyperdynamic septic shock even well-defined algorhythmic guidelines for treatment [61], there after fluid resuscitation [51]. This low cardiac output is is a large amount of practice variability in neonatal sepsis. The associated with an increase in mortality [52,53]. Owing to a American College of Critical Care Medicine concluded that Page 3 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
- Critical Care Vol 11 No 5 Luce et al. the adult guidelines for hemodynamic support of septic shock weight infants, both agents were found to be efficacious in are not applicable to children and neonates, and published improving the mean arterial blood pressure – but epinephrine guidelines for these younger age groups [52]. Premature was associated with more short-term adverse effects such as neonates, however, were not specifically addressed. enhanced chronotropic response, hyperglycemia requiring insulin treatment and increased plasma lactate levels [76]. There is only a weak correlation between blood pressure and Antibiotics Empiric therapy aimed at the most probable causative systemic blood flow in neonates [6], and, although a recent pathogens should be started immediately upon suspicion of metanalysis found dopamine to be superior to dobutamine in clinical sepsis, as a delay in the initiation of antibiotics has improving blood pressure, a randomized controlled trial been associated with an increased risk of mortality in both showed that dobutamine increased systemic blood flow more pediatric [30,62] and adult [13,63,64] patients with sepsis. In effectively than dopamine [77]. According to recently neonates, special developmental characteristics such as published clinical practice parameters, however, dopamine immaturity of the hepatic and renal clearance systems need remains the first-line agent in neonates, and epinephrine may to be considered when prescribing an antibiotic regimen. be used in dopamine-resistant septic shock [52]. If low cardiac output and high systemic vascular resistance persist, dobutamine and/or a type III phosphodiesterase inhibitor may Fluid resuscitation Fluid resuscitation is an important mainstay in the resusci- be indicated [46,52]. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors have the additional benefits of TNFα attenuation and decreased tation of patients with septic shock, as marked hypovolemia may result from vasodilation and increased capillary leak. A myocardial inducible nitric oxide synthase activity [46], and significant reduction in mortality has been demonstrated milrinone has been shown to improve cardiovascular function when hemodynamic function is optimized within the first few in pediatric patients with septic shock [78]. hours after presentation of sepsis [60]. There has been longstanding debate about the use of colloids or crystalloids, Milrinone is a selective phosphodiesterase type III inhibitor that but there is currently no strong evidence supporting the has proven safe and efficacious in certain clinical scenarios in superiority of either fluid agent in the resuscitation of septic pediatric patients [78,79]. Many of these studies, however, shock [13,65-68]. The underlying importance is the have been conducted by providing a loading dose of milrinone maintenance of preload and tissue perfusion. Fluid resusci- followed by a continuous infusion. In practice, physicians often tation is necessary in premature infants, but must be provided forego the loading dose, especially in patients that may have with caution due to the risks of developing intraventricular decreased preload to avoid any untoward hemodynamic hemorrhage from fluctuations in cerebral perfusion and effects including undue hypotension. The time to reach steady developing heart failure and/or pulmonary overcirculation state is therefore prolonged compared with the from resultant left to right flow through a patent ductus pharmacokinetics previously described [80]. Despite this arteriosus [52]. approach, many patients are concomitantly on catecholamine infusions, which have a very short half-life. The glomerular filtration rate in term neonates is 20 ml/min × 1.73 m2, which is Cardiovascular agents Adult sepsis is most often characterized by a hyperdynamic generally twice that of premature newborns [81]. The state with vasodilation, while neonatal sepsis may be a glomerular filtration rate improves over the first several weeks hypodynamic state with vasoconstriction and may respond of life in all newborns but the velocity at which it improves is better to inotrope and vasodilator therapy [30]. In both the less in premature infants. In term newborns, the glomerular recent recommendations of the American College of Critical filtration rate doubles in the first 2 weeks of life [82,83]. These Care [69] and an extensive evidence-based review of differences in glomerular filtration rate values among varying vasopressor support in septic shock [70], dopamine and gestational age newborns impact the administration of norepinephrine are considered first-line agents in adult septic medications that are primarily eliminated in the renal system. shock. An attenuated response to adrenergic stimulation has This impact is pertinent in milrinone use, and therefore dosing been reported in patients with septic shock, which is thought is often renally adjusted in neonates. In cases of persistent to result from the downregulation of receptors, uncoupling of pulmonary hypertension of the newborn associated with receptors from adenylate cyclase or decreased production of sepsis, inhaled nitric oxide may help reduce pulmonary cAMP [46]. This impaired effectiveness of exogenous vascular resistance and off-load the right ventricle. adrenergic stimulation may be augmented in neonates due to a functionally immature autonomic nervous system [30,71] Immunomodulating agents and elevated baseline levels of catecholamines [72-75], Agents such as corticosteroids, pentoxifylline and recom- especially in premature infants. binant human-activated protein C have been studied as adjunctive treatments for sepsis in adults and neonates Randomized controlled trials of vasopressors in neonates are (Table 1). Recombinant human-activated protein C is the only extremely rare. In a recent study investigating dopamine adjunctive therapy approved for the treatment of severe versus epinephrine for cardiovascular support in low birth- sepsis in adults who have a high risk of death [84,85]. Page 4 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
- Available online http://ccforum.com/content/11/5/228 Table 1 Immunomodulating agents in neonatal and adult sepsis Agent Neonates Adults Steroids No evidence of improved outcome in critically High-dose: no benefit [101] or reduction in mortality [102], ill infants or children with sepsis [89] may actually increase mortality [86] Hemodynamically stable: no benefit [101] Low-dose, long-course: may decrease mortality [87] Intravenous Prevention: 3% reduction in sepsis, 4% reduction Polyclonal: significant reduction in mortality [105] immunoglobulin in any serious infection; no change in mortality, necrotizing enterocolitis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, intraventricular hemorrhage or length of stay [103] Suspected infection: decrease in mortality of Monoclonal: HA-1A, E5, IL-1, phospholipase A2, adhesion borderline statistical significance [104] molecules and contact factors all show no benefit [86] Proven infection: no change in mortality [104] Colony-stimulating Treatment: rhG-CSF and rhGM-CSF not effective rhG-CSF in pneumonia with severe sepsis: no difference in factors in reducing mortality [106,107] mortality, ARDS or adverse events [108,109]; no difference in days of ventilatory support or intensive care unit stay [108] Prophylaxis: both agents effective in correcting rhG-CSF in severe sepsis: small study shows a significant neutropenia in premature neonates [106 107]; decrease in mortality [110] rhGM-CSF may decrease infection in infants
- Critical Care Vol 11 No 5 Luce et al. shown to effectively increase blood pressure in refractory significant increase in the morbidity of infants surviving severe hypotension [90,91], but steroids should be used with infection, with a 30–400% odds increase of later neuro- caution as early administration of high-dose corticosteroids developmental impairment [100]. has the additional risk of impaired neurodevelopment and clinically significant disability later in life [92]. In the neonate, there are multiple developmental alterations in both the response to pathogens and the response to treat- ment that distinguish this age group from adults. Differences Pentoxifylline Pentoxifylline is a methylxanthine derivative and nonspecific in innate immunity and cytokine response may predispose phosphodiesterase inhibitor that has been shown to be neonates to the harmful effects of proinflammatory cytokines beneficial in the treatment of a variety of illnesses in all age and oxidative stress, leading to severe organ dysfunction and groups, but only a handful of studies have focused on the use sequelae during infection and inflammation [14]. Underlying of pentoxifylline in the treatment of sepsis in adults and differences in cardiovascular anatomy, function and response neonates [93]. In premature neonates with sepsis, pentoxi- to treatment may further alter the neonate’s response to fylline has been shown to decrease IL-6 and TNFα levels, to pathogen exposure. We must therefore gain a greater decrease the clinical symptoms of necrotizing enterocolitis, to understanding of these developmental changes in order to reduce the development of cardiac, renal or hepatic failure, to adequately understand and treat immune and inflammatory- decrease the incidence of disseminated intravascular related cardiovascular compromise in the neonatal popu- coagulopathy and to improve blood pressure and survival lation. This remarkably unstudied area of neonatal sepsis is rates [94]. Adult studies have shown improved cardiopul- paramount, as cardiac failure remains a main cause of death monary and hemodynamic function in severe sepsis [95,96] in this disease state. Translational research will be the corner- but did not show a reduction in 28-day mortality [96]. Both stone of this research initiative, as therapeutic agents will neonatal and adult studies showed no adverse effects of the need to be developmentally targeted in order to be effective. medication. Competing interests The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Recombinant human-activated protein C At least 80% of children and adults develop an acquired Authors’ contributions deficiency of protein C during severe sepsis, and this deficiency is associated with adverse outcomes, such as WAL was primarily responsible for the conception and design multiple organ failure and mortality [97]. In the PROWESS of the present review, as well as the intellectual content, trial, the use of in the treatment of adults with severe sepsis drafting and revision of the manuscript. TMH and JAB also and a high risk of death showed a relative risk reduction of contributed significantly to the design of the review, added mortality of 19% [84]. A large clinical trial in pediatric patients important intellectual content and participated in the drafting with sepsis was stopped early due to a lack of demonstrated and revision of the manuscript. 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