Báo cáo y học: "Effects of monoclonal anti-PcrV antibody on Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced acute lung injury in a rat model"
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Nội dung Text: Báo cáo y học: "Effects of monoclonal anti-PcrV antibody on Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced acute lung injury in a rat model"
- Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines BioMed Central Open Access Original research Effects of monoclonal anti-PcrV antibody on Pseudomonas aeruginosa-induced acute lung injury in a rat model Karine Faure1,4, Junichi Fujimoto1,5, David W Shimabukuro1, Temitayo Ajayi1,3, Nobuaki Shime1,6, Kiyoshi Moriyama1, Edward G Spack7, Jeanine P Wiener-Kronish1,2,3 and Teiji Sawa*1 Address: 1Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care, University of California, San Francisco, CA94143-0542, U.S.A, 2Department of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, CA94143-0542, U.S.A, 3Cardiovascular Research Institute, University of California, San Francisco, CA94143-0542, U.S.A, 4Laboratoire de Recherche en Pathologie Infectieuse, EA2689, Lille, France, 5Department of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine, Yokohama City University, Yokohama 236-0004, Japan, 6Department of Anesthesiology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto 602-8566, Japan and 7InterMune, Inc., Brisbane, CA94010-1317, U.S.A Email: Karine Faure - karine-faure@invivo.edu; Junichi Fujimoto - junfuji@med.yokohama-cu.ac.jp; David W Shimabukuro - shimabud@anesthesia.ucsf.edu; Temitayo Ajayi - tajayi@itsa.ucsf.edu; Nobuaki Shime - shime@koto.kpu-m.ac.jp; Kiyoshi Moriyama - kmor7200@itsa.ucsf.edu; Edward G Spack - tspack@intermune.com; Jeanine P Wiener- Kronish - wienerkj@anesthesia.ucsf.edu; Teiji Sawa* - teiji@itsa.ucsf.edu * Corresponding author Published: 13 August 2003 Received: 02 July 2003 Accepted: 13 August 2003 Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines 2003, 1:2 This article is available from: http://www.JIBTherapies.com/content/1/1/2 © 2003 Faure et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article: verbatim copying and redistribution of this article are permitted in all media for any purpose, provided this notice is preserved along with the article's original URL. Abstract Background: The effects of the murine monoclonal anti-PcrV antibody Mab166 on acute lung injury induced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa were analyzed in a rat model. Methods: Lung injury was induced by the instillation of P. aeruginosa strain PA103 directly into the left lungs of anesthetized rats. One hour after the bacterial instillation, rabbit polyclonal anti-PcrV IgG, murine monoclonal anti-PcrV IgG Mab166 or Mab166 Fab-fragments were administered intratracheally directly into the lungs. The degree of alveolar epithelial injury, amount of lung edema, decrease in oxygenation and extent of lung inflammation by histology were evaluated as independent parameters of acute lung injury. Results: These parameters improved in rats that had received intratracheal instillation of either rabbit polyclonal anti-PcrV IgG, murine monoclonal anti-PcrV IgG Mab166 or Mab166 Fab- fragments in comparison with the control group. Conclusion: Mab166 and its Fab fragments have potential as adjuvant therapy for acute lung injury due to P. aeruginosa pneumonia. rapid systemic dissemination of P. aeruginosa is associated Background Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) pneumonia fre- with the fact that some strains of P. aeruginosa cause acute quently causes bacteremia and sepsis in immunocompro- lung epithelial injury by inducing the necrosis of the lung mised and mechanically ventilated patients [1–7]. This epithelium [8,9]. To protect patients who are at risk for leads to an increased morbidity and mortality compared the development of P. aeruginosa pneumonia and sepsis, with pneumonia caused by other pathogens [1–5]. The therapy would have to be given prior to the development Page 1 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
- Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines 2003, 1 http://www.JIBTherapies.com/content/1/1/2 of extensive lung injury, as dissemination and multi-sys- bacteria in lungs or intraperitoneally administered to tem organ failure occur once significant lung epithelial mice before infection [21]. More recently, major advances injury is produced [10]. In addition, resistance to antibi- have been made in the development of antibodies safe for otics is a major problem in the therapy of P. aeruginosa human patients; this has been accomplished by engineer- infections in critically ill patients. Therefore, a need for ing recombinant antibodies to decrease the immuno- non-antibiotic based adjuvant therapies for virulent P. genicity of murine antibodies (chimeric and humanized aeruginosa has created more interest in generating anti- antibodies) and by developing transgenic animals that body reagents against the Pseudomonal virulence factors produce human monoclonal antibodies. Mab166 could causing acute lung injury. be humanized if it proves to be effective in protecting ani- mals from virulent P. aeruginosa. Our objective in this The pathogenicity of P. aeruginosa appears to be related to study was to test the protective effects of a murine mono- its repertoire of toxins. Type III secretion is a recently iden- clonal antibody, an antibody that could be humanized, in tified toxin secretion system found in most pathogenic a model of early P. aeruginosa lung infection. If effective in gram-negative bacteria [11,12]. Requiring intimate con- early infection, the monoclonal antibody would be as tact with eukaryotic cell surfaces, this bacterial secretion effective or even more protective when given prior to the system delivers its toxins directly into the cytosol of the development of infection. Therefore, we investigated the eukaryotic cells, thereby modulating the host immune protective properties of intratracheally administered response [13]. The virulence of type III secretory cytotox- Mab166 and its Fab fragments on acute lung injury in a rat ins in P. aeruginosa is associated with acute lung epithelial model of P. aeruginosa pneumonia. damage and dissemination of inflammatory cytokines and bacteria from the lungs to the circulation [10]. To Methods date, four type III secretory toxins (ExoS, ExoT, ExoU and Animals ExoY) have been identified in P. aeruginosa. Cytotoxic P. Certified pathogen-free, Sprague Dawley male rats (body aeruginosa possesses the type III secreted cytotoxin ExoU, weight, 280–380 g) were purchased from Charles River which is necessary for causing acute necrotic cell death Laboratories (Wilmington, MA). The rats were housed in [14–16]. cages with filter tops in specific pathogen-free conditions. Sterile food and water were provided ad lib. All experi- We have documented that clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa ments were done in compliance with Animal Care Com- expressing the type III secretory proteins was associated mittee rules of the University of California at San with higher morbidity and poorer outcome than that for Francisco, U.S.A., and all protocols were approved prior to patients infected with P. aeruginosa strains that did not the start of the experiments. secrete these proteins [17]. In addition, a correlation between poor prognosis of patients with ventilator-associ- P. aeruginosa strain and culture conditions ated pneumonia caused by P. aeruginosa and the bacterial P. aeruginosa PA103 was used in this study. Bacteria from expression of type III secretion was also reported [18]. frozen stocks, stored at -70°C in 10% sterile skim milk PcrV is one component of the P. aeruginosa type III secre- solutions, were streaked onto trypticase soy agar plates. tion system and is homologous to the Yersinia V-antigen Five milliliters of a deferrated dialysate of trypticase soy (LcrV) [16]. PcrV appears to be an integral component of broth supplemented with 10 mM nitrilotriacetic acid the translocation apparatus of the type III secretion system (Sigma Chemical, St. Louis, MO), 1% glycerol, and 100 mediating the delivery of the type III secretory toxins into mM monosodium glutamate was inoculated with a loop target eukaryotic cells [19]. Active and passive immuniza- of bacteria and grown at 33°C for 13 h under shaking con- tion against PcrV improved acute lung injury and mortal- ditions. Cultures were centrifuged at 8,500 × g for 5 min ity of mice infected with cytotoxic P. aeruginosa [19]. The and the media discarded. The bacterial pellet was washed major effect of immunization against PcrV was due to the twice in lactated Ringer's (L/R) solution and diluted to the blockade of translocation of the type III secretory toxins appropriate concentration of CFU/ml in L/R solution, as into eukaryotic cells [19]. Furthermore, we demonstrated determined by spectrophotometry. Plating out the known that the therapeutic administration of a polyclonal anti- dilutions on sheep blood agar plates confirmed the bacte- PcrV IgG prevented septic shock and acute lung injury in rial concentrations. a rabbit model of P. aeruginosa pneumonia, and that the effects of the anti-PcrV antibody were independent of the Surgical preparation and ventilation Fc-fragments of IgG [20]. The rat model for P. aeruginosa pneumonia was reported previously [22,23]. Briefly, rats were anesthetized with We recently generated a murine monoclonal anti-PcrV 100 mg/kg of pentobarbital sodium administered intra- antibody, Mab166, that was found to be protective against peritoneally. An endotracheal tube (PE-240, Clay Adams, P. aeruginosa-induced mortality when coinstilled with the Parsippany, NJ) was inserted into the trachea via an open Page 2 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
- Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines 2003, 1 http://www.JIBTherapies.com/content/1/1/2 Table 1: Experimental groups.* Groups Infection (P. aeruginosa) Intervention n Control None 3 Co-instillation Antibodies were premixed with PA103 PA103 (5 × 107 CFU), IT Control IgG Control IgG (IgG2b), 4 mg/ml IT 3 PA103 (5 × 107 CFU), IT Rab anti-PcrV Polyclonal anti-PcrV IgG, 4 mg/ml IT 3 PA103 (5 × 107 CFU), IT Mab166 Monoclonal Mab166, 4 mg/ml IT 3 Therapeutic Antibodies were intratracehally instilled 1 h after the instillation of PA103 PA103 (5 × 107 CFU), IT w/o IgG Phosphate-buffered saline 5 PA103 (5 × 107 CFU), IT Rab anti-PcrV Polyclonal anti-PcrV IgG, 4 mg/ml IT 3 PA103 (5 × 107 CFU), IT Mab166 Monoclonal Mab166, 4 mg/ml IT 5 PA103 (5 × 107 CFU), IT Mab166 Fab Fab fragments of Mab166, 4 mg/ml IT 3 *IT: Intratracheal administration tracheostomy. The rats were ventilated with a constant- of rats was used as the sham control group; rats received volume respirator (Harvard Apparatus, South Natick, MA) L/R solution not containing IgG. In three groups of rats, we co-instilled P. aeruginosa PA103 (5 × 107 CFU) with 4 with an inspired O2 fraction of 1.0, peak airway pressures of 8–12 cmH2O and a 2 cm positive end expiratory pres- mg/kg of either mouse monoclonal isotype-matched con- sure (PEEP). The respiratory rate was adjusted to maintain trol IgG (IgG2b, clone #20116.11, R&D System, Minneap- PaCO2 between 35 and 45 mmHg. The rats remained olis, MN), rabbit anti-PcrV polyclonal IgG, or murine anesthetized, intubated and ventilated throughout the monoclonal Mab166 IgG intratracheally. In another three entire experiment. The right carotid artery was canulated groups, rats received either PBS or 4 mg/kg of either anti- with a polyethylene tube (PE-50, Clay Adams) to monitor PcrV polyclonal IgG, Mab166 IgG, or Mab166 Fab frag- systemic arterial pressure, administrate drugs and obtain ments one hour after the airspace instillation of P. aerugi- nosa PA103 (5 × 107 CFU). blood samples. Bacterial instillate preparation and administration General experimental protocol The instillate consisted of 5% bovine serum albumin After surgical preparation, blood pressure and gas (BSA), 2 mg of Evans blue dye, and 1 µCi of 131I-labeled exchanges were allowed to stabilize. Systemic arterial albumin, and P. aeruginosa, at a final concentration of 5 pressure and airway pressure were continuously moni- × 107 CFU/ml in L/R solution to a total volume of 1 mil- tored using an on-line data logging system (Powerlab, liliter; Colloid osmotic pressure of the instillate was ADInstruments, Mountain View, CA). Blood samples adjusted by adding 5% BSA as an established method to were collected every hour for gas exchange measurement, 131I-albumin radioactivity count and bacterial culture. The quantify liquid clearance of lung epithelial barriers as an index of lung edema [24]. The bacteria were added just rats were kept anesthetized and paralyzed throughout the before airspace instillation if the experiment was to experiment. Four hours after bacterial instillation, rats include bacteria. A sample of the instillate was saved for were deeply anesthetized and exsanguinated. Pleural flu- radioactivity measurement (counts/min/g) in a γ-ray ids were obtained for radioactivity counts. The lungs were counter (Auto-Gamma, model 5550, Packard, Downers removed through a sternotomy; the left and right lobes Grove, IL) and quantitative bacterial cultures on sheep were weighed and homogenized separately for water to blood agar plates to assure accurate inoculations. The dry weight ratio measurement and radioactivity counts. instillates were delivered slowly, over a 30 min period using a polyethylene tube (PE-10, Clay Adams) into the Measurement of lung injury left lungs. Lung injury was quantified in two different ways, as previ- ously described [22,23]. The first method evaluates the integrity of the lung epithelial barrier by quantifying the Interventions Mab166 IgG (IgG2bκ) or its Fab fragments were previ- efflux of 131I-albumin from the alveolar to the blood- stream. Total 131I-albumin instilled into the lung was ously prepared in PBS and stored at -70°C [21]. Experi- mental groups are listed in Table 1. One additional group determined by measuring duplicate samples of the Page 3 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
- Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines 2003, 1 http://www.JIBTherapies.com/content/1/1/2 instillate for total radioactivity (cpm/g) and multiplying h (Fig. 1). Severe lung edema was observed in this group this amount by the total volume instilled into the lung. of rats 4 h after bacterial instillation (Fig. 2). The arterial Circulating plasma 131I-albumin was measured from blood pressure decreased below 80 mmHg after 4 h time blood samples obtained every hour and at the end of the point (Fig. 3). Arterial blood oxygenation severely experiment. The plasma fraction was calculated by multi- decreased to approx. 100 mmHg immediately after bacte- plying the counts per gram times the plasma volume rial instillation, never normalized (Fig. 4). Metabolic aci- [body weight × 0.07 (1-hematocrit)]. The second method, dosis gradually developed over the 4 h in this group of rats the water to dry weight ratio, is a well-accepted index of (Fig. 5). lung edema. Lung homogenates were placed in pre- weighed aluminum pans and dried to a constant weight in The rats that received P. aeruginosa premixed with rabbit an oven at 80°C for 3 days. The excess water in the exper- polyclonal anti-PcrV IgG intratracheally developed signif- imental lung was calculated with an equation described icantly lower levels of lung injury. Alveolar epithelial previously [22,23]. injury was significantly lower than that of rats that had received control IgG (Fig. 1), and lung edema was less, although not significantly (Fig. 2). Blood pressure was Histology analysis Lungs were perfused with 10% buffered formalin phos- normal for the 4 h (Fig. 3), arterial blood oxygenation phate for fixation and were embedded in paraffin. recovered by the 4 h time point (Fig. 4), and acidosis did Mounted sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin not developed (Fig. 5). Finally, in the rats which received and observed under light microscopy. P. aeruginosa premixed with murine monoclonal anti-PcrV IgG Mab166, the lung epithelial injury and lung edema were significantly less than in the other groups (Fig. 1 and Statistical analysis Results are presented as mean ± standard errors. The dif- 2). Arterial blood pressures and acid-base status of these ference between the control IgG-treated group and the rats were normal for 4 h (Fig. 3 and 5), and the arterial Mab166 IgG or Mab166 Fab fragments-treated group was blood oxygenation was the best among the three groups analyzed. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), (Fig. 4). Thus, co-instillation of Mab166 with P. aeruginosa repeated measure, followed by the Newman-Keuls t-test was the most protective. or unpaired Student's t-test was used for comparisons of data. Significance was accepted at P value of < 0.05. Therapeutic administration of Mab166 intratracheally protects against P. aeruginosa-induced acute lung injury Next, we evaluated the therapeutic administration of anti- Results PcrV IgG in our rat model. In this series of the experi- Coinstillation of Mab166 with P. aeruginosa decreased ments, we administered either rabbit polyclonal anti-PcrV induced acute lung injury First, to evaluate the maximal blocking effects of anti-PcrV IgG, murine monoclonal anti-PcrV IgG Mab166, Fab frag- IgGs on P. aeruginosa-induced acute lung injury, we coin- ments of Mab166 (4 mg/kg, respectively), or PBS alone stilled either rabbit-derived polyclonal anti-PcrV IgG, without IgG 1 h after the instillation of P. aeruginosa (5 × 107 CFU) into the lungs of the anesthetized ventilated murine monoclonal anti-PcrV IgG Mab166 (IgG2b), or irrelevant monoclonal control IgG (IgG2b) (4 mg/kg, rats. The rats that received PBS alone 1 h after bacterial respectively) with P. aeruginosa PA103 (5 × 107 CFU) into instillation showed a significant increase in lung epithe- the lungs of the anesthetized ventilated rats under artifi- lial injury and lung edema after 4 h. The arterial blood cially controlled ventilation. The antibodies were pressure gradually decreased to 80 mmHg over the exper- premixed with P. aeruginosa three min before the instilla- imental periods. The arterial blood oxygenation remained tion. The acute alveolar lung injury was quantified as the significantly decreased (Fig. 4). Severe metabolic acidosis efflux of the coinstilled radioactive alveolar protein tracers developed over the 4 h (Fig. 5). (131I-albumin) into the circulation every one-hour during the 4-h experimental period. The rats that had received either rabbit polyclonal anti- PcrV IgG, murine monoclonal anti-PcrV IgG Mab166, or The control rats that received the lactated Ringer's solu- Fab fragments of Mab166 (4 mg/kg) intratracheally tion supplemented with 5% bovine serum albumin but showed significant improvement of alveolar epithelial without bacteria did not show any lung epithelial injury injury and lung edema 4 h after bacterial instillation (Fig. (Fig. 1). Wet to dry weight ratios of the lungs increased to 1). The protective effect of Mab166 Fab fragments on lung approximately 6 in the control rats (Fig. 2). Note a wet to epithelial injury was the most significant among the three dry weight ratio of the lung of a normal rat is between antibodies, while rabbit polyclonal and murine mono- 3.5–4.0 (data not shown). The rats that received P. aerugi- clonal anti-PcrV IgGs were better in improving lung nosa mixed with control irrelevant monoclonal IgG intrat- edema than Mab166 Fab fragments (Fig. 2). Hypotension racheally developed significant acute epithelial injury in 4 did not develop in the three groups of rats that received Page 4 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
- Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines 2003, 1 http://www.JIBTherapies.com/content/1/1/2 (%) 25 Co-instillation Therapeutic (1h after infection) Alveolar protein tracer efflux + + 20 15 * * 10 * * 5 * 0 2h (no bacteria) 3h 4h 2h 3h 4h 2h 3h 4h 2h Mab166 3h 4h 2h w/o IgG 3h 4h 2h 3h 4h 2h 3h 4h 2h Mab166 Fab 3h 4h Control IgG Rab anti-PcrV Rab anti-PcrV Mab166 Control Figure 1 Quantification of acute lung epithelial injury Quantification of acute lung epithelial injury. The efflux of alveolar protein tracer (131I-albumin) from lungs to the circu- lation was calculated in 4-h experiments of rats as an index of acute lung epithelial injury. In the control group (Control, no bacteria), only lactated Ringer's solution was instilled into the airspace of the rats and no therapeutic intervention was taken. Three sets of rats were co-instilled P. aeruginosa PA103 with 4 mg/kg of either irrelevant monoclonal IgG (Control IgG), rabbit polyclonal anti-PcrV IgG (Rab anti-PcrV), or murine monoclonal anti-PcrV IgG (Mab166). Four sets of rats were intratracheally administered either PBS, rabbit polyclonal anti-PcrV IgG (Rab anti-PcrV)(4 mg/kg), murine monoclonal anti-PcrV IgG (Mab166)(4 mg/kg), or Mab166 Fab (4 mg/kg). Data are shown as means+standard errors. The numbers of rats are listed in Table 1. +P < 0.05 to the control group (no bacteria) and *P < 0.05 to the control IgG group in co-instillation and to the group without IgG (PBS) in therapeutic administration by two way-ANOVA, repeated measure, followed by the Newman-Keuls t- test. any anti-PcrV antibodies (Fig. 3). The arterial oxygenation ment and destruction of alveolar structures (Fig. 6A), the in the three treated groups of rats was significantly rats that received Mab166 had almost no neutrophils in improved compared to the untreated rats (Fig. 4). their airspaces and had preservation of normal alveolar Although mild metabolic acidosis did develop in the rats structures (Fig. 6B). As a result, therapeutic administration that had received either rabbit polyclonal anti-PcrV IgG or of Mab166 showed comparable effects to rabbit Mab166 Fab, the rats that had received Mab166 did not polyclonal anti-PcrV IgG in preventing acute lung injury become acidotic (Fig. 5). and subsequently occurring systemic distress. The thera- peutic administration of Mab166 Fab fragments also had We compared the lung histology between the rats treated the same or better effects than the administration of with Mab166 and the rats treated with control IgG (Fig. Mab166 IgG. 6). While the rats that received control IgG one hour after bacterial instillation showed severe neutrophil recruit- Page 5 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
- Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines 2003, 1 http://www.JIBTherapies.com/content/1/1/2 A. Co-instillation 9 Co-instillation Therapeutic Wet to dry weight ratio + (mmHg) 8 + 160 Mean arterial pressure Rab anti-PcrV 7 Mab166 140 Control IgG 120 6 * 100 5 * ** 80 4 60 0 1 2 3 4 3 Time after infection (h) (no bacteria) Rab anti-PcrV Mab166 Fab w/o IgG Rab anti-PcrV Mab166 Control IgG Mab166 B. Therapeutic (mmHg) Control Mean arterial pressure 180 Rab anti-PcrV Mab166 160 * Mab166 Fab 140 w/o IgG 120 100 Figure 2 Quantification of lung edema IgG it 80 Quantification of lung edema. Water-to-wet weight 60 ratios of the lungs were measured at 4-h time points in the 0 1 2 3 4 rats infected with P. aeruginosa. as an index of acute lung Time after infection (h) edema. In the control group (Control, no bacteria), only lac- tated Ringer's solution was instilled into the airspace of the Figure 3 Mean arterial blood pressure rats and no therapeutic intervention was taken. Three sets of Mean arterial blood pressure. The mean arterial blood rats were co-instilled P. aeruginosa PA103 with 4 mg/kg of pressure was measured for 4 h in the rats. A. Either irrele- either irrelevant monoclonal IgG (Control IgG), rabbit poly- vant monoclonal IgG (Control IgG, filled squares), rabbit pol- clonal anti-PcrV IgG (Rab anti-PcrV), or murine monoclonal yclonal anti-PcrV IgG (Rab anti-PcrV, open diamonds), or anti-PcrV IgG (Mab166). Four sets of rats were intratrache- murine monoclonal anti-PcrV IgG (Mab166, open circles) (4 ally administered either phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), rab- mg/kg, respectively) was co-instilled with P. aeruginosa PA103 bit polyclonal anti-PcrV IgG (Rab anti-PcrV)(4 mg/kg), murine (5 × 107 CUF) in the airspaces of the rats. B. Either PBS with- monoclonal anti-PcrV IgG (Mab166)(4 mg/kg), or Mab166 out IgG (w/o IgG, filled squares), rabbit polyclonal anti-PcrV Fab (4 mg/kg). Data are shown as means+standard errors. IgG (Rab anti-PcrV, open diamonds), murine monoclonal The numbers of animals are listed in Table 1. +P < 0.05 to anti-PcrV IgG (Mab166, open circles), or Fab fragments the control group (no bacteria) and *P < 0.05 to the control Mab166 (Mab166 Fab, open triangles) (4 mg/kg, respectively) IgG group in co-instillation and to the group without IgG was intratracheally instilled one hour after the airspace instil- (PBS) in therapeutic administration by two way-ANOVA, fol- lation of P. aeruginosa PA103 (5 × 107 CUF). Data are shown lowed by the Newman-Keuls t-test. as means ± standard errors. The numbers of animals are listed in Table 1. *P < 0.05 in the Mab166 group to the con- trol group (w/o IgG) at the 4 h time point by unpaired t-test. Discussion The widespread use of antibiotics has generated multiple antibiotic-resistant microorganisms, and there is a new need for non-antibiotic based adjuvant therapies for produce a consistent quantity of bacterial induced lung microbial infections. Antibody-based immunotherapy is injury. In our rat model, the administration of P. aerugi- nosa (5 × 107 CFU) for an interval (4 h) consistently leads one of the adjuvant therapies that can help treat antibi- otic-resistant bacterial infections. In this investigation, we to modest quantities of lung injury. Using independent showed that intratracheal administration of murine mon- measurement of lung epithelial injury and of lung edema, oclonal anti-PcrV IgG Mab166 improved acute lung injury we have been able to evaluate the therapeutic effects of in infected animals. An important consideration in the various antibodies on acute lung injury [22]. The effects of comparisons of effectiveness of various treatments of lung Mab166 were comparable to the administration of rabbit infections in experimental animal models is the ability to polyclonal anti-PcrV IgG. The intratracheal Page 6 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
- Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines 2003, 1 http://www.JIBTherapies.com/content/1/1/2 A. Co-instillation A. Co-instillation (mmHg) 5.0 600 Rab anti-PcrV Base excess 2.5 Rab anti-PcrV Mab166 500 Mab166 0 Control IgG PaO2 400 Control IgG -2.5 300 -5.0 200 -7.5 100 -10.0 0 0 1 2 3 4 1 0 2 3 4 Time after infection (h) Time after infection (h) B. Therapeutic B. Therapeutic (mmHg) Rab anti-PcrV 5.0 600 Rab anti-PcrV * Mab166 Base excess 2.5 Mab166 500 Mab166 Fab PaO2 0 Mab166 Fab 400 w/o IgG w/o IgG -2.5 300 IgG it -5.0 200 IgG it -7.5 100 -10.0 0 0 1 2 3 4 1 0 2 3 4 Time after infection (h) Time after infection (h) Figure 5 Metabolic acidosis Figure 4 The oxygenation of arterial blood Metabolic acidosis. Base excess was measured for 4 h in The oxygenation of arterial blood. The oxygen pressure the rats as an index of metabolic acidosis. A. Either irrele- of the arterial blood was measured for 4 h in the rats. A. vant monoclonal IgG (Control IgG, filled squares), rabbit pol- Either irrelevant monoclonal IgG (Control IgG, filled yclonal anti-PcrV IgG (Rab anti-PcrV, open diamonds), or squares), rabbit polyclonal anti-PcrV IgG (Rab anti-PcrV, murine monoclonal anti-PcrV IgG (Mab166, open circles) (4 open diamonds), or murine monoclonal anti-PcrV IgG mg/kg, respectively) was co-instilled with P. aeruginosa PA103 (Mab166, open circles) (4 mg/kg, respectively) was co- (5 × 107 CUF) in the airspaces of the rats. B. Either PBS with instilled with P. aeruginosa PA103 (5 × 107 CUF) in the air- out IgG (w/o IgG, filled squares), rabbit polyclonal anti-PcrV spaces of the rats. B. Either PBS without IgG (w/o IgG, filled IgG (Rab anti-PcrV, open diamonds), murine monoclonal squares), rabbit polyclonal anti-PcrV IgG (Rab anti-PcrV, anti-PcrV IgG (Mab166, open circles), or Fab fragments open diamonds), murine monoclonal anti-PcrV IgG (Mab166, Mab166 (Mab166 Fab, open triangles) (4 mg/kg, respectively) open circles), or Fab fragments Mab166 (Mab166 Fab, open was intratracheally instilled one hour after the airspace instil- triangles) (4 mg/kg, respectively) was intratracheally instilled lation of P. aeruginosa PA103 (5 × 107 CFU). Data are shown one hour after the airspace instillation of P. aeruginosa PA103 as means ± standard errors. The numbers of animals are (5 × 107 CUF). Data are shown as means ± standard errors. listed in Table 1. *P < 0.05 in the Mab166 group to the con- The numbers of animals are listed in Table 1. trol group (w/o IgG) at the 4 h time point by unpaired t-test. administration of Mab166 (4 mg/kg) significantly shown to increase the lung liquid clearance (and decrease improved the lung epithelial injury caused by cytotoxic P. lung edema) [25] although exotoxin A itself does not aeruginosa. Lung edema, measured as wet/dry ratios of the cause neither lung epithelial injury nor lung edema [26]. lungs, decreased significantly in the rats treated with Hemodynamics, oxygenation, and metabolic acidosis intratracheal Mab166. The lung wet/dry ratios of the rats were improved by the treatment with intratracheal instilled with bacteria and treated with any of anti-PcrV Mab166. Lung histology in the rat treated with Mab166 IgGs were lower that those of the control rats (no bacteria) showed significant improvement and preservation of nor- probably due to the ability of Pseudomonal exotoxin A to mal structures. We previously showed that F(ab')2 frag- increase lung liquid clearance. Note P. aeruginosa strain ments of rabbit polyclonal anti-PcrV IgG prevented sepsis PA103 used in this study is a high producer of type II and allowed survival in a rabbit model of P. aeruginosa secretory exotoxin A and P. aeruginosa treated with anti- infection [20]. Similarly, the Fab fragments of the murine PcrV IgG would still secrete exotoxin A which has been monoclonal anti-PcrV IgG (Mab166 Fab) had comparable Page 7 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
- Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines 2003, 1 http://www.JIBTherapies.com/content/1/1/2 main difficulty with monoclonal antibodies is that mouse A. Control IgG antibodies are seen by the human immune system as for- eign, and the patient mounts an immune response against them, producing "human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMA)". These not only cause the therapeutic antibod- ies to be eliminated from the host, but also cause the for- mation of immune complexes that damage the kidneys. Therefore, technology has focused on methodology that produces less immunogenic monoclonal antibodies. B. Mab166 More recently, the techniques to engineer recombinant chimera and humanized antibodies have been developed to decrease the immunogenicity of murine antibodies [28]. Due to the multiple antibiotic resistance mecha- nisms that P. aeruginosa possesses, the need for adjunctive therapies is becoming more important. Therefore, anti- PcrV antibody-based immunotherapies are potential ther- apeutic options for immunocompromised patients infected with P. aeruginosa. Figure 6 Lung histology Lung histology. Four hours after the intratracheal instilla- tion of P. aeruginosa PA103 (5 × 107 CFU), the rats were Conclusions euthanized and their lungs were perfused with 10% buffered Intratracheal administration of the murine monoclonal formalin phosphate for fixation and were embedded in paraf- anti-PcrV antibody Mab166 and its Fab fragments pro- fin. Mounted sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin tected rats infected with Pseudomonas aeruginosa from and observed in light microscopy. A. The rat received irrele- acute lung injury. Mab166 and its Fab fragments are vant control IgG (4 mg/kg) intratracheally one hour after bac- potential useful adjuvant therapies for acute lung injury terial instillation. B. The rat received Mab166 (4 mg/kg) secondary to P. aeruginosa pneumonia. intratracheally one hour after bacterial instillation. Magnifica- tion of objective lens 20× (left figures) and 40× (right figures). Authors' contributions K. Fuare carried out animal studies, and drafted the man- uscript. J. Fujimoto, D. W. Shimabukuro, N. Shime and K. Moriyama participated in the animal studies. T. Ajayi therapeutic effects to the whole IgG molecules of Mab166 edited the manuscript. E. G. Spack contributed to the in preventing P. aeruginosa-induced acute lung injury. production and purification of antibodies. J. P. Wiener- Because, Fab portions had the same therapeutic effects as Kronish and T. Sawa conceived of the study, and partici- whole IgG in P. aeruginosa-induced lung injury, the Fc- pated in its design and coordination. All authors read and dependent opsonization of the bacteria does not seem approved the final manuscript. critical for the efficacy of the anti-PcrV antibodies. Abbreviations Intratracheal administration of Fab is attractive for the fol- P. aeruginosa:Pseudomonas aeruginosa, IT: Intratracheal lowing reasons: 1) Direct delivery of therapeutic agents in administration the site of infection is advantageous pharmacokinetically. Only limited amounts of systemically administered IgGs Acknowledgements (intravenously, or intramuscularly) reach the airspaces of This research was supported by NIH grant HL067600 and American Lung Association Research Grant RG-004-N to T. Sawa, NIH grants RO1 the lung. 2) The administration of the whole IgG may HL59239 & AI44101, and a grant sponsored by InterMune, Inc. (Brisbane, cause some inflammatory side effects, because the Fc-por- California, U.S.A.) to J. P. Wiener-Kronish. tion of IgG may induce unfavourable inflammatory responses such as complement fixation, activation of mac- References rophages. In our study, Fab fragment had the same 1. Almirall J, Mesalles E, Klamburg J, Parra O and Agudo A: Prognostic therapeutic potency as the whole IgG and the therapeutic factors of pneumonia requiring admission to the intensive care unit. Chest 1995, 107:511-516. administration of Fab fragments may overcome the disad- 2. Brun-Buisson C, Doyon F, Carlet J, Dellamonica P, Gouin F, Lepoutre vantages of the intratracheal administration of whole IgG. A, Mercier JC, Offenstadt G and Regnier B: Incidence, risk factors, and outcome of severe sepsis and septic shock in adults. A multicenter prospective study in intensive care units. French Since the discovery of the production of monoclonal anti- ICU Group for Severe Sepsis. JAMA 1995, 274:968-974. bodies by Kohler and Milstein in 1975, only a handful of 3. Crouch Brewer S, Wunderink RG, Jones CB and Leeper KV: Venti- lator-associated pneumonia due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa. antibodies had been used in human therapy [27]. The Chest 1996, 109:1019-1029. Page 8 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
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Sawa T, Kurahashi K, Ohara M, Gropper MA, Doshi V, Larrick JW and Wiener-Kronish JP: Evaluation of antimicrobial and lipopoly- yours — you keep the copyright saccharide-neutralizing effects of a aynthetic CAP18 frag- BioMedcentral Submit your manuscript here: http://www.biomedcentral.com/info/publishing_adv.asp Page 9 of 9 (page number not for citation purposes)
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