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Big data analytics: literature study on how big data works towards accountant millennial generation

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The focus of this research is to find solutions about millennial generation towards Big Data and other advanced technologies. The rise of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 produced large amounts of data so that they could provide various opportunities for the more developed industries.

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  1. International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 11, Issue 5, May 2020, pp. 376-389, Article ID: IJM_11_05_037 Available online at Journal Impact Factor (2020): 10.1471 (Calculated by GISI) ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 DOI: 10.34218/IJM.11.5.2020.037 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed BIG DATA ANALYTICS: LITERATURE STUDY ON HOW BIG DATA WORKS TOWARDS ACCOUNTANT MILLENNIAL GENERATION Kevin Deniswara Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Communication, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia Business Risk Management - Research Interest Group, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia Bambang Leo Handoko Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Communication, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia Archie Nathanael Mulyawan Accounting Department, Faculty of Economics and Communication, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia ABSTRACT The focus of this research is to find solutions about millennial generation towards Big Data and other advanced technologies. The rise of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 produced large amounts of data so that they could provide various opportunities for the more developed industries. There is several software that can be used in order to conduct analysis of big data, which is could increase efficiency in job. However, the risen of technology also become the threats to employee which can make them lose their jobs especially for millennial generation who live in digital era. Therefore, this research was conducted to help young accountants and auditors to develop better in thinking in a more innovative and focused way. Regarding to the research, researcher will know about how Millennial generation understand about the technology, the role of Big Data Analytics for millennial generation, and that needs to be expanded to replace rapidly changing changes. Key words: Big data, millennial generation, analytics, industrial revolution 4.0 Cite this Article: Kevin Deniswara, Bambang Leo Handoko, Archie Nathanael Mulyawan, Big Data Analytics: Literature Study on How Big Data Works towards Accountant Millennial Generation. International Journal of Management, 11 (5), 2020, pp. 376-389. 376
  2. Big Data Analytics: Literature Study on How Big Data Works towards Accountant Millennial Generation 1. INTRODUCTION We’ve entered a new era based on digital innovation which known as the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 that creates a lot of innovation and development, especially in the field of technology. The presence of various advanced technologies (Big Data, AI, 3D printing, drones, virtual reality, the Internet of Things) can help work and people in their activities. For example, in daily life usually humans are more helped by the presence of smart phones that have functions such as Google, Maps and Virtual Assistants (Siri, Alexa, Bixby, Cortana, Google Assistant). Before the existence of technology in jobs where humans worked manually, it started looking for data, receiving data (inputs) that were limited and few, processing them into information, until they became results that could be information for external users. But now with the existence of the Internet, where you can connect many objects and devices, companies can receive large amounts of data (big data) and the help of machines does not require human performance to complete a lot of work in a limited time. Data is important for humans to be the basis for making future decisions that will be processed into useful information, given that the data generated has reached a large amount in number per day with technological developments, so companies must update their knowledge to know more about big data. Big Data has existed since the 2000s with the amount of data reaching terabytes exceeding the storage limit and the computer itself. From the latest information (CNN Indonesia, 2018) confirm that IDC (International Data Corporation) conducted a survey in 2015-2016 where 70% of companies invested in Big Data and Analytics, but there was a decrease of up to 40% due to lack of understanding and lack of knowledge about the procedures for analyzing Big Data. In 2018, the percentage has already grown to 70% with many companies studying Big Data technology. In addition, research by IBM states that currently all human produce 2.5 trillion data; and 90% of data produced worldwide has been created in the last two years alone which mean the world’s data volume will grow 40% each year. (IBM; Waal Montgomery). Therefore, large amounts of data are certainly not easily tracked manually with limited time. Related to this research, it needed a technology to analyze various types of data to find various opportunities and threats contained. Big Data Analytics is an analytical technique used to examine all procedures for receiving large amounts of data that helps find errors / fraud and opportunities to become the basis for the company when making the next decision. Analysis activities are assisted using technology in the form of software programmed to facilitate analysis. Activities to do this procedure are carried out by the next generation that lives alongside technology, which is millennial generation. As a new generation, you must be able to renew yourself so as not to be left behind by change and have knowledge as a basis for completing work in accordance with the profession of interest. That’s why the topic of this research is “Big Data Analytics: Literature Study on How Big Data Works towards Accountant Millennial Generation” aimed at the next generation to experience it, the millennial generation where young accountants can find solutions to develop increasingly complex technological developments. 1.1. Problems Identification Based on the background of the problem, we make the following research question:  How millennial generation understands about Big Data and the technology that used to analyze numerous amounts of data?  What is the role of Big Data Analytics in the operational activities of the company?  How have millennial been successful in a rapidly changing world? 377
  3. Kevin Deniswara, Bambang Leo Handoko, Archie Nathanael Mulyawan  How to improve hard skills and soft skills as an important asset in activities and work? 1.2. The Purpose of the Research The main purpose of this research is to find and study the millennial generation to discover how they understand and know the influence of Big Data in the company and to examine the role of Big Data Analytics in the current operational activities of the company. Additionally, this research focuses on Millennial Generation on how they will play a role in increasing their knowledge and ideas to advance sustainable businesses. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Millennial Generation and Technology Generation is a term for humans who were born in a particular year, backed by the age and lifestyle differences of their time. As stated by (Strauss and Howe) that the generation as an aggregate of all people born over a period of approximately twenty years or approximately the duration of a phase of childhood, adult, middle age and old age. Generation itself is a term that breaks it down into sections like Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y (Millennial), Gen Z, and Generation Alpha. Each generation has a different way of life at that time. According to experts and researchers, Millennial generally use the early 1980s as the beginning of the birth of this group and from the mid-1990s to the early 2000s as the end of birth and are known as the generation born in the digital age which in digital innovation era (Kominfo, 2016). Now with the existence of sophisticated and modern technology, it will bring significant changes in people's lifestyle. It is common knowledge that technology aids and comfort in activities since they were young, so they are accustomed to living instantly with the help of technology such as the Internet and gadgets. Of course, if technology affects all activities, there is a possibility that technology can help people in their work. The presence of innovation in technology has a big impact in the economic world, such as the presence of Financial technology (Gopay, Dana, PayLater, OVO), Big Data Analytics which helps accountants to process Big Data, the Internet that help people to connect to any networks they’d like, and several other things that help businesses, companies, and banking. However, the weakness of technological development is the loss of many jobs, especially at this time jobs will be threatened to be replaced especially accountants. As millennial accountants, in addition to being able to use technology, they must always be updated to be able to use advanced technologies in the form of software and other applications that help work as the challenges they face. As a millennial professional accountant, it is not only required to have creativity, critical thinking and innovation, instead, competent skills in the use of technology-based software. According to Ainun Na'im, the Secretary General of the Ministry of Technology and Research in Higher Education, asked Indonesian millennial accountants to be ready to face the challenges of work in the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (, 2019). 2.2. Accounting and Auditing Accounting is a profession led by professional accountants who play an important role in determining company activities in which (Horngren Harrison, 2007: 4) also claim that accounting as an information system that measures the business processes of operating activities, the process of entering data and turn it into a report as a basis for information that results are communicated to decision makers. In addition, the official body established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) which publishes accounting statements and principles, namely the FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board), states 378
  4. Big Data Analytics: Literature Study on How Big Data Works towards Accountant Millennial Generation that accounting is a service activity whose function is to provide quantitative information which is then used to decision making in the economy. Without accounting, can cause the companies/entities into fatal condition where no one records transactions as evidence of inflows and outflows of assets and cash flows of the company and provides information from financial statements that will be used as a basis for evaluating employee performance results to determine the company's development in a period. Accounting itself is divided into several types that perform different activities but have a common goal, that is, as a basis for making decisions and producing adequate information, such as auditing. According to (Arens and Loebbecke, 2003), audit is a process of gathering and evaluating evidence of information that can be measured in an economic entity that makes it competent and independent in order to determine and report information in accordance with established criteria. Audit must be carried out by independent and competent. Meanwhile, (Sukrisno Agoes, 2004) argues that the Audit is a critically and systematically performed examination by an independent party, financial statements prepared by management and accounting records and supporting evidence, in order to provide an opinion on reasonableness of the financial statements. Certainly, the audit process is carried out by professional auditors who work in accordance with the rules and regulations to help evaluate company information competently and independently as transmitted in accordance with previous experts. The main task of the auditor is to be responsible for his audit activities so that they can carry them out in accordance with skeptical procedures and judgments so as not to easily believe a statement without any supporting evidences. In addition, the auditor will produce an independent audit report as a statement of opinion on whether a company's financial statements are appropriate along with the standards as a basis for information for other interested parties. To produce an audit report, the auditor requires various types of supporting data as a basis for giving his opinion. However, at this time the data can be generated in large quantities, so it is not possible to process it with human labor in a limited time. According to (Krahel and Titera, 2015) unfortunately, Accounting and auditing standards continue to use provisions that have not been updated in the evidence-seeking process with traditional methods such as sampling in ISA (International Standards on Auditing). Because of the changing through a research that was previously discovered by (Adrian, Martina, Terrence, and Tom, 2018) Big Data could be a game-changer and challenge for auditors today. 2.3. Big Data and Big Data Analytics Big Data emerged in the 2000s, where much data could be generated from technological developments along with the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), more objects and devices connected to the Internet. Next to knowing about technology, advances in machine learning have produced more data. Big Data is a larger and more complex collection of data, especially from new data sources. This data set is so large that traditional data processing software cannot manage it. Businesses have long understood that if they can capture large amounts of data, analyze and produce it into quality information, they can significantly influence business from the data they collect. When computer applications in an organization have become the main source of information for data producers, personal and digital data communication devices will increase data volumes exponentially (Herschel and Miori, 2017; IBM). 379
  5. Kevin Deniswara, Bambang Leo Handoko, Archie Nathanael Mulyawan Figure 1 The Definition of Big Data, (Sevima, 2019) The concept of Big Data has laws of 4V as Volume with data generated in large quantities, Variations where the data obtained has a variety of types, Velocity is how the data speed is processed when entering data to process the data until they become output, and Veracity associated with the integrity of the data obtained (Laney, 2012). The following are explanations about 4V Big Data: 2.3.1. Volume Based on investigation by (Kominfo, 2018), the world has currently entered the Zeta byte Era. The data over time underwent a great deal of development that made it impossible to use human labor. With continued development, (Cisco, 2017) predicts that the volume of data generated in the next three years will reach three times compared to the volume of data in 2016. The presence of social networks also increases the data generated. 2.3.2. Variety With the presence of the Internet, social networks and machine-to-machine (M2M) can be a source of more information obtained. The diversity of sources produces different types of data (Kominfo, 2018). The data variations are divided into 2 types; there are structured and unstructured data. Structured data produces clear, sequential, and easy-to-write data patterns. These data refer to tables or numbers. Meanwhile, unstructured data produces data that is random and difficult to identify as non-sequential. 2.3.3. Velocity According to (Domo, 2017) in 2017, the speed of data production reaches 2.5 quintillion bytes per day, certainly not the amount that can be done with human labor which have limited time. 2.3.4. Veracity The data must be tested to determine its accuracy first so as not to harm the company. Large amounts of data, in addition to be an opportunity for the company's progress as a basis for decision-making, can be a threat in the presence of fictitious data and fraud. Therefore, it is necessary to test the integrity of the data. 380
  6. Big Data Analytics: Literature Study on How Big Data Works towards Accountant Millennial Generation Figure 2 4V Big Data Concepts (Rohan Joseph) Big Data is a challenge for companies in its processing, you need technological assistance to do the analysis process of received data can be completed in a more efficient time and increase the effectiveness of the work. For this reason, technology exists to assist in the processing of relatively large amounts of data, namely Big Data Analytics. Based on research by (ICCA Indonesia, 2017), Big Data Analytics is a process of testing large data sets to find hidden patterns, unknown correlations, market trends that change according to demand and supply, and the customer preferences and other useful business information. With the results obtained, can make marketing more effective, companies find new opportunities to determine future directions, become the basis for decision-making and increase the effectiveness and efficiency in the company's operational activities. Meanwhile, according to research by The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI, 2011), it states that after the 2009 survey there were several terms, namely Big Data Analytics, Advanced Analytics, and Analytics. Although all three have different names, they still have the same meaning. Analyzing large amounts of data can help you find changes and determine how companies should act. 2.4. The Implementation of Big Data Analytics’ Software Using Big Data Analytics will add value to the companies by discovering hidden patterns that will not be seen in a limited data set. (Jans, Alles and Vasarhelyi, 2013). In addition, the application of Big Data Analytics in a company can guarantee that the company will obtain various data from various sources depending on how the company uses it effectively (Janusz Wielki, 2013). According to one of the Big Four Public Accounting Firms (EY, 2014), stated that the use of Big Data Analytics can help to detect fraud that can occur and minimize company risk. Supporting this statement, (Humpherys et al, 2011) Big Data Analytics is to predict various frauds that can endanger a company and anticipate future actions presented in the financial statements. Big Data Analytics presents several types of applications to facilitate the analytical process of the amount of data obtained. This is one of the keys to increasing effectiveness at work. Several companies that have implemented Big Data Analytics use various technologies to analyze and visualize Big Data (Janusz Wielki, 2013). The types of applications consist of:  Hadoop: An open source software system that is used to help analyze large amounts of data and produce the information necessary to increase business profits. 381
  7. Kevin Deniswara, Bambang Leo Handoko, Archie Nathanael Mulyawan  R-Programming: Programming languages are created to help read data presented in the form of statistics and graphs. This software is included in the type of application that can help the process of data analysis, because it can help provide information and explanations to users who do not understand the reading of data in graphical form. This increases work effectiveness.  IBMM SPSS Modeler: An integrated platform to help predict future events based on the data obtained. The use of advanced algorithms and analysis techniques are necessary to anticipate the possibilities that occur and minimize the risk.  Data Mining: An integrated application through the extraction of large amounts of data that is carried out using various methods can use statistical techniques and mathematical sciences. Data Mining can help users and readers to find the latest Big Data information. Figure 3 Big Data Analytics (Burnett, J. P., 2019) Although the development of technology can help improve effectiveness and efficiency in industrial and corporate activities, it is important to look to the community itself. There are several rumors have revolved around the time when humans will eventually be replaced by robots that can work tirelessly and faster than human. This can be a challenge considering that millennial generations which born in the digital world can learn and adapt faster than previous generations. Coexist does not mean understanding the basis for using this technology. Becoming accustomed to things instantaneously or quickly will cause obstacles to explore further. The things that need to be developed by millennials so that they do not miss the fast response time to renew themselves where they can develop knowledge, knowledge and skills 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1. Data and Qualitative Research This research is using a qualitative method in which we carried out an investigation obtaining secondary data based on previous studies in the form of a literature review. In this method, researchers conduct analytical research on a variety of bibliographic reviews of past research that will be collected to analyze for each viewpoint related to Big Data Analytics in accounting and auditing and assess whether the millennial generation is ready for changes that occur or not. 382
  8. Big Data Analytics: Literature Study on How Big Data Works towards Accountant Millennial Generation 3.2. Data Analysis Method Researchers collect data by looking for previous studies about Big Data Analytics. The researchers note that big data has existed since the advent of sophisticated technology that triggered the production of large amounts of data. Big Data itself is broad and can be connected to various things, especially for the accounting profession and auditors who collect data to be processed into important information. Therefore, this research is focused on developing big data in accounting and auditing. In addition, the researchers were curious about each of the investigative perspectives that had been carried out by previous researchers who focusing on accounting and auditing. The solution is done differently, but has the same goal, namely how accountants and auditors can learn various technologies related to the existence of big data. After learning this, the researcher wants to develop a conceptual investigation that also focuses on the next generation, the millennial generation. It is hoped that this document can help prepare young accountants and auditors to deal with disruptive era. 4. RESEARCH AND DISCUSSION Millennial Generations’ value 4.1. Millennial Generation can Collaborate with Technology There are various rumors that when we are entering the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era, accountants and auditors will be replaced by machines and robots. Many have become pessimistic about their future with this statement, including the millennial generation who live in digital era. The difference between the current generation and the previous generation is that millennial is more adaptable and be able to use technology better. But it should be kept in mind that although the millennial generation is the generation that was born amidst advanced technology, it does not mean that they fully understand the use and the effects of advanced technologies. According to this research, accountants and auditors will not be completely replaced by technology. Technology is accounting software that helps facilitate millennial accountants and auditors who can help improve efficiency in analyzing large amounts of data. Therefore, here lies the role of millennial accountants and auditors to be able to work with technology. Japan has already entered the era of Society 5.0, where seeing more opportunities will create a group of smart people to promote the well-being of society. Based on one of the journals from Japan entitled Society 5.0: Aiming for a New Human-Centered Society (Mayumi Fukuyama, 2018), explains that now society lives in a new era where massive globalization and the evolution of digital technology can replace human activities. The presence of sophisticated technology in the form of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) can bring big changes on the scale of human life. In Society 5.0, technology that will become pillars in industrial activities can improve human living standards by increasing human capacity in using technology. Indonesia is a country that has many resources and a wide area. The large amount of human resources it has can be a clear advantage for the country if the government can match the capabilities of the people of Indonesia. At present, the government is more focused on the central region, so that there are still many people in eastern Indonesia and the interior that have not been reached by technologies and have not yet gotten a quality education. If the community can be well educated in the use of technology in the form of big data analytics, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, drones and other advanced technologies, it can improve people's living standards and create progress to go forward. This can support the vision of Indonesia 2045 delivered by the Head of Bappenas Bambang Brodjonegoro 383
  9. Kevin Deniswara, Bambang Leo Handoko, Archie Nathanael Mulyawan (Bappenas, 2019), one of which supports the first pillar that explains human development and mastery of science and technology to improve quality and class. people's lives to realize an advanced Indonesia. 4.2. The Using of Big Data Analytics in Accounting and Audit When the issues outlined in previous research are further reviewed, preparing the future as a millennial accountant and auditor by improving the quality of human resources will better understand the use of technology in the business. Starting from the process of data collection, analytics, until the production of information to be quality output, in addition to the software in the form of R-Software, Hadoop and Data Mining, accountants and auditors can learn another system that can be used to help the process of analyzing large amounts of data that supports human collaboration with technology, using Artificial Intelligence (Bambang, Archie, Jonathan, and Fransisca, 2020). The following are the uses of the system implementation, consist of: 4.2.1. Use of artificial intelligence in data classification to generate useful data For someone to obtain useful data for the company, is to be competence in the use of technology. Large amounts of data obtained by companies must be verified first to avoid fictitious data and reduce threats that can be harmful. This can be done by applying the detection of data received through the Artificial Intelligence application that is capable of effectively analyzing various types of data in large quantities. Finding discrepancies and discrepancies will simplify the work process. Additionally, auditors and accountants can learn about using AI technology that's been set up so they can work together on the job. 4.2.2. The evaluation and analysis process to become adequate information using automation. We must know that accountants and auditors have a limited time to complete their work. Therefore, an automated analytical process will help ease the auditor's task of analyzing large amounts of data to improve the effectiveness and time efficiency. By using one of the branches of artificial intelligence, natural language processing can help computers understand, interpret and use human language (SAS Analytics Insights) to facilitate millennial generation in the application of the system to facilitate the procedures of auditing. 4.2.3. Quality information as a basis for consideration in decision making When analyzing Big Data, 4 types of analytical results are produced that provide a translation of the analysis results, there are Descriptive Analysis, Diagnostic Analysis, Predictive Analysis and Prospective Analysis (Mirza Golam Kibria et al, 2017). Descriptive analysis can be helped by using data visualization to determine the performance of the data received, the overall size of the data, and its utility to the business. For example, we can use data science to make Descriptive Analysis. Diagnostic analyzes help find discrepancies in the data obtained and fraud that can harm the companies. Through the branches of Artificial Intelligence, Deep Machine Learning can be helped to find fraud and irregularities in the data. Predictive Analytics is an analytical result that helps companies predict future conditions. Through forecasting, it can be information for companies to anticipate and minimize the risks that may occur. Lastly, Prescriptive Analytics is information that the company considers from all the data that has been processed to determine the company's future performance measures (Mirza Golam Kibria et al, 2017). 4.3. Companies that Support Employee to Use Technologies Public accounting firm Big Four, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), presents a new service that supports technology development, namely the Friday service (Aulina Medina, 2019). This 384
  10. Big Data Analytics: Literature Study on How Big Data Works towards Accountant Millennial Generation service is believed to make people feel comfortable with Blockchain technology, where the technology is associated with the cryptocurrency can be used to audit financial transactions, which are the role of auditors in its implementation. Blockchain is a new level in the analytical process that aims to fulfill 2 main Big Data Analytics requests (Vladimir Fedak, 2018). There are:  Big Data generated by Blockchain will be secure, since it cannot be falsified considering that it consists of several related networks (blocks)  Blockchain-based Big Data will produce valuable data, which will be structured and completed to be a perfect source for further analysis. With the presence of many technologies implemented by the company, you can improve the quality of employees in order to learn how to use these technologies. The development of the times pushed millennials to have better skills and abilities than previous generations. 4.4. Hard Skills and Soft Skills During increasingly sophisticated times with unbridled technology, such as the next (millennial) generation, we must know the weakness where the role of humans will be increasingly erased and replaced by robots. The weakness is not only a threat to humans, but it can be challenging if you are smart enough to find opportunities amidst these threats. The challenge of continuing to develop and of wanting to learn so as not to lag the progress of the times. As Nelson Mandela said, "Times change, we need to change as well," it means that humans will not be inferior to their creations and can better orient themselves through self- development. Humans will always develop and not defeated by technology. That’s why, there are 2 main skills and knowledge to be developed, there are Hard Skills and Soft Skills. Hard skills are the main experience required at work, more precisely knowledges, technology, and technical skills needed in the field of digitalization. Difficult skills are often identified with IQ (intelligence quotient). Have a broad vision and adequate and focused information to carry out their work by understanding basic and applicable rules. This can help people adopt the professions they take so that they can be done professionally and effectively. The skills needed to become an accountant and auditor are: 4.4.1. Schools and Universities School and college are the basics for someone to weave into the world of education. Gaining broad knowledge and education is a common thing that is accepted by every student. Especially prospective professional accountants who are still studying, need to change their mindset to learn how to truly dominate the field so that they can direct life to be more focused and focused. 4.4.2. Seminar/workshop By attending seminars or workshops it will help accountants to obtain the latest information. In addition, you may have other ideas or points of view about the profession you live in. Seminars and workshops followed by professional speakers can improve the quality of the accountants. 4.4.3. Training Training is an important thing that new employees must do to work in accordance with their profession. Training will help you get new knowledge that you must have. In addition, gaining new knowledge and knowing company procedures and ethical standards will help direct work, introduce systematization of work and company goals. Millennials can adapt their capabilities to the company's operational activities. 385
  11. Kevin Deniswara, Bambang Leo Handoko, Archie Nathanael Mulyawan 4.4.4. Time Management Time Management is important for a worker to get maximum results more effectively. With the ability to schedule and plan more, what needs to be done can increase your success rate on the job. Soft skills are the ability to relate to others, such as communication, cooperation (teamwork) and can do better to regulate emotions themselves. If Hard Skills is more about knowledge-oriented (IQ), Soft Skills is aimed at the formation of characteristics, social attractiveness, language skills that have advantages in the field of EQ (emotional quotient) and sympathy and empathy. Here are some things that are classified as Soft Skills that are important when becoming an accountant or auditor, namely: Communication Communication is an important key to fostering relationships with others and superiors and subordinates. According to (James A. F. Stoner), communication is a process for someone who tries to provide understanding and information by conveying messages to others. Therefore, making good communication can help transmit information and understand each other. As a professional accountant must be able to communicate with other accountants to facilitate the financial statement process, while the auditor requires good communication in delivering opinion to the client. Teamwork Be able to work as a team will help to complete the objectives effectively and efficiently. Accountants can complete the preparation of the financial statements correctly, auditors can work together to make audit plan and collect evidence to analyze all the activities that are being carried out, after that prepare an audit report before the due date. Honesty Honesty is one thing that a professional accountant and auditor need to prepare when they are making financial report to make it reliable and trustworthy information. Honesty can minimize the risk of fraud that can harm various internal and external parties. Good Attitude Having a good behavior is something that accountants and auditors need to improve on. Knowledge is not everything without a good attitude. It is necessary to be kind and polite to maintain relationships with employees and customers. Empathy Accountants and auditors must have empathy to the conditions of the work environment by having the ability to understand, caring to each other, solidarity and kindship with the work environment to create harmonious relationships. 5. CONCLUSION The presence of innovative technology provides a variety of positive impacts for millennial accountants and auditors that facilitate them in their work. In addition, technology development can reduce costs, complete work quickly and effectively, and minimize the risk of fraud and human error. Technologies such as Big Data present various opportunities for companies and markets to determine the way forward to achieve their objectives according to the data obtained. The presence of software and several other sustainable technologies that help process Big Data, that is, Big Data Analytics, makes it easier for industry and companies to process it because the presence of advanced technologies such AI, IoT, and many more (Josh James, 2018) which produce the information that necessary for internal or external use. Internally, it can be the basis for decision-making, so that the company's performance can be 386
  12. Big Data Analytics: Literature Study on How Big Data Works towards Accountant Millennial Generation developed through anticipating the losses and deficiencies obtained by the company. For external, they can understand the information about the company to find probabilities that can benefit from market conditions. Regarding on this situation, each has advantages and disadvantages in both human and technological terms. The difference is not a threat that harms the millennial generation in their activities. Collaborating with people with technology can create a smart work environment and improve time efficiency. By joining many activities, like training, seminars and other things, you can improve the quality of human resources so that employment stays open. Accountants and auditors can follow established standards and have different ideas about the changes in this era. So, while technology can erase the land of employment, with the generation ready to face these changes, you can find solutions so that you can be a seed capital in implementing technology that be a good investment for the future. REFERENCES [1] CNN Indonesia. (2018). CNN Indonesia. Retrieved from CNN Indonesia Teknologi: semakin-banyak-perusahaan-melek-digital [2] Waal-Montgomery, M. d. World's data volume to grow 40% per year & 50 times by 2020: Aureus. Retrieved from: per-year-50- times-by-2020-aureus-20150115-2/ [3] Nugroho, R. S. (2016). Pengantar Teori Generasi Strauss-Howe.retrieved from medium: [4] KOMINFO. (2016). Mengenal Generasi Millennial. Retrieved from KOMINFO: millennial/0/sorotan_media [5] Julistian, U. (2019). Akuntan Milenial Adaptif di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0. retrieved from Gatra: revolusi-industri-4.0 [6] Horngren, C. T., & Harrison, W. T. (2007). Akuntansi Jilid 1. Jakarta: Erlangga. [7] Arens, & Loebbecke. (2003). Auditing Pendekatan Terpadu. Jakarta: Salemba Empat. [8] Agoes, S. (2004). Auditing (Pemeriksaan Akuntansi). Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Indonesia. [9] Krahel, J. P., & Titera, W. R. (2015). Consequences of big data and formalization on accounting and auditing standards. Accounting Horizons, 29(2), 409-422. [10] Gepp, Adrian & Linnenluecke, Martina & O'Neill, Terry & Smith, Tom. (2018). Big Data Techniques in Auditing Research and Practice: Current Trends and Future Opportunities. Journal of Accounting Literature. 40. 102-115. [11] Richard Herschel, V. M. (2017). Technology in Society. ScienceDirect, Volume 49, page 31 - 36. [12] SEVIMA. (2019). Manfaat dan Penggunaan Big Data Analytic untuk Perguruan Tinggi. Retrieved from SEVIMA: untuk-perguruan-tinggi/ [13] Laney, D. (2012). Deja VVVu: Others Claiming Gartner’s Construct for Big Data. Retrieved from blogs.gartner: claiming-gartners-volume-velocity-variety-construct-for-big-data/ 387
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