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Nội dung Text: boost_your_vocabulary_1_P1

  1. Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version -
  2. Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - BOOST YOUR 0 VOCABUL Y1 Chris Barker P ENGUIN E NGLISH
  3. C ontents and Split Unregistered Version - Simpo PDF Merge Pag es Unit Pages Unit 5 6-57 4 -5 5 - 8 Test yaurself 2 I ntroduction Test exercises 1 - 5 6 -11 Meellng I!!!Qple S aying hello a n d g oodbye; Introducing 5 8-63 F ree l ime 9 yourself a nd other p eople; Personal d eta ils; Activities; Talking about p ost octMties; Tlfles; Friends; British I American WOf"d list Music:; Muslcol instru m e nts 1 2-\7 f amily 2 ~h~ ~-~ 10 M ale a nd f emale ; F om ity m embers; CO&OUrs ; Shades; Clothes a nd footwear; Life stages; 's 1\:"" of clothes; Style 1 8-23 3 Describing people: age 7 0-75 11 F ood a nd d rink _ ....;;"nd a ppearance a ", Basic food; D rinks ; Fruit; V egetobtes; M eet; Age ; H air ~ ; H o ir c olour; Eye ccOOur; Prepe-ed food S hades of colour; Height; Measurement of he ight; M easurement of w eight; Build 12 Cauntrles, n allanalltles a nd 76 - 8\ lanquQQes 2 4-29 House a nd h ome 4 Some countries a nd nation alities: Europe ; Description; Rooms I a reas; My room ; Euro pe I Asio; Midd le East a nd A sia; North Locat ion : p repos itions Americo; Central America; South America; Africa ; Australosta; The twelve m ost wKI e1y s poke n l anguages 3 0-3\ I - 4 Test l1Qurself \ T exercises 1 - 5 est 8 2-83 9 - 12 Test yourself 3 Test exercises 1 - 5 3 2-37 T ime 5 Days ; Months; Y ; Dates; Sea sons; ears 8 4-87 Reference Time prepositio ns; Time a d verbials; Times The English a lpha bet; Heig ht a nd weight ; N umbe rs; S ome b asic spelling rule s; British 3 8-43 6 U feathome a nd A meric an Eng lish Before sch ool; After school; Adverbs a nd phrases of frequency; Jobs ar ou nd t he 88 s elf assessment a nd p roqress c heck house; Pets; M ea ls at sch ool a nd at h ome A-H A nswer k ey 7 _ School = :=... _ ....;;:;; - 49 _ 44 (C en tro l pcll-cct section) Main school subjects in UK schools; People; Exams; N on -lesson t ime ; Afte r-schoof act ivities a nd d u bs; School r ooms a nd places 8 5 pprl 50 - 55 S port / A dMty; P enon ; S pom . ...,ts; W inn ing a nd losing
  4. M eeting people Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - Translate t he words a nd p hrases. Saying hello and goodbye F ormal I nformal G ood m orning. Hi. G ood afternoon . Hello. G ood evening. Goodnight. Goodbye. Bye! See you. See you lofer. See you soon. See you tomorrow. A: How are you? B: Fine, thanks. / I 'm OK, thanks. And you? A: M m, not too good. / M m, nof g reat B: O h, I'm sorry to hear that. A: How are things? B: Fine, thanks. / Not bod, thanks. Introducing yourself and o ther people F ormal I nformal A: Let me introduce (Moria) . My nome's (John). B: Pleased to meet you. I 'm (John). C: Pleased to meet you, too . This is (Mario) . Welcome to {London). A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too . B oost Y our V ocabulary I U nit 1
  5. Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - Personaldetails Titles First name(s} . Mr Mrs Surname . Miss Mole / Female . Ms Address . Street . F emale M ale Town / City .. M r a dult men Mrs married women Postcode . Miss unmarried (single) Dote of bi rth . women Phone number . Ms married or M obile p hone number . unmarried women e-mail address . Friends She's my best friend. He's my penfriend. We're g ood friends. We're in the same class at school. We're classmates. We're neighbours. I know him / her welL I d on't know him / her very well. I d on't get on very well with him / her. We get on very / really well. We don't get on very well. What's your surname? Could you spell that, please? Could you repeat that, please? Yoo can callme You can canme Miss Tracy Bradshaw ( ,/) Wayne Connolly ( ,/) or Wayne (,/) o r Miss Bradshaw ( ,/ ) bat not Mr Wayne ~). bat n ot Miss Tracy ~). Yoa can callmyDad o: Mr Connolly American British last name s urname postcode zip code mobile phone cellphone pen pol penfriend gel along gel on r7l B oost Y our V ocabulary 1 U nit 1
  6. Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - C omplete t he c onversations. C onversation 2 C onversation 1 A: H e I I o. I j 0 ~ a re 0~ n i n g. A: G oo d m ? y W _ _ t 's-your s n om e? B: N ot g r _ _ t. e 's B en B: M ar r io t t . M y n I' m S A: y h e ar 0 __ M ar r io t t . t ho t . C 0 u I d y ou s p _ _ _ A: f h ot, P 1_ _ s e ? Y es. M A d ouble R IO d ouble T. B: Net 0 y ou, B en. A: m t abel 2 C omplete t he clues to a nswer t he q uestion in t he c rossword. , They 're very import ant! Who a re t hey? C lues TI 1 on really well. (3) We GE 1 A: How ore you? 2 2 B: I'm , thanks. (2) 3 3 ....... .... ......... How are you? (5) II 4 ...... ............ to meet you. (7) 4 name is Anna . (5) My 5 5 is Smith. (7) 6 My 6 7 We're the same class. (2) 7 8 A: How are you? 8 B: I'm , thanks . (4) 9 9 How are ? (6) 10 1 ! (9) 10 It's latel I must go 11 11 you tomorrow. (3) 3 W ho is s peaking? W rite t he l etters in t he c orrect pictures. 1­ 11 a) G ood rnorninq. .everyone. b) M mm, not great. c) Hello. d) Pleased to meet you. e) See you later. f) G oodnight. B oost Y our V ocabulary 1 U nit 1
  7. Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - 4 D raw l ines to l ink t he p ersonal details. Bradshaw First name Surname Date of birth 12, Rose Street 0 029583795 Street 13 April 1989 Town / City Milton Keynes Posfcode Tracy Phone number M K39DG e-mail address 5 Put t he w ords in t he r ight order. Start w ith t he w ord in t he c entre of each circle. !~!:~ .~ ~ . ~~:r. .~~!~ .~~~~. ~!:~' . 2 3 4 5 Read a bout Tracy's best f riend. T hen w rite a bout y our best f riend . .~~ .~~~ t~~f!:~'!.·~.~C!~~. !~. y'a.,!~~~ ?~~~~'..~.f!:'~. !~f:.~~~':'; ~ .W~. f1r.e4~ ft:!. !~.~ ..~q~~ . q!~~t .l?!J.~ ~~ .9~~ P.'! .r:~fl!l.Y. .~~/f. . . 9 B oost Y our V ocabulary 1 U nit 1
  8. Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - 7 i Read a bout Alex. Then c omplete y our p ersonal details a nd i ntroduce yourself. Hi! r m Alex F raser. You can c ontact me ... FIRST NAME(S) A lex . . . ..... ~ a t 14 Clifton Road. Bath. BA4 6LH or on 010 5 87 9 998 Fraser SURNAME . . ... . . ~ ~ or on 9012 564901 ADDRESS 14. . ..lifton . R.oad. . .. .. C . ... . . . .... a t a ~ ~~! . ~ ~ 1. ~~J:1. ..... PHONE NUMBER 010 5 879998 MOBILE PHONE 9012 564901 NUMBER . E-tMIL ADDRESS ~!~/~~~'!~t :~?:~~.. FIRST NAME(S) SURNAME ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER MOBILE PHONE NUMBER E-tMIL ADDRESS rol B oost Y our V ocabulary 1 U nit 1
  9. Simpo PDF Merge and Split Unregistered Version - Sa Put t he m issing p hrases in C onversation 1 o r 2. Hello, Mark. Fine, thanks. Hi. I 'm Rosa. How are you? Pleased to meet you, too. C onversation 1 ~f?!!9.'.~~':'~· Sarah . M ark H ello . Sarah . Let me introduce my neighbour, Laura Green. Hello. Pleased to meet you. Laura M ark C onversation 2 Kate Hi. Jack . Kate This is my friend. Rosa Hello . Hi, I'm Jock. Jack 8 b W hich c onversation is b etween t eenagers: 1 o r 21 .. 9 You a re w ith S imon, y our E nglish p enfriend. You m eet o ne o f y our c lassmates i n t he s treet. W rite t he c onversation. Hi . You Classmate You Simon C1cissmate W rite t en w ords a nd f ive e xpressions y ou a re g oing t o m emorize. E xpressions W ords 1 . 1 .. 2 . 2 . 3 .. 4 .. 3 . 5 .. 6 .. 4 .. 7 .. 8 .. 5 . 9 . 10 . A B oost Y our V ocabulary 1 U nit 1



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