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Tham khảo tài liệu 'chuỗi và các bài toán trên chuỗi part 4', công nghệ thông tin, tin học văn phòng phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

Chủ đề:


  1. writeln('±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±± ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±'); end; {----------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure thoat; var ch:char; begin textbackground(4); textcolor(14); gotoxy(21,6); write('ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿'); gotoxy(21,7); write('³ Ban co muon thoat khong (C/K) ? ³'); gotoxy(21,8); write('ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ'); repeat ch:=readkey; case upcase(ch) of 'C' : begin textbackground(0);textcolor(7);clrscr;halt;end; 'K' : exit; end; until (upcase(ch)='C')or(upcase(ch)='K'); end; {----------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure dohoa; {tao do hoa va thuc don} var i2,t1:integer; ch:char; begin 34 Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh
  2. textbackground(9); textcolor(15); gotoxy(25,3);write('ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍThuc donÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»'); for i:=1 to 9 do begin mahoa(menu[i],32); gotoxy(25,3+i);write('º',menu[i],'º'); end; gotoxy(25,4+i);write('ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ'); t1:=1; textbackground(4); textcolor(14); gotoxy(26,4);write(menu[1]); repeat ch:=readkey; case ch of #80 : begin textbackground(9); textcolor(15); gotoxy(26,3+t1); write(menu[t1]); if t1=9 then t1:=1 else t1:=t1+1; textbackground(4); textcolor(14); gotoxy(26,3+t1); write(menu[t1]); 35 Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh
  3. end; #72 : begin textbackground(9); textcolor(15); gotoxy(26,3+t1); write(menu[t1]); if t1=1 then t1:=9 else t1:=t1-1; textbackground(4); textcolor(14); gotoxy(26,3+t1); write(menu[t1]); end; #13 : begin case t1 of 1 :Begin clrscr; writeln(' Thu tuc dao nguoc chuoi'); writeln; write('Nhap so phan tu cua xau:'); readln(n); writeln; for i:=1 to n do Begin write('Nhap ky tu thu ',i,':'); readln(h); themcuoi(first,h); End; 36 Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh
  4. writeln; write('Chuoi sau khi nhap vao:'); inxau(first); dao(first); writeln; writeln; write('Chuoi sau khi duoc dao nguoc:'); inxau(first); readln; while firstnil do xoacuoi(first); dohoa; End; 2 :Begin clrscr; writeln(' Thu tuc dem so phan tu trong xau'); writeln; write('Nhap vao mot xau bat ky :'); repeat ch:=readkey; Begin write('',ch); themcuoi(first,h); End; until ch=#13; writeln; writeln; f:=chieudai(first); 37 Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh
  5. writeln; write('chieu dai xau tren la :',f-1); writeln; readln; while firstnil do xoacuoi(first); dohoa; End; 3 :Begin clrscr; writeln(' Thu tuc lay chi so cua xau'); writeln; write('Nhap so phan tu cua xau:'); readln(n); writeln; write('nhap vi tri can lay:'); readln(e); writeln; for i:=1 to n do Begin write('Nhap ky tu thu ',i,':'); readln(h); themcuoi(first,h); End; writeln; write('Chuoi sau khi nhap vao:'); inxau(first); writeln; 38 Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh
  6. c1:=chiso(first,e); writeln; write('ki tu duoc lay la:',c1); readln; while firstnil do xoacuoi(first); dohoa; End; 4 :Begin clrscr; writeln(' Thu tuc lay xau ky tu con'); writeln; write('Nhap so phan tu cua xau:'); readln(n); writeln; write('nhap vi tri bat dau lay:'); readln(b1); writeln; write('nhap so ki tu can lay:'); readln(b2); writeln; for i:=1 to n do Begin write('Nhap ky tu thu ',i,':'); readln(h); themcuoi(first,h); End; writeln; write('Chuoi sau khi nhap vao:'); inxau(first); 39 Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh
  7. writeln; g:=xaukitucon(first,b1,b2); writeln; write('xau duoc lay la:'); inxau(g); writeln; readln; while firstnil do xoacuoi(first); dohoa; End; 5 :Begin clrscr; writeln(' Thu tuc in xau khong de quy'); writeln; write('Nhap so phan tu cua xau:'); readln(n); writeln; for i:=1 to n do Begin write('Nhap ky tu thu ',i,':'); readln(h); themcuoi(first,h); End; writeln; write('Chuoi sau khi nhap vao duoc goi bang ham khong de quy :'); inxau(first); writeln; readln; 40 Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh
  8. while firstnil do xoacuoi(first); dohoa; End; 6 :Begin clrscr; writeln(' Thu tuc in xau de quy'); writeln; write('Nhap so phan tu cua xau:'); readln(n); writeln; for i:=1 to n do Begin write('Nhap ky tu thu ',i,':'); readln(h); themcuoi(first,h); End; writeln; write('Chuoi sau khi nhap vao duoc goi bang ham de quy:'); inxaudq(first); readln; while firstnil do xoacuoi(first); dohoa; End; 7 : begin clrscr; writeln(' Chuong trinh chuyen doi so thap phan san so nhi phan'); writeln; writeln(' mo ta qua cac buoc cua stack trong qua trinh chuyen doi'); writeln; 41 Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh
  9. write('Nhap vao so nguyen duong de chuyen doi :'); readln(Nu); lnits(stack1); writeln; writeln('Tinh trang stack o cac buoc chuyen doi la'); writeln; while Nu 0 do begin R:=Nu mod 2; Pushs(Stack1,R); Nu:=Nu div 2; write('buoc');writestacks(stack1); writeln; end; writeln; write('Bieu dien co so hai:'); while not Emptys(Stack1) do begin Pops(Stack1,R); write(R:1); end; readln; dohoa; end; 8 : Begin clrscr; writeln(' Su dung phuong phap POLISH de bien doi trung to sang hau to '); 42 Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh
  10. writeln; writeln(' va neu ro tinh trang cua stack va tung buoc bien doi cua hau to'); writeln; step:=0; writeln('Tinh bieu thuc s:=(a+b-c)*d/e-(f-g)'); writeln; writeln(' va s:=(d^e-f)*(g/h+i)-a/b+c'); writeln; writeln(' voi a=27,b=3,c=1,d=6,e=2,f=9,g=12,h=4,i=1'); writeln; write('Nhap chuoi bieu thu c s:'); readln(s); writeln; Writeln('Bieu thuc ban dau:',s); writeln; writeln('Buoc Phan tu Bieu thuc hau to Tinh trang stack'); writeln; kt:=Polish(s,s); writeln; if kt then begin writeln;write('Bieu thuc hau to:',s)end else begin writeln;write('Khong dung la bieu thuc theo yeu cau');end; writeln; kt:=Value(s,t); writeln; if kt then begin writeln;write('Gia tri tinh duoc:',t:0:2)end 43 Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh
  11. else begin writeln;write('khong tinh duoc');end; readln; dohoa; END; 9: thoat; end; end; #59 : begin dohoa;end; #60 : begin dohoa;end; #27 : begin thoat;dohoa;end; end; until ch=#27; end; {-----------------------------------------------------------------} Begin taonen; dohoa; end. 44 Vâ Minh Phæ – Bæ m«n Khoa häc m¸y tÝnh



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