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Computer-generated keys to the flora of Egypt. 6. The Boraginaceae

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The data matrix was analyzed using the key-generating package of programs DELTA. The analysis produced a conventional key with a detailed description of every species in terms of the 54 characters. The key is decidedly a marked improvement over its predecessors in that it is strictly comparative and leads directly to the full scientific name of any taxon, instead of having to use a key to the genera followed by a second key to the infra-generic taxa.

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Nội dung Text: Computer-generated keys to the flora of Egypt. 6. The Boraginaceae

  1. Annals of Agricultural Science (2015) 60(1), 67–85 H O S T E D BY Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University Annals of Agricultural Science Computer-generated keys to the flora of Egypt. 6. The Boraginaceae Abel El-Gazzar a,*, Abbas El-Ghamery b, AlBaraa El-Saied b, Adel H. Khattab c, Alaa A. El-Kady b a Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University (El-Arish Branch), N. Sinai, Egypt b Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt c The Herbarium, Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt Received 16 March 2015; accepted 23 March 2015 Available online 3 July 2015 KEYWORDS Abstract Manually-constructed keys to many groups of the Egyptian flora are in urgent need of Boraginaceae; improvement and updating. To construct a conventional substitute of the key to representatives of Conventional key; the Boraginaceae, a data matrix was compiled to accommodate 54 characters recorded compara- DELTA; tively for the 49 species belonging to 14 genera which represent this family in the flora of Egypt. Egypt; The 54 characters were accurately and lucidly defined to cover as much of the easily observable Flora; aspects of vegetative and floral variation in the plants as possible. The data matrix was analyzed Identification using the key-generating package of programs DELTA. The analysis produced a conventional key with a detailed description of every species in terms of the 54 characters. The key is decidedly a marked improvement over its predecessors in that it is strictly comparative and leads directly to the full scientific name of any taxon, instead of having to use a key to the genera followed by a second key to the infra-generic taxa. ª 2015 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Introduction rarely opposite, with serrate or entire margin. Inflorescences often scorpioid cymes, sometimes solitary; bracts present or The Boraginaceae Jussieu comprises 110 genera and 1595 spe- absent. Flowers are bisexual, actinomorphic or, rarely, slightly cies (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group; APG III, 2014), but the zygomorphic. Calyx is usually 5-parted or lobed, mostly persis- numbers reach 130–135 genera with 2400–2600 species in tent. Corolla tubular, funnel-shaped, campanulate or rotate; Bergianska website (2014). The plants are perennial, biennial, tube with 5 appendages, rarely more, mostly trapeziform, or annual herbs, less often lianas, shrubs, or trees, usually rarely absent, a ring of hairs present sometimes; limb usually bristly or pubescent and scabrid. Leaves are simple, alternate, 5-parted; lobes overlapping, rarely twisted in bud. Stamens 5, inserted on corolla tube, included or rarely exserted; anthers * Corresponding author. introrse, 2-loculed, usually dorsifixed at base, less usually med- E-mail address: (A. El-Gazzar). ifixed, dehiscence longitudinal. Nectaries present on disk below Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Agriculture, Ain-Shams ovary or at base of corolla tube. Ovary is superior, 2-carpels; University. locules 2 and each with 2 ovules, or divided by secondary septa 0570-1783 ª 2015 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
  2. 68 A. El-Gazzar et al. into 4 locules each with 1 ovule; ovules nearly anatropous, (1995), Qureshi (1997), Bigazzi and Selvi (1998), Liu et al. semi-anatropous, or atropous. Style gynobasic or, rarely, ter- (2001a,b), Khatamsaz (2001), Hargrove and Simpson (2003), minal, branched or not. Fruit 1–4-seeded drupe or 4 nutlets Bigazzi et al. (2006), Melo et al. (2006), Binzet et al. (2010), (mericarps); nutlets mostly dry, often ornamented with wings, Binzet (2011), Falatoury et al. (2011), Mehrabian et al. prickles and/or glochids (stiff bristles with barbed or anchor- (2012), Coutinho et al. (2012) and Fukuda and Ikeda (2012). like tips). Seeds vertical or oblique, with basal attachment; Members of the Boraginaceae are of little economic impor- endosperm oily or absent; embryo straight, less often curved; tance. Only a few species are used in traditional medicine for cotyledons flat, fleshy; coat membranous (Barroso, 1986; Al- treating wounds, fever, chest pain, and skin diseases Shehbaz, 1991; Watson and Dallwitz, 1992 onwards; APG (Neuwinger, 2000). Some species are grown as ornamentals, III, 2014). sources of timber or dye producers. The family is generally The map shown in the APG III (2014) account of the regarded as closely related to the Hydrophyllaceae (with simi- Boraginaceae indicates that members of this family are widely lar coiled inflorescence), and the Lamiaceae (with gynobasic distributed in the world. They cover the whole of N. America, style); Watson and Dallwitz (1992 onwards), APG III (2014). Europe, Asia (except most of India and the Indonesian Boulos (2002) maintained that the Boraginaceae is repre- Archipelago), Australia, New Zealand, North Africa, East sented in the flora of Egypt by 19 genera and 58 species and pro- Africa, Madagascar, the Cape Province, and western South vided identification keys to these taxa. However, there is plenty America. Detailed accounts of the geographical distribution of room for improvement in these keys. The present study has of the Boraginaceae are given by Al-Shehbaz (1991) and been undertaken to benefit from the inherent facilities of the pro- Thorne (1992). According to Retief and Vanwyk (1997) mem- gram package DELTA in producing much improved keys for bers of this family grow mainly in dry, cliffy and sunny habitats. the identification of the genera and species representing the Anatomical studies on members of the Boraginaceae are Boraginaceae in the flora of Egypt. Reference to previous appli- numerous and only a representative selection of the more cations of this package to other groups in the Egyptian flora with recent studies is presented here. Selvi and Bigazzi (2001) stud- successful results can be found in El-Gazzar et al. (2013). ied leaf surface and anatomy in tribe Boragineae. Foliar anat- omy of Heliotropium was also the subject of study by Abbasi et al. (2011), Ahmed and Kordofani (2012), and Alwahibi Material and methods and Bukhary (2013). Similarly, foliar anatomy was studied by Akc¸in and Baki (2007) in three Symphytum species, by It was possible to collect herbarium specimens of only 49 spe- Akc¸in et al. (2012) in four Cynoglossum species, and by cies representing 14 genera of this family from the two major Gu¨ven et al. (2013) in six Onosma species. Stomatal profile herbaria in Egypt: the herbarium of Botany Department, in the foliar epidermis was studied by Dasti et al. (2003) in Faculty of science, Cairo University (CAI) and the herbarium 31 species belonging to 15 genera, while foliar trichomes were of Flora and Phytotaxonomy Researches Unit at the extensively surveyed by Al-Nowaihi et al. (1987), Selvi and Agricultural Museum, Ministry of Agriculture, Dokki, Giza Bigazzi (2001), Diane et al. (2003), Taia (2006), Ventrella (CAIM); acronyms are according to the Index Herbariorum and Marinho (2008), Perveen (2009), and Mehrabian et al. (Holmgren et al., 1990). The number of specimens representing (2014). Ovchinnikova (2009) used details of nutlet surface each taxon ranged between one and eight. The identity of sculpture to determine the position of tribe Eritrichieae in available specimens was verified by re-identifying them with the Boraginaceae, while Keshavarzi et al. (2013) used 23 char- the aid of the local flora (Boulos, 2002) and the floras of neigh- acters of stem and fruit anatomy to evaluate the relationships boring countries (e.g. Andrews, 1956; Feinbrun-Dothan, 1977, of four Anchusa species. Nodal anatomy is rarely studied in 1978). Nomenclature was updated from the two websites angiosperms and it seems that the only study concerning mem- (, and (, bers of the Boraginaceae is that of Trivedi et al. (1976) on cer- where full lists of synonyms and author citations can be found. tain representatives of the family in India. According to the Full names with author citations of taxa and collection data of account of Boraginaceae in the Bergianska website (2014), most of the specimens are given in Appendix A. the nodes are usually unilacunar with one or three leaf traces, As many aspects of variation in vegetative and floral mor- or trilacunar with three leaf traces. Using scanning electron phology as can be found in the available specimens were microscopy, Rabaey et al. (2010) were able to elucidate the recorded comparatively in a data matrix. The wide range of phylogenetic significance of the distribution of bordered pits anatomical, cytological, palynological and chemical variation in the secondary xylem of 105 species representing the major in members of this family was deliberately avoided so that only groups of the Boraginaceae. the easily observable features were recorded. For uniformity in Pollen morphology of the Boraginaceae was studied exten- the usage of the descriptive terminology to define the charac- sively. Thus, Clarke (1977) maintained that the Boraginaceae ters and their states, reference was made to the standard com- is one of the most eurypalynous families. Diez and Valdes prehensive dictionary compiled by Stearn (1966). (1991) studied the pollen morphology of 33 species of The data matrix was subjected to analysis under the pro- Boraginaceae from the Iberian Peninsula belonging to the gram suit DELTA which is a multi-purpose format for gener- tribes Cynoglosseae and Eritrichieae and they confirm the ating conventional (i.e. printable) and interactive (i.e. online) eurypalinous character of this family. Scheel et al. (1996) stud- identification keys (Dallwitz et al., 1993 onwards; Dallwitz ied the pollen morphology of 30 taxa and classified them into and Paine, 2005; Dallwitz, 2010;; nine pollen types based on aperture characteristics and surface Being essentially a format for translat- ornamentation. Other palynological studies of different mem- ing taxonomic data, DELTA produces descriptions of taxa bers of the Boraginaceae from various parts of the world in natural language (detailed descriptions) and in serial include those by Nowicke and Miller (1990), El-Ghazaly numbers of characters and character-states (item descriptions).
  3. Computer-generated keys to the flora of Egypt 69 Results Alkanna strigosa Boiss. & Hohen. Plant woody shrub. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching from base. Internode length The characters 0.1–0.5 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. Leaves blade simple. Leaves linear. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf mar- Definition of the 54 characters and their character-states gin entire. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on leaves present. which were recorded comparatively for the 49 species belong- Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves absent. ing to 14 genera representing the Boraginaceae in the flora of Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. Egypt is listed in Table 1. The numbers of qualitative, multi- Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Inflorescence state and quantitative characters in that list are 49, 3 and 2, raceme. Inflorescence leafy. Number of flowers/bract less than respectively. 8. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion more than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Detailed descriptions Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs on sepals Alkanna tinctoria Tausch. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem pros- absent. Hispid hairs on sepals absent. Woolly hair on sepals trate. Stem branching above the base. Internode length 0.7– absent. Sepal length 0.5–1 cm. Petal color blue, purple or pink. 1.4 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. Petal outer surface glabrous. Petal length 1–1.5 cm. Petal apex Leaves blade simple. Leaves linear. Leaf surface smooth. obtuse. Petal fusion more than half the length. Petal lobes Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf equal. Corolla throat covered with scales. No. of stamens 5. margin entire. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on leaves present. Anthers included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Appendix on Glandular hairs on leaves present. Bulbs hairs on leaves anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. Style glabrous. Style absent. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves gynobasic. Style inserted. Style undivided. Stigma capitate- absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary glabrous. Inflorescence raceme. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flow- Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. ers/bract less than 8. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of Anchusa aegyptiaca (L.) DC. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular erect. Stem branching above the base. Internode length 0.5– hairs on sepals present. Hispid hairs on sepals absent. 4 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length 0.3–0.6 cm. Petal Leaves blade simple. Leaves lanceolate. Leaf surface smooth. color blue, purple or pink. Petal outer surface glabrous. Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf Petal length 0.6–0.9 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion Less margin serrate. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on leaves pre- than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat covered sent. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves with scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal absent. Hispid hairs on leaves present. Woolly hairs on leaves filaments reduced. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. sagittate. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Style inserted. Inflorescence raceme. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flow- Style undivided. Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma as long as ers/bract less than 8. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx style or shorter. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk absent. or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of Gynophore absent. calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals present. Alkanna orientalis (L.) Boiss. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length 0.2–0.4 cm. Petal erect. Stem branching above the base. Internode length 0.7– color Yellow or white. Petal outer surface glabrous. Petal 1.5 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. length 0.5–0.8 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion Less than Leaves blade simple. Leaves ovate. Leaf surface smooth. half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat without Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal filaments margin undulate. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on leaves pre- reduced. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. sent. Glandular hairs on leaves present. Bulbs hairs on leaves Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Style inserted. Style undivided. absent. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. Inflorescence raceme. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flow- ers/bract more than 10. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as Anchusa hispida Forssk. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem pros- calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. trate. Stem branching above the base. Internode length 1– Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. 2.5 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. Glandular hairs on sepals present. Hispid hairs on sepals Leaves blade simple. Leaves lanceolate. Leaf surface smooth. absent. Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length 0.5– Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf 1.5 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. Petal outer surface glab- margin undulate. Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves pre- rous. Petal length 1.1–1.6 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion sent. Glandular hairs on leaves present. Bulbs hairs on leaves more than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat absent. Hispid hairs on leaves present. Woolly hairs on leaves covered with scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Staminal filaments reduced. Appendix on anther absent. Inflorescence raceme. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flow- Anthers not sagittate. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Style ers/bract more than 10. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as inserted. Style undivided. Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. long as style or shorter. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk absent. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Gynophore absent. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals
  4. 70 A. El-Gazzar et al. Table 1 List of the 54 characters and character-states recorded comparatively for 14 genera and 49 species representing the Boraginaceae in the flora of Egypt and used to construct a conventional key to them. #1. Plant/1. herb/2. woody shrub/ #2. Stem/1. glabrous/2. hairy/ #3. Stem/1. erect/2. prostrate/ #4. Stem branching/1. from base/2. above the base/ #5. Internode length/cm/** #6. Basal leaves/1. alternate/2. opposite/ #7. Leaves/1. pedicelled/2. sessile to sub-sessile/ #8. Leaves blade/1. simple/2. pinnatipartite/ #9. Leaves/1. lanceolate/2. linear/3. oblong/4. ovate/* #10. Leaf surface/1. wrinkled/2. smooth/ #11. Base of leaf blade/1. symmetric/2. asymmetric/ #12. Leaf veins/1. prominent/2. not prominent/ #13. Leaf margin/1. entire/2. serrate/3. undulate/* #14. Leaf apex/1. acute/2. obtuse/ #15. Simple hairs on leaves/1. present/2. absent/ #16. Glandular hairs on leaves/1. present/2. absent/ #17. Bulbs hairs on leaves/1. present/2. absent/ #18. Hispid hairs on leaves/1. present/2. absent/ #19. Woolly hairs on leaves/1. present/2. absent/ #20. Bracteoles/1. present/2. absent/ #21. Bracteoles/1. enclosing calyx/2. not enclosing calyx/ #22. Inflorescence/1. raceme/2. circinnate/ #23. Inflorescence/1. leafy/2. leafless/ #24. Number of flowers/bract/1. less than 8/2. more than 10/ #25. Flower/1. pedicelled/2. sessile to sub-sessile/ #26. Pedicle/1. much longer than calyx/2. as long as calyx or shorter/ #27. Sepal fusion/1. more than half the length/2. Less than half the length/ #28. Apex of calyx lobes/1. acute/2. filiform/ #29. Simple hairs on sepals/1. present/2. absent/ #30. Glandular hairs on sepals/1. present/2. absent/ #31. Hispid hairs on sepals/1. present/2. absent/ #32. Woolly hair on sepals/1. present/2. absent/ #33. Sepal length/cm/** #34. Petal color/1. blue, purple or pink/2. Yellow or white/ #35. Petal outer surface/1. hairy/2. glabrous/ #36. Petal length/cm/** #37. Petal apex/1. acute/2. obtuse/ #38. Petal fusion/1. more than half the length/2. Less than half the length/ #39. Petal lobes/1. equal/2. unequal/ #40. Corolla throat/1. with scales (5 fornices; Fig. 1)/2. without scales/ #41. No. of stamens/1. 2/2. 5/ #42. Anthers/1. exerted/2. included/ #43. Staminal filaments/1. hairy/2. glabrous/3. reduced/* #44. Appendix on anther/1. present/2. absent/[Fig. 4] #45. Anthers/1. sagittate/2. not sagittate/[Fig. 4] #46. Style/1. hairy/2. glabrous/ #47. Style/1. terminal (Fig. 3)/2. gynobasic (Fig. 2)/ #48. Style/1. inserted/2. exerted/ #49. Style/1. Bifid (Fig. 2)/2. Undivided (Figs. 1 and 3)/ #50. Stigma/1. Conical (Fig. 3)/2. capitate-globose (Figs. 1 and 2)/ #51. Stigma/1. as long as style or shorter/2. much longer than style/ #52. Ovary/1. hairy/2. glabrous/ #53. Nectar disk/1. present/2. absent/(Fig. 3) #54. Gynophore/1. present/2. absent/(Figs. 2 and 3)
  5. Computer-generated keys to the flora of Egypt 71 The Key Application of the program suite DELTA to the data recorded for the 14 genera and 49 species of Boraginaceae led to the construction of the following conventional key Characters: 54 indata, 51 included, 34 in key Items: 49 indata, 49 included, 49 in key Parameters: Rbase = 1.40 Abase = 2.00 Reuse = 1.01 Varywt = 0.80 Characters included: 1–4 6–32 34–35 37–54 Character reliabilities: 1–54,5 1. Leaves lanceolate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 Leaves linear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Leaves oblong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Leaves ovate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2(1). Staminal filaments hairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Staminal filaments glabrous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Staminal filaments reduced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 3(2). Leaf apex acute; hispid hairs on leaves present; woolly hairs on leaves absent; bracteoles present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nonea vivianii DC. Leaf apex obtuse; hispid hairs on leaves absent; woolly hairs on leaves present; bracteoles absent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paracaryum intermedium (Fresen.) Lipsky 4(2). Leaf margin entire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Leaf margin serrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anchusa milleri Spreng. Leaf margin undulate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5(4). Leaf apex acute; stem branching from base; glandular hairs on leaves present; inflorescence circinnate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Echium sabulicolum Pomel var sabulicolum Leaf apex obtuse; stem branching above the base; glandular hairs on leaves absent; inflorescence raceme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anchusa humilis (Desf.) I.M. Johnst. 6(4). Stem erect; simple hairs on leaves absent; glandular hairs on leaves absent; bulbs hairs on leaves present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anchusa undulata L. ssp hybrida (Ten.) Beg. in Beg & Furi Stem prostrate; simple hairs on leaves present; glandular hairs on leaves present; bulbs hairs on leaves absent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anchusa hispida Forssk. 7(2). Leaf margin entire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 Leaf margin serrate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Leaf margin undulate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heliotropium bacciferum Forssk. ssp bacciferum var bacciferum 8(7). Basal leaves alternate; leaf surface smooth; simple hairs on leaves present; bracteoles not enclosing calyx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Basal leaves opposite; leaf surface wrinkled; simple hairs on leaves absent; bracteoles enclosing calyx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 9(8). Leaf apex acute; plant woody shrub; leaves pedicelled leaf veins prominent . . . . . . . . . . . Heliotropium zeylanicum (Burm. f.) Lam. Leaf apex obtuse; plant herb; leaves sessile to sub-sessile; leaf veins not prominent. . . . . . Lappula sinaica (DC.) Asch. & Schweinf. 10(8). Glandular hairs on leaves present; bulbs hairs on leaves absent; number of flowers/ bract more than 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trichodesma africanum (L.) R.Br. var africanum Glandular hairs on leaves absent; bulbs hairs on leaves present; number of flowers/ bract less than 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 11(10). Style hairy; style terminal; ovary hairy; nectar disk present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trichodesma africanum (L.) R.Br. var heterotrichum Bornm. & Kneuk. Style glabrous; style gynobasic; ovary glabrous; nectar disk absent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trichodesma africanum (L.) R.Br. var. abyssinicum Brand in Engl. 12(7). Leaf apex acute; leaves sessile to sub-sessile; simple hairs on leaves present; bulbs hairs on leaves absent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anchusa aegyptiaca (L.) DC. Leaf apex obtuse; leaves pedicelled; simple hairs on leaves absent; bulbs hairs on leaves present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heliotropium pterocarpum (DC.) Hochst. & Steud. ex Bunge 13(1). Staminal filaments hairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Staminal filaments glabrous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Staminal filaments reduced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 14(13). Style hairy; stem branching from base; leaves sessile to sub-sessile; hispid hairs on leaves present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moltkiopsis ciliata (Forssk.) I.M. Johnst. Style glabrous; stem branching above the base; leaves pedicelled; hispid hairs on leaves absent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heliotropium strigosum Willd. var brevifolium (Wal.) C.B. Clarke 15(13). Hispid hairs on leaves present; hispid hairs on sepals present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Hispid hairs on leaves absent; hispid hairs on sepals absent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 16(15). Leaf apex acute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Leaf apex obtuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 17(16). Style hairy; leaf veins prominent; apex of calyx lobes filiform; simple hairs on sepals present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arnebia decumbens (Vent.) Coss. & Kralik var decumbens Style glabrous; leaf veins not prominent; apex of calyx lobes acute; simple hairs on sepals absent. . . . . Arnebia hispidissima (Lehm.) DC. (continued on next page)
  6. 72 A. El-Gazzar et al. 18(16). Style hairy; leaf veins prominent; bulbs hairs on leaves present; petal fusion more than half the length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Style glabrous; leaf veins not prominent; bulbs hairs on leaves absent; petal fusion less than half the lengthBuglossoides incrassata (Guss.) I.M. Johnst. 19(18). Inflorescence raceme; number of flowers/bract more than 10; glandular hairs on sepals present; petal color yellow or white . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arnebia linearifolia DC. Inflorescence circinnate; number of flowers/bract less than 8; glandular hairs on sepals absent; petal color blue, purple or pink. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Echium rauwolfii Delile 20(15). Leaf apex acute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Leaf apex obtuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 21(20). Stem erect; style glabrous; plant woody shrub; leaf veins not prominent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alkanna strigosa Boiss. & Hohen. Stem prostrate; style hairy; plant herb; leaf veins prominent. . . . . . . . . . . . . Echium angustifolium Mill. ssp. sericeum (Vahl) Klotz 22(20). Style hairy; stem branching from base; bulbs hairs on leaves present; bracteoles enclosing calyx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Style glabrous; stem branching above the base; bulbs hairs on leaves absent; bracteoles not enclosing calyx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buglossoides tenuiflora (L.f.) I.M. Johnst. 23(22). Plant herb; leaf veins prominent; simple hairs on leaves absent; inflorescence circinnate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Echium angustifolium Mill. ssp. angustifolium Plant woody shrub; leaf veins not prominent; simple hairs on leaves present; inflorescence raceme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Echiochilon fruticosum Desf. 24(13). Style hairy; simple hairs on leaves absent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Style glabrous; simple hairs on leaves present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 25(24). Plant herb; stem branching above the base; leaf veins prominent; inflorescence leafless.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arnebia decumbens (Vent.) Coss. & Kralik var macrocalyx Coss. & Kralik Plant woody shrub; stem branching from base; leaf veins not prominent; inflorescence leafy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lappula spinocarpos (Forssk.) Asch. ex Kuntze var spinocarpos 26(24). Stem erect; plant woody shrub; stem branching from base; glandular hairs on leaves absent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lappula spinocarpos (Forssk.) Asch. ex Kuntze var inermis Botsch. Stem prostrate; plant herb; stem branching above the base; glandular hairs on leaves present . . . . . . . . . Alkanna tinctoria Tausch. 27(1). Staminal filaments hairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Staminal filaments glabrous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Staminal filaments reduced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 28(27). Leaf margin entire; leaf apex obtuse; leaves sessile to sub-sessile; bulbs hairs on leaves absent . . . . . . . . . . . Echium horridum Batt. Leaf margin serrate; leaf apex acute; leaves pedicelled; bulbs hairs on leaves present. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heliotropium ramosissimum (Lehm.) Sieb. ex DC. 29(27). Stem erect; leaf veins not prominent; glandular hairs on leaves present; bulbs hairs on leaves absent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Stem prostrate; leaf veins prominent; glandular hairs on leaves absent; bulbs hairs on leaves present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 30(29). Basal leaves alternate; leaf apex acute; style glabrous; stem branching above the base. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Asperugo procumbens L. Basal leaves opposite; leaf apex obtuse; style hairy; stem branching from base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arnebia tinctoria Forssk. 31(29). Leaf margin entire; leaf apex obtuse; style hairy; stem branching from base. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Echium rubrum Forssk. Leaf margin serrate; leaf apex acute; style glabrous; stem branching above the base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Coldenia procumbens L. 32(27). Plant herb; stem hairy; leaves sessile to sub-sessile; leaf surface smooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paracaryum rugulosum (DC.) Boiss. Plant woody shrub; stem glabrous; leaves pedicelled; leaf surface wrinkled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heliotropium curassavicum L. 33(1). Staminal filaments hairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heliotropium hirsutissimum Grauer in Weber Staminal filaments glabrous. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Staminal filaments reduced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 34(33). Leaf margin entire; flower pedicelled; style terminal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Leaf margin undulate; flower sessile to sub-sessile; style gynobasic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 35(34). Leaf apex acute; simple hairs on leaves present; bulbs hairs on leaves absent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Leaf apex obtuse; simple hairs on leaves absent; bulbs hairs on leaves present . . . . . . Heliotropium lasiocarpum Fisch. & C.A. Mey. 36(35). Plant herb; stem branching above the base; leaf veins prominent; woolly hairs on leaves present . . . . . . . . Heliotropium supinum L. Plant woody shrub; stem branching from base; leaf veins not prominent; woolly hairs on l eaves absent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heliotropium ovalifolium Forssk. 37(34) Leaf apex acute; style glabrous; leaf surface smooth; glandular hairs on leaves present . . . . . . . . . . Heliotropium arabinense Fresen. Leaf apex obtuse; style hairy; leaf surface wrinkled; glandular hairs on leaves absent . . . . . . . . . . Heliotropium aegyptiacum Lehm. 38(33). Leaf apex acute; bracteoles present; bracteoles enclosing calyx; petal outer surface glabrous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Leaf apex obtuse; bracteoles absent; bracteoles not enclosing calyx; petal outer surface hairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 39(38). Basal leaves alternate; leaf margin undulate; style glabrous; plant herb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alkanna orientalis (L.) Boiss. Basal leaves opposite; leaf margin entire; style hairy; plant woody shrub . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Trichodesma ehrenbergii Schweinf. 40(38). Bulbs hairs on leaves present; woolly hairs on leaves absent; number of flowers/bract more than 10; glandular hairs on sepals present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heliotropium digynum (Forssk.) Asch. Ex C. Chr. Bulbs hairs on leaves absent; woolly hairs on leaves present; number of flowers/bract less than 8; glandular hairs on sepals absent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heliotropium bacciferum Forssk. ssp. bacciferum var. erosum Hadidy in Boulos * Multistate character. ** Quantitative character.
  7. Computer-generated keys to the flora of Egypt 73 Fig. 1 Variation in floral morphology of Boraginaceae. Anchusa Fig. 3 Variation in floral morphology of Boraginaceae. undulata ssp. hybrida. Simple style with (black) capitate stigma and Heliotropium strigosum. Ovary syncarpous, on nectar disk; style 5 (brown) appendages at corolla throat and opposite to corolla (black) simple, with one black conical (arrow-head) stigma. blue lobes. Fig. 2 Variation in floral morphology of Boraginaceae. Arnebia Fig. 4 Variation in floral morphology of Boraginaceae. hispidissima. Ovary (black) deeply divided; style gynobasic, bifid Trichodesma africanum. Five dark brown anthers with cordate with two capitate stigmas. base and long tapering apices. present. Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length 0.1–0.4 cm. Petal fusion Less than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Petal color blue, purple or pink. Petal outer surface glabrous. Corolla throat without scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers Petal length 0.1–0.3 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion Less included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Appendix on anther than half the length. Petal lobes unequal. Corolla throat with- absent. Anthers not sagittate. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. out scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal fila- Style inserted. Style undivided. Stigma capitate-globose. ments glabrous. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk sagittate. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Style inserted. absent. Gynophore absent. Style undivided. Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk absent. Anchusa milleri Spreng. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem pros- Gynophore absent. trate. Stem branching above the base. Internode length 0.1– 0.5 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. Anchusa humilis (Desf.) I.M. Johnst. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Leaves blade simple. Leaves lanceolate. Leaf surface smooth. Stem prostrate. Stem branching above the base. Internode Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf length 2–5 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub- margin serrate. Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves sessile. Leaves blade simple. Leaves lanceolate. Leaf surface absent. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on smooth. Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not promi- leaves absent. Hispid hairs on leaves present. Woolly hairs nent. Leaf margin entire. Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on on leaves absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing leaves absent. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs calyx. Inflorescence raceme. Inflorescence leafless. Number on leaves absent. Hispid hairs on leaves present. Woolly hairs of flowers/bract less than 8. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long on leaves absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. calyx. Inflorescence raceme. Inflorescence leafless. Number of Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals absent. flowers/bract more than 10. Flower sessile to sub-sessile. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals pre- Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half sent. Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length 0.3–0.6 cm. the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals Petal color Yellow or white. Petal outer surface glabrous. present. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on Petal length 0.8–1.1 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion more sepals present. Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length than half the length. Petal lobes unequal. Corolla throat with- 0.2–0.5 cm. Petal color blue, purple or pink. Petal outer sur- out scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal fila- face glabrous. Petal length 0.5–0.9 cm. Petal apex obtuse. ments glabrous. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not
  8. 74 A. El-Gazzar et al. sagittate. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Style inserted. Style on leaves present. Bulbs hairs on leaves absent. Hispid hairs undivided. Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma as long as style or on leaves present. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. Bracteoles shorter. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Inflorescence raceme. absent. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flowers/bract more than 10. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal Anchusa undulata L. ssp. hybrida (Ten.) Beg. in Beg & Furi. fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching above Simple hairs on sepals absent. Glandular hairs on sepals the base. Internode length 0.2–0.9 cm. Basal leaves alternate. absent. Hispid hairs on sepals present. Woolly hair on sepals Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. Leaves blade simple. Leaves lance- absent. Sepal length 0.5–1.3 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. olate. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf Petal outer surface hairy. Petal length 0.5–1.5 cm. Petal apex veins not prominent. Leaf margin undulate. Leaf apex obtuse. obtuse. Petal fusion more than half the length. Petal lobes Simple hairs on leaves absent. Glandular hairs on leaves equal. Corolla throat without scales. No. of stamens 5. absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves present. Hispid hairs on leaves Anthers included. Staminal filaments reduced. Appendix on absent. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. Bracteoles present. anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. Style hairy. Style gynoba- Bracteoles not enclosing calyx. Inflorescence raceme. sic. Style inserted. Style undivided. Stigma capitate-globose. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flowers/bract more than 10. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary hairy. Nectar disk Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal absent. Gynophore absent. fusion more than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals absent. Glandular hairs on sepals pre- Arnebia hispidissima (Lehm.) DC. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem sent. Hispid hairs on sepals present. Woolly hair on sepals erect. Stem branching above the base. Internode length 0.1– absent. Sepal length 0.5–1.1 cm. Petal color blue, purple or 0.5 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. pink. Petal outer surface glabrous. Petal length 0.6–1.6 cm. Leaves blade simple. Leaves linear. Leaf surface smooth. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion more than half the length. Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat covered with scales. No. of margin entire. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on leaves absent. stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves pre- Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. Style hairy. sent. Hispid hairs on leaves present. Woolly hairs on leaves Style gynobasic. Style inserted. Style undivided. Stigma absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. capitate-globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary Inflorescence raceme. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flow- glabrous. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. ers/bract more than 10. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Arnebia decumbens (Vent.) Coss. & Kralik var. decumbens. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals absent. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching above Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals pre- the base. Internode length 1–2 cm. Basal leaves alternate. sent. Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length 0.4–0.7 cm. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. Leaves blade simple. Leaves lin- Petal color Yellow or white. Petal outer surface glabrous. ear. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf Petal length 0.5–1 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion more veins prominent. Leaf margin entire. Leaf apex acute. Simple than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat without hairs on leaves absent. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal filaments Bulbs hairs on leaves present. Hispid hairs on leaves present. glabrous. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Style inserted. Style bifid. enclosing calyx. Inflorescence raceme. Inflorescence leafless. Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Number of flowers/bract more than 10. Flower pedicelled. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes filiform. Simple hairs on sepals Arnebia linearifolia DC. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem erect. present. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on Stem branching above the base. Internode length 1–3.5 cm. sepals present. Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. Leaves 0.5–1.2 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. Petal outer surface blade simple. Leaves linear. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf hairy. Petal length 0.5–1.4 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion blade symmetric. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf margin entire. more than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves absent. Glandular without scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves present. Hispid filaments glabrous. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not hairs on leaves present. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. sagittate. Style hairy. Style gynobasic. Style inserted. Style Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Inflorescence undivided. Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma as long as style raceme. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flowers/bract more or shorter. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore than 10. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. absent. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals absent. Glandular hairs on sepals Arnebia decumbens (Vent.) Coss. & Kralik var. macrocalyx present. Hispid hairs on sepals present. Woolly hair on sepals Coss. & Kralik. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem absent. Sepal length 0.4–1.3 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. branching above the base. Internode length 1–3.5 cm. Basal Petal outer surface hairy. Petal length 0.5–1.5 cm. Petal apex leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. Leaves blade sim- obtuse. Petal fusion more than half the length. Petal lobes ple. Leaves linear. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf blade equal. Corolla throat without scales. No. of stamens 5. symmetric. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf margin entire. Leaf Anthers included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Appendix on apex acute. Simple hairs on leaves absent. Glandular hairs anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. Style hairy. Style
  9. Computer-generated keys to the flora of Egypt 75 gynobasic. Style inserted. Style bifid. Stigma capitate-globose. calyx. Inflorescence raceme. Inflorescence leafless. Number of Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk flowers/bract less than 8. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long absent. Gynophore absent. as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals absent. Arnebia tinctoria Forssk. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals pre- Stem branching from base. Internode length 2–3.5 cm. Basal sent. Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length 0.2–0.5 cm. leaves opposite. Leaves pedicelled. Leaves blade simple. Petal color blue, purple or pink. Petal outer surface hairy. Leaves oblong. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf blade sym- Petal length 0.3–0.5 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion Less metric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf margin entire. Leaf than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat without apex obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves absent. Glandular hairs scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal filaments on leaves present. Bulbs hairs on leaves absent. Hispid hairs glabrous. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. Bracteoles Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Style inserted. Style undivided. present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Inflorescence raceme. Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flowers/bract less than 8. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion more than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Buglossoides tenuiflora (L.f.) I.M. Johnst. Plant herb. Stem Simple hairs on sepals absent. Glandular hairs on sepals pre- hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching above the base. Internode sent. Hispid hairs on sepals present. Woolly hair on sepals length 0.4–1.3 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub- absent. Sepal length 0.5–1 cm. Petal color blue, purple or pink. sessile. Leaves blade simple. Leaves linear. Leaf surface smooth. Petal outer surface glabrous. Petal length 0.5–1.2 cm. Petal Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf margin apex obtuse. Petal fusion more than half the length. Petal lobes entire. Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves present. equal. Corolla throat without scales. No. of stamens 5. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves absent. Anthers included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Appendix on Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. Style hairy. Style gynoba- Bracteoles present. Bracteoles not enclosing calyx. sic. Style inserted. Style bifid. Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma Inflorescence raceme. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flow- as long as style or shorter. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk absent. ers/bract less than 8. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx Gynophore absent. or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs on Asperugo procumbens L. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem erect. sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals absent. Woolly hair on Stem branching above the base. Internode length 1–4 cm. sepals absent. Sepal length 0.2–0.6 cm. Petal color blue, purple Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. Leaves or pink. Petal outer surface hairy. Petal length 0.2–0.5 cm. blade simple. Leaves oblong. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion more than half the length. blade symmetric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf margin Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat without scales. No. of stamens entire. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on leaves absent. 5. Anthers included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Appendix on Glandular hairs on leaves present. Bulbs hairs on leaves anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. Style glabrous. Style absent. Hispid hairs on leaves present. Woolly hairs on leaves gynobasic. Style inserted. Style undivided. Stigma capitate- absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles not enclosing calyx. globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary hairy. Inflorescence raceme. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flow- Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. ers/bract less than 8. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle much longer than calyx. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of Coldenia procumbens L. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem pros- calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals absent. Glandular trate. Stem branching above the base. Internode length 0.3– hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals present. 1 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves pedicelled. Leaves blade Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length 0.1–0.8 cm. Petal pinnatipartite. Leaves oblong. Leaf surface wrinkled. Base of color blue, purple or pink. Petal outer surface glabrous. leaf blade asymmetric. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf margin ser- Petal length 0.3–1.1 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion Less rate. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on leaves absent. Glandular than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat covered hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves present. Hispid with scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal fila- hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. ments glabrous. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not sagit- Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Inflorescence tate. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Style inserted. Style raceme. Inflorescence leafy. Number of flowers/bract less than undivided. Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma as long as style 8. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal or shorter. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. absent. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals absent. Woolly hair on sepals Buglossoides incrassata (Guss.) I.M. Johnst. Plant herb. Stem absent. Sepal length 0.1–1.1 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching above the base. Internode Petal outer surface glabrous. Petal length 0.1–0.2 cm. Petal length 0.6–1.6 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to apex acute. Petal fusion Less than half the length. Petal lobes sub-sessile. Leaves blade simple. Leaves linear. Leaf surface unequal. Corolla throat without scales. No. of stamens 5. smooth. Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not promi- Anthers included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Appendix on nent. Leaf margin entire. Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. Style glabrous. Style leaves absent. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs gynobasic. Style inserted. Style bifid. Stigma capitate- on leaves absent. Hispid hairs on leaves present. Woolly hairs globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary glabrous. on leaves absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent.
  10. 76 A. El-Gazzar et al. Echiochilon fruticosum Desf. Plant woody shrub. Stem hairy. absent. Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length 0.4– Stem erect. Stem branching from base. Internode length 0.1– 0.8 cm. Petal color blue, purple or pink. Petal outer surface 0.2 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. hairy. Petal length 1–2.5 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion Leaves blade simple. Leaves linear. Leaf surface smooth. more than half the length. Petal lobes unequal. Corolla throat Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf without scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers exerted. Staminal fil- margin entire. Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves present. aments glabrous. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers sagit- Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves present. tate. Style hairy. Style gynobasic. Style exerted. Style bifid. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Inflorescence Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk present. Gynophore absent. raceme. Inflorescence leafy. Number of flowers/bract less than 8. Flower sessile to sub-sessile. Pedicle as long as calyx or Echium horridum Batt. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem erect. shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx Stem branching from base. Internode length 1.5–3.2 cm. lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. Leaves on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals absent. Woolly hair blade simple. Leaves oblong. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf on sepals absent. Sepal length 0.1–0.3 cm. Petal color blue, pur- blade symmetric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf margin ple or pink. Petal outer surface hairy. Petal length 0.4–1 cm. entire. Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves present. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion more than half the length. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves absent. Petal lobes unequal. Corolla throat without scales. No. of sta- Hispid hairs on leaves present. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. mens 5. Anthers included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Inflorescence Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. Style hairy. circinnate. Inflorescence leafy. Number of flowers/bract more Style gynobasic. Style inserted. Style undivided. Stigma than 10. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. capitate-globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary glab- Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes rous. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals present. Woolly hair on Echium angustifolium Mill. ssp. angustifolium. Plant herb. Stem sepals absent. Sepal length 0.5–1.4 cm. Petal color blue, purple hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching from base. Internode length or pink. Petal outer surface hairy. Petal length 1–2.2 cm. Petal 1.5–4.5 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. apex acute. Petal fusion more than half the length. Petal lobes Leaves blade simple. Leaves linear. Leaf surface smooth. Base equal. Corolla throat without scales. No. of stamens 5. of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf margin Anthers included. Staminal filaments hairy. Appendix on entire. Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves absent. anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. Style hairy. Style gynoba- Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves pre- sic. Style inserted. Style bifid. Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma sent. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves as long as style or shorter. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk pre- absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. sent. Gynophore absent. Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flowers/bract more than 10. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long Echium rauwolfii Delile. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem erect. as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Stem branching above the base. Internode length 0.4–2 cm. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. Leaves Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals blade simple. Leaves linear. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf absent. Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length 0.4–1 cm. blade symmetric. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf margin entire. Petal color blue, purple or pink. Petal outer surface hairy. Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves absent. Glandular Petal length 1–3.2 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion more hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves present. Hispid than half the length. Petal lobes unequal. Corolla throat with- hairs on leaves present. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. out scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers exerted. Staminal fila- Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Inflorescence ments glabrous. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flowers/bract less sagittate. Style hairy. Style gynobasic. Style exerted. Style bifid. than 8. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk present. Gynophore absent. acute. Simple hairs on sepals absent. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals present. Woolly hair on sepals Echium angustifolium Mill. ssp. sericeum (Vahl) Klotz. Plant absent. Sepal length 0.4–0.9 cm. Petal color blue, purple or herb. Stem hairy. Stem prostrate. Stem branching from base. pink. Petal outer surface hairy. Petal length 0.8–1.4 cm. Petal Internode length 0.2–2.1 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves ses- apex obtuse. Petal fusion more than half the length. Petal lobes sile to sub-sessile. Leaves blade simple. Leaves linear. Leaf sur- equal. Corolla throat without scales. No. of stamens 5. face smooth. Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins Anthers exerted. Staminal filaments glabrous. Appendix on prominent. Leaf margin entire. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. Style hairy. Style gynoba- on leaves absent. Glandular hairs on leaves present. Bulbs sic. Style exerted. Style bifid. Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma hairs on leaves absent. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly as long as style or shorter. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk absent. hairs on leaves absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing Gynophore absent. calyx. Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flowers/bract more than 10. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as Echium rubrum Forssk. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem prostrate. long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Stem branching from base. Internode length 0.6–3.3 cm. Basal Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. Leaves blade sim- Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals ple. Leaves oblong. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf blade
  11. Computer-generated keys to the flora of Egypt 77 symmetric. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf margin entire. Leaf without scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal apex obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves absent. Glandular hairs filaments glabrous. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers sagit- on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves present. Hispid hairs tate. Style hairy. Style gynobasic. Style inserted. Style undi- on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. Bracteoles vided. Stigma conical. Stigma as long as style or shorter. present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Inflorescence raceme. Ovary hairy. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flowers/bract more than 10. Flower sessile to sub-sessile. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Heliotropium arabinense Fresen. Plant woody shrub. Stem Sepal fusion more than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching above the base. Internode acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs on length 0.5–1 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves pedicelled. sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals present. Woolly hair on Leaves blade simple. Leaves ovate. Leaf surface smooth. sepals absent. Sepal length 0.5–1.1 cm. Petal color blue, purple Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf mar- or pink. Petal outer surface hairy. Petal length 1–2 cm. Petal gin undulate. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on leaves absent. apex obtuse. Petal fusion more than half the length. Petal lobes Glandular hairs on leaves present. Bulbs hairs on leaves unequal. Corolla throat without scales. No. of stamens 5. absent. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves Anthers exerted. Staminal filaments glabrous. Appendix on absent. Bracteoles absent. Bracteoles not enclosing calyx. anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. Style hairy. Style gynoba- Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of sic. Style exerted. Style bifid. Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma flowers/bract less than 8. Flower sessile to sub-sessile. Pedicle as long as style or shorter. Ovary hairy. Nectar disk present. as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the Gynophore absent. length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals absent. Glandular hairs on sepals present. Hispid hairs on Echium sabulicolum Pomel var. sabulicolum. Plant herb. Stem sepals absent. Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length hairy. Stem prostrate. Stem branching from base. Internode 0.2–0.6 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. Petal outer surface length 1–2.1 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub- hairy. Petal length 0.4–0.7 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion sessile. Leaves blade simple. Leaves lanceolate. Leaf surface more than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat smooth. Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not promi- without scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal nent. Leaf margin entire. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on filaments glabrous. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not leaves absent. Glandular hairs on leaves present. Bulbs hairs sagittate. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Style inserted. on leaves absent. Hispid hairs on leaves present. Woolly hairs Style undivided. Stigma conical. Stigma much longer than on leaves absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing style. Ovary hairy. Nectar disk present. Gynophore absent. calyx. Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flowers/bract less than 8. Flower sessile to sub-sessile. Heliotropium bacciferum Forssk. Ssp. bacciferum var. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half bacciferum. Plant woody shrub. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals branching from base. Internode length 0.6–1.9 cm. Basal present. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on leaves alternate. Leaves pedicelled. Leaves blade simple. sepals present. Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length Leaves lanceolate. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf blade 0.4–1.1 cm. Petal color blue, purple or pink. Petal outer surface symmetric. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf margin undulate. hairy. Petal length 1–2.1 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves absent. Glandular more than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves present. Hispid without scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers exerted. Staminal fil- hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. aments glabrous. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not Bracteoles absent. Bracteoles not enclosing calyx. sagittate. Style hairy. Style gynobasic. Style exerted. Style bifid. Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. flowers/bract more than 10. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk present. Gynophore absent. as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Heliotropium aegyptiacum Lehm. Plant woody shrub. Stem Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching above the base. Internode absent. Woolly hair on sepals present. Sepal length 0.1– length 0.9–2.5 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves pedicelled. 0.8 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. Petal outer surface hairy. Leaves blade simple. Leaves ovate. Leaf surface wrinkled. Petal length 0.2–0.5 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion more Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf mar- than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat without gin undulate. Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves absent. scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal filaments Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves pre- reduced. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. sent. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves Style hairy. Style terminal. Style inserted. Style undivided. absent. Bracteoles absent. Bracteoles not enclosing calyx. Stigma conical. Stigma much longer than style. Ovary glab- Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of rous. Nectar disk present. Gynophore absent. flowers/bract more than 10. Flower sessile to sub-sessile. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half Heliotropium bacciferum Forssk. Ssp. bacciferum var. erosum the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals Hadidy in Boulos. Plant woody shrub. Stem hairy. Stem erect. present. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on Stem branching from base. Internode length 0.4–1.5 cm. Basal sepals absent. Woolly hair on sepals present. Sepal length leaves alternate. Leaves pedicelled. Leaves blade simple. 0.2–0.4 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. Petal outer surface Leaves ovate. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf blade symmet- hairy. Petal length 0.3–0.5 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion ric. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf margin undulate. Leaf apex more than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves present. Glandular hairs on
  12. 78 A. El-Gazzar et al. leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves absent. Hispid hairs on Style hairy. Style terminal. Style inserted. Style undivided. leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves present. Bracteoles Stigma conical. Stigma much longer than style. Ovary hairy. absent. Bracteoles not enclosing calyx. Inflorescence circin- Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. nate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flowers/bract less than 8. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Heliotropium lasiocarpum Fisch. & C.A. Mey. Plant woody Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes shrub. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching above the base. acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs on Internode length 1–7 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves pedi- sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals absent. Woolly hair on celled. Leaves blade simple. Leaves ovate. Leaf surface sepals present. Sepal length 0.2–1 cm. Petal color Yellow or smooth. Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins prominent. white. Petal outer surface hairy. Petal length 0.4–1.2 cm. Leaf margin entire. Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion more than half the length. absent. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat without scales. No. of sta- leaves present. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs mens 5. Anthers included. Staminal filaments reduced. on leaves absent. Bracteoles absent. Bracteoles not enclosing Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. Style hairy. calyx. Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number Style terminal. Style inserted. Style undivided. Stigma conical. of flowers/bract more than 10. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as Stigma much longer than style. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. present. Gynophore absent. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals Heliotropium digynum (Forssk.) Asch. ex C. Chr. Plant woody absent. Woolly hair on sepals present. Sepal length shrub. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching from base. 0.1–0.3 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. Petal outer surface Internode length 0.5–1.6 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves hairy. Petal length 0.1–0.3 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion pedicelled. Leaves blade simple. Leaves ovate. Leaf surface more than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat smooth. Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins prominent. without scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal Leaf margin undulate. Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on filaments glabrous. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not leaves present. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs sagittate. Style hairy. Style terminal. Style inserted. Style on leaves present. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs undivided. Stigma conical. Stigma much longer than style. on leaves absent. Bracteoles absent. Bracteoles not enclosing Ovary hairy. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. calyx. Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flowers/bract more than 10. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as Heliotropium ovalifolium Forssk. Plant woody shrub. Stem long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching from base. Internode length Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. 0.5–3 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves pedicelled. Leaves Glandular hairs on sepals present. Hispid hairs on sepals blade simple. Leaves ovate. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf absent. Woolly hair on sepals present. Sepal length 0.1– blade symmetric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf margin 0.5 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. Petal outer surface hairy. entire. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on leaves present. Petal length 0.3–0.6 cm. Petal apex acute. Petal fusion more Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat without absent. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal filaments absent. Bracteoles absent. Bracteoles not enclosing calyx. reduced. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of Style hairy. Style terminal. Style inserted. Style undivided. flowers/bract more than 10. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long Stigma conical. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary hairy. as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Nectar disk present. Gynophore absent. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals Heliotropium hirsutissimum Grauer in Weber. Plant herb. Stem absent. Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length 0.1– hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching from base. Internode length 0.3 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. Petal outer surface hairy. 1–4.5 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves pedicelled. Leaves Petal length 0.2–0.3 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion more blade simple. Leaves ovate. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat without blade symmetric. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf margin entire. scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal filaments Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on leaves present. Glandular glabrous. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. hairs on leaves present. Bulbs hairs on leaves absent. Hispid Style hairy. Style terminal. Style inserted. Style undivided. hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. Stigma conical. Stigma much longer than style. Ovary hairy. Bracteoles absent. Bracteoles not enclosing calyx. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flowers/bract more than 10. Flower sessile to sub-sessile. Heliotropium pterocarpum (DC.) Hochst. & Steud. ex Bunge. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching above the the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals base. Internode length 1–3 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves present. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on pedicelled. Leaves blade simple. Leaves lanceolate. Leaf surface sepals absent. Woolly hair on sepals present. Sepal length smooth. Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not promi- 0.2–0.6 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. Petal outer surface nent. Leaf margin serrate. Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on hairy. Petal length 0.5–1.1 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion leaves absent. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs more than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat on leaves present. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs without scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal on leaves absent. Bracteoles absent. Bracteoles not enclosing filaments hairy. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers sagittate. calyx. Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number
  13. Computer-generated keys to the flora of Egypt 79 of flowers/bract less than 8. Flower sessile to sub-sessile. Pedicle Heliotropium supinum L. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem erect. as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the Stem branching above the base. Internode length 0.5–1.5 cm. length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals pre- Basal leaves alternate. Leaves pedicelled. Leaves blade simple. sent. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals Leaves ovate. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf blade symmet- absent. Woolly hair on sepals present. Sepal length 0.2– ric. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf margin entire. Leaf apex acute. 0.4 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. Petal outer surface hairy. Simple hairs on leaves present. Glandular hairs on leaves Petal length 0.3–0.6 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion more absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves absent. Hispid hairs on leaves than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat without absent. Woolly hairs on leaves present. Bracteoles absent. scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal filaments Bracteoles not enclosing calyx. Inflorescence circinnate. reduced. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers sagittate. Style Inflorescence leafless. Number of flowers/bract less than 8. glabrous. Style terminal. Style inserted. Style undivided. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal Stigma conical. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary glab- fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. rous. Nectar disk present. Gynophore absent. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals absent. Woolly hair on sepals Heliotropium ramosissimum (Lehm.) Sieb. ex DC. Plant herb. present. Sepal length 0.1–0.3 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching from base. Internode Petal outer surface hairy. Petal length 0.2–0.5 cm. Petal apex length 0.5–4 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves pedicelled. obtuse. Petal fusion more than half the length. Petal lobes Leaves blade simple. Leaves oblong. Leaf surface smooth. equal. Corolla throat without scales. No. of stamens 5. Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf Anthers included. Staminal filaments glabrous. Appendix on margin serrate. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on leaves pre- anther absent. Anthers sagittate. Style hairy. Style terminal. sent. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves Style inserted. Style undivided. Stigma conical. Stigma as long present. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves as style or shorter. Ovary hairy. Nectar disk absent. absent. Bracteoles absent. Bracteoles not enclosing calyx. Gynophore absent. Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flowers/bract more than 10. Flower sessile to sub-sessile. Heliotropium zeylanicum (Burm. f.) Lam. Plant woody shrub. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching from base. Internode the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals length 0.9–2 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves pedicelled. present. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on Leaves blade simple. Leaves lanceolate. Leaf surface smooth. sepals absent. Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf mar- 0.1–0.6 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. Petal outer surface gin entire. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on leaves present. hairy. Petal length 0.2–0.7 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion Glandular hairs on leaves present. Bulbs hairs on leaves more than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat absent. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves without scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal absent. Bracteoles absent. Bracteoles not enclosing calyx. filaments hairy. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers sagittate. Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of Style hairy. Style terminal. Style inserted. Style undivided. flowers/bract more than 10. Flower sessile to sub-sessile. Stigma conical. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary hairy. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion more than half Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on Heliotropium strigosum Willd. Var. brevifolium (Wal.) C.B. sepals absent. Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length Clarke. Plant woody shrub. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem 0.1–0.2 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. Petal outer surface branching above the base. Internode length 0.5–2.5 cm. Basal hairy. Petal length 0.3–0.7 cm. Petal apex acute. Petal fusion leaves alternate. Leaves pedicelled. Leaves blade simple. Less than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat Leaves linear. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf blade symmet- without scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal ric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf margin entire. Leaf apex filaments reduced. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers sagit- acute. Simple hairs on leaves present. Glandular hairs on tate. Style hairy. Style terminal. Style inserted. Style undivided. leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves present. Hispid hairs on Stigma conical. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary hairy. leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. Bracteoles pre- Nectar disk present. Gynophore absent. sent. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flowers/bract more than 10. Heliotropium curassavicum L. Plant woody shrub. Stem glab- Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal rous. Stem erect. Stem branching from base. Internode length fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. 0.5–2.5 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves pedicelled. Leaves Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs on sepals blade simple. Leaves oblong. Leaf surface wrinkled. Base of absent. Hispid hairs on sepals absent. Woolly hair on sepals leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf margin absent. Sepal length 0.1–0.3 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. entire. Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves absent. Petal outer surface hairy. Petal length 0.2–0.4 cm. Petal apex Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves obtuse. Petal fusion more than half the length. Petal lobes absent. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves equal. Corolla throat without scales. No. of stamens 2. absent. Bracteoles absent. Bracteoles not enclosing calyx. Anthers included. Staminal filaments hairy. Appendix on Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of anther absent. Anthers sagittate. Style glabrous. Style termi- flowers/bract more than 10. Flower sessile to sub-sessile. nal. Style inserted. Style undivided. Stigma conical. Stigma Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half as long as style or shorter. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk pre- the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals sent. Gynophore present. absent. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on
  14. 80 A. El-Gazzar et al. sepals absent. Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length 0.1– alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. Leaves blade simple. 0.2 cm. Petal color Yellow or white. Petal outer surface glab- Leaves linear. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf blade symmet- rous. Petal length 0.1–0.3 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion ric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf margin entire. Leaf apex more than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat acute. Simple hairs on leaves present. Glandular hairs on without scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves absent. Hispid hairs on filaments reduced. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers sagit- leaves present. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. Bracteoles pre- tate. Style glabrous. Style terminal. Style inserted. Style undi- sent. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Inflorescence raceme. vided. Stigma conical. Stigma much longer than style. Ovary Inflorescence leafy. Number of flowers/bract less than 8. glabrous. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Lappula sinaica (DC.) Asch. & Schweinf. Plant herb. Stem Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs on sepals hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching from base. Internode length absent. Hispid hairs on sepals present. Woolly hair on sepals 0.1–0.6 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. absent. Sepal length 0.2–0.4 cm. Petal color blue, purple or Leaves blade simple. Leaves lanceolate. Leaf surface smooth. pink. Petal outer surface hairy. Petal length 0.2–0.5 cm. Petal Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf apex obtuse. Petal fusion more than half the length. Petal lobes margin entire. Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves pre- equal. Corolla throat without scales. No. of stamens 5. sent. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves Anthers included. Staminal filaments reduced. Appendix on absent. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. Style glabrous. Style absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles not enclosing calyx. gynobasic. Style inserted. Style bifid. Stigma capitate- Inflorescence raceme. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flow- globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary glabrous. ers/bract less than 8. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular Moltkiopsis ciliata (Forssk.) I.M. Johnst. Plant woody shrub. hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals absent. Woolly Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching from base. Internode hair on sepals absent. Sepal length 0.1–0.2 cm. Petal color length 0.5–1.5 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to Yellow or white. Petal outer surface glabrous. Petal length sub-sessile. Leaves blade simple. Leaves linear. Leaf surface 0.2–0.3 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion Less than half the smooth. Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not promi- length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat covered with scales. nent. Leaf margin entire. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal filaments leaves present. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs reduced. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers sagittate. Style on leaves present. Hispid hairs on leaves present. Woolly hairs glabrous. Style terminal. Style inserted. Style undivided. on leaves absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing Stigma conical. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary glab- calyx. Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number rous. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. of flowers/bract less than 8. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Lappula spinocarpos (Forssk.) Asch. ex Kuntze var. spinocar- Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. pos. Plant woody shrub. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem branch- Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals ing from base. Internode length 1–2 cm. Basal leaves alternate. present. Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. Leaves blade simple. Leaves 0.3–0.5 cm. Petal color blue, purple or pink. Petal outer sur- linear. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf blade symmetric. face hairy. Petal length 0.8–1.3 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf margin entire. Leaf apex fusion more than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla acute. Simple hairs on leaves absent. Glandular hairs on leaves throat without scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers exerted. present. Bulbs hairs on leaves absent. Hispid hairs on leaves Staminal filaments hairy. Appendix on anther absent. present. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. Bracteoles present. Anthers not sagittate. Style hairy. Style gynobasic. Style Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Inflorescence raceme. exerted. Style undivided. Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma as Inflorescence leafy. Number of flowers/bract less than 8. long as style or shorter. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk absent. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal Gynophore present. fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs on sepals Nonea vivianii DC. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem absent. Hispid hairs on sepals present. Woolly hair on sepals branching from base. Internode length 1–3.6 cm. Basal leaves absent. Sepal length 0.2–0.4 cm. Petal color blue, purple or alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. Leaves blade simple. pink. Petal outer surface hairy. Petal length 0.2–0.5 cm. Petal Leaves lanceolate. Leaf surface smooth. Base of leaf blade apex obtuse. Petal fusion Less than half the length. Petal lobes symmetric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf margin entire. equal. Corolla throat covered with scales. No. of stamens 5. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on leaves present. Glandular Anthers included. Staminal filaments reduced. Appendix on hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves absent. Hispid anther absent. Anthers sagittate. Style hairy. Style terminal. hairs on leaves present. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. Style inserted. Style undivided. Stigma capitate-globose. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles not enclosing calyx. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk Inflorescence raceme. Inflorescence leafy. Number of flow- absent. Gynophore absent. ers/bract less than 8. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion more than half the length. Apex of Lappula spinocarpos (Forssk.) Asch. ex Kuntze var. inermis calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular Botsch. Plant woody shrub. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals present. branching from base. Internode length 1–2 cm. Basal leaves Woolly hair on sepals absent. Sepal length 0.5–1.4 cm. Petal
  15. Computer-generated keys to the flora of Egypt 81 color blue, purple or pink. Petal outer surface glabrous. Petal prominent. Leaf margin entire. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs length 0.6–1.5 cm. Petal apex acute. Petal fusion more than on leaves absent. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat without on leaves present. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal filaments on leaves absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing hairy. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. Style calyx. Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number hairy. Style gynobasic. Style inserted. Style undivided. Stigma of flowers/bract less than 8. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle much capitate-globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary longer than calyx. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. glabrous. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals Paracaryum intermedium (Fresen.) Lipsky. Plant herb. Stem absent. Woolly hair on sepals present. Sepal length 0.5– hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching from base. Internode length 1.1 cm. Petal color blue, purple or pink. Petal outer surface 0.5–2 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. glabrous. Petal length 0.5–1.3 cm. Petal apex acute. Petal Leaves blade simple. Leaves lanceolate. Leaf surface smooth. fusion Less than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf throat without scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. margin entire. Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves present. Staminal filaments reduced. Appendix on anther present. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves absent. Anthers sagittate. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Style Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves inserted. Style undivided. Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma as present. Bracteoles absent. Bracteoles not enclosing calyx. long as style or shorter. Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk absent. Inflorescence raceme. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flow- Gynophore absent. ers/bract more than 10. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex Trichodesma africanum (L.) R.Br. var. africanum. Plant herb. of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching from base. Internode Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals absent. length 0.8–5 cm. Basal leaves opposite. Leaves pedicelled. Woolly hair on sepals present. Sepal length 0.1–0.2 cm. Petal Leaves blade simple. Leaves lanceolate. Leaf surface wrinkled. color blue, purple or pink. Petal outer surface glabrous. Petal Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf mar- length 0.1–0.3 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion Less than gin entire. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on leaves absent. half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat covered with Glandular hairs on leaves present. Bulbs hairs on leaves scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal filaments absent. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves hairy. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Style inserted. Style undivided. Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. flowers/bract more than 10. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle much Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. longer than calyx. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Paracaryum rugulosum (DC.) Boiss. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Glandular hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals Stem erect. Stem branching from base. Internode length 0.1– absent. Woolly hair on sepals present. Sepal length 0.3–1 cm. 0.5 cm. Basal leaves alternate. Leaves sessile to sub-sessile. Petal color blue, purple or pink. Petal outer surface glabrous. Leaves blade simple. Leaves oblong. Leaf surface smooth. Petal length 0.5–1.2 cm. Petal apex acute. Petal fusion Less Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins not prominent. Leaf than half the length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat without margin entire. Leaf apex obtuse. Simple hairs on leaves absent. scales. No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal filaments Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves pre- reduced. Appendix on anther present. Anthers sagittate. Style sent. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves glabrous. Style terminal. Style inserted. Style undivided. absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Inflorescence raceme. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flow- Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. ers/bract less than 8. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle as long as calyx or shorter. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of Trichodesma africanum (L.) R.Br. var. heterotrichum Bornm. & calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular Kneuk. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching hairs on sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals absent. Woolly from base. Internode length 1–5 cm. Basal leaves opposite. hair on sepals present. Sepal length 0.2–0.5 cm. Petal color Leaves pedicelled. Leaves blade simple. Leaves lanceolate. blue, purple or pink. Petal outer surface glabrous. Petal length Leaf surface wrinkled. Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins 0.4–0.6 cm. Petal apex obtuse. Petal fusion Less than half the prominent. Leaf margin entire. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on length. Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat covered with scales. leaves absent. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on No. of stamens 5. Anthers included. Staminal filaments leaves present. Hispid hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on reduced. Appendix on anther absent. Anthers not sagittate. leaves absent. Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Style glabrous. Style gynobasic. Style inserted. Style undivided. Inflorescence circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flow- Stigma capitate-globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. ers/bract less than 8. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle much longer Ovary glabrous. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore present. than calyx. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs on Trichodesma africanum (L.) R.Br. var. abyssinicum Brand in sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals absent. Woolly hair on Engl. Plant herb. Stem hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching from sepals present. Sepal length 0.3–0.8 cm. Petal color blue, purple base. Internode length 5–8 cm. Basal leaves opposite. Leaves or pink. Petal outer surface glabrous. Petal length 0.5–1 cm. pedicelled. Leaves blade simple. Leaves lanceolate. Leaf sur- Petal apex acute. Petal fusion Less than half the length. Petal face wrinkled. Base of leaf blade symmetric. Leaf veins lobes equal. Corolla throat without scales. No. of stamens 5.
  16. 82 A. El-Gazzar et al. Anthers included. Staminal filaments reduced. Appendix on remaining 5 genera and 9 species could be located in the two anther present. Anthers sagittate. Style hairy. Style terminal. major herbaria in Egypt CAI and CAIM. However, if at any Style inserted. Style undivided. Stigma capitate-globose. future time specimens of any of these missing genera and spe- Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary hairy. Nectar disk pre- cies are re-discovered in the country, the data matrix on which sent. Gynophore absent. the present key is based can be expanded to accommodate them together with their characters and a re-run of the Trichodesma ehrenbergii Schweinf. Plant woody shrub. Stem DELTA package of key-generating programs would produce hairy. Stem erect. Stem branching from base. Internode length the updated key and descriptions. 2–4.9 cm. Basal leaves opposite. Leaves pedicelled. Leaves blade simple. Leaves ovate. Leaf surface wrinkled. Base of leaf Appendix A blade symmetric. Leaf veins prominent. Leaf margin entire. Leaf apex acute. Simple hairs on leaves absent. Glandular hairs on leaves absent. Bulbs hairs on leaves present. Hispid List of taxa and collection data of the 14 genera and 49 species hairs on leaves absent. Woolly hairs on leaves absent. representing the Boraginaceae in the flora of Egypt and Bracteoles present. Bracteoles enclosing calyx. Inflorescence used in key-generation. Genera and species are arranged circinnate. Inflorescence leafless. Number of flowers/bract less alphabetically. than 8. Flower pedicelled. Pedicle much longer than calyx. Sepal fusion Less than half the length. Apex of calyx lobes acute. Simple hairs on sepals present. Glandular hairs on No. Taxa Collection data sepals absent. Hispid hairs on sepals absent. Woolly hair on 1 Alkanna tinctoria Tausch. Gunnar Ta¨ckholm, sepals present. Sepal length 0.2–0.5 cm. Petal color blue, pur- 26/3/1927, Abukir; CAI ple or pink. Petal outer surface glabrous. Petal length 0.4– 2 Alkanna orientalis (L.) Boiss. A. El Hadidy, 19/8/1982, 0.6 cm. Petal apex acute. Petal fusion Less than half the length. Wadi el Arbain, S. Sinai; Petal lobes equal. Corolla throat without scales. No. of sta- CAI. mens 5. Anthers included. Staminal filaments reduced. Nabil El Hdidy, 10/5/1965, outside the monastery of st. Appendix on anther present. Anthers sagittate. Style hairy. Catherine; CAI. Style terminal. Style inserted. Style undivided. Stigma 3 Alkanna strigosa Boiss. & Zohary & Jaffe, 17/2/1931, capitate-globose. Stigma as long as style or shorter. Ovary Hohen. Jerusalem, eastern slopes of hairy. Nectar disk absent. Gynophore absent. Mt. Scopus; CAI 4 Anchusa aegyptiaca (L.) DC. Adel Gazzar, March 1973, Amria; CAI Discussion 5 Anchusa hispida Forssk. Loutfy Boulos, 28/4/1955, 3 km north of El-Arish; CAI. Comparison between the key resulting from the present study A. Kadry, Spring 1964, and previous keys to genera and species of the Boraginaceae in Arabia: Khurais Rd., 75 km Egypt reveals the numerous advantages of the former over the from Riyadh; CAI. latters. The present key is based on a much wider range of Ta¨ckholm, et al., 2/6/1964, characters from vegetative and floral morphology. The charac- Ras El-Hekma; CAI ters were recorded and used in key generation in a strictly com- 6 Anchusa humilis (Desf.) I.M. Alaa Amer, 20/3/1987, Johnst. Alexandria; CAI parative way, so that alternative entries of any couplet in the 7 Anchusa milleri Spreng. M. Kassas, 26/2/1964, Wadi key are distinguished from each other by means of contrasting Amloug 50 km south of character-states of the same character or set of characters. The Suez; CAI prelude to the key shows that of the 54 characters recorded for 8 Anchusa undulata L. ssp. Amal Amin, 13-14/3/1952, each of the 49 taxa, only 34 were sufficient to generate the key hybrida (Ten.) Beg. In Beg & Mariut; CAI successfully with a surplus of 20 characters. All 54 characters Mustafa Imam, 22/3/1965, are included in the detailed description of every taxon, thus Alexandria-Burg El Arab serving the all-important function of confirming the identity road; CAI. of these taxa. In fact, the number of confirmatory characters Christina Brydolf, 12/3/1969, is much greater than the number of surplus characters. For Cyrene, Cyrenaica (Libya); CAI. example, the name of the last taxon in the key would be 9 Arnebia decumbens (Vent.) Botany Dept. Excursion, reached by only 10 characters so that the confirmatory charac- Coss. & Kralik var. 2/5/1955, Ras El Hekma; ters in the detailed description of that taxon would be 44. decumbens CAI. Other species will be identified with much fewer characters: 10 Arnebia decumbens (Vent.) M. N. Shourbagy, June 1956, the name Heliotropium hirsutissimum will be reached by only Coss. & Kralik var. Hamadan, west of Tehran, two characters because of its ovate leaves (couplet 1) and hairy macrocalyx Coss. & Iran; CAI. staminal filaments (couplet 33). Loutfy Boulos, W. Jallad According to Boulos (2002), the Boraginaceae is repre- and J. Lahham, 11/4/1974, sented in the Egyptian flora by 19 genera and 58 species with 35 km NE of H-4; CAI. a number of infra-specific taxa, but the present key comprises 11 Arnebia hispidissima (Lehm.) K. H. Batanouny, 22/1/1990, DC. Hurgada-Safaga Road; CAI only 49 species representing 14 genera. No specimens of the
  17. Computer-generated keys to the flora of Egypt 83 No. Taxa Collection data No. Taxa Collection data 12 Arnebia linearifolia DC. A. El Hadidy, 3/4/1980, 30 Heliotropium hirsutissimum Gwaine, 16/6/1907, Sporting Cairo-Alexandria desert Grauer in Weber Club, Alexandria; CAI. Road 160 km far from Cairo; Vivi Ta¨ckholm, July 1962, CAI. Tulkarm, Jordan; CAI. 13 Arnebia tinctoria Forssk. Nabil El Hadidi & K. H. 31 Heliotropium lasiocarpum Imam, Ibrahim, Mahdi and Batanouny, 2/3/1956, Suez Fisch. & C.A. Mey. Sisi, 31/10/1971, 5 km south Road; CAI. of Rosetta; CAI. 14 Asperugo procumbens L. A. El Hadidy, 24/4/1983, Adel Gazzar, 1/6/1975, Gebel Catherine, St. Faculty of Science Garden, Catherine S. Sinai; CAI. Alexandria; CAI. 15 Buglossoides incrassata E. K. Balls & W. B. Garlay, Ibrahim El-Garf, 28/4/1955, (Guss.) I.M. Johnst. 2/5/1934, Asia Minor Wadi Araba; CAI. (Turkey); CAI. 32 Heliotropium ovalifolium M. Kassas, et al. E39(a), 16 Buglossoides tenuiflora (L.f.) Christina Brydolf, 22/2/1970, Forssk. E35, 7/12/1967, Jebel I.M. Johnst. 20 km north Tan-Tan, Avitola-Khor Tagando, Morocco; CAI. Kassala, Sudan; CAI 17 Coldenia procumbens L. J. R. Shabetai, Z4478, 33 Heliotropium pterocarpum Vivi Ta¨ckholm et al. 1495a., 15/10/1941, around Lake (DC.) Hochst. & Steud. Ex 5/2/1962, Mouth of Wadi Faruk, Kom Oshim, Fayum; Bunge Laseitit, Gebel Elba; CAI. CAI. Vivi Taeckholm et al., 18 Echiochilon fruticosum Desf. Vivi Taecholm, 16/2/1965, 9/2/1962, Gebel Elba; CAI. Burg el Arab – Alamein 34 Heliotropium ramosissimum M. Kassas et al. 410, road; CAI. (Lehm.) Sieb. Ex DC. 10/12/1966, Khor Gwab, 19 Echium angustifolium Mill. Vivi Ta¨ckholm, I. Elsayed Red Sea, Sudan; CAI. ssp. angustifolium and M. El Mahdi, 7/4/1967, 35 Heliotropium strigosum M. Kassas 75, 12/10/1953, Iking Mariut; CAI. Willd. Var brevifolium (Wal.) Merkheat Hills, Sudan; CAI. Amal Amin 13/3/1972, Burg C.B. Vivi Ta¨ckholm et al., 1025, el Arab; CAI. 28/1/1962, Gebel Elba; CAI. 20 Echium angustifolium Mill. Ibrahim El-Garf, 29/12/1989, V. Ta¨ckholm et al., 928. Ssp sericeum (Vahl) Sidi Barrani; CAI. 28/1/1962, Wadi Mawaw, 21 Echium horridum Batt. Vivi Ta¨ckholm, et al., Gebel Elba; CAI. 6/2/1961, Bir Hafafit, Red 36 Heliotropium supinum L. Nabil El Hadidy, 22/7/1954, Sea Coast; CAI. on the drain, near Tukh, 22 Echium rauwolfii Delile Vivi Ta¨ckholm, L. Boulos, Qalubeya; CAI. and M. Zahran, 14- 37 Heliotropium zeylanicum Gunnar Ta¨ckholm, 23– 18/11/1963 and 11/2/1964, (Burm. F.) Lam. 27/1/1929, Gebel Elba; CAI Aniba (near Aswan) and 38 Heliotropium curassavicum Ta¨ckholm, Nabil and Imam, Kom Ombo; CAI. L. 3/9/1966, Wadi Digla, near 23 Echium rubrum Forssk Christina Brydolf, April Maadi; CAI 1968, Leptis Magna, Libya; 39 Lappula sinaica (DC.) Asch. Schweinfurth, (original burnt CAI. & Schweinf. in Berlin); CAI. Ibrahim El-Garf, April 1999, 40 Lappula spinocarpos M. Imam, 4/4/1957, Suez Wadi Hashem, 48 km before (Forssk.) Asch. ex Kuntze desert Road; CAI. Mersa Matruh; CAI. var spinocarpos 24 Echium sabulicolum Pomel A. G. Fahmy 1084, 2/5/1988, 41 Lappula spinocarpos Loutfy Boulos 8757, var sabulicolum Mersa Matruh-Sallum Road (Forssk.) Asch. ex Kuntze 7/5/1976, University 60 km east of Sallum; CAI. var inermis Botsch. Campus, Al-Jubaiha, 25 Heliotropium aegyptiacum R. Muschler, 4/1904, Idfu; near Amman, Lehm. CAI. Jordan; CAI. Dr. Pfund, (1875–1876), 42 Moltkiopsis ciliata (Forssk.) Wafaa Amer, Gebel Libna, Dongola, Soudan; CAI. I.M. Johnst. N. Sinai; CAI. 26 Heliotropium arabinense Gaher, 17/3/1957, Burg el 43 Nonea vivianii DC. Loutfy Boulos, 24/3/1955, Fresen. Arab; CAI Khan Yunis, Palestine; CAI. 27 Heliotropium bacciferum M. Kassas, 26/2/1964, 60 km Loutfy Boulos 2256, Forssk. ssp. bacciferum var. south of Suez; CAI. 13/3/1968, Al-Tamimi, bacciferum East Derna, Gebel Akhdar, 28 Heliotropium bacciferum Loutfy Boulos, 27/5/1961, Libya; CAI. Forssk ssp bacciferum var Grand Canaries; CAI. 44 Paracaryum intermedium Azza El Hadidy, 23/4/1983, erosum Hadidy in Boulos (Fresen.) Lipsky S. Sinai, Wadi Tala; CAI. 29 Heliotropium digynum Adel Gazzar, 5/2/1973, Adel Gazzar, Feb. 1993, (Forssk.) Asch. Ex C. Chr. Nekhel, Central Sinai; CAI. El Hasana, C. Sinai; Wafaa Amer, 28/3/2005, Bir CAI. El-Abd, N. Sinai; CAI. (continued on next page)
  18. 84 A. El-Gazzar et al. Boulos, L., 2002. Flora of Egypt. In: Verbenaceae-Compositae, vol. 3. No. Taxa Collection data Al Hadara Publishing, Cairo, 373 pp. 45 Paracaryum rugulosum (DC.) L. Boulos, David Addiss and Clarke, C.G.S., 1977. The Northwest European Pollen Flora: 10. Boiss. Mazin Qumsiyeh, 8718, Boraginaceae. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 24 (2), 59–101. 2/5/1976, Wadi Bayir, Coutinho, A.P., Castro, S., Carbajal, R., Ortiz, S., Serrano, M., 2012. Jordan; CAI. Pollen morphology of the genus Omphalodes Mill. (Cynoglosseae, 46 Trichodesma africanum (L.) Kassas et al., 287, Boraginaceae). Grana 51 (3), 194–205. R.Br. var abyssinicum Brand 11/12/1965, Golol, Sudan; Dallwitz, M.J., 2010. Overview of the DELTA system. . Dale Osborn & Ibrahim Dallwitz, M.J., Paine, T.A., 2005. Definition of the DELTA format. Helmy, 10/4/1967, Gebel . Uwainat, Wadi el Brins; CAI. Dallwitz, M.J., Paine, T.A., Zurcher, E.J., 1993 onwards. User’s Guide 47 Trichodesma africanum (L.) 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