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Darboux coordinates on k-orbits of lie algebras

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We prove that the existence of the normal polarization associated with a linear functional on the Lie algebra is necessary and sufficient for the linear transition to local canonical Darboux coordinates (p, q) on the coadjoint orbit.

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DARBOUX COORDINATES ON K-ORBITS<br /> OF LIE ALGEBRAS<br /> Nguyen Viet Hai<br /> Faculty of Mathematics, Haiphong University<br /> Abstract. We prove that the existence of the normal polarization associated with a linear<br /> functional on the Lie algebra is necessary and sufficient for the linear transition to local<br /> canonical Darboux coordinates (p, q) on the coadjoint orbit.<br /> <br /> 1<br /> <br /> Introduction<br /> <br /> The method of orbits discovered in the pioneering works of Kirillov (see [K]) is a universal<br /> base for performing harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces and for constructing new<br /> methods of integrating linear differential equations. Here we describle co-adjoint Orbits O<br /> (the K-orbit) of a Lie algebra via linear algebraic methods. We deduce that in Darboux<br /> coordinates (p, q) every element F ∈ g = Lie G can be considered as a function F˜ on O,<br /> linear on pa ’s-coordinates, i.e.<br /> F˜ =<br /> <br /> n<br /> <br /> <br /> αia (q)pa + χi (q).<br /> <br /> (1)<br /> <br /> i=1<br /> <br /> Our main result is Theorem 3.2 in which we show that the existence of a normal polarization associated with a linear functional ξ is necessary and sufficient for the existence of local<br /> canonical Darboux coordinates (p, q) on the K-orbit Oξ such that the transition to these coordinates is linear in the “momenta” as equation (1). For the good strata, namely families of with<br /> some good enough parameter space, of coadjoint orbits, there exist always continuous fields<br /> of polarizations (in the sense of the representation theory), satisfying Pukanski conditions: for<br /> each orbit Oξ and any point ξ in it, the affine subspace, orthogonal to some polarizations with<br /> respect to the symplectic form is included in orbits themselves, i.e.<br /> ξ + H ⊥ ⊂ Oξ ,<br /> <br /> dim H = n −<br /> <br /> 1<br /> dim Oξ .<br /> 2<br /> <br /> In the next section, we construct K-orbits via linear algebraic methods. In Section 3 we<br /> consider Darboux coordinates on K-orbits of Lie algebras and give the proof of Theorem 3.2.<br /> <br /> 2<br /> <br /> The description of K-orbits via linear algebraic methods<br /> <br /> Let G be a real connected n-dimensional Lie group and G be its Lie algebra. The action<br /> of the adjoint representation Ad∗ of the Lie group defines a fibration of the dual space G ∗<br /> into even-dimensional orbits (the K-orbits). The maximum dimension of a K-orbit is n − r,<br /> where r is the index (ind G) of the Lie algebra defined as the dimension of the annihilator of<br /> 1<br /> <br /> a general covector. We say that a linear functional (a covector) ξ has the degeneration degree<br /> s if it belongs to a K-orbit Oξ of the dimension dim Oξ = n − r − 2s, s = 0...., (n − r)/2.<br /> We decompose the space G ∗ into a sum of nonintersecting invariant algebraic surfaces<br /> Ms consisting of K-orbits with the same dimension. This can be done as follows. We let fi<br /> denote the coordinates of the covector F in the dual basis, F = fi ei with ei , ej  = δji , where<br /> {ej } is the basis of G. The vector fields on G ∗<br /> Yi (F ) ≡ Cij (F )<br /> <br /> ∂<br /> ,<br /> ∂fj<br /> <br /> Cij (F ) ≡ Cijk fk<br /> <br /> are generators of the transformation group G acting on the space G ∗ , and their linear span<br /> therefore constitutes the space TF Oξ tangent to the orbit Oξ running through the point F .<br /> Thus, the dimension of the orbit Oξ is determined by the rank of the matrix Cij ,<br /> dim Oξ = rank Cij (ξ).<br /> It can be easily verified that the rank of Cij is constant over the orbit. Therefore, we obtain<br /> polynomial equations that define a surface Ms ,<br /> M0 = {F ∈ G ∗ | ¬(λ1 (F ) = 0)};<br /> Ms = {F ∈ G ∗ | λs (F ) = 0, ¬(λs+1 (F ) = 0)}, s = 1, . . . ,<br /> M n−r = {F ∈ G ∗ | λ<br /> 2<br /> <br /> n−r<br /> 2<br /> <br /> n−r<br /> − 1;<br /> 2<br /> <br /> (F ) = 0}.<br /> <br /> Here, we let λs (F ) denote the collection of all minors of Cij (F ) of the size n − r − 2s + 2,<br /> the condition λs (F ) = 0 indicates that all the minors of Cij (F ) of the size n − r − 2s + 2<br /> vanish at the point F , and ¬(λs (f ) = 0) means that the corresponding minors do not vanish<br /> simultaneously at F .<br /> The space Ms can also be defined as the set of points F where all the polyvectors of degree<br /> n − r − 2s + 1 of the form Yi1 (F ) ∧ . . . ∧ Yin−r−2s+1 (F ) vanish, but not all the polyvectors of<br /> degree n − r − 2s − 1 vanish.<br /> We note that in the general case, the surface Ms consists of several nonintersecting invariant components, which we distinguish with subscripts as Ms = Msa ∪ Msb . . . . (To avoid<br /> stipulating each time that the space Ms is not connected, we assume the convention that s in<br /> parentheses, (s), denotes a specific type of the orbit with the degeneration degree s.) Each<br /> (s)<br /> component M(s) is defined by the corresponding set of homogeneous polynomials λα (F )<br /> satisfying the conditions<br /> Yi λ(s)<br /> (2)<br /> α (F )|λ(s) (F )=0 = 0.<br /> Although the invariant algebraic surfaces M(s) are not linear spaces, they are star sets, i.e.,<br /> F ∈ M(s) , implies tF ∈ M(s) for t ∈ R1 .<br /> The dual space G ∗ has a degenerate linear Poisson bracket<br /> {ϕ, ψ}(F ) ≡ F, [∇ϕ(F ), ∇ψ(F )];<br /> (s)<br /> <br /> ϕ, ψ ∈ C ∞(G ∗ ).<br /> <br /> (3)<br /> <br /> The functions Kµ (F ) that are nonconstant on M(s) are called the (s)-type Casimir functions<br /> if they commute with any function on M(s) .<br /> 2<br /> <br /> (s)<br /> <br /> The (s)-type Casimir functions Kµ (F ) can be found from the equations<br /> (s)<br /> ∂Kµ (F ) <br /> Cij (F )<br /> = 0,<br /> <br /> ∂fj<br /> F ∈M(s)<br /> <br /> i = 1, . . . , n.<br /> <br /> (4)<br /> <br /> It is obvious that the number r(s) of independent (s)-type Casimir functions is related to the<br /> dimension of the space M(s) as r(s) = dim M(s) + 2s + r − n. Because M(s) are star spaces, we<br /> (s)<br /> can assume without loss of generality that the Casimir functions Kµ (F ) are homogeneous,<br /> (s)<br /> <br /> (s)<br /> ∂Kµ (F )<br /> (s)<br /> (s)<br /> mµ<br /> fi = m(s)<br /> K<br /> (F<br /> )<br /> ⇐⇒<br /> K<br /> (tF<br /> )<br /> =<br /> t<br /> Kµ(s) (F );<br /> µ<br /> µ<br /> µ<br /> ∂fi<br /> <br /> µ = 1, . . . , r(s) .<br /> <br /> In the general case, the Casimir functions are multivalued (for example, if the orbit space<br /> G ∗ /G is not semiseparable, the Casimir functions are infinitely valued), hi what follows, we<br /> use the term ”Casimir function” to mean a certain fixed branch of the multivalued function<br /> (s)<br /> (s)<br /> Kµ . In the general case, the Casimir functions Kµ are only locally invariant under the<br /> (s)<br /> (s)<br /> coadjoint representation, i.e., the equality Kµ (Ad∗g F ) = Kµ (F ) holds for the elements g<br /> belonging to some neighborhood of unity in the group G.<br /> Remark. Without going into detail, we note that the spaces M(s) are critical surfaces for<br /> some polynomial (s − 1)-type Casimir functions, which gives a simple and efficient way to<br /> construct the functions λ(s) .<br /> We now let Ω(s) ⊂ Rr(s) denote the set of values of the mapping K (s) : M(s) → Rr(s) and<br /> (s)<br /> introduce a locally invariant subset Oω as the level surface,<br /> Oω(s) = {F ∈ M(s) | Kµ(s) (F ) = ωµ(s) , µ = 1, . . . , r(s) ; ω (s) ∈ Ω(s) }.<br /> (s)<br /> <br /> The dimension of Oω is the same as the dimension of the orbit Oξ ∈ M(s) , where ω (s) =<br /> K (s) (F ). If the Casimir functions are single valued, the orbit space in separable, and the set<br /> (s)<br /> Oω then consists of a denumerable (typically, finite) number or orbits; accordingly, we call<br /> this level surface the Strata of orbits.<br /> The space G ∗ thus consists of the union of connected invariant nonintersecting algebraic<br /> (s)<br /> surfaces M(s) ; these, in turn, are union of the Strata of orbits Oω :<br /> <br />  <br /> G∗ =<br /> M(s) =<br /> Oω(s) .<br /> (5)<br /> (s) ω (s) ∈Ω(s)<br /> <br /> (s)<br /> <br /> Example 1. (see [H3]): The so called real diamond Lie algebra is the 4-dimensional solvable<br /> Lie algebra g with basis e1 , e2 , e3 , e4 satisfying the following commutation relations:<br /> [e1 , e2 ] = e3 , [e4 , e1 ] = −e1 , [e4 , e2 ] = e2 , [e3 , e1 ] = [e3 , e2 ] = [e4 , e3 ] = 0.<br /> The real diamond Lie algebra is isomorphic to R4 as vector spaces. We identify its dual vector<br /> space g∗ with R4 with the help of the dual basis e1 , e2 , e3 , e4 and with the local coordinates<br /> as (α, β, γ, δ). Denote K-orbit of G in g, passing through F by O = {K(g)F |g ∈ G}, with<br /> K(g)F, U  = F, Ad(g −1 )U, ∀F ∈ g∗ , g ∈ G and U ∈ g. By a direct computation one<br /> obtains (see [H3]):<br /> 3<br /> <br /> i. Each point of the line α = β = γ = 0 is a 0-dimensional co-adjoint orbit Oδ =<br /> (0, 0, 0, δ).<br /> ii. The set α = 0, β = γ = 0 is union of 2-dimensional co-adjoint orbits, which are just<br /> half-planes<br /> Oα = {(f1 , 0, 0, f4 ) | f1 , f4 ∈ R, αf1 > 0}<br /> iii. The set α = γ = 0, β = 0 is union of 2-dimensional co-adjoint orbits, which are just<br /> half-planes<br /> Oβ = {(0, f2 , 0, f4 ) | f2 , f4 ∈ R, βf2 > 0}.<br /> iv. The set αβ = 0, γ = 0 is decomposed into a family of 2-dimensional co-adjoint orbits,<br /> which are just hyperbolic-cylinders<br /> Oαβ = {(f1 , f2 , 0, f4 ) |f1 , f2 , f4 ∈ R & αf1 > 0, βf2 > 0, f1 f2 = αβ}.<br /> v. The open set γ = 0 is decomposed into a family of 2-dimensional co-adjoint orbits ,<br /> which are just hyperbolic- paraboloids<br /> Oγ = {(f1 , f2 , γ, f4 ) |f1 , f2 , f4 ∈ R & f1 f2 − γf4 = αβ − γf4 )}.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> In this example, G ∗ = (s) M(s) = Oδ Oα Oβ Oαβ Oγ , each Strata consists of several<br /> K-orbits.<br /> We now consider the quotient space B(s) = M(s) /G, whose points are the orbits Oξ ∈ M(s) .<br /> It is obvious that dim B(s) = r(s) . We introduce local coordinates j on B(s) . For this, we<br /> parameterize an (s)-covector ξ ∈ M(s) by real-valued parameters j = (j1 , . . . , jr(s) ), assuming<br /> that ξ depends linearly on j (this can be done because M(s) is a star surface): ξ = ξ(j) with<br /> (s)<br /> <br /> λ(s)<br /> α (ξ(j)) ≡ 0,<br /> <br /> Kµ(s) (ξ(j)) = ωµ(s) (j),<br /> <br /> det<br /> <br /> ∂ωµ (j)<br /> = 0.<br /> ∂jν<br /> <br /> Elementary examples show that global parameterization does not exist on the whole of M(s)<br /> in general, i.e., the manifold B(s) is not covered by one chart. In this case, we define an<br /> atlas of charts on B(s) and parameterize the corresponding connected invariant nonintersecting<br /> A<br /> B<br /> subsets M(s)<br /> , M(s)<br /> , . . . with a nonvanishing measure in M(s) as follows:<br /> A<br /> B<br /> M(s) = M(s)<br /> ∪ M(s)<br /> ∪ ....<br /> <br /> (6)<br /> <br /> The corresponding domains of values J A , J B , . . . of the j parameters then satisfy the relation<br /> Ω(s) = ω (s) (J A ) ∪ ω (s) (J B ) ∪ . . ..<br /> We illustrate decomposition (6) with a simple example.<br /> Example 2. (The group SO(2, 1)).<br /> In the case of the algebra so(2, 1), [e1 , e2 ] = e2 , [e2 , e3 ] = 2e1 , and [e3 , e1 ] = e3 . Decomposition (5) becomes<br /> Oω0 = {f12 + f2 f3 = ω, ¬(F = 0)},<br /> 4<br /> <br /> O1 = {F = 0}.<br /> <br /> For ω > 0, the class Oω0 consists of two orbits. For nondegenerate orbits, Ω = R1 . There is<br /> no single parameterization in this case. Indeed, the most general form of the parameterization<br /> ξ(j) = (a1 j, a2 j, a3 j) (where ai , are some numbers) leads to ω(j) = aj 2 , where a = a21 +a2 a3 ,<br /> and therefore (depending on the sign of a) ω(j) is always greater than zero, less than zero, or<br /> equal to zero, i.e., ω(R1 ) = Ω. We introduce two spectral types,<br /> type A : ξ(j) = (0, j, j);<br /> <br /> J A = [0, ∞);<br /> <br /> type B : ξ(j) = (0, j, −j);<br /> <br /> 3<br /> <br /> J B = (0, ∞);<br /> <br /> 0A<br /> Oω(j)<br /> = {f12 + f2 f3 = j 2 , F = 0};<br /> 0B<br /> Oω(j)<br /> = {f12 + f2 f3 = −j 2 , F = 0}.<br /> <br /> Darboux coordinates<br /> <br /> We let ωξ denote the Kirillov form on the orbit Oξ . It defines a symplectic structure and acts<br /> on the vectors a and b tangent to the orbit as<br /> ωξ (a, b) = ξ, [α, β],<br /> where a = ad∗α ξ and b = ad∗β ξ. The restriction of Poisson brackets (3) to the orbit coincides<br /> with the Poisson bracket generated by the symplectic form ωξ . According to the well-known<br /> Darboux theorem, there exist local canonical coordinates (Darboux coordinates) on the orbit<br /> Oξ such that the form ωξ becomes<br /> ωξ = dpa ∧ dq a ;<br /> <br /> a = 1, . . . ,<br /> <br /> 1<br /> n−r<br /> dim Oξ =<br /> − s,<br /> 2<br /> 2<br /> <br /> where s is the degeneration degree of the orbit.<br /> Let ξ be an (s)-type covector and F = (f1 , f2 , ...) ∈ Oξ . It can be easily seen that the<br /> transition to canonical Darboux coordinates (fi ) → (pa , q a ) amounts to constructing analytic<br /> functions fi = fi (q, p, ξ) of the variables (p, q) satisfying the following conditions:<br /> fi (0, 0, ξ) = ξi ;<br /> <br /> (7)<br /> <br /> ∂fi (q, p, ξ) ∂fj (q, p, ξ) ∂fj (q, p, ξ) ∂fi (q, p, ξ)<br /> −<br /> = Cijk fk (q, p, ξ);<br /> ∂pa<br /> ∂q a<br /> ∂pa<br /> ∂q a<br /> <br /> (8)<br /> <br /> λ(s)<br /> α (F (q, p, ξ)) = 0,<br /> <br /> Kµ(s) (F (q, p, ξ)) = Kµ(s) (ξ).<br /> <br /> (9)<br /> <br /> We require that the transition to the canonical coordinates be linear in pa ,<br /> fi (q, p, ξ) = αia (q)pa + χi (q, ξ);<br /> <br /> rank αia (q) =<br /> <br /> 1<br /> dim Oξ .<br /> 2<br /> <br /> (10)<br /> <br /> Obviously, a transition of form (10) does not exist in the general case; however, assuming<br /> that αia (q) and χi (q; ξ) are holomorphic functions of the complex variables q, we considerably<br /> broaden the class of Lie algebras and K-orbits for which this transition does exist.<br /> Let Xi (x) = Xia (x)∂xa be transformation group generators that generate an n-dimensional<br /> Lie algebra G of vector fields on a homogeneous space M = G/H : [Xi , Xj ] = Cijk Xk (here<br /> and in what follows, xa (a = 1, . . . , m = dim M ), are local coordinates of a point x ∈ M ); H<br /> 5<br /> <br />



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