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Đề tài : Nhà máy lọc dầu Dung Quất

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Nhà máy lọc dầu Dung Quất, thuộc Khu kinh tế Dung Quất, là nhà máy lọc dầu đầu tiên của Việt Nam xây dựng thuộc địa phận xã Bình Thuận và Bình Trị, huyện Bình Sơn, tỉnh Quảng Ngãi.[1] Đây là một trong những dự án kinh tế lớn, trọng điểm quốc gia của Việt Nam trong giai đoạn đầu thế kỷ 21.

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: Đề tài : Nhà máy lọc dầu Dung Quất

  2. DUNG QUAT REFINERY  Site  12 km in the East of No 1 national road  7 km from Chu Lai Airport, 100km from Da Nang  38 km from Quang Ngai Town  The Site is bounded by Dung Quat Bay to the North and Viet Thanh Bay to the South  Quang Ngai Province Area: 5,131.51 km2 Population: 1,198,500 (1999)
  3. DUNG QUAT REFINERY  Capacity:  6.5 million tons crude oil/annum (148,000 BPSD)  Feedstock:  Sweet case: Bach Ho Crude Oil  Sour Case: Mix Bach Ho + Dubai (5.5/1)  Capital investment $3.0 billion.
  4. DUNG QUAT REFINERY Main products (meet ASEAN standards):  LPG  Polypropylene  Unleaded Gasoline (RON 83 and 92)  Jet Fuel (Jet A1)/ Burning Kerosene  Auto Diesel and Industrial Diesel  Fuel Oil
  5. DUNG QUAT REFINERY  Package 1: Refinery Inside Battery Limit  Package 2: Crude Tank Farm  Package 3: Product Tankage, Truck Loading, Interconnecting Pipeline, Product Export berth  Package 4: Single Point Mooring (SPM)  Package 5A: Breakwater  Package 5B: Jetty  Package 7: Administration Building
  6. DUNG QUAT REFINERY Plot Plant: 36 ha 40 ha 4 ha 27 ha 125 ha 232 ha (Add. 135 ha for Product Harbor Service Area)
  7. DUNG QUAT REFINERY EPC Package 1 (Refinery Inside Battery Limit)  Includes: Process Units, Utility and Offsite facilities  Main Process Units:  Crude Distillation Unit (CDU)  Kerosene Treating Unit (KTU)  Naphtha Hydrotreating Unit (NHT)  Continuous Catalytic Reforming Unit (CCR)  Residue Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit (RFCC)  LPG Treating Unit (LTU)  RFCC Naphtha Treating Unit (NTU)  Propylene Recovery Unit (PRU)
  8. DUNG QUAT REFINERY EPC Package 2: Crude Tankage  Stores Crude Oil imported through SPM  Includes six floating roof tanks with total working capacity: 390,000 m3  Capacity is equal to 11 day's operation at the design CDU feed rate ( 148,000 BPSD) + maximum parcel size (110,000 DWT).
  9. DUNG QUAT REFINERY EPC package 3: Product Tankage, Truck Loading, Jetty Topsides, Interconnecting pipeline  Stores and exports products  Includes:  27 tanks with total working capacity: 397,000 m3 to store and dispatch products via Jetty Topsides, Truck Loading and Product Pipeline  Interconnecting Pipelines: totally 10 km (7km from the Refinery to the Product Tankage and 3km from the Product Tankage to the Product Export Berths  Jetty: Loading arms, MOV valves, slop tanks, drains, etc., as well as on-shore facilities including custody transfer flowmeters, safety valves, etc.
  10. DUNG QUAT REFINERY EPC Package 4: single point Mooring (SPM)  Import Crude Oil from Tanker  The SPM Unit comprises of  Single Point Mooring Buoy  Interconnecting hoses  PLEM  submarine pipeline  The SPM buoy is located approximately 3.2km off-shore in Viet Thanh bay.
  11. DUNG QUAT REFINERY EPC Package 5A: Beak water  Keep the Loading Operations in good condition  The Breakwater of about 1.6km long
  12. DUNG QUAT REFINERY EPC Package 5B: Product Export Berths  Harbour for product export operations  Includes:  2 Ocean Tankers Berths (Berths 1 and 2) provide capability for ocean tankers in the range of 15,000 to 30,000 dead weight tonnage (DWT) with facility expandable to 50,000 DWT.  4 Coastal Tankers Berths (Berths 3, 4, 5, 6) provide capability for coastal tankers in the range of 1,000 to 5,000 dead weight tonnage (DWT) with facility expandable to 30,000 DWT.
  13. DUNG QUAT REFINERY EPC Package 7: Administration Building  Operation Supports  Consists of:  Administration Building  Fire Station/Gas Rescue Station  Canteen/Shop/ Laundry Building  First Aid Station  Maintenance Shop;  Garage Facilities/Motor Pool Building
  14. DUNG QUAT REFINERY Products Balance, tons/year BMD BMG MMD MMG Propylene 108,333 157,000 111,000 147,666 LPG 286,000 343,667 276,333 307,000 Gasoline A92 (unlead) 1,407,667 1,952,333 1,534,333 2,081,667 Gasoline A83 (unlead) 534,667 718,000 407,667 515,667 Kerosene/Jet A1 282,333 219,667 219,667 219,667 Auto Diesel 2,084,333 2,115,667 2,225,333 2,321,000 Industrial Diesel 1,327,000 430,000 252,000 30,000 FO 115,667 177,000 1,131,667 466,000 Product Total 6,146,000 6,113,000 6,158,000 6,088,667 Lost and consumed 354,000 386,667 342,000 441,333 Total 6,500,000 6,500,000 6,500,000 6,500,000
  16. DUNG QUAT REFINERY LPG + FG RFCC LPG LTU LPG PRU Propylene Gas Plant Mix C4 Note C3 Stabiliser Note LN LPG LPG Splitter Treated HN Reformate HN NHT CCR Mogas 92/83 Treated RFCC Naphtha SPM Kerosene KTU Jet A1 Kerosene CDU LGO Crude Tankage HGO RFCC Naphtha NTU LCO Residue RFCC Auto/Ind. Diesel DCO FO Note : Stabiliser and Naphtha Splitter are parts of CDU
  17. Crude Distillation Unit (CDU)  Capacity: 148,000 BPSD (6.5 millions TPA)  Duty: Split Crude Oil into a number of hydrocarbon fractions by distillation process  System:  Desalter  Fired Heater  Main Fractionators & associated Strippers  Stabilizers and Splitters
  18. Crude Distillation Unit (CDU) Product Streams:  Light Ends: To RFCC Gas Plant  Light Naphtha: To Mogas Blending  Heavy Naphtha: To NHT  Kerosene: To KTU/Kerosene Tankage  Light Gas Oil: To Diesel Blending  Heavy Gas Oil: To Diesel/Fuel Oil Blending  Residue: To RFCC
  19. Naphtha Hydrotreating Unit (NHT)  Capacity: 21,000 BPSD  Licensed by: UOP  Duty: Remove sulfur, chlorite, nitrogen, oxygen, metallic compounds in heavy naphtha stream taken from CDU process to protect CCR catalyst by Hydrotreating
  20. Naphtha Hydrotreating Unit (NHT)  A single fixed bed catalyst reactor  Catalyst: Co + Mo + Al2O3  Catalyst regeneration cycle life: >2 years  Treated naphtha: To CCR  Off-gas: To FG Amine Absorber at RFCC Gas Plant



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