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Đề thi số 14 Môn: Anh văn

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Nội dung Text: Đề thi số 14 Môn: Anh văn

  1. Đề thi số 14 Môn: Anh văn I. Phonetics: * Which word has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others? 1. A. played B. ranked C. stopped D. laughed 2. A. peace B. deal C. team D. great 3. A. chemical B. chamber C. character D. school * Which word has the different stress from the others? 4. A. outstanding B. excellent C. successful D. development 5. A. history B. position C. consider D. society II. Grammar - Vocabulary - Speaking: Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentence 6. If we are ____________, we will have a longer life expectancy. A. optimist B. optimism C. optimistically D. optimistic 7. ____________ electricity you use, ___________ your bill will be. A. The more - the higher B. The most - the higher C. More - higher D. The more - the high 8. A: “Would you like to go dancing with us tonight?” B: “______________.” A. Yes, I’d love to B. I want to go C. The time is OK D. Very delighted to meet you 9. Her performance ended in failure. ___________ , she managed to smile. A. Therefore B. However C. So that D. Consequently 10. My grandfather ____________ before I was born so I only saw him in pictures. A. died B. was died C. had died D. has died 11. You can borrow my car. I _____________ it at the moment. A. don’t use B. am not using C. won’t use D. haven’t used 12. The number of students who ___________ withdrawn from class this semester ___________ appalling. A. has - is B. have - are C. have - is D. has - are 13. A: “When do you want them?” B: “ _____________.” A. Last week B. Yes, of course C. Good afternoon D. As soon as possible 14. This regional sports event helps promote ____________, understanding and relations among countries in the Southeast Asian region. A. friends B. emotion C. co-operate D. cooperation 15. It’s no use ____________ a language if you don’t try to speak it. A. learning B. to learn C. learned D. learn 16. The poet ______________ name our school is named after is Cao Ba Quat. A. who B. whose C. which D. that 17. “ Did you go to college?” - “ Yes, I graduated ____________ the University of London.”
  2. A. for B. by C. from D. in 18. A: “I have some lucky money for you. Happy New Year!” B: “ _____________.” A. Good luck B. Have a nice day C. What a pity D. Great. Thanks 19. If I had known you were in hospital, I ___________ you. A. would visit B. will visit C. would have visit D. would have visited 20. Her suitcase was ___________ heavy that she could hardly lift it. A. such B. so C. very D. too 21. Developments in microtechnology are bound to have a huge ___________ on various aspects of our life. A. concentration B. contribution C. influence D. independence 22. ___________ summer I spent in ____________ USA was one of ___________ best in my life. A. The - a - the B. The - the - a C. The - the - the D. The - x - the 23. He’s never been to England before, ____________? A. is he B. hasn’t he C. isn’t he D. has he 24. Elephants are ___________ hunt ed for their ivory and tucks. A. legal B. illegal C. legally D. illegally 25. A: “____________” B: “ Thanks. My mother gave it to me on my birthday.” A. Oh, do you like this lovely watch? B. What a lovely watch you are wearing! C. I think this watch is lovely D. This lovely watch must be expensive 26. _____________ the rain, the square was full of cinema fans. A. Although B. Whatever C. Because D. In spite of 27. The environment is not so pure as it ____________. A. is used to be B. used to be C. is used to being D. was used to be 28. When the lights ____________, we couldn’t see anything. A. put out B. went out C. switched of D. turned down 29. A: “ ____________ a happy marriage should be based on love.” B: “ I definitely agree!” A. I really know B. As I see it C. Personally, I think D. Do you think 30. The Red List has been introduced to raise people’s ____________ of conservation needs. A. attitude B. opinion C. awareness D. idea III. Writing: * Find an error in each sentence that needs correcting
  3. 31. All the students in the class are enough good to pass the final exam. A B C D 32. He had not got any success since the time he began his work. A B C D 33. We mustn’t walk all the way home. We can get a taxi. A B CD 34. You had better to review the lessons carefully before the test. A B C D 35. Next year, I am going to get married with John and we are going to move to Bristol. A B C D * Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the original one given 36. We didn’t go out because it rained. A. If it didn’t rain, we would go out. B. If it hadn’t rained, we would go out. C. If it didn’t rain, we would have gone out. D. If it hadn’t rained, we would have gone out. 37. People are using computers in all kinds of work. A. Computers are used in all kinds of work. B. Computers are being used in all kinds of work. C. All kinds of work are used by computers . D. All kinds of work are being used by people. 38. He said, “I bought these books last week.” A. He said he bought these books last week. B. He said he had bought these books last week. C. He said he had bought those books the week before. D. He said he bought those books the week before. 39. The coffee was too hot for me to drink. A. I could not drink the coffee because it was hot. B. Although the coffee was hot, I could drink it. C. Because of the hot coffee, I will drink it. D. As it is hot, I would drink the coffee. 40. Could you please open the window? A. Would you mind open the window? B. Would you mind to open the window? C. Would you mind opens the window? D. Would you mind opening the window? IV. Reading: Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the passage Books are written to (41)______ knowledge and good books enrich the mind. By putting ourselves under the influence of superior mind. We improve our mental powers. Through good books we learn that people everywhere (42)______ the same, in all ages and in all classes. This knowledge improves our love of others and helps us to live in (43)______ with them. We also understand that the world was made (44)______ for man alone but for every creature that can feel hunger and thirst, (45)______ and cold. 41. A. describe B. provide C. buy D. change 42. A. was B. were C. are D. is
  4. 43. A. peacefully B. peaceable C. peaceful D. peace 44. A. enough B. not only C. due to D. despite 45. A. warm B. warmer C. warmth D. warmly V. Reading: Choose the option A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage Ever since humans have lived on the earth, they have made use of various forms of communication. Generally, this expression of thoughts and feelings has been in the form of oral speech. When there is a language barrier, communication is completed through sign language in which motions stand for letters, words and ideas. T ourists and the local people unable to make themselves understood by each other through speaking or writing have had to use this form of expression. Many of these symbols of whole words are very lively and exact and can be used internationally, spelling, however, can not compare with them. Body language sends ideas or thoughts by certain actions, either intentionally or unintentionally. A wink can be a way of showing that the party is only joking . A nod means approval, while shaking the head indicates a negative reaction. Other forms of nonlinguistic language can be found in Braille (a system of raised dots read with the fingertips), signal flags, Morse code and smoke signals. Road maps and picture signs also guide, warn and instruct people. All in all, while words are the most common form of communication, other systems and techniques nonlinguistic also play role of expressing human thoughts and feelings. 46. Which of the following best summarizes this passage? A. When language is a barrier, people will find other forms of communication. B. Everyone uses only one form of communication. C. Nonlinguistic language is invaluable to foreigners. D. Although other forms of communication exist, verbalization is the fastest. 47. Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. There are many forms of communication in existence today. B. Verbalization is the most common form of communication. C. The deaf and the mute use an oral form of communication. D. Ideas and thoughts can be transmitted by body language. 48. Which form other than oral speech would be the most commonly used among blind people? A. Picture signs B. Braille C. Body language D. Signal flags 49. How many different forms of communication are mentioned here? A. 5 B. 7 C. 9 D. 11 50. Sign language is said to be very picturesque and exact and can be used internationally except for ______. A. spelling B. ideas C. whole words D. expression THE KEYS:
  5. 1A 2D 3B 4B 5A 6D 7A 8A 9B 10C 11B 12C 13D 14D 15A 16B 17C 18D 19D 20B 21C 22C 23D 24D 25B 26D 27B 28B 29C 30C 31B 32A 33A 34B 35B 36D 37B 38C 39A 40D 41B 42C 43D 44B 45C 46A 47C 48B 49C 50A



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