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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi thử anh văn – số 1', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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Nội dung Text: ĐỀ THI THỬ ANH VĂN – SỐ 1

  1. ĐỀ THI THỬ ANH VĂN – SỐ 1 Make the correct choice: TEST 1 1. A. enough B. account C. ground D. outwit 2. A. phoned B. called C. cooked D. climbed 3. A. can B. cell C. call D. cold 4. A. enough B. courage C. encounter D. nourish 5. A. machine B. cheap C. teacher D. child 6. A. wants B. books C. stops D. sends 7. A. chemical B. delicate C. dependent D. company 8. A. cancer B. treatment C. tissue D. disease 9. A. scholarship B. chemistry C. attractive D. continent 10. A. discover B. Londoner C. interesting D. scientist 11.The captain as well as all the passengers ___________ very frightened. A. were B. have been C. was D. are 12.There is a tendency ____________ problems down. A. play B. to play C. playing D. was playing 13.My brother gets used ____________ ten hours a day. A. work B. working C. worked D. to working 14.Would you mind __________ me a hand ? A. give B. gave C. to give D. giving 15.When I ____________ him tomorrow, I will tell him about that. A. meet B. meeting C. met D. shall meet 16.When I got to the circus, the tickets ___________ . So, I had to go back home. A. were sold out B. have been selling out C. had been sold out D. had been selling out 17.Mike was not felling well so we gave him _________ to do than you. A. little work B. less work C. few work D. fewer work 18.Bill has spent __________ the money that his father gave last week. A. most B. most of C. much D. many 19.This is the school __________ I studied _________ I was a boy. A. where – when B. which – when C. which – that D. where - that 20.My father ___ a pack of cigarettes a day, but now he has given it up. A. used to smoking B. used to smoke C. is used to smoke D. is used to smoking 21.What is the name of the blonde girl ___________ ? A. whom just came in B. who just came in C. when I have just seen D. who she met you. 22.I have no money now. If I _____some, I ______ a pocket calculator. A. have – will buy B. would have – bought C. had – would bought D. had – would buy 23. We turned off the radio __________ the boring program. A. because B. because of C. however D. In spite of 24.The house had been remodelled and ____________. A. made fun of B. taken note of C. lost sight of D. made use of 25.The laser beam can be focused to spot ____________ the size of a human hair. A. one fifty B. one fiftieth C. a fifty D.first fiftieth 26.David signed the papers, ___________ he could work at the construction company. A. so that B. such that C. in order to D. so as that 27.The exercise was ___________ for the pupils to do. A. very difficult B. so difficult that C. too difficult D. such a difficult 28.Some of the students were absent __________ school this morning. A. in B. for C. at D. from 29.Please go ___________ this report before we send it to the manager’s office. A. out B. off C. over D. away 30.No one in the class can study as well as Jane. She is the _______ student in the class. A. good B. better C. best D. well 31.English is spoken as a ____________ language in Australia. A. second B. first C. foreign D. third 32.A __________ is a large area of land which is covered chiefly with trees and shrubs. A. swamp B. desert C. forest D. timber 33.The acronym of WTO comes from ___________. A. World Trade Organization. B. World Trading Organize. C. World Trade Organize. D. World of Trade for Organizer 1
  2. 34.I think that the head injury will __________ her for life. A. deafen B. deaf C. deafness D. deafless 35.Which of the following is an American English word ? A. centre B. traveller C. color D. programme 36.Every country __________ a national flag. A. is B. are C. has D. have 37.I remember ___________ your key here yesterday. A. seeing B. to see C. have seen D. see 38.My sister isn’t used _____________ spicy food. A. eat B. eating C. to eat D. to eating 39.If Mary had gone out last night, she _____________ seeing that film. A. missed B. had missed C. would miss D. would have missed 40. She doesn’t have a garden. If she __________ one, she __________ a lot of flowers . A. had-would grow B. has-will grow C. will have-grow D. had - grew 41. This is the school ___________ he used to study. A. which B. that C. where D. whose 42. Let me see all the letters ___________ you have written. A. that B. when C. whom D. why 43. __________ his friends are over 50 years old. A. Little B. A lot C. most D. Most of 44. We have no money, but Tom has ____________. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 45. I can swim ____________ Mike. A. farer than B. further than C. more far than D. the farthest 46. Peter is not ___________ to go swimming alone. A. old enough B. enough old C. so old D. so young 47. They got up early ___________ they would catch the first train. A. that B. in order to C. in order that D. so as to 48. __________ of the candidates passed the exam. A. Three-fourth B. three-quarters C. third-fourths D. third-quarter 49. This car belongs ___________ the new manager. A. for B. about C. to D. from 50. The house was crowded ___________ students. A. with B. on C. of D. by 51. Jack London quit school __________ fourteen to become a sailor. A. at B. in C. for D. by 52. The dog wanted to go ___________ toward the fire. A. up B. ahead C. back D. off 53. Why are these two school so ____________ from each other ? A. safe B. different C. interested D. aware 54. Their study is getting on ___________. A. satisfaction B. satisfactory C. satisfactorily D. satisfy 55. Do you feel ___________ to this kind of job ? A. attract B. attracted C. attractive D. attraction 56. The government wants to ___________ this training centre. A. military B. militarism C. militarily D. militarize 57. English provides a(n) __________ to world scholarship and world trade. A. access B. reason C. authority D. laser 58. Nonsmokers have become more ___________ about smoking in public places. A. comfortable B. relaxed C. militant D. alone 59. If you cut your finger, it will ___________ . A. heal B. inject C. bleed D. vapourize 60. Their situations are now___ . The employee has become employer. A. grounded B. reversed C. thrust D. mounted When eating, most Americans hold a fork in the ____(61)____ with which they write. Americans eat away from home often, and usually they pay for their own meals when dining with friends. When Americans greet one another they often exchange a firm ___(62)____ . They may greet strangers on the street by saying “Hello” or “____(63)____”. Friends often greet each other with “How are you?” and respond “____(64)____”. Americans do not really expect any other answer to the question “How are you?” because it is a way of ____(65)____. Except in formal situations, people speak to each other by their given names once they are acquainted. 61. A. head B. mind C. notebook D. hand 62. A. adventure B. handshake C. militant D. occasion 63 .A. Goodbye B. Good morning C. Not bad, thanks D. Take care A. Bye B. So long C. No smoking D. Fine, thanks 64.A. having dinner B. shaking hands C. saying hello D. saying goodbye 2
  3. Why do people drive on the left in ……(66)…… and on the right in other countries ? The reason for this goes back to the days when people travelled by horse. Most people are ……(67)……, and thus the left is the natural side to drive on if you are on horseback and need right hand to ……(68)…… the sword in case of trouble. So why didn’t the rest of the world do the same ? Because of Napoleon Bonaparte. He insisted that his armies travel on the right, and as he ……(69)…… through Europe, he imposed this rule wherever he went. The question suggests that only the British drive on the left, but in fact, out of 178 countries in the world, ……(70)…… are about 50 that drive on the left, including Japan. However, most of them are former British colonies. 63. A. France B. English C. American D. Britain 64. A. left-handed B. right-handed C. sensible D. thrusted 65. A. slash B. thrust C. ride D. hold 66. A. conquered B. visited C. decreed D.dated back to 67. A. they B. those C. there D. here Langston Hughes was one of the greatest American writers of the twentieth century. He was born in Joplin, Missouri, and moved to Cleveland at the age of fourteen. Four years later he went to Mexico and spent one year there before attending Columbia University in New York. For a few years after that he roamed the world as a seaman, visiting ports around the world and writing some poetry. He returned to the United States and attended Lincoln University, where he won the Writer Bynner Prize for undergraduate poetry. After graduating in 1928, he traveled to Spain and to Russia. His best novels include “Not Without Laughter” and “The Big Sea”. He wrote an autobiography in 1956 and also published his collections of poetry then. A man of many talents, Hughes is one of the most accomplished writers in American literature history. 68. Where was Langston Hughes born ? A. Cleveland B. Columbia C. Missouri D.New York 69. Langston Hughes was _____ years old when he went to Mexico. A. 14 B. 16 C. 18 D. 20 70. When were his collections of poetry published ? A. in 1928 B. in 1956 C. in 1958 D. in 1960 71. Where did he win the Writer Bynner Prize for undergraduate poetry ? A. Spain B. Russia C. Columbia University D.Lincoln University 72. Which of the following statements is NOT true ? a.Langston Hughes had lived in Mexico for a year before he left for New York. b.Langston Hughes used to travel by ship to many ports around the world. c.Langston Hughes attended Columbia University in New York at fourteen. d.“The Big Sea” is one of Langston Hughes’ best novels. Germany had one of the lowest rates of unemployment back in 1980. It stood at just 3%. Now the rate is increasing. The United States has had ups and downs. In 1980, it was about 1% lower than that in Germany; 7.5% in 1981; and in 1984, it was the same rate as in 1980. Great Britain heads the employment chart. In 1980, their situation was the same as the United States, then followed a sharp rise in 1981, when the rate was 10,5%. This rose gradually over the next two years to 13%. There was no great change until two years later people saw another increase to abo ut 13.5% and figures do not look as though they are on their way down yet. 73. What was the rate of unemployment in the United States in 1980? A. 2% B. 3% C. 7.5% D. 1% 74. What was the rate of unemployment in Britain in 1983? A. 2% B. 3% C. 7.5% D. 13% 75. Which country had the highest rates of unemployment? A. Germany B. France C. The US D. Britain 76. In what year of the 1980s did Britain have the highest rate? A. 1980 B. 1981 C. 1984 D. 1985 77. In England, the rate of unemployment is __________ A. on their way down B. not on their way down C. not increasing D. lowest 78. She wondered: “ Why hasn’t Nancy come?” A. She wondered why hasn’t Nancy come? C. She wondered why Nancy hadn’t come. B. She wondered why Nancy hasn’t come? D.She wondered why Nancy not came. 79. People speak English in most countries. A. People speaking English in a countries. C.People spoken English in two countries. B. English is spoken in most countries. D.Speaking people in most countries English. 80. Let’s go fishing tomorrow. A. Why don’t we go fishing tomorrow ? C. Why don’t go fishing tomorrow ? B. Why don’t we go fish tomorrow ? D.Why don’t we go to fish tomorrow ? 81. The meeting was put off because of the lack of time. A. There was not enough time to hold the meeting. B. People wanted to get away, so the meeting began early. C. The meeting is planned to start in a short time. D. The meeting lasted much longer than usual. 82. Mr. Bridges is by far the richest man I know. A. Mr. Bridges is the richest man in my country. B. Mr. Bridges is one of many very rich men I know. C. Mr. Bridges is much richer than anyone else I know .D. Mr. Bridges is richer than all his friends. 83. __________ I found another explanation in a guidebook. 3
  4. A. When arrived in London B. For arriving in London C.Arrived in London D.On arriving in London 84. I don’t know _____________. A.when was this house built B. when this house was built C. who did this house belong to D. when does this house belong to 85. “Mr. Jong finds it strange to drive on the left.” A. Mr. Jong used to drive on the left. C.Mr. Jong is not used to driving on the left. B. Mr. Jong can drive on the left easily. D.Mr. Jong cannot drive a strange car. 86. “If Nam hadn’t gone to school yesterday, he wouldn’t have understood that lesson.” A. Nam didn’t go to school yesterday and he didn’t understand that lesson B. Nam went to school yesterday but he didn’t understand that lesson. C. Nam didn’t go to school yesterday but he understood that lesson. D.Nam went to school yesterday and understood that lesson. 87, “Daisy had a careful look at the pictures on the wall.” A. Daisy looked at the pictures on the wall carefully B. Daisy took a care look at the pictures on the wall C. Daisy is carefully looking at the pictures on the wall D. Daisy looked careful at the pictures on the wall 87. The headmaster of our school have been very busy since he returned from Hanoi. 88. In many ways, riding a bicycle is similar with driving a car. 89. A friend of mine used to smoking a lot when he was young. 90. Time goes down quickly when we are busy working. 91. Peter didn’t buy that computer because he had few money. 92. The man whom helped you yesterday is a television reporter. 93. Measles are one of the infectious diseases that children get. 94. Each students has answered the first three questions. 95. Next Sunday seems perfect with the picnic. 96. The mixture looks rather dry. Maybe you should add a few water. Test 2 . Make the correct choice: 1. Every success in science _____ you gain new knowledge. a. encourages b. helps c. enables d. does 2. This problem is _____ difficult for me to solve. a. very b. so c. too d. also 3. She is so busy _____ social activities that she has no time for entertainment. a. with b. in c. on d. at 4. Our teachers always ______ us to study. a. courage b. courageous c. encourage d. courageously 5. The United Nations Organization _____ of about one hundred and sixty nations. a. composes b. consists c. is made d. proud 6. He took very _____ notes at the lecture. a. careful b. carefully c. care d. caring 7. The traffic policeman stopped him because he _____ carelessly. a. is driving b. was driving c. drives d. has driven 8. He failed the exam ____ of his laziness. a. in spite b. instead c. fond d. because 9. He’s very interested in _____ books and magazines. a. educating b. educational c. educator d. educated 10. _____ a car enables him to travel around the country. a. He has b. In order to have c. His d. Having 11. When I ____ up tomorrow morning, maybe it ______. a. will wake / will snow b. wake / snows c. wake / will be snowing d.wake/is snowing 12. The weather ______ terrible lately. a. is b. was c. will be d. has been 13. He _____ for robbing a bank. a. was arrested b. arrested c. was arresting d. has arrested 14. In Britain, _____ more than two wives at the same times is against the law. a. people have b. has c. had d. having 15. ____ children are fond of going to the beach. a. Mostly b. Most c. A lot d. A great deal of 16. To tell you the truth, I’m not very _____ on going out tonight. a. interested b. fond c. keen d. eager 17.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a. treat b. sweat c. heat d. meat 18.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a. nation b. nationality c. explanation d. formation 19. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: 4
  5. a.ahead b. identity c. pretendd. leisure 20. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a. specific b. indicate c. ambition d. domestic Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one : 43.The book was so good that I couldn’t put it down. a. They had so good book that I couldn’t put it down. b. It was such good book that I couldn’t put it down. c. So good was the book that I couldn’t put it down. d. Such a book was good that I couldn’t put it down. 44. He’s fat because he doesn’t take any exercise. a. If he didn’t take any exercise, he would be fat. b. If he took some exercise, he wouldn’t get fat. c. If he had taken any exercise, he wouldn’t get fat. d. If he took some exercise, he wouldn’t fat. 45.Turn off all the switches before leaving the workshop. a. All the switches were turned off before leaving the workshop. b. All the switches have been turned off before leaving the workshop. c. All the switches should turn off before leaving the workshop. d. All the switches should be turned off before leaving the workshop. 46. “You’d better not go out without a raincoat.”He said. a. He advised me to have better not to go out without a raincoat. b. He advised me do not go out without a raincoat. c. He advised me not to go out without a raincoat. d. He advised not to go out without a raincoat. 47. You will miss the train if you don’t hurry. a. Unless you hurry, you won’t miss the train. b. Unless you don’t hurry, you will miss the train. c. Unless you hurry, you will miss the train. d. Unless you hurried, you would miss the train. 48. That factory is producing more and more pollution. a. More and more pollution is being produced by that factory. b. More and more pollution is being producing that factory. c. More and more pollution by that factory is being produced. d. More and more pollution is produced by that factory. 49. The driver said, “Don’t get off the bus while it’s moving!” a. The driver asked the passengers not to get off the bus while it’s moving. b. The driver asked the passengers don’t to get off the bus while it was moving. c. The driver asked the passengers not getting off the bus while it was moving. d. The driver asked the passengers not to get off the bus while it was moving. 50. He repaired the bicycle in two hours. A. It took him to repair the bicycle in two hours. C.He spent two hours repairing the bicycle. B.He spent two hours to repair the bicycle. D.It took him two hours repairing the bicycle. TEST 3 I. Make the correct choice: 1.Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest: a. adventure b. advice c. advertise d. advance 2. a. blood b. food c. wood d. good 3. a. forks b. lasers c. biscuits d. whips 4. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the rest: a. dangerous b. mountainous c. curious d. adventurous 5. a. militant b. company c. invaluable d. military 6. They _______ working all through the night, and finished at nine this morning. a. put off b. kept on c. turned down d. went out 7. The picnic still _______ despite the bad weather. a. went ahead b. went away c. went off d.went back 8. He is ______ with vitamin C every day. a. taken b. rejected c. infected d. injected 9. The atmosphere absorbs much of the radiation from the sun. a. takes off b. takes up c. takes in d. takes on 10. AIDS is a newly discovered and very _______ disease. a. danger b. dangerous c. endanger d. dangerously 11. These chemicals are poisonous. They can cause ______ if taken into the body. a. death or illness b. dead or ill c. dead or illness d. death or ill 12. In Vietnam, _______ Day is on September 2nd. a. Women’s b. Teachers’ c. Independence d. Mother’s 13. People becomes more militant ______ smoking in public places. a. than b. with c. in d. about 14. Not long ago, I was introduced ______ a famous artist. a. with b. to c. about d. for 15. The planets of our _______ systems are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. a. sunny b. sun c. solar d. sunshine 16. Vietnamese teenagers are used to being dependent ______ their parents. a. on b. of c. with d. for 5
  6. 17. Toys are necessary for the mental _______ of children. a. strength b. warmth c. undergrowth d. growth 18. There ______ many wonderful developments in this century. a. was b. has been c. have been d. is 19. Charlie Chaplin, ______ was a comedian, was best known for his work in silent movies. a. who b. he c. whom d. that 20. If Peter ______, he would come. a. is invited b. was invited c. would be invited d. had been invited 21. The weather is ________ to go for a picnic. a. so good that b. good enough for us c. as good as d. too well 22. Peter doesn’t like films.- _________. a. Either does his sister b. Neither does his sister c. His sister does, too d.His sister doesn’t, neither 23. I would like to have my car __________. a. repair b. to repair c. repairing d. repaired 24. My car needs _______. a. to repair b. repairing c. to be repairing d. repair 25. On holiday I always _______ on the beach when the weather is fine. a.lie b.was c. lay 26. The teacher’s salary is as high _______. a. as the doctor b. as the doctor’s c. than the doctor d. than the doctor’s 27. When you ______ at the airport tomorrow, you _______ by a friend of mine. a. arrive / will be met b. will arrive / will be met c. will arrive/ will meet d. arrive / will meet 28. _______ unprepared for the examination, you will surely get bad marks a. Because of b. Due to c. Being d. Having 29. He _______ playing football five years ago. a. begins b. began c. begun d. has begun 30. ______ by my Jack London, the story represents the American love for adventure. a.Written b.Writing c.To write d.To be written II. Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: 31. There is a seven-o’clock train leaves every morning. 32. Most all animals and many kinds of birds can swim naturally. 33. Unless you don’t take my advice, you won’t be successful in your future career. 34.I am surprising at how much he smokes; I’m not used to it. 35. Jack London is known as one of the great novelist of the world. III. Read the passage and make the correct choice: Lenin was born in April, 1870 in Simbirsk. His father died (36) ______he was sixteen years old. In September 1887 he entered Kazan University and he was arrested (37) ______ participating in student protests and was expelled from the University. Then he (28) ______to study the literature of earlier generations of Russian Revolutionaries (39) ______ study law. He gained the license to practise law in 1892. One year later, he became (40) ______in Marxism. In April 1899, his book titled “The development of Capitalism in Russia” was published. 36.a. because b. when c. although d. during 37.a. by b. because c. for d. in spite of 38.a. began b. finished c. looked forward d. practised 39.a. in order to b. but c. so d. and 40.a. rich b. interested c. keen d. successful IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answer: In 1920, after some thirty-nine years of problems with diseases, high costs, and politics, the Panama Canal was officially opened, finally linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by allowing ships to pass through the fifty-mile canal zone instead of travelling some seven thousand miles around Cape Horn. It takes a ship approximately eight hours to complete the trip through the canal and costs an average of fifteen thousand dollars, one-tenth of what it would cost an average ship to round the Horn. More than fifteen thousand ships pass through its locks each year. The French initiated the project; but sold their rights to the United States. The latter will control it until the end of the twentieth century when Panama takes over its duties. 41.Officially, ships began to pass through the Panama Canal __________. a.thirty-nine years ago 1920 1959 d.when they began to face with diseases, high costs and politics 42.Ships can pass through the canal zone ___________. some eighteen hours one-tenth of an hour about eight hours approximately eighty hours 43.How much would it cost an average ship to round the Horn? a.fifteen thousand dollars b.fifty thousand dollars c.five thousand dollars hundred and fifty thousand dollars 44. Which country will control the Canal until the end of the 20th century? a.The United States b.France c.Panama d.The Horn 45. The phrase ‘ take over’ is closest in meaning to _______. a. control b. replace c. allow d. join 6
  7. V. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one : 46. They left very early in the morning. They didn’t want anybody to see them. a. They left very early in the morning so that they couldn’t see them. b. They left very early in the morning so that nobody could see them. c. They left very early in the morning so as not to see them. d. They left very early in the morning so that anybody could see them. 47. He collects stamps. He likes it. a. He is fond of liking to collect stamps. b. He is keen to collect stamps. c. Collecting stamps interests him. d. He is interesting in collecting stamps. 48. My father doesn’t smoke any more. a. My father is used to smoking. b. My father never used to smoke c. My father didn’t use to smoke any more d. My father used to smoke a lot. VI. Choose the best sentence made from the given cues: 49. finally / decide / go back / shop / buy / shirt. a. Finally, he decided to go back to the shop to buy the shirt. b. Finally, deciding to buy the shirt made him to go back to the shop . c. Finally, he was deciding to go back to the shop for the bought shirt. d. Finally, the decision to buy the shirt coming back to him. 50. know / where / she / live / now? a. Where she lives now is your knowledge? b. No one knows where she is living now, don’t they? c. Do you know where she lives now? d. Is it known about where does she live now? Test 4 I. Make the correct choice: 1.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: b. guest c. guess d. gesture 2. a.worse b. horse c. sword d. order 3. a. dear b. wear c. fear d. hear 4. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a.discussion b. assistant c. character d. expensive 5. b. memory c.serious d. special 6. a.writer b. carefully c.origin d.complete 7. These shoes look quite smart; but they’re terribly ____. a. comfort b. comfortable c. uncomfortable d. comfortably 8. Greenland is important to the world ______ scientists study the weather there. a. because b. if c. despite d. unless 9. Developing countries need to ____ research to find a solution to their agricultural problems. a. make b. do c. study d. achieve 10. Smokers breathe out 100 times _____ pollution as non -smokers. a. so much b. as many c. as much d. as few 11. The police provide ____ for the people in a country. a. protection b. protective c. protectively d. protecting 12. Women are used ____ going places by themselves. a. for b. to c. with d. by 13. Do you usually shake hands when you are introduced ____ someone? a. to b. with c. about d. for 14. Tomorrow morning I have to catch a plane. I’m leaving my house ____ the airport. a. at b. in c. for d. to 15. When I’d finished my meal, I asked the waiter ____ the bill. a. to b. about c. with d. for 16. She has no reference to our ____ of the night before. a. conversation b. conversational c. conversationalist d. conversing 17. There are many places to visit , ____ instance, the botanical garden or the art museum. a. for b. to c. in d. of 18. I’d like ____ to think about it. a. little time b. a little time c. some little time d. many time 19. ____ , all the people we spoke to were in favor of closing the dance hall. a. surprising b. surprised c. surprisingly d. surprise 20. She looks pretty although she has a on her left eye. a. birth place b. birth mark c. birth right d. birth control 21. The patient who suffers from a lung cancer has been with a special chemical. a. filled b. shot c. ejected d. injected 22. is the red liquid flowing throughout body. 7
  8. a. Food b. Water c. Blood d. Flood 23. Using laser beam to cure illness requires . a. accurate b. accurately c. accuracy d. inaccurate 24. The scientists have invented a special chemical that attaches itself to cancer cells. a. prefer b. preference c. preferential d. preferentially 25. Surgeons use lasers miraculously accurate scalpels. a. for b. as c. of d. with 26. is something that we can ignore when we are well. a. A health b. The health c. Health d. Healthy 27. on barren slopes can prevent erosion. a. So as to plant trees b. Planting trees c. In order to plant trees d. Trees planting 28. Nerve cells, or neurons, in human body. a. the most complex cells are b. are the most complex cells c. that are the most complex the cells d. which are the most complex cells 29. Many patients suffer from cancer can be saved by the treatment of lasers. a. who b. whom c. which d. whose 30. As soon as she arrived in London, She found that the English people spoke English differently from what she . a. will learn b. is learning c. has been learning d. had learnt II. Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: 31. If you don’t allow me entering. I’ll break down the door. 32. Knew that he was poor, I offered to pay his fare. 33. He had a telephone installing in his car. 34. The boat tie to a port was being tossed up and down by the sea. 35. The boy climbed up the tree to get birds’ eggs had a bad fall. TEST 5 I- Make the correct choice: 1.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others: a. volcano b. capture c. grade d. alien 2. a. fear b. clear c. wear d. hear 3. a. tea b. despite c. lift d. future 4. a. adults b. teachers c. highlands d. opinions 5.: a. reduced b. polluted c. provided d. prevented 6.Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a. explanation b. experiment c. accomplishment d. discovery 7.Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a. photography b. mathematical c. policeman d. collecting 8.Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others: a. scientist b. incredible c. interesting d. always 9. ______, the ao dai was frequently worn by both men and women. a. Tradition b. Traditional c. Traditionally d. The tradition 10. Neil Armstrong, _______ on the moon, lived in the USA. a. first walked b. who first walked c. that first walked d. was first walking 11. Although she was tired, she helped me ______ my homework. a. with b. doing c. for d. done 12. Tornadoes are _______ storms which pass overland below a thunderstorm. a. funnel-shaping b. shaped-funnel c. shaping-funnel d. funnel-shaped 13. ______ my birthday, my friends gave me roses. They were very sweet and beautiful. a. In b. On c. At d. With 14. I’m very tired. _______, I have to finish my homework before I go to bed. a. Therefore b. So c. Moreover d. However 15. Swimming is good for our health, ______? a. is it b. isn’t it c. isn’t swimmingd. aren’t we 16. He doesn’t like playing computer games. -_______. a. I don’t, too b. I do, either c. Neither do I d. So do I 17. If he ______ free time, he would have gone out with us. a. had had b. had c. has had d. would have had 18. I wish I ______. a. can swim b. will swim c. am swimming d. could swim 19. The crowd at a football match are very _______. 8
  9. a. excitement b. exciting c. excited d. excitedly 20. How much money ______ up to now? a. do you save b. have you saved c. are you saving d. will you save 21. All building in Sweden will be heated by ______ energy in 2050. a. sunny b. solar c. sunshine d. sunlight 22. Energy-saving bulbs ______ to save electricity. a. should use b. should be using c. should have used d. should be used 23. North American and European countries are interested ______ saving money and natural resources. a. in b. at c. for d. with 24. We have to _______ the natural resources of our country. a. drain b. conserve c. converse d. continue 25. The ______ of these swamps will destroy the mosquitoes’ breeding places. a. breakage b. shortage c. stoppage d. drainage 26. Butter is one of the ________ of milk. a. products b. production c. producers d. productivity 27. The industrial development will ________ the country’s prosperity. a. give up b. lead to c. go over d. turn down 28.Conservation is also concerned _______ the reclaiming ________ land by irrigating deserts and draining swamps. a.with /of b.with /by /of /by 29.Conservation also includes searching _______ alternative fuels, such _______ the energy of the Sun. a.with /as b.about / of c.for /that d.for /as 30. I feel sick. I wish I _______ so much cake. a. ate not b. ate no c. hadn’t eaten d. would have eaten II. Identify one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect: 31. I am disappointed with people have spoiled this area. 32. Many people enjoy festivals in Vietnam despite they don’t understand Vietnamese culture very much. 33. If you wanted to improve your English, we can help you. 34. The cyclone of November 1970 in Bangladesh was one of the worst natural disaster of the 20th century. 35. Kobe, that is a city of Japan, was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995. III. Read the passage and make the correct choice: I was (36) ______ holiday in the South Pacific and I was staying on Pogohiti, a small island. I was having a rest when th e volcano (37) ______. The noise woke me up. I looked through the window. (38) ______ was running towards the harbour. I (39) _______ put on a coat, and run to the harbour too. I (40) ______ to get on a ship. It was leaving when the lava hit the town. 36.a. in b. at c. on d. for 37.a. erupted b. broke c. emitted d. hit 38.a. People b. Anybody c. Villagers d. Everybody 39.a. not only b. just c. no longer d. not 40.a. finished b. managed c. enjoyed d. succeeded IV. Read the following passage and choose the best answer: Karl Marx was born in Trier on May 5th, 1818. His father was a lawyer. In 1835, Marx studied in Bonn and then in Berlin, first law and later philosophy. He got his Ph.D in Philosophy in Berlin in 1841. Marx then moved to Paris and studied political economy, the French socialists, and the history of France. The result was his conversion to socialism. In September 1844, Engels visited Marx in Paris for a few days. Marx and Engels were materialists. They regarded the world and humanity materialistically. In 1848, Marx and Engels published their famous book. “Manifesto of the Communist Party” Marx also settled down in London. In 1864 Marx founded the International Working Men’s Association. Engels also took an active part in its affairs. The work of the International Association, which, in accordance with Marx’s idea, united proletarians of all countries, was of tremendous significance in the development of the working - class movement. On March 14th, 1883 Marx the founder of scientific communism, passed away quietly in his armchair. 41. What did Marx study in Bonn and Berlin ? a. law and philosophy b. economics c. trade d. politics 42.What did he study in Paris ? a. political economy b. the French socialists c. the history of France d. all are correct 43. Where were Marx and Engels in 1844 ? a. England b. France c. Russia d. Germany 9
  10. 44. Marx founded the International Working Men’s Association in ______. a. 1841 b. 1844 c. 1864 d. 1883 45. How old was Marx when he died ? a. 60 b. 65 c. 75 d. 80 V. Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the above one : 46. My father said I could use his car. a. My father allowed to use his car. b. My father allowed me use his car. c. My father allowed me to use his car. d. My father allowed me using his car. 47. Scientists began to carry out researches on AIDS in 1980. a. Researches on AIDS began to be carried out by scientists in 1980. b. Researches on AIDS were begun to carry out by scientists in 1980. c. Researches on AIDS were begun to be carried out by scientists in 1980. d. Researches on AIDS began to be being carried out by scientists in 1980. 48. The last time I wrote to him was in 1996. a. I haven’t written to him in 1996. b. I haven’t written to him was in 1996. c. I haven’t written to him since 1996. d. I haven’t written to him was since 1996. 49. It took him only ten minutes to get there. a. He spent on ten minute to get there. b. He got there in ten minute . c. He spent on ten minute getting there. c. He needed to get there for ten minutes. 50. I didn’t meet him yesterday so I couldn’t tell him about that. a. If I had met him yesterday, I could have told him about that. b. If I hadn’t met him yesterday, I couldn’t have told him about that. c. I could tell him about that because I met him yesterday. d. I met him yesterday so that I could tell him about that. 10



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