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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi thử tổng hợp môn anh văn – số 20', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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  1. ĐỀ THI THỬ TỔNG HỢP MÔN ANH VĂN – SỐ 20 Exercise 1. Chia dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc 1. ( 1 – Live ) ................. in a foreign country ( 2 – be ) ................ a good experience for me. I ( 3 – be ) ............... very glad that my company ( 4 – send ) ................. me to another country to study. I am very pleased ( 5 – give ) .............. the opportunity to learn about another culture. 2. The students requested that the test ( 6 – postpone ) ............... , but the instructor ( 7 – decide )............. against a postponement. 3. These days, even the most remote places on earth ( 8 – visit ) .............. by tourists. Package tours ( 9 – can arrange) ............... for almost anywhere from Himalayas to the Amazon jungle 4. It is no wonder that Jack ( 10 – convict ) ................ of speeding. The speed limit ( 11 – be ) .............. 30 mile an hour but he ( 12 – do ) ............. at 50. He ( 13 – not drive ) ............. so fast. 5. And paying for what he ( 14 – not eat ) ..............., he ( 15 – go )............ out, passing two acquaintances without sign of recognition. Exercise 2. Chọn đáp án đúng 1. He drove through the town __________ a hundred miles an hour. a. at b. with c. in d. no word is needed 2. She admired her ________ in the mirror. a. idol b. reflexion c. imagination d. picture 3. The book covers every inch of the floor space. They take up a lot of _________. a. area b. spaces c. room d. place 4. I ________ a doll for my birthday. a. want b. will c. wish d. hope 5. David was trying to _________ another cyclist when he crashed . a. overpass b. overcome c. overtake d. overcharge 6. The decision was ________ to a later meeting. a. cancelled b. arranged c. delayed d. deferred 7. You can’t ________ that criticism to the local authority. a. apply b. employ c. associate d. lay 8. The local stadium isn’t large enough for so many _________. a. spectators b. audience c. viewers d. congregation 9. Most people find football very __________. a. interested b. interest c. interesting d. to interest 10. Michael Owen hopes he’ll be fit enough to ________ the game tomorrow. a. take part in b. take part of c. take place in d. participate Exercise 3. Cho dạng đúng của từ Human memory, formerly believed to be rather (1 – efficiency)_______, is really more sophisticated than that of a computer. (2 – Research)_______ approaching the problem from a (3 – vary)______ of points of views have all concluded that there is a great deal more stored in our minds than has been generally supposed. Dr Wilder Penfield, a Canadian neurosurgeon, proved that by stimulating their brains (4 – electricity)_______, he could elicit the total rercall of specific events in his subjects’ live. Even dreams and other mirror events supposedly ( 5 – forget)______ for many years suddenly emerged in detail. Although the (6 – physics)_______ basic for memory is not yet understood, one theory is that the fantastic (7 – capacious)_______ for storage in the brain is the result of an almost ( 8 – limitation)_______ combination of interconnections between brain cells, stimulated by patterns of activity. (9 – Repeat)_______ references to the same information support recall. Or, to say that another way, improved performance is the result of (10 – strong)_______ the chemical bonds in the memory. Exercise 4. Viết lại câu sao cho nghĩa câu không đổi 1.John eats very little so as not to put on weight. John eats very little because ___________________________.
  2. 2. On arrival at the shop, the goods are inspected carefully. When the goods _____________________________________. 3. Collecting dolls from foreign countries is one of Jane’s interests. Jane is _____________________________________________. 4. George is not nearly as energetic as he used to be. George used _____________________________________ ____. 5. My father asked my brother to repair the bicycle for him. M y father ___________________________________________. Exercise 5. Tìm và sửa lỗi sai ở những câu dưới đây 1. According to the experts, genetic inheritance is probability the most important factor in determining a person’s health. 2. The railroad was one of the first methods of transportationto be use extensively in early American history. 3. Often when the weather is extremely hot, people have very thirsty but are not terribly hungry. 4. The National Wildflower Research Center which was established in 1982 by Lady Bird johnson on sixty acres os land east of Austin. 5. An alligator is an animal somewhat like a crocodile, but with a broad, flatten snout. Exercise 6. Thay thế động giới từ thích hợp cho những cụm từ gạch chân dưới đây 1. I hit him so hard that he fell unconscious. 2. If I don’t punish you this time, will you promise never to do it again? 3. She was very upset over her failure but now she is recovering from it. 4. You mustn’t omit the difficult sentences ; do them all. 5. She kept asking me all the difficult words instead of searching for them in a dictationary. 6. I took the children to the zoo today to compensate for the party they missed yesterday. 7. Students of English often confuse the words ‘ lie’ and ‘ lay’ 8. He swore to revenge himself on me for the wrong I had done him. Exercise 7. Điền từ thích hợp vào ô trống Combination financial functions herd limited Meet nutritional occur others prescribed Rejected replace results in those further A vitamin is complex substance that is essential to the human body for he alth and growth. But human beings do not need vitamins for fuel. Fuel is supplied by fats and carbonhydrates. The human b ody makes some vitamins itself, but often in amounts too small to (1)_______ its needs. (2)______ are no t made in the body at all, and must be supplied. All the (3)_______ of many of the vitamins are not completely known. But doctors do know that vitamins have such specific uses that one can not (4)_______, or act for another. The continued lack of one vitamin in otherwise complete diet (5)_______ a deficiency disease, such as rickets, scurvy, and pellagra. The best way to obtain vitamins is to eat foods in which they (6)_______ naturally. There are also preparations of pure vitamins that contain a single vitamin, or a (7)_______ of several vitamins. Vitamin preparations should be used only if (8)_______ by a doctor. Scientists have discovered about 25 different vitamins that are important to the (9)______ needs of human beings, animals, and microorganisms. Investigators belie ve that (10)______ study will show there actually are many more vitamins. Exercise 8. Dựng những từ đã cho dưới đây thành câu hoàn chỉnh 1. I sit / late / night. ............................................... 2. Jane / beautiful / her sister. ............................................... 3. Not hesitate / ask / my help / necessary. ............................................... 4. They / try / look / job / since June ............................................... 5. I / good / chemistry. ...............................................



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