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Tham khảo tài liệu 'đề thi thử tổng hợp môn anh văn – số 4', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

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  1. ĐỀ THI THỬ TỔNG HỢP MÔN ANH VĂN – SỐ 4 Exercise 1 . Cho dạng đúng của động từ trong ngoặc Sometimes a book can help change history. One book that certainly (1 – do / does / did )___ was Uncle Tom’s Cabin ( 2 – write / wrote / written)___ by H.B.Stowe. It was a book that ( 3 – speaks / speaking / spoke ) ___ out against slavery. At the time Stowe ( 4 – writing / had written / was writing )___ her novel, there was over 35 million slaves in the U.S . Slaves ( 5 – usually work / working / worked ) __ in t he cotton growing states of the South. The Northern States ( 6 – abolished / had abolished / was abolising ) __ or (7 – gets / got / getting) ____rid of slavery. Yet most Northerners ( 8 – was not / had not been / were not ) ____strongly against slavery. They were willing ( 9 – letting / to let / let )___slavery ( 10 – continue / to continue / continuing )____ in the South. Exercise 2 . Chọn đáp án thích hợp 11. That was the year ______ I was born a. on which b. into which c. in which d. at which 12. I’d like ___________ sugar than this a. little b. fewer c. much d. less 13. ____________ for director must have surprised you a.Your nominating b. Your nominated c.Your being nominated d. You’re being nominated 14. It looked on before ___ its attention to the matador a. turn b. to turn c. it turned d. it was turning 15. “ Are you going by boat?” -“ If John does , ____” a. I do so b. so I will go c. so will I d. so would I 16. ________ many times I told him, he always forgets to pass on phone messages. a. Wherever b. Whatever c. However d. Whenever 17. They paid cash, __________ avoiding interest charges. a. so as b. whereby c. thereby d. as for 18. The train was late departing for London, due to __________ mechanical problem. a. unimagined b. inevitable c. unpredictable d. unforeseen 19. I shall need to ____ the house before I can make you an offer. a. see over b. see about c. see through d. see in 20. The new discovery was an important __________ in the fight against cancer. a. daybreak b. outbreak c. breakaway d. breakthrough 21. The firm went bankrupt and their shares became _____ a. priceless b. unworthy c. invaluable d. worthless 22. People under 21 years old are not ____ to join this club a. desirable b. eligible c. advisable d. admissible 23. Hardly had the van turned the corner when one of the back wheels _______ a. broke away b. turned round c. came off d. rolled down Exercise 3 . Tìm dạng đúng của từ. 24. The doctor gave him an injection to ( 1- DIE )______ his pain ( dead / dying / deaden / died ) 25. He’s a very bad – tempered , ( ARGUE )_____chap. He’s always quarrelling ( argument / arguing / argumentative/ argued ) 26. She ( ENCOURAGE)_______ stood in the way of the escaping robbers. ( encouragingly / discouragingly / courageously ) 27. She’s very efficient and ( FAIL) ______ polite to the customers ( failingly / unfailingly / disfailingly / failing ) 28. Crop ( ROTATE )____ is one of the effective methods of preserving soil fertility. ( rotating / rotation / rotative / rotated ) 29. To prepare for the job, you should be ( KNOW ) _____ about English ( known / knowing / knowledgeable / knowingly ) 30. Smog is a ( COMBINE )___ of fog and smoke which occurs in some large industrial cities ( combined / combining / combination ) 31. Health is the most valuable ( POSSESS) _____ anyone can have ( possessions / possession / possessive / possessing ) 32. The town is ( ATTRACT ) ________ situated on the river Ouse ( attractively / attractedly / attractingly / attraction) 33. Her ( ANXIOUS )_________ was so great that she broke a glass ( anxiousness / anxiety / anxiosment / anxiousity) Exercise 4 . Tìm và sửa lỗi sai ở những câu dưới đây 34. Every time a forest is cut down, many of the insects which lived on the trees are also killed . A B C D
  2. 35. Japan has become more advance than some Western countries since the Second World War because her people are very hard – working. A B C D 36. When I opened the kitchen door , I could hear a tap dripped and it sounded as if it had been going on for some time A B C D 37. Please make sure that you have the words spell correctly , otherwise your form will not be accepted A B C D 38. If you remind him about the book many times , he will angry with you A B C D Exercise 5. Thay thế động giới từ thích hợp vào những cụm từ gạch chân dưới đây 39. You’d better not drink that milk, Joe. It’s turned sour 40. We knew he wasn’t English as his accent betrayed him 41. The house I live in dates from the 15th century 42. Let’s go and visit Paul and Jean tonight. It’s been ages since we last saw them 43. I think I’ll go somewhere for the weekend. Things have been making me depressed lately , so a change of air will do me good Exercise 6 .Chọn từ thích hợp đưa vào ô trống. Japanese growing fatter (44 – During / Since / For / In ) ______ centuries rice and fish was traditional food for the Japaneseand a disease like obesity was almost unknown ( 45 - for / to / with / on ) ____them. But ( 46 - before / since / after / during ) _____ a large – scale use of European food ( 4 7– over / in / on / along ) ___ Japan and, especially confectionary and flour products, the Japanese began to grow fat. ( 48 - Owing / Due / According / Except ) __ to experts, today about 3% of Japanese women aged between 30 and 40 ( 49 – apart / pass / suffer / press ) __ from corpulence. ( 50 – In / Among / Between / Of ) ___ the young people the figure is still higher. The National Public Health Centre has declared that although the young people of today are taller and heavier, they are much weaker and physically less fit than youngsters (51 - in / on / of / during ) ____ their age ten years ago. B- The Earth has a tremendous amount of water, but ( 52 – most / almost / hardly / every ) _____ all of it is in the oceans. The oceans ( 53 – include / consist / cover / compose ) _____ about 70 percent of the earth’s surface. They ( 54 – content / contain / contained / containing ) ______ about 97 percent of all the water on Earth, and are the source of most precipitation that falls to Earth. Ocean water is too ( 55 – salt / fresh / salted / salty )____ to be used for drinking, agriculture or industry. But the salt is left behind (56 – on / in / at / during ) _____ evaporation, and the precipitation that (57 – leaves / falls / feels / felt ) ______ to Earth is fresh water. Only about three percent of the water on Earth is fresh water – and most of it is not easily (58 – useful / necessary / available / important ) ______ to man. It includes water ( 59 – filled / locked / covered / cramped ) ______ in glaciers and icecaps, more than two percent of the Earth’s water is ( 60 – below / beneath / on / in ) ______ the earth’s surface. River and lakes contain only about (61 - one – fiftieth / one – fiftieths / once – fiftieth / a – fiftieths ) ______ of one percent of the Earth’s water. Exercise 8. Đọc hiểu rồi chọn đáp án đúng Today’s cars are smaller, safer, cleaner and more economical than their predecessors, but the car of the future will be far more pollution- free than those on the road today. Several new types of automobiles engines have already been developed that run on alternative sources of power, such as electricity, compressed natural gas, methanol,steam,hydrogen,and propane.Electricity,however,is the only zero–emission option presently available. Although electric vehicles will not be truly practical until a powerful , compact battery or other dependable source of current is available, transportation experts foresee a new assortment of electric vehicles entering everyday life: shorter – range commuter electric car, three wheeled neighbourhood cars, electric delivery vans, bikes and troleys. As automakers work to develop practical electrical vehicles, urban planners and utility engineers are focusing on infastructure system to support and make the best use of the new cars. Public charging facilities will need to be as common as today’s gas stations. Public parking spots on the street or in commercial lots will need to be equipped with devices that allow drivers to charge their batteries while they shop, dine, or attend a concert. To encourage the use of electric vehicles, the most convenient parking in transportation centers might be reserved for electric cars. P lanners foresee electric shuttle buses, trains, buses and neighbourhood vehicles all meeting at transit centres that would havefacilities for charging and renting. Commuters will be able to rent a variety of electric cars to suit their needs: light truck, one – person three – wheelers , small cars or electric cars for longer trips, which will no doubt take place on automated freeways capable of handling five times the number of vehicles that can be carried by a freeway today. 62. The author’s purpose in this passage is to a. criticize conventional vehicles b. support the invention of electric cars c. tell a story about alternative energy vehicles d. describe the possibilities for future’s transport 63. The passage would most likely followed by details about a. automated freeway b. pollution restrictions in the future
  3. c. the neighbourhood of the future c. electric shuttle buses 64. In the second paragraph the author implies that a. a dependable source of electric energy will eventually be developed. b. Everyday life will stay much the same in the future. c. A single electric vehicle will at last replace several types of transportation d. Electric vehicles are not practical for the future 65. According to the passage, public parking lots of the future will be a.more convenient than theyare today. b. equipped with charging devices c. much larger than they are today d. as common as today’s gas stations 66. This passage would most likely be found in a a. medical journal b. history book c. popular psychologycal treatment d. urban planning Exercise 9. Tìm từ có cách phát âm khác với từ còn lại. 67. a. finger b. hanger c. bringing d. singer 68. a. genuine b. generate c. guarantee d. general 69. a. curtain b. burn c. bury d. turn 70. a. pleasure b. pressure c. measure d. treasure 71. a. food b. moon c. pool d. foot 72. a. southern b. south c. both d. truth 73. a. ankle b. drank c. many d. triangle 74. a. bargain b. complain c. entertain d. train



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