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  1. Page 174 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM luteo- 174 lymphangioplasty tion LH. Also called interstitial cell stimulating lymphangioplasty /limf nd iəpl sti/ noun | hormone a surgical operation to make artificial lymph channels (NOTE: The plural is lymphangioplast- luteo- luteo- /lu tiəυ/ prefix 1. yellow 2. corpus luteum ies.) luxation luxation /l k seiʃ(ə)n/ noun same as disloca- | lymphangitis lymphangitis / limf n d aitis/ noun inflam- tion | mation of the lymph vessels Lyme disease Lyme disease / laim di zi z/ noun a viral dis- lymphatic | lymphatic /lim f tik/ adjective referring to ease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi transmitted | lymph by bites from deer ticks. It causes rashes, nervous lymphatic capillary lymphatic capillary /lim f tik kə piləri/ plu- pains, paralysis and, in extreme cases, death. | | ral noun any of the capillaries which lead from lymph lymph /limf/ noun a colourless liquid containing tissue and join lymphatic vessels white blood cells which circulates in the lymph lymphatic duct lymphatic duct /lim f tik d kt/ noun the system from all body tissues, carrying waste mat- | main channel for carrying lymph ter away from tissues to the veins. Also called lymphatic node lymphatic node /lim f tik nəυd/ noun same lymph fluid | as lymph gland COMMENT: Lymph drains from the tissues lymphatic nodule lymphatic nodule /lim f tik nɒdju l/ noun through capillaries into lymph vessels. It is | a small lymph node found in clusters in tissues formed of water, protein and white blood cells (lymphocytes). Waste matter such as lymphatics lymphatics /lim f tiks/ plural noun lymph | infection in the lymph is filtered out and de- vessels stroyed as it passes through the lymph lymphatic system lymphatic system /lim f tik sistəm/ noun nodes, which then add further lymphocytes | a series of vessels which transport lymph from the to the lymph before it continues in the sys- tissues through the lymph nodes and into the tem. It eventually drains into the brachio- bloodstream cephalic (innominate) veins, and joins the lymphatic vessel lymphatic vessel /lim f tik ves(ə)l/ noun a venous bloodstream. Lymph is not pumped | tube which carries lymph round the body from the round the body like blood but moves by mus- tissues to the veins cle pressure on the lymph vessels and by the negative pressure of the large veins into lymph duct lymph duct / limf d kt/ noun any channel car- which the vessels empty. Lymph is an es- rying lymph sential part of the body’s defence against in- lymph gland lymph gland / limf l nd/, lymph node fection. / limf nəυd/ noun a mass of lymphoid tissue sit- lymph- lymph- /limf/ prefix meaning same as lympho- uated in various points of the lymphatic system, (used before vowels) especially under the armpits and in the groin, lymphaden- through which lymph passes and in which lym- lymphaden- /limf dən/ prefix relating to the phocytes are produced. Also called lymphatic lymph nodes node lymphadenectomy lymphadenectomy / limf də nektəmi/ | lympho- lympho- /limfəυ/ prefix meaning lymph noun the surgical removal of a lymph node lymphoblast lymphoblast / limfəυbl st/ noun an unusual (NOTE: The plural is lymphadenectomies.) cell which forms in acute lymphoblastic leukae- lymphadenitis lymphadenitis / limf də naitis/ noun | mia as a result of the change which takes place in inflammation of the lymph nodes a lymphocyte on contact with an antigen lymphadenoma lymphadenoma / limf də nəυmə/ noun lymphoblastic | lymphoblastic / limfəυ bl stik/ adjective same as lymphoma | referring to lymphoblasts, or forming lym- lymphadenopathy lymphadenopathy / limf də nɒpəθi/ noun phocytes | any unusual condition of the lymph nodes (NOTE: lymphocele lymphocele / limfəsi l/ noun a cyst containing The plural is lymphadenopathies.) lymph from injured or diseased lymph nodes or lymphangi- lymphangi- /limf nd i/ prefix lymphatic ves- ducts sel lymphocyte lymphocyte / limfəsait/ noun a type of mature lymphangiectasis lymphangiectasis / limf nd i ektəsis/ leucocyte or white blood cell formed by the | lymph nodes and concerned with the production noun swelling of the smaller lymph vessels as a of antibodies result of obstructions in larger vessels lymphocytopenia lymphangiography lymphocytopenia / limfəυ saitəυ pi niə/ lymphangiography / limf nd i ɒ rəfi/ | | | noun same as lymphopenia noun an X-ray examination of the lymph vessels lymphocytosis following introduction of radio-opaque material lymphocytosis / limfəυsai təυsis/ noun an | (NOTE: The plural is lymphangiographies.) increased number of lymphocytes in the blood lymphangioma lymphoedema lymphangioma / limf nd i əυmə/ noun a lymphoedema / limfəυi di mə/ noun a swell- | | benign tumour formed of lymph tissues (NOTE: ing caused by obstruction of the lymph vessels or unusual development of lymph vessels (NOTE: The plural is lymphangiomas or lymphangi- omata.) The US spelling is lymphedema.)
  2. Page 175 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 175 lysozyme lymphogranuloma venereum lyophilisation lyophilisation /lai ɒfilai zeiʃ(ə)n/, lyophili- lymphogranuloma venereum / limfəυ | | | r njυ ləυmə və niərəm/ noun a sexually zation noun the act of preserving tissue, plasma | | or serum by freeze-drying it in a vacuum transmitted bacterial infection that causes swell- ing of the genital lymph nodes and, especially in lysergic acid diethylamide lysergic acid diethylamide /lai s d ik | men, a genital ulcer. Abbreviation l.g.v. sid dai eθiləmaid/ noun a powerful halluci- | lymphoid tissue nogenic drug which can cause psychosis. Abbre- lymphoid tissue / limfɔid tiʃu / noun tissue viation LSD in the lymph nodes, the tonsils and the spleen where masses of lymphocytes are supported by a lysin lysin / laisin/ noun 1. a protein in the blood network of reticular fibres and cells which destroys the cell against which it is directed lymphokine 2. a toxin which causes the lysis of cells lymphokine / limfəυkain/ noun a protein pro- duced by lymphocytes that has an effect on other lysine lysine / laisi n/ noun an essential amino acid cells in the immune system. cytokine lysis lysis / laisis/ noun 1. the destruction of a cell by lymphoma lymphoma /lim fəυmə/ noun a malignant a lysin, in which the membrane of the cell is | tumour arising from lymphoid tissue. Also called destroyed 2. a reduction in a fever or disease lymphadenoma (NOTE: The plural is lympho- slowly over a period of time mas or lymphomata.) -lysis -lysis /lisis/ suffix referring to processes which lymphopenia lymphopenia / limfəυ pi niə/ noun a reduc- involve breaking up or decaying, or to objects | tion in the number of lymphocytes in the blood. which are doing this haemolysis Also called lymphocytopenia lysosome lysosome / laisəsəυm/ noun a particle in a cell lymphopoiesis lymphopoiesis / limfəυpɔi i sis/ noun the which contains enzymes which break down sub- | production of lymphocytes or lymphoid tissue stances such as bacteria which enter the cell lymph vessel lysozyme lymph vessel / limf ves(ə)l/ noun one of the lysozyme / laisəzaim/ noun an enzyme found tubes which carry lymph round the body from the in the whites of eggs and in tears, which destroys tissues to the veins specific bacteria
  3. Page 176 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM M m macrognathia m symbol 1. metre 2. milli- macrognathia / m krəυ neiθiə/ noun a con- | dition in which the jaw is larger than usual M M symbol mega- macromastia macromastia / m krəυ m stiə/ noun over- MAAG MAAG abbreviation medical audit advisory | development of the breasts group macronutrient macronutrient / m krəυ nju triənt/ noun a maceration maceration / m sə reiʃ(ə)n/ noun the process | | substance which an organism needs in large of softening a solid by letting it lie in a liquid so amounts for normal growth and development, e.g. that the soluble matter dissolves nitrogen, carbon or potassium. Compare micro- Mackenrodt’s ligaments Mackenrodt’s ligaments / m kənrəυdz nutrient li əmənts/ plural noun same as cardinal liga- macrophage macrophage / m krəυfeid / noun any of ments several large cells which destroy inflammatory Macmillan nurse Macmillan nurse /mək milən n s/ noun a tissue, found in connective tissue, wounds, lymph | nurse who specialises in cancer care and is nodes and other parts employed by the organisation Macmillan Cancer macroscopic macroscopic / m krəυ skɒpik/ adjective Relief | able to be seen with the naked eye macro- macro- /m krəυ/ prefix large. Opposite micro- macrosomia macrosomia / m krəυ səυmiə/ noun a condi- | macrobiotic macrobiotic / m krəυbai ɒtik/ adjective tion in which the body grows too much | referring to food which has been produced natu- macrostomia macrostomia / m krəυ stəυmiə/ noun a con- rally without artificial additives or preservatives | dition in which the mouth is too wide because the macrocephaly macrocephaly / m krəυ kefəli/ noun the bones of the upper and lower jaw have not fused, | condition of having an unusually large head either on one or on both sides macrocheilia macrocheilia / m krəυ kailiə/ noun the con- macula macula / m kjυlə/ noun 1. same as macule 2. | dition of having large lips a small coloured area, e.g. a macula lutea macrocyte macrocyte / m krəυsait/ noun an unusually macula lutea macula lutea / m kjυlə lu tiə/ noun a yellow large red blood cell found in people who have per- spot on the retina, surrounding the fovea, the part nicious anaemia of the eye which sees most clearly. Also called macrocythaemia macrocythaemia /m krəυsai θi miə/ noun yellow spot | same as macrocytosis macular macular / m kjυlə/ adjective referring to a macrocytic macrocytic / m krəυ sitik/ adjective refer- macula | ring to macrocytes macular degeneration macular degeneration / m kjυlə di d enə | | macrocytic anaemia macrocytic anaemia / m krəυsitik ə reiʃ(ə)n/ noun an eye disorder in elderly people | ni miə/ noun anaemia in which someone has in which fluid leaks into the retina and destroys unusually large red blood cells cones and rods, reducing central vision macrocytosis macule macrocytosis / m krəυsai təυsis/ noun the macule / m kju l/ noun a small flat coloured | condition of having macrocytes in the blood. Also spot on the skin. Compare papule called macrocythaemia maculopapular maculopapular / m kjυləυ p pjυlə/ adjec- | macrodactyly macrodactyly / m krəυ d ktili/ noun a con- tive made up of both macules and papules mac- | dition in which a person has unusually large or ulopapular rash long fingers or toes mad cow disease mad cow disease / m d kaυ di zi z/ noun | macroglobulin macroglobulin / m krəυ lɒbjυlin/ noun a same as bovine spongiform encephalopathy | class of immunoglobulin, a globulin protein of (informal ) high molecular weight, which serves as an anti- Magendie’s foramen Magendie’s foramen /mə d endiz fə | | body reimen/ noun an opening in the fourth ventricle macroglossia macroglossia / m krəυ lɒsiə/ noun the of the brain which allows cerebrospinal fluid to | condition of having an unusually large tongue flow [Described 1828. After François Magendie
  4. Page 177 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 177 malleus malarial (1783–1855), French physician and physiolo- malarial /mə leəriəl/ adjective referring to | gist.] malaria magnesium magnesium /m malarial parasite ni ziəm/ noun a chemical malarial parasite /mə leəriəl p rəsait/ | | element found in green vegetables, which is noun a parasite transmitted into the human blood- essential especially for the correct functioning of stream by the bite of the female anopheles mos- muscles (NOTE: The chemical symbol is Mg.) quito magnesium sulphate malarial therapy magnesium sulphate /m ni ziəm malarial therapy /mə leəriə θerəpi/ noun a | | s lfeit/ noun a magnesium salt used as a laxa- treatment in which a person is given a form of tive. Also called Epsom salts malaria in the belief that the high fevers they experience can stimulate the immune system to magnesium trisilicate magnesium trisilicate /m ni ziəm trai | | fight off serious diseases such as syphilis and HIV silikət/ noun a magnesium compound used to male menopause male menopause / meil menəpɔ z/ noun a treat peptic ulcers period in middle age when a man may feel inse- magnetic magnetic /m netik/ adjective able to attract | cure and anxious about the fact that his physical objects, like a magnet powers are declining (informal ) magnetic field magnetic field /m netik fi ld/ noun an | malformation malformation / m lfɔ meiʃ(ə)n/ noun an area round an object which is under the influence | unusual variation in the shape, structure or devel- of the magnetic force exerted by the object opment of something magnetic resonance imaging magnetic resonance imaging /m netik | malfunction malfunction /m l f ŋkʃən/ noun a situation rezənəns imid iŋ/ noun a scanning technique | in which a particular organ does not work in the which exposes the body to a strong magnetic field usual way Her loss of consciousness was due to and uses the electromagnetic signals emitted by a malfunction of the kidneys or to a kidney mal- the body to form an image of soft tissue and cells. function. Abbreviation MRI malignancy malignancy /mə li nənsi/ noun 1. the state of magnum / m nəm/ ‘ foramen magnum magnum | being malignant The tests confirmed the malig- main bronchi main bronchi / mein brɒŋki / plural noun the nancy of the growth. 2. a cancerous growth two main air passages which branch from the tra- (NOTE: The plural is malignancies.) chea outside the lung. Also called primary bron- malignant malignant /mə li nənt/ adjective likely to chi | cause death or serious disablement if not properly major surgery major surgery / meid ə s d əri/ noun sur- treated gical operations involving important organs in the malignant hypertension malignant hypertension /mə li nənt body | haipə tenʃən/ noun dangerously high blood mal | mal /m l/ noun an illness or disease pressure mal- mal- /m l/ prefix bad or unusual malignant melanoma malignant melanoma /mə li nənt melə | | malabsorption malabsorption / m ləb sɔ pʃən/ noun a situ- nəυmə/ noun a dark tumour which develops on | ation where the intestines are unable to absorb the the skin from a mole, caused by exposure to fluids and nutrients in food properly strong sunlight malabsorption syndrome malabsorption syndrome / m ləb sɔ pʃən malignant pustule malignant pustule /mə li nənt p stju l/ | | sindrəυm/ noun a group of symptoms and signs, noun a pus-filled swelling that results from infec- including malnutrition, anaemia, oedema and der- tion of the skin with anthrax matitis, which results from steatorrhoea and mal- malignant tumour malignant tumour /mə li nənt tju mə/ | absorption of vitamins, protein, carbohydrates noun a tumour which is cancerous and can grow and water again or spread into other parts of the body, even malacia malacia /mə leiʃə/ noun the pathological sof- if removed surgically. Opposite benign tumour | tening of an organ or tissue malingerer malingerer /mə liŋ ərə/ noun a person who| malaise malaise /mə leiz/ noun a feeling of discomfort pretends to be ill | malaligned malaligned / m lə laind/ adjective not in the malingering malingering /mə liŋ əriŋ/ adjective the act of | | correct position relative to other parts of the body pretending to be ill malalignment malalignment / m lə lainmənt/ noun a con- malleolar malleolar /mə li ələ/ adjective referring to a | | dition in which something is malaligned, espe- malleolus cially in which a tooth is not in its correct position malleolus malleolus /mə li ələs/ noun one of two bony | in the mouth prominences at each side of the ankle (NOTE: The malar malar / meilə/ adjective referring to the cheek plural is malleoli.) malar bone mallet finger malar bone / meilə bəυn/ noun same as mallet finger / m lit fiŋ ə/ noun a finger cheekbone which cannot be straightened because the tendon attaching the top joint has been torn malaria malaria /mə leəriə/ noun a mainly tropical dis- | malleus malleus / m liəs/ noun the largest of the three ease caused by a parasite Plasmodium, which enters the body after a bite from the female ossicles in the middle ear, shaped like a hammer. See illustration at EAR in Supplement anopheles mosquito
  5. Page 178 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM Mallory bodies 178 Mallory bodies mamm- mamm- /m m/ prefix same as mammo- (used Mallory bodies / m ləri bɒdiz/ plural noun before vowels) large irregular masses which occur in the cyto- plasm of damaged liver cells, often a sign of an mamma mamma / m mə/ noun same as breast (NOTE: alcohol-related disease The plural is mammae.) Mallory-Weiss syndrome Mallory-Weiss syndrome / m ləri vais mammary mammary / m məri/ adjective referring to the sindrəυm/, Mallory-Weiss tear / m ləri vais breast teə/ noun a condition in which there is a tearing mammary gland mammary gland / m məri l nd/ noun a in the mucous membrane where the stomach and gland in female mammals which produces milk oesophagus join, e.g. because of strain on them mammilla mammilla /mə milə/, mamilla noun the pro- due to vomiting [Described 1929. After G. Ken- | truding part in the centre of the breast, containing neth Mallory (1900–86), Professor of Pathology, the milk ducts through which the milk flows. Also Boston University, USA; Konrad Weiss (1898– called nipple 1942) US physician.] mammillary mammillary / m mil(ə)ri/, mamillary adjec- malnourished malnourished /m l n riʃt/ adjective not hav- | tive referring to the nipple ing enough to eat or having only poor-quality mammo- mammo- /m məυ/ prefix referring to breasts food, leading to ill-health mammogram mammogram / m mə r m/ noun a picture malnutrition malnutrition / m lnjυ triʃ(ə)n/ noun a lack of | of a breast made using a special X-ray technique food or of good-quality food, leading to ill-health mammography mammography /m mɒ rəfi/ noun examina- malocclusion malocclusion / m lə klu (ə)n/ noun a con- | | tion of the breast using a special X-ray technique dition in which the teeth in the upper and lower mammoplasty mammoplasty / m məpl sti/ noun plastic jaws do not meet properly when the person’s surgery to alter the shape or size of the breasts mouth is closed Manchester operation Manchester operation / m ntʃistər ɒpə malodorous malodorous /m l əυdərəs/ adjective with a | | reiʃ(ə)n/ noun a surgical operation to correct strong unpleasant smell downward movement of the uterus, involving Malpighian body Malpighian body /m l pi iən bɒdi/, Mal- removal of the cervix | pighian corpuscle /m l pi iən kɔ p s(ə)l/ | mandible mandible / m ndib(ə)l/ noun the lower bone noun same as renal corpuscle [Described 1666. in the jaw. Also called lower jaw After Marcello Malpighi (1628–94), anatomist mandibular mandibular /m n dibjυlə/ adjective referring and physiologist in Rome and Bologna, Italy.] | to the lower jaw Malpighian glomerulus Malpighian glomerulus /m l pi iən lɒ | | mane mane / meini/ adverb (used on prescriptions) merυləs/ noun same as Bowman’s capsule during the daytime. Opposite nocte Malpighian layer Malpighian layer /m l pi iən leiə/ noun the | manganese manganese / m ŋ əni z/ noun a metallic deepest layer of the epidermis trace element (NOTE: The chemical symbol is malposition malposition / m lpə ziʃ(ə)n/ noun an unusual Mn.) | or unexpected position of something such as a mania mania / meiniə/ noun a state of bipolar disorder fetus in the uterus or fractured bones in which the person is excited, very sure of his or malpractice malpractice /m l pr ktis/ noun illegal, her own abilities and has increased energy | unethical, negligent or immoral behaviour by a -mania -mania /meiniə/ suffix obsession with some- professional person, especially a healthcare pro- thing fessional The surgeon was found guilty of mal- maniac maniac / meini k/ noun a person who behaves practice. in an uncontrolled way or is considered to have an malpresentation malpresentation / m lprez(ə)n teiʃ(ə)n/ obsession (NOTE: This term is regarded as offen- | noun an unusual position of a fetus in the uterus sive.) just before it is ready to be born manic manic / m nik/ adjective referring to mania Malta fever Malta fever / mɔ ltə fi və/ noun same as bru- manic depression manic depression / m nik di preʃ(ə)n/ cellosis | noun same as bipolar disorder maltase maltase / mɔ lteiz/ noun an enzyme in the manic-depressive manic-depressive / m nik di presiv/ adjec- small intestine which converts maltose into glu- | tive relating to bipolar disorder í noun a person cose with bipolar disorder maltose maltose / mɔ ltəυs/ noun a sugar formed by manic-depressive illness manic-depressive illness / m nik di | digesting starch or glycogen presiv ilnəs/, manic-depressive psychosis malunion malunion /m l ju njən/ noun a bad join of the / m nik di presiv sai kəυsis/ noun same as | | | pieces of a broken bone bipolar disorder mamilla mamilla /mə milə/ noun another spelling of manifestation manifestation / m nife steiʃ(ə)n/ noun a | | mammilla sign, indication or symptom of a disease mamillary manipulation mamillary / m mil(ə)ri/ adjective another manipulation /mə nipjυ leiʃ(ə)n/ noun a| | spelling of mammillary form of treatment that involves moving or rubbing
  6. Page 179 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 179 mastoiditis parts of the body with the hands, e.g. to treat a dis- cyst can be allowed to shrink gradually, because it order of a joint cannot be cut out manometer masculinisation manometer /mə nɒmitə/ noun an instrument masculinisation / m skjυlinai zeiʃ(ə)n/, | | for comparing pressures masculinization noun the development of male characteristics such as body hair and a deep voice manometry manometry /mə nɒmitri/ noun the measure-| in a woman, caused by hormone deficiency or by ment of pressures within organs of the body treatment with male hormones which contain gases or liquids, e.g. the oesopha- Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs gus or parts of the brain Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs / m zləυz hairɑ ki əv hju mən ni dz/ noun a Mantoux test Mantoux test / m ntu test/ noun a test for system which explains human behaviour by tuberculosis, in which a person is given an intrac- organising human needs in order of priority, from utaneous injection of tuberculin. Heaf test basic ones such as eating to complex ones such as [Described 1908. After Charles Mantoux (1877– finding self-fulfilment, a higher level of motiva- 1947), French physician.] tion not being activated until the lesser needs have manual manual / m njuəl/ adjective done by hand been satisfied manubrium sterni manubrium sterni /mə nu briəm st nai/ | masochism masochism / m səkiz(ə)m/ noun a sexual noun the upper part of the sternum condition in which a person takes pleasure in MAO MAO abbreviation monoamine oxidase being hurt or badly treated MAOI MAOI abbreviation monoamine oxidase inhibi- masochistic masochistic / m sə kistik/ adjective refer- tor | ring to masochism MAO inhibitor MAO inhibitor / em ei əυ in hibitə/ noun | mass mass /m s/ noun 1. a large quantity, e.g. a large same as monoamine oxidase inhibitor number of people The patient’s back was cov- maple syrup urine disease maple syrup urine disease / meip(ə)l ered with a mass of red spots. 2. a body of matter sirəp jυərin di zi z/ noun an inherited condi- with no clear shape | tion caused by not having enough of a particular massage massage / m sɑ / noun a treatment for mus- enzyme which helps the body to deal with amino cular conditions which involves rubbing, stroking acid. The urine smells like maple syrup. It can be or pressing the body with the hands í verb to rub, fatal if not treated. stroke or press the body with the hands marasmus marasmus /mə r zməs/ noun a wasting dis- | masseter masseter /m si tə/, masseter muscle /m ease which affects small children who have diffi- | | si tə m s(ə)l/ noun a muscle in the cheek which culty in absorbing nutrients or who are malnour- clenches the lower jaw making it move up, to ished. Also called failure to thrive allow chewing marble bone disease marble bone disease / mɑ b(ə)l bəυn di | mast- mast- /m st/ prefix same as masto- (used zi z/ noun same as osteopetrosis before vowels) march fracture march fracture / mɑ tʃ fr ktʃə/ noun a frac- mast cell mast cell / m st sel/ noun a large cell in con- ture of one of the metatarsal bones in the foot, nective tissue, which carries histamine and reacts caused by excessive exercise to which the body is to allergens not accustomed mastectomy mastectomy /m stektəmi/ noun the surgical Marfan’s syndrome Marfan’s syndrome / mɑ fɑ nz sindrəυm/, | removal of a breast Marfan syndrome / mɑ fɑ n sindrəυm/ noun mastication a hereditary condition in which a person has mastication / m sti keiʃ(ə)n/ noun the act of | extremely long fingers and toes, with disorders of chewing food the heart, aorta and eyes [Described 1896. After mastitis mastitis /m staitis/ noun inflammation of the | Bernard Jean Antonin Marfan (1858–1942), breast French paediatrician.] masto- masto- /m stəυ/ prefix referring to a breast marijuana marijuana / m ri wɑ nə/ noun same as can- | mastoid mastoid / m stɔid/ adjective shaped like a nip- nabis ple í noun same as mastoid process marker marker / mɑ kə/ noun 1. something which acts mastoid air cell mastoid air cell / m stɔid eə sel/, mastoid an indicator of something else 2. a substance cell / m stɔid sel/ noun an air cell in the mas- introduced into the body to make internal struc- toid process tures clearer to X-rays mastoid antrum mastoid antrum / m stɔid ntrəm/ noun a marrow marrow / m rəυ/ noun soft tissue in cancellous cavity linking the air cells of the mastoid process bone. In young animals red marrow is concerned with the middle ear with blood formation while in adults it becomes mastoidectomy mastoidectomy / m stɔi dektəmi/ noun a progressively replaced with fat and is known as | surgical operation to remove part of the mastoid yellow marrow. Also called bone marrow. See process, as a treatment for mastoiditis illustration at BONE STRUCTURE in Supplement mastoiditis marsupialisation marsupialisation /mɑ su piəlai zeiʃ(ə)n/, mastoiditis / m stɔi daitis/ noun inflamma- | | | marsupialization noun a surgical procedure in tion of the mastoid process and air cells. The which the inside of a cyst is opened up so that the symptoms are fever and pain in the ears.
  7. Page 180 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM mastoid process 180 mastoid process maxillary antrum mastoid process / m stɔid prəυses/ noun maxillary antrum /m k siləri ntrəm/, | maxillary air sinus /m k siləri eə sainəs/ part of the temporal bone which protrudes at the | side of the head behind the ear noun one of two sinuses behind the cheekbones in the upper jaw. Also called antrum of Highmore masturbation masturbation / m stə beiʃ(ə)n/ noun stimu- | maxillo-facial maxillo-facial /m k siləυ feiʃ(ə)l/ adjective lation of one’s own genitals to produce an orgasm. | | Also called onanism referring to the maxillary bone and the face maxillo-facial surgery mater / meitə/ ‘ dura mater mater MB MB abbreviation bachelor of medicine materia medica materia medica /mə tiəriə medikə/ noun the | McBurney’s point study of drugs or dosages as used in treatment McBurney’s point /mək b niz pɔint/ noun | (NOTE: It comes from a Latin term meaning a point which indicates the usual position of the ‘medical substance’.) appendix on the right side of the abdomen, between the hip bone and the navel, which is maternal maternal /mə t n(ə)l/ adjective referring to a | extremely painful if pressed when the person has mother appendicitis [Described 1899. After Charles maternal death maternal death /mə t n(ə)l deθ/ noun the | McBurney (1845–1913), US surgeon.] death of a mother during pregnancy, childbirth or McNaghten’s Rules on Insanity at Law McNaghten’s Rules on Insanity at Law up to twelve months after childbirth /mək nɔ tənz ru lz ɒn in s niti ət lɔ /, maternal deprivation maternal deprivation /mə t n(ə)l depri | | | | McNaghten’s Rules /mək nɔ tənz ru lz/ plu- veiʃ(ə)n/ noun a psychological condition caused | ral noun a set of principles which explain how when a child does not have a proper relationship people can defend themselves in law by claiming with a mother that they committed a murder because they were maternal dystocia maternal dystocia /mə t n(ə)l dis təυsiə/ mentally ill, and therefore not responsible for any | | noun difficult childbirth caused by a physical of their actions. In 1957 it was adapted to include problem in the mother the idea of knowing that an action is wrong but maternal instincts maternal instincts /mə t n(ə)l instiŋkts/ being unable to stop yourself from committing it | plural noun instinctive feelings in a woman to because of your mental condition. look after and protect her child MCP joint MCP joint / em si pi d ɔint/ noun same as maternity maternity /mə t niti/ noun childbirth, the fact metacarpophalangeal joint | of becoming a mother MCU MCU, MCUG abbreviation micturating cysto(- maternity clinic maternity clinic /mə t niti klinik/ noun urethro)gram | same as antenatal clinic MD MD abbreviation doctor of medicine maternity hospital maternity hospital /mə t niti hɒspit(ə)l/, ME ME abbreviation myalgic encephalomyelitis | maternity ward /mə t niti wɔ d/, maternity | measles measles / mi z(ə)lz/ noun an infectious disease unit /mə t niti ju nit/ noun a hospital, ward or | of children, where the body is covered with a red unit which deals only with women giving birth rash She’s in bed with measles. He’s got matrix matrix / meitriks/ noun an amorphous mass of measles. They caught measles from their friend cells forming the basis of connective tissue. Also at school. Have you had the measles? Also called ground substance called morbilli, rubeola (NOTE: Takes a singular matron matron / meitrən/ noun a title formerly given to or plural verb.) a woman in charge of the nurses in a hospital. meat- meat- /mieit/ prefix relating to a meatus modern matron meatus meatus /mi eitəs/ noun an opening leading to mattress suture | mattress suture / m trəs su tʃə/ noun a an internal passage in the body, e.g. the urethra or suture made with a loop on each side of the inci- the nasal cavity (NOTE: The plural is meatuses sion or meatus.) maturation maturation / m tʃυ reiʃ(ə)n/ noun the proc- mechanism mechanism / mekəniz(ə)m/ noun 1. a physi- | ess of becoming mature or fully developed cal or chemical change by which a function is car- mature mature /mə tʃυə/ adjective fully developed ried out 2. a system in the body which carries out | mature follicle or controls a particular function The inner ear mature follicle /mə tʃυə fɒlik(ə)l/ noun a | is the body’s mechanism for the sense of balance. Graafian follicle just before ovulation mechanism of labour maturing mechanism of labour / mekəniz(ə)m əv maturing /mə tʃυəriŋ/ adjective becoming | leibə/ noun all the forces and processes which mature combine to push a foetus out of the uterus during maxilla maxilla /m k silə/, maxilla bone /m k silə | | its birth, together with the ones which oppose it bəυn/ noun the upper jaw bone (NOTE: The plural mechanotherapy mechanotherapy / mekənəυ θerəpi/ noun is maxillae. It is more correct to refer to the | the treatment of injuries through mechanical upper jaw as the maxillae, as it is in fact formed means, such as massage and exercise machines of two bones which are fused together.) meconism maxillary maxillary /m k siləri/ adjective referring to meconism / mekəυniz(ə)m/ noun poisoning | the maxilla by opium or morphine
  8. Page 181 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 181 medical social worker meconium medical certificate meconium /mi kəυniəm/ noun the first dark medical certificate / medik(ə)l sə tifikət/ | | green faeces produced by a newborn baby noun an official document signed by a doctor, giving someone permission to be away from work media media / mi diə/ noun same as tunica media or not to do specific types of work medial medial / mi diəl/ adjective nearer to the central medical committee medical committee / medik(ə)l kə miti/ midline of the body or to the centre of an organ. | noun a committee of doctors in a hospital who Compare lateral advise the management on medical matters medially medially / mi diəli/ adverb towards or on the medical doctor medical doctor / medik(ə)l dɒktə/ noun a sagittal plane of the body. See illustration at ANA- in Supplement doctor who practises medicine, but is not usually TOMICAL TERMS a surgeon medial malleolus medial malleolus / mi diəl mə li ələs/ noun a | medical ethics bone at the end of the tibia which protrudes at the medical ethics / medik(ə)l eθiks/ plural inside of the ankle noun the moral and professional principles which govern how doctors and nurses should work, and, median median / mi diən/ adjective towards the central in particular, what type of relationship they midline of the body, or placed in the middle should have with their patients median nerve median nerve / mi diən n v/ noun one of the medical examination medical examination / medik(ə)l i z mi main nerves of the forearm and hand | | neiʃ(ə)n/ noun an examination of a person by a median plane median plane / mi diən plein/ noun an imag- doctor inary flat surface on the midline and at right medical history medical history / medik(ə)l hist(ə)ri/ noun angles to the coronal plane, which divides the body into right and left halves. See illustration at the details of a person’s medical condition and in Supplement treatment over a period of time ANATOMICAL TERMS mediastinal medical intervention mediastinal /mi diə stain(ə)l/ adjective refer- medical intervention / medik(ə)l intə | | ring to the mediastinum the mediastinal sur- venʃən/ noun the treatment of illness by drugs face of pleura or of the lungs medicalisation medicalisation / medikəlai zeiʃ(ə)n/, medi- | mediastinitis mediastinitis / mi diəsti naitis/ noun inflam- calization noun the act of looking at something | mation of the mediastinum as a medical issue or problem mediastinoscopy mediastinoscopy / mi diəsti nɒskəpi/ noun medical jurisprudence medical jurisprudence / medik(ə)l d υəris | | an operation in which a tube is put into the medi- pru d(ə)ns/ noun the use of the principles of law astinum so that its organs can be examined as they relate to the practice of medicine and the mediastinum mediastinum /mi diə stainəm/ noun the sec- relationship of doctors with each other, their | tion of the chest between the lungs, where the patients and society. forensic medicine heart, oesophagus and phrenic and vagus nerves Medical Officer of Health Medical Officer of Health / medik(ə)l are situated ɒfisər əv helθ/ noun formerly, a local govern- medic medic / medik/ noun a doctor or medical stu- ment official in charge of the health services in an dent (informal ) area. Abbreviation MOH medical medical / medik(ə)l/ adjective referring to the medical practitioner medical practitioner / medik(ə)l pr k | study of diseases a medical student í noun an tiʃ(ə)nə/ noun a person qualified in medicine, official examination of a person by a doctor He i.e. a doctor or surgeon wanted to join the army, but failed his medical. medical profession medical profession / medik(ə)l prə feʃ(ə)n/ | You will have to have a medical if you take out an noun all doctors insurance policy. Medical Register Medical Register / medik(ə)l red istə/ medical alert bracelet medical alert bracelet / medik(ə)l ə l t | noun a list of doctors approved by the General breislət/ noun a band or chain worn around the Medical Council The committee ordered his wrist giving information about the wearer’s med- name to be struck off the Medical Register. ical needs, allergies or condition Medical Research Council Medical Research Council / medik(ə)l ri medical assistant medical assistant / medik(ə)l ə sist(ə)nt/ | | s tʃ kaυnsəl/ noun a government body which noun someone who performs routine administra- organises and pays for medical research. Abbrevi- tive and clinical tasks to help in the offices and ation MRC clinics of doctors and other medical practitioners medical school medical school / medik(ə)l sku l/ noun a sec- medical audit medical audit / medik(ə)l ɔ dit/ noun a sys- tion of a university which teaches medicine He tematic critical analysis of the quality of medical is at medical school. care provided to a person, which examines the medical secretary medical secretary / medik(ə)l sekrit(ə)ri/ procedures used for diagnosis and treatment, the noun a qualified secretary who specialises in use of resources and the resulting outcome and medical documentation, either in a hospital or in quality of life for the person a doctor’s surgery medical audit advisory group medical audit advisory group / medik(ə)l medical social worker medical social worker / medik(ə)l səυʃ(ə)l ɔ dit əd vaiz(ə)ri ru p/ noun a body with the | w kə/ noun someone who helps people with responsibility of advising on medical audit in pri- mary care. Abbreviation MAAG family problems or problems related to their work
  9. Page 182 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM medical ward 182 medulla oblongata which may have an effect on their response to medulla oblongata /me d lə ɒblɒŋ eitə/ | | treatment noun a continuation of the spinal cord going through the foramen magnum into the brain medical ward medical ward / medik(ə)l wɔ d/ noun a ward medullary for people who do not have to undergo surgical medullary /me d ləri/ adjective similar to mar- | operations row Medicare medullary cavity Medicare / medikeə/ noun a system of public medullary cavity /me d ləri k viti/ noun a | health insurance in the US hollow centre of a long bone, containing bone marrow. See illustration at BONE STRUCTURE in medicated medicated / medikeitid/ adjective containing Supplement a medicinal drug medicated cough sweet medullated nerve medullated nerve / medəleitid n v/ noun a medicated shampoo medicated shampoo / medikeitid ʃ m | nerve surrounded by a myelin sheath pu / noun a shampoo containing a chemical mefenamic acid mefenamic acid / mefən mik sid/ noun a which is supposed to prevent dandruff drug which reduces inflammation and pain, used medication medication / medi keiʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. the treat- | in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and men- ment of illnesses by giving people drugs. pre- strual problems medication 2. a drug used to treat a particular ill- mefloquine mefloquine / mefləkwi n/, mefloquine ness What sort of medication has she been / mefləkwi n haidrəυ hydrochloride taking? 80% of elderly patients admitted to | klɔ raid/ noun a drug used in the prevention and geriatric units are on medication. treatment of malaria medicinal medicinal /mə dis(ə)n(ə)l/ adjective which has | mega- mega- /me ə/ prefix 1. large. Opposite micro- healing properties or a beneficial effect on some- 2. one million, or 106 one’s health He has a drink of whisky before he goes to bed for medicinal purposes. megacolon megacolon / me ə kəυlən/ noun a condition | medicinal leech in which the lower colon is very much larger than medicinal leech /mə dis(ə)n(ə)l li tʃ/ noun a | normal, because part of the colon above is con- leech which is raised specially for use in medicine stricted, making bowel movements impossible medicine medicine / med(ə)s(ə)n/ noun 1. a preparation megajoule megajoule / me əd u l/ noun a unit of meas- taken to treat a disease or condition, especially urement of energy equal to one million joules. one in liquid form Take some cough medicine if Symbol Mj your cough is bad. You should take the medi- megakaryocyte cine three times a day. 2. the study of diseases and megakaryocyte / me ə k riəsait/ noun a | how to cure or prevent them She is studying bone marrow cell which produces blood platelets medicine because she wants to be a doctor. megalo- megalo- /me ələυ/ prefix large medicine cabinet medicine cabinet / med(ə)s(ə)n k binət/, megaloblast megaloblast / me ələυbl st/ noun an unusu- medicine chest / med(ə)s(ə)n tʃest/ noun a ally large blood cell found in the bone marrow of cupboard where medicines, bandages, thermome- people who have some types of anaemia caused ters and other pieces of medical equipment can be by Vitamin B12 deficiency left locked up, but ready for use in an emergency megaloblastic anaemia megaloblastic anaemia / me ələυ bl stik | medico medico /medikəυ/ noun a doctor (informal ) ə ni miə/ noun anaemia caused by Vitamin B12 | The medico said I was perfectly fit. deficiency medico- medico- /medikəυ/ prefix referring to medicine megalocyte megalocyte / me ələυsait/ noun an unusually or to doctors large red blood cell, found in pernicious anaemia medicochirurgical medicochirurgical / medikəυkai megalomania megalomania / me ələυ meiniə/ noun a psy- | | | r d ik(ə)l/ adjective referring to both medicine chiatric disorder in which a person believes they and surgery are very powerful and important medicolegal medicolegal / medikəυ li (ə)l/ adjective megalomaniac megalomaniac / me ələυ meini k/ noun | | someone who has megalomania í adjective hav- referring to both medicine and the law medicosocial ing megalomania medicosocial / medikəυ səυʃ(ə)l/ adjective| -megaly involving both medical and social factors -megaly /me əli/ suffix enlargement medium megaureter medium / mi diəm/ adjective average, in the megaureter / me əjυ ri tə/ noun a condition | middle or at the halfway point í noun a sub- in which a part of the ureter becomes very wide, stance through which something acts above the site of a blockage medroxyprogesterone meibomian cyst medroxyprogesterone /mə drɒksiprəυ meibomian cyst /mai bəυmiən sist/ noun | | | | d estərəυn/ noun a synthetic hormone used to the swelling of a sebaceous gland in the eyelid. treat menstrual disorders, in oestrogen replace- Also called chalazion ment therapy and as a contraceptive meibomian gland meibomian gland /mai bəυmiən l nd/ | medulla medulla /me d lə/ noun the soft inner part of an noun a sebaceous gland on the edge of the eyelid | organ, as opposed to the outer cortex. See illustra- which secretes a liquid to lubricate the eyelid. tion at KIDNEY in Supplement Also called tarsal gland
  10. Page 183 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 183 meninx meibomianitis Johann Mendel (1822–84), Austrian Augustinian meibomianitis /mai bəυmiə naitis/ noun a | | monk and naturalist of Brno, whose work was condition in which the meibomian glands become rediscovered by de Vries in 1900.] swollen Ménière’s disease Ménière’s disease /meni eəz di zi z/, Meigs’ syndrome Meigs’ syndrome / me z sindrəυm/ noun a | | Ménière’s syndrome / sindrəυm/ noun a dis- condition in which liquid collects in the chest and ease of the middle ear, in which someone abdominal cavities. It is associated with pelvic becomes dizzy, hears ringing in the ears and may tumours. vomit, and becomes progressively deaf. The meiosis meiosis /mai əυsis/ noun the process of cell | causes may include infections or allergies, which division which results in two pairs of haploid increase the fluid contents of the labyrinth in the cells, i.e. cells with only one set of chromosomes. middle ear. [Described 1861. After Prosper Compare mitosis Ménière (1799–1862) and his son, Emile Anto- Meissner’s corpuscle Meissner’s corpuscle / maisnəz ine Ménière (1839–1905), French physicians.] kɔ p s(ə)l/ noun a receptor cell in the skin mening- mening- /menind / prefix same as meningo- which is thought to be sensitive to touch (used before vowels) Meissner’s plexus Meissner’s plexus / maisnəz pleksəs/ noun meningeal meningeal /me nind iəl/ adjective referring to a network of nerve fibres in the wall of the ali- | the meninges mentary canal [Described 1853. After Georg meninges meninges /me nind i z/ plural noun the mem- Meissner (1829–1905), German anatomist and | branes which surround the brain and spinal cord physiologist.] (NOTE: The singular is meninx.) melaena melaena /mə li nə/ noun black faeces where | meningioma meningioma / menind i əυmə/ noun a benign the colour is caused by bleeding in the intestine | tumour in the meninges melan- melan- /melən/ prefix same as melano- (used meningism meningism /me nind iz(ə)m/ noun a condi- before vowels) | tion in which there are signs of meningeal irrita- melancholia melancholia / melən kəυliə/ noun a severe | tion suggesting meningitis, but where there is no depressive illness occurring usually between the pathological change in the cerebrospinal fluid ages of 45 and 65 meningitis meningitis / menin d aitis/ noun inflamma- melanin melanin / melənin/ noun a dark pigment which | tion of the meninges, causing someone to have gives colour to skin and hair, also found in the violent headaches, fever, and stiff neck muscles, choroid of the eye and in some tumours and sometimes to become delirious melano- melano- /melənəυ/ prefix black or dark meningo- meningo- /məniŋ əυ/ prefix referring to the melanocyte melanocyte / melənəυsait/ noun any cell meninges which carries pigment meningocele meningocele /mə niŋ əυsi l/ noun a condi- melanocyte-stimulating hormone | melanocyte-stimulating hormone tion in which the meninges protrude through the / melənəυsait stimjυleitiŋ hɔ məυm/ noun a vertebral column or skull hormone produced by the pituitary gland which meningococcal meningococcal /mə niŋ əυ kɒk(ə)l/ adjec- causes darkening in the colour of the skin. Abbre- | | tive referring to meningococci viation MSH meningococcal meningitis meningococcal meningitis /mə niŋ əυ melanoma melanoma / melə nəυmə/ noun a tumour | | | kɒk(ə)l menin d aitis/ noun the commonest formed of dark pigmented cells | epidemic form of meningitis, caused by a bacte- melatonin melatonin / melə təυnin/ noun a hormone pro- rium Neisseria meningitidis, where the meninges | duced by the pineal gland during the hours of become inflamed causing headaches and fever darkness, which makes animals sleep during the meningococcus meningococcus /mə niŋ əυ kɒkəs/ noun winter months. It is thought to control the body’s | | the bacterium Neisseria meningitidis which rhythms. causes meningococcal meningitis (NOTE: The melena melena /mə li nə/ noun same as melaena plural is meningococci.) | mellitus / melitəs/ ‘ diabetes mellitus mellitus meningoencephalitis meningoencephalitis /mə niŋ əυen kefə | | | | membrane membrane / membrein/ noun a thin layer of laitis/ noun inflammation of the meninges and tissue which lines or covers an organ the brain membranous membranous / membrənəs/ adjective refer- meningoencephalocele meningoencephalocele /mə niŋ əυen | | | ring to membranes, or like a membrane kefələυsi l/ noun a condition in which part of membranous labyrinth membranous labyrinth / membrənəs the meninges and the brain push through a gap in l bərinθ/ noun a series of ducts and canals the skull formed of membrane inside the osseous labyrinth meningomyelocele meningomyelocele /mə niŋ əυ | | menarche menarche /mə nɑ ki/ noun the start of men- maiələυsi l/ noun the pushing forward of part of | strual periods the meninges and spinal cord through a gap in the spine. Also called myelomeningocele, mye- Mendel’s laws Mendel’s laws / mendəlz lɔ z/ plural noun the locele laws of heredity, that are the basis of the science meninx / meniŋks/ noun ‘ meninges meninx of genetics [Described 1865. After Gregor
  11. Page 184 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM meniscectomy 184 meniscectomy making their own decisions, that they should be meniscectomy / meni sektəmi/ noun the sur- | given support in decision-making, that it is gical removal of a cartilage from the knee patients’ capacity to make decisions that should meniscus meniscus /mə niskəs/ noun one of two pads of | be judged, not the decisions themselves, that cartilage, the lateral meniscus and medial menis- treatment must be in patients’ best interests, and cus, between the femur and tibia in a knee joint. that treatment should restrict rights and freedoms Also called semilunar cartilage (NOTE: The plu- as little as possible ral is menisci.) mental deficiency mental deficiency / ment(ə)l di fiʃ(ə)nsi/ meno- meno- /menəυ/ prefix referring to menstruation | noun a former term for learning disability (NOTE: menopause menopause / menəpɔ z/ noun a period, usu- This term is regarded as offensive.) ally between 45 and 55 years of age, when a mental development mental development / ment(ə)l di woman stops menstruating and can no longer bear | veləpmənt/ noun the development of the mind children. Also called climacteric, change of life Her mental development is higher than usual menorrhagia menorrhagia / menə reid iə/ noun very | for her age. heavy bleeding during menstruation. Also called mental disorder mental disorder / ment(ə)l dis ɔ də/ noun a flooding | temporary or permanent change in a person’s menses menses / mensi z/ plural noun same as men- mental state which makes them function less struation effectively than they would usually, or than the menstrual menstrual / menstruəl/ adjective referring to average person would be expected to function menstruation mental faculties mental faculties / ment(ə)l f kəlti z/ plural menstrual cramp menstrual cramp / menstruəl kr mp/ noun noun abilities such as thinking and decision-mak- a cramp in the muscles round the uterus during ing There has been no impairment of the mental menstruation faculties. menstrual cycle menstrual cycle / menstruəl saik(ə)l/ noun mental handicap mental handicap / ment(ə)l h ndik p/ a period, usually of 28 days, during which a noun a former term for learning disability (NOTE: woman ovulates, the walls of the uterus swell and This term is regarded as offensive.) bleeding takes place if the ovum has not been fer- mental health mental health / ment(ə)l helθ/ noun the con- tilised dition of someone’s mind menstrual flow menstrual flow / menstruəl fləυ/ noun the Mental Health Acts Mental Health Acts / ment(ə)l helθ kts/ discharge of blood from the uterus during men- plural noun laws made by a parliament which lay struation down rules for the care of people with mental ill- menstruate menstruate / menstrueit/ verb to bleed from ness the uterus during menstruation Mental Health Review Tribunal Mental Health Review Tribunal / ment(ə)l menstruation menstruation / menstru eiʃ(ə)n/ noun bleed- | helθ ri vju trai bju n(ə)l/ noun a committee ing from the uterus which occurs in a woman each | | which makes decisions about whether people who month when the lining of the uterus is shed have been detained under the Mental Health Acts because no fertilised egg is present should be released. It consists of medical mem- mental mental / ment(ə)l/ adjective 1. referring to the bers, legal experts and lay members, who include mind 2. referring to the chin people with experience in social services. Abbre- mental aberration mental aberration / ment(ə)l bə reiʃ(ə)n/ viation MHRT | noun slight forgetfulness or confusion (often mental hospital mental hospital / ment(ə)l hɒspit(ə)l/ noun humorous) I thought the meeting was at 11 – I a psychiatric hospital (NOTE: This term is must have had a mental aberration. regarded as offensive.) mental age mental age / ment(ə)l eid / noun a measure- mental illness mental illness / ment(ə)l ilnəs/ noun any dis- ment based on intelligence tests that shows a per- order which affects the mind son’s intellectual development, usually compared mental impairment mental impairment / ment(ə)l im peəmənt/ to standardised data for a chronological age | noun a temporary or permanent condition which he’s nine, but he has a mental age of five affects a person’s mental state, making them func- although he is nine years old, his level of intellec- tion less effectively than they would usually, or tual development is the same as that of an average than the average person would be expected to child of five function mental block mental block / ment(ə)l blɒk/ noun a tempo- mentally mentally / ment(ə)li/ adverb in the mind rary inability to remember something, caused by Mentally, she is very advanced for her age. the effect of nervous stress on the mental proc- mentally handicapped mentally handicapped / ment(ə)li esses h ndik pt/ adjective a former term for some- Mental Capacity Act Mental Capacity Act / ment(ə)l kə p siti | one with learning disability (NOTE: This term is kt/ noun a piece of UK legislation, introduced usually regarded as offensive.) in 2007, that establishes five principles in relation mentally ill mentally ill / ment(ə)li il/ adjective experienc- to mental capacity and medical treatment, namely that patients should be assumed to be capable of ing mental illness
  12. Page 185 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 185 metastasise mental nerve mesothelium mesothelium / mesəυ θi liəm/ noun a layer of mental nerve / ment(ə)l n v/ noun a nerve | cells lining a serous membrane. Compare epithe- which supplies the chin lium, endothelium mental patient mental patient / ment(ə)l peiʃ(ə)nt/ noun a messenger RNA messenger RNA / mes(ə)nd ə ɑ r en ei/ former term of a patient who has mental illness noun a type of ribonucleic acid which transmits (NOTE: This term is regarded as offensive.) the genetic code from the DNA to the ribosomes mental retardation mental retardation / ment(ə)l ri tɑ | which form the proteins coded on the DNA. deiʃ(ə)n/ noun a former term for learning disa- Abbreviation mRNA bility, a condition that results in someone finding mestranol mestranol / mi strənɒl/ noun a synthetically it difficult to learn skills or information at the produced oestrogen used in birth control pills same rate as others of a similar age (NOTE: This meta- meta- /metə/ prefix referring to change term is regarded as offensive.) mental subnormality metabolic metabolic / metə bɒlik/ adjective referring to mental subnormality / ment(ə)l s bnɔ | | metabolism m liti/ noun a former term for mental impair- ment (NOTE: This term is usually regarded as metabolic acidosis metabolic acidosis / metəbɒlik si | offensive.) dəυsis/ noun acidosis caused by a malfunction menthol of the body’s metabolism menthol / menθɒl/ noun a strongly scented compound, produced from peppermint oil, used metabolic alkalosis metabolic alkalosis / metəbɒlik lkə | in cough medicines and in the treatment of neural- ləυsis/ noun alkalosis caused by a malfunction gia of the body’s metabolism mentholated metabolise mentholated / menθəleitid/ adjective impreg- metabolise /mə t bəlaiz/, metabolize verb | nated with menthol to change the nature of something by metabolism The liver metabolises proteins and carbohy- mento- mento- /mentəυ/ prefix relating to the chin drates. mentor mentor / mentɔ / noun somebody who advises metabolism metabolism /mə t bəliz(ə)m/ noun the and guides a younger, less experienced person í | chemical processes which are continually taking verb to act as a mentor to somebody place in the human body and which are essential mentum mentum / mentəm/ noun the chin to life, especially the processes that convert food mercury mercury / m kjυri/ noun a poisonous liquid into energy metal, used in thermometers (NOTE: The chemi- metabolite metabolite /mə t bəlait/ noun a substance | cal symbol is Hg.) produced by metabolism, or a substance taken mercury poisoning mercury poisoning / m kjυri pɔiz(ə)niŋ/ into the body in food and then metabolised noun poisoning by drinking mercury or mercury metacarpal bone metacarpal bone / metə kɑ p(ə)l bəυn/, | compounds or by inhaling mercury vapour metacarpal / metə kɑ p(ə)l/ noun one of the | mercy killing five bones in the metacarpus mercy killing / m si kiliŋ/ noun same as metacarpophalangeal euthanasia metacarpophalangeal / metə kɑ pəυfə | | | l nd iəl/ adjective relating to the part of the meridian meridian /mə ridiən/ noun in acupuncture and | hand between the wrist and the fingers Chinese medicine, one of the pathways in the metacarpophalangeal joint body along which its energy is believed to flow metacarpophalangeal joint / metə kɑ pəυ | | fə l nd iəl d ɔint/ noun a joint between a met- mes- mes- /mes/ prefix same as meso- (used before | acarpal bone and a finger. Also called MCP joint, vowels) MP joint mesencephalon mesencephalon /mesen kefəlɒn/ noun same | metacarpus metacarpus / metə kɑ pəs/ noun the five as midbrain | bones in the hand between the fingers and the mesenteric mesenteric / mesen terik/ adjective referring wrist. See illustration at HAND in Supplement | to the mesentery metaphase metaphase / metəfeiz/ noun one of the stages mesentery mesentery / mesent(ə)ri/ noun a double-layer in mitosis or meiosis peritoneum which attaches the small intestine and metaphysis metaphysis /me t fəsis/ noun the end of the other abdominal organs to the abdominal wall | central section of a long bone, where the bone mesial mesial / mi siəl/ adjective 1. in dentistry, relat- grows and where it joins the epiphysis ing to the middle of the front of the jaw, or occur- metaplasia metaplasia /metə pleiziə/ noun a change of | ring in a place near this 2. relating to or located in one tissue to another the middle part of something metastasis metastasis /me t stəsis/ noun the spreading meso- | meso- /mesəυ/ prefix middle of a malignant disease from one part of the body mesometrium mesometrium / mesəυ mi triəm/ noun a to another through the bloodstream or the lymph | muscle layer of the uterus system. Also called secondary growth (NOTE: The plural is metastases.) mesothelioma mesothelioma / mesəυti li əυmə/ noun a| metastasise metastasise /me t stəsaiz/, metastasize tumour of the serous membrane, which can be | benign or malignant verb to spread by metastasis
  13. Page 186 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM metastatic 186 metastatic methotrexate methotrexate / meθə trekseit/ noun a drug metastatic /metə st tik/ adjective relating to, | | which helps to prevent cells reproducing, used in or produced by, metastasis Metastatic growths the treatment of cancer developed in the liver. methyl alcohol methyl alcohol / mi θail lkəhɒl/ noun same metatarsal metatarsal / metə tɑ s(ə)l/ noun one of the | five bones in the metatarsus í adjective relating as methanol methylated spirits methylated spirits / meθəleitid spirits/ plu- to the metatarsus ral noun almost pure alcohol, with wood alcohol metatarsal arch metatarsal arch / metə tɑ s(ə)l ɑ tʃ/ noun an | and colouring added arched part of the sole of the foot, running across methylphenidate methylphenidate / mi θail fenideit/ noun a the sole of the foot from side to side. Also called | drug which stimulates the central nervous system, transverse arch used in the treatment of narcolepsy and attention metatarsalgia metatarsalgia / metətɑ s ld ə/ noun pain in | deficit disorder the heads of the metatarsal bones methylprednisolone methylprednisolone / mi θailpred metatarsophalangeal joint metatarsophalangeal joint /metə tɑ səυfə | | nisələυn/ noun a corticosteroid drug which | | | l nd iəl d ɔint/ noun a joint between a meta- reduces inflammation, used in the treatment of tarsal bone and a toe arthritis, allergies and asthma metatarsus metatarsus / metə tɑ səs/ noun the five long metoclopramide metoclopramide / metəυ kləυprəmaid/ | | | bones in the foot between the toes and the tarsus. noun a drug used to treat nausea, vomiting and See illustration at FOOT in Supplement (NOTE: indigestion The plural is metatarsi.) metoprolol metoprolol /mi tɒprəlɒl/ noun a drug which | meteorism meteorism / mi tiəriz(ə)m/ noun same as controls the activity of the heart, used to treat tympanites angina and high blood pressure meter meter / mi tə/ noun US same as metre metr- metr- /metr/ prefix same as metro- (used before -meter vowels) -meter /mi tə, mitə/ suffix measuring instru- metra ment metra / metrə/ noun the uterus metralgia metformin metralgia /me tr ld ə/ noun pain in the uterus metformin /met fɔ min/ noun a drug which | | reduces the level of the blood sugar levels, used to metre metre / mi tə/ noun an SI unit of length The treat non-insulin dependent diabetes which does room is four metres by three. Symbol m not respond to dietary measures metritis metritis /me traitis/ noun same as myometri- | methadone methadone / meθədəυn/ noun a synthetically tis produced narcotic drug, used to reduce pain and metro- metro- /metrəυ/ prefix referring to the uterus as a substitute for heroin in the treatment of addic- metrocolpocele metrocolpocele / metrə kɒlpəυsi l/ noun a | tion condition in which the uterus protrudes into the methaemoglobin methaemoglobin /met hi məυ ləυbin/ vagina | | noun a dark brown substance formed from hae- metronidazole metronidazole / metrə nidəzəυl/ noun a yel- | moglobin which develops during illness, follow- low antibiotic compound, used especially in the ing treatment with some drugs. Methaemoglobin treatment of vaginal infections cannot transport oxygen round the body, and so metroptosis metroptosis / metrə təυsis/ noun a condition | causes cyanosis. in which the uterus has moved downwards out of methaemoglobinaemia methaemoglobinaemia /met hi məυ its usual position. Also called prolapse of the | | ləυbi ni miə/ noun the presence of methaemo- uterus | globin in the blood metrorrhagia metrorrhagia / mi trəυ reid iə/ noun unusual | methane methane / mi θein, meθein/ noun a colour- bleeding from the vagina between the menstrual less flammable gas with no smell periods methanol -metry -metry /mətri/ suffix relating to the process of methanol / meθənɒl/ noun a colourless poison- measuring, or to instruments which are used for ous liquid, used as a solvent and a fuel. It changes measuring easily into a gas. Also called methyl alcohol mg mg abbreviation milligram methicillin methicillin / meθi silin/ noun a synthetically | MI MI abbreviation 1. mitral incompetence 2. myo- produced antibiotic, used in the treatment of infections which are resistant to penicillin cardial infarction Michel’s clips methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Michel’s clips /mi ʃelz klips/ plural noun methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus | metal clips used to suture a wound [After Gaston aureus /meθi silin ri zistənt st filə kɒkəs | | | Michel (1874–1937), Professor of Clinical Sur- ɔ riəs/ noun a bacterium resistant to almost all gery at Nancy, France.] antibiotics and which can cause life-threatening infection in people recovering from surgery. miconazole miconazole /mai kɒnəzəυl/ noun a drug used | Abbreviation MRSA to treat fungal infections of the skin and nails methionine micro- methionine /me θaiəni n/ noun an essential micro- /maikrəυ/ prefix 1. very small. Opposite | macro-, mega-, megalo- 2. one millionth (10-6) amino acid
  14. Page 187 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 187 mid-life crisis microangiopathy Viruses, bacteria and protozoa are microorgan- microangiopathy / maikrəυ nd i ɒpəθi/ | | isms. noun any disease of the capillaries microphthalmia microphthalmia / maikrɒf θ lmiə/ noun a microbe microbe / maikrəυb/ noun a microorganism | condition in which the eyes are unusually small which may cause disease and which can only be microscope microscope / maikrəskəυp/ noun a scientific seen with a microscope, e.g. a bacterium instrument with lenses, which makes very small microbiologist microbiologist / maikrəυbai ɒləd ist/ noun | objects appear larger The tissue was examined a scientist who specialises in the study of micro- under the microscope. Under the microscope it organisms was possible to see the cancer cells. microbiology microbiology / maikrəυbai ɒləd i/ noun the | microscopic microscopic / maikrə skɒpik/ adjective so scientific study of microorganisms | small that it can only be seen through a micro- microcephalic microcephalic / maikrəυke f lik/ adjective scope | having microcephaly microscopy microscopy /mai krɒskəpi/ noun the science | microcephaly microcephaly / maikrəυ kefəli/ noun a con- of the use of microscopes | dition in which a person has an unusually small Microsporum Microsporum / maikrəυspɔ rəm/ noun a type head, sometimes caused by the mother having had of fungus which causes ringworm of the hair, skin a rubella infection during pregnancy and sometimes nails microcyte microcyte / maikrəυsait/ noun an unusually microsurgery microsurgery / maikrəυ s d əri/ noun sur- small red blood cell | gery using tiny instruments and a microscope. microcythaemia microcythaemia /maikrəυsai θi miə/ noun Microsurgery is used in operations on eyes and | same as microcytosis ears, and also to connect severed nerves and blood microcytic microcytic / maikrə sitik/ adjective referring vessels. | to microcytes microvillus microvillus / maikrəυ viləs/ noun a very small | microcytosis process found on the surface of many cells, espe- microcytosis / maikrəυsai təυsis/ noun the | cially the epithelial cells in the intestine (NOTE: presence of excess microcytes in the blood The plural is microvilli.) microdactylia microdactylia / maikrəυd k tiliə/, micro- | microwave therapy microwave therapy / maikrəυweiv θerəpi/ dactyly / maikrəυ d ktili/ noun a condition in | noun treatment using high-frequency radiation which a person has unusually small or short fin- micturate gers or toes micturate / miktjυreit/ verb same as urinate microdiscectomy micturating cystogram microdiscectomy / maikrəυdisk ektəmi/ micturating cystogram / miktjυreitiŋ | | sistəυ r m/, micturating cysto-urethro- noun a surgical operation to remove all or part of gram / miktjυreitiŋ sistəυ jυ ri θrə r m/ a disc in the spine which is pressing on a nerve | noun an X-ray of the bladder and urethra taken microglossia microglossia / maikrəυ lɒsiə/ noun a condi- | while the bladder is being filled and then emptied. tion in which a person has an unusually small Abbreviation MCU, MCUG tongue micturition micturition / miktjυ riʃ(ə)n/ noun same as micrognathia micrognathia / maikrəυ neiθiə/ noun a con- | | urination dition in which one jaw is unusually smaller than mid- mid- /mid/ prefix middle the other midazolam midazolam /mi d zəl m/ noun a drug used to microgram microgram / maikrə r m/ noun a unit of | produce sleepiness and to reduce anxiety before measurement of weight equal to one millionth of surgery or other procedures a gram midbrain midbrain / midbrein/ noun the small middle micromastia micromastia / maikrəυ m stiə/ noun a con- | section of the brain stem above the pons and dition in which a person has unusually small between the cerebrum and the hindbrain. Also breasts called mesencephalon micromelia micromelia / maikrəυ mi liə/ noun a condi- | midcarpal midcarpal /mid kɑ p(ə)l/ adjective between tion in which a person has unusually small arms | the two rows of carpal bones or legs middle colic middle colic / mid(ə)l kɒlik/ noun an artery micromole micromole / maikrəυ məυl/ noun a unit of | which leads from the superior mesenteric artery measurement of the amount of substance equal to middle ear middle ear / mid(ə)l iə/ noun a section of the one millionth of a mole. Symbol µ ear between the eardrum and the inner ear micronutrient micronutrient / maikrəυ nju triənt/ noun a | middle ear infection middle ear infection / mid(ə)l iər in substance which an organism needs for normal | fekʃən/ noun same as otitis media growth and development, but only in very small midgut quantities, e.g. a vitamin or mineral. Compare midgut / mid t/ noun the middle part of the macronutrient gut in an embryo, which develops into the small intestine microorganism microorganism / maikrəυ ɔ əniz(ə)m/ | mid-life crisis mid-life crisis / mid laif kraisis/ noun a noun an organism which can only be seen under a microscope and which may cause disease. period in early middle age when some people
  15. Page 188 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM midline 188 milk rash experience feelings of anxiety, insecurity and milk rash / milk r ʃ/ noun a temporary blotch- self-doubt iness of the skin seen in young babies midline midline / midlain/ noun an imaginary line milk sugar milk sugar / milk ʃυ ə/ noun same as lactose drawn down the middle of the body from the head milk tooth milk tooth / milk tu θ/ noun same as primary through the navel to the point between the feet tooth midstream specimen midstream specimen / midstri m Miller-Abbott tube Miller-Abbott tube / milər bət tju b/ noun spesimin/, midstream specimen of urine a tube with a balloon at the end, used to clear the / midstri m spesimin əv jυərin/ noun a sam- small intestine. The balloon is inflated after the ple of urine collected in a sterile bottle in the mid- tip of the tube reaches an obstruction. dle of a flow of urine, because the first part of the milli- milli- /mili/ prefix one thousandth (10-3). Symbol flow may be contaminated with bacteria from the m skin. Abbreviation MSU milligram milligram / mili r m/ noun a unit of measure- midtarsal midtarsal /mid tɑ s(ə)l/ adjective between the | ment of weight equal to one thousandth of a gram. tarsal bones Symbol mg midwife midwife / midwaif/ noun a professional person millilitre millilitre / milili tə/ noun a unit of measurement who helps a woman give birth to a child, often at of liquid equal to one thousandth of a litre. Abbre- home viation ml midwifery midwifery /mid wifəri/ noun the profession of | millimetre millimetre / milimi tə/ noun a unit of measure- a midwife ment of length equal to one thousandth of a metre. midwifery course midwifery course /mid wifəri kɔ s/ noun a | Abbreviation mm training course to teach nurses the techniques of millimole millimole / miliməυl/ noun a unit of measure- being a midwife ment of the amount of a substance equal to one Midwives Rules Midwives Rules / midwaivz ru lz/ plural thousandth of a mole. Abbreviation mmol noun laws relating to midwifery millisievert millisievert / milisi vət/ noun a unit of meas- migraine migraine / mi rein, mai rein/ noun a sharp urement of radiation severe recurrent headache, often associated with Milwaukee brace Milwaukee brace /mil wɔ ki breis/ noun a vomiting and visual disturbances He had an | support for people with unusually curved spines, attack of migraine and could not come to work. consisting of a leather or metal pelvic girdle with Her migraine attacks seem to be worse in the two bars at the back and one at the front, which summer. connect into a neck ring miliaria miliaria / mili eəriə/ noun itchy red spots which | mind mind /maind/ noun the part of the brain which develop on the chest, under the armpits and between the thighs in hot countries, caused by controls memory, consciousness or reasoning blocked sweat glands. Also called prickly heat, minimally invasive surgery minimally invasive surgery / minim(ə)l in | heat rash veisiv s d əri/ noun surgery which involves miliary miliary / miliəri/ adjective small in size, like a the least possible disturbance to the body. It often seed uses lasers and other high-tech devices. miliary tuberculosis mini mental state examination miliary tuberculosis / miliəri tju b kjυ mini mental state examination / mini | | ləυsis/ noun a form of tuberculosis which occurs ment(ə)l steit i z mi neiʃ(ə)n/ noun a test | as little nodes in many parts of the body, including performed mainly by psychiatrists to determine the meninges of the brain and spinal cord someone’s mental ability, used in the diagnosis of dementia milk milk /milk/ noun 1. a white liquid produced by minimum lethal dose female mammals to feed their young. Cow’s milk minimum lethal dose / miniməm li θ(ə)l and other dairy products are important parts of dəυs/ noun the smallest amount of a substance most diets, especially children’s. The patient required to kill someone or something. Abbrevia- can only drink warm milk. (NOTE: No plural: tion MLD some milk, a bottle of milk or a glass of milk.) 2. ministroke ministroke / ministrəυk/ noun same as tran- the breast milk produced by a woman The milk sient ischaemic attack will start to flow a few days after childbirth. minitracheostomy minitracheostomy / minitreiki ɒstəmi/ (NOTE: For other terms referring to milk, see | | noun a temporary tracheostomy words beginning with galact-, galacto-, lact-, minor injuries unit minor injuries unit / mainər ind əriz lacto-.) ju nit/ noun a hospital department which treats milk dentition milk dentition / milk den tiʃ(ə)n/ noun same | most accidents and emergencies. Abbreviation as deciduous dentition MIU milk leg milk leg / milk le / noun acute oedema of the mio- mio- /maiəυ/ prefix less leg, a condition which affects women after child- miosis miosis /mai əυsis/ noun 1. the contraction of birth, where a leg becomes pale and inflamed as a | result of lymphatic obstruction. Also called white the pupil of the eye, as in bright light 2. US same as meiosis leg, phlegmasia alba dolens
  16. Page 189 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 189 molecule miotic mittelschmerz mittelschmerz / mit(ə)l ʃmeəts/ noun a pain miotic /mai ɒtik/ noun a drug which makes the | | pupil of the eye become smaller í adjective caus- felt by women in the lower abdomen at ovulation ing the pupil of the eye to become smaller MIU MIU abbreviation minor injuries unit mis- mis- /mis/ prefix wrong ml ml abbreviation millilitre miscarriage miscarriage / misk rid / noun a situation in MLD MLD abbreviation minimum lethal dose which an unborn baby leaves the uterus before the MLSO MLSO abbreviation medical laboratory scien- end of the pregnancy, especially during the first tific officer seven months of pregnancy She had two mis- mm mm abbreviation millimetre carriages before having her first child. Also mmol mmol abbreviation millimole called spontaneous abortion MMR MMR / em em ɑ /, MMR vaccine / em em ɑ mismatch mismatch / mism tʃ/ verb to match tissues v ksi n/ noun a single vaccine given to small wrongly children to protect them against measles, mumps missed case missed case / mist keis/ noun someone with and rubella an infection or disease which is not identified by MND MND abbreviation motor neurone disease a doctor MO MO abbreviation medical officer mist. /mist/, mistura /mis tjυərə/ ‘ re. mist. mist. | mobilisation mobilisation / məυbilai zeiʃ(ə)n/, mobiliza- Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 /mis ju s əv | | tion noun the act of making something mobile dr z kt/ noun a law relating to all aspects of modality modality /məυ d liti/ noun a method used in the supply and possession of dangerous drugs | the treatment of a disorder, e.g. surgery or chem- such as morphine, anabolic steroids, LSD and otherapy cannabis. In 2002 many new benzodiazepines modernisation agenda modernisation agenda / mɒdənai zeiʃ(ə)n were added. | ə d endə/ noun same as Agenda for Change mite mite /mait/ noun a very small parasite, which | modern matron modern matron / mɒd(ə)n meitrən/ noun a causes dermatitis nursing post which supports the ward sister in mitochondrial mitochondrial / maitə kɒndriəl/ adjective | ensuring that basic care of patients, including referring to mitochondria cleanliness of the ward and infection control, is mitochondrion mitochondrion / maitə kɒndriən/ noun a tiny carried out to a high standard | rod-shaped part of a cell’s cytoplasm responsible MODS MODS abbreviation multiple organ dysfunction for cell respiration (NOTE: The plural is mito- syndrome chondria.) MOF MOF abbreviation 1. male or female 2. multi- mitomycin C mitomycin C / maitəυmaisin si / noun an organ failure antibiotic which helps to prevent cancer cells Mogadon Mogadon / mɒ ədɒn/ a trade name for from growing, used especially in the chemother- nitrazepam apy treatment of bladder and rectal cancers MOH MOH abbreviation Medical Officer of Health mitosis mitosis /mai təυsis/ noun the process of cell | mol mol symbol mole 2 division, where the mother cell divides into two identical daughter cells. Compare meiosis molar molar / məυlə/ adjective 1. referring to the large mitral mitral / maitrəl/ adjective referring to the mitral back teeth 2. referring to the mole, the SI unit of amount of a substance í noun one of the large valve back teeth, used for grinding food. In milk teeth mitral incompetence mitral incompetence / maitrəl in | there are eight molars and in permanent teeth kɒmpit(ə)ns/ noun abbreviation MI. Now called there are twelve. See illustration at TEETH in Sup- mitral regurgitation plement mitral regurgitation mitral regurgitation / maitrəl ri di | | molarity molarity /məυ l riti/ noun the strength of a teiʃ(ə)n/ noun a situation in which the mitral | solution shown as the number of moles of a sub- valve does not close completely so that blood stance per litre of solution goes back into the atrium mole mole /məυl/ noun 1. a dark raised spot on the mitral stenosis mitral stenosis / maitrəl ste nəυsis/ noun a | skin She has a large mole on her chin. condition in which the opening in the mitral valve melanoma 2. an SI unit of measurement of the becomes smaller because the cusps have fused amount of a substance. Symbol mol (NOTE: This condition is almost always the result molecular molecular /mə lekjυlə/ adjective referring to a of rheumatic endocarditis.) | molecule mitral valve mitral valve / maitrəl v lv/ noun a valve in molecular biology molecular biology /mə lekjυlə bai ɒləd i/ the heart which allows blood to flow from the left | | noun the study of the molecules of living matter atrium to the left ventricle but not in the opposite molecular weight direction. Also called bicuspid valve molecular weight /mə lekjυlə weit/ noun | the weight of one molecule of a substance mitral valvotomy mitral valvotomy / maitrəl v l vɒtəmi/ noun | molecule molecule / mɒlikju l/ noun the smallest inde- a surgical operation to separate the cusps of the mitral valve in mitral stenosis pendent mass of a substance
  17. Page 190 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM molluscum contagiosum 190 molluscum contagiosum monoplegia molluscum contagiosum /mə l skəm kən monoplegia / mɒnəυ pli d ə/ noun the paral- | | | teid i əυsəm/ noun a contagious viral skin ysis of one part of the body only, i.e. one muscle | infection which gives a small soft sore or one limb molluscum fibrosum molluscum fibrosum /mə l skəm fai monosaccharide monosaccharide / mɒnəυ s kraid/ noun a | | | brəυsəm/ noun same as neurofibromatosis simple sugar which cannot be broken down any monaural further, such as glucose or fructose monaural /mɒn ɔ rəl/ adjective referring to the | use of one ear only monosodium glutamate monosodium glutamate / mɒnəυsəυdiəm mongolism lu təmeit/ noun a sodium salt of glutamic acid, mongolism / mɒŋ əliz(ə)m/ noun a former often used to make food taste better. Chinese name for Down’s syndrome (NOTE: This term is restaurant syndrome regarded as offensive.) monitor monosomy monitor / mɒnitə/ noun a screen on a computer monosomy / mɒnəυsəυmi/ noun a condition í verb 1. to check something 2. to examine how in which a person has a chromosome missing someone is progressing from one or more pairs monitoring monoxide /mə nɒksaid/ ‘ carbon monitoring / mɒnit(ə)riŋ/ noun the regular monoxide | examination and recording of a person’s tempera- monozygotic twins monozygotic twins / mɒnəυzai ɒtik | ture, weight, blood pressure and other essential twinz/ plural noun same as identical twins indicators mons mons /mɒnz/ noun a fleshy body part which mono- mono- /mɒnəυ/ prefix single or one sticks out, especially the one formed by the pad of monoamine oxidase monoamine oxidase / mɒnəυ mi n flesh where the pubic bones join (NOTE: The plu- | ɒksideiz/ noun an enzyme which breaks down ral is montes.) the catecholamines to their inactive forms. Abbre- mons pubis mons pubis / mɒnz pju bis/ noun a cushion viation MAO of fat covering the pubis monoamine oxidase inhibitor monoamine oxidase inhibitor / mɒnəυ mons veneris | mons veneris / mɒnz venəris/ noun same as mi n ɒksideiz in hibitə/ noun a drug which | mons pubis inhibits monoamine oxidase and is used to treat Montgomery’s glands Montgomery’s glands /mənt məriz depression, e.g. phenelzine. Its use is limited, | l ndz/ plural noun sebaceous glands around the because of the potential for drug and dietary inter- nipple which become more marked in pregnancy actions and the necessity for slow withdrawal. It [After William Fetherstone Montgomery (1797– can also cause high blood pressure. Abbreviation 1859), Dublin gynaecologist.] MAOI. Also called MAO inhibitor mood mood /mu d/ noun a person’s mental state at a monoblast monoblast / mɒnəυbl st/ noun a cell which particular time a mood of excitement in a bad produces a monocyte mood feeling angry or irritable in a good mood monochromatism monochromatism / mɒnəυ | feeling happy krəυm ti (ə)m/ noun colour blindness in moon face moon face / mu n feis/ noun a condition in which all colours appear to be black, grey or which someone has a round red face, occurring in white. Compare dichromatism, trichromatism Cushing’s syndrome and when there are too many monoclonal monoclonal / mɒnəυ kləυn(ə)l/ adjective | steroid hormones in the body referring to cells or products of cells which are Mooren’s ulcer formed or derived from a single clone Mooren’s ulcer / məυrənz lsə/ noun a per- sistent ulcer of the cornea, found in elderly people monoclonal antibody monoclonal antibody / mɒnəυkləυn(ə)l [After Albert Mooren (1828–99), ophthalmolo- ntibɒdi/ noun an antibody which can be easily gist in Düsseldorf, Germany.] made in the laboratory by a single clone of cells. morbid It may be useful in the treatment of cancer. morbid / mɔ bid/ adjective showing symptoms monocular of being diseased The X-ray showed a morbid monocular /mɒ nɒkjυlə/ adjective referring to | condition of the kidneys. one eye. Compare binocular morbid anatomy monocular vision monocular vision /mə nɒkjυlə vi (ə)n/ morbid anatomy / mɔ bid ə n təmi/ noun | | noun the ability to see with one eye only, so that same as pathology the sense of distance is impaired morbidity morbidity /mɔ biditi/ noun the condition of | monocyte monocyte / mɒnəυsait/ noun a white blood being diseased or sick cell with a nucleus shaped like a kidney, which morbidity rate morbidity rate /mɔ biditi reit/ noun the | destroys bacterial cells number of cases of a disease per hundred thou- monocytosis monocytosis / mɒnəυsai təυsis/ noun a con- sand of population | dition in which there is an unusually high number morbilli morbilli /mɔ bili/ noun same as measles | of monocytes in the blood. Symptoms include morbilliform morbilliform /mɔ bilifɔ m/ adjective refer- sore throat, swelling of the lymph nodes and | ring to a rash which is similar to measles fever. It is probably caused by the Epstein–Barr morbus morbus / mɔ bəs/ noun disease virus. Also called glandular fever moribund / mɒrib nd/ adjective dying í noun moribund mononucleosis mononucleosis / mɒnəυ nju kli əυsis/ noun | | same as monocytosis a dying person
  18. Page 191 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 191 MRC morning-after pill vehicles which are closed, such as planes, morning-after pill / mɔ niŋ ɑ ftə pil/ noun a coaches, hovercraft. contraceptive pill taken after intercourse. Also motor called next-day pill motor / məυtə/ adjective referring to move- ment, which produces movement morning sickness morning sickness / mɔ niŋ siknəs/ noun motor area motor area / məυtər eəriə/, motor cortex nausea and vomiting experienced by women in / məυtə kɔ teks/ noun the part of the cortex in the early stages of pregnancy when they get up in the morning the brain which controls voluntary muscle move- ment by sending impulses to the motor nerves Moro reflex Moro reflex / mɔ rəυ ri fleks/ noun a reflex of motor disorder motor disorder / məυtə dis ɔ də/ noun a newborn baby when it hears a loud noise (NOTE: | impairment of the nerves or neurons that cause The baby is laid on a table and observed to see muscles to contract to produce movement if it raises its arms when the table is struck.) [After Ernst Moro (1874–1951), paediatrician in motor end plate motor end plate / məυtər end pleit/ noun Heidelberg, Germany.] the end of a motor nerve where it joins muscle morphea fibre morphea /mɔ fiə/ noun a form of scleroderma, | a disease where the skin is replaced by thick con- motor nerve motor nerve / məυtə n v/ noun a nerve nective tissue which carries impulses from the brain and spinal morpho- cord to muscles and causes movements. Also morpho- /mɔ fəυ/ prefix relating to form, shape called efferent nerve or structure motor neurone motor neurone / məυtə njυərəυn/ noun a morphoea morphoea /mɔ fiə/ noun same as morphea | neurone which is part of a nerve pathway trans- morphology morphology /mɔ fɒləd i/ noun the study of | mitting impulses from the brain to a muscle or the structure and shape of living organisms gland -morphous -morphous /mɔ fəs/ suffix relating to form or motor neurone disease motor neurone disease / məυtə njυərəυn structure of a particular type di zi z/ noun a disease of the nerve cells which | mortality rate mortality rate /mɔ t ləti reit/ noun the control the movement of the muscles. Abbrevia- | number of deaths per year, shown per hundred tion MND thousand of population COMMENT: Motor neurone disease has three mortification / mɔ tifi keiʃ(ə)n/ noun ‘ mortification forms: progressive muscular atrophy (PMA), | necrosis which affects movements of the hands, later- mortis / mɔ tis/ ‘ rigor mortis al sclerosis, and bulbar palsy, which affects the mouth and throat. mortuary mortuary / mɔ tjuəri/ noun a room in a hospi- motor pathway motor pathway / məυtə pɑ θwei/ noun a tal where dead bodies are kept until removed by series of motor neurones leading from the motor an undertaker for burial cortex to a muscle mosquito mosquito /mɒ ski təυ/ noun an insect which | mottled mottled / mɒt(ə)ld/ adjective with patches of sucks human blood, some species of which can different colours pass viruses or parasites into the bloodstream mountain fever mountain fever / maυntin fi və/ noun same mother mother / m ðə/ noun a biological or adoptive as brucellosis female parent mountain sickness mountain sickness / maυntin siknəs/ noun mother-fixation mother-fixation / m ðə fik seiʃ(ə)n/ noun a | same as altitude sickness condition in which a person’s development has mouth mouth /maυθ/ noun an opening at the head of been stopped at a stage where he or she remains the alimentary canal, through which food and like a child, dependent on his or her mother drink are taken in, and through which a person motile motile / məυtail/ adjective referring to a cell or speaks and can breathe She was sleeping with microorganism which can move spontaneously her mouth open. (NOTE: For other terms referring Sperm cells are extremely motile. to the mouth, see oral and words beginning with motility motility /məυ tiliti/ noun 1. (of cells or | stomat-, stomato-.) microbes) the fact of being able to move about 2. mouth-to-mouth mouth-to-mouth / maυθ tə maυθ/, mouth- (of the gut) the action of peristalsis to-mouth resuscitation / maυθ tə maυθ ri motion motion / məυʃ(ə)n/ noun 1. movement 2. same | s si teiʃ(ə)n/, mouth-to-mouth ventilation | as bowel movement / maυθ tə maυθ venti leiʃ(ə)n/ noun same as | motion sickness motion sickness / məυʃ(ə)n siknəs/ noun cardiopulmonary resuscitation (informal ) illness and nausea felt when travelling. It is mouthwash mouthwash / maυθwɒʃ/ noun an antiseptic caused by the movement of liquid inside the lab- solution used to treat infection in the mouth yrinth of the middle ear and is particularly notice- movement movement / mu vmənt/ noun the act of chang- able in vehicles which are closed, such as planes, ing position or the fact of not being still coaches or hovercraft. (informal ) MP joint MP joint / em pi d ɔint/ noun same as meta- COMMENT: The movement of liquid inside carpophalangeal joint the labyrinth of the middle ear causes motion MRC MRC abbreviation Medical Research Council sickness, which is particularly noticeable in
  19. Page 192 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM MRCGP 192 MRCGP and throat, and secretes mucus. Also called MRCGP abbreviation Member of the Royal Col- mucosa lege of General Practitioners mucous plug mucous plug / mju kəs pl / noun a plug of MRCP MRCP abbreviation Member of the Royal Col- mucus which blocks the cervical canal during lege of Physicians pregnancy MRCS MRCS abbreviation Member of the Royal Col- mucoviscidosis mucoviscidosis /mju kəυvisi dəυsis/ noun lege of Surgeons | same as cystic fibrosis MRI MRI abbreviation magnetic resonance imaging mucus mucus / mju kəs/ noun a slippery liquid mRNA mRNA abbreviation messenger RNA secreted by mucous membranes inside the body, MRSA MRSA abbreviation methicillin-resistant Sta- which protects those membranes (NOTE: For phylococcus aureus other terms referring to mucus, see words begin- MS ning with blenno-.) MS abbreviation 1. mitral stenosis 2. multiple multi- sclerosis multi- /m lti/ prefix many MSH multidisciplinary MSH abbreviation melanocyte-stimulating hor- multidisciplinary / m lti disiplinəri/ adjec- | mone tive using or involving several specialised sub- jects or skills a multidisciplinary team MSU MSU abbreviation midstream specimen of urine multifactorial multifactorial / m ltif k tɔ riəl/ adjective 1. mSv mSv abbreviation millisievert | involving several different factors or elements 2. mucin mucin / mju sin/ noun a compound of sugars referring to inheritance which depends on more and protein which is the main substance in mucus than one gene. Height and weight are examples of muco- muco- /mju kəυ/ prefix referring to mucus characteristics determined by multifactorial mucocele inheritance. mucocele / mju kəυsi l/ noun a cavity con- taining an accumulation of mucus multifocal lens multifocal lens / m lti fəυk(ə)l lenz/ noun a | mucociliary transport lens in spectacles whose focus changes from top mucociliary transport / mju kəυ siliəri | to bottom so that the person wearing the specta- tr nspɔ t/ noun the process in which the cilia, cles can see objects clearly at different distances the microscopic structures within the nose, move multiforme / m ltifɔ m/ ‘ erythema multi- multiforme mucus towards the oesophagus, cleansing the nose of dust and bacteria forme mucocoele multigravida mucocoele / mju kəυsi l/ noun 1. a condition multigravida / m lti r vidə/ noun a preg- | in which a cavity or organ becomes swollen nant woman who has been pregnant two or more because there is too much mucus in it 2. the swell- times before ing produced by this condition multi-infarct dementia multi-infarct dementia / m lti infɑ kt di | mucocutaneous menʃə/ noun dementia caused by a number of mucocutaneous / mju kəυkju teiniəs/ | | small strokes, when the dementia is not progres- adjective referring to both mucous membrane and sive as in Alzheimer’s disease but increases in the skin steps as new strokes occur mucoid mucoid / mju kɔid/ adjective similar to mucus multilocular multilocular / m lti lɒkjυlə/ adjective refer- mucolytic mucolytic / mju kəυ litik/ noun a substance | | ring to a body part or growth which has a lot of which dissolves mucus separate compartments or locules mucopurulent mucopurulent / mju kəυ pjυərυlənt/ adjec- multi-organ failure | multi-organ failure / m lti ɔ ən feiljə/ tive consisting of a mixture of mucus and pus noun an extremely serious condition in which mucopus mucopus / mju kəυ p s/ noun a mixture of several of the body’s organs stop functioning at | mucus and pus the same time. The person may survive, depend- mucosa mucosa /mju kəυzə/ noun same as mucous ing on how many organs fail and the length of | membrane (NOTE: The plural is mucosae.) time that the failure lasts. Abbreviation MOF mucosal multipara multipara /m l tipərə/ noun a woman who has mucosal /mju kəυz(ə)l/ adjective referring to | | given birth to two or more live children a mucous membrane multiple mucous multiple / m ltip(ə)l/ adjective occurring sev- mucous / mju kəs/ adjective referring to eral times or in several places mucus, covered in mucus multiple birth multiple birth / m ltip(ə)l b θ/ noun a birth mucous colitis mucous colitis / mju kəs kə laitis/ noun an | where more than one child is born at the same inflammation of the mucous membrane in the time intestine, in which the person experiences pain multiple fracture caused by spasms in the muscles of the walls of multiple fracture / m ltip(ə)l fr ktʃə/ noun the colon, accompanied by constipation or diar- a condition in which a bone is broken in several rhoea or alternating attacks of both. Also called places irritable bowel syndrome multiple organ dysfunction syndrome multiple organ dysfunction syndrome mucous membrane mucous membrane / mju kəs membrein/ / m ltip(ə)l ɔ ən dis f ŋkʃ(ə)n sindrəυm/ | noun a wet membrane which lines internal pas- noun a state of continuous disturbances and sages in the body, e.g. the nose, mouth, stomach abnormalities in organ systems, rather than true
  20. Page 193 Monday, May 14, 2007 4:47 PM 193 mutism muscle failure, e.g. following trauma and sepsis. It is muscle / m s(ə)l/ noun 1. an organ in the body, often fatal. Abbreviation MODS which contracts to make part of the body move multiple pregnancy If you do a lot of exercises you develop strong multiple pregnancy / m ltip(ə)l pre nənsi/ muscles. The muscles in his legs were still weak noun a pregnancy where the mother is going to after he had spent two months in bed. She had give birth to more than one child muscle cramp after going into the cold water. See multiple sclerosis multiple sclerosis / m ltip(ə)l sklə rəυsis/ | illustration at EYE in Supplement 2. same as noun a nervous disease which gets progressively muscle tissue worse, where patches of the fibres of the central muscle fatigue muscle fatigue / m s(ə)l fə ti /, muscular nervous system lose their myelin, causing numb- | fatigue / m skjυlə fə ti / noun tiredness in the ness in the limbs and progressive weakness and | muscles after strenuous exercise paralysis. Abbreviation MS. Also called dissem- inated sclerosis. muscle fibre arteriosclerosis, athero- muscle fibre / m s(ə)l faibə/ noun a compo- sclerosis nent fibre of muscles (NOTE: There are two types multipolar neurone of fibre which form striated and smooth mus- multipolar neurone /m lti pəυlə njυərəυn/ | cles.) noun a neurone with several processes. See illus- in Supplement. Compare tration at muscle relaxant muscle relaxant / m s(ə)l ri l ksənt/ noun a NEURONE | bipolar neurone, unipolar neurone drug which reduces contractions in the muscles, multiresistant e.g. baclofen multiresistant / m ltiri zistənt/ adjective | resistant to several types of antibiotic muscle spasm muscle spasm / m s(ə)l sp z(ə)m/ noun a multivitamin sudden contraction of a muscle multivitamin / m lti vitəmin/ noun a prepara- | tion containing several vitamins and sometimes muscle tissue muscle tissue / m s(ə)l tiʃu /, muscular minerals, used as a dietary supplement í adjec- tissue / m skjυlə tiʃu / noun the specialised tive referring to a preparation containing several type of tissue which forms the muscles and which vitamins, and sometimes minerals multivitamin can contract and expand pills multivitamin supplement muscle wasting muscle wasting / m s(ə)l weistiŋ/ noun a mumps mumps /m mps/ noun an infectious disease of condition in which the muscles lose weight and children, with fever and swellings in the salivary become thin glands, caused by a paramyxovirus He caught muscular muscular / m skjυlə/ adjective referring to mumps from the children next door. Also called muscle infectious parotitis (NOTE: Takes a singular or muscular dystrophy muscular dystrophy / m skjυlə distrəfi/ a plural verb.) noun a type of muscle disease where some mus- Münchausen’s syndrome Münchausen’s syndrome / m ntʃaυz(ə)nz cles become weak and are replaced with fatty tis- sindrəυm/ noun a mental disorder in which sue. Duchenne muscular dystrophy someone tries to get hospital treatment by claim- muscular fatigue muscular fatigue / m skjυlə fə ti / noun ing symptoms of an illness which he or she does | same as muscle fatigue not have. Many people will undergo very painful muscular tissue procedures which they do not need. [Described muscular tissue / m skjυlə tiʃu / noun by Richard Asher in 1951, and named after same as muscle tissue Baron von Münchhausen, a 16th century travel- musculo- musculo- /m skjυləυ/ prefix relating to or ler and inveterate liar.] affecting muscle Münchausen’s syndrome by proxy Münchausen’s syndrome by proxy musculocutaneous musculocutaneous / m skjυləυkju | | / m ntʃaυz(ə)nz sindrəυm bai prɒksi/ noun teiniəs/ adjective referring to muscle and skin a mental disorder in which someone tries to get musculoskeletal musculoskeletal / m skjυləυ skelit(ə)l/ hospital treatment for someone else such as their | adjective referring to muscles and bone child or an elderly relative. It is regarded as a form mutant mutant / mju t(ə)nt/ adjective in which muta- of child abuse, as the person may cause a child to tion has occurred be ill in order to receive attention. mutant gene murmur mutant gene / mju t(ə)nt d i n/ noun a gene murmur / m mə/ noun a sound, usually the which has undergone mutation sound of the heart, heard through a stethoscope mutation muscae volitantes mutation /mju teiʃ(ə)n/ noun a change in muscae volitantes / m skai vɒli t nteiz/ | | DNA which changes the physiological effect of plural noun pieces of cellular or blood debris the DNA on the cell present in the vitreous of the eye, common in old age but, if a sudden event, can be a symptom of mute mute /mju t/ adjective 1. unwilling or unable to retinal haemorrhage. Also called floaters speak 2. felt or expressed without speech í noun muscarine muscarine / m skəri n/ noun a poison found somebody who is unable or unwilling to speak in fungi (NOTE: This term is sometimes considered offensive.) muscarinic muscarinic / m skə rinik/ adjective referring | mutism mutism / mju tiz(ə)m/ noun the condition of to a neurone or receptor stimulated by acetylcho- line and muscarine being unable to speak. Also called dumbness



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