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Effect of solvents on tautomeric equilibrium of acetyl acetone: A Theoretical study

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The proton transfer between interconversion tautomers is of importance in synthetic chemistry, such as: keto-enol, imine-enamine, oxime-nitroso [1, 2]…. The keto-enol tautomerization, especially in the -diketone compounds is a common one. Acetyl acetone, one of the -diketone compound, was studied experimentally early and thoroughly [1, 2]. This compound usually exists an equilibrium mixture of enol and keto tautomers with equilibrium

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Nội dung Text: Effect of solvents on tautomeric equilibrium of acetyl acetone: A Theoretical study

Journal of Chemistry, Vol. 44 (2), P. 249 - 254, 2006<br /> <br /> <br /> effect of solvents on tautomeric equilibrium of<br /> acetyl acetone: A Theoretical stUdy<br /> Received 22 June 2005<br /> Nguyen Thanh Cuong, Le Kim Long and Dang Ung Van<br /> Center for computational chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry<br /> College of Natural Sciences, Vietnam National University, Hanoi<br /> <br /> <br /> summary<br /> The tautomeric equilibrium of acetyl acetone in gas and different solvents were studied by<br /> electronic structure calculations. The mechanism of reaction was proposed. In gaseous phase, the<br /> results of B3LYP level are more agreement with experiments than that of HF level. The cis-enolic<br /> form was found to be the most thermodynamic stable structure. The solvent effects on tautomeric<br /> equilibrium are estimated by performing self-consistent reaction field (SCRF)-Onsager and PCM<br /> models at B3LYP level. The latter is shown of a better model for solvation. The solvents are<br /> shown to be not effecting on the thermodynamic stabilities of enol or keto form, but have more<br /> influence on the transition state. In solvents, the activation energy decreases ca. 20 kcal.mol-1.<br /> The enol/keto concentration ratio in different solvents were calculated and compared with<br /> experimental data. In more polar solvent, the more content of keto form was found.<br /> <br /> <br /> I - Introduction<br /> constant Ke ( K e =<br /> [enol ] ).<br /> The proton transfer between interconversion<br /> [keto]<br /> tautomers is of importance in synthetic Enol form of acetyl acetone exists mainly in<br /> chemistry, such as: keto-enol, imine-enamine, gaseous phase, however, the enol/keto ratio<br /> oxime-nitroso [1, 2]…. The keto-enol depends on strongly the polarization of solvents.<br /> tautomerization, especially in the -diketone The equilibrium constant measured by 1H-NMR<br /> compounds is a common one. Acetyl acetone, spectroscopy indicates a higher enol content in<br /> one of the -diketone compound, was studied apolar aprotic than in dipolar protic or dipolar<br /> experimentally early and thoroughly [1, 2]. This aprotic solvents [2]. On the other hand, enol<br /> compound usually exists an equilibrium mixture form of acetyl acetone exists two confor-<br /> of enol and keto tautomers with equilibrium mations: cis–enolic form and trans-enolic form.<br /> H<br /> O CH3 TS1 O O TS2 O O<br /> C C C C C C<br /> CH3 CH OH CH3 CH2 CH3 CH3 CH CH3<br /> trans-enolic tautomer Keto tautomer cis-enolic tautomer<br /> <br /> The purpose of the present study is to re- of acetyl acetone by electronic structure<br /> examine the keto - enol tautomeric equilibrium calculations in gas phase and the effects of<br /> <br /> 249<br /> solvent on tautomeric equilibrium. solute is placed in a uniform electric field of<br /> solvent with a dielectric constant . The solute is<br /> II - Calculation Methods assumed to occupy a spherical cavity of radius<br /> a0 in the medium. A dipole in the molecule is<br /> All calculations were carried out using induced by a dipole of the medium and vice<br /> Gaussian 98. A3 [4]. All geometries of versa. The electric field applied to the solute by<br /> structures were fully optimized and frequencies the solvent dipole in turn interacts with the<br /> were calculated at the RHF/ 6-31+G(d) and molecular dipole to lead to net stabilization.<br /> B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) level of theory. Zero-point This model has a major drawback that the<br /> vibrational and thermal corrections were molecule is a sphere that is usually far away<br /> calculated at the same level and scaled by 0.9 at from the realistic picture. In the second model<br /> the HF level [3, 4] and 0.98 at the B3LYP level (polarized continuum models-PCM), solvent is<br /> [3, 4] to account for the overestimation of assumed to be a continuous medium with a<br /> vibrational frequencies at these levels. The dielectric constant that surrounds a cavity<br /> scaled ZPE corrections were included in the containing the solute and the shape molecule to<br /> relative energy values (RE). The transition afford more accurate solvation energies. We<br /> states were found by Synchronous Transit have considered various solvents with dielectric<br /> Guided Newton (STQN) algorithm (Opt = constants 20.7 (acetonitrile), and 78.39 (water),<br /> QST2) at two levels. The transition states were and 2.247 (benzene) to understand the solvent<br /> characterized by frequency calculation and effects on tautomeric equilibrium. The radius of<br /> instrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC). the spherical cavity for the Onsager’s model was<br /> The effects of solvent on the structure were calculated by performing single-point<br /> studied by using the self-consistent reaction calculations at the optimized geometry of the<br /> field (SCRF) method with two models: HF level (gas phase) by specifying the keyword<br /> Onsager’s reaction field theory [4, 5] and VOLUME as in the Gaussian 98 packages. The<br /> polarized continue model (PCM) proposed by thermodynamic parameters were calculated<br /> Tomasi and co-workers [4, 6]. In the former, the from obtained frequence results.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 2-cis 1 2-trans<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> TS1 TS2<br /> <br /> Figure 1: The geometry and transition states at B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) level<br /> 250<br /> Table 1: Geometrical parameters of structures at B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) level<br /> Bond/Angle 2-cis 2-trans 1 TS1 TS2<br /> H8-O11 (Å) 0.963 0.965 2.98 1.234 1.27<br /> H8-C7 (Å) 2.670 2.40 1.06 1.54 1.50<br /> O6C5C7C10 0.04 -2.135 -60.00 5.02 -6.85<br /> O11C10C7C5 -0.01 -178.93 -140.28 -86.7 139.69<br /> H8O11C10C7 -0.090 0.73 -32.61 -5.01 -8.29<br /> <br /> III - Results and Discussion structures TS1, TS2 (figure 1) have one<br /> negative eigenvalue in the Hessian matrix and<br /> 1. Structure and enol-keto equilibrium in one imaginary vibrational frequency each.<br /> gas phase The geometrical parameters of structures at<br /> B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) level was given in table 1.<br /> The structures 1 (keto form), 2-cis (cis- The energies, relative energies, dipole moment<br /> enolic form), 2-trans (trans-enolic form) (figure of the optimized structures and transition<br /> 1) are minima at all levels with all eigenvalues structures TS1, TS2 calculated at the HF,<br /> in the Hessian matrix and the vibrational B3LYP levels of theory are given in table 2. The<br /> frequencies being positive. The transition PES of two levels is showed on figure 2.<br /> <br /> Table 2: Total, Zero Point and Relative Energies, Dipole moments* of all structures<br /> HF/6-31+G(d) level B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) level<br /> E E + ZPE RE DM DMexp E E + ZPE RE DM<br /> 1 -343.7374906-343.6311974 -3.08 2.0086 -345.8228370 -345.703533 5.47 1.6330<br /> 2-cis -343.7338400-343.6311974 0 3.3948 2.78 -345.8323928 -345.7122503 0 3.3699<br /> 2- -345.8140774<br /> -343.7187243 8.98 3.5044 11.32 3.4494<br /> trans -343.6311974 -345.6942058<br /> TS1 -343.6485367-343.6311974 51.73 4.9054 -345.7302872 -345.616663259.98 4.0400<br /> TS2 -343.6177696-343.6311974 68.30 3.1064 -345.7333186 -345.619801958.01 2.5984<br /> *<br /> E, E+ZPE: hartree; RE: Kcal.mol ; DM: Debye; 1 hartree=627.5 kcal.mol-1<br /> -1<br /> <br /> <br /> Energies and activation energies<br /> The electronic energies of all<br /> structures at the B3LYP level are<br /> lower than ones at HF level (table<br /> 1). At the HF level, the RE values<br /> show a thermodynamics preference<br /> for keto form more than enolic<br /> form. Conversely, at B3LYP level,<br /> cis-enolic form is the most stable.<br /> According to the measured 1H-<br /> NMR spectroscopy, the cis-enolic Figure 2: Schematic potential energy of geometries<br /> form occupies 92% context in at HF and B3LYP levels<br /> <br /> 251<br /> gaseous phase [2]. So the energies at B3LYP are 2. Structure and enol-keto equilibrium in<br /> in more agreement with the experiments. These solvent phase<br /> results were also obtained from previous From the above results and the fact that<br /> theoretical calculations [9, 10]. It also shows trans-enolic form was observed experimentally<br /> that it is difficult to determine what the main in rare cases [2], the trans-enolic form is<br /> tautomeric equilibrium exits based on the excluded in solvent calculations. The solvent<br /> activation energies. Both two levels, the calculations are carried out at the B3LYP/6-<br /> activation energies are approximate value. 31+G(d,p) level with two models: Onsager and<br /> Dipole Moments PCM, in three solvents: water and acetonitrile<br /> and benzene.<br /> The calculated dipole moments of all The energies and GSol, dipole moments<br /> structures (table 2) also are quite different at the values of optimized structures and TS1 in three<br /> two levels. Compared with the experimental solvents with two models are given in table 3a,<br /> dipole moment of 2-cis (2,78 D) [7], both two b, c. In Onsager model, the GSol value is<br /> levels have the higher value. calculated by formula GSol = (E+ZPE)solvent -<br /> So the calculations at B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) (E+ZPE)gas. GSol of PCM model is given<br /> level give a good agreement with the directly from the output file. As ZPE values in<br /> experiments and theoritical calculations and this PCM model are not given in the output file, RE<br /> level is used in solvent calculations. is calculated by formula RE= Esolvent – Egas.<br /> <br /> Table 3a: Electronic, total and relative, Gibbs free Energies, Dipole moments* of all structures<br /> based on Onsager’s Model and PCM Model in benzene solvent at 6-31+G(d,p) at B3LYP level<br /> Onsager Model PCM Model<br /> E E+ZPE RE GSolv DM E RE GSolv DM<br /> 1 -345.8228380 -345.703738 5.74 -0.13 1.6762 -345.822838024 6.55 -0.17 1.7744<br /> 2-cis -345.8332809 -345.712897 0 -0.41 3.5925 -345.833280999 0 -0.60 3.6363<br /> TS1 -345.7650346 -345.647525 41.02 -19.37 3.9192 -345.765034677 42.82 -0.79 3.9543<br /> * -1 -1<br /> E, E+ ZPE: hartree; RE, GSolv: kcal.mol ; DM: Debye; 1 hartree = 627.5 kcal.mol<br /> <br /> Table 3b: Electronic, total and relative, Gibbs free Energies, Dipole moments of all structures<br /> based on Onsager’s Model and PCM model in acetonitrile solvent at 6-31+G(d,p) at B3LYP level<br /> Onsager Model PCM Model<br /> E E+ZPE RE GSolv DM E RE GSolv* DM<br /> 1 -345.8230801 -345.703998 6.47 -0.29 1.7800 -345.8222619 5.50 0.24 2.0548<br /> 2-cis -345.8346714 -345.71431 0 -1.29 3.9588 -345.831023 0 0.76 4.0692<br /> TS1 -345.7667263 -345.649301 40.79 -20.48 4.3828 -345.7661197 40.73 -1.46 4.4857<br /> <br /> Relative energies and solvation free energy values of cis-enolic form and keto form in two<br /> Compared with those of the structures in gas models change negligible, meanwhile the RE<br /> phase, these results show that the medium does value of TS1 changes strongly,e.g. decreases<br /> not affect on the thermodynamic stability of the from ca. 60 kcal.mol-1 to ca. 40 kcal.mol-1. So<br /> enol and keto forms, but on TS1 and therefore TS1 may be solvated by solvents and it<br /> on the tautomeric activation barrier. The RE decreases the energy of TS1.<br /> <br /> 252<br /> Table 3c: Electronic, total and relative, Gibbs free Energies, Dipole moments of all structures<br /> based on Onsager’s Model and PCM Model in water solvent at 6-31+G(d,p) at B3LYP level<br /> Onsager Model PCM Model<br /> E E+ZPE RE GSolv DM E RE GSolv* DM<br /> 1 -345.823091 -345.7040098 6.51 -0.3 1.7846 -345.8310098 4.17 -5.25 2.3180<br /> 2-cis -345.8347365 -345.7143772 0 -1.33 3.9759 -345.8376499 0 -3.40 4.4639<br /> TS1 -345.7668068 -345.6493854 40.78 -20.53 4.4051 -345.7797851 36.31 -10.04 4.9502<br /> <br /> There is a different pace of the effect of Gg0(A B)<br /> dielectric constants between Onsager and PCM A(g) B(g)<br /> model. The solvation free energy of each 0 0<br /> Gsolv(A) Gsolv(B)<br /> structure in Onsager model decreases when the 0<br /> dielectric constants increase (from benzene to Gs(A B)<br /> water). The GSol value of each structure in PCM A(s) B(s)<br /> model changes randomly. The standard free energy of the reaction in<br /> solution[2,11] can be written as:<br /> The enol/keto ratio<br /> The enol/keto ratio or mole fraction of enol G s0 = G g0 + [ 0<br /> Gsolv ( B) 0<br /> Gsolv ]<br /> ( A) =<br /> (*)<br /> tautomer is determined experimentally based on = G g0 + G solv<br /> the equilibrium constant Ke ( K e =<br /> [enol ] )<br /> [keto] Since, for equilibrium, the logarithm of the<br /> equilibrium constant Ke is proportional to the<br /> measured by 1H-NMR spectroscopy [1,2] (table standard free energy change, according to<br /> 4).<br /> Consider the isomerization reaction A B ,<br /> equation: G 0 = RT ln K e (**)<br /> the standard free energies of reaction in the gas It follows from Eqs. (*) and (**) that the<br /> 0<br /> phase and in solution are denoted as G g and difference in the molar Gibbs energies of<br /> reactant A and product B, Gsolv, determines<br /> G s0 , respectively. Quantities associating with the solvent effect on this equilibrium 2, 11].<br /> the reactant A and product B are free energies of Particularly, the value of Ke or mole fraction of<br /> 0<br /> solvation denoted as G solv . From the enol tautomer decreases with increasing Gsolv<br /> values.<br /> thermodynamic cycle given below<br /> <br /> Table 4: The Gsolv of reaction in solvents with two models<br /> Mole fractions of<br /> Gsolv Ke(exp) [2]<br /> Solvent enol form (%) [2]<br /> Onsager Model PCM Model<br /> Gas 0 0 11.7 92<br /> Benzene ( = 2.247) -0.28 -0.43 14.7 94<br /> Acetonitrile ( = 20.7) -1.0 0.52 1.6 62<br /> Water ( = 78.93) -1.03 1.85 0.23 19<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 253<br /> Table 4 shows that the Gsolv reaction References<br /> values in Onsager model decrease when the<br /> polarity of solvent increases. In contrast, in 1. Donald L. Pavia, Gary M. Lampman,<br /> PCM model, the Gsolv reaction value George S. Kriz. 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