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Enhancing management measures on students'self- study activities at Hung Vuong University, Phu Tho, Viet Nam

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The primary intent of this study was to investigate determine the status of the self- study activities of students in terms of students' awareness on self- study, study skills, habits during  self-  study, services for  self-  study, teacher  innitiative, self-  study location, administration at Hung Vuong university.   

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Nội dung Text: Enhancing management measures on students'self- study activities at Hung Vuong University, Phu Tho, Viet Nam

  1. i ENHANCING MANAGEMENT MEASURES ON STUDENTS'SELF- STUDY ACTIVITIES AT HUNG VUONG UNIVERSITY, PHU THO, VIET NAM A Dissertation Presented to The Faculty Graduate School Southern Luzon State University Lucban, Quezon In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management by DO KHAC THANH ( TOM) March 2013 APPROVAL SHEET
  2. ii Republic of the Philippines Southern Luzon State University Lucban, Quezon The Dissertation of DO KHAC THANH Entitled ENHANCING MANAGEMENT MEASURES ON STUDENTS' SELF- STUDY ACTIVITIES AT HUNG VUONG UNIVERSITY Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Development Education Graduate School SOUTHERN LUZON STATE UNIVERSITY by the Committee DR. WALBERTO A. MACARAAN DR. RICARYL CATHERINE P. CRUZ
  3. iii Member Member DR. APOLONIA A.ESPINOSA DR. BELLA R. MUELLO Member Member DR. CECILIAN N. GASCON Chairman DR. TERESITA V. DELA CRUZ DR. TERESITA V. DELA CRUZ Adviser Dean, Graduate School Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Development Education DR. WALBERTO A. MACARAAN Vice President for Academic Affairs ___________________ Date ACKNOWLEDGMENT
  4. iv Grateful acknowledgement is hereby extended to the following individuals who have provided the researcher much needed in the completion of this work: D. Teresita V. dela Cruz, his adviser, whose wisdom and knowledge, perseverance and patience, courage and optimism, constructive criticizing led to the final completion of this study; Dr. Apolonia A. Espinosa and other professors of the panel of examiners, for their valuable suggestions and recommendations; D. Teresita V. dela Cruz, Dr. Walberto A. Macaraan, and other professors of the Southern Luzon State University and Thai Nguyen University for their valuable lectures and advice; Dr Dang Xuan Binh, the director of ITC, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha and the other teachers and staffs of ITC, for the enthusiastic support during the course. Pr. Dr Cao Van, the Rector of Hung Vuong University and members of the Rector Board, for the assistance in both finance and encouragement; The Monitor and other classmates, for their helps and sharing; The staff and teacher respondents, students for their patience and generosity in answering the questionnaires; All members of my family and friends, for their advice and close concern; DO KHAC THANH ( TOM) DEED OF DECLARATION
  5. v I, Do Khac Thanh ( English name: Tom), hereby submit my thesis for oral examination, entitled: " Enhancing Management Measures on Students' self- study activities at Hung Vuong University, Phu Tho, Vietnam", truthfully declare that the said paper is a product of my original research investigation. Signed this............May, 2014 at Thai Nguyen University DO KHAC THANH DEdM Cadidate TABLE OF CONTENTS
  6. vi TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................ ……… i APPROVAL SHEET .................................................................................... ………. ii ACKNOWLEDGMENT ............................................................................................. iii DEED OF DECLARATION ...................................................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ..............................................................................................v LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... viii LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................... viii LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................x LIST OF APPENDICES ............................................................................................. xi AB STRACT .............................................................................................................. xiii Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY ..........................................................................2 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ..............................................................................4 NULL HYPOTHESIS ................................................................................................5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY..........................................................................5 SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS ..................................................................................6 Chapter II REVIEW OF LITERATURE AND STUDIES .......................................7 SELF-STUDY ACTIVITIES OF STUDENTS. ......................................................7 DEFINITION OF TERMS ......................................................................................14 SELF- STUDY ACTIVITIES MANAGEMENT ..................................................18 Chapter III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .........................................................24 LOCALE OF THE STUDY ....................................................................................24 POPULATION AND SAMPLING .........................................................................27 RESEARCH INSTRUMENTATION ....................................................................28 VALIDATION OF THE INSTRUMENT..............................................................29
  7. vii STATISTICAL TREATMENT ..............................................................................29 Chapter IV RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ...........................................................33 Chapter V SUMMARY, FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...........................................................................................73 SUMMARY ..............................................................................................................73 FINDINGS ................................................................................................................73 CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................74 RECOMMENDATIONS .........................................................................................76 BIBLIOGRAPHY........................................................................................................77 APPENDDICES ...........................................................................................................80
  8. viii LIST OF TABLES Table 1 (A) Frequency, Percentage and Distribution of the respondent .................................. 27 Table 1 (B) Frequency, Percentage and Distribution of the respondent .................................. 28 Table 1.1 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution on the Status of Students‟ Self-study Activities as to its Awareness on Self-study ............................................................................ 33 Table 1.2 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution on the status of students' self- study activities as to its study skills ................................................................................................... 34 Table 1.3 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution on the status of students' self- study activities as to students' habits during self- study ..................................................................... 35 Table 1.4 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution on the status of students' self- study activities as to Services for self-study support ......................................................................... 36 Table 1.5 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution on the status of students' self- study activities as to Teacher initiative .............................................................................................. 37 Table 1.6 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution on the status of students' self- study activities as to self- study location............................................................................................ 38 Table 1.7 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution on the status of students' self- study activities as to administration ................................................................................................... 39 Table 2.1 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution of the factors affect the activities of students' self-study as to External factors ................................................................................. 40 Table 2.2 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution of the factors affect the activities of students' self-study as to internal factors .................................................................................. 41 Table 3 ...................................................................................................................................... 43 Table 4.1 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution of the management measures of self- study as to planning the management on self- study ................................................................ 44
  9. ix Table 4.2 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution of the management measures of self- study as to organizing the orientation for self- study activities. ............................................... 46 Table 4.3 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution of the management measures of self- study as to organizing managemennt activities for self- learning skills enhancement ............. 47 Table 4.4 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution of the management measures of self- study as to managing on the use of facilities and equipment for students' self- study activities. .................................................................................................................................................. 48 Table 5.1 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution on the necessity ................................. 49 of self- study management measures ........................................................................................ 49 Table 5.2 Frequency and Weighted Mean Distribution on the feasible of self- study management measures .............................................................................................................. 51
  10. x LIST OF FIGURES 1. Research Paradigm ............................................................................. 23 2. Location of Phu Tho Province ........................................................... 25 3. Location of Hung Vuong university in Phu Tho Province ................ 26
  11. xi LIST OF APPENDICES 1. Appendix A Communication Letters ................................................. 81 2. Appendix B Questionnaires ............................................................... 83 3. Appendix C: Statistics, Descriptives .................................................. 90
  12. xii Title: ENHANCING MANAGEMENT MEASURES ON STUDENTS' SELF-STUDY ACTIVITIES AT HUNG VUONG UNIVERSITY Researcher: DO KHAC THANH ( TOM) Degree Doctor of Philosophy in Education Management Nam/ Address of Southern Luzon State University the Institution Graduate School Lucban, Quezon Date Completed April, 2014 Adviser Dr. TERESITA V. DELA CRUZ
  13. xiii AB STRACT The primary intent of this study was to investigate determine the status of the self- study activities of students in terms of students' awareness on self- study, study skills, habits during self- study, services for self- study, teacher innitiative, self- study location, administration at Hung Vuong university. The factors that may affect the activities of students' self- study are classified into external factors and internal factors. It also included the perception of planning the management of self-study, organizing the orientation for self-study activities, organizing management activities for self-learning skills enhancement, managing the use of facilities and equipment for students‟ self-study activities. This study also assess the necessity and feasibility of the management measures for self-study activities and develop management measures for students self- study activities based from its necessity and feasibility. This study used the weighted mean to describe the perception of the status of self- study activities, the factors that may affect the students' self- study activities, the management measures. The chi-square test was used to determine the significant relationship of the self- study activities and the factors that may affect the students' self- study activities. The questionnaire was divided into parts namely questionnaire to survey the reality of studetns' awareness about the role and significance of the self- study; questionnaire to survey the reality of students' self- study skills, the status of management on self- study activites of students at Hung Vuong University, ropose measures of management on self- study activities, the survey on the necessity and feasibility of the measures. There were 206 teachers and 328 students used as respondents in this study. Weighted mean, chi-square and multiple regressions were used in the study to analyze the data.
  14. 1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Entering the twenty-first century, human beings faced with drastic changes of modern civilization due to the achievements of science and technology, with breakthroughs in all areas of social life. Education is considered a key factor for the development of the society as required by that trend. With the explosion of information technology, the amount of human knowledge is increasing day by day, hour by hour. Time for learning in the school is limited, so that need to be equipped with self-study method to acquire the knowledge is the inevitable trend. By means of self-learning, learners can study regularly, practice lifelong learning, learning anywhere and anytime. To improve the quality of human resources for the industrialization and modernization of the country, the Party and the State consider "Education is a top national policy", and "Investment for education is an investment for development ". Education has been an important driving force for economic and social development of the country, the quality of education will determine the quality of human resources. To get quality of education, two basic elements of the training: teaching and learning must be focused. In the process of learning, the learners must be directed in line with self-awareness, positive, proactive self- organizing, and self-control of their own learning activities that makes the educational process to become self- education process. Thus, the self- study is the way to develop a lifetime of every human being. For the level of higher education, pedagogy requirements in Article 40 of the Vietnamese Law on Education (2005) states: "Methods of college and university education must pay attiention to the advancement of the self- consiousness in study, of ability of self-
  15. 2 study, self-taught, developing creative thinking, drilling of practical skills, facilitate students in participating in research, experimentation and application" Thus, the self-study has great significance for the students themselves to complete their learning tasks with quality and efficiency. Self- study is the most complete expression of a possible role in the cognitive processes of students. In the process, students must be active and independent, self-exploration and discovery to acquire knowledge under the direct control of the teacher. However, to help students to achieve the good study result many factors both external factors and internal factors are involved but the most important factor as said is the management organization. Therefore, the study on enhancing management measures on students' self- study activities to improve the quality of training at Hung Dugong University is necessarily conducted. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In the learning process, self-study is justified in the way that learning themselves to dominate the intellectual mind. Self- study has an important role, a strong impact on learning outcomes of students. There were researches on the topic, but overall achievement is the work of the school. In the learning process, learners need to dominate their own knowledge and skills, to master the trend and requirement of the future career. To promote the initiative, their creativity, students need self-discipline, self-study method which are to rise the efficiency of learning. In the self-study process of the students, besides the autonomy, self-awareness, the use of management measures on students' self- study it refers to self- study activities management system including management's plans for all stages of the process of students' self-study to complete their learning task.
  16. 3 Hung Vuong University (HVU) was established on 29 April 2003 on the foundation of Phu Tho teachers Training College. It is located in Phu Tho province - the Birthplace of Viet Nam. HVU has total staff of over 400 in which, there are 10 associate professors, 30 doctors, 80 masters and 110 teachers are taking Ph.D and Master degree coures. The number of students in 2012 is 12000. Its goal is to become a university which educates and trains students in multy disciplines and branches, and serves as a research centre of science and technology, meeting the need of economic, cultural and social development in Phu Tho province and her neighbors; aiming at building Hung Vuong University into one meeting the required national standards of well-qualified staffs and appropriate equipment in 2015 From 2004, it was assigned to disciplinary higher education; the initial difficulties of the university were teaching and learning in higher education level. Most of the students who just passed the entrance examination do not have active and positive habits of self-study and self-learning skills, they learn what they are taught. In addition, factors such as physical facilities, books and curricula for teaching and learning are still insufficient in training have affected the quality of the school. According to the roadmap innovation, higher education in Vietnam, from 2010 Hung Vuong University has transformed from school- based to credit - based system. With this change, the role of the students is promoted to maximum with the support of faculty and academic management. From the above problems, the identification of management measures of students' self-study activities at Hung Vuong University to improve the quality of training is a matter of urgency.
  17. 4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY This study focuses on enhancing management on students' self- study activities at Hung Vuong university with an end view of developing a management measures of activities, school year 2012- 2013 Specifically, it sought answer to the following questions: 1. Determine the status of the self- study activities of students in terms of: 1.1. Students' awareness on self- study 1.2. Study skills 1.3 Habits during self- study 1.4. Services for self- study 1.5 Teacher initiative 1.6. Self- study location 1.7. Administration 2. Find out the factors that may affect the activities of students' self- study 2.1. External factors 2.2. Internal factors 3. Find out the relationship between self- study activities and factors affecting the self- study activities 4. Identify the different management measures of self-study activities in terms of; 4.1 .Planning the management of self-study 4.2 Organizing the orientation for self-study activities. 4.3 Organizing management activities for self-learning skills enhancement
  18. 5 4.4 Managing the use of facilities and equipment for students‟ self-study activities 5. Assess the necessity and feasibility of the management measures for self-study activities. 6. Develop management measures for student's self- study activities based from its necessity and feasibility. NULL HYPOTHESIS There is no significant relationship between self- study activities and factors that affect self- study activities. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study will be beneficial to the following: Students. They will be benefited by this study since they are the main concern of teaching process. From the results of the study will help students recognize the status of students' self-study activities in both strengths and weaknesses, so that each student should clearly identify the motivation, attitude and self-study methods to achieve high academic results Teacher. The outcome of the study is of great help to teacher because they will be made aware of the factors affecting the activities of students' self- study. Since then, each teacher will take measures to raise awareness and self-study skills for students, making them more active and proactive in self-study activities. Also this study will help teachers identify measures to improve the efficiency of self-learning activities for students to contribute to improving the quality of school education.
  19. 6 Administrators. It is hoped that the study will help the administrators to see the status of self-study activities, the management of self-study activities of the school, and provide them with the management measures for reference in managing self-study activities of students in the school Future Researchers. This study could provide references for future proponents who wish to conduct a study similar to the nature of this ongoing research. Thus, basic management measures of self- study activities of students could serve as resources for other studies SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS This study is limited only in enhancing the management measures on students' self- study activities at Hung Vuong University- Phu Tho province-Viet Nam. The respondents were composed of 206 administrators and 328 students from the different satellite schools such as: Dept of Natural Sciences, Dept of Mathematics and Technology, Dept of Social Sciences, Dept of Foreign Languages, Dept of Primary and Pre-school Education, Dept of Economics and Business Administration, Dept of Agro-Forestry-Aquaculture, Dept of Art & Music. The instrument of the study focused only on the management measures on students' self- study activities composed the following variables such as students' awareness on self- study, study skills, services for self- study, teaching method and administration. The time frame of this study covered the period from December 2012 to November 2013
  20. 7 Chapter II REVIEW OF LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies that have bearing in this research. It includes the review of the variables such as self-study activities of the students, the external and internal factors that may affect the self-study activities of the students. In the history of educational development, the factor of self -study is always theoretically and practically interesting. In each stage of development, self-study problems are addressed and studied under many different aspects by research scholars. SELF-STUDY ACTIVITIES OF STUDENTS. Self-study activities Like any new field of research, self-study has gone through growing pains and stages of development marked by a need for a shared understanding and shared language around the field of self-study. Many authors mentioned and got access to self-study, generally self-study can be understood is the process of knowledge comprehension of the historical experience of individual practices by establishing the initial relationship improved, compared with the model reflecting the real situation, turning human knowledge into the knowledge, experience, skills and techniques of oneself. Nguyen Canh Toan ( 2001) stressed: "Self-study is self brainstorming, thought to use the intellectual capacity (observation, comparison, analysis, synthesis, etc.) and the muscle (when to use the tool) and its quality, then your motor, emotional, human, world agencies to dominate a certain field of knowledge into their own


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