Evaluation of the learning process of executive education ii to improve the learning outcomes in PLN group
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The purpose of this paper is to evaluate and improve the results of LLP with increasing number of unsuccessful participants and make a proposal for a 4DX (4 Disciplines of Execution) strategic program for the implementation of SAQ (Speed, Agility, Quality) to improve the outcome of leadership learning.
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Nội dung Text: Evaluation of the learning process of executive education ii to improve the learning outcomes in PLN group
- International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 1593-1605. Article ID: IJMET_10_03_160 Available online at http://www.iaeme.com/ijmet/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=10&IType=3 ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed EVALUATION OF THE LEARNING PROCESS OF EXECUTIVE EDUCATION II TO IMPROVE THE LEARNING OUTCOMES IN PLN GROUP Syiriif Abdullah S. Kom Bina Nusantara University, Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480 Bachtiar H. Simamora M.Sc., Ph.D. Management Department, BINUS Business School Undergraduate Program, Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia 11480 ABSTRACT Where to get leaders who are in line with the needs of PLN now and in the future, leaders who can understand the issue of business so that it can be illustrated when Indonesia Power Company (“PLN”) leaders complete their daily tasks, one of which can be seen from the results of Leadership Learning Performance (LLP) through Executive Education in PLN Corporate University. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate and improve the results of LLP with increasing number of unsuccessful participants and make a proposal for a 4DX (4 Disciplines of Execution) strategic program for the implementation of SAQ (Speed, Agility, Quality) to improve the outcome of leadership learning. The researcher uses Total Quality Management (TQM) variables and Study Satisfaction (SS) as independent variables to Leadership Learning Performance (LLP) as dependent variables. From the hypothesis compiled the results show that all hypotheses are significant and accepted. So that by consistently applying TQM will improve the results of LLP at PLN Group. Keywords: Leader, Executive Education, Corporate University, Total Quality Management, Study Satisfaction, Leadership Learning Performance, 4DX (Disciplines of Execution). Cite this Article Syiriif Abdullah S. Kom and Bachtiar H. Simamora, Evaluation of the Learning Process of Executive Education Ii to Improve the Learning Outcomes in Pln Group, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 10(3), 2019, pp. 1593-1605. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/issues.asp?JType=IJMET&VType=10&IType=3 http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1593 editor@iaeme.com
- Evaluation of the Learning Process of Executive Education Ii to Improve the Learning Outcomes in Pln Group 1. INTRODUCTION National Electric Company “Perusahaan Listrik Negara” (PLN) Group is a state-owned company to provide electricity that continues working on improving its products and services in Indonesia. The history of the term Corporate University began to be popular in the 80’s. One corporation that has a big role popularizing Corporate University's term is McDonald's. McDonald's concept was also developed in several large corporations in the world, such as GE, Walt Disney, Motorola, Boeing, Intel, Exxon Mobil, Fiat, Hitachi, UBS, Jhonson & Jhonson, Tyco, Caterpillar, Shell etc. At present there are approximately 4000 corporations that have a corporate university. In Indonesia corporations such as, Telkom, Pertamina, PLN and Semen Indonesia, also have Corporate University. Corporate University as a strategic tool of a company to help parent organizations achieve their mission by creating several activities aimed at exploring wisdom, knowledge and learning, from individuals and organizations (Allen, 2002). Corporate University is a "strategic umbrella" to build and educate employees, customers, suppliers to align with the organization's business strategy (Maria, 2016). Corporate University is one of the PLN strategies that integrates all learning, processes and human resources in the company that enables the best performance of the unit by continuing to improve the knowledge, skills and attitudes of workers in the business environment. Current conditions at the PLN Group, one example taken is Executive Education II, shows that there are still participants who did not pass the final stage of learning for each class. Therefore it is necessary to improve the final results of leadership learning by evaluating what affects using the variable Total Quality Management and Study Satisfaction. It is expected that by this research the learning process can be improved. There are many factors that can affect the end result, among others, from Total Quality Management which consists of 11 indicators, including; Leadership, Measurement and Evaluation, Process Control and Development, Benchmarking, Curriculum Design, Quality Management Systems, Instructor Control, Recognition and Awards, Education and Training, Focus on Students, Partnership Institutions. While for Learning Satisfaction, there are 2 indicators, among others; Learning Process and Excellent Service. Furthermore, the last variable targeted from all of these studies is the performance of leadership learning, in this case the final result of leadership learning (Leadership Learning Performance) wherein there are 3 indicators, among others; Pass on time, Final Class, Final Test Results. Current conditions in the PLN Group, one of the examples taken is Executive Education II, from the available data, it turns out there are still participants who do not pass the final examination for each class, need to improve learning outcomes. Total Quality Management and Satisfaction Study. It is hoped that by increasing the learning process through these variables what can be improved. The objectives of this study include: a. Identify each indicator of the variable used, how big and significant the effect is so that it can improve LLP as a whole; b. Measuring the influence of TQM on LLP; c. Measuring the influence of TQM on the SS; d. Measuring the magnitude of the SS influence on LLP; e. Measure the magnitude of the SS influence as a mediation of TQM and LLP; f. Make a proposal for a 4DX (4 Disciplines of Execution) strategic program for the implementation of SAQ (Speed, Agility, Quality) to improve the final results of leadership learning; http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1594 editor@iaeme.com
- Syiriif Abdullah S. Kom and Bachtiar H. Simamora 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Total Quality Management (TQM) Lagrosen, Seyyed-Hashemi, and Leitner (2006) recommend that every organization will be able to overcome dynamic environmental changes and provide continuous improvement if TQM is implemented correctly. In a learning system, according to Sutanto, Hadiwidjojo, Solimun., and Djumahir (2015), TQM (Total Quality Management) which consists of 11 indicators in it, among others; Leadership, Measurement and Evaluation, Process Control and Development, Benchmarking, Curriculum Design, Quality Management Systems, Instructor Involvement, Recognition and Awards, Education and Training, Focus on Students, Partnership Institutions. While for Study Satisfaction, there are 2 indicators, among others; Student Academic Services and Grading (grade learning outcomes). Furthermore, the last variable targeted by all of these studies is the performance of leadership learning, in this case the final result of leadership learning (Leadership Learning Performance) wherein there are 3 indicators, among others; Pass on time, Final Grade, Final Test Results. 2.2. Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is considered as one of the internal measures of the organization that is oriented to the satisfaction of customer needs and shows the direction of product and service quality promotion. Customer satisfaction is a situation where customers feel that product features are in line with their expectations. Dissatisfaction is also a situation where product weakness causes consumer dissatisfaction, complaints, and disapproval. In other words, customer satisfaction is the response of customers / consumers to the consumption or purchase of a product (Maleki & Darabi, 2008). Whereas for learning satisfaction is a level of comfort for someone after participating in learning with feelings of pleasure or displeasure shown in behavior or with the results of learning. Indicators used to measure the image of participants in learning: satisfaction with learning, satisfaction with promotion after participating in learning, and satisfaction with service during learning. 2.3. Leadership Based on Satrijono, et. al., (2017), to add insight and refreshment in carrying out its roles and duties, PLN has used a variety of learning models such as leadership management training (LMT), assessment, In class training (ICT), on the job training (OJT) and project assignment (PA). in principle, PLN leadership learning consistently implements a 70:20:10 learning pattern developed by the center of creative leadership, so that the majority of learning is directed at experiential learning. Meanwhile, the framework for leadership learning refers to the Dave Ulrich Leadership Code which formulates five effective character leaders, which include: Strategists, Executors, Talent Managers, Human Capital Developers, and Self Proficient. This mindset has become the best practice of successful leaders in the global company, which was later adapted at PLN. As for assessment, PLN was listed as the first company in Indonesia to use the Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) system, called the PLN Adaptive Test (TAP), which won October 2 in the National Innovation at PLN. Overseas, the CAT system has been used by big names such as Microsoft, IBM, and the Pentagon (US Department of Defense). 2.4. Facility The quality of a product both goods and services can determine the level of satisfaction of its customers, Tjipjono and Fandy, (2003). Facilities are all things that are physical equipment provided by the seller of services to support consumer convenience Kotler, Philip, (2009). http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1595 editor@iaeme.com
- Evaluation of the Learning Process of Executive Education Ii to Improve the Learning Outcomes in Pln Group Facilities are the appearance, ability of facilities and the condition of the surrounding environment in showing their existence to the external, which includes physical facilities (building) equipment and equipment, Lupiyoadi, et. al., (2008). Which includes facilities can be tools, objects, equipment, money, work space. The development of learning infrastructure that has been carried out based on the master plan academy and UPDL as mentioned above shows that the development program carried out is structured to achieve effectiveness in the learning process. The effectiveness of learning produced, and infrastructure support is expected to be able to realize the performance of the unit and the company. 2.5. Instructor The effectiveness of teaching refers to teacher beliefs in their capacity to teach effectively with various students. Optimism refers to the attitude that is owned by colleagues, especially related to the possibility of collective success in the future. Constructive involvement refers to the teacher's attitude towards their own efforts to study at work and influence others in their school. These dimensions of teacher agencies are supported by research conducted in different communities, Liu, et. al., (2016), C. Schechter and M. Qadach, (2012), Y. X. Shen, (2015). For the status of Instructors in PLN are categorized as Permanent Instructor Candidates, Permanent Instructors, Non-Permanent Instructor Candidates, Non-Permanent Instructors PLN, Non-PLN Instructors, and the instructor board. The Coaching program and instructor development are related to the competencies and expertise areas of the instructors concerned, in this case the board of instructors plays a role in instructor coaching. The expected results from the development and guidance of instructors is the creation of an adequate number of instructors, qualified, nationally and internationally certified. Based on Satrijono, Djawahir, & Sugiarsono (2017), there are three things that must be considered to maintain the quality of instructors at PLN. First, the instructor must be certified. Secondly, instructors who are not permanent are all PLN employees, but with the following conditions: can teach and have a certificate of instructor competence and take part in internships and material deepening. Instructors at PLN must be one level above the students. Third, retired PLN who have key knowledge and competencies. All PLN instructors must be BNSP certified (National Professional Certification Agency). 2.6. Material The development of learning materials in accordance with the needs of the PLN Corporate University has been carried out with various learning models and learning processes. Learning models known in the learning environment are very numerous, so that PLN Corporate University identifies various learning models that are suitable and appropriate for conducting learning at PLN Corporate University. Therefore, in developing the learning process at Corporate University will be in line with the needs of the learning program developed. In other words, the learning material is developed based on the learning process from the results of the analysis of learning needs and the evaluation results of learning completed. According to Satrijono et al (2017), for PLN there are three steps to ensure the learning material up to date. First, working with CorpU learning experts and the Subject Metter Expert (SME) from outside CorpU. Second, collaborating with management education institutions for learning leadership, such as PPM School of Management, Prasetya Mulya Business School, and IPMI, and inviting their instructors or lecturers to teach at CorpU PLN. Third, PLN CorpU updates is certified. Because the learning institutions at PLN were visited by foreign assessors, taught how to learn like playing, for example applying gamification. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1596 editor@iaeme.com
- Syiriif Abdullah S. Kom and Bachtiar H. Simamora 2.7. Service Quality To ensure satisfaction of the learning participants, the product/service must be of high quality. With quality service, it can boost sales of services and create distinctive advantages compared to competitors. Quality must begin with customer needs and end to customer perceptions (Tjiptono, 2006). Things that influence the development of Corporate University apart from Instructors are infrastructure/facilities, learning materials and learning managers or administrators. What is meant by learning managers or administrators here are those who manage the implementation of learning at Corporate University. The role of the learning manager here is to administer learning resources, HRD, financial, material, methods, and equipment / facilities. 2.8. Learning Organization According to Senge (1996), learning organizations are organizations where people continually expand the capacity to produce results seriously as they expect and want, where new and expansive thinking patterns are grown, the collective aspirations are freed and everyone continues to learn together. According to Februanto (2008), learning organization is the process of organizational members facing a problem or problems, identifying alternative solutions by using values, norms in choosing and implementing the best alternatives, and evaluating the results. In addition, learning organization is an organizational condition that provides opportunity for all members of the organization to learn to deal with problems and improve their ability to identify alternative solutions. Indicators used to measure the image of learning participants are: Building Shared Vision, Personal Mastery, System Thinking, Improving Mental Models, Team Learning. 2.9. Mentor Mentors are direct supervisors of learning participants, who have the task of directing what themes or topics will be raised by the learning participants. The tasks of the Mentor includes: 2.9.1 Participate in coaching, mentoring, counseling related to project assignment arrangement, so that participants are more conducive in carrying out their role as leaders in resolving with breakthrough. 2.9.2 Agree on the depth level of the topic and title of the project assignment in line with the level of learning to be followed by the participants. 2.9.3 Ensuring a minimum of 60% of the breakthrough program prepared by the mentee has been implemented, this is one of the requirements of the project assignment test. 2.10. Counselor/Advisor Counselors are people who are appointed by executors of learning, who have more experience and prioritized 1 level above the level of learning participants. The counselor is divided into two, namely: 2.10.1 Internal Counselor/Advisor: Guiding participants in terms of how participants complete project assignments by involving their subordinates. Ensure that the competency targets in the training material can be carried out by participants during the implementation of project assignment. Motivating participants to emerge behaviors that are in accordance with job competency requirements which are requirements for the target position. Participants from the leadership/leadership aspect. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1597 editor@iaeme.com
- Evaluation of the Learning Process of Executive Education Ii to Improve the Learning Outcomes in Pln Group 2.10.2 External Counselor/Advisor: Guiding participants to review the suitability of project assignment with Executive Education participants level. Guiding participants to discuss the best solutions to overcome problems so that project assignment can be resolved. Discuss presentation material with participants. Guiding participants in conforming the contents of the topic of project assignment. 2.11. 4DX (4 Disciplines of Execution) The combined understanding of Six Sigma & Lean in the manufacturing industry is a general understanding of 4 Disciplines of Execution to execute strategies. 4DX is a practical methodology that can be used on the main problems in each leader, namely execution. Stephen R. Covey, in The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness, says, "It's one thing to come up with great strategies and goals, but it's quite another to get them done. This is called the execution gap." (Planning great strategies and goals is one important thing, but implementing these strategies and goals is different. This is called the "execution gap", Covey, (2008). Based on a study conducted by FranklinCovey, there are four disciplines that must be done in executing, known as "4 Disciplines of Execution", or abbreviated as 4DX, namely: 2.11.1 Focus on the most important goals (Focus on the wildly important goals); 2.11.2 Acting on Act on the lead measure; 2.11.3 Continue to use the evocative scoreboard (Keep a compelling scoreboard); 2.11.4 Creating a cadence of accountability (Create a Cadence of accountability); The keyword in 4DX implementation is "discipline". What is meant by discipline? This is an interesting question to answer. Discipline is a consistent order that guides us to act freely and responsibly (Discipline is a consistent regimen that leads to freedom of action). 4DX aims to popularize simple thinking in the hope that all companies and organizations begin to prioritize discipline so that they can execute things that are considered important. 2.12. Research Variables and Variable Operationalization According to Sugiyono (2009), the research variable is basically everything in the form of what is determined by the researcher to be studied so that information about it is obtained, then conclusions are drawn. According to Sekaran and Bougie, (2013), the types of variables in the study can be divided into: 2.12.1 Independent variables are variables that affect dependent variables both positively and negatively. The independent variable in this study is Total Quality Management (TQM) wherein there are 11 indicators (Sutanto et al, 2015). 2.12.2 Dependent variable is the main variable under study. The aim of the researcher is to understand and explain the dependent variable or explain its diversity or predict it. Variable dependent is a variable that is influenced or which becomes a result because of the independent variable. The dependent variable in this study is Leadership Learning Performance (LLP), in which there are 3 indicators. 2.12.3 Variable Intervening / mediating variables Refers to abstract processes that are not directly observed but have a relationship between independent and dependent variables. This variable is considered as a variable that can explain http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1598 editor@iaeme.com
- Syiriif Abdullah S. Kom and Bachtiar H. Simamora the association of independent and dependent variables. The mediating variable in this study is Study Satisfaction (SS) and in it there are 2 indicators. The following are 3 variables and 16 indicators that built this case: Table 1 Variable & Indicator NO VARIABLE INDICATOR Benchmarking Curriculum Design Customer Focus Leadership Instructor involvement Quality Mngment System 1. Total Quality Management (TQM) Partnership Institution Education and Training Measurement and Evaluation Recognition and Award Process Control and Dev. Excellent Service 2. Study Satisfaction (SS) Learning Process Final Grade 3. Leadership Learning Performance (LLP) Final Test Results Pass on time Source: Sutanto et al. (2015). Theoretical framework to be used is shown in the picture below. Figure 1 Theoretical Framework Source: Sutanto et al (2015). The hypothesis to be tested are: H1: TQM has a positive and significant effect on LLP; H2: TQM has a positive and significant effect on SS; H3: SS has a positive and significant effect on LLP; H4: SS mediates the effects of TQM on LLP; 3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1599 editor@iaeme.com
- Evaluation of the Learning Process of Executive Education Ii to Improve the Learning Outcomes in Pln Group The research design that used in this study are measuring the attitudes, opinions and perceptions of participants (respondents) about the implementation of leadership learning. This research is a descriptive approach by building relationships between three variables, Total Quality Management, Study Satisfaction and Leadership Learning Performance. This research starts from a review of the literature by defining the concept of a corporate university at PLN, explaining the concept of Total Quality Management. This paper builds a conceptual model to explain the contribution of 11 indicators in Total quality management to be able to succeed and improve learning performance leadership. so that in the future any indicators can be developed to improve learning performance leadership in PLN that can be used as best practice in managing leadership learning in Indonesia. 4. DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSION On the 4th of February 2013, the White Book of PLN Corporate University by Pamudji (2012), PLN Pusdiklat was transformed into PLN Corporate University with Directors Decree Number 138.K/DIR/2013. PT PLN (Persero) Pusdiklat will develop the competencies and potential needed by PLN in the electricity business in Indonesia now and in the future and ensure that the learning process of PLN's human potential is transformed to create superior performance. According to Grenzer (2006), Corporate University are functions strategically that aligned to integrating specific internal organization development that should focus on personal development, career paths, training opportunities, learning events, human resources programs, and leadership at all levels of the organization. PLN Pusdiklat (2017), referring to the organizational structure and the Work Procedure of the PLN Corporate University as stated in Directors Regulation No. 0218.P/DIR/2016 and in order to carry out learning in line with the business process (in line with their respective fields). Several aacademic programs were formed that benchmarked to Best Practices. One of it is Leadership Academy as a learning center in developing leadership competencies for prospective PLN future leaders. All academics are at the PLN Jakarta. In this study, 2018 Executive Education was selected to be studied about how much influence the implementation of Total quality management on participant satisfaction during the learning process, so that it can be seen how much direct and indirect impact on leadership learning performance. It is expected that in the future indicators in the total quality management can be optimized to increase learning satisfaction and lead to improving the final results of the executive education. Construct of reliability and validity table are obtained as follows: Table 2 Construct Reliability and Validity Average Variance Extracted Cronbach’s Alpha Composite Reliability (AVE) LLP 0.894 0.913 0.512 SS 0.916 0.931 0.604 TQM 0.948 0.953 0.504 Source: Output from the Theory Framework after compiling with SmartPLS. From the table above, it can be seen that the AVE value is > 0.500, thus it can be stated that each variable has good discriminant validity. Composite Reliability is a part that is used to test the reliability value of indicators on a variable. A variable can be fulfilled composite reliability if it has a reliability composite value> 0.6. These results indicate that each variable has complied with composite reliability so that it can be concluded that all variables have a high level of reliability. The reliability test with composite reliability above can be strengthened by using the Cronbach alpha value. A variable can be declared reliable or meets Cronbach alpha if it has an http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1600 editor@iaeme.com
- Syiriif Abdullah S. Kom and Bachtiar H. Simamora alpha Cronbach value> 0.7. Thus these results can show that each research variable has met the requirements of the Cronbach alpha value, so it can be concluded that the overall variable has a high level of reliability. Evaluation of path coefficient is used to show how strong the effect or effect of the independent variable is on the dependent variable. While determination coefficient (R-Square) is used to measure how many endogenous variables are influenced by other variables. Chin said the R2 results of 0.67 and above for endogenous latent variables in the structural model indicate the influence of exogenous variables (which influence) on endogenous variables (which are affected) included in the good category. Whereas if the result is 0.33 - 0.67 then it is included in the medium category, and if the result is 0.19 - 0.33 then it is included in the weak category. Table 3 Path Coefficients LLP SS TQM LLP - - - SS 0.313 - - TQM 0.450 0.880 - Source: Output from the Theory Framework after compiling with SmartPLS. a. Study Satisfaction (SS) has an influence on Leadership Learning Performance (LLP) of 0.313; b. Total Quality Management (TQM) has an influence on Leadership Learning Performance (LLP) of 0.450; c. Total Quality Management (TQM) has an influence on the Study Satisfaction (SS) of 0.880; Based on the inner model scheme shown in table 3 above, it can be explained that the greatest path coefficient value is indicated by the effect of TQM on SS at 0.880. Then the second biggest influence is the effect of TQM on LLP of 0.450 and the smallest influence is shown by the effect of SS on LLP of 0.313. Based on the description of these results, it shows that all variables in this model have a path coefficient with positive numbers. This shows that if the path coefficient value is greater on an independent variable on the dependent variable, the influence of the independent variables on the dependent variable will be stronger. Goodness of Fit Test, based on data processing using SmartPLS v3, the R-Square value is obtained as follows: Table 4 R2 (R Square) R SQUARE R SQUARE ADJUSTED LLP 0.548 0.540 SS 0.775 0.773 Source: Output from the Theory Framework after compiling with SmartPLS. From the R Square table above, it can be read that the relationship between each variable is quite large, that the magnitude of the influence of the TQM & SS variables on LLP is 0.548 or 54.8%, and the effect of the TQM variable on SS is 0.775 or 77.5%. The goodness of fit assessment is known from the Q-Square value. Q-Square value has the same meaning as determination coefficient (R-Square) in the regression analysis, where the higher the Q-Square, the model can be said to be better or more fit with the data. The results of the calculation of Q Square values are as follows: Q-Square = 1 – [(1 – R21) x (1 – R22) http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1601 editor@iaeme.com
- Evaluation of the Learning Process of Executive Education Ii to Improve the Learning Outcomes in Pln Group = 1 – [(1 – 0,548) x (1 – 0,775)] = 1 – (0,452 x 0,225) = 1 – 0,102 = 0,898 Based on the results of the above calculations, obtained the Q-Square value of 0.898. This shows the magnitude of the diversity of the research data that can be explained by the research model is 89.8%. While the remaining 10.2% is explained by other factors that are outside the research model. Thus, from these results, this research model can be stated to have good goodness of fit. While hypothesis testing in this study was carried out by looking at the value of T-Statistics and the value of P-Values. The research hypothesis can be declared significant and accepted if the P-Values value is
- Syiriif Abdullah S. Kom and Bachtiar H. Simamora based program was created. For the first Indicator, Curriculum Design, the 4DX Program includes: a. Wildly Important Goal (WIG) for Curriculum Design. Maintain and achieve 100% Material Quality according to the needs of the unit on December 31, 2019. The Lead Measure carried out is conducting executive intelligence on the unit and the development of electricity every week. Thus it is expected to be achieved and useful to solve unit problems and increase sales and improve unit performance. b. Wildly Important Goal (WIG) for Education and Training. Improve the quality and quantity of EE II graduates from 86% to 100% on December 31, 2019. Lead Measure is done by coordinating consistently on the implementation of TQM every week, reviewing the results of level 1 and 2 evaluations every week. Thus it is expected to be consistent in the implementation of TQM, follow up and evaluate the implementation of learning to improve the final results of leadership learning. c. Wildly Important Goal (WIG) Focus on Customers. Increase the readiness of facilities and infrastructure (maturity level from X to Y) on December 31, 2019; Lead Measure is done by checking the readiness of learning facilities and infrastructure every week, following up on the results of level 1 evaluation of facilities and infrastructure every day. Thus, it is expected to increase participants' satisfaction with the facilities and services we provide. 5. CONCLUSION Corporate University was formed to be able to answer the challenges of PLN in the future, in particular executive education, leaders are prepared and trained to be able to innovate, make a breakthrough and to be able to improve the performance of the unit. Study results indicates that there is an effect of Total Quality Management on Study Satisfaction and its end effect on Leadership Learning Performance. Therefore, it is very important for a corporate university at PLN Group to apply Total Quality Management consistently to improve Leadership Learning Performance, which is evident from the four hypotheses compiled are all significant and accepted. From the results of data processing using SmartPLS, and the results obtained, the authors propose a Strategic Program to management, namely 4DX-based SAQ (Speed, Agility, Quality) Implementation to improve the final results of leadership learning, namely focusing on 3 items selected indicators because the value is still below the average so it is expected to be optimized for better results, namely Curriculum Design Indicators, Education and Training, Customer Focus. For each indicator Wildly Important Goal (WIG) and Lead Measure (LM) are made with the target reached on December 31, 2019. For suggestion, this research still has many limitations that can be developed for further research, here are suggestions for future research, namely: 1. The role of leadership must be increased so that when Top Management gives direction and delivers material, participants can be used as references and can have an impact and make inspiration for the participants of the learning; 2. Benchmark needs to be improved to the appropriate institutions, so they can exchange concepts or joint leadership learning can be done; 3. Need to improve the measurement and evaluation system so that it is more in line with the target, not only to get quantitative values, but more in line with the concept of the level of learning; http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1603 editor@iaeme.com
- Evaluation of the Learning Process of Executive Education Ii to Improve the Learning Outcomes in Pln Group 4. Must be consistent in implementing strategic programs, namely 4DX-based SAQ (Speed, Agility, Quality) Implementation (4 Discipliners of Execution); REFRENCES [1] Allen, M. (2002). The next generation of corporate universities: innovative approaches for developing people and expanding organizational capabilities. San Francisco: Pfeiffer. [2] Maria, A. (2016). Leading The Learning Unit. Graduate Executive Diploma in Organization Learning Technology. [3] Lagrosen, S., Seyyed-Hashemi, R. & Leitner, M. (2004). Examination of the dimensions of quality in higher education. Quality Assurance in Education, 12, 61-69. [4] Covey, Stephen R. (1990). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Simon & Schuster Audio; Abridged edition, 2000. [5] Sutanto, A., Hadiwidjojo, D., Solimun., & Djumahir. (2015). The Effect of The Implementation of Total Quality Management on The Satisfaction of Students and Its Impact on The Performance of Management Department. Universitas Brawijaya: Malang. [6] Maleki, A, & Darabi, M. (2008). Various Methods of Measuring Customer Satisfaction. Journal of automotive engineering and its related industries, 3, first edition, 27 -28. [7] Satrijono, W., Djawahir, K. M., & Sugiarsono, J. (2017). Indonesia’s Best practices of Corporate University: Memahami Learning Value Chain di Perusahaan-perusahaan terkemuka Indonesia. PT Swasembada Media Bisnis. [8] Tjipjono, Fandy. (2003). Diana Anastasia, Total Quality Management, Edisi Revisi, Andi Yogyakarta. [9] Kotler, Philip. (2009). Manajemen Pemasaran, Jilid 2, Edisi 13. Alih Bahasa Benyamin Molan. Jakarta: Prehallindo. [10] Lupiyoadi, Rambat, dan Hamdani, A. (2008). Manajemen Pemasaran Jasa. Jakarta: Salemba Empat. [11] Liu, S., Hallinger, P., & Feng, D. (2016). Supporting the professional learning of teachers in China: Does leadership make a difference? Teaching and Teacher Education, 59, 79-91. [12] Schechter, C., & Qadach, M. (2012). Toward an organizational model of change in elementary schools: The contribution of organizational learning mechanisms. Educational Administration Quarterly, 48(1), 116 – 153. [13] Shen, X. Y. (2015). Institutional legitimacy, teacher agency, and the development of teacher teaching expertise. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Beijing, China: Beijing Normal University. [14] Tjiptono, F. (2006). Manajemen Jasa. Yogyakarta: Andi. Author No.1, Author No 2 Onward, “Paper Title Here”, Proceedings of xxx Conference or Journal (ABCD), Institution name (Country), February 21-23, year, pp. 626-632. [15] Senge, P. M. (1996). Disiplin Kelima. Binarupa Aksara. Jakarta. [16] Februanto, H. (2008). Pengaruh Budaya Organisasi , Kepemimpinan dan Organisasi Pembelajaran terhadap Kinerja Organisasi. Jurnal Manajemen, 12(2), 110-111. [17] McChesney, Chris & Sean Covey (2012). The 4 Disciplines of Execution. [18] Sugiyono. (2009). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif CV.Alfabeta: Bandung. [19] Sekaran. U. & Bougie. R. (2013). Research Methods for Busniness, Sixth edition. John Willey & Sons Ltd. [20] Pamudji, N. (2012). The White Book PLN Corporate University. Jakarta. http://www.iaeme.com/IJMET/index.asp 1604 editor@iaeme.com
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