Flash CS4 Professional in 24 Hours- P17
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Flash CS4 Professional in 24 Hours- P17: The creation of this book could not have happened without the skill and patience of many, many people at Sams Publishing. Most of all, I want to thank Mark Taber for offering me this opportunity and Philip Kerman for writing such a great book. I also greatly appreciate the efforts of Songlin Qiu for keeping me on track and organized, not an easy task.
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Nội dung Text: Flash CS4 Professional in 24 Hours- P17
- Motion Presets panel 471 Library command (Window menu), Loop settings (sounds), 239-241 movies, adding to, 443-444 91, 240 looping movies, 291-293 XMP metadata, 444-445 Library for Keyframing, opening, 240 lossless file compression, 78-81 methods, 303 light addItem(), 329-332 Advanced (Properties panel), 104 Missing Font Warning dialogs, 130 Brightness (Properties panel), modems, converting bits to bytes, 102-103 M 417 Tint Color Style (Properties panel), modes, Brush Mode, 45 104 M layer (Timeline), 150 Modify command (Transform panel), Lighten option (blends), 115 Macintosh Projector, 452-454 64 Line tool, 15, 39-41 Magnification command (View menu), Modify menu commands lines 12 Arrange, 108 and fills, 180, 407-408 mailto: command, 382 Break Apart, 269-271 bending, 57 managing Library, 97-99 Convert to Symbol, 101, 108 changing, 40-41 mapping Curves, 180 curved points in images, 183 Document, 146 anchor points, tangents, 50 Shape Hints (Shape Tween), 185 Document Properties, 146 drawing, 50 margins, adjusting, 52 Optimize, 419-420 drawing, 39-41 markers Modify Onion Markers menu endpoints, connecting, 66 red current frame, 144-145 commands, Onion All, 419-420 extending, 58 interpolated frames, 163 modifying poses, 199 shapes, 46-47 keyframes, editing, 164 modular websites, designing, 391 linking movies to web servers, 369 Time In/Time Out (sounds), 239 loading movies/images, 393, 395 links, 369 markup languages, 369 playing external sounds, 398 list components, data providers, 333, marqueeing, 58-59 morphs, 177 335 Masked Layer, creating spotlight motion blurs, creating, 276 Live Preview, 321 effects, 278-280 Motion Editor panel Load Movie Action, 392-393 masking, 16 easing settings, changing, 223-225 loaders, Bandwidth Profiler, 421-422 hand-drawn transitions, creating, 280-281 presets, editing, 222-223 loading stencils, 281-282 Motion Presets panel, 215 .jpg files, 391 master names, symbols, 260 Apply at Current Location com- movies, 391 mand, 216 determining when loaded, 395 master symbols, 106 Apply command, 217 Load Movie Action, 392-393 instances onstage, behavior, 256 End at Current Location com- unloading, how to, 395 media mand, 216 loadMovie Action, 391 choosing to publish, 446 existing motion preset, applying, location of symbol instances, compressing, 413-414 217-218 transforming, 101 exporting, 455 Export command, 216 Lock Fill option (Paint Bucket tool), importing, 413-414 Import command, 216 123-126 Merge mode versus Object draw motion presets locking Graphic symbols to Timeline, mode, 55 previewing, 222-223 259 metadata saving, 219-222
- 472 Motion Presets panel New Folder command, 216 Tint color style, instances, 162 lines and fills, comparing, Remove command, 216 Yo-Yo, creating, 165-167 407-408 Rename command, 216 move symbol (cursors), 58 Motion Tween, 410 Save command, 216 Move cursor (Gradient Transform Shape Tween, 410 Motion Tweens tool), 124-125 sizes, 405-410, 426 animations movie clips, 91. See also movies text, breaking apart, 408 Ease In and Ease Out, 167, 3D, creating, 203-209 Flash Player, 437-438 170 download order, effects on, 261 frames, labeling as #static, 451 finishing where starting, 165 frame rates, changing, 257 Generate Size Report, 420-421 blue tween frames, 180 frames, accessing via Slider hosts, 391 CCW (counterclockwise) rotation, components, 339-341 linking to web servers, 369 172 instances, addressable, 260 Load Movie Action, 392-393 creating, 157-160 instances onstage, naming, 261 loaded, determining when, 395 CW (clockwise) rotation, 172 nested clips, creating, 254 loading, 391 fine-tuning, 165 previewing, 259 loadMovie Action, 391 frames, interpolated, 163 rotating wheels, creating, looping, 291-293 images, mapping points, 183 254-256 media, importing and compress- instances, changing properties, scrubbing, 259 ing, 413-414 162 metadata, adding to, 443-444 symbols instances, Color tweening, modular websites, 394-395 161-164 and Graphic symbols, comparing, 256-260 optimizing, 405 instances, Position tweening, 161-164 behavior, 253 performance instances, Rotation tweening, movies improving, 429-433 161-164 animating, 363 line styles (avoid), 433 instances, Scale tweening, Bandwidth Profiler, 414 Modify (never use), 432 161-164 Optimize Curves, 420, 432 download times, 415-419 instances, tweening, 160 Shape (never use), 432 files, improving, 419-421 interpolated frames, 181 Soften Fill Edges (never use), preloaders, 421-422 keyframes, 165 432 reducing file sizes, 419 Custom Easing setting, 168, special effects, 429-430 bitmaps, 412-413 171 streaming sounds, 430 download order, effects on, 261 Ease setting, 167 Projectors download times, calculating, 406 selecting, 173 creating, 453 downloading, 423 movie file sizes, 410 standalone, 454 determining if fully loaded, Name Tween layer, interpolated publishing, 370-371 395-397 frames, 163 external text, loading, 399-401 .html file extension, 372 no-man’s-land, 163 files .swf files, 370, 446-448 patterns, 164 Dynamic Text, 409 AVI videos, 455 red current frame marker, editing Input Text, 409 email, sending, 382 keyframes, 164 keyframes, 410 files, opening in Notepad, 372 rotating in, 172 Shape Tween, 181-182
- Oval tool 473 files, uploading to web N aligning, 14 servers, 386-387 connecting with Snap, 65-66 getURL Action, 374 Name Tween layer, interpolated converting into symbols, 90-92 GIF files, 450-451 frames, 163 handles, 64 HTML files, 369, 448-449 names of symbols, displaying in instances hyperlinks, 373-378 Properties panel, 255 Color tweening, 161-164 image sequences, 455-456 naming Position tweening, 161-164 index.html file, 370 folders, 99 Rotation tweening, 161-164 JPG files, 450-451 instances onstage, 261 Scale tweening, 161-164 PNG files, 450-451 symbols, 90, 97 tweening, 160 pop-up windows, 383-386 navigating interfaces, 25-27 moving with 3D translation tool, Projector (Windows and Navigator pane (Actions panel), 288 209-210 Macintosh), 452-454 nested Movie Clips, creating, 254 rotating, 64, 210-211 Publish Settings dialog box, nesting symbols, 256 selecting, 54-55, 57 Flash tab, 436-437, 446-447 New command (File menu), 8, 18 transforming, 54-55, 61-64 Publish Settings dialog box, New dialog box, 18 off Stage, 10 Formats tab, 435, 453 New Folder button, 99 On2 VP6 codec, 349-360 Publish Settings dialog box, New Folder command (Motion HTML tab, 449 Onion All command (Modify Onion Presets panel), 216 Markers menu), 419-420 QuickTime videos, 454-455 New Folder command (Options opacity, 103 search engines, 443-444 menu), 99 Open File command (File menu), 372 templates, customizing, new motion presets 441-443 opening previewing, 222-223 text hyperlinks, creating, files in Notepad, 372 saving, 219-222 376-377 Library for Keyframing, 240 New Symbol command (Insert menu), web server, definition, 386 93-94, 258 Library window, 231 windows, framesets, 381 no-man’s-land (Motion Tween), 163 Optimize command (Modify menu), sounds, 398, 411-412 419-420 non-.jpg file extension, importing, 80 static graphics, GIF files, 453 Optimize Curves, movie performance, non-Flash users, directing to Flash 420-432 submovies, 391 Players, 440-441 Options menu commands Test Movie, 396 Normal option (blends), 114 New Folder, 99 text, breaking apart, 408 Notepad, opening files, 372 Properties, 78, 245 unloading, how to, 395 numbers, current frames, 146 Properties..., 106 moving objects with 3D translation tool, 209-210 Rename, 99 MP3 sound files, 230 Options toolbar (Actions panel), 289 compressing, 244, 411 O organizing MPEG (Moving Pictures Expert Group), Library, folders, 99 348-349 Object draw mode versus Merge panels into sets, 20-21 multiple symbols, linking with Bone mode, 55 original artwork, 35 tool, 193-195 objects outlines, fonts, 409 Multiply option (blends), 115 Oval tool
- 474 Oval tool artwork (original), drawing, 46-47 instances onstage, behavior, coordinate system, 19 fill color options, 46 256 Ruler Units, 28 Overlay option (blends), 115 instances onstage, naming, playback buttons, adding to anima- 261 tions, 299-301 creating text highlights in, 135 showing, 20 playback controllers (video), creating, overnesting, 107 Tools, 10, 15 353-354 undocking, 21 players, 437 panning (sounds), 239 plus sign (+), Library, 96 P panning Stage, 12 points in images, mapping, 183 parameters, 291 Polygon Mode option (Lasso tool), 59 Page Curl icon, 278 fscommand action, 454 pop-up windows, 383-386 Paint Bucket tool, 15 movies, looping, 291-293 populating ComboBox Component, artwork (original), drawing, 43-47 Paste in Place command (Edit menu), 314-317 Gap Size option, 44 94 Portfolio Viewers, creating, 305-307 Lock Fill option, 123-126 patterns, Motion Tweens, 164 portfolios, creating multiple buttons Pen tool, drawing artwork (original), for, 317-319 painting 49-51 poses artwork (original), 35 Pencil Mode (Pencil tool), 41 animating, 197 bitmaps as fill color/stroke color, Pencil tool modifying, 199 267-268 artwork (original), drawing, 39-41 Position (instance tweening), 161-164 fills, 43-46 Ink Pencil Mode, 41 Preferences command (Edit menu), Panel Sets command (Window Pencil mode, 41 152 menu), 20 Scale option, 43 preloaders, Bandwidth Profiler, panels, 10, 232 421-422 defined, 7 Stroke hinting feature, 42 presets, hiding, 20 stroke styles, 42 applying, 117 Info, navigational pitfalls, 27 performance of movies editing with Motion Editor panel, organizing into sets, 20-21 improving, 429-430, 432-433 222-225 Properties, 7, 17 line styles, 433 previewing coordinate system, 19 Modify, 432 Graphic symbols, 259 Edit Envelope, 412 Optimize Curves, 420, 432 motion presets, 222-223 Expand/Collapse arrow, 18 Shape, 432 Movie Clips, 259 fill colors, 18-19 Soften Fill Edges, 432 productivity, 89 Instance name field, 257 special effects, 429-430 profilers, 414 keyframes, selecting, 173 streaming sounds, 430 ProgressBar components, data navigational pitfalls, 27 Perspective Angle setting, 208 providers, 337-338 symbol instances color styles, photographics, 76 Projector 102 Photoshop, importing .psd files, creating, 453 symbol names, displaying, 255 82-85 Windows and Macintosh, 452-454 text attributes, changing, 52 pictures, 76 properties, 304 text options, 19 Pin Script button (Actions panel), 289 of bitmaps, adjusting, 78-81 Property pixels of instances, adjusting, 162
- Reduce option (Zoom tool) 475 Properties command (Options menu), Publish Settings command (File QuickTime videos, 454-455 78, 245 menu), 370-371 search engines, 443-444 Properties command (Window menu), Publish Settings dialog box templates, customizing, 40 file formats, 31 441-443 Properties dialog box, changing sym- Flash tab, 243, 436-437, bols behavior, 106 text hyperlinks, 376-377 446-447 web servers, 386 Properties Inspector, 17 Formats tab, 435, 453 PNG files, 450-451 Properties panel, 7, 17, 40 HTML tab, 449 QuickTime videos, 454-455 Advanced, 103-104 sound compression types, Alpha (Opacity), 103-104 setting, 244 Brightness, 102-103 publishing coordinate system, 19 Custom button, 42 .swf files, 446-448 Q GIF (Graphical Interchange Edit Envelope, 412 quality (sound) Format) files, 450-451 Expand/Collapse arrow, 18 of sound, versus file size, 241- HTML (Hypertext Markup fill colors, 18-19 248 Language) files, 448-449 Instance name field, 257 of video, optimizing, 361-362 JPG (Joint Photographic Experts keyframes, selecting, 173 Group) files, 450-451 quick layers, selecting vector Library, 22 graphics, 73-74 movies navigational pitfalls, 27 QuickTime videos, 348 .html file extension, 372 panels, organizing into sets, importing, 349, 351 .swf files, 370, 446-448 20-21 publishing, 454-455 AVI videos, 455 sound files (imported), 232 quotes in strings, 378 email, sending, 382 sounds, displaying, 234 GIF files, 450-451 Static Text option, 129 HTML files, 369, 448-449 Drop Shadow Filters, 131 Glow Filters, 130 hyperlinks, 373-378 R image sequences, 455-456 Stroke Style dialog box, 42 index.html file, 370 RadioButton component, 319-322 symbol instances color styles, JPG files, 450-451 raster graphics, 35, 75 102 media types, choosing, 446 and vector graphics, comparing, symbols, displaying names, 255 media types, exporting, 455 69-70 text, 19, 52-54 PNG files, 450-451 importing, 76-85 Tint, 103-105 pop-up windows, 383-386 rates of time, 146 Properties command (Options menu), Projector (Windows and raw option, sound compression, 245 106 Macintosh), 452-454 Rectangle tool protocols, FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 386 Publish Settings dialog box, artwork (original), drawing, 46-47 pseudocode, 304 Flash tab, 436-437, 446-447 dark rings, 65 Publish command (File menu), Publish Settings dialog box, red current frame marker, 24, 144-145 370-372, 435-437 Formats tab, 435, 453 interpolated frames, 163 Publish Preview command (File Publish Settings dialog box, keyframes, editing, 164 menu), 370-372, 438 HTML tab, 449 Reduce option (Zoom tool), 37
- 476 Reference button (Actions panel) Reference button (Actions panel), 289 S servers, 369 registration points, 97 Set button, 243-244 Remove command (Motion Presets sampling colors, 120 sets, organizing panels, 20-21 panel), 216 saturation of colors, 105 settings Remove Comment option (Action Save command (Motion Presets Effect (sounds), 238 Panel), 290 panel), 216 export (sounds), 243-244 removing bones with Bone tool, 195 saving new motion presets, 219-222 global publish (sounds), 243 Rename command (Motion Presets scale, transforming, 61, 101 panel), 216 Settings button, 105 Scale (instance tweening), 161-164 shadows, showing depth, 274-275 Rename command (Options menu), 99 Scale option (Free Transform tool), Shape Hints (Shape Tween) , 183-184 62-63 reports, Generate Size Report, 420- keyframes, 186 421 Scale option (Pencil tool), 43 mapping, 185 Reset button (Transform panel), 64 scaling (Stage), 12 Shape Tween Reshape cursor (Gradient Transform scaling components, 9-slice scaling, 323-324 checkerboard effect, 179 tool), 124-125 Scene command (Insert menu), 421 creating, 178 RGB (red, green, blue), 105, 121 scenes fine-tuning, 182 rings, dark (Rectangle tool), 65 current, 24-25 green tween frames, 180 rollover sound, 236 Edit Scene menu, 26, 97 images, mapping points, 183 Rotate and Skew option (Free Screen option (blends), 115 interpolated frames, 180-181 Transform tool), 62-63 screens, hiding/showing panels, 20 lines and fills, avoid mixing, 180 Rotate cursor (Gradient Transform tool), 124-125 Script Assist button (Actions panel), morphs, 177 Rotate option (Free Transform tool), 289 Motion Tweens, 181-182 63 Script Category (Actions panel), 288 movie file sizes, 410 rotating, 172 Script pane (Actions panel), 288 rules, 179 in Motion Tweens, 172 scrubbing, 146 Shape Hints, 183-185 objects, 64, 210-211 animations, 145 keyframes, 186 rotating wheels, creating, 254-256 Graphic symbols, 259 mapping, 185 rotation, transforming, 61 Movie Clips, 259 simplifying, 180 Rotation (instance tweening), search engines, publishing movies, text, 179 161-164 443-444 shapes rotation of symbol instances, security, .swf files, 375-376 bitmaps as fill colors/stroke col- transforming, 101 selecting ors, 267-268 rotoscoping video, 357-358 attributes with Dropper tool, 60- circles, filling, 44 rubberizing bouncing objects, 61 corner (cursors), 58 224-225 objects, 54-57 corners, cursor changes, 62-63 Ruler Units, pixels, 28 shapes, 57-59 curved lines rulers, View Rulers, 66 Selection tool, 19 anchor points, tangents, 50 rules artwork (original), drawing, 57-58 drawing, 50 Motion Tweens, creating, 160 marqueeing, 58-59 diamonds, drawing, 50 Shape Tween, 179 sending email, 382 distortion, transforming, 61 sequences of images, exporting, 456
- Stage 477 drawing, 47-51, 65-66 sound files, 243-248 Loop settings, 239-241 editing, 51 text, breaking apart, 408 panning, 239 envelop, transforming, 61 skins, editing component skins, Properties panel, 234 fills, 46-47 323-324 Publish Settings dialog box (Flash lines, 46-47, 66 Slider components, data providers, tab), 243 339-341 quality and file size, 243-248 marqueeing, 58-59 sliders, coloring, 104 quality versus file size, 241-242 modifying, 47-49, 57-59 Smooth option (Pencil tool), 41 rollover sound, 235-236 Rectangle tool, dark rings, 65 smoothing, 82 sound effects, 240-241 rotations, transforming, 61 Snap to Objects command (View Sound Properties dialog box, 246 scale, transforming, 61 menu), 40, 65-66, 184 selecting, 57-59 Sync settings, 236 artwork (original), drawing, 65 side handles, cursor changes, 63 Time In marker, 239 objects, rotating, 64 square corners, rolling cursor Time Out marker, 239 Soften Fill Edges, movie performance, over, 62 432 waveforms, displaying, 233 text, converting to, 270-271 Sorenson Spark, 350 source .fla file extension, 30 shortcuts (keyboard), drawing tools, sorting symbols, 98 Sparkle layer (Timeline), 150 36 special effects sound in animations, importing, 232 Show Code Hint button (Actions cue points, injecting, 359-361 panel, Options toolbar), 289 Sound Properties dialog box, 243, 246 movie performance, 429-430 Show Shape Hints command (View menu), 183, 185 sounds in animations, 232 rotoscoping, 357-358 Show Streaming command (View compression, 411 videos, 347 menu), 416 ADPCM option, 244 Speech compression option, 245 Show/Hide Toolbox option (Action Disable option, 244 spotlight effects, creating, 278-280 Panel), 290 MP3 option, 244 Square tool, fill color options, 46 showing panels, 20 Raw option, 245 squares side handles, cursor changes, 63 Speech compression option, corners, rolling cursor over, 62 Simple Buttons, 299 245 handles at corners, cursor creating, 295-296 compression types, setting, 244 changes, 62-63 Simple Portfolio Viewers, creating, DAT, 242 marqueeing, 58 305-307 Effect settings, 237-239 Rectangle tool, dark rings, 65 size of text in videos, 347 efficiency, 247-248 Stage, 10 size of files export settings, 243-246 artwork (original), drawing, 36 Dynamic Text, 409 file size versus quality, 241-242 aspect ratios, definition, 11-12 font outlines, 409 files, filtering, 231 coordinate system, 19 Input Text, 409 frame rates, 237 Edit Scene menu, 26 keyframes, 410 global publish settings, 243-244 Edit Symbol menu, 26 lines and fills, comparing, 407- importing, 229-231 frame rates, 29 408 MP3 sound files, 230 grid objects, aligning, 14 Motion Tween, 410 supported formats, 230 guides, positioning, 14 reducing, 95, 107, 406-410, 426 WAV sound files, 230-231 Library, 96 Shape Tween, 410 keyframes, 232 off Stage, 10
- 478 Stage panels, 20 Stroke Style dialog box (Properties Face, 109 panning, 12 panel), 42 file sizes, reducing, 95 Properties panel, 17 strokes, 48 graphic coordinate system, 19 colors, bitmaps as, 267-268 and Movie Clip symbols, fill colors, 18-19 Pencil tool, 42 comparing, 256-260 Library, 22 styles movies, effects on download panels, organizing into sets, colors of symbol instances, 102- order, 261 20-21 105 previewing, 259 text options, 19 line styles, movie performance, scrubbing, 259 433 Publish Settings dialog box, file House, creating, 107 formats, 31 submovies, 391 in Library, 100 scaling, definition, 12 Subselect tool, 15 instances, 91, 93, 260 sizes, 11 artwork (original), drawing, 51 Advanced (Properties panel), Timeline, 15-16 Subtract option (blends), 115 104 Tools panel, 15 support for digital video formats, affected, 93 extending, 348 views, changing, 12-14 behavior, 105 swatches, creating custom color Work Area option, 11 swatches, 119, 121 Brightness (Properties panel), zoom control, 13 103 Swatches panel zoom levels, 11 changing in Properties panel, custom color gradients, creating, 102 standalone Projectors, 454 122 color style changes, 102-105 fscommand action, 454 custom swatches, creating, 119-121 creating symbols, 108 Start (Sync setting), 235-236 .swf files, 159 modifying, 100 statements, 290 local playback, 375 placing onstage, 100 static graphics, GIF files, 453 security issues, 375-376 Tint Color Style (Properties Static Text option (Properties panel), panel), 104 129 testing without uploading, transforming location, scale, Drop Shadow Filters, 131 375-376 rotation, 101 Glow Filters, 130 web access, 375-376 using in symbols, 107 stencils symbol behaviors, Movie Clip, 253 linking with Bone tool, 191-195 masks as, 281-282 Symbol Properties dialog box, 93, master, 106, 256, 260 Stop (Sync setting), 235-236 106 move (cursors), 58 Stop/Play (Edit Envelope dialog box), symbols multiple, animating, 173 238 behavior, 90, 106 names, displaying in Properties storing CSS definitions, 378 Box, 107 panel, 255 Straighten option (Pencil tool), 41 Circle, 109 naming, 90, 97 Stream (Sync setting), 235-236 creating, 90-94 nesting, 256 Streaming Graph command (View current, 24-25 New Symbol, 94 menu), 418 definition, 89 repeating (breaking apart text), streaming sounds, movie perform- Edit Symbol menu, 26, 96-97 269 ance, 430 editing from address bar, 92 sorting, 98 strings, quotes, 378 Eyeball, creating, 108 Wheel, rotating, 254 Stroke hinting feature (Pencil tool), 42 work, minimizing, 95
- tools 479 Sync settings (sounds) finding/replacing, 130 current symbol, 24-25 Event, 234-236 Input text, 131, 133 current time, 146 Start, 235-236 Missing Font Warning dialogs, docking, 15-16 Stop, 235-236 130 Flash layer, 150 Stream, 235-236 glyphs, 132 frame rates, 146 syntax, ActionScripts, 290 Input Text, 409 frames, 144-145 fonts, 131-133 Graphic symbols, locking to, 259 glyphs, 132 interfaces, navigating, 25-26 margins, adjusting, 52 keyframes, inserting, 8 T movies, loading external text, layers, 16, 151 399-401 M layer, 150 tags, A HREF, 374 Shape Tween, 179 resizing, 151 tangents, curved lines, 50 shapes, converting to, 270-271 Sparkle layer, 150 templates, customizing, 441-443 size in videos, 347 timing, 146 Test Movie, 396 Static Text option (Properties panel), 129 undocking, 15-16 Test Movie command (Control menu), 170, 240, 258 Drop Shadow Filters, 131 visual clues, 15 testing .swf files without uploading, Glow Filters, 130 waveforms, displaying, 233 375-376 styling, 52-53 X layer, 150 text text blocks Tint (Properties panel), 103-105 3D plastic effects, creating, alignment, changing, 53 Tint Color Style (Properties panel), 137-138 104, 162 breaking apart, repeating sym- aliases, 54 bols, 269 Toolbox (Actions panel), 288 anti-aliasing, 54 Center Justify Alignment, 53 tools attributes, changing, 52 shapes, converting to, 270-271 Arrow, 15 blends, 134 text hyperlinks, creating, 376-377 artwork (original), drawing, 36 highlights, creating, 135 text options, exploring in Properties Arrow, 54-55 Invert, 136 panel, 19 Brush, 43-46 breaking apart, 408 Text tool, 15, 51-53 creation, 39 repeating symbols, 269 third-party video editors, 362-363 Dropper, 60-61 creating, 51-53 Time In (Edit Envelope dialog box), Free Transform, 61-64 238 Hand tool, 37-39 displaying via CSS, 379-380 Time In marker (sounds), 239 Ink Bottle, 47 Dynamic Text, 409 Time Out (Edit Envelope dialog box), Lasso, 57 fonts, 131-133 238 glyphs, 132 Line, 39-41 Time Out marker (sounds), 239 hyperlinks, creating, 377-378 Oval, 46-47 Timeline, 10, 15-16, 220 filters, 136 Paint Bucket, 43-47 animations, 150 Bevel, 137 Pen, 49-51 Background layer, 150 Drop Shadow, 138 Pencil, 39-41 current frame, 23-24, 146 fonts Rectangle, 46-47 current layer, 23 Dynamic text, 131-133 Selection, 57-58 current scene, 24-25
- 480 tools shortcuts, 36 objects, 54-55 importing, 71 Snap, 65-66 with Free Transform tool, importing bitmaps as JPG, 75 Snap to Objects, 65 61-64 importing FreeHand files, 75 Subselect, 51 rotation, 61 quick layer selection, 73-74 Text, 51-53 scale, 61 vertical (Y) axis, 19 View tools (Hand and Zoom), transitions, creating hand-drawn video 37-39 masking transitions, 280-281 compressing, 346 Zoom tool, 37-39 transparency (color), 121 computer restrictions, 347 Brush, 18, 45 tweens. See animations; motion tweens embedded video Dropper, cursor changes, 60-61 playback controllers, creating, types of media Eraser, 15 353-354 choosing to publish, 446 Free Transform playing, 353 exporting, 455 Distort option, 63 QuickTime example, 349-351 Envelop option, 63 selecting in Deployment dialog, Rotate and Skew option, 350 62-63 versus external video, 346 U external video Rotate option, 63 Scale option, 62-63 undocking creating, 355-356 Gradient Transform, 123-126, 268 panels, 21 FLVPlayback Components, Hand, 12 Timeline, 15-16 creating, 356 Lasso, 15, 59 unloading movies, 395 selecting in Deployment dialog, 350 Line, 15 Up state of buttons, 297 file sizes, optimizing, 361-362 Oval, fill color options, 46 updating Flash Players playback controllers, creating, Paint Bucket, 15 ActionScripts, 439 353-354 Gap Size option, 44 addressing users, 440-441 quality, optimizing, 361-362 Lock Fill option, 123-126 browser auto-install features, 438 rotoscoping, 357-358 Rectangle, dark rings, 65 HTML, 438-439 video editors, third-party, 362-363 Selection, 19, 58-59 uploading files to web servers, 386-387 videos, 348 Square, fill color options, 46 URLs AVI, exporting, 455 Subselect, 15 getURL Action, 374 camera angles, changing, 347 Text, 15 hyperlinks, creating, 374-376 codec, 345 Zoom, 12 compressing, 345 toys, Yo-Yo, 165-167 Digital Video, 348 Trace Bitmap dialog box, 413 importing, formats supported, Transform panel, 64 V 347-349 transformation points, 97 MPEG files, 348-349 V shapes, drawing, 50 transforming QuickTime vanishing point, 209 distortion, 61 .mov files, 348 vector graphics, 35 envelop, 61 importing, 349-351 and raster graphics, comparing, instances (location, scale, and 69-70 publishing, 454-455 rotation), 101
- Zoom tools 481 special effects, 347 W Windows Projector, 452-454 text size, 347 Windows Media, 348 Video for Windows, 348 WAV sound files, 230-231 Work Area command (View menu), viewpoints, changing, 347-348 waveforms, displaying, 233 36 Windows Media web browsers, index.html file, 370 Work Area option (Stage), 11 .asf files, 348 web servers, 386 workspaces, 9 .wmv files, 348 files, uploading to, 386-387 View menu commands movies, linking to, 369 Bandwidth Profiler, 415 websites Frame by Frame Graph, 416 .jpg files, loading, 391 X-Y-Z Grid, 13 keyframing.fla file, downloading, X (horizontal) axis, 19 Magnification, 12 150, 240 X layer (Timeline), 150 Show Shape Hints, 183-185 modular, designing, 391 XMP metadata, 444-445 Show Streaming, 416 loading movies/images, 393, 395 Y (vertical) axis, 19 Snap to Objects, 40, 65, 184 Yo-Yo, creating, 165-167 playing external sounds, 398 Streaming Graph, 418 zoom control on Stage, 13 Wheel symbol, rotating, 254-256 Work Area, 36 Zoom In/Out (Edit Envelope dialog Window command (Tools menu), 36 View Rulers, 66 box), 238 Window menu commands View tools, drawing original artwork, zoom levels, 11 37-39 Components, 314 Zoom tools, 12 viewing animations, 9 Library, 91 artwork (original), drawing, 37-39 viewpoints, changing in videos, 347 Panel Sets, 20 Enlarge option, 37-38 views Properties, 40 keyboard shortcuts, 39 on Stage, changing, 12-14 Timeline, 8 Reduce option, 37 Timeline, 15 windows, 348, 381-386
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- Adobe® Flash® CS4 Professional Shortcuts Below is a list of some of the most commonly used shortcuts in Flash. The standard editing shortcuts, such as Ctrl+C to copy an item, are the same in Flash as in other programs, so they are not included. Macintosh users should refer to the legend for a PC-to-Mac keystroke translation. TOOLS PANELS ACTIONS PANEL V Selection F4 Hide/Restore All Ctrl+Shift+L Show/Hide Line A Subselection Panels Numbers Q Free Transform F9 Actions Panel Ctrl+Shift+E Toggle Script Assist F Gradient Transform Ctrl+F3 Properties Panel Ctrl+' Find Matching Brace Ctrl+K Align Panel or Parenthesis N Line L Lasso Ctrl+I Info Panel ON THE STAGE P Pen Ctrl+T Transform Ctrl+Shift+V Paste in Place T Text Ctrl+F7 Components Alt+Drag Duplicate Item O Oval Spacebar Spring-loaded Hand FILE MENU R Rectangle Ctrl Spring-loaded Ctrl+Shift+O Open As Library Y Pencil Arrow Ctrl+R Import B Brush Alt+Click Shape Settings Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S Export to .swf (Only Oval and S Ink Bottle Ctrl+Shift+F12 Publish Settings Rectangle Tools) K Paint Bucket Shift+F12 Publish I Eye Dropper Ctrl+F12 Publish Preview E Eraser H Hand INSERT MENU M,Z Zoom Ctrl+F8 New Symbol J Toggle Object Draw Mode MODIFY MENU Ctrl+J Modify Document TIMELINE Ctrl+Alt+S Scale and Rotate F5 Add Frame Ctrl+Shift+Z Remove Transform Shift+F5 Remove Frames Ctrl+G Group F6 Add Keyframe Ctrl+Shift+G Ungroup Shift+F6 Clear Keyframe Ctrl+B Break Apart F7 Add Blank Keyframe Ctrl+Shift+D Distribute to Layers Ctrl+Drag Select Frames (with span-based preference) F8 Convert to Symbol Ctrl+Drag Extend Timeline (without span-based preference) CONTROL MENU Ctrl+Alt+C Copy Frames Ctrl+Enter Test Movie Ctrl+Alt+X Cut Frames Ctrl+Shift+Enter Debug Movie Ctrl+Alt+V Paste Frames Ctrl+Alt+Enter Test Scene . Step Forward , Step Back LEGEND On Macintosh use the following substitutions: . In place of Ctrl, use the Command (x) key . In place of Alt, use the option key . In place of right-click, use the control key

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