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Giáo án unit 14: Wonders of the world - Tiếng Anh 8 - GV.Ng.Đức Toàn

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Phát triển các kỹ năng tiếng anh cần thiết. Đến cuối bài 14 - Tiếng anh 8, học sinh sẽ có thể hỏi và trả lời câu hỏi về những nơi nổi tiếng thế giới và làm thế nào mô tả về nơi đó. Giáo án này giúp quý thầy cô có thêm tài liệu tham khảo trong quá trình soạn thảo giáo án.

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Nội dung Text: Giáo án unit 14: Wonders of the world - Tiếng Anh 8 - GV.Ng.Đức Toàn

  1. Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 8 Week: 29 Date of preparation:. Period: 85 Date of teaching : Class: 8 UNIT 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD Period 85: GETTING STARTED + LISTEN AND READ I/ Aims and objectives: * Language content : - Introducing some famous world landmarks. - Reading for details about a language game called “ guessing game”. *Language function : - To enable the students to match the name of famous world landmarks to the correct pictures. - To have the sts to complete the summary and practice the dialogue with classmates. *Educational aim : - To help the students know to play the guessing game for the wonders. 1. Language: a. Vocabulary: * Noun: Golden Gate Bridge, clue, rule. * Verbs: to guess b. Structures: I don’t know how to play it. I can’t play it. 2 .Skills: - Integrated skills 3. Educational factor: -Help the students have know more about the wonders of the world. II/ Teacher and students' preparation: 1. Method : - Communicative approach. 2. Techniques: - Question-Answer, Revision, T/F statements, Repetition, Gap-filling, Explanation, Game substitution Drill, Repetition, Explanation, Game, pair work and group work Teacher: Tran Thi Anh Tuyet
  2. Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 8 3. Materials needed: - Blackboard, chalk, handouts, Pictures, flashcards, textbook. 4. Students' preparation: - New words 5. Previous exercises: - Reported speech III/ Procedure in class: 1/ Stabilization ( 2ms): a. Warm up: - Greets the students b. Checking absence: - Asks the monitor about the absence 2/ Checking up the previous knowledge : (5 ms ) -Has the students play a game "Lucky numbers" to tell the names of these places to do crossword: 1. Old beautiful Khmer Temples in Cambodia. 2. The home of the Australia Ballet and Opera. 3. Magnificient caves in Vietnam 4. It was built at Giza in Cairo, Egypt 5. A symbol of freedom in New York Harbor. 6. National Memorial of the 4 United States Presidents 7. The Leaning Tower in Italy A N G K O R W A T O P E R A H O U S E H A L O N G B A Y P Y R A M I D S S T A T U E O F L I B E R T Y M O U N T R U S H M O R E P I S A 3/ Presentation of the new materials: Teacher: Tran Thi Anh Tuyet
  3. Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 8 Teacher’s activities Time Students’ activities The content of the lesson 5ms I/ Lead in: -Conducts a game: " The - Play a game " The UNIT 14: guessing Game" guessing Game “ WONDERS OF THE WORLD - Hangs a picture on the board -Look at the pictures Period 85: -Says" now I have a picture of and answer GETTING STARTED + LISTEN a wonder . Let's ask Y/N - Listen and answer AND READ questions to guess it" - (If they can't, give some I/ Content: clues: 1. It's a Temple. 2. It's in Asis. 3. It's in Cambodia.) -Gives Y/ N answers -The winner is the students -Take notes who have the correct guess II/ Pre-practice: 8ms -Introduces the new lesson: * New words : "Let's read the dialogue to -Listen. know what Hoa, Nga, Nhi are 1.a clue (n) relaxing" 2.a rule (n) -Teaches new words and 3. to lose (v) phrases -Listen, repeat and 1.a clue (n) write. 2.a rule (n) 3. to lose (v) Teacher: Tran Thi Anh Tuyet
  4. Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 8 Teacher’s activities Time Students’ activities The content of the lesson - Checks understanding of new words by asking the sts to - Group work play “ slap the board” -Asks the students to read the statements and put them in the -Discuss and put them correct order. in the correct order. *How to play the guessing * Put the statements in the correct Game: order. 1.B asks questions to find out who or what is. Answer Keys: 2, 4 , 1, 6, 3, 5 2.A thinks of a famous person or place. 3.B wins if he/ she can guess the correct answer. 4.A gives B a clue. 5.B loses if he/she can't guess the correct answer 6.A can only answer "yes" or 'no'. III/ Con trolled- practice: 10ms -Has the students listen to the tape while reading the - Listen to the tape dialogue -Asks them to practice reading in pairs -Pair work Teacher: Tran Thi Anh Tuyet
  5. Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 8 Teacher’s activities Time Students’ activities The content of the lesson -Calls some pairs to read in front of the class -Makes any corrections if -Practice in pairs *Summary: necessary 1. game -Gives feedback 2. place -Asks them to discuss in pairs 3. clue to fill in the gaps on the -Take notes 4. Vietnam/Asia summary -Discuss in pairs to fill 5. America/New York IV/Free Practice: in the gaps on the on 6. Golden -Asks them to discuss in 4 the summary 7, right 5ms groups to play guessing game. 8. was -Listen to the questions and answer the V/ Consolidation: questions by playing -Elicits the model sentences: guessing game. I don't know How to play it. 5ms Question word +To inf. - Listen and write -Asks them to fill in the gaps: II/ Remember: 1. Please tell me where……… in Qui Nhon. (visit) -Fill in the gaps I don't know How to play it. 2. Lan know How ………….a 1-to visit Question word +To inf. dress. (sew) 3. Nam doesn't know what 2-to sew ……. next summer. (do) -Has the students explain what 3- to do Hoa, Nga, Nhi are playing Teacher: Tran Thi Anh Tuyet
  6. Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 8 Teacher’s activities Time Students’ activities The content of the lesson -Advises them to know how to - Explain how to play relax in a meaningful way game. -Listen. 4. Homework: (3ms) -Asks the students to write in their notebook. + Learn the lesson well + Summarize the main content of the dialogue. + Redo exercises in Ex. notebook 5. Preparation for the new lesson: (2ms) - Prepare the next section: SPEAK . 6. Self – evaluation: Teacher: Tran Thi Anh Tuyet
  7. Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 8 Week: 29 Date of preparation : Period: 86 Date of teaching : Classes : 8A1, 8A2 ,8A3, 8A4 UNIT 14: WONDERS OF THE WORLD Period 86: SPEAK I/ Aims and objectives: * Language content : -To get the students Practice asking and answering questions about places and how to report them . *Language function : - To enable the students to make a report on famous places using reported speech *Educational aim : - To educate the sts to know how more wonders of the world. 1. Language: a. Vocabulary: Great Barrier Reef b. Structures: The reported speech (If/ whether) 2 . Skills: - Integrated skills (especially speaking skill) 3. Educational factor: - To help the students awareness of protecting the wonders of the world. II/ Teacher and students' preparation: 1. Method : - Communicative approach. 2. Techniques: - Question-Answer, Revision, Explanation, Repetition, Role- play, pair work and group work 3. Materials needed: Textbook, pictures, real objects, flashcard, cardboard. 4. Students' preparation: Dialogue, new words 5. Previous exercises: III/ Procedure in class: Teacher: Tran Thi Anh Tuyet
  8. Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 8 1/ Stabilization ( 2ms): a. Warm up: - Greets the students b. Checking absence: - Asks the monitor about the absence 2/ Checking up the previous knowledge : * Question: - Has the sts to go to the board to play the game “20 questions” * Keys to questions: - Teacher gives remarks and marks. 3/ Presentation of the new materials: The content of the Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities lesson 5ms I/ Lead in: -Has the students tell the names -Play matching. UNIT 14: of the famous places / page 133 WONDERS OF THE 1.It was designed by The WORLD French civil Engineer with 300 1- Eiffel Period 86: SPEAK meters in height. I/ Content: 2. It's in South Central Asia, 8,848 meters high above sea 2- Mount Everest * New words: level. 1- Great Barrier Reef 3.It was built from 246-209 BC 2-Big Ben and some people say it can be 3- Great Wall of China. *Matching: seen from the Moon. 1.It was designed by The 4.It's a bell striking the hours French civil Engineer with in the clock tower of the 4- Big Ben. 300 meters in height. Houses of Parliament in 2. It's in South Central Asia, London. 8,848 meters high above sea 5.It's a skyscraper in level. Manhattan, New York city. 5- Empire State building 3.It was built from 246-209 Teacher: Tran Thi Anh Tuyet
  9. Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 8 The content of the Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities lesson 6.It's a famous place in Quang USA. BC and some people say it Binh of Vietnam. 6- Phong Nha Cave. can be seen from the Moon. -Gives feedback 4.It's a bell striking the 1- Eiffel hours in the clock tower of 2- Mount Everest the Houses of Parliament in 3- Great Wall of China. London. 4- Big Ben. 5.It's a skyscraper in 5- Empire State building USA. Manhattan, New York city. 6- Phong Nha Cave. 6.It's a famous place in -Introduces the new lesson: Quang Binh of Vietnam. "Let's practice reporting Y/N *Answer keys: questions about the famous -Listen 1- Eiffel places to your friends" 2- Mount Everest 3- Great Wall of China. 4- Big Ben. 5- Empire State building II/ Pre-Speaking: USA. -Asks them to write 10 Y/N 6- Phong Nha Cave. 8ms questions for these famous places -Write 10 Y/N questions *Example: -Calls some students to write for these famous places A: Is Hue Citadel in the on the board central Vietnam? -Gives feedback -Do as required B: Yes, it is. -Sets the scene: *Model sentences: A: Is Hue Citadel in the central - Take notes Hoa said to Lan if Hue VietNam? -Listen, Citadel was in the Central Teacher: Tran Thi Anh Tuyet
  10. Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 8 The content of the Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities lesson B: Yes, it is. Viet Nam. *Model sentences: Lan said It was. Hoa said to Lan if Hue Citadel *Form: was in the Central Viet Nam. -Listen, repeat and write. S +V + (O) + IF/ WHETHER +S +V Lan said It was. *Notes: -pay attention to *Form: tense: S +V + (O) + IF/ WHETHER +S +V Ex: *Notes: -pay attention to tense: simple present simple past Ex: simple present simple past -Teaches new word:. 1-Great Barrier Reef 2-Big Ben -Listen, repeat and write. III/ While-speaking: - Asks them to report what they've asked their friends in -Do as required 11ms pairs -Goes around and helps them in need - Work in pairs -Calls on some pairs to role play in front of the class - Practice in front of the -Gives feedback. class - Listens and corrects their mistakes . - Take notes IV/Post - speaking: -Asks them to write the Teacher: Tran Thi Anh Tuyet
  11. Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 8 The content of the Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities lesson reported sentences: 6ms 1.Are you a student? -Yes, I - Work in pairs to write am. their answers. 2.Do you go to school everyday? No ,i don't. 3.Did you visit Hue last summer? Yes, I did. 4.Will you attend our club? No , I won't. -Gives feedback V/ Consolidation: -Reminds the ways to write - Take notes reported speech and Yes/No 3ms questions indirect speech - Reminds II/ Remember: -Asks them to answer some questions for the places they've -The way to change the been visited - Listen and answer. reported speech and Yes/No - Corrects their mistakes. questions indirect speech. - Take notes Homework: (3ms) -Ask the students to write in their notebook. + Learn the lesson well + Write your itinerary + Redo exercises in Ex. notebook Teacher: Tran Thi Anh Tuyet
  12. Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 8 5. 4. Preparation for the new lesson: (2ms) - Prepare the next section: Listen. 6. Self – evaluation: Teacher: Tran Thi Anh Tuyet



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