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Tham khảo tài liệu 'giáo trình public relation trong marketing phần 4', kinh doanh - tiếp thị, pr-truyền thông phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: giáo trình PUBLIC RELATION TRONG MARKETING phần 4

  1. 3. Caùc raøo caûn trong quaù trình truyeàn thoâng a) Raøo caûn Vaên hoaù b) Raøo caûn Theå chaát/ Vaät lyù c) Raøo caûn Taâm lyù/ Nhaän thöùc d) Raøo caûn Ngoân ngöõ/ Kyõ naêng nghe Th.S. DINH TIEN MINH 29 4. Giao thieäp vôùi truyeàn thoâng 4.1 Soaïn thaûo moät danh saùch caùc ñôn vò truyeàn thoâng. Th.S. DINH TIEN MINH 30 15
  2. Moät khi ñaõ coù danh saùch, caàn thöïc hieän caùc coâng vieäc sau: Goïi ñieän thoaïi cho phoøng thoâng tin ñeå coù ñöôïc teân, chöùc danh, ñieän thoaïi, fax cuûa ngöôøi maø baïn caàn lieân laïc. Tìm kieám nhöõng nhaø baùo chuyeân vieát veà lónh vöïc cuûa toå chöùc baïn. Töï giôùi thieäu veà baïn. Tìm thôøi gian thích hôïp ñeå gôûi thoâng tin. Tìm hieåu xem hoï thích gôûi thoâng tin qua phöông tieän naøo ? Th.S. DINH TIEN MINH 31 4.2 Caùc hình thöùc giao thieäp vôùi giôùi truyeàn thoâng Ñieän thoaïi Thoâng caùo baùo chí Phoûng vaán Hoïp baùo Th.S. DINH TIEN MINH 32 16
  3. 4.3 Xaây döïng moái quan heä vôùi moät nhaø baùo Haõy chaéc raèng baïn ñoïc taïp chí, hay laéng nghe/ xem chöông trình maø ngöôøi phoùng vieân baïn lieân laïc coù tham gia vieát baøi. Laàn ñaàu tieân goïi ñeán, haõy giôùi thieäu baûn thaân vaø neân hoûi xem luùc ñoù coù thuaän tieän ñeå noùi chuyeän hay khoâng ? Moät khi baïn coù dòp trình baøy, haõy hoûi hoï veà lòch trình laøm vieäc. Th.S. DINH TIEN MINH 33 Tìm hieåu xem hoï quan taâm ñeán nhöõng tin töùc gì ? Haõy ghi chuù nhöõng yeâu caàu vaø mong muoán cuûa phoùng vieân moãi khi hai beân coù dòp troø chuyeän. Khi gaëp laïi phoùng vieân, baïn coù theå nhaéc laïi noäi dung laàn gaëp tröôùc. Ñieàu ñoù coù theå giuùp xaây döïng moái quan heä toát ñeïp. Th.S. DINH TIEN MINH 34 17
  4. Môøi hoï ñeán tham döï caùc söï kieän cuûa toå chöùc baïn. Luoân coá gaéng xaây döïng moái quan heä toát ñeïp. Ñöøng nghó raèng taát caû caùc yeâu caàu cuûa baïn ñeàu coù theå ñöôïc ñaêng treân aán phaåm. Th.S. DINH TIEN MINH 35 4.4 Nhöõng yeáu toá caàn löu yù trong vieäc thu huùt caùc phoùng vieân Gôûi baøi oà aït Thôøi gian ñaùp öùng Ngaên naép, traät töï Th.S. DINH TIEN MINH 36 18
  5. QUI TRÌNH VIEÁT HIEÄU QUAÛ (Writing for the media) QUESTIONS 1. What is the news releases ? 2. Have you ever read a news releases ? 3. How do you read the newspaper ? Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 2 1
  6. WHAT IS NEWS ? There is no clear or consistent definition of news. What is news to one newspaper is often of no interest to another. News value differs between press, radio and television. The style of news even varies between morning, and afternoon newspaper. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 3 WHAT IS NEWS ? Journalism Du jour = “Of the day” News is about Now News = f(t) News is something new, up to minute, unusual, sensational or something which will affect many people and therefore in the public interest. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 4 2
  7. KEEPING IT SIMPLE Your message has to be able to be understood by the person. Use short sentences. Use short paragraphs. Use vigorous English. Not forgetting to strive for smoothness. Be positive, not negative. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 5 KEEPING IT SIMPLE “Fog Index” = word-length and sentence length test. Measuring “readability or simplicity” Step one: Take a sample of around 100 words from the writing to be tested (complete sentences). Count the exact number of words. Step two: Devide the number of words by the number of sentences to get the average sentence length. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 6 3
  8. KEEPING IT SIMPLE Step three: Count the number of word of three or more syllables (excepting long words made up of two simple words) Step four: Add the average sentence length and the number of long words together. Step five: Multiply the result by 0.4 to get your Fog Index. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 7 KEEPING IT SIMPLE Fog Index = 10 popular Fog Index > 12 Highly educated audience Fog Index > 15 No audience. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 8 4
  9. 5W1H Golden rule Guideline for all writing for the media. I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When And How and Where and Who Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 9 5W1H WHAT happened WHERE it took place WHY it occurred HOW WHEN And to WHOM Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 10 5
  10. ANGLES This is a term denoting the approach you take on certain facts or information and the way you arrange them. Ex: Imagine a car overturned at a certain intersection in your city and a person was killed. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 11 ANGLES “A man or woman was killed yesterday when his or her car overturned at the corner of X and Y streets”. “A man killed at the corner of X and Y streets yesterday was the 11th victim of this section of road in the past year, raising concern that the intersection is the death corner because of poor sign-posting and inadequate visibility. Th.S DINH TIEN MINH 12 6



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