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Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành tài chính: Phần 1

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Giáo trình "Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Tài chính" gồm 42 bài bài với lượng 240 tiết được dùng cho các chuyên ngành khác nhau ở Học viện Tài chính. Phần 1 cuốn sách giới thiệu tới người đọc các nội dung của 20 bài học về chủ đề kinh tế học, tiền tệ ngân hàng. Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo nội dung chi tiết.

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Nội dung Text: Giáo trình Tiếng Anh chuyên ngành tài chính: Phần 1

  3. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON ƠN NH L IN IĐ U Ó Giáo trình “English for Finance” được tổ chức biên soạn lại, UY có sửa chữa và bổ sung nhiều bài mối từ cuốn giáo trình “English .Q for Finance and Accounting” nhằm đáp ứng yêu cầu đổi mới nội TP dung chương trình đào tạo tại Học viện Tài chính trong giai đoạn đổi mối và phát triển của đất nước bưốc sang th ế kỷ 21. Giáo trình O ĐẠ đã tập hợp được nhiều bài viết, nhiều kiến thức từ nhiều sách báo, tài liệu và giáo trình gốc của các tác giả ở các nước Anh, Mỹ, NG Australia... Việc hoàn thành giáo trình này sẽ đáp ứng được nhu cầu về tài liệu học tập của sinh viên, giúp sinh viên đọc hiểu, dịch HƯ thuật và rèn luyện được các kỹ năng ngôn ngữ về các lĩnh vực kinh tế, tài chính, ngân hàng, kế toán, marketing và quản trị kinh N Ầ doanh... Đồng thòi, đây cũng là nguồn tài liệu tham khảo bổ ích TR đô'i với các nhà nghiên cứu, nhà quản lý kinh tế tài chính và những ai có nhu cầu nâng cao trình độ tiếng Anh về tài chính. * B 00 Giáo trình “English for Finance” gồm 42 bài vối thòi lượng 10 240 tiết được dùng cho các chuyên ngành khác nhau ỏ Học viện A Tài chính (chương trình chính khoá là 120 tiết). Có những bài HÓ dùng chung, có những bài dùng cho chuyên ngành này là chủ yếu lại không dùng cho chuyên ngành khác và ngược lại. Giáo trình Í- không chia rõ thành các chương riêng biệt, nhưng được sắp xếp -L theo các chủ đề: kinh tế học (economics), tiền tệ - ngân hàng ÁN (money and banking), tài chính (finance), kế toán - kiểm toán (accounting and auditing), phân tích tài chính (financial analysis), TO marketing và kinh doanh quốc tế (international business). N Giáo trình do tập thể giảng viên khoa Ngoại ngữ của Học ĐÀ viện biên soạn gồm: Cao Xuân Thiều (chủ biên), Nguyễn Thị Định, Nguyễn Thị Hà, Trương Minh Hạnh, Mã Kim Khánh, Phạm Bích N Loan, Bùi Bá Luy, Nguyễn Thị Mai, Đặng Phương Mai, Tạ Thị Ễ DI Phương, Hoàng Minh Phương và Nguyễn Hiền Từ. Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON
  4. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON ƠN Giáo trình được hoàn thành là kết quả của quá trình lao động nghiêm túc, các tác giả đã cố gắng xây dựng cuốh giáo trình NH có nội dung thiết thực, kết cấu hợp lý với nguồn kiến thức đơn giản nhưng hiện đại phù hợp với qui trình đào tạo các chuyên UY ngành ở Học viện Tài chính. Tuy nhiên, do thời gian biên soạn còn .Q hạn chế và nguồn tài liệu chưa th ật dồi dào nên giáo trình không TP tránh khỏi còn nhiều thiếu sót. Tập thể tác giả mong nhận được nhiều ý kiến chân thành của các thầy cô giáo cùng bạn đọc trong O ĐẠ và ngoài Học viện để giáo trình được hoàn thiện hơn ỏ lần tái bản sau. NG Học viện Tài chính cảm ơn các nhà khoa học: GS. TS. Ngô HƯ Thế Chi; ThS. Nguyễn Phương Sửu; ThS. Hoàng Văn Hoạt; TS. Đỗ Phi Hoài; ThS. Trần Văn Phùng; TS. Lê Văn Liên; TS. Hoàng N Thị Thúy Nguyệt, trong Hội đồng nghiệm thu đã có những ý kiến Ầ TR đóng £óp giá trị góp phần nâng cao chất lượng của giáo trình này. B 00 Hà nội, tháng 9 năm 2008 10 B an Q uản lý K hoa học A HÓ H Ọ C VIỆN TÀI C H ĨN H Í- -L ÁN TO N ĐÀ Ễ N DI Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON
  5. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON ƠN CONTENTS NH UY Foreword Page .Q Lồi nói đầu 3 TP Unit 1 Economics 5 O ĐẠ Unit 2 Economic systems 13 Unit 3 Microeconomics 21 NG Unit 4 Macroeconomics 30 HƯ Unit 5 Demand and supply 39 N Unit 6 Setting the price 52 Ầ TR Unit 7 Pricing strategies 59 B Unit 8 Money and its functions 67 00 Unit 9 Money and banking 75 10 Unit 10 Banks and interest rates 84 A HÓ Unit 11 Banking business 93 Unit 12 Fiscal policy 100 Í- -L Unit 13 Finance and corporate finance 109 Unit 14 Funding the business 116 ÁN Unit 15 Management of working capital 125 TO Unit 16 Raising money for investments 135 N Unit 17 What is The foreign exchange market? 147 ĐÀ Unit 18 The foreign exchange market 157 N Unit 19 Functions of the stock exchange Ễ 166 DI Unit 20 Taxation 175 5 Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON
  6. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON Unit 21 Introduction to corporate taxation 185 ƠN Unit 22 Customs and excise charges 196 NH Unit 23 Australian customs service 205 Unit 24 Insurance 215 UY Unit 25 What is accounting? 223 .Q Unit 26 Financial statem ents 233 TP Unit 27 The balance sheet 242 O ĐẠ Unit 28 The profit and loss account 251 Unit 29 Auditing 259 NG Unit 30 The role of auditors 267 HƯ Unit 31 Distinction between auditing and accounting 279 N 288 Unit 32 Financial analysis Ầ TR Unit 33 Financial evaluation 296 304 B Unit 34 Marketing 00 Unit 35 Marketing planning 314 10 Unit 36 The promotion mix in the marketing 322 A HÓ Unit 37 Analysis of market opportunities 332 Unit 38 Ways of entering a foreign market 342 Í- -L Unit 39 Project planning 351 Unit 40 International business 363 ÁN Unit 41 Trade surpluses and deficits 374 TO Unit 42 What is the balance of payments? • 383 N ĐÀ Ễ N DI 6 Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON
  7. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON ƠN Unit 1 NH ECONOMICS UY I. Reading .Q Most people want more than they can afford to buy. If a TP family buys one thing, they may not be able to afford something O they would like. The same is true of nations. Whether a nation is ĐẠ rich or poor, most of its people want more than they can afford. They seek better schools, more houses and stronger armed forces. NG The field of economics studies the way the thing people need and HƯ want is made and brought to them. It also studies the way people and nations choose the things they actually buy from among the N many things they want. Ầ TR Economists (specialists in economics) define economics as the B study of how goods and services get produced and how they are 00 distributed. By goods and services, economists mean everything 10 that can be bought and sold. By produced, they mean the A processing and making of goods and services. By distributed, they HÓ mean the way goods and services are divided among the people. Í- In all countries, the resources used to produce goods and -L services are scarce. That is, no nation has enough farms, factories, or workers to produce everything th at everyone would like. ÁN Money is also scarce. Few people have enough money to buy TO everything they want when they want it. Therefore, people everywhere most choose the best possible way to use their N ĐÀ resources and money. Children may have to choose whether to spend their Ễ N allowances on a motion picture or a hamburger. Storekeepers may DI have to choose whether to take a summer vacation or to use their Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON
  8. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON savings to buy more merchandise. A nation may have to choose ƠN whether to use tax money to build more submarines. In economic items, the children, the storekeepers, and the nation all must NH economize in order to satisfy their most important needs and wants. This means they must try to use the resources they have to UY produce the things they most want. .Q Economics is a study of mankind. It tells us how man TP subsists, grows and develops in relation to the wealth available on O Earth. Relations made by persons in the society which are in ĐẠ connection with material circumstances are economic. NG On a microeconomic scale, economics analyses the relations a person establishes with others while satisfying wants for his HƯ material life.Wants refer to both needs for a self to subsist and N desires for the self to develop. Ầ TR Qn a macroeconomic scale, economics analyses the regulations that govern the ways of establishing relations B between persons so as to assure the well-being of man’s world in 00 the whole. 10 A II. Comprehension / interpretation HÓ 1. Can people in most countries buy all the things they want? Í- 2. What do nations in the world want to do for their -L countries? ÁN 3. What does the field of economics study? TO 4. How do economists define economics? N 5. Are the resources in the world used to produce goods and ĐÀ services abundant? N 6. What do people and nations do with their limited Ễ resources and money? DI 7. Why it is said that: Economics, is a study of mankind? Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON
  9. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON 8. Which relations are called economic? ƠN 9. What does economics analyze on a microeconomic scale? NH 10. What does economics analyze on a macroeconomic scale? III. Language focus: If clause (Type I) UY When we talk about future events th at are reasonably likely .Q and their results, we can use an if-sentence. The lf-clause states TP the condition, and the other clause states the result. O “Unless” means the same as if...not. It always refers to the ĐẠ conditional part of the sentence and not the result part of the NG sentence. HƯ Example: - If the government raises taxes, consumer spending will fall. Ầ N (If- clause can come in the first part of the sentence or the TR second) B - Consumer spending will fall if the government raises taxes. 00 - They won’t sign the contract unless we give them an 10 additional discount. A HÓ E x ercise 1: Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense. 1. If sales (go)..... well this year, we will increase our Í- products. -L 2. We (sign).... the deal tomorrow unless something goes ÁN wrong. TO 3. We will try to reduce our costs if sales (not / go)....... well N this year. ĐÀ 4. If the goods get damaged in transit, we (make)....... a N claim. Ễ DI 5. We (go)..... to have a bad year unless demand increases soon. Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON
  10. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON Exercise 2: Match the sentences (1-6) with the sentences (a-f) ƠN 1. She will accept the job a. Unless we give her the salary she wants. NH 2. She won’t accept the job 3. Unless sales improve dramatically b. We will not make a loss this year. UY 4. If sales improve dramatically c. Tthey will not take legal action. .Q 5. Unless we pay them immediately d. We will make a loss this year. TP 6. If we pay them immediately e. They will take legal action. O f. If we give her salary she wants ĐẠ NG IV. Words study HƯ E xercise 1: Complete the sentences, using the words in italic. N Available, activity, abundant, demand, producers, Ầ TR government, safety, income,revenue,consumers, 1. Economic............................. was organized on the B 00 assumption at cheap and........ oil. 10 2. When the price of some commodities increases,..........will A try to use less of it but...... will want to send more of it. HÓ 3. A scarce resource is one for which the........ a zero price Í- would exceed the.... supply. -L 4. National..................... is the money received by the........... ÁN 5. Governments spend part of their..... particular goods and TO services such as tanks, schools, and public...... N E xercise 2: Match the words with the definitions below. ĐÀ a- product b- economic output N c- inflation d- economics e- growth Ễ DI f- gross domestic product (GDP) Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON
  11. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON g- demand h- goods ƠN 1. the study of how money works and is used. 2. is rising prices NH 3. the value of goods and services produced in a country or UY area .Q 4. the value of all goods and services produced in a particular TP country O 5. output in the economy increases ĐẠ 6. something made to be sold NG 7. the materials and components used to make products, or HƯ the products th at are made 8. the amount of goods and services th at people want in a N particular period Ầ TR V. Vocabulary B - afford(v): to have enough money or time to be able to buy or 00 to do something: có đủ khả năng về tiền bạc, thòi gian... để làm 10 điều gì đó A Can we afford a new car? HÓ - allowance(n): an amount o f money that is given to sb Í- regularly or for a particular purpose: tiền trợ cấp, tiền cấp phát -L Do you get an allowance for clothing? ÁN - seek(v): to look for sth / sb: tìm kiếm TO - resources(n): a supply or sth that a country, an organization N or a person has and can use, especially to increase their wealth (in ĐÀ plural): tài nguyên, nguồn lực N - armed forces: lực lượng quân sự Ễ DI - scarce(adj): in short supply, khan hiếm, thiếu thốn 11 Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON
  12. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON It was wartime and food was scarce. ƠN - motion picture(n): phim, điện ảnh NH - storekeeper(n): thủ kho, chủ cửa hàng UY - summer vacation(n): kỳ nghỉ hè .Q - merchandise(n): goods that are bought or sold; goods that TP are for sale in a shop / store: hàng hóa O - submarine(n): a ship that can travel under water: tàu ngầm ĐẠ - economize(v): to use less money, time, etc, than you NG normally use', tiết kiệm HƯ Our electricity bills are higher than we can afford-we must start to economize. ẦN TR B 00 10 A HÓ Í- -L ÁN TO N ĐÀ Ễ N DI 12 Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON
  13. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON ƠN Unit 2 NH ECONOMIC SYSTEMS UY I. Reading .Q TP F re e m a rk e t econom y: An economic system in which the market - that is the relation between producers and consumers, O ĐẠ buyers and sellers, investors and workers, management and labour - is supposed to be regulated by the law of supply and NG demand. Business firms are supposed to compete freely, and any HƯ attem pt at hindering free competition ("restrictive practices") is punishable by law. N Direct government intervention is theoretically ruled out Ầ TR although the government will influence the economic situation through its fiscal and budgetary policies. B 00 P la n n e d econom y: A system whereby the structure of the 10 .market is deliberately planned by the state, in which production A and consumption quotas are fixed beforehand, and where there is HÓ no real competition between industrial or commercial Í- organizations. In the soviet model, for instance, all the means of -L production and the channels of distribution are state controlled. Private ownership does not exist in this field. ÁN In practice, there is wide gap between the theoretical model TO and economic realities: the so - called market economies relv more N and more on Government planning and intervention, whereas in ĐÀ planned economies, such capitalistic notions as profit tend to be reintroduced. Ễ N M ixed econom y: An economic system in which some goods DI and services are produced by the government and some by private enterprise. It lies between a command economy and a complete Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú 13 WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON
  14. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON laissez-faire economy. In practice, most economies are mixed; the ƠN significant feature is whether an economy is moving towards or away from a more laissez-faire situation. NH II. Comprehension / interpretation UY Using the inform ation in the text, answ er the questions .Q ielow. TP 1. What is a m arket economy? O 2. What is a planned economy? ĐẠ 3. What are differences between a m arket economy and a NG lanned economy? HƯ 4. What is a mixed economy? III. Language focus The pa ssive N Ầ The passive is formed by using the verb be and the past TR articiple. For example, the present tense passive is formed with B m / is / are + past participle 00 10 • We often use the passive to focus on something that appens to someone, when we do not want to focus on the person A HÓ ho does the action: About 85% o f the world’s rubber is p ro d u ce d in the Far Í- ast. -L • The passive is often used to talk about systems and ÁN ■ocesses: TO On most rubber plantations, the latex is collected from the bber trees every day. It is m ixed with water and then formic N ĐÀ id is added. This process creates crude rubber, which is then lied into sheets. Ễ N a The passive infinitive is be + p a s t p a rtic ip le. We can use DI e passive with a modal verb (or an expression like have to). Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON
  15. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON Stamps can be bought at any office. ƠN Meals have to be p re p a re d every day. NH • Notice th a t in some contexts it is possible to make both UY verbs passive. .Q Changes to the taxation system are expected to be TP proposed. O E xercise 1: P u t the follow ing into the p a ssive voice. ĐẠ P u t the follow in g into the p a ssiv e voice. NG 1. We can solve this problem. HƯ 2. People should send their complaints to the head office. 3. They have changed the date of the meeting. N Ầ 4. The government will influence the economic situation TR through its fiscal and budgetary policies. * B 5. In planned economies governments fix production and 00 consumption quotas beforehand. 10 6. Our supplier is shipping the goods next week. A HÓ 7. The government raised interest rates by 1%. 8. He was asking me some difficult questions. Í- -L 9. ABB gave a large order to us last year. ÁN 10. David Gill from Marketing lent me this book. E xercise 2: Complete the sentences using a p a ir of TO verbs. Use the p a s t sim ple for the fir st verb a n d a p a ssive N form w ith being + past participle or to be + past participle ĐÀ for the second. N deny / pay resent / ask tend / forget avoid / run down Ễ appear / crack DI Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON
  16. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON 1. He ............................. any money for giving his advice to ƠN the company. NH 2. She ................................ to make tea for everyone at the meeting. UY 3. Many reliable methods of storing information .Q .............................when computers arrived. TP 4. I narrow the bus as it came round the O corner. ĐẠ 5. The window............................... in a number of places. NG IV. Word study HƯ Fill each of the numbered blanks in the following passage. Use only one word from the box in each space. N Ầ TR principles the at anything what for issues both training how B 00 10 Economics is ................. (1) study of how individuals and nations make choices about how to use scarce resources to fill A HÓ their needs and wants.A resource i s ................. (2) th at people can use to make or o b tain ....................(3) they need or want. You may Í- be asking yourself................... (4) this point how economics will -L help you, a student. Also, you may be wondering how scarce ÁN resources is a problem ................ (5) a nation like the United States that has such abundant resources. TO It may surprise you to know that many of the decisions you N will face as a citizen deal with ............... (6) the United States ĐÀ should use its resources. Learning economic...............(7) can help you make decisions about candidates for political office, political Ễ N and social................ (8), and the goals the United States should DI set for itself, such as how to spend government revenues. Many people are familiar with the benefits of government programs 16 Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON
  17. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON such as job............... (9) and Medicare, but how many people are ƠN aware of the costs of these programs? Economics can help you to NH un derstand..................(10) costs and benefits and, therefore, help you to make better decisions. UY V. Read the following passage and translate into .Q Vietnamese TP WHAT IS ECONOMICS ABOUT? O Economics is about the everyday things of life, how we get ĐẠ our living and why sometimes we get more and sometimes less. NG Nowadays, everybody realizes the important part played in their lives by economic factors, because nothing seems to stay put for HƯ more than a few weeks on end. Prices are continually changing, N generally upwards, and no sooner do we congratulate ourselves on Ầ being a bit better off than we seem to lose all we have gained TR because of having to pay more for everything we want. Industries, B such as coal mines and railways, which we have taken for granted 00 as natural part of the scene, decline in size, and other quite new 10 ones, electronics and plastics and so on, take their place as big A fields of employment; and these changes in size directly affect the HÓ lives of hundreds of thousands of families. Í- Those of us who are now middle-aged can recall the shock we -L had during the war when the scarcity of so many of the goods we needed for our day-to-day living brought vividly home to us how ÁN much we depend on the four corners of the world for all the things TO we normally use without generally giving a moment's thought to their origin. N ĐÀ There was a time when each family actually produced for itself most of the things it needed for its everyday life. In the Ễ N modern world the relationship between work and wants is much DI less direct than it used to be, for most of us spend our time making things for sale and not for our own use. This Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON
  18. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON specialization, which is the characteristic of the modern economy, enables us to enjoy things of which our grandfathers never ƠN dreamed, motor-cars bicycles and planes, vacuum cleaners and NH refrigerators, rayon and plastic clothing, more varied foods, and all sorts of other goods, but it also makes the world very much UY more complex. .Q VI. Vocabulary TP - attem pt (n) a thing produced by sb trying to do or make sth O cố gắng ĐẠ - be supposed to do sth to be allowed to do sth cần phải được ... NG - hinder (v) to prevent or delay the progress of sb / sth càn trở, HƯ ngăn cản - punishable (adj) ... that can be punished, esp. by law có thể N bị trừng phạt Ầ TR - intervention (n) becoming involved in a situation, esp. so as B preventing sth happening or trying to help sb can thiệp vào 00 - rule out exclude sth / sb loại trừ, không chấp nhận 10 - fiscal policy the policy of a government in relation to A HÓ taxation and government expenditure as a means of affecting aggregate economic activity chính sách tài khoá Í- - budgetary (adj) connected with the way money is spent in a -L budget (thuộc về) ngân sách ÁN - deliberately (adv) not freely có chủ ý sẵn TO - quotas (n) a fixed amount of sth that must be done, given or received chỉ tiêu N ĐÀ - exist (v) to happen or be present in a particular situation or I place tổn tại Ễ N - laissez-faire (n) policy of nori-interference chính sách không I DI can thiệp / hoàn toàn tự do Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON
  19. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON ƠN U n it 3 NH MICROECONOMICS UY I. Reading .Q 1. Many economists specialize in a particular branch of the TP subject. For example, there are labour economists, energy O economists, monetary economists, and international economists. ĐẠ What - distinguishes these economists is the segment of economic life in which they are interested. Labour economics deals with NG problems of the labour market as viewed by firms, workers, and HƯ society as a whole. Urban economics deals with city problems: land use, transport, congestion, and housing. However, we need N not to classify branches of economics according to the area of Ầ economic life in which we ask the standard questions what, how, TR and for whom. We can also classify branches of economics B according to the approach or methodology th at is used. Thè very 00 broad division of approaches into microeconomic and 10 macroeconomic cuts across the large number of subject groupings A cited above. HÓ Microeconomic analysis offers a detailed treatm ent of Í- individual decisions about particular commodities. -L For example, we might study why individual households ÁN prefer cars to bicycles and how producers decide whether to produce cars or bicycles. We can then aggregate the behaviout of TO all households and all firms to discuss total car purchases and N total car production. Within a market economy we can discuss the ĐÀ market for cars. Comparing this with the market for bicycles, we may be able to explain the relative price of cars and bicycles and N the relative output of these two goods. The sophisticated branch of Ễ DI microeconomics known as general equilibrium theory extends this 1o Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON
  20. WWW.DAYKEMQUYNHON.UCOZ.COM WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/DAYKEM.QUYNHON approach to its logical conclusion. It sudy simultaneously every ƠN market for every commodity. From this it is hoped th at we can NH understand the complete pattern of consumption, production, and exchange in the whole economy at a point in time. UY 2. If you think this sounds very complicated you are corr .Q It is for many purposes, the analysis becomes so complicated that TP we tend to lose track of the phenomena in which we were O interested. The interesting task for economics, a task th at retains ĐẠ an element of art in economic sienee, is to devise judicious simplifications which keep the analysis manageable without NG distorting reality too much. It is here that microeconomists and HƯ macroeconomists proceed down different avenues. Microeconomists tend to offer a detailed treatm ent of one aspect N of economic behaviour but ignore interactions with the rest of the Ầ economy in order to preserve the simplicity of the analysis. A TR microeconomic analysis of miners’ wages would emphasize the B charateristics of miners and the ability of mine owners to pay. It 00 wouild largely neglect the chain of indirect effects to which a rise 10 in miners’ wages might give rise. For example, car workers might A use the precedent of the miners pay increase to secure higher HÓ wages in the car industry, thus being able to afford large houses Í- which burned more coal in heating systems. When microeconomic -L analysis ignores such indirectly induced effects it is said to be partial analysis. ÁN II. Comprehension questions TO Read the text carefully and then answer the following N questions: ĐÀ 1. What distinguishes an energy economist from an urban N economist? Ễ DI 2. Are the same questions asked in each area of economic life? 20 Đóng góp PDF bởi Nguyễn Thanh Tú WWW.FACEBOOK.COM/BOIDUONGHOAHOCQUYNHON



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