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Hướng dẫn điều tra ngoại nghiệp linh trưởng

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Hướng dẫn điều tra ngoại nghiệp linh trưởng là một tài liệu tra cứu nhanh, khái quát về thú linh trưởng Việt Nam. Hiện nay có 4 loài linh trưởng được phát hiện là chỉ có ở Việt Nam đó là Chà Vá Chân Xám, Voọc Mông Trắng, Voọc Cát Bà, Voọc Mũi Hếch.

Chủ đề:

Nội dung Text: Hướng dẫn điều tra ngoại nghiệp linh trưởng

  1. Nguyeãn Vuõ Khoâi Julia C. Shaw Chi Cuïc Kieåm Laâm TP. HCM Toå Chöùc Wildlife At Risk Vieät Nam Höôùng Daãn Ñieàu Tra Ngoaïi Nghieäp Linh Tröôûng Primate Field Guide ° CU LI ° KHÆ ° VOOÏC ° VÖÔÏN - Lorises - Macaques - Leaf monkeys - Gibbons AÁn Baûn Laàn 2 (2nd edition) 01-2005 Frankfurt Zoological Society - Endangered Primate Rescue Center Fauna and Flora International Nhaø Xuaát baûn Noâng Nghieäp Hoäi Ñoäng Vaät Frankfurt / Trung Taâm Cöùu Hoä Thuù Linh Tröôûng Toå Chöùc Baûo Toàn Ñoäng Thöïc Vaät Hoang Daõ Quoác Teá
  2. Höôùng Daãn Ñieàu Tra Ngoaïi Nghieäp Linh Tröôûng Primate Field Guide AÁn baûn laàn thöù nhaát - naêm 2002 / 1st edition 2002 AÁn baûn laàn thöù hai - naêm 2005 / 2nd edition 2005 Moïi thaéc maéc veà taøi lieäu naøy xin vui loøng lieân heä qua ñòa chæ email sau: Please send any comments on this material to: Danh saùch caùc loaøi ñöôïc trình baøy trong taøi lieäu naøy (List of species presented in this guide) Teân tieáng Vieät Teân khoa hoïc Teân tieáng Anh (Vietnamese name) (Scientific name) (English name) Cu Li Lorises Cu li Nhoû Nycticebus pygmaeus Pygmy loris Cu li Lôùn Nycticebus bengalensis Slow loris Khæ Macaques Khæ Ñuoâi Lôïn Macaca leonina Northern pig-tailed macaque Khæ Ñuoâi Daøi Macaca fascicularis Long-tailed macaque Khæ Maët Ñoû Macaca arctoides Stump-tailed macaque Khæ Vaøng Macaca mulatta Rhesus macaque Khæ Moác Macaca assamensis Assamese macaque Khæ AÊn Laù Leaf Monkeys Vooïc Langurs Vooïc Ñen Maù Traéng Trachypithecus francoisi Francois' langur Vooïc Haø Tónh Trachypithecus laotum hatinhensis Hatinh langur Vooïc Ñen Tuyeàn Trachypithecus laotum hatinhensis Black langur morph “ebenus” Vooïc Caùt Baø Trachypithecus poliocephalus Cat Ba langur Vooïc Quaàn Ñuøi Traéng Trachypithecus delacouri Delacour's langur Vooïc Xaùm Trachypithecus crepusculus Grey langur Vooïc Baïc Trachypithecus germaini Indochinese silvered langur Chaø Vaù Douc langurs Chaø Vaù Chaân Naâu Pygathrix nemaeus Red-shanked douc langur Chaø Vaù Chaân Xaùm Pygathrix cinerea Grey-shanked douc langur Chaø Vaù Chaân Ñen Pygathrix nigripes Black-shanked douc langur Vooïc Muõi Heách Snub-nosed monkey Vooïc Muõi Heách Rhinopithecus avunculus Tonkin snub-nosed monkey Vöôïn Gibbons Vöôïn Ñen Tuyeàn Nomascus concolor Western black-crested gibbon Vöôïn Ñen Cao Baèng Nomascus nasutus Eastern black-crested gibbon Vöôïn Ñen Maù Traéng Nomascus leucogenys leucogenys Northern white-cheeked gibbon Vöôïn Ñen Maù Traéng Siki Nomascus leucogenys siki Southern white-cheeked gibbon Vöôïn Ñen Maù Hung Nomascus gabriellae Yellow-cheeked gibbon
  3. Lôøi Töïa Taøi lieäu Höôùng Daãn Ñieàu Tra Ngoïai Nghieäp Linh Tröôûng ñaõ ñöôïc Toå chöùc Baûo toàn Ñoäng thöïc vaät Hoang daõ Quoác teá (FFI) - Chöông trình Ñoâng Döông, in aán laàn thöù nhaát naêm 2002 vôùi söï hoã trôï kyõ thuaät cuûa Hoäi Ñoäng vaät Frankfurt -Trung taâm Cöùu hoä thuù Linh tröôûng (FZS-EPRC) vaø Cuïc Kieåm Laâm (FPD). Nhaän thaáy söï caàn thieát cuûa taøi lieäu naøy ñoái vôùi nhu caàu tra cöùu nhanh cuûa caùc kieåm laâm vieân vaø nhaân vieân haûi quan taïi caùc cöûa khaåu, vaø soá löôïng aán baûn laàn ñaàu coøn haïn cheá, chöa tôùi tay moät soá caùn boä, nhaân vieân kieåm laâm ôû phía Nam Vieät Nam cuõng nhö ngay caû vôùi moät soá sinh vieân chuyeân ngaønh baûo toàn sinh hoïc, Toå chöùc Wildlife At Risk Vieät Nam (W.A.R) ñaõ hôïp taùc vôùi Toå chöùc FFI, FSZ-EPRC vaø FPD thöïc hieän laàn xuaát baûn thöù 2 cuoán taøi lieäu naøy. Trong laàn taùi baûn naøy chuùng toâi coá gaéng vaãn giöõ nguyeân noäi dung vaø coù caäp nhaät theâm tình traïng baûo toàn vaø vieäc phaân loaïi; ñieàu chænh teân vaø vuøng phaân boá ñoái vôùi moät soá loaøi ñeå thuaän tieän cho nhöõng ngöôøi tra cöùu. Chuùng toâi xin chaân thaønh caûm ôn söï hôïp taùc cuûa Toå chöùc FZS-EPRC vaø FFI trong vieäc taùi baûn taøi lieäu höôùng daãn naøy, xin chaân thaønh caûm ôn caùc oâng: Tilo Nadler, Thomas Geissmann, Noel Rowe vaø Lynne Baker ñaõ cho pheùp vieäc söû duïng hình aûnh moät soá loaøi thuù linh tröôûng minh hoïa cho taøi lieäu naøy. Chuùng toâi cuõng xin caûm ôn caùc cô quan vaø toå chöùc ñaõ taøi trôï cho vieäc xuaát baûn taøi lieäu naøy tröôùc ñaây laø Ñaïi Söù Quaùn Canada taïi Haø Noäi, Toå chöùc Walt Disney - Hoa Kyø, Trung taâm Cöùu hoä thuù Linh tröôûng Vieät Nam vaø Cuïc Kieåm Laâm vaø cho laàn taùi baûn naøy laø toå chöùc Wildlife At Risk Vieät Nam, ñaëc bieät oâng Dominic Scriven ñaõ taøi trôï toaøn boä kinh phí cho laàn taùi baûn naøy. Chuùng toâi xin caûm ôn oâng Tilo Nadler, Giaùm ñoác Trung taâm Cöùu hoä thuù Linh tröôûng taïi Vöôøn Quoác gia Cuùc Phöông - Hoäi Ñoäng vaät Frankfurt Ñöùc, ñaõ hoã trôï chuùng toâi veà maët kyõ thuaät trong laàn taùi baûn naøy. Ñaây laø taøi lieäu phaân phaùt mieãn phí cho muïc ñích baûo toàn vaø giaùo duïc duøng trong ngaønh kieåm laâm vaø moät soá chuyeân ngaønh lieân quan khaùc. Ñaây cuõng laø taøi lieäu tra cöùu nhanh cho caùc caù nhaân hay toå chöùc quan taâm ñeán hoaït ñoäng baûo toàn caùc loaøi thuù linh tröôûng taïi Vieät Nam. Chuùng toâi raát mong nhaän ñöôïc söï ñoùng goùp yù kieán cuûa caùc caù nhaân, toå chöùc ñoái vôùi laàn aán baûn naøy. Phieân baûn ñieän töû daïng “ .pdf” cuûa taøi lieäu naøy coù theå ñöôïc truy caäp vaø taûi veà mieãn phí, vôùi muïc ñích phi lôïi nhuaän vaø phuïc vuï trong coâng taùc baûo toàn vaø giaùo duïc, taïi caùc ñòa chæ website cuûa 3 toå chöùc: W.A.R, FZS-EPRC vaø FFI nhö sau:; vaø Vieät Nam, thaùng 01 naêm 2005 Nguyeãn Vuõ Khoâi vaø Julia C. Shaw Wildlife At Risk Vietnam Foreword The first edition of the Primate Field Guide was published by Fauna and Flora International (FFI) in the year 2002, with technical support from FZS-EPRC and assistant of Forestry Protection Department (FPD). Wildlife At Risk Vietnam recognises the importance of quick references given by the primate field guide for practical support to forestry rangers, and customs officers at the front line and appreciates that further distribution of the primate field guide is needed for Forestry Protection Departments (FPDs) in southern Vietnam. Therefore, Wildlife At Risk, FFI, FZS-EPRC and FPD have cooperated to publish the second edition. In this edition, we have tried to keep the original content and update the status of conservation, taxonomy and the distribution of primates in Vietnam. We would like to thank FZS-EPRC and FFI for their cooperation in producing the second edition of the Vietnam Primate Field Guide, and the following individuals who have allowed us to use their photos for this edition: Tilo Nadler, Thomas Geissmann, Noel Rowe, Lynne Baker. We would like to express our gratitude to the following institutions for funding the first edition: The Canadian Embassy Hanoi, Walt Disney USA, FZS-EPRC and FPD-MARD and Mr. Dominic Scriven, Wildlife At Risk for fully funding the publication of the second edition. Special thanks go to Tilo Nadler, Vietnam Country Representative of FZS-EPRC who provided technical inputs for this edition. This is a free booklet distributed for the purposes of Conservation and Education. This field guide is a quick references booklet for individuals and organisations interested in the protection of Vietnamese primates and we appreciate feedback on this edition. The electronic version in .pdf format can be accessed and downloaded freely for the non-financial purposes of Education and Conservation only, at the following www sites:; and Viet Nam, January 2005 Nguyen Vu Khoi and Julia C. Shaw Wildlife At Risk Vietnam
  4. Veà Baûn Höôùng Daãn Naøy About This Guide Cuoán höôùng daãn ngoaïi nghieäp naøy laø moät taøi lieäu tra cöùu This field guide is a quick reference overview of the nhanh, khaùi quaùt veà thuù linh tröôûng Vieät Nam. Hieän nay primates of Vietnam. There are four primate species coù 4 loaøi linh tröôûng ñöôïc phaùt hieän laø chæ coù ôû Vieät Nam which only occur in Vietnam: the grey-shanked douc ñoù laø: Chaø Vaù Chaân Xaùm, Vooïc Moâng Traéng, Vooïc Caùt Baø langur, Delacour's langur, the golden-headed langur, and vaø Vooïc Muõi Heách (Bieåu töôïng côø Vieät Nam naèm caïnh the Tonkin snub-nosed monkey (a Vietnam flag appears loaøi ñeå chæ loaøi naøy chæ coù ôû Vieät Nam). next to these species' photos to indicate that they only occur in Vietnam). Haàu heát caùc loaøi linh tröôûng ôû Vieät Nam ñeàu trong tình traïng Nguy Caáp do söùc eùp cuûa saên baét, buoân baùn ñoäng Most primates in Vietnam are ENDANGERED due to vaät hoang daõ vaø söï maát daàn sinh caûnh soáng cuûa chuùng. heavy hunting pressure, the trade in wildlife, and habitat Taát caû caùc loaøi thuù linh tröôûng Vieät Nam ñeàu ñöôïc luaät loss. All primates are fully protected by Vietnamese phaùp baûo veä - ñieàu ñoù coù nghóa laø khoâng moät loaøi thuù law which means no primate can be hunted, sold, linh tröôûng naøo coù theå bò baén gieát, mua baùn hoaëc nuoâi traded, or kept as a pet. Such activity is illegal. giöõ. Taát caû nhöõng ñieàu ñoù ñeàu laø phaïm phaùp. Nearly all primates live in family groups in the wild. Haàu heát caùc loaøi thuù linh tröôûng ñeàu soáng thaønh töøng These groups consist of one adult male or a few males, nhoùm gia ñình trong moâi tröôøng hoang daõ. Moãi nhoùm some adult females, juveniles, and infants. Infant leaf thöôøng coù moät con ñöïc tröôûng thaønh, moät vaøi con caùi, caùc monkeys (excluding the douc langurs and snub-nosed con non vaø con nhoû. Nhöõng con vooïc non (khoâng keå caùc monkeys) are born bright orange yellow and gradually loaøi vooïc vaù vaø vooïc muõi heách) khi môùi sinh ra loâng change to their adult colour during their first year. chuùng ñeàu coù maøu da cam nhaït vaø ngay trong naêm ñaàu Gibbons usually occur in monogamous family units loâng cuûa chuùng chuyeån daàn vaø coù maøu gioáng nhöõng con consisting of an adult male, adult female, and their tröôûng thaønh. Caùc loaøi vöôïn thöôøng soáng theo cheá ñoä moät offspring. Infant gibbons are born yellow. In contrast to vôï moät choàng. Trong ñôn vò soáng gia ñình cuûa chuùng many other primates, lorises are often solitary when thöôøng thaáy moät con ñöïc, moät con caùi tröôûng thaønh vaø foraging for food. caùc theá heä con chaùu cuûa chuùng. Caùc con vöôïn con khi sinh ra coù maøu vaøng. Töông phaûn vôùi raát nhieàu loaøi thuù Leaf monkeys are known for their long tails, lorises have linh tröôûng khaùc, cu li thöôøng ñi kieám thöùc aên rieâng leû. very short tails, and gibbons do not have tails. Meanwhile, macaques' tails range from very short to very Trong khi caùc vooïc ñöôïc coi laø loaøi linh tröôûng ñuoâi daøi, long. thì cu li laïi coù ñuoâi raát ngaén vaø vöôïn thì khoâng coù ñuoâi. Khæ coù ñuoâi töø raát ngaén ñeán raát daøi. Bieåu töôïng Symbol Chæ ra raèng loaøi naøy chæ coù ôû Vieät Nam Indicates the species occurs only in Vietnam
  5. Caáp Ñaùnh giaù Möùc ñoä Ñe doïa Loaøi cuûa Toå chöùc IUCN (Hilton - Taylor, 2000) The IUCN Categories (Hilton - Taylor, 2000) Tuyeät Chuûng - Extinct (EX) Loaøi ñöôïc coi laø tuyeät chuûng khi caù theå cuoái cuøng cuûa loaøi ñaõ cheát. Tuyeät Chuûng trong Theá giôùi Hoang daõ - Extinct in the Wild (EW) Loaøi chæ coøn toàn taïi trong tình traïng gaây troàng, hoaëc bò baét, hoaëc trong caùc quaàn theå nhaân taïo naèm ngoaøi phaïm vi phaân boá cuûa noù. Cöïc Kyø Nguy Caáp - Critically Endangered (CR) Loaøi ñöôïc xem laø cöïc kyø nguy caáp khi phaûi ñoái maët vôùi nhöõng ñe doïa cöïc kyø lôùn cuûa khaû naêng tuyeät chuûng trong töông lai gaàn, ñöôïc phaân theo caùc caáp töø A ñeán E. Nguy Caáp - Endangered (EN) Loaøi ñang ñoái maët vôùi möùc ñoä ñe doïa raát cao trong moät töông lai gaàn vaø cuõng ñöôïc phaân caáp töø A ñeán E. Saép Nguy Caáp - Vulnerable (VU) Chöa thuoäc vaøo hai möùc treân, nhöng ñang ñoái maët vôùi möùc ñe doïa cao cuûa hieåm hoïa tuyeät chuûng trong töông lai gaàn. Hieåm Hoïa Thaáp - Lower Risk (LR) Khoâng thoûa maõn caùc tieâu chuaån treân; chia thaønh ba möùc phuï: 1- Phuï thuoäc baûo toàn - Conservation Dependent (cd): loaøi ñang laø ñoái töôïng ñöôïc baûo toàn taïi khu vöïc, neáu khoâng ñöôïc baûo veä seõ bò nguy caáp nhö caùc möùc treân. 2- Gaàn bò ñe doïa - Near Threatened (nt): Khoâng thuoäc tieâu chuaån cd nhöng gaàn möùc seõ nguy caáp (VU). 3- Ít quan taâm - Least Concern (lc): khoâng thuoäc hai möùc cd vaø nt neâu treân. Thieáu Soá Lieäu - Data Deficient (DD) Khi khoâng ñuû soá lieäu ñeå ñaùnh giaù tröïc tieáp hay giaùn tieáp. Ñoøi hoûi phaûi coù theâm nhieàu thoâng tin vaø nghieân cöùu ñeå coù cô sôû xeáp haïng. Chöa Ñaùnh Giaù - Not Evaluated (NE) Chöa ñöôïc ñaùnh giaù theo baát kyø tieâu chuaån naøo Sô Ñoà Caáu Truùc Caáp ñaùnh giaù (möùc ñe doïa loaøi) - Structure of The Categories Tuyeät Chuûng (E) Extinct Tuyeät Chuûng Trong Theá Giôùi Hoang Daõ (EW) Extinct in the Wild Cöïc Kyø Nguy Caáp (CE) Critically Endangered Bò Ñe Doïa Nguy Caáp (EN) Threatened Endangered Seõ Nguy Caáp (VU) Vulnerable Soá Lieäu Ñaày Ñuû Phuï Thuoäc Baûo Toaøn (cd) Adequate data Conservation Dependent Hieåm Hoïa Thaáp (LR) Gaàn Bò Ñe Doïa (nt) Ñöôïc Ñaùnh Giaù Lower Risk Near Threatened Evaluated Ít Quan Taâm (lc) Least Concern Thieáu Soá Lieäu (DD) Data Deficient Chöa Ñaùnh Giaù (NE) Not Evaluated Ghi chuù: Trong moãi tieâu chuaån ñaùnh giaù coøn ñöôïc phaân thaønh caùc möùc nhoû töø A ñeán E vaø döôùi moät soá möùc coøn ñöôïc phaân thaønh 1, 2, 3 trong ñoù coù theå phaân thaønh a,b,c,d hoaëc e.
  6. Cu li ° Lorises Cu li : Taàm voùc beù nhoû, laø loaøi linh tröôûng di chuyeån chaäm chaïp, truù nguï treân caây vaø thöùc aên chuû yeáu laø caùc loaøi coân truøng vaø hoa quaû. Cu li hoïat ñoäng vaøo ban ñeâm, ban ngaøy thì cuoän mình troøn nhö quaû boùng. ÔÛ Vieät Nam coù hai loaøi Cu li. Lorises: Small, slow-moving, tree-dwelling primates that feed mainly on insects, gum and fruits. Lorises are active at night and sleep rolled up in a ball during the day. Two species of lorises are found in Vietnam. Cu li Nhoû / Pygmy loris Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Ñaàu vaø thaân daøi 21-29cm; loâng möôït, maøu naâu Nycticebus pygmaeus da cam; vaøo muøa ñoâng coù daûi loâng maøu saãm treân löng. Phaân boá: Töø bieân giôùi Trung Quoác traûi daøi xuoáng phía Nam ñeán caùc tænh Taây Ninh, Ñoàng Nai. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Seõ nguy caáp Saùch ñoû IUCN: Seõ nguy caáp Key-features: Head and body length 21-29cm; fine, brown-orange hair, in winter time with a dark dorsal stripe Distribution: From the borders of China through Vietnam southwards toTay Ninh and Dong Nai. Status in Vietnam: Vulnerable IUCN Red List category: Vulnerable Cu li Lôùn / Slow loris Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Ñaàu vaø thaân daøi 26-38cm; loâng daày, maøu naâu Nycticebus bengalensis nhaït; ñaàu maøu traéng hay naâu traéng, coù daûi loâng maøu saãm ôû treân löng. Phaân boá: Trong khu vöïc mieàn nuùi Ñoâng Baéc Vieät Nam nhö Thaùi Nguyeân, Baéc Giang vaø Laïng Sôn. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Seõ nguy caáp Saùch ñoû IUCN: Seõ nguy caáp Key features: Head and body length 26-38cm; thick light brown hair; whitish-brown or white head, dark dorsal stripe Distribution: From the borders of China through Vietnam southwards to central highlands, Kon Tum, Gia Lai. Status in Vietnam: Vulnerable IUCN Red List category: Vulnerable Khæ: laø loaøi thuù linh tröôûng coù maët phoå bieán nhaát vaø phaân boá roäng. Khæ hoaït ñoäng vaøo ban ngaøy. Chuùng hoaït ñoäng caû ôû treân caây laãn treân maët ñaát. Thöùc aên cuûa khæ raát phong phuù vaø ña daïng veà chuûng loaïi nhö traùi caây, caùc haït, quaû, voû caây, laù caây vaø caû coân Khæ ° Macaques truøng hay nhöõng loaøi ñoäng vaät nhoû vaø tröùng. ÔÛ Vieät Nam coù naêm loaøi khæ. Macaques: Most common and widespread primates. Macaques are active during the day. They spend time both in the trees and on the ground. Macaques feed on a wide variety on foods such as fruits, nuts, seeds, bark, leaves and also insects, small animals and eggs. Five species are found in Vietnam. Khæ Ñuoâi Lôïn / Northern pig-tailed macaque Macaca leonina Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Cô theå maøu naâu vöøa, ñænh ñaàu deït loâng maøu naâu ñen; ñuoâi thon daøi (15-25 cm); ñuoâi thon daøi coù loâng ngaén. Phaân boá: Traûi doïc theo vuøng nuùi töø Quaûng Bình vaøo ñeán caùc tænh Taây Nguyeân vaø xuoáng ñeán Bình Thuaän, Ñoàng Nai. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Seõ nguy caáp Saùch ñoû IUCN: Seõ nguy caáp Key features: Body medium brown, flat patch on top of head with dark brown hair; tail slender and short (15-25 cm) with short hair. Distribution: Along mountainous areas from Quang Binh southwards through the central highland to Dong Nai and Binh Thuan. Status in Vietnam: Vulnerable IUCN Red List category: Vulnerable All photos on this page: Tilo Nadler ° Toaøn boä hình trong trang naøy cuûa Tilo Nadler
  7. Khæ ° Macaques Khæ Ñuoâi Daøi / Long tailed macaque Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Cô theå maøu naâu hung ñeán maøu naâu xaùm; phaàn Macaca fascicularis nöûa phía tröôùc cuûa thaân coù maøu naâu nhaït hôn; ñuoâi daøi 40-65cm; Con non maøu naâu ñen ñeán maøu ñen. Phaân boá: Töø cöïc nam toå quoác ra ñeán Quaûng Trò. Tuy nhieân töø Ñaék Laék ra ñeán Quaûng Trò laø vuøng truøng laëp vôùi loaøi khæ vaøng (Macaca mulatta) vaø coù söï lai taïo trung gian giöõa 2 loaøi ôû khu vöïc naøy. ÔÛ moät soá vuøng phía Baéc (nhö Vöôøn Quoác Gia Puø Maùt, Caùt Baø, Khu Baûo Toàn Thieân Nhieân Puø Luoâng) coù thaû loaøi naøy vaøo töï nhieân. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Ít nguy caáp Saùch ñoû IUCN: Ít nguy caáp Key features: Body reddish brown to greyish-brown; light underparts; tail 40-65cm; infants dark brown to black. Distribution: From outermost south northwards to Quang Tri, but from Dak Lak Quang Tri an intergrade zone with Macaca mulatta and hybrids with intermediary appearance. Introduced to some areas in the north (e.g. Pu Mat and Cat Ba National Park, Pu Luong Nature Reserve). Status in Vietnam: Lower risk IUCN Red List category: Lower risk Khæ Maët Ñoû / Stump-tailed macaque Macaca arctoides Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Cô theå maøu naâu saäm ñeán ñen; ñoâi khi thaáy coù maøu xaùm traéng ôû ñaàu cuûa nhöõng con raát giaø; maët ñoû, naâu hay ñen, thænh thoûang coù nhöõng ñoám ñen vaø ñoû; Raâu choûm, ñuoâi cöïc ngaén, gaàn nhö khoâng thaáy; Con non maøu traéng. Phaân boá: Töø bieân giôùi Trung Quoác kheùo daøi vaøo ñeán Ñaék Laék, Khaùnh Hoøa. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Ít nguy caáp Saùch ñoû IUCN: Seõ Nguy caáp Key features: Body dark brown to black, very old animal sometimes whitish-grey head, face red, brown or black, sometimes red and black spotted; pointed beard; extremely short tail, nearly not visible; infants white Disrtibution: From border of China southwards to Dak Lak, Khanh Hoa Status in Vietnam: Lower risk IUCN Red List category: Vulnerable Khæ Vaøng / Rhesus macaque Macaca mulatta Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Cô theå maøu naâu, caùc chi sau maøu naâu hung; maët naâu nhaït hay ñoû; ñuoâi daøi 20-30cm. Phaân boá: töø bieân giôùi Trung Quoác traûi doïc vaøo tôùi Ñaék Laék. Tuy nhieân, töø Quaûng Binh trôû vaøo phía nam laø vuøng truøng laëp vôùi loaøi khæ Ñuoâi daøi (Macaca fasicularis) vaø coù söï lai taïo trung gian giöõa 2 loaøi ôû trong vuøng naøy. ÔÛ moät soá khu vöïc phía nam (nhö Vöôøn Quoác gia Caùt Tieân) coù thaû loaøi naøy vaøo töï nhieân. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Ít nguy caáp Saùch ñoû IUCN: Ít nguy caáp Key features: Body brown, hind limbs reddish brown; face light brown or red; tail 20-30cm. Distribution: From the border of China southwards to Dak Lak, but from Quang Tri southwards an intergrade zone with Macaca fasicularis and hybrids with intermediary appearance. Introduced to some areas in the south (e.g. Cat Tien National Park). Status in Vietnam: Lower risk IUCN Red List category: Lower risk All photos on this page: Tilo Nadler ° Toaøn boä hình trong trang naøy cuûa Tilo Nadler
  8. Khæ ° Macaques Khæ Moác / Assamese macaque Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Löng vaø hai chi sau coù maøu naâu nhaït, Macaca assamensis phaàn nöûa phía tröôùc cuûa thaân coù maøu traéng hay naâu vaøng; maët maøu naâu vaøng coù raâu, thænh thoaûng coù nhöõng ñoám saäm maøu quanh maét, ñuoâi daøi 11-45cm. Con caùi trong thôøi kyø ñoäng duïc = female on heat Phaân boá: Traûi doïc theo caùc vuøng nuùi töø bieân giôùi Trung Quoác xuoáng ñeán Quaûng Bình. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Seõ nguy caáp Saùch ñoû IUCN: Seõ nguy caáp Key features: Back and limbs light brown, underparts whitish or yellowish brown; face yellowish brown with beard, sometimes dark spots around the eyes; tail 15-45cm. Distribution: From the border of China southwards to Quang Binh, closely related to mountainous areas Status in Vietnam: Vulnerable AÛnh chính/ Main photo: Noel Rowe IUCN Red List category: Vulnerable Khæ aên laù (hay coøn goïi laø Vooïc): leä thuoäc hoaøn toaøn vaøo vieäc aên laù caây vaø coù heä tieâu hoùa khaùc vôùi caùc loaøi thuù linh tröôûng khaùc Khæ aên laù ° Leaf Monkeys - Vooïc ° Langurs trong vieäc leân men caùc xenluloza. Neáu phaûi aên caùc loaïi thöùc aên khaùc nhö caùc loaïi quaû chuùng seõ bò oám raát naëng vaø coù theå cheát. ÔÛ Vieät Nam coù 10 loaøi khæ aên laù thuoäc 3 gioáng. Leaf Monkeys: Highly specialised on folivourus diet and possess a digestion system, different to other primates, allowing the fermentation of cellulose. With other type of food, such as certain types of fruit they can became extremely ill and can die. Ten species of leaf monkeys belong to three genera are found in Vietnam. Vooïc: Taát caû caùc loaøi vooïc ñeàu coù ñuoâi daøi, daøi hôn chieàu daøi cô theå. Taát caû caùc loaøi vooïc Vieät Nam ñeàu coù maøo treân ñænh ñaàu (nhoïn hoaëc troøn). Loâng cuûa vooïc non Vieät Nam coù maøu cam saëc sôõ. Caùc loaøi vooïc vôùi cô theå maøu ñen hay chuû yeáu laø maøu ñen cuøng chung moät sôû thích laø soáng trong caùc khu röøng treân nuùi ñaù voâi. ÔÛ Vieät Nam coù 6 loaøi vooïc. Langurs: All langurs have a long tail, longer than body length. All Vietnamese langurs have a pointed crest on top of the head (tall pointed or more rounded). The infant pelage colouration of the Vietnamese langur is a flamboyant orange. It appears that langurs with black or predominant black body colouration share a preference for forest on limestone (karst) hills. Six species occur in Vietnam. Vooïc Ñen Maù Traéng / Francois' langur Trachypithecus francoisi Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Boä loâng coù maøu ñen boùng vaø chæ coù 1 daûi loâng heïp maøu traéng keùo daøi töø hai meùp ra ñeán vaønh tai; coù 1 choûm maøo nhoïn treân ñænh ñaàu Phaân boá: giôùi haïn trong khu vöïc Haø Giang, Cao Baèng, Tuyeân Quang vaø coù theå coù ôû Laïng Sôn vaø Thaùi Nguyeân.. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Nguy caáp (Ñeà xuaát: Cöïc kyø nguy caáp) Saùch ñoû IUCN: Seõ nguy caáp Key features: Pelage glossy-blackish and only a narrow tract of elongated white hairs run from the corner of the mouth to the ear pinna; a tall pointed crest on the head; Distribution: Very restricted areas in Ha Giang, Cao Bang, Tuyen Quang, possibly in Lang Son and Thai Nguyen. Status in Vietnam: Endangered (Suggested Critically Endangered) IUCN Red List category: Vulnerable All photos on this page: Tilo Nadler, unless noted otherwise ° Toaøn boä hình trong trang naøy cuûa Tilo Nadler, tröø khi coù ghi chuù rieâng
  9. Khæ aên laù ° Leaf Monkeys - Vooïc ° Langurs Vooïc Haø Tónh / Hatinh langur Trachypithecus laotum hatinhensis Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Cô theå maøu ñen; coù hai daûi loâng traéng keùo daøi töø khoùe mieäng leân quanh hai tai xuoáng phaàn gaùy; Cuõng loaøi naøy nhöng coù 1 kieåu hình khaùc laø loâng hoaøn toaøn ñen ("ebenus") (khoâng coù maù traéng) cuøng soáng trong vuøng phaân boá. Phaân boá: Chæ coù ôû Quaûng Bình, trung taâm phaân boá chính cuûa loaøi laø Vöôøn Quoác gia Phong Nha - Keû Baøng. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Nguy caáp Saùch ñoû IUCN: Thieáu soá lieäu Key features: Body black; white cheeks run from the corner of the mouth around the ear, and down to the base of the neck. The species occurs also a completely black morph of this taxon ("ebenus") (without white cheeks) in the same distribution area. Distribution: Occurs only in Quang Binh, the center of the distribution is Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park. Status in Vietnam: Endangered IUCN Red List category: Data Deficient Vooïc Ñen Tuyeàn - Black langur Trachypithecus laotum ebenus Kieåu hình ñen hoaøn toaøn cuûa Vooïc Haø Tónh Black morph of Hatinh langur Vooïc Caùt Baø / Cat Ba langur (Golden-headed langur) Trachypithecus poliocephalus Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Boä loâng maøu naâu soâ-coâ-la, ñaàu, coå vaø hai vai coù maøu vaøng kim ñeán maøu vaøng traéng; hai beân ñuøi maøu xaùm ñeán ñen, keùo daøi ñeán treân ñieåm muùt ñuoâi. Phaân boá: treân ñaûo Caùt Baø, vònh Haï Long, Baéc Vieät Nam. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Cöïc kyø nguy caáp Saùch ñoû IUCN: Cöïc kyø nguy caáp Key features: Body chocolate brown; head and neck, down to the shoulders bright golden-brown to yellowish-white; a grey band runs from the thighs to the back, above the root of the tail. Distibution: only on Cat Ba island in Ha Long bay, north Vietnam.. Status in Vietnam: Critically Endangered IUCN Red List category: Critically Endangered All photos on this page: Tilo Nadler ° Toaøn boä hình trong trang naøy cuûa Tilo Nadler
  10. Khæ aên laù ° Leaf Monkeys - Vooïc ° Langurs Vooïc Quaàn Ñuøi Traéng / Delacour's langur Trachypithecus delacouri Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Cô theå maøu ñen coù moâng vaø phaàn ñuøi treân maøu traéng, nhö hai oáng quaàn ñuøi traéng; maù maøu xaùm traéng, ñaàu coù maøo döïng ñöùng, loâng ñuoâi xuø. Phaân boá: Haïn cheá trong khu vöïc Ninh Bình, Hoøa Bình, Thanh Hoùa, Haø Taây vaø Haø Nam. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Cöïc kyø nguy caáp Saùch ñoû IUCN: Cöïc kyø nguy caáp Key features: Body black with white hips and thighs, like a pair of white shorts; whitish-grey cheeks, an erected crest on the head; very bushy tail. Distribution: Very restricted areas in Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh, Thanh Hoa, Ha Tay and Ha Nam. Status in Vietnam: Critically Endangered IUCN Red List category: Critically Endangered Vooïc Xaùm / Grey langur Trachypithecus crepusculus Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Cô theå maøu maøu xaùm saùng; quanh maét coù quaàng da traéng vaø mieäng coù maûnh da traéng; choûm maøo troøn treân ñaàu. Loaøi naøy tröôùc ñaây ñöôïc xem laø moät loaøi phuï cuûa Vooïc Phayre (Trachypithecus phayrei) Phaân boá: Doïc bieân giôùi Laøo töø Lai Chaâu, Sôn La vaøo ñeán Ngheä An Haø Tónh. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Seõ nguy caáp (Ñeà xuaát: Cöïc kyø nguy caáp) Saùch ñoû IUCN: Chöa Ñaùnh Giaù Key features: Body light grey; face bluish; white rings around the eyes and white patch on the mouth; a more rounded crest on the head. This species was formerly placed as a subspecies of Phayre's langur (Trachypithecus phayrei). Distribution: Along the border of Laos from Lai Chau, Son La southwards to Nghe An and Ha Tinh. Status in Vietnam: Vulnerable (Suggested Critically Endangered) IUCN Red List category: Not Evaluated Vooïc Baïc / Indochinese silvered langur Trachypithecus germaini Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Cô theå xaùm ñen ñeán xaùm vöøa; maët xaùm traéng, raâu daøi xaùm traéng. Phaân boá: Töø Kon Tum, Gia Lai vaøo ñeán Taây Ninh vaø Ñoàng Nai, phía nam ñoàng baèng Soâng Cöûu Long ôû Kieân Giang vaø treân ñaûo Phuù Quoác. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Seõ nguy caáp (Ñeà xuaát Cöïc kyø nguy caáp) Saùch ñoû IUCN: Thieáu Soá Lieäu Key features: Body medium to dark grey; face blackish grey; long light grey whiskers. Distribution: From Kon Tum and Gia Lai southwards to Tay Ninh and Dong Nai, south of the Mekong in Kien Giang and on Phu Quoc Island. Status in Vietnam: Vulnerable (Suggested Critically Endangered) IUCN Red List category: Data Deficient All photos on this page: Tilo Nadler ° Toaøn boä hình trong trang naøy cuûa Tilo Nadler
  11. Khæ aên laù ° Leaf Monkeys - Vooïc ° Langurs Vooïc Vaù : Vooïc vaù laø loaøi khæ lôùn aên laù caây, neáu ñem so vôùi caùc loaøi khæ aên laù khaùc. Cô theå hôi naëng neà vaø loùng ngoùng. Tay ngaén hôn chaân 1 chuùt. Ñuoâi daøi gaàn baèng chieàu daøi cô theå. Ñaàu khoâng coù maøo vaø loâng ñaàu bao choaøng xuoáng coå. Muõi teït, khoâng heách leân, nhöng coù moät vaønh da bao quanh loã muõi. Vooïc vaù hoaït ñoäng vaøo ban ngaøy vaø hoaøn toaøn sinh hoaït treân caây. ÔÛ Vieät Nam coù ba loaøi. Douc langurs: Douc langurs are large leaf monkeys, compared to the other langurs; the body appears more heavy and clumsy. The arms only slightly shorter than the legs. The tail length is approximately equal to the body length. The head has no crest and the hairs on the head form a cape over the neck. The nose is flat, not upturned but little flaps of skin cover the nostrils. Douc langurs are diurnal and entirely arboreal. Three species occur in Vietnam. Chaø Vaù Chaân Naâu (Vooïc Nguõ Saéc) / Red-shanked douc langur Pygathrix nemaeus Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Cô theå maøu xaùm; caùnh tay maøu traéng, baép ñuøi maøu ñen, caúng chaân maøu ñoû, tay vaø baøn tay maøu ñen, maët maøu cam saùng, quanh mieäng maøu traéng, raâu daøi maøu traéng, ñuoâi traéng vaø phaàn goác ñuoâi maøu traéng. Phaân boá: doïc daõy Tröôøng Sôn trong khu vöïc saùt bieân giôùi Vieät Laøo töø Ngheä An vaøo ñeán Quaûng Bình, coù theå coù ôû Kon Tum. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Nguy caáp Saùch ñoû IUCN: Nguy caáp Key features: Body grey, white forearms, thighs black, lower legs red, hands and feet black; face light orange, white around the mouth, long white whiskers, white tail with a white patch over the root of the tail. Distribution: Along the Annamite mountain range close to the border of Laos from Nghe An southwards to Quang Binh, possibly until Kon Tum. Status in Vietnam: Endangered IUCN Red List category: Endangered Chaø Vaù Chaân Xaùm / Grey-shanked douc langur Pygathrix cinerea Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Cô theå maøu xaùm, tay chaân maøu xaùm, tay vaø baøn tay maøu ñen, maët maøu cam saùng, quanh mieäng maøu traéng, raâu caèm traéng daøi, ñuoâi traéng, phaàn goác ñuoâi maøu traéng. Phaân boá:Töø Quaûng Nam vaøo ñeán Gia Lai vaø Bình Ñònh. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Thieáu soá lieäu (Ñeà xuaát Cöïc kyø nguy caáp) Saùch ñoû IUCN: Chöa ñaùnh giaù Key features: Body grey, also arms and legs, hands and feet black; face light orange, white around the mouth, long white whiskers, white tail with a white patch over the root of the tail. Distribution: From Quang Nam southwards to Gia Lai and Binh Dinh. Status in Vietnam: Data Deficient (Suggested Critically Endangered) IUCN Red List category: Not Evaluated Chaø Vaù Chaân Ñen / Black-shanked douc langur Pygathrix nigripes Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Cô theå vaø caùnh tay maøu xaùm, chaân maøu ñen, baøn tay maøu ñen; maët maøu xanh saùng, xung quanh maét coù quaàng troøn maøu kem, raâu löa thöa maøu traéng, ñuoâi traéng vaø goác ñuoâi maøu traéng. Phaân boá: Töø Ñaék Laék vaøo ñeán Bình Phöôùc, Ñoàng Nai, Bình Thuaän vaø Ninh Thuaän. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Cöïc kyø nguy caáp Saùch ñoû IUCN: Cöïc kyø nguy caáp Key features: Body and arms dark grey, legs black, hands black; face bluish with wide cream rings around the eyes, sparse white whiskers, white tail with a white patch over the root of the tail. Distribution: From Dak Lak southwards to Binh Phuoc, Dong Nai, Binh Thuan and Ninh Thuan. Status in Vietnam: Endangered AÛnh / Photo: Nguyeãn Vuõ Khoâi IUCN Red List category: Endangered All photos on this page: Tilo Nadler, unless noted otherwise ° Toaøn boä hình trong trang naøy cuûa Tilo Nadler, tröø khi coù ghi chuù rieâng
  12. Khæ aên laù ° Leaf Monkeys - Vooïc ° Langurs Vooïc muõi heách: Vooïc muõi heách coù ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát ôû phaàn xöông muõi. Vooïc muõi heách hoaït ñoäng ban ngaøy vaø soáng treân caây. Chuùng cho thaáy hieän töôïng löôõng tính veà giôùi roõ raøng trong kích thöôùc cô theå. ÔÛ Vieät Nam coù moät loaøi. Snub-nosed monkeys: The snub-nosed monkey is characterised by a distinctive nasal anatomy. Snub-nosed monkeys are diurnal and highly arboreal. They show an extreme sexual dimorphism in body size. One species occurs in Vietnam. Vooïc Muõi Heách / Tonkin snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus avunculus Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Maøu naâu soâ-coâ-la, ñaàu vaø phaàn tröôùc ngöïc coù maøu naâu vaøng, ñuoâi raát daøi maøu naâu saùng vaø coù chuøm tua maøu traéng ôû ñuoâi. Con non coù ñuoâi maøu naâu; maët maøu xanh nhaït ñeán maøu vaøng, moâi treà maøu hoàng, muõi coù ñaëc ñieåm heách ngöôïc leân. Vooïc muõi heách laø loaøi thuù linh tröôûng lôùn nhaát ôû Vieät Nam. Phaân boá: Giôùi haïn trong khu vöïc tænh Baéc Caïn, Tuyeân Quang, Thaùi Nguyeân vaø Haø Giang Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Cöïc kyø nguy caáp Saùch ñoû IUCN: Cöïc kyø nguy caáp Key features: Black chocolate brown, head and underparts yellowish-brown; very long whitish-brown tail with white tassel; young animals have a brown tail; face light blue to yellowish, pouting lips pink, characteristical upturned nose. The Tonkin snub-nosed monkey is Vietnam's largest primate. Distribution: Very restricted areas in Bac Can, Tuyen Quang, Thai Nguyen and Ha Giang. Status in Vietnam: Critically Endangered IUCN Red List category: Critically Endangered Vöôïn: Vöôïn laø loaøi giaû nhaân nhoû, chuùng khoâng coù ñuoâi vaø tay raát daøi. Con non coù maøu vaøng vaø caû con ñöïc laãn con caùi ñeàu chuyeån qua maøu ñen sau khoaûng 1 naêm, con caùi laïi chuyeån sang maøu vaøng sau khoaûng 4 ñeán 5 naêm, con ñöïc vaãn giöõ maøu ñen. Vöôïn hoaït ñoäng Vöôïn ° Gibbons vaøo ban ngaøy vaø soáng treân caây. ÔÛ Vieät Nam coù 4 loaøi trong ñoù 1 loaøi coù 2 loaøi phuï. Gibbons: Gibbons are lesser apes, they have no tail and very long arms. Infants are yellow and both sexes change to black roughly after one year, females change back to yellow at age of four to five years, males stay black. Gibbons are diurnal and highly arboreal. Four species occur in Vietnam, one species in two sub-species. Vöôïn Ñen Tuyeàn / Western black-crested gibbon Nomascus concolor Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Con ñöïc tröôûng thaønh toaøn thaân maøu ñen; con caùi tröôûng thaønh coù theå coù maøu loâng töø vaøng sang maøu be, thöôøng coù 1 choûm maøu ñen ôû ngöïc vaø treân ñænh ñaàu. Phaân boá: giôùi haïn trong khu vöïc Sôn La, Yeân Baùi vaø Laøo Cai. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Cöïc kyø nguy caáp Saùch ñoû IUCN: Nguy caáp Key features: Adult male body black; adult females vary from yellow to beige, usually a black AÛnh/ Photo: Thomas Geissmann patch on the chest and on the top of the head. Distibution: Very restricted areas in Son La, Yen Bai and Lao Cai. Status in Vietnam: Critically Endangered IUCN Red List category: Endangered Vöôïn Ñen Cao Baèng (Con CaoVit) / Eastern black-crested gibbon Nomascus nasutus Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Ngoaøi thöïc ñòa, khoù phaân bieät Key features: There are no field characteristics vôùi loaøi vöôïn ñen tuyeàn do khoâng coù ñaëc ñieåm roõ which differ from the western black crested raøng, söï phaân bieät ngoaøi thöïc ñòa chæ döïa treân vuøng gibbon, the field identification is only based on phaân boá. distribution. Phaân boá: Haïn cheá trong khu vöïc Cao Baèng vaø coù theå Distibution: Very restricted areas in Cao Bang and laø Baéc Kaïn. possibly Bac Kan.. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Cöïc kyø nguy caáp Status in Vietnam: Critically Endangered Saùch ñoû IUCN: Cöïc kyø nguy caáp IUCN Red List category: Critically Endangered All photos on this page: Tilo Nadler, unless noted otherwise ° Toaøn boä hình trong trang naøy cuûa Tilo Nadler, tröø khi coù ghi chuù rieâng
  13. Vöôïn ° Gibbons Vöôïn Ñen Maù Traéng / Northern white-cheeked gibbon Nomascus leucogenys leucogenys Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Con ñöïc tröôûng thaønh loâng maøu ñen, maù traéng vaø loâng höôùng leân treân, cao hôn tai; con caùi tröôûng thaønh khoù hoaëc khoâng theå phaân bieät ñöôïc vôùi vöôïn Siki, loâng maøu vaøng sang be, thöôøng coù moät choûm ñen treân ñænh ñaàu. Phaân boá: Lai Chaâu, Sôn La, Thanh Hoùa vaø Ngheä An. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Nguy caáp Saùch ñoû IUCN: Nguy caáp Key features: Adult males body black; white cheeks with hair direction upwards, higher than ears; adult females very difficult or not distinguishable from the southern white-cheeked gibbon, vary from yellow to beige, usually a black patch on the top of the head. Distribution: Lai Chau, Son La, Thanh Hoa and Nghe An. Status in Vietnam: Endangered IUCN Red List category: Endangered Vöôïn Ñen Maù Traéng Siki / Southern white-cheeked gibbon Nomascus leucogenys siki Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Con ñöïc tröôûng thaønh maøu ñen, maù traéng naèm thaáp hôn tai; con caùi tröôûng thaønh khoù hoaëc khoâng theå phaân bieät ñöôïc vôùi Vöôïn Ñen Maù Traéng (Nomascus leucogenys leucogenys), maøu vaøng sang be, thöôøng coù 1 choûm ñen treân ñænh ñaàu. Phaân boá: Töø Ngheä An vaøo ñeán Quaûng Bình, töø Quaûng Trò vaøo ñeán baéc Kon Tum coù theå laø vuøng phaân boá truøng laëp vôùi loaøi Vöôïn Ñen Maù Hung vaø cuõng coù theå coù nhöõng caù theå lai giöõa 2 loaøi naøy. Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Nguy caáp Saùch ñoû IUCN: Nguy caáp Key features: Adult males body black; white cheeks lower than ears; adult females very difficult or not distinguishable from the Nomascus leucogenys leucogenys, vary from yellow to beige, usually a black patch on the top of the head; Distribution: From Nghe An southwards to Quang Binh; from Quang Tri to northern Kon Tum probably overlap with yellow-cheeked gibbon and also possibly hybrids Status in Vietnam: Endangered IUCN Red List category: Endangered Vöôïn Ñen Maù Hung / Yellow-cheeked gibbon Nomascus gabriellae Ñaëc ñieåm nhaän bieát: Con ñöïc tröôûng thaønh maøu ñen, maù maøu naâu hung; con caùi tröôûng thaønh khoù hoaëc khoâng theå phaân bieät ñöôïc vôùi Vöôïn Ñen Maù Traéng Siki (Nomascus leucogenys siki), maøu loâng töø vaøng sang be, thöôøng coù 1 choûm ñen treân ñænh ñaàu Phaân boá: Töø Bình Phöôùc, Ñoàng Nai Bình Thuaän ra ñeán Quaûng Trò; töø baéc Kon Tum ñeán Quaûng Trò coù theå laø vuøng phaân boá truøng laëp vôùi loaøi Vöôïn Ñen Maù Traéng Siki, vaø cuõng coù theå coù söï lai giöõa 2 loaøi ôû vuøng naøy Tình traïng ôû Vieät Nam: Nguy caáp Saùch ñoû IUCN: Seõ nguy caáp Key features: Adult males body black, yellowish-brown cheeks; adult females very difficult or not distinguishable from the northern and southern white-cheeked gibbon, vary from yellow to beige, usually a black patch on the top of the head; Distribution: From Binh Phuoc, Dong Nai and Binh Thuan northwards to Quang Tri; from northern Kon Tum to Quang Tri probably overlap with southern white-cheeked gibbon and also possibly hybrids. Status in Vietnam: Endangered IUCN Red List category: Vulnerable All photos on this page: Tilo Nadler ° Toaøn boä hình trong trang naøy cuûa Tilo Nadler
  14. Coá vaán khoa hoïc/ Scientific advisor: Tilo Nadler (Frankfurt Zoological Society- Endangered Primate Rescue Center _ FZS- EPRC); Thomas Geissmann (University of Hannover) Thieát keá vaø noäi dung/ Design & text: Lynne R. Baker AÛnh bìa/ Cover photos: Tilo Nadler. Bieân taäp taùi baûn/ Editor for the 2nd edition: Nguyen V. Khoi (Wildlife At Risk Vietnam) Taøi lieäu tham khaûo/ References: Eudey, A.A. (1996/1997): Asian Primate Conservation - The Species and the IUCN/SSC primate specialist network. Primate Conservation 17, 101-110. Geissmann, T., Nguyen Xuan Dang, Lormeùe, N. & Momberg, F. (2000): Vietnam Primate Conservation Status Review. Part 1: Gibbons. Fauna and Flora International, Indochina Programme, Hanoi. Hilton-Taylor, C. (Compiler) (2000): 2000 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN Gland and Cambridge. IUCN (2003): Red List of Threatened Species.<> downloaded 25 June 2004. Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (1992): Red Data Book of Vietnam. Vol.I: Animals. Science and Publishing House, Hanoi. Nadler, T., Momberg, F., Nguyen Xuan Dang and Lormeùe, N. (2002): Vietnam Primate Conservation Status Review. Part II: Leaf Monkeys. Fauna and Flora International and Frankfurt Zoological Society, Hanoi. Nadler, T., Streicher, U. & Ha Thang Long (2004). Conservation of Primates in Vietnam. Hanoi. Pham Nhat, Do Tuoc, Tran Quoc Bao, Pham Mong Giao, Vu Ngoc Thanh and Le Xuan Canh (1998): Distribution and status of Vietnamese primates. Proceedings workshop on a Conservation Action Plan for the Primates of Vietnam, Hanoi. Rowe N. (1996). The pictorial guide to the living primates, Pagonias Press, New York. Huy Phöông Design Tel: 0903 777971 - Email: Theo giaáy pheùp chaáp nhaän ñeà taøi soá : 91/XB-QLXB caáp ngaøy 05/02/2004
  15. Thoâng Tin Veà Caùc Toå Chöùc Tham Gia Taùi Baûn Taøi Lieäu Naøy 1.- Toå Chöùc Wildlife At Risk: laø moät toå chöùc phi chính phuû hoïat ñoäng trong lónh vöïc baûo toàn vaø hoã trôï ngaên chaën nhöõng hoaït ñoäng buoân baùn traùi pheùp caùc loaøi ñoäng thöïc vaät hoang daõ taïi Vieät Nam. Caùc hoaït ñoäng cuûa Wildlife At Risk höôùng ñeán vieäc baûo toàn nguoàn taøi nguyeân vaø di saûn thieân nhieân cuûa Vieät Nam. Ñòa chæ lieân laïc: Toå Chöùc Wildlife At Risk Vieät Nam 64/1A Traàn Huy Lieäu, Quaän Phuù Nhuaän, Thaønh Phoá Hoà Chí Minh, Vieät Nam Tel: (+84) 8 8452300 Fax: (+84) 8 8452300 Email: Website: 2.- Hoäi Ñoäng Vaät Frankfurt (FZS) ñöôïc thaønh laäp töø naêm 1858. FZS ñang thöïc hieän 80 döï aùn taïi hôn 30 quoác gia treân theá giôùi. Vaøo naêm 1991, FZS ñaõ trieån khai Chöông trình baûo toàn thuù linh tröôûng taïi Vieät Nam ñeå baûo veä caùc loaøi thuù linh tröôûng ñang bò ñe doïa nghieâm troïng. Ñòa chæ lieân laïc: Trung Taâm Cöùu Hoä Thuù Linh Tröôûng - Hoäi Ñoäng Vaät Frankfurt Vöôøn Quoác Gia Cuùc Phöông - Nho Quan - Ninh Bình Tel: (+84) 30 84 8002 Fax: (+84) 30 84 8088 Email: Website: 3.- Toå chöùc Fauna & Flora International (FFI): laø moät trong nhöõng toå chöùc baûo toàn quoác teá laâu ñôøi treân theá giôùi. FFI baét ñaàu chöông trình Ñoâng Döông cuûa mình ôû Vieät Nam töø naêm 1996. Muïc tieâu cuûa FFI laø taêng cöôøng vaø hoã trôï vieäc baûo toàn ña daïng sinh hoïc trong khu vöïc. Ñòa chæ lieân laïc: FFI - Chöông Trình Ñoâng Döông, Hoøm thö 78 Böu Ñieän Haø Noäi 340 Nghi Taøm, Quaän Taây Hoà, Haø Noäi, Vieät Nam Tel: (+84) 4 7194117 Fax: (+84) 4 719 4119 Email: Website: Huy Phöông Design & Printing - Tel: 0903 777971 6-6C6 36/91-04 NN-04



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