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Lecture Physics A2: Oscillations - PhD. Pham Tan Thi

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Lecture Physics A2: Oscillations - PhD. Pham Tan Thi present the content what is an Oscillation, simple harmonic oscillation/motion, period and frequency, angular frequency, displacement as function of time in SHM,...

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Nội dung Text: Lecture Physics A2: Oscillations - PhD. Pham Tan Thi

  1. Oscillations Pham Tan Thi, Ph.D. Department of Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Applied Science Ho Chi Minh University of Technology
  2. What is an Oscillation? • Any motion that repeats itself • Described with reference to an equilibrium position where the net force is zero, and a restoring force which acts to return object to equilibrium • Characterize by: - Periodic (T) or frequency (f) or angular frequency (ω) - Amplitude (A)
  3. 14.2 Model for periodic motion. When It’s simplest the body is displaced from its equilibrium rium position, position at x = 0, the spring exerts a x-component o restoring force back toward the equilib- Simple Harmonic Oscillation/Motion rium position. change in the exerts on the (a) ax = Fx>m. Total force exerts to object given by Hooke’s law x . 0: glider displaced Fx , 0, so ax , 0: Figure 14.2 Whenever the F = kx to the right from the equilibrium position. stretched spring pulls glider toward tends to restor equilibrium position. restoring forc Newton’s second law of motion: y y ax ing to return th d2 x Fx x Fx n Let’s analyz right to x = A F =m 2 x mg x (Fig. 14.2a). Th dt When the body then (b) its motion it ov rium position t 2 x 5 0: The relaxed spring exerts no force on the tion are to the r d x k glider, so the glider has zero acceleration. stop. We will s 2 = x= !2 x y y The body then dt m n the starting poi O If there is no fr General solution for motion x mg x this motion re toward the equ x = Acos(!t + ) Phase of the motion In different (c) librium in diff 2 k x , 0: glider displaced Fx . 0, so ax . 0: force that tend where ! = Angular frequency to the left from the compressed spring m equilibrium position. pushes glider toward equilibrium position. Amplitude, y ax y Here are some Velocity v = A!sin(!t + ) The amplit x Fx n Fx displacement f x x positive. If the 2 Acceleration a= A! cos(!t + ) mg motion is 2A. T complete roun through O to
  4. Period and Frequency Period (T): is the time to complete one full cycle, or one oscillation [s] Frequency (f): is the number of cycles per second [s-1] The relation between Frequency and Period: 14.2 Simple Harmonic Motion 445 1 1 s A and gives an 14.13 How f = v and x-velocity or T = of SHM. x x Tone cycle x-acceleration a vary during Simple Harmonic f Motion x x 5 2A x 5 0 x 5A (14.18) 2A 2A/2 0 A/2 A v0 x . We’ll sketch ax ! 2amax 14); then divide x vx 5 0 ). The right side ax x lt is vx ax 5 0 x vx 5 2vmax (14.19) ax vx x ax 5 amax x a nonzero initial vx 5 0 ment. That’s rea- ax x vx e velocity v0 x , it ax 5 0 vx 5 vmax x ax vx x ax 5 2amax x vx 5 0 I: Describing Motion
  5. Angular Frequency The oscillation frequency is measured in cycles per second, Hertz. We may also define an angular frequency ω, in radians per second, to describe the oscillation 2⇡ !(in rad/s) = = 2⇡f T The position of an object oscillating with simple harmonic motion can then be written as x(t) = Acos!t then, the maximum speed of this object is 2⇡A vmax = = 2⇡f A = !A T
  6. Displacement as function of time in SHM 2 k x = Acos(!t + ) ! = m Changing m, A or k changes the graph of x versus t: change f
  7. Mechanical Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion Potential Energy, U Consider the oscillation of a spring as a SHM, the potential energy of the spring is given by 1 2 U = kx where k = m! 2 2 1 2 2 U = m! x 2 The potential energy in terms of time, t, is given by 1 U = m! 2 x2 where x = Asin(!t + ) 2 1 U = m! 2 A2 sin2 (!t + ) 2
  8. Mechanical Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion Kinetic Energy, K The kinetic energy of an object in SHM is given by 1 p K = mv 2 where v2 = ! A2 x2 2 1 K = m! 2 (A2 x2 ) 2 The kinetic energy in terms of time, t, is given by 1 K = m! 2 (A2 x2 ) where v = A!cos(!t + ) 2 1 2 2 2 K = m! A cos (!t + ) 2
  9. Mechanical Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion Total Energy, E The total energy of a body in SHM is the sum of its kinetic energy, K and its potential energy, U E =K +U From the principle of conservation of energy, this total energy is always constant in a closed system E = K + U = constant The equation of total energy in SHM is given by 1 1 E = m! 2 (A2 x ) + m! 2 x2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 E = m! A OR E = kA 2 2
  10. vmax = A = vA (14.23) Am Mechanical This agrees with Eq.Energy in Simple (14.15): vx oscillates betweenHarmonic -vA and +vA. Motion Interpreting E, Conservation of K, and U in SHM Energy Figure 14.14 shows the energy quantities E, K, and U at x = 0, x = ! A>2, and 1 1 1 x = ! A. Figure 14.15 1 2 is a graphical 2 display of Eq. 2 (14.21); energy 2 (kinetic, E = mv + kx = kA = mv max potential, and total) is plotted vertically and the coordinate x is plotted horizontally. 2 2 2 2 (a) The potential energy U and total mechanical (b) The same graph as in (a), showing 14.15 Kin energy E for a body in SHM as a function of kinetic energy K as well energy U, and displacement x At x 5 6A the energy is all potential; the kinetic as functions o energy is zero. value of x the The total mechanical energy E is constant. U equals the Energy At x 5 0 the energy is all kinetic; show that the E the potential energy is zero. half potential 1 U5 2 kx2 K Energy E5K1U U U K x 2A O x A x 2A O A At these points the energy is half kinetic and half potential.
  11. Thepoint massforce restoring moveis in an provided The restoring Fu gravity; = - mgsin force isT proportional the utension merely acts tonot make to uthebut to (14.30) sin mass point u, so the movemotion in anisarc. simple not The harmonic. restoring forceHowever, if the angle is proportional not tou isu 454 small, but to sin u14 Periodic Motion CHAPTER The u,restoring sinis very forceequal so thenearly motion is is provided u in by nottosimple gravity; radians (Fig. harmonic. the tensionFor 14.22). However, merely ifT the angleacts example, tosmall, when u is make = the sin u14.21 0.1 rad of a simple point mass (about is very move 6°), nearly sinin equalu to = anu0.0998, arc. in radians The Thea restoring Simple difference force (Fig. 14.22).of onlyFor Pendulum is proportional 0.2%. With example, thisutoapproximation, not when butrad =u 0.1 to pendulum. uThe dynamics The path of line but the a (Fig. 14.21b). sin Eq. (about u, so(14.30) the motion 6°), sin u is0.0998, becomes = not simple a harmonic. difference of However, only 0.2%. if With the angle this is small,(a)sin uapproximation, A realupendulum The tangential component of the net force: the motion is isEq. very nearly (14.30) equal to u in radians (Fig. 14.22). Forx example, when u = 0.1 rad becomes to x or (becaus In Fig. 14.2 (about 6°), sin u = F ✓ = a Fdifference 0.0998, mgsin✓ u = - mgu of =only - xmg0.2%. With or this approximation, radial compon Fu = - mgu = - mg L or Eq. (14.30) becomes force: The restoring force is provided by gravity; L mg the tension is merely acts to make =mg- x(bob) Fu mass x move in an arc. (14.31) Fu =the point - mgu Fu = -= - mg x L or (14.31) The restoring o be L L point mass m and e The restoring if the force is then pendulum’s proportional oscillation is mgsmall to the(θcoordinate < 10°) for small displace- sin u, so the m Thements, restoring and force is then the force Fuis=k - = to proportional constant xthe coordinate for small displace- (14.31) is very nearly ble. mgLmg>L. From Eq. (14.10) the angular fre- (about 6°), sin ments, andvtheof force F constant is k== smallFrom mg>L. Eq. (14.10) the angular fre- . deled quency ✓ = pendulum a simple mg✓ with xamplitude is Eq. (14.30) be ed The quencyrestoring v of a force simpleispendulum then proportional with smallto the coordinate Lamplitude is for small displace- mass. ss. ments, and the force constant is k = mg>L. From Eq. (14.10) the angular fre- (b) An idealized simple pendulum The restoring force k is mg>L then proportionalg to the coordinate (simple pendulum, quency v of a simple = k pendulum v displacement, =mg>Lwith small =the amplitude g force (simple is pendulum, (14.32) ed for small A m B = mand A L constant small is k amplitude)= mg/L String is s. v = = small amplitude) (14.32) assumed to be The restoring Am B m AL massless and ments, and th k mg>L g (simple pendulum, u unstretchable. The corresponding v = =frequency =and period small relationships are (14.32) T Bob is modeled quency v of a The corresponding A mfrequency B mand period A L relationships are amplitude) as a point mass. L v mg cos u 1 v frequency g cos u The corresponding ƒ =v = 1 g and period relationships (simple pendulum,are small amplitude) (14.33) x m ƒ = = 2p 2p A L (simple pendulum, small amplitude) (14.33) The correspon 2p 2p A L mg sin u os u v 1 g The restoring force on the u mg cos u v ƒ = = (simple pendulum, small amplitude) (14.33) bob is proportional to sin u, ƒ = 2 2p 12p A L L 2p not to u. However, for small T 2p = 1= = 2pL sin u ^ u, so the motion is (simple pendulum, small amplitude) u,approximat (14.34) T = = =ƒ 2p v A g (simple pendulum, small amplitude) (14.34) ely simple 2p v ƒ Ag T = v = ments 2p 1 L nts T = Note =that =these 2p expressions (simple do pendulum, not involvesmall amplitude) the mass of particle. the particle. 14.22This (14.34) For smallisangular displacements Note that t u on a Notevthat these ƒ expressions Ag do not involve the mass of the This is force u, the restoring Fu = - mgsin u on a because the re
  12. Fig. 14.2b). When the bob of an oscillating simple pendulum passes through its equilib- rium position, is its acceleration zero? ❙ 14.6 Dynamics The of The Physical Pendulum Physical Pendulum A physical pendulum is any real pendulum that uses an extended body, as con- 14.23 Dynamics of a physical pendulum. The weight trasted (mg) to the idealized causes model a restoring of the simple pendulum with torque all the mass concen- The body is free to rotate trated at a single point. For small oscillations, analyzing the motion of a real, Pivot around the z-axis. ⌧ = physical pendulum z (mg)(dsin✓) is almost as easy as for a simple pendulum. Figure 14.23 Irregularly shaped z shows a body of irregular shape pivoted so that it can turn without friction about body O The gravitational force an axis through point O. In the equilibrium position the center of gravity is acts on the body at directly below thewhen pivot; in the displacement position shown in the figure, the body is displaced its center of clockwise the u gravity (cg). from equilibrium by an angle u, which we use as a coordinate for the system. The is counterclockwise distance from O to the center of and viceis versa gravity d, the moment of inertia of the body d d sin u ifabout the the axis of rotation through O is I, and the total mass is m. When the body pendulum’s oscillations is small (θ < 10°) is displaced as shown, the weight mg causes a restoring torque cg mg sin u ⌧z = (mgd)✓ tz = -1mg21d sin u2 (14.36) 456 sign The negative CHAPTER shows14 thatPeriodic Motion the restoring torque is clockwise when the displace- The ment equation of motion is counterclockwise, is and vice versa. ⌃⌧ = I↵ z z mg cos u 456 When the body is released, it CHAPTER 14 Periodic Motion oscillates about its equilibrium position. The Comparing this with Eq. (14.4), Thewe see that the role of 1k>m2 for the spring-mass restoring motion is not simple harmonic because the torque 2 system tz is is proportional to sin u played here by the quantitythe torque on body d ✓ rather than to u itself. However, if u is small, we can approximate sin u by u in is proportional to mg 1mgd>I2. Thus the angular frequency is (mgd)✓ = I↵ = I radians, just as we did in analyzing z the simple Comparing pendulum. 2 thisthe Then with Eq. (14.4), motion wenotsee is sin u, to u.that the for However, role ofu,1k>m2 small , u,for the spring-ma sin u , dt approximately simple harmonic. With this approximation,system is played mgd so the motion is approximately simple harmonic. v = here by the(physical 1mgd>I2. Thus quantity pendulum, smallthe angular frequency amplitude) is (14.38) A I 2 tz = -1mgd2u The equation of motion is gtz = Iaz , so d ✓ mgd The frequency = ƒ mgd is (physical 1>2p times pendulum, this, and small the period T is amplitude) 2 = ✓ v A I (14.38 dt I d 2u I -1mgd2u = Iaz = I T = 2p dt 2 frequency The ƒ isA1>2p (physical times this, andpendulum, the periodsmall T is amplitude) (14.39) General solution mgd d 2u mgd = - u (14.37) dt 2 I Equation T = (14.39) 2p isI the basis of a common (physical method pendulum, for experimentally small amplitude) determin-(14.39 ✓ = ✓o cos(!t + ) ing the moment of A inertia mgd of a body with a complicated shape. First locate the cen- ter of gravity of the body by balancing. Then suspend the body so that it is free to Equation oscillate (14.39) about is theand an axis, basis of a common measure method the period for experimentally T of small-amplitude determi oscillations. ing the moment Finally, use Eq.of(14.39) inertiatoofcalculate a body with a complicated the moment shape. of inertia First I of the locate body aboutthethis ce
  13. Damped Oscillation Consider an additional force on a body due to friction dx Fx = bvx where vx = dt The net force is then ⌃Fx = kx bvx Newton’s second law for the system is dx d2 x kx bvx = max OR kx b =m 2 dt dt General solution r s p ✓ ◆2 k2 b2 x = Ae t cos(! 0 t + ) !0 = m2 4m 2 = !2 2 =! 1 ! r The period k b != ; = m 2m 2⇡ 2⇡ T = 0 =p ! !2 2
  14. time for an oscillator with little damping [see Eq. (14.42)] and with phase angle f = 0. The curves are for two values of Damped Oscillation the damping constant b. b! 0.1!km (weak damping force) You can t 0 x b! 0.4!km (stronger damping force) x = Ae cos(! t + ) A Ae2(b/2m)t and sec whethe Decay smaller than ω =0 tedious The O t ways. F If b is large enough to be T0 2T0 3T0 4T0 5T0 because k b2 p Eq. (14 =0 b = 2 km With stronger damping (larger b): quickly m 2 4m (Critical damping) 2A • The amplitude (shown by the dashed Seco p curves) decreases more rapidly. v = 2 If b > 2 km (Overdamping) • The period T increases (T0 ! period with zero damping). p If b < 2 km (Underdamping) Overdamped When E Critically damped tem no when it If b is no os ical dam where C
  15. Mechanical Waves Pham Tan Thi, Ph.D. Department of Biomedical Engineering Faculty of Applied Sciences Ho Chi Minh University of Technology
  16. What is Wave? Wave motion, or abbreviated wave, is propagation of oscillation. Wave is capable of accompanying energy and transferring in different media. Wave can be changed its direction (refraction, reflection, scattering, diffraction,…) or its energy (by absorption, emission,…) or even its characteristic (e.g., different frequency in non-linear medium)
  17. Mechanical Waves All mechanical waves require: (1) sources of disturbance, (2) a medium that can be disturbed, (3) physical medium through which elements of a medium can be influenced from one another.
  18. Wave Properties Wavelength 2π k Frequency (Hz) 1 f = T Angular 
 ω = 2πf = 2π Frequency T ω Velocity v= = λf k
  19. The Function of a Wave ✓ ◆ 2⇡ 2⇡ y(x, t) = Acos x t T = Acos (kx !t)
  20. The Equation of a Wave The function of a wave: y = Acos(!t kx) Derivatives with respect to the time: dy d2 y = A!sin(!t kx) 2 = A! 2 cos(!t kx) dt dt Derivatives with respect to the position: dy d2 y = Aksin(!t kx) = Ak 2 cos(!t kx) dx dx 2 where: d2 y 2⇡ 2⇡ ! dt2 !2 k= = = d2 y = 2 = v2 vT v k dx2 then: d2 y 1 d2 y =0 Wave Equation dx2 2 v dt 2



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